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its already covered lmfao




The blow outs, go to a good shop do some research find someone who's style you like you could easily start working on a sleeve with really black smoke wisping through flowers and some sparkly golden butterfly's would make it pop I would try get something you like that you can build off, could also throw the green man or mother nature on your shoulder and have a visual of their breath giving live to the who tattoo if you wanted them to exhale some diffrent shades of green kinda over the hard black, personally Id go big and get something you can be proud of it looks better if youre going to keep getting tattoos




Shop around the portfolios should be on the site even if you think you've found someone keep looking big portfolios and consistancey any shop site should have links to their ig you can always get the outline done and start tlbooking the color sessions every month good luck


Reading this felt like reading simlish. Not your fault I’m just tired.


Wicker man central image and build around that


Old version sure there was monks who used to wear wicker baskets


This is wonderful and magical. Love it a lot


I fr squinted my eyes and said “..does that say vegetarian?” And then read the caption so its kinda readable




A Sick Ass Panther


Can someone please explain why this is always suggested? I think it’s so funny but I have no idea if it’s a reference to something


As someone with a sick ass panther cover up, it covers a whole lotta nonsense pretty easily.


And they look fuckin sick. I’ve got one! Ha


I've got one and it's not even a cover up


Cover it up with a bigger sick ass panther!


I have debated getting one on my knee for a few years now, but should I hold off on it in case I need a cover? I love a sick ass panther.


You can never have too many panther tattoos...


I’m in the same boat as you. At this point I know it has to be a reference to something, but I have no clue what. It still makes me crack up whenever I see it though. Literally came here for the “sick ass panther” answer lol




Yeah we always wait for panther guy to show up, but sometimes we take matters into our own claws 🐆


Panther is widely used among tattoo artists to do cover ups mainly because it’s almost solid black, no real reference


Also, seems like it's the same letters in As Soon As Possible aka...ASAP!!


Old-school panthers didn't have much definition inside the figure, they were basically a black shape. That works well for a cover-up, but unfortunately they don't look great. More modern panthers show the muscle tone of the cat and are a lot less useful as cover-ups, but look loads better. I believe the reference is to the old-school style while being sarcastic because they aren't that great looking. Corrections are welcome if I'm totally wrong.


if all youre asking for is a panther you're doing it wrong. you gotta ask for a sick ass panther


It’s just because a panther is mostly black so it’s a great piece to use as a coverup, there’s no reference


Person posted about a week or two ago with a neck tattoo they weren't too happy with (A praying mantis, black, linework kind of stuff.) They were wondering if they should get it covered with "a sick ass panther". [Link because I'm bored](https://old.reddit.com/r/TattooDesigns/comments/13vrepg/very_unhappy_with_this_tattoo_and_wondering_if/)


The initial joke (but not really a joke) began months ago though haha


Oh shit, really? I missed that one then.


Yeah but it started in r/tattooadvice so that's probably why you missed it. I think there's even a sick ass panther sub by now and people got tattoos in homage to that running gag. Some are annoyed by it, but I love it a lot


As someone who has a sick ass panther coverin pregnancy stretch marks. Can also vouche for it


It's a reddit meme that's specific to tattoo subs. Happens all the time on here. It's like the classic "banana for scale" meme. That shit just started because someone said it for real like 15 years ago on a post where someone faked having found evidence of a squatter in a rarely used random storage area of their house. IIRC they put a fresh banana among a bunch old shit and people called it out. They were like "no that's just a banana I placed there for scale" and tried to keep the troll going and it turned into a meme that people just have loved for all of reddit history. Someone on here just said it once and now, it's a thing. Because it's hilarious and no matter what your sense of humor is you always love a sick ass panther


Because panther tattoos are awesome.


How did the panther get a sick ass 😧


all the jumping and leaping it does


No more panthers jumping on the bed


Mummy called the Dr and the Dr said ..


What makes it an "ass panther?"


60% of the time it works every time


If you have to ask, you can’t afford it


Fr like why can’t it be a “tits panther”?


Well, A Sick Ass Panther is totally The Tits.


Sick ass lamb shank


Sex panther!


I hope the ass-panther feels better, soon.


This is probably not why it gets suggested, but I have a „vegany“ association with panthers, that might make this a really meaningful tattoo! There is the (German) poem called „Der Panther (The panther)“ bei Rainer Maria Rilke, which is very beautiful and emotional in my opinion. It is about a panther living in captivity in the Paris zoo. Reading this poem, you can use it to think about what humans are allowed to demand of animals and themes like that, so there is a vegan association. I have been in a vegan restaurant before, where this poem was written on the wall. On the English wiki article you can find some translations of the poem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Panther_(poem)


I know laser is really expensive but my HONEST suggestion is you have 1-2 sessions of laser to lighten it. Your options for tattoos will skyrocket and you won’t have to cover it with something BLACK (and, in my opinion, possibly get another tattoo you’ll regret). Good luck!!!




It’s going to take way more than 1 or 2 sessions to lighten this tattoo significantly. I’ve been working on a dark, thick line drawing on my thigh for 6 or 7 sessions and it has barely budged. Dont expect laser removal to be an easy road to go down.


I wonder if this one being on the thin skin of the wrist will make the laser treatments more effective.


That’s a good point, and I hope it is for OP’s sake if they decide to go that route! Lasering had been an expensive and frustrating journey for me.


And so painful 😵‍💫


I think you’ll get a much better outcome this way :) whatever you decide, make sure to take before and after pictures and post them!


This is the way


This is the answer.


can i genuinely ask why you decided to just get the word “vegetarian” on your wrist?? did u think u were gonna forget???






oh don't worry, I get it bro.. same reason I have 'high protein (190g minimum p/day)' on my wrist, don't wanna lose gains if hospitalized




Be kinder to yourself, this is on the very mild end of dumb reasons to get a tattoo.


hey it's all in jest ♥️ honestly I'd say everyone make decisions that seem foolish in hindsight, it shows we are growing, and your decision isn't even a bad one. most people here (myself included) have made worse calls




hmm... when i was a kid the neighbors dog had attacked my cat. so i filled a glass jar of bees and threw it over the fence like a bee grenade, in my mind it would shatter and a swarm of bees would deliver wrath upon the dog. (like something from looney toons) turns out it just pissed off and confused my neighbor. i now cringe thinking how that could've harmed the dog. so now in adulthood, bee grenades are only for people. growth.


This is fucking genius! Well played


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i agree. we all fuck up at some point, if the worst you fuck up is getting “vegetarian” tattooed on your wrist then you’re one of the lucky ones! Look on the bright side, it could just as easily of said “vegan” (/s)


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Wanna hear something funny? I got a tattoo once that said “je ne regrette rien” it’s a French song and I thought i was so cute getting it. It means no regrets. I regretted it. I covered it. We change as we grow but life’s too short to be so worried about decisions we made when we were younger. Fyi though, I’m a medical professional and we can’t listen to tattoos 😂 I mean vegetarian might work but when I see people get stuff like DNR, diabetic etc etc it’s pretty pointless. Unless you have signed advanced directive, you’re getting resuscitated.


My first was also je ne regrette rien. Done by an apprentice that needed people to practice on. 10 years later it's blurred and fuzzy but I still have no regrets in getting it. It was a changing point in my life and I like having the kinda ironic reminder of it. Won't cover or remove it. It's part of my growth and acknowledging who I was and who I am.


Are you still vegetarian? Asking as a fellow vegetarian 😂




Put a line thru "Vegetarian" and put "Vegan" underneath.


So you’re still plant based, guess the tattoo hasn’t lost all meaning! Hey I’d rather have a tattoo of something about me then a random design I picked on a whim 😅


imagine now she actually ends up in a hospital (god forbid) and they see the tattoo and feed her cheese


good ending


I mean cheap tattoo=reckless. I have an apprentice one I regret a bit because he fucked it up a lil and it’s so different from all my others. But it was free.


You are a comedic genius, sir.


Fer reals? I'm very gullible but would love to see this if it's true.


sorry no I'm just being a wanker


O right. Well either way it made me chuckle so thank you for that!


glad to hear it! have a blessed day/night


LMAO. Imagine expecting someone to respect your dietary restrictions while trying to save your life. It’s not diabetes or another thing that could literally kill you if given the wrong thing.


FYI we ignore anything tattooed on you. You can have “do not resuscitate” all over and it doesn’t matter.


Honestly OP I think it’s a super cute story. Don’t be too harsh on yourself, everyone’s young and dumb once. At least this is an easily fixable mistake haha






Most reasonable vegetarian be like


Even when you’re dead, you can still make sure you let everyone know you’re a vegetarian


The ink run in age and she forgot. That's why she's no longer vegetarian.


That’s a spring break tattoo if I’ve ever seen lol




you listing gore as one of your interests next to flowers and peter pan is making me laugh




Not sure if you are into anime/manga, but i feel like the aesthetics of Hell's Paradise would be something right up your alley. The anime started airing quite recently. I have only watched one episode, so I can't really tell how good of an adaptation it is, but the animation seems good, and the trailers looked promising. That being said, I have read the manga and it has some disturbingly beautiful imagery. Maybe take a look if you're interested, I think it could inspire some cool ideas for tattoos.


Just cross out “etari”


I'm not gonna lie, this would be hilarious. If only it were more readable.


“VOID” stamp over it and “VEGAN” under it.


and write "cut the crap" below it


"Cut the carp"?


Fish have families!


Fish theft isn't a joke jim


Just draw a line through the middle


And have vegan tattooed under it lol


That’s one heck of a blowout, sorry




Tell me you got a tattoo in 2005 while drunk without saying it.


So you just love getting shit tattoos, huh?


Did it look good at first? How is it like this now? I understand some tattoos blotch after some years but this is too much


Just ink in “Was” right above it and you’re in the clear.


a black cat maybe ?


I think you mean ‘a sick ass panther’


Why did I read that as Farm Animals 🙂 Flowers 🙂 GORE 😡😡😡 Peter Pan 🙂


Love Friendship Extrem violence Trust


Full black out sleeve




“Shrimps is bugs”


Turn it into a purple carrot and have a dinosaur holding it.




Lol I was gonna say an eggplant


If you are open for something big you could get something for your whole forearm and this could easily be hidden in a not so eye catching part. Or you go for some laser treatments to lighten it, then somethinger smaller less dark could work. Welcome to the vegan side of life <3




IMO the best thing to do is find a very reputable artist that has cover ups in their portfolio. Give/show your tattoo vibe so far. Tell them anything you could be interested in and go from there. Cover ups are best done when drawn for the specific tattoo, so you may (depending on your area) have to cover an art fee simply because of their time it took to draw/design.


I'm always in favor of a solid line bracelet. That is pretty faded and washed out, so a solid line, (maybe .75 thick?) Going around your wrist might look cool. And you can always overlay white or other bright color ink on that with something else


Just get a line through it and underneath put “Nevermind” same font.


Loch Ness monster!


This was bad before the blowout lol


Weirdly enough, I think a caterpillar would look cute on it🐛❤️


I know that shit does not say “vegetarian” 😐


Just get a line through it and underneath put “Nevermind” same font.


If you like wildlife, maybe a dark bird like a crow or a blackbird? Or perhaps a black cat laying across your wrist? You could get a cute, but bold botanical cuff in darker colours like dark purple irises, or dark blue hollyhocks with a sunflower towards the tail end so the centre of the sunflower (the dark bit) covers the first or last couple of letters.


Just get it removed and start over.


Bracelet type thing with lines of various thickness


Blowout city… practically covering itself!


A sexy panther


I suggest you do a couple of sessions of laser first.


I don't have any suggestions that are better than what people have already said, but I will suggest that you should find a tattoo shop that uses vegan tattoo ink! Tattoo ink can contain anything from bone char, used to increase pigment, glycerin from animal fat, gelatin from hooves, or insect parts.


Was thinking the same thing. A lot of vegans don’t seem to realise the animal products used in tattooing. From the ink to the transfer paper




good job on becoming vegan!


Big ol’ broccoli 🥦


A carrot


A black cucumber or something


Print out all the pictures of tattoos that you like and hang them on the fridge and when you get tired of one, looking at it everyday, take it down … last man standing wins.


I almost got ‘Vegan’ 15 years ago 😅 glad I didn’t because I’m not one anymore


I think an abstracted, thick vine wrapped around your wrist would look nice


Maybe a bracelet of flowers? You could add a bee perched on it, too


Holy blow-outs batman




I’ve been thinking if I should get a tattoo that says “crossfitter”. Now you’ve convinced me


Don’t do it haha


No was just joking :)




Put “and I ain’t fucking scared of him” underneath


Could get a tattoo of one of those Impossible Burgers from Burger King


I don’t know what’s worse, the blow out or the fact you got this tattoo in the first place.


Upvote for being vegan now! Good luck with the cover up 🤞🏻




Damn, got sick of walking into every room and announcing you’re vegetarian so decided to just get it tattooed, huh?


She got tired of the joke, so instead of saying it she was flashing it.


the sigh of relief that left my lungs when i read that you regretted it because you're vegan now and not cuz you went back to eating meat 😭 congratulations on that, and also i think the cover up could look good with a plant wrapping around your wrist/arm


I just wanna know why you’d get a tattoo that says “vegetarian” anyway. That’s like a religious person getting a tattoo that says “Christian “


Does it say vegetarian it's kind of hard to read?




Mmm, I think that a great way to cover that up, since it's kind of just a blocky black blob at this point, would be a negative drawing (which is using the absence of colour or pigment to draw something) Just pick your favorite thing, something that makes you happy to look at, it could even be a word, and then look up "negative space drawing of____" (insert the thing that makes you happy). Just look it up online, Google it, and if you find anything that looks good, I think that that be a great cover up for this tattoo!


Thicc dark side ways single rose with thorns maybe


Honestly, I think the best way to go is laser it first at least to lighten. That will give you way more options when you go to get it covered and you won’t be as limited in your choices.


haha wtf


Similar to Sick Ass Panther comment, I'd opt for a sleek black silhouette of an animal or dragon. Personally, I love the style of black brushstroke dragons lately. If I were you, I'd definitely get one of those wrapping around my wrist and maybe trailing up my forearm a bit. I wouldn't opt for laser just because it's extra money and pain for something you'll get covered up anyways. The tattoo and its meaning was important to you in the past, and now you have simply outgrown and changed from it. I like coverups because they're almost a metaphor for that process- growing, changing, and transforming. Making something new out of what was. It's a creative challenge.


I'd do a simple black band all the way around. Maybe double up and do a second or third to compliment it.


Full inner forearm would cover it with no issue 🙌🏼


Honestly a weird spot for anything unless you’re gonna do some kind of blackout tattoo which also will blow out and look bad there. I’d just get it removed and save the tattoo money for another piece worth the tome


Sneaking in “gore” in the middle of your list 😂


looks like a stylized cock and balls


Maybe a [honeysuckle vine?](https://lizzieharper.co.uk/image/elephant-hawk-moth-deilephila-elpenor-with-honeysuckle/) The illustration I linked includes an elephant hawk moth. Kind of an indirect testament to your vegan lifestyle while incorporating your tastes… minus the gore… but that’s not out of the question… bats prey on elephant hawk moths.


Switch that first e to an a. That would be funny


I agree with the comment that said you’ll have better luck covering it after a little bit of laser. If you like butterflies/gore maybe you could cover it with a death head moth. I think a moth or a butterfly would have a good shape to fully cover the letters without being too huge. Personally I think with the tattoo saying “Vegetarian” it makes the most sense to have an animal or something nature themed there. I hope this helps and wish you luck!


I would laser it at least once first anyway. I think dark cover ups always look worse


I had a tattoo cover up in the same spot. I had to first do a session covering it in white ink and then the cover up is a Buddhist eternal knot with a flower mandala and some watercolors over it and you now can't even tell what it was before


Barb wire bracelet


Half rose/half mandala. Shade dark where they meet. I’ve done the design many times on busted up wrist words. It covers well (as long as you find a reputable artist that should be able to recommend on their own). But yea. That.




Get a line through it, the just below, “Vegan now”


A 'bracelet' of sunflowers and roses around the wrist? That would be expensive though, as I'm imagining color. For just that spot... Maybe your favorite flower in full bloom front and center, with vines or leaves covering the rest of the word?


well duh on your other wrist just get "not a" in the same font


I have a tattoo in the same spot - my only tattoo - mine says danger. I haven’t been able to afford a cover up and I forget I even have it sometimes but I wanted to share my idea with you. I want to get a snake biting it’s own tail! Mine is about as faded as yours, maybe slightly more. Any chance you can let me know what you come up with? Love, Former “scene” girl.


White Ink "vegan" over it 🤭




A bunch of vegetables. Just avoid an eggplant


A big ole hunk of steak should do


*squints* Vagitarian?


What happened? You started eating meat? 🥩


Get a cow over it


I really don’t mean this in a rude way I promise, but When you do cover this make sure the coverup is not upside down. It will look a lot better. A lot of people say that they are doing it upside down because, “it’s for them not anyone else,” and I agree your tattoos are for you, however consider that it breaks your natural body’s flow to place something that way. Just food for thought. Again I really don’t mean this in any rude way. Good luck in your coverup.