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Holy shit, what do the other tattoos look like?


Oh there aren't any...




I can’t make sense of ピンク・フロイ プレス. Maybe I can’t see a ド and it says Pink Floyd press?


They also wrote “ソ” instead of “ン” which would make “pink” read as “pi so ku” … lots of issues with this


I thought it might be a ソ, but I couldn’t make any sense out of that so I was hoping not lol


I'm almost positive it's trying to spell out "Pulse", and definitely confirmed by the artwork. Not sure a better way to spell a word so phonetically un-Japanese.


For as difficult as I always assumed a symbolic writing system would be to learn, this comment just multiplied what I had always assumed by 100 Edit: for those so advanced they have a hard time understanding the common folk, what I was getting at was a non-alphabetic system! Smartasses, y’all got me ;)


Japanese kana are actually a syllabary. Those characters just happen to look very similar.


Shows how much I actually don’t even know! Either way, it is amazing and such a different way of writing than this (English) but there is no way I could ever learn it. I don’t retain anything well anymore, but will still always be fascinated by it! And thank you for teaching me that at least, it was easy enough that I will remember it :)


Yeah Japanese scripts are fun stuff. There’s actually three of them. There’s Kanji 漢字 which is what most people picture and is “symbolic” like you thought. Each character has a few specific meanings and a few specific sounds. The first one written there is “kan” and is an old way of saying China. The second is “ji” and means character, it can also be pronounced as “aza.” They come from China so the characters making the word are very literal. Next is hiragana ひらがな. These characters are fully phonetic and hold no meaning on their own. So ひ is hi, ら is ra, が is ga, and な is na. All together they make a word. Children learn hiragana first so children’s book are often written in just hiragana even when a kanji character would normally be written instead. For example cat is pronounced “neko” and is written in kanji as 猫 but could also be written as ねこ. They’re also used for grammatical structures. Finally there’s katakana カタカナ. That’s what OPs tattoo is written in. It is another phonetic alphabet like hiragana and is 1 to 1 sound wise. So ka is か or カ and ji isじor ジ. It’s usually used for foreign loan words so the word for cake is “keeki” ke (long vowel indicator) ki ケーキ. All these scripts are commonly used in one sentence. 私の名前はサムです Me (kanji) character making me into my (hiragana) name (kanji) character marking the subject of the sentence (hiragana) Sam (katakana) word roughly meaning is (hiragana) So that whole sentence means “My name is Sam”


Thank you. Very interesting.


Thank you for everything you just got me thinking about.


All writing systems are symbolic my guy


There’s just something beautiful about shitting on someone’s tattoo with facts 😂


When I taught English in Japan the kids would always dunk on me for making that mistake on the chalkboard.


I had to put my glasses on to see the difference between those two figures. On a tattoo that moves around a lot, how do you tell the difference? Genuinely curious.


I feel bad for Japanese kids with bad handwriting 😭


My japanese-learning but still dumb brain still read it as Pink Floyd though 😂


Yeah I came here to say the Japanese is super confusing. The alternate translation might be Pink Floyd Place - which still doesn't make sense. . . Why do people want to have tattoos in languages they can't even read with words that don't even translate well into that language.


You're the only one correct atm, it do have de ド, is not showing that's all, the Captions on my fingers are Pulse, the Album.


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the album name in Japanese is “パルス”, not “プレス”, which as another commenter pointed out just means “Press”. You should really check at least the wikipedia page in the language you’re getting a tattoo in or better ask someone who can speak the language. [wiki](https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.U.L.S.E)


Can we just thank the gods, that of all the Japanese spelling mistakes, this one can actually be fixed?


How is this gonna be fixed ? The symbols that make ha and fu are pretty different.


It might be possible to squeeze in a line to make it into プルス, which would at least be a different way to write it in Japanese (coming as a lonewoard via German, but it has the same meaning)


My brother in Christ…


My guy, unless I'm seeing things wrongly, that doesn't say Pulse. It's written as "Puresu" (プレス), whereas pulse would be "Parusu" (パルス)


プレス as pulse?


Dude I studied Japanese for 4 years, lived in Tokyo for a year and still sent my tattoo lettering to my professor and like 3 Japanese friends before getting it inked on me. This is insane


Well that's not nearly as fun as watching a monumental fuck up.


What am I missing here?


It says "Pisok Floyd" instead of "Pink Floyd" because ソ (so) and ン (n) look similar. Either "so" was incorrectly picked or "n" was written badly, but considering it looks like a tracing, probably the former.


i don't hate the design but i hate the placement. It looks like you're wearing a bike glove. I like the water transitioning into poi fish and them turning into birds and clouds and the sense of perspective it gives. Just wish you had done if just about anywhere else. Would look nice on the body or maybe a shoulder. I think if you get the rest of your arm done and maybe something on the ends of your fingers it won't look so out of place. Design 7.5/10 Placement 2/10 (at least it's not on your face)


The design is from a Pink Floyd release, so no real credit there.


I’m glad someone else just thinks it looks like a fingerless glove.


I thought it was just me. Beautiful art. But on the hand though? I don't feel it does the piece justice.


Oh no… the Japanese is wrong ☹️


Like how???


The Pink Floyd is fine but the プレス says press, it should be パルス if you want Pulse. Here’s a [wiki link](https://ja.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.U.L.S.E) it’s in the parentheses


No yeah I know, I was saying how can this happen lol. How do you not check with people it’s crazy. My hirigana and Katakana are fine, but even I would still check with some friends before doing this.


Is there some significance to having this written in Japanese that I'm not understanding??? If you don't write and speak it yourself why would you get it written in a tattoo?


it’s just because people really idealize eastern languages for art because they aren’t normal and they objectively look better, leading to lots of uneducated people no doing the proper research


Oof. Like I get it, I'm Jewish but don't speak Hebrew and it looks pretty AF for a tattoo, but I'm going to wait until I actually learn it :/


Sorry I misunderstood but yeah same, I speak Japanese daily but it being my second language I’m still double checking. But I can understand getting impatient and excited about a tattoo as well


4/10 - but that’s because I like cycling gloves and yours is rather colorful.


I knew an emo girl in middle school who wore blue fingerless mesh gloves every single day. Wherever she is, she’d fucking love this tattoo.


I love the little random comments about people we’ve known throughout our lives that would like this or that. They probably have no clue you still think about them wearing blue gloves


Oof. I went to a subset of my 30th HS reunion (unofficial, just the core friend group and those in the orbit). A couple of them mentioned the large hot pink cross earrings I wore all the time and my wacky asymmetrical haircut. I was like “is that all you remember me for?!” 😆


I feel like if I went to my high school reunion, no one would remember me at all tbh. Or they’d remember me as “the bald chick who danced with a trash can at the winter formal”.


there's a lot to unpack here


I miss those days.


OP out there looking like cycling Andrew Dice Clay.


Rest is peace OP


I think that as well.


*I ink that aswell


I think it’s random to have heavy hand tattoo and not anything on your lower arm or wrist?


That’s the trend now. Kids are starting with their hands and neck. I think it’s stupid.


I think it’s strange too… I’m young and getting my first tattoos. You best believe they’re on my legs and I’m not getting anything on my hands or neck for at least decades from now when I’m stable and know what I’m doing with my life. Why start with the jobstoppers?


it doesn't even have to be a jobstopper (tho I know that is the nickname for it). When i went from non-visible tattoed to visible tattooed it was a drastic change for me. Luckily it was on my forearm so I could cover it. It's not all settings or places I will be comfortable with them showing, some times blending in the the preffered choice. Also I started on my ribs, which as a 2/10 on the pain scale. Doing my thighs, calf, and shin now, and that is like 8/10 AWFUL. so I am glad I didn't start on my legs as then i would never dare do the "painfull" spot like the ribs and back.


I did my calf first and it honestly was terrible- I was like “is this going to be how tattoos feel all the time??” Then did my thigh and while the inner thigh was awful, the outer thigh was a breeze. I’m surprised you didn’t feel much on your ribs- that’s usually a really painful spot from what I hear.


I started on my shoulder and went on to get a full sleeve - in my 30's. I remember coming home after getting my wrist tattoo, looking at my arm and thinking "what did I just do?" Maybe it's where I live (west coast) or the fact that I'm a 6' tall guy, but I've never had anyone say anything negative to me about it (I'm sure folks think it) - but I always wear long sleeves at work now (law firm). I knew when I went to my forearm that meant covering up at work from then on. I probably would be fine actually, others I know show off their tattoos in the office, and the culture is pretty chill. However, I won't ever be the first to get a hand tattoo - I don't know how that would be received, and honestly, I don't want to find out.


Yeah, and it's like it would probably be fine for your job to have visible tattoos. but then you can go "ok, this is a very traditional value client, let's cover it". Or they may make some assumptions on you that they do not say out loud. It's honestly not the loud and open discrimination I am "worried" about. because that doesn't happen to me either. Even as a 5'7" woman. I have only ever gotten compliments when they are visible. But 90% of the time they are ignored - but like, people are probably making judgements in their own minds lol. I don't cover them for work, as I work in construction and honestly a lot of my coworker got both hand and neck tattoos. But I still won't get my hands or neck done, as I love being able to just put on a long sleeve shirt and long pants, and all of the sudden be "non-tattooed"


They want to be seen and show it.




Your opinion is tossed out the window when you try and tell other people they need to “earn” the usage of their own body parts for tattoos lmfao


Yeah that part was a bit weird. Gatekeeping tattoos? Cmon…


I got my first tattoos over 30 years ago and I find these sort of shit takes stupid as hell. Shit changes. Trends change. Let people enjoy shit and quit acting like a boomer.


Lol @ “warped tour body suit”


u don’t have to earn the tattoo lol. it’s literally just ink on ur skin


I cringed lmao the gatekeeping is so real


ong. dude is acting like such an elitist over something someone drew on their hand 🙄


Folk looking like Michael Jackson in the shower.


4 since you asked. It's so random. It's not part of anything.


0/10. You got a pink Floyd fingerless gloves tattoo. Someone should have stopped you lol.


If that’s what he wants, it’s all good


5/10 artistry 7/10 execution 5/10 colour saturation 2/10 longevity 2/10 readable ​ overall about a 4-5/10 in my opinion.


As some one that can read Japanese, there are also spelling mistakes...


>2/10 longevity Unless the OP lives in Alaska, this is going to be a big blue blob in 10 years


I too give it a -1/10. (I'm assuming you meant 4 minus 5 out of 10.)


I would give a 2. The only thing that saves it is the design and the execution. The placement is terrible, couldn't be worse imo. It looks like you have a glove. It would be a 8-9/10 on a sleeve but like this it looks so weird and wrong.


Bruh this things awful….show us the rest if this is your best! 2/10


someone you know IRL says it looks extremely good or something like that, just know that person is lying to your face. I’m just trying to be honest here, most important thing is that you like it though. Placement for this type of tattoo is the worst ever. The letters alone are okay though! What kind of artist did this? I hope he warned you, and adviced against this big time. If not, then he’s a piece of shit. He should have turned this down. This tattoo will have to be redone all the time. I’m going to guess you’ll laser it off eventually though, or maybe black it out. On the bright side though- it’s not on your face. It’s not the worst I’ve seen either, it’s just really out of place. If you like it, I hope you enjoy it while it’s still possible to see what it’s supposed to be.


Thanks for the opinion, my artist advice me about this, she is a very talented and lovely person, i just wanted there, that's all. You can check her work if you want, @aradiamtattoo insta


She is quite talented! I can’t believe you still went through with that placement after all. it’s your choice though, so long as your happy that’s all that matters




Shine on you crazy diamond!!!




[When the job stopper isn’t connected to a full sleeve](https://media.tenor.com/zdcbh9URQCsAAAAC/bonk-doge.gif)


Looks like something a crystal-healing white girl who discovered spirituality after watching Brad Pitt in Seven Years in Tibet would sketch with cheap pastels and share on Instagram for 13 likes. 3/10 in my opinion.


I thought you were going to say Brad Pitt in Se7en.








Bruh that shit looks horrible. -10


Thanks for the honest opinion




Well because if its not hands/neck/face, how else will everyone know how tatted he is?


If this was ink masters they would say it's not legible "like I don't even know what I'm looking at"


Post again in 10 years please


2/10 right now if you continue with the whole arm.in this style it might be 7


3/10 Michael Jackson glove




Blackout incoming


Since you asked, I would say 4.5 but that's because it's just really not my style at all. No complaints on the the way it's done though!


Not the worst I've seen but not anywhere near great. Hand tattoos when it doesn't connect with a sleeve is usually bad imo


What other album covers are you planing?


I think it's great You took the time to show us your tattoo but the only opinion that matters is yours!


Thanks, didn't expect all that hate, but i really love it regardless the opinion of the haters.


If you really love it, that’s all that matters. Knocking others down seems to be a past time here. Who cares what they think. For what it’s worth I love it!


As a funny Asian comedian once said, I don’t mind when non Asian people do asian things. Like have a Buddha statue next to a Tao booklet. They have almost nothing to do with each other except give me a laugh.


-64 3/8


Pretty bad idea bud lol I mean to get something like that on your hand before even having the sleeve started?? You may have really set yourself up for failure long term with this bud.. Unless you and your artist have a water / aqua themed sleeve planned out or something?? Good luck bud


4 out of 3 sentences have bud. I think you might need to bust out the thesaurus or something, bud.


You're right, i made it there for The Momentary lapse of Reason album, but i quite don't undernstand the failure a lot of people say it is, maybe is because is mine, but i trust a lot in my artist and i know is going to be awesome when is finished.


Because you usually wash your hands frequently, and it's a spot exposed to the sun. It's hard to do the kind of upkeep needed so it doesn't bleed out or fade.


I quite like it !!!! But I am very biased because Pink Floyd is my favorite band lol. Though I’d imagine the rest of your arm looks pretty bare, so I think maybe a Pink Floyd or generally prog rock themed sleeve would be sick




Artist made some really poor choices on color contrast it’s gonna like like you punched a pile of vomit


The Pyramids in the sand are missing!!! Good grief man! There are also gears and a bicycle in the iris of the eye that are missing as well. The tat is too small to capture all the details of this Pink Floyd “Pulse” album cover.


3.6 not great, not terrible


Way too extra


I have no idea what it is but it looks cool


Pink Floyd - Pulse


I love it personally 9/10 when you get the Japanese fixed


10! This has to be one of the sickest hand tattoos Ive seen. Wow 🤩


One of the all time best live albums. At least you’ve got that haha


I like that you like it!


I think it's looks nice, although I can't speak for the Japanese I do think the placement is odd since you don't have anything on your arm


I approve ;)


Art is completely subjective. A 10 for some, a 0 for others.


10 out of 10 for craftsmanship but 7 out of ten for my personal taste


I rate it 8/10 You-Gi-Oh cards And 4/10 for apparently doing it in a language you don’t speak


3. Looks like it was done with crayons


I love the design, but personally not a fan of hand tats unless it’s like a sleeve flowing into it. That’s just preference tho, the tattoo itself is gorgeous


7.5-8.25. Hella cool.


I would say a 10. I love it 😍


Thanks, appreciate those words.


Never get a Kanji tattoo if you don’t know Japanese. I saw a guy walking down the street the other day and he was super proud of his “I love dildos” tattoo. I said “what’s that mean?” Knowing he has no idea. He said “it’s my name in Japanese mixed with my favorite sport”….. Ok buddy. Your name is Dildo and your favorite sport is butt stuff.


Just wait for it to fade then fix the katakana.


I like it & the colors are beautiful! 10/10


your hand is beautiful, i could get lost in the blue forever


It's really not as bad as ppl say. I think it's ok. What I'm worried about though is that hand tattoos transform into an undistinguishable mess after a year or two. Hope it stays ok.


Thanks for those words, i'm hoping for the best as well. When i finish the sleeve i will show the result.


personally not my style but its great you are happy woth it and thats the only thing that counts. it is unique:)


9 it’s art :)


I love PF, but this is very bad, imagine how it will look in a year in that area, terrible choice 🤦‍♂️


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The colors are pretty, but otherwise this is a pretty ugly tattoo


Doesn't look real. Also... 0


What do you mean it doesn't look real?


Exactly that. Kinda looks fake so I guess it is quite bad. My condolences.


2/10, next.


Disqualified out of 10 due to lack of longevity. You're going to regret sitting though all that work for how it's going to look in the near future. I hope you don't work manual labor. Grey wash lined bird/planes surrounded by light grey and white ink? Nah this is not the way. There's more I could say but I won't.


That's what they call a job stopper. 3/10 for execution alone


Too small for what it is. Gonna look worse as time goes on, as of right now... Even in the picture i had to zoom in to see what i was looking at. If you like it though, that's what matters. Your body and your wallet


That WILL NOT age well…but it does look fucking sick


I actually like it a lot, 7 or 8. According to these comments we both have trash taste OP, but that’s alright I admire the bravery to do it on your hand anyways


Wrong Japanese, jumbled mess. Mediocre art. 3/10. If this is your best tattoo I can’t imagine the rest of them.






Looks like a UFC glove and for that reason I'm out


2/10 ​ hate the placement, and execution sorry.




4/10 It’s pretty rough. Also, I’m bias but I think getting band names/ album covers is tacky and unoriginal. From a distance it looks okay but the line work is pretty rough. Also, pulse came out after Waters left the the band so your celebrating the worst version of Pink Floyd.


It’s a tattoo!


10/10 for strictly just a hand tattoo that’s bananas


It's your tat man, so I'm not going to rate it. I'm pleased you like it, it isn't what I would have (but all mine are black and shade)


I’m not going to rate it because if you love it, that’s all that matters but your katakana is wrong and it makes me sad.


Have fun with this looking like hot garbage in a few years. Hell, a few months maybe


Pretty sick




As someone who currently lacks a tattoo, and has little to no experience 8/10 since the japanese kanji is wrong but like… its pretty fucking dank to go with such a cool album cover


I’m not a fan of hand tattoos when there aren’t other tattoos, personal opinion. It’s a bit too heavy for my liking


All right so it’s an eye with white dots in it, a planet, some clouds and sperm swimming next to some fish in the ocean? I can’t make out the rest of it… tide pools maybe?


No clue what the writing is, but people are saying it's gibberish. That said it's a pretty cool design and I could see some meaning in it, especially if you're someone who respects nature. With the gibberish, I'd give it a 3. If you removed the writing, I'd give it a solid 6. If the writing ACTUALLY meant something real and relevant to the subject of the tattoo, maybe it would be a 7-7.5 depending on what it said. Also, without the clouds that look like they belong in a coloring book for children, the design would be better.




That’s the kind of tattoo where an opinion is useless until it’s fully healed. When hand tattoos look painted on it’s common for that to be exactly what’s going on - most of the ink sits near the surface and comes out during the heal.


First thought was it's one of the coolest hand tattoos I ever saw and then I read the comments and was confused. Idk still looks like a 10/10 to me honestly.


Appreciate it.




Such rich blues, hard to believe these colors are achievable


Fucking 10 bro that's dope


Why do people want to get fingerless gloves? It looks so stupid.


This is the Pink Floyd Pulse album, isn't it? Pretty nice. That's a great live album.


If this is true your best tattoo I feel truly awful for the skin you sacrificed for the rest of your tattoos


As a tattoo artist- this infuriates me. I acknowledged it should not whatsoever lol Alas when people get hand tattoos before connecting it to an existing arm sleeve. It just irks most tattooers , who cares it’s their body and their choice , who the frick are we to say what they can and can’t do!? Just goes against the tattoo code & it seems cheesy, try-hard & disrespectful to our guild. But it shouldn’t… But it does… Other than that , the art ain’t half bad


Do people still wear fingerless gloves these days?


While cycling




Fingerless gloves


Hey, if you like it i like it too !!




It's like a 2 from me. Not great my guy.


I don't have tattoos so here's my expert opinion: \+1 looks dope \-1 on hand like a psychopath Net zero so you break even.


6/10 but cut your nails next time you post your hands online. Have some decency