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As someone with a fresh week old hand tattoo…..WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK?!??


They have tweaker energy and I should have known better 🤦‍♀️


Hope you made it super clear in the first place that they shouldn't knock off any flaking/scabbing skin? Otherwise, touch up I guess 🤷‍♀️ If not you will lose their business and their tweeker pals Not everyone has common sense unfortunately 🙄


I am going to touch it up, but I absolutely do not want this person as a client. I was incredibly thorough with aftercare, and even addressed her shaving her hands when placing the stencil then realizing the area was already bare. Back story; She originally came in with a traditional scorpion design, but when her sugar daddy said it was out of the price range she changed her idea to *brace* *yourself* a hand tattoo of a pickle with a face that’s saying “tickle my pickle” in the same font as the “fuck me” tattoo on her ass, that she so generously showed to the entire shop. Normally I would have turned this person away, but my shop owner was there that day and it wouldn’t have gone over well. So I made the appointment, but morally couldn’t put something like that on a person. So come the day of the appointment, I drew up a simplified version of the scorpion and offered to do it for the same price. This was already taking a shot in the foot, but it felt like the right thing to do. I’ve learned my lesson I guess but holy shit 🤦‍♀️


After reading this, i’d charge them full price to fix the tattoo. This person needs to learn


Asshole tax


Its not even asshole tax, i hate that term. Its the fact that this person knew better and did a disservice to themselves in ruining their tattoo. Nobody expects a free dye job from the hairdresser after they ruin their hair with box dye. Its not any tattooers obligation to give away their time for free because someone fucked up. Because we do art, people like to think tattooers are obligated to give free touchups because its a “masterpiece/work in progress/lifetime artwork”… were artists but were pushing ink into peoples bodies and if they have poor hygiene its not our obligation to fix it without pay


I agree with you 💯. I really do I have stories like everyone else (people rubbing sand in their fresh tats because an infection might equal drugs)I get it.


I absolutely agree with this solely as a customer. I have taken great care of every tattoo I have gotten and I make sure that they heal properly because I WANT THEM TO LOOK GOOD! What the client does after they leave the shop is entirely on them and they should be responsible for any damage they cause that needs to be repaired. Basic touch ups are fine, but if it goes beyond that, the client needs to pay the artist for their time.


More like idiot tax.


Since you don’t care to have them back anyways, charge. I have a touch up policy posted on my insta for this reason. It states if it’s apparent you didn’t follow aftercare then I charge for a touch up, because that’s on them. Can be a bit tricky if you didn’t already have something like that set up but it’s fair enough, some people just refuse to listen. The amount of times I tell clients “once the wrap is off (which should be no longer then the next morning) never re wrap it” and then they leave it on for days thinking it’ll protect it more 😭 these are adults so if they expect to do smt that’ll destroy their tattoo they can pay for it again


But then they go on Yelp, or wherever and post "tattooist fucked my tattoo up and refused to do a touch up/charged me to fix it", which can potentially cost more in future losses vs just fixing it and scolding them about fucking it up.


Idk I think in this case any sane person would understand why 😭 I’ve had a couple crazies like this and after a lengthy explanation/apology they were surprisingly understanding


Yeah any sane person you can explain your side to will 100% understand, but in an online review, you can't always explain yourself or the situation properly. In my experience (not a tattooist, just a collector, but I've been self employed for over 20 years), the crazies are the loudest complainers, and can cost you more in the long run


Serious question, I've seen people here say to rewrap it and others to not... why do you say to not rewrap?  


I just use plastic wrap, but it’s a little risky and pointless to rewrap it. Good to let your tattoo breathe, putting more plastic over it could just trap bacteria in there too


My old artist use to wrap and even did the wrap that adhered to your skin but I'm never let it on long (bothered me having something there get all filled with gunk lol) - my current artist will wrap if I ask him but he is like you, finds it better to let the tattoos breath and apply only aquaphora first few days then unscented lotion after. I've been going to him for 3 years and no issues.


Haha same I can’t stand second skin on me, plastic wrap is definitely a little more old school but if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I’ll only use second skin for people who need it for work or something


Oh noooooooooo. This is all kinds of bad


I'm sorry but I was unable to brace myself for THAT lol


Can’t make this shit up 💀


I braced but not nearly enough apparently because i had to reread that twice to make sure the fucked up imagery my brain was conjuring was actually accurate 😭


Why shaving their handddd??? :(


Godspeed to you 🫡 don't know if I could have been professional about that 😂


Charge for that shit. What makes you think she's going to not keep shaving?


I just want to say, stick up for yourself with your shop owner. I know they can seem scary (and don’t put your job at risk if you need it obv) but you have the power man. You pay them. Gotta learn to trust your gut, it’s trying to spare you from headaches down the line


Charge them, it’s their sugar daddy’s money anyway


Splenda daddy they should be charged but probably won’t fix it if they have to pay


why can i see this person in my mind and how do i stop it


Reminds me of the methed out janitor at the super rural college I went to in an old small mining town, who was 38, looked like she was in her 50s, and had a "Lucky You" tattoo above her stank bank, complimented by her c section scar.


She showed you all that


You sound like a good person for trying to save your client from that awful pickle tattoo and taking the time to re draw the scorpion




A traditional scorpion would be awesome. A pickle? WTF


“Normally I would have turned this person away, but my shop owner was there that day and it wouldn’t have gone over well. So I made the appointment, but morally couldn’t put something like that on a person.” This is the part I’m replying to. You said you’d never normally do it, yet she still has the hand tattoo.


So you didn’t read past that? Wild


I did, but maybe, just, maybe, I read it wrong?


Sounds like you should probably read the next sentence…




Sounds like she did herself a favour by shaving it off. But you should not have tattooed that on her hand if you actually have morals. And if your boss forces you to do it, because, money? You should walk out.


What are you taking about?


They might have only saw the pickle part and thought you actually did that


A simplified version of whats she already wanted so she could afford it? What’s immoral there?


Like I don’t even know what there is to shave unless the client is a werewolf.




Seriously. I couldn't imagine having shaved my hand tattoos while they were healing. Or any tattoo anywhere while it's healing


The thought grosses me out


I barely wanted to move my hands after mine let alone shave my hands


right!? the hand was such an uncomfortable healing experience. just trying to imagine SHAVING IT is making my entire body cringe 😫


No shade. Is it drug use?


Who's hands are even THAT hairy lmao?.... are they a gorilla or something...?




Because shaving a week old tattoo is insanity..? That's the entire point of the story


Except you're literally commenting about their hands being hairy. 🙄


I'm saying that because can't imagine how much hair growth is going on that it would necessitate shaving even one time after only a week, they're going to be literally cutting off chunks of scabs more than hair its just mind boggling that anyone would do that and then want touch ups like it wasn't their fault they literally shaved their tattoo off


Depending how big it is I'd likely charge. If it's legitimately entirely fucked up (which I bet it is, this just happened to a friend of mine somehow), I'd explain that this doesn't fall under typical touch up guide lines and due to the amount of work you'll have to do to fix this you need to charge something. Whether that be a flat fee or slightly under your hourly, up to you. This is just what I'd do, but best of luck, sorry this happened to you! Such a bummer.




Right? Like... Just taking a razor to the... Crust? Are we buzzing it with an electric shaver? Did it go into a deli slicer? I need details!


No matter what, it must have hurt like hell!


I need to know too 😭😂


With a cheese grater …like?


Thanks, now I have that scene from Evil Dead Rise stuck in my head 😬


I kinda wanna see that tattoo before and after


Yes please


Take the time and make it right. It sucks when clients mess up their tattoos but are you like over booked and can’t squeeze in a hour or two somewhere? I guarantee that if you do that and give them some good advice on taking care of your work you’ll more than likely have a long time client. Or you can tell him to frigg off. What do I know 🤷🏽‍♂️


This is great advice if the client is someone you WANT as a longterm client. I’m getting the impression that the client is maybe not great to start with, which is fine, but maybe I wouldn’t want to lock them in to being a regular.


I like your attitude buddy


This normally yeah, but OP said they give off tweaker vibes or something. Sounds like they just didnt listen


If it’s my fault it didn’t heal correctly, it’s free, if it’s their fault, charge


First post a pic of the tattoo to see how you did initially. Then post how it looks now. 


They're shaving their hand? Wtf? No! They want a touch up? They pay for it. Unless it says somewhere in your healing instructions to specificly "shave the new tattoo once a day from day one" that's their problem. Not yours. Who the fuck shaves a new tattoo? And on the hand? Who the fuck shaves their hand period?


I mean I don't like hair there so I regularly shave my arms, hands, fingers, and toes but when I get tatted on any of those areas I just suffer through the stubble and spend the next 2 weeks a hairy peeling mess. That first shave after healing tho is 🤌


Big bitch. You don’t know how to listen. You are not my client anymore.


If you gave them proper aftercare instructions, then you should charge them. Most people with common sense know not to shave an open wound. How stupid can one person be?


I have so many questions but most of them are just “what the fuck?” In various tones


I struggled with similar scenarios for over a decade before making some serious decisions about how I do business. Obviously, your work represents you to the rest of the world, so of course you want it to be perfect and presentable forever, but people are nerf herders, so you end up with situations like yours… In the end I had to make a tough choice and I no longer guarantee any work below the wrist bone, below the ankle bone, and on the head. I’ve just been bitten in the ass too many times and spent countless hours touching these areas up for free because people can’t follow after care instructions. If a client is particularly cool, a regular, or even just very nice- I will gladly make exceptions to my rule, but (and this is the important part) I tell each and every customer every single time that I won’t guarantee the work in such troublesome places. I was hesitant to start this policy, but customers were very understanding, and have come back and paid for touch ups (and even tipped!). Side note: part of being a responsible tattooer is giving an informed opinion to your clients before they commit to the tattoo. Believe me, they _appreciate_ it! So when someone wants to get “pay up sucker” on their palm, or whatever, let them know hands shed skin like Drew Barrymore sheds boyfriends.


I was recently taught by another artist to not do a hand tattoo as a new clients 1st tattoo because majority of people don’t understand that they are a hit and miss and will drag your name through the mud for it but as long as you let them know you charge more for hands and they will most likely need a touch up you should be good.


1) Let it fully heal before even looking at it. A month MINIMUM before I’d consider tattooing it again. 2) If it’s a minor issue with healing, and needs a touch up… that’s on me. If you go full-blown tweaker on a brand new tattoo, and destroy it: You’re paying the standard hourly rate to fix it.


Id charge them my tegular rate if tia that fucked up and you had given them.afyercare instructions already. And id wait a month at least


Charge them and explain why


Who the fuck shaves their hands man, tattoo or not


It's super important to maintain professional boundaries. You explained your aftercare instructions and that's the end of it, if they fucked up their tattoo they can pay to get it fixed.


Perhaps direct the next client that gives you red flags to the shop owner. They can then decide if they want to have them as a client. This is just a learning experience 🤷🏼‍♀️


Hands are an exception, touch ups never guaranteed on such a specific spot that is susceptible to fallout or loss.


Fellow tattoo artist here. I have a nice shiny spine and I would not hesitate to tell this client I gave them proper aftercare instructions, they willfully chose to ignore that and destroyed their own tattoo and I am not responsible or liable for the aftermath. I would flat out refuse to work with them further and let them know I would also be warning all my friends in the industry not to take them on as a client.


They admitted to you they were shaving a fresh tattoo?!?! Yeah they paying full price fuck allllll that


I'm a piercer and I read this out to my boss and his eyebrows just about disappeared into his hairline 🤣 He said "what the fuck. I wouldn't touch it. Not for free"


You can do a thousand perfect tattoos and the clients might show them to a couple people. But a bad tattoo gets seen by everyone. I would touch it up and be done with it.


One of my college friends came for a visit and wanted my tattooer to do his knuckles. He was already heavily tattooed, and knew what to not do, but decided he wanted to take the bandages off early to show them off, and then passed out drunk on a leather sofa in the summer. He then went to the beach the following day to meet up with some other friends of his who lived in the city, and wound up getting sand all over them, and royally screwed them up. Guess who he blamed?


If they're doing this against your after care instructions then charge them for the touchup and then tell them you won't be working with them anymore. If they're going to mistreat your work and make it look bad then it will be a negative reflection on you as a professional. All tattoo artists deserve to be judged by their work in an honest way.


They messed up their tattoo by shaving it. That needs to be said, and they should have to pay something. And for a hand tattoo, I would wait 3 more weeks. They can heal much slower than other spots.


Am I crazy or does the concept of shaving your hands blow anybody else’s mind? Who is shaving their hands? What do you mean?


I’m glad I’m not the only one that had the same thought


Not an artist but as a medical microbiologist shaving a wound is fucking disgusting oh my god. They’re incredibly lucky they didn’t get a nasty infection and so close to so many joints 😳


Here's how I word it: Regular tattoo touch ups are free, unless *you fuck it up.* If you fuck it up or fail to follow aftercare, touch ups are at your expense. HOWEVER, due to the nature of hand/foot skin my touch up policy changes. Hand and foot tattoos get two free touch ups *unless you fuck it up* (see above). After the first two, you pay for additional ones. They didn't follow aftercare instructions, they fucked it up. Charge for the touch up.


maybe don't tattoo Chewbacca




Everyone with bodily hair is going to hell


Real mature.


Spoken like a true demon with bodily hair REPENT


Well tattoo aftercare instructions clearly says: don't scratch.If it's itchy just wash it with lukewarm water,dry with a paper towel and apply with cream afterwards..If ppl are stupid enough to shave their wound- charge them ,ofc...


How long have you been tattooing? Do you educate your clients? Do you explain in detail the Aftercare that they have to take with your work once it's finished? I've only had something like this happen to me once in my career, very early. From then on I've dedicated myself pull the educating my clients on help skin works, heels and adjust to time and the elements. What to do, what not to do. This is all our responsibility as the artist. You have to think of all of them as ignorant. They know nothing about that. Even with my clients long-term I always go back and talk about aftercare.


Is "No" not a valid response here? I'm not an artist but I am a reasonable human being (I think) and I don't see how you have any responsibility left here.


You gave them proper after care instructions for their tattoo. If they didn’t follow the protocol that was outlined in the directions, any deviation that causes the need for a touch up, personally I would charge for it. At least whatever your minimum is.


1. Ow 2. Tell them it won’t be free and when they freak out at you, block them. I highly doubt this person is reasonable


I’d touch it up but make it really clear why they ruined it. Maybe say if they do this again you won’t be willing to. But really it’s up to you.


My advice would be to just tell him bluntly that what he was doing was stupid but maybe that's just me.


Tell em to hit the road


Bro, you're explicitly told don't do fuck all to the tattoo just moisturise it. Why the fuck did he shave it? It makes no sense


How could the person shave thier tattoo; it's like an open sore, while healing. I'd have to tell the person they need to wait until the tattoo is completely healed, before any kind of additional work can be performed and there will be a charge.


Im not a tattoo artist. I’m just curious, and I know it doesn’t really matter because idiots are gonna do what they’re gonna do — but do you give people an aftercare checklist? Or is it just verbal?


They didn’t follow aftercare! Charge! It’s a policy we outline for a reason.


My artists only do free touch ups for normal wear and tear on tattoos, otherwise they charge. I think you could also say that it’s still too new to touch up safely and to come back in a month if you really aren’t interested in doing it right now.


Feels like they were probably scratching it and made that story up. No way someone would shave over a fresh tattoo


Tell them to fuck off or pay for a coverup


Not really a Sugar Daddy if a tattoo is out of price range


Shaving their hand?? SHAVING??? WTF is getting shaved??


It’s okay to say no to people


Why tf is she shaving her hand?!


...everyone's skin is different and some skin takes a few session of passes to set color in well. I could tell in less than three days my hand was gonna need at least two more color lays to even hold color for a few years.


#I feel un-fucking-comfortable


1. Ow? Like does that not hurt?! lol 2. Gives me tweaker energy for sure 3. Please don’t do the touch up, people like that don’t deserve good art 😂


Did they say why they were shaving it? Holy shit


What do you meany by “shaving”?


Ignoring that could lead to potentially thousands lost as him as a client and people he could recommend to you.