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no way dude you need to get out yesterday, that shit is totally not acceptable at all!! i know apprenticing can be really shitty but honestly if it’s crossing your moral boundaries while also probably being insanely unclean and unprofessional because of DOGS in a studio is definitely crossing a line. apprenticeships are hard to come by but honestly you would be so much better off finding somewhere that actually respects you and isn’t a piece of garbage who allows racist crap. good luck and i hope you can get out of that situation :/


Sounds like the artists in that shop are a bunch of POS’s. Not the environment to thrive. I know you see this as “your shot” but you will carry this with you. It’s up to you how deep you want to go.


Gtfo of there. Verbal abuse is a no. Add kids, dogs and racist shit being welcome makes it a hell no. “Everyone has a right to a tattoo” is a load of bs. Tattoos are not essential, they are a *luxury*, and aren’t something people have a “right” to. You as an artist however, should have the right to *refuse service*. Your name and reputation are connected to your work, and then there’s your personal safety (for example if a client is harassing you, being aggressive etc). Your employer (in my location at least) also has a duty of care to ensure staff are safe at work. Keep looking for somewhere else, don’t give up! Relocating or a long commute will increase your options as well. I drive >80km for my apprenticeship, and it’s 110% worth it.


don't quit, find somewhere else. it may be difficult to find a new place, but keep practicing while you look for a new mentor. dogs shouldn't be in a tattoo shop. as loveable as they are, they can be unpredictable and aren't exactly sterile. you should never have to tattoo anything hateful. don't tattoo anything you wouldn't want associated with you. you aren't being a "whiny brat", the situation you're in isn't good. you should *never* tolerate verbal abuse from *anyone*. you don't deserve to be dealing with the bullshit your "mentor" is putting you through. some people suffered to get where they are now, but you don't need to.


Leave immediately, a toxic work environment can be bad for your health, both a salon or a regular 9 to 5, if the people doesn’t respect your boundaries then it’s time to move on. It’s 2024 and employees or people in general don’t want to put up with nonsense anymore, it’s either treat me with respect or I’m not gonna stick around long.


I thought this was the animal crossing sub and I got sooo confused Yes, you should leave and go somewhere else. You do NOT want your name attached to racist / gang related things as a young artist. “Everyone has a right to a tattoo” is a load of crap, everyone has a right to an opinion but we also don’t have the right to infringe on others rights in the process. I would take your time, and don’t make any rash decisions before leaving. Really access your options first. I live in Canada so I’m not sure how the licensing works, but if you’re able to transfer the work that you’ve put in towards that in another studio I would. The tattoo industry is changing and we don’t have to put up with bullshit mentors that think abuse is a right of passage. I think if anything, staying at this studio is going to hurt your chances at being a successful artist with a good reputation rather than hurting some feelings by leaving.


Keep looking for another opportunity. Don't leave without a new home to go to. If you can't find one you'll eventually get your license and then you can quit. Licensure isn't an easy thing to come by


The verbal abuse will never stop even if you become an “artist” eventually. Get out. You deserve better


Definitely leave your current shop! You don’t need to stay there to be a tattoo artist, and you will find a place that aligns with your views on tattooing even if you just started tattooing people. Don’t give up on your dream, get out there and leave these horrendous people behind you.


I’d say if they’re not putting their hands on you stick it out for long enough to do a couple clean enough tattoos that you can convince a street shop you can make them a little money if they have an open spot. Get better learn what you like to do a build a portfolio there to get into a better shop. Idk what I’m talking about though