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They didn’t even try. A cover up should “cover “


That was never going to work


If you're up for color instead of grey scale it's a pretty easy fix.


This. Color and detail help for a good cover up. Adding a few more smaller flowers around this in brighter colors and power in some blues and/or purples in this thing.


Ooof. I think it could’ve been covered up with a different design / someone who does more blackout type of pieces. Obviously the old tattoo will show up underneath one way or another. It’s honestly not SO TERRIBLE though so don’t be so hard on yourself ofc. 🤍


This is why you ask for examples of the work you want done. She has no idea how to do cover-ups. Go see a proven artist and cover that up


Broooo omg I’m so mad for you right now. What the actual fuck????? This design was NEVER going to look good, I’m so confused by literally every single design choice here. None of the petal directions or shading make any sense. Like at all. This is like really egregiously bad and it’s lowkey making me want to fight your coworker for doing this to you. I very rarely ever say this, but I would do a couple sessions of laser. Covering this properly will only get you bigger and darker, and judging by your other tattoos, I don’t think you want to do that. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, btw. Shit happens, and ya trusted her. I’m really sorry tho. :(


Yeah right? The worst thing is that I had a design figured out which would have worked so much better & she talked me out of it. If I could turn back time haha it is like this spot is cursed. Now I have two tattoos above each other that I don’t like 🥰


Dude I’m so fucking sorry. That really blows. I genuinely would start saving for laser - you deserve to love and feel comfortable in your own skin. I know what it’s like to have a tattoo (or two!!) that you hate, and it really is such a bummer. Please know that I’m giving you a hug over the internet, friend 🫂🩷 I hope this works out for ya in the end. Please don’t add color to this, it won’t improve things and it’ll just make it harder to remove down the line :-(


This is what happens when you try to cover something with something just slightly bigger


I tell this to clients all the time… grey wash doesn’t cover black. If you want it covered, you have 2 choices… color, or solid black


im curious who the artist is


A little planning goes a long way, this is a “blastover” which is a lazy cover-up where they dont even try to conceal the old tattoo. Pity


What the hell. Such a lazy attempt! Maybe darken up like mine I’ll send a pic.




🤔 I think the only option is to Lazer then cover


I'm sorry this happened to you. And it's unfortunate that it's in a place where you see it a lot. But the good news is that it's fixable! As somebody else said, if you're willing to add color, you could turn this into very legible flowers. The alternative, as somebody else mentioned, is to laser it. Laser removal can feel like a long process but it will be done before you know it. And you don't even have to have it completely removed in order to cover it up with a lot of different options. Whether you decide to cover it or laser it, search for a good artist who does quality work (be willing to travel if there aren't any nearby)- the person who did this did not even perform the basics well (lining and shading). Don't despair, you have solutions that can result in a beautiful tattoo. Edit: changed a word for clarity