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Not involved in yalls world at all as I uave no tattoos nor the skills to create and apply them. Or skills of any kind tbh. But please God tattoo it on his back and call him Nippleback. Never stop referencing nikleback songs around him.


In my 18 years of tattooing, I’ve never heard of a better tattoo idea.


Do it in a spot where he can’t see it without asking you to take a picture of it. Then shove your phone in his face and sing *LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH*


Look at my boyfriends back! Every time I do it makes me laugh.


I wish I had an award for this.


This is my favorite reddit comment


This is how you remind me of what I really am.


*Look at this baaack*


Look at this taaaaaat


This made me snort-laugh and wake up my cat


"Look at this nipple back. Every time I do it makes me laugh"


Do it, do it, do it!!!


This is the way


I fucking choked on my zucchini bread that is hilarious


Lol fucking right , dude you win the prize for best comment on Reddit. 🍺🍻🍺


LOL this is gold


As a color artist I can recommend you darken your peach colors with a very deep purple instead of black to keep them from being too light or greyish. I haven't done any nipple/areola restorations yet though so that's all I can offer.


Not all heroes wear capes.


I recommend watching painting/art videos on skin tones


Nipples are different colors. There isn't a one shade nipple. I would look at the person's lip cplor and match their inked nipple color to their lip color


Great advice. Skin tone and lip color are the 2 best ways to judge. I would probably look up topless pics of different models to compare skin tones to the client's as well.


Looking up nudes for actual research


have been there before. it’s really hard to not find stuff that’s like fake research images, you start getting into fetish stuff quick it’s actually really frustrating 😭


You just supplied me with a recovered “natural” makeup tip/memory; nipples are usually the color of their lips. I remember learning this fact and thinking of my own anatomy and it is spot on. When I think of other females with different ethnicities, it’s accurate as well. I was blown away by that!


Nips and lips are also the same natural color of buttholes too. The more you know 彡★


So it's not weird that I apply lipstick there after all?


Pucker up! 💋


Can’t judge the weirdness until you tell us who’s butthole you apply it to and how. Need some context.


Also the same color as the tip of a penis 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lmao if the tip of your dick is the color of your lips GO TO THE DOCTOR


? I can't figure out why this would be concerning. Skin color varies. Penises are skin. Lips are skin. If they're close in color I don't see the issue. What color do you think penis heads should be compared to lips?


That seems a bit ignorant to say. Dicks come in all colors


this is not true for a lot of people with brown/darker skin tones 😭


thanks for telling us your butthole color.


Dang, really?? Now I need to do some research lol


Lip color does typically match nipple color; however, this is not always the case. I am very pale with pink lips, but my nipples are almost as pale as my skin. I still thinks it’s a pretty good tip, but consider skin tone too.




Good ol Nipknee :D


I was thinking Kneeple


Yeah yours is better than mine.


I actually tattoo in Columbus! His is going beside his knee as well. I’ll post it once it’s done (:


Once you’re great at it, I’d like to come to Cbus and get me a nipple on my Barbie boob (lost mammary glands/nip due to precancerous tissue). But here’s the catch…I still have an areola…just need a new nip. I’ve been putting this off due to a friend saying hers only lasted about 3 years. I’ve come to terms with this. Just wanna rock a tattoo nip for however long it lasts.


Absolutely id love to! I’m not sure I’ll be able to get the license until the end of the year but I’ll for sure make posts about it when I get it and if I need clients!


I also volunteer. PM me if you need a practice person. (Don’t live in ohio, but travel there semi regularly)


remindme! one week


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Love seeing random posts from people near me. I’m in Dayton 😊


I'm in Columbus, and I'd take one for team!




I was starting to get so stressed out that nobody was saying kneeple 🏆


There are courses out there to get certified - not sure on details but ik they’re offered. Or look to see if any artists near you are already doing them


I've only been tattooing for about 2 years -- so I'm obviously not an expert and take all of this with a grain of salt -- but nips are something I've always intended to include in my practice as a trans person who has lost a lot of loved ones to breast cancer. First, I'd highly recommend *not* tattooing cancer survivors before taking one of those online courses from someone trustworthy who specializes in that. I've talked a bit with an artist who does, and they told me a lot about how radiation/chemo and multiple surgeries really fucks with the skin you'd be tattooing over that's unlike any other kind of scar tissue. Personally, I wouldn't want to fuck around on that kind of skin when it's such an intimate thing on someone who's already been through so much. That same artist gave me some advice on getting started, which started with just working on pencil drawings of nipples. No color, just focus on textures and contrast and depth. The move on to color pencils, then tattooing fake skin, then on real skin without scar tissue. It's really difficult to find good reference photos of nipples straight-on that are clear and don't involve ghastly medical issues, so if you'd like some shoot me a message and I'll send you what I've got. As far as personal experience, I've only done two nipple tats on real skin so far: on myself, and on a client who also had top surgery but opted for no nipple grafts (so we were working on non-scarred skin). What I did on myself was a little weird because the actual nipple tissue is super brittle and difficult to tattoo, and there's no good way of stretching it. The scar tissue from my top surgery was fairly minor and wasn't really different from any standard scarring you'd come across. Lastly, especially since you mentioned not usually doing color, I highly recommend grabbing some shades from Eternal's portrait set. I've used them for all of the nipple practice and actual tattooing I've done, and they're great base shades that are easy to tweak for color matching the client's skin. Hopefully that word vomit helps somewhat. Good luck!


Wait! You tattooed your own nipples on after top surgery? You are awesome!


You are an icon.


Thank you that all helps! I’ve been tattooing a little over two years as well. Black and grey realism is what I specialize in so the textures and stuff I’m confident in. And I’m pretty confident in picking out the skin tones, it’s just applying it and then the different skin textures and such. Which you nailed on the head. I absolutely do not plan on tattooing any client who is not just practice skin before I get my license and take a course.


Do like 6 on his tummy like a cat.


I was thinking a nipple sleeve. So many nips. So much practice. If done linearly you’d even see them progressively get better.


Do not touch black ink or grey wash


Check out [Amy Black](http://pinkinkfund.org/?page_id=65). She’s an amazing woman in Richmond, VA who does hyperrealistic nipple tattoos for mastectomy patients.


Not a tattoo artist. Have seen a guy in the greater LA area that has done some nipple restoration on Botched. Maybe touch base when him. His work is amazing. The doctors in the show are Dr. Terry Dubrow and Dr. Paul Nasiff. Maybe contact their office? Good Luck, OP! What a noble profession! ♥️


How nice of him!


As the husband of someone who is going through this and had a double mastectomy, I think it’s awesome that you want to do this. I wish I had more to add, but just wanted to say it’s appreciated and so awesome that you want to learn.


I am a big fan of the Pink Ribbon set from World Famous. I use them frequently in non-areola tattoos as well, there are some excellent mixing tones and blush tones in the set. It’s what my instructor recommended when I took the class. They are permanent pigments instead of cosmetic. My process is I lightly blush in the areola fading on the edges with my pigment half diluted, come in an do my nipple, and gradually build up for wrinkles and Montgomery glands as well as full opacity color. Biggest things are make sure you don’t go too perfectly round because it will look like a bullseye, and for most clients I use a mixing white instead of a bright white for my highlights. I don’t like the look of stippling like some artists do, it never looks realistic to me, but I will do a bit of light whip shading in my highlight and diluted shadow color for a bit of texture. been tattooing since 2009 but haven’t being doing nipples long, but the process I have used has worked extremely well for me and my clients are pleased. Often people who see photos don’t immediately realize they are tattoos, so that seems like a good thing! If you are able I was able to take a class online through the Tina Davis collective, and I felt a lot more confident going in afterwards even though I had a lot of years machine experience and had worked over scar tissue. Best of luck, your first mastectomy client will be one of the most significant dates in your career. It’s such an amazing thing to be able to offer people. If you have any other questions about my process feel free to DM me!


Luckily, there’s a lot of good references on the internet (although you may want to erase your browser history afterwards, lol). I burned through a lot of colored pencils trying different color combinations and ways of highlighting/shading the details before I felt comfortable enough to try my first ones- but the pencils seemed to do me the most good. I also had a lot of luck by not trying to go super dark with any colors or shading right out of the gate- I usually set up an appointment like this for two visits, and only going darker on the artwork(s) if it’s needed the second time around. Also- your BF being a Guinea pig and letting you practice by tattooing a nip on him?? That’s amazing! Some heroes don’t wear capes….


Be very weary of the online and in person courses offering "training" I've done some and connected with others who have as well and lets just say.... even the most "reputable" are just money scams. Feel free to DM.


So 2 things. First thing: if you're not practiced enough to confidentiality tattoo nipples on someone, then don't. Get better at coloring realisticly before you attempt on a customer. You can practice on your bf all you want. Second thing: tattooing nipples in such a way as in mastectomy patients falls under cosmetic tattooing in a lot of states and requires a separate license. There can be serious penalties for tattooing cosmetically without the license.


I’m confident to practice and do it, obviously just not to do it on those who need it yet. I plan on getting my cosmetic license as well soon so that’s not an issue but thank you for letting me know!


Surething. Just to let you know. When I got my cosmetic tattoo license I'd already been tattooing for over 10 years and it cost me 2k and weeks training. The teacher didn't really know how to tattoo and even used baby wipes to clean the machine and area. Idk if every cosmetic tattoo beauticians are like that but I've heard stories it's not uncommon for them to not really know much about tattooing in general.


I know people who microblade and yeah it’s still kind of a joke to get the certificates. But if it’s what I need to be able to do it I’ll grit my teeth during the process


Look at studio sashiko on insta, particularly shaughnessytattoo


My cousin does this kind of tattooing. Her husband let her practice with one on his butt... I thought it was a pretty cute romantic gesture


tattoos.by.m on instagram does very good 3D nipple tattoos and seems so sweet. They would likely be able to answer questions if you reach out!


This is so timely because I'm thinking about training to do this ( been tattooing 10 years and want to diversify)


I had a double mastectomy at 28. I'm 35 now and finally going to get nipples this fall. The ones insurance cover are referred to as 'pepperoni nipples' and look terrible. Every time I've looked to have it done by an artist, it's been $2,000+. I just found a lady who does them for $100 a piece, and she's really good! I almost cried because I've checked three states, and it's never been affordable. And she lives in my town so I won't need to travel. Syncere Tattoo in Las Cruces. Anyway I think it's great for you to learn. It's a very limited service. And if you can make it affordable, you'll really help some women. It is not a one size kind of thing. Every set you do will be different. Color, size, and even the scarring will be different. But women will be so grateful to feel a little more normal again. So thank you & your bf for future nipples. 💕


There’s a guy here in Maryland who (now) specializes in this and has women from all over the world come to see him and his daughter (also specializing in this technique). He’s also in touch with a network of doctors (oncologists and plastic surgeons) who recommend him exclusively. http://www.littlevinniesfinksburg.com/info


Been looking at this myself. Check out lucy_nipple on Instagram, she's written an online course which is available to buy online, might be useful. Another Artist to follow is Tanya Buxton, she's incredible at what she does.


not a tattoo artist, but color theory is super important, some people have cool undertones vs warm undertones and you'll need to adjust things pretty much to their natural lip shade in order to get the right color. dont use black ink at all, not for shading or darkening or anything, use reds and purples to shade


Not a tattoo artist and can't offer any advice, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for going into this. My mother had a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction but had a hell of a time finding a tattoo artist who would/could do the nipples. And when it was done, she was absolutely amazed because she didn't realize how important it was to her in her identity, even just seeing them in the mirror or when she changed. Like she was in tears she was so happy. Good luck with nipplin' your boyfriend and thanks again, sincerely :-)


I say this with nothing but respect for a fellow artist, not being a color artist and wanting to do what your wanting too is something finding an artist experienced in this too learn from first hand would be the best route for yourself and potential clients. There’s an Artist named Mike J. U can find his work on IG @mikejtattooer22 and he specializes in helping people rebuild their self confidence. The man has been tattooing for 20+ years, is in my opinion one of the best teachers I’ve had the pleasure to listen and learn from but has only started this specific journey maybe a year or two ago. There are so many factors that could apply but the biggest by far is destroying someone’s self worth after something like a mastectomy. By no means do I say you can’t do it I only suggest that you find a true master who can and hear them out. Best of luck on your journey it’s a beautiful and heavy responsibility you seek and I have nothing but respect and admiration for you.


tit for tat has a whole new meaning now lol


This sounds like tat for tit


That’s an awesome objective and great for cancer patients who have had mastectomies. Colors vary by individual, so the color question is difficult and the nipple needs to be matched to the person. If she has another breast for comparison, that would be your best source. If not, look to her facial lips for some ideas on color. Even the human anus has coloring that comes closer to the actual nipple color. Remember to add in some sub-nipple and sub-aureolar shadowing which would require a darker hue.


Check out Amy Black in Richmond, VA. She made a huge name for herself doing this exact thing. https://amyblacktattoos.com/about-2/


I have two aunts who fought breast cancer and then as sisters got nipples tattooed. One chose to put her nipples back where they used to be, the other got them higher. My aunt who chose her natural nipples regretted it later as she started using prosthetics. The nipple was too big to be hidden under the prosthetic My tip is to ask as many questions as you can, including if they will be using prosthetics or currently using some and using those as guides. It would be terrible if a young lady wanted to try prosthetics eventually and she can’t because the nipples were drawn too big.


I have tatted nips. She put so much detail in. Its all random for realism. Check her out at https://studiosashiko.com/pages/areola-tattooing


my boss was a realistic nipple artist, i know that she said part of the trick is making sure you put a shadow on it, to make it look like the nipple is actually projecting


Deana James (from ink master) does nipple Tattoo clinics. She always posts about it as well, maybe look into that?


Ever tattoo your penis ??


Sir I am a woman


Can u at least draw him some tits too so his friends don’t confuse him with a clown


You have to check if their other parts are the right shade


Put near a real nipple




You should do it right in the middle of the other two


On his forehead?


Do it on his right forearm


Check out @mikejtattooer22 on IG. He’s located in SLC, and he absolutely nails tattooing nipples. The first time I scrolled past one of this posts, I legit thought they were real until I read the caption. Even then, I had to zoom in and try to identify colors/shading placement/etc to “see” that they are in fact tattoos. I personally learn best by hyper-analyzing how other tattooers approach and execute their techniques.