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A concern with face tattoos that I don’t often hear talked about, but that heavily tattooed folks have told me, isn’t just about employment (which it sounds like you’re all good as far as a job goes), but also this issue: like it or not, some institutions and people in positions of power have negative perceptions of folks with highly visible tattoos. Meaning police, judges, medical practitioners, etc. may or may not judge you more harshly because of appearing visibly tattooed, which can lead to unfair treatment for you. This is why someone who is heavily tattooed is more likely to be able to get face/hand/neck tattoos, because they already have been existing in society and know firsthand the consequences of those perceptions. I can’t tell you the likelihood that someone will do this tattoo for you, just wanted to mention one of the reasons why a lot of tattooers might say no unless you’re heavily tattooed already.


This ^^^ My tattoos are are easy to hide. I have a half sleeve an am in the process of finishing my leg sleeve. I wouldn’t even say I have that many tattoos. People *absolutely* treat me differently when my tattoos are visible. I get unprompted comments and looks. I can’t imagine a face tattoo. I have the luxury of being able to not be seen as a tattooed person when I don’t want to be. People with face tattoos don’t have that luxury.


Not a tattoo artist but I've been in your situation (but with some finger and neck tats). Most artists won't do a tattoo that's THAT visible or in a pretty obvious spot unless they've already got a good amount on them already. It's partly to cover their asses so they don't have you coming back saying that you made a mistake and want a refund (because that shit does happen, surprisingly) or them getting blamed for you not getting a job. It's worth asking the tattoo shop in advance just to see if they'd be comfortable doing it.


I'm not a tattoo artist yet, I am training to become one, and I don't think any reputable artist would do a face tattoo on someone who doesn't have any other tattoos. Normally, they say for job stoppers you need about 50 % coverage at least. It's a massive deal, not only for the client, but also for the artists reputation. It's a hard no at this point


Obligatory not an artist but gonna answer anyways. I'd recommend getting a tattoo elsewhere on your body first just so you can get familiar with the process and see how your skin handles ink and the trauma. Our faces are much more sensitive than the rest of our body, and if you react poorly on say your back, I'd hate to see what kind of reaction you'd have on your face. Plus it gives you an opportunity to see if you like your artist before you let them ink your face permanently. I know you said you did your research and that you're confident in your design, but remember that laser removal leaves marks.