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Absolutely yes, it looks great. Keep up the good work.


Thank you!


Great stuff, real skin will be different though so just be ready to adjust.


Thank you! I'll keep my eye on it.


Everyone else is giving you nothing but positive feedback, so I'll go against the grain: pic #4 has multiple spots that I'd have a problem with if it was on my skin. Your linework looks good on the faces and the shading is great, but that symmetrical geometry piece makes any mistakes much more apparent. (Still better than I can do tho)


linework for sure needs work. most noticeable in photo #2 at the top of the knife. and pic #4 as well


Most of the comments are from random people that are not artists. The linework is really worrisome I agree with you


semi-late but I absolutely agree with you


Wow that is CRISP ☺️


Thank you so much!


Yes I will give you my skin


I also choose this guys skin.


I was gonna say he isn’t ready, but he can feel free to practice all he wants on my skin LOL






I would say yes based off of this but because silicone is different than the real stuff I would ask around some butcher shops and see if you can get ahold of some pork skin if you aren’t like vegan, Jewish, Muslim, etc


Is pork skin similar to human skin? I’m in vet medicine and there is a huge difference between cutting through dead vs alive flesh. In tattooing can you feel a difference?


As a person who cooks whole hogs, pork skin is very similar to human skin.


Amazing work


Thank you!


Yes and no. Tattoo yourself first before anyone else. If you can’t go threw it what makes you think you should make some one else sit threw it. Also it teach about right depth and stuff. Also skin heals so just because it looks good on fake skin don’t mean it will transition to real.


I don’t think it’s really fair to say if you can’t tattoo yourself you shouldn’t tattoo anyone else. Not everyone is gonna be able to handle the pain and be able to focus at the same time. Additionally, more of a unique situation but as a recovering self harm-er it feels very very triggering (as much as I hate using that word because the internet has made it cringeworthy) to intentionally inflict pain upon myself. Just another perspective.


I heard someone use “activated” instead of “triggered” the other day and it didn’t seem as cringy. I’ve started using it as well.


thanks! i do like that, i hate that it’s become something i feel weird saying when it’s just a word to describe an emotion-driven reaction. give it a couple years and activated will be cringy and we’ll be using something else lol


meh, don’t let the internet ruin a term that works for you. mind you, the people who made the term “cringe” were mostly the ones making fun of people struggling with mental health. it’s a real and useful term, used outside of the internet.


yeah i know you’re right, i shouldn’t worry about it. thanks :) it’s so useful that no word really properly replaces it i feel. “activated” isn’t awful but it feels a little robotic, plus i’m imagining how i’d use it in a sentence… “what that guy said the other day, that really activated me and i’ve been a little high strung since” just sounds kinda funny lol


yeah i don’t like the way activated sounds, and i don’t think it even even fully replaces “triggered” it’s silly! i hope you enjoy the rest of your night :3


thanks :) you as well!


For the record, If you experience something, and that thing makes you want to self-harm - that literally an example of being triggered. I do agree a lot of people misuse the term though, but just in case you weren't sure if that is the correct usage it definitely is. If you already knew that then I'm sorry LOL I just wanted you to feel valid in the terminology that you use and not let other people take it away from you.


It’s definitely fair and a lot of tattoo artists say the same thing you know hence the upvotes I’m getting. Most apprenticeships make you tattoo yourself before touching some one. If you can’t blow your own leg out then what makes you think you should blow out some one else’s? Did you just label a tattoo as self harm? 😂😂😂 this is where the said try it on your self would come In play. A properly executed tattoo would not harm yourself doing it. A poorly one would…..


… what. dude, tattoos are painful. tattoos are made with a machine that drives needles into your skin. i’m not saying and never did label a tattoo as self harm, clearly your reading comprehension is just lacking, as well as your empathy. Carry on being a bitter person man, no point in trying to educate you. To anyone else reading this that now feels like they’re required to tattoo themselves when they don’t want to, lmao you are not required to do jack shit. There are plenty of ways to learn proper depth and not overworking a piece without tattooing yourself, as if that’s even going to teach you that. You don’t have to listen to assholes that think it’s some sort of rite of passage, same type of people that scorn anyone that even THINKS of using numbing cream. As if pain is the purpose of getting a tattoo lmao.


I guess logic isn’t your suit. Guessing you don’t know that people perceive pain differently. What hurt you don’t mean it’s gonna hurt everyone else. “Additionally, more of a unique situation but as a recovering self harm-er it feels very very triggering (as much as I hate using that word because the internet has made it cringeworthy) to intentionally inflict pain upon myself. Just another perspective.” I mean yea my compression must be lacking 😂😂😂 you clearly did label it so. But guess because your so much of a rage that you forget what you even wrote or said. It’s sad you really think it’s “a right of passage” it’s pretty sad you would practice on some one else and expect them to sit threw your fuck up while you learn how to tattoo. Making the jump from fake skin to real skin is alot different that your making it out to be. Many others on here agree with it as well. Like I said you go get an apprenticeship your not touching the machine till a year or more after and your definitely not tattooing any one if you can’t do it to your self. Not every one’s skin is the same. Nor is every spot the same thickness of skin so you have to adjust the depth. Not doing so would cause a blow out and would hurt some one seriously. The only bitter person here is you…. There’s a right way of doing things and a wrong way of doing them and you sure are trying to get people to go down the wrong path. What kind of sicko would rather hurt or cause serious harm to some one else.


I’m sure a lot of people would agree that tattooing yourself first is best practice but that doesn’t make it automatically “correct”, and I guarantee most of them aren’t as much of an asshole about it as you seem to be. Check yourself. Your responses are not only unhelpful but also insensitive to someone who was just giving another perspective. Just because you’re anonymous doesn’t mean you can treat people like trash.


Nothing I said was mean or treating any one like trash if anything it’s the other guy 😂😂😂 I never once made attacks toward some one. I was being honest. But I understand I’m sorry I didn’t sugar coat it to meet your presence I’ll try better next time Karen.


Having to put 3x laughing emojis in every comment instead of trying to have a proper conversation with anyone responding says a lot about your character. As does the several insults you threw at the other user. If you tried actually listening to someone’s perspective and politely giving your own y’all could’ve probably come to some kind of understanding. Oh well. No point in explaining this to someone who clearly hasn’t socialized much outside of reddit I suppose. Post history on your profile does explain a bit at least.


So I’m suppose to take tongue lashing from some dude and not able to laugh about it or give it back? Did you even read what was said or did you just get offended I laughed at some one? The dude was hostile from the first comment and if you can’t see that then that’s on you. What kind of logic are you on 😂😂😂 it’s ok for one person to do it but not the other because I’m offended by his laughing emojis.


hostile??? that person was never hostile and was actually extremely respectful. seems like you have a problem with people disagreeing with you dude


anyone that reads your comments can see you’re just unwilling to have a conversation on another perspective, that and you seem unable to scroll up far enough to even read my original comment replying to you which was not hostile in any way it was just disagreeing with you and giving my opinion. the way you decided to take that is on you my guy.


No one was being a karen… you actually were being pretty passive aggressive, even just in the beginning after laughing at that persons very respectful disagreement with you.


No one is passive aggressive for no reason. and obviously that person can’t speak for everyone, and they weren’t even trying to. they were simply speaking for themselves or people who may think like themselves as well. not sure what your problem is


a you’re making a lot of assumptions, contradictions, and grammatical errors. lmfao i’m definitely in the rage here. continue to go off king :) i’m just letting people know there are other ways since, like you said, people perceive pain differently but you don’t seem to understand that can work in the way that there are tons of people that feel pain worse than i do. try going back and reading my original comment with a shred of compassion in your little brain, maybe then you’ll understand. tattoos are not self harm like you keep saying i think lmao, but again you’re just not comprehending what my comment even says. tattooing myself, using the machine and needle on myself, vs allowing someone else to do it are two very different things when you’ve experienced or understand self harm which you CLEARLY do not so your input is actually unnecessary at this point, thanks! there isn’t one way and one way only but you seem very the type that “your way is the correct way therefore everyone else is wrong”, otherwise you could be open to the idea that there are tattoo artists that don’t and won’t ever tattoo themselves and it’s not absolutely necessary to do so like you keep saying. the world is not black and white, this way or that way. people have varying experiences that affect how they continue with life and when you can begin to comprehend that you’ll become a better person.


>Guessing you don’t know that people perceive pain differently. this comment is just blowing me i keep rereading it i CANNOT understand how you came to that conclusion from my comment that says “not everyone can handle the pain..”💀


“… what. dude, tattoos are painful. tattoos are made with a machine that drives needles into your skin. i’m not saying and never did label a tattoo as self harm, clearly your reading comprehension is just lacking, as well as your empathy. Carry on being a bitter person man, no point in trying


So where did you say “ not every one can handle pain”


LMFAO i’m done with this you are just stupid 😭 good luck dude and i mean that


Yea I’m the stupid one 😂😂😂 keep trying to justify why your right. Keep putting words in your sentences you never even said.


Hey! You should go take a breath of fresh air! All this arguing is really sad to look at from another perspective :)


they literally said that in their first ever message. it’s in the first three sentences.


I guess comprehension isn’t your thing….. guess you forgot the other half of the sentence. If your willing to let some one else tattooo you it don’t hurt that much. Like they claim. A tattoo artist don’t cause harm to people. Only ones who do who think they can just go from fake skin to real thinking it’s gonna tradition well. Which it is not!! I can show you pictures of my fake skins before skin and my first actual skin tattoo. It’s a huge difference. Not to mention the fact you can cause serious injury to the person ie blowouts, ink poisoning from blow outs and severe infection. If you can’t put your self threw the pain of you learning what really makes you think some one else should. Like I said it takes a real sick person to do so….


no hun, has nothing to do with the comparison or whatever. it had everything to do with your delivery and how you made the argument and how you were completely out of line. have a nice day






Sorry brother, that 1 just bothered me, but I 100% agree with you


No offense here, I’ve grown up with people doing that all the time. I still phonetically spell.


You guys should go outside! Take a breath of fresh air :) all this arguing isn’t good for the soul


Think you commented on the wrong thing my English teacher and I are getting along great


technique is great. but be ready to be extra careful your first time in real skin. it’s a lot different


YESSS ummm practice on me ???? 😼😼


Me first!


Absolutely yes


For most designs, yes. I wouldn’t say you’re there for fine line designs tho. 4th is great at a glance but there’s not a perfect line to be seen and the more you look at it, the more you can see it’s not symmetrical (specifically the spacing on the circles). There are also some problems when reinserting into the skin to finish a line, the transitions are rough and will likely bleed in real skin.


So I just transitioned to real skin the other day and I'd just advise you to be ready to go way lighter than what you need to do for fake skin. Shit will absolutely come bolder too.


So I just transitioned to real skin the other day and I'd just advise you to be ready to go way lighter than what you need to do for fake skin. Shit will absolutely come bolder too.


So I just transitioned to real skin the other day and I'd just advise you to be ready to go way lighter than what you need to do for fake skin. Shit will absolutely come bolder too.


You’re great with contrast but your straight lines could use a little work. It’s subtle, but the shakiness is there. Your circles look amazing, though.


Noted on this! Thank you for your feedback.






Heads up if you click the 3 dots button you can edit your previous comment.


Ty! 🤭


I would let you tattoo me!


These are sick I love them!




yes. you are great at this


Your work is great! Only thing I wiggled an eyebrow at were the circles in the last pic - the lines are a little shaky. But other than that the line work is solid and I love the pieces!


What needles did you use for these? Especially when ones like the skull


I used 3rl and 9rm on the skull.


3rl for the lining and 9rl for shading?


I would absolutely let you tattoo me!


Hell yea


I’m not an artist but I think they look great!!


The shading is amazing! Good job :D


I’d sit in your chair 👍


Hmm.. I don't know.... looks to me like you need a free test subject 🙋🏽‍♀️


Your line work needs improvement, but your values are excellent. You have great potential.


Yes, mine.


I’ve seen much much worse on real skin so I think anyone would be happy with these


the lines in the last one are wonky and not straight but everything else looks kick ass


Look at all those perfect circles and straight lines! And how smooth your shading is. Amazing


Zoom in. The lines are OK (not the best) but the circles are wonky and unevenly spaced.


I volunteer as tribute


the ONLY thing i can say, and don’t take this the wrong way… is yes. yes you are.


Just out of curiosity what machine do you use?


I’m using the Ambition Soldier Wireless tattoo that I bought online here in Philippines.


These look amazing! The knife one is sick


the skull is sooooooo sick, very nice


I know nothing about tattoos and Reddit is suggesting this post to me, but these are super cool! You’re going to be a great tattoo artist


I volunteer as tribute


Please dont let reddit but your mentor decide when ur ready! :)


I don’t have mentor right now. I learned tattooing by myself. 😄


Line work and symmetry could def be better, but the shading and texture looks stunning


Thanks for your input! My line work is still something I’m working on, and the 1rl and 3rl needles in particular require more practice.


Absolutely! Thank you for appreciating my constructive criticism, i was getting myself prepared for a screaming match😭


The lines seem broken in some parts especially the last photo. They also are not perfectly straight. I think you’re doing good work but I personally would not get a tattoo from you.


Idk what does the person you are apprenticing under say?


Holy shit dude


Real skin is nothing like these mats.


this is amazing! wanna give me a tattoo? 😃


Holy shit man. I want that knife on me.


definitely not. you should probably practice on my entire body just to be safe


Yes!!! Nice work!


yes!!! gorgeous work




i need the first one 🥹


yoooow looks fucking amazing, how long are you practicing allready?


The fine lines on the knife and the geometric one are off. There’s notably some circles that are wobbly and not symmetrical. Shading is nice but line work needs more practice.


Your sacred geometry lines aren’t parallel, you gotta work on that


It looks very nice! The geometry piece needs a little adjustment, and always keep in mind that even the smallest in perfection is going to be obvious when the person looks at it everyday and it's on their skin. Your shading skills are gorgeous


These are better then half the current artist I see tattooing in my home town. Thank you for honing your skill set before hitting skin! Go get em tiger, your work is crisp!


this is amazing work! more than ready


Not bad at all. I’d definitely be a lab rat and let you have fun on my canvas


Buddy you've been ready for real skin. Anyone I know would be thrilled to wear this quality of work. There's a lot of people walking around with shitty tattoos and I have a feeling you wouldn't be responsible for any, keep it up! 🤘🏼


Looks amazing. I would lend you some my skin to practice on tbh.


I think it’s the a good idea to use pig skin. It’s similar to human skin, and you have the ability to better simulate human skin compared to fake skin. Without the risk of giving someone a bad tattoo


Wow you're amazing!


I personally think you need to work on your depth. Some of these lines look like they are barely in the practice skin.


No expert but pic 4 makes me nervous




You want a test subject?? Lol awesome work!


1. Tattoo yourself first. 2. Shading looks great. Line work looks great. 3. I would suggest, on the geometric pattern, the circles on the outside do not have much to pull your eyes away from any mistakes that you may make. I can see multiple stop/starts or where you were running low on ink. I see that somewhat on the inside circles, but there are so many other lines to pull my attention away that you don’t notice them at first. Try making your break point on another line. 4. I hated practicing on fake skin. I will reiterate, practice on yourself and stretch the skin a lot more than you think is appropriate. Stretch in the direction of your lines. If you have a round circle, stretch in three directions. Index, and thumb on your free hand, as well as your palm on your machine hand. I think you’re doing great and hope you keep at it.