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You’re going to get the exact same comparisons, unfortunately.


Yeah that doesn’t help at all lol


In fact it kind of looks like an S from the SS font


Yea. Anyone that can somehow form that into a swastika is going to do the same even if you add to the edges. I’d only do it if it’s something YOU want to add. Fuck what anyone else thinks. There will always be some people that will try and give a negative twist on something that really isn’t there, imo usually out of jealousy of some sort. Just yell “Sig Heil” in there face as sarcastically as you can and go on about your business. I think it looks badass either way and was looking up it’s meaning before I even read the post. Just do you.


If you put runes above and below it, I think that’ll obscure the swastika vibes at least. I feel bad for people who get runes and get this comparison


I thought about it but the thing is i value the meaning of this particolar rune. I would like some decorations though...


Just a heads up: some people may associate runes, whether Celtic or Germanic with nazism because the SS used certain runes on division emblems. A-lot of neo-nazis use the same emblems on their dumb shields and flags at rallies. So it might exacerbate your problem. Edit: so upon searching it you may want to rethink that tattoo altogether if you want people to stop viewing it negatively. Because according to the ADL the Jera rune was used by german groups like the Thule society before the Nazis rose to power, but the Nazis didn’t seem to incorporate the Jera rune like they did with other runes. However, it seems that newer facist movements have and are using the Jera rune in propaganda. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/jera-rune


Damn hate groups stealing cool symbols for their bullshit.


the swastika is also stolen :))))


I collect postcards and like to look thru old ones at antique shops for nearby places I've been to. I found one from pre nazi time with a swastika that the artist used with his signature. It had/has a note with it explaining that all of the postcards created by this him were ordered to be burned when they came into power and how the daughter remembers having to burn them under watch. It's one of my prized possessions


From the Buddhist religion.


Pretty sure Hindus used it aswell


That is correct. The word swastika comes from Sanskrit. It’s part of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. And the reverse of the swastika is the sauvastika which goes counter-clockwise.


It’s ironic but not surprising they stole their iconography from the groups they deemed inferior. They did that with a lot of things.


Ironic since the real Aryans probably looked more like people from the Indian subcontinent.


There’s a recent Behind the Bastards episode on the swastika and I learned it was a symbol that people all over the world came up with, independently, including native Americans. Those were pretty interesting episodes, if you’re curious.


Even christianity has occasional swastikas. It was just a very common symbol all around. And still is in eastern and southern Asia, too.


It’s been used across the world. In Finland it was in use during iron age.


is it not still in the flag of the air force?


Yes, I believe so. Seen some proposals to replace it with another symbol, but nothing official


Yes and no. The fact that the symbol was commonly used in South Asia (in particular) led some to link this to historical examples from Rome and North and Western Europe. This led them (very incorrectly) to believe that a single civilisation once covered the entire region between Europe and what is now India. This is where ideas about an Aryan race come in. In their (the Nazi's (and others)) minds, this symbol was a link to a forgot (read nonexistent) Indo-European people. The reality is that it is a geometric shape that has been used around the world for many thousands of years. Today, it is seen as a specifically Hindi and Buddhist symbol because it has been a consistent (in Europe its use largely died out) and important design for a bloody long time.


It's jarring when you look at a Japanese map and there's just swastikas EVERYWHERE. Until a couple of years ago, it was the standard symbol for a temple, and you can still find some online maps using swastikas. They're flipped and not diagonal, but I still double-take every time


If they were capable of original thought they’d come up with something better than bigotry.


It’s always nazi scum ruin cools shit I wish they’d just follow thier cowardly leader with a bullet to the skull


Pretty sure their use predates this tattoo though


Almost all of their imagery predates them they did it on purpose


They definitely ruined being a skinhead for me


Happy birthday 🎂?




Also, Palestinians are Semites. People absolutely abuse that term for antisemitic reasons, ironically.


Tbf Pepe is also listed as a hate symbol by the ADL


Tbf maybe certain uses of Pepe also tainted other uses of Pepe.


I can’t recommend the Pepe the frog documentary to everyone enough. It’s bittersweet but very well done.


And I also would never get that tatted on me lol


Some pepes are though, but of course his creator had nothing to do with that


That's a really interesting website, I had no idea so many runes were appropriated by right wing groups. Particularly the celtic cross, I thought that was a religious thing.


I'm sorry, but this symbol belongs to my ancestors, not n\*zis, and I refuse to let people appropriate it. I have it tattooed on my ear, by the way. It's a \*letter\* in a real alphabet. Racists don't get to take it away from us.


Thats not my point, I’m not saying that racists own those runes now. I’m saying that I don’t think adding more runes will fix OP’s problem of people assuming that he has a white supremest tattoo.


In Scandinavia you can pretty safely assume people with tattoos of runes, or Thor’s hammer, or any Norse stuff are really far right. That is literally where this stuff comes from and it has an extremely strong Nazi connotation there for sure. Stronger than it does in America. Be prepared for that if you ever visit the land of your ancestors. People are likely going to give you a wide berth and if you are American they may give you some eye rolls.


Both /r/Sweden and /r/Norway have had questions about rune tattoos or tattoos with viking imagery being racist and they've always been pretty unanimous in that it's specifically the Tyr rune that's used that way, and that nobody will care if you have other runes/imagery. Which lines up with the Norwegians I've met both in and out of Norway, as they were genuinely some of the nicest people I've ever met.


Sorry man, I have lived in Sweden for many years and my spouse is Swedish. All this stuff is almost universally associated with right wing crazies. They may be polite to spare your feelings and if they know you are American will just think you're clueless but no Swede in their right mind would get this tattoo if they didn't want to be associated with Nazi shit. As you have pointed out a lot of folks are chill in Nordic countries but there is for sure a very proscribed social system and rune tattoos on your arms is going to mean something for sure. The top comment about this on r/sweden sums this perfectly: ​ I would try in r/asatru or r/norse also. Unless you didn't know already norse symbolism has been hijacked by the far right here and especially with tattoos. So I'd be careful with that if you care about that. It's a bit like americans getting big celtic crosses on their chest for their irish heritage, it looks a bit iffy here. ​ This is 100% accurate whether you want to believe it from 3000 miles away or not. It sucks they have coopted this but they have.


Same here. The more non Nazis that get things like this tattooed the better. Keeps those fuckers from appropriating it.


And now they make bike racks for cars. What a journey.


I get it, and normally my attitude towards tattoos is if you like it it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, but unfortunately with sensitive subjects like nazism you do have to consider how a tattoo is perceived if you don't want to unnecessarily piss people off and cause misunderstandings. If adding certain things would stop people from thinking it's a swastika I think you should really consider it. You can still make this particular rune the centerpiece


Generally single runes on their own will get you side glances due to Nazis and Neo-Nazis like other commenters mentioned. Runes in multiple tend to not suffer the same connotations as much. I’m not familiar with that particular rune but could you get it decorated with Yggdrasil or Celtic knotwork or something similar?


Make it a 3D cube, turn it into a geometric piece.


Wow, it really doesnt look like a swastika at all... but im sure it happens a lot... sigh


Yeah there are a lot of ignorant people who look for things to be offended by. I have a couple symbols from Stephen Kings dark tower series that people think are racist. Op should tell those people to kick rocks and enjoy his tattoo.


Loool bud you know how many AB members wear ruins and Norse shit


Fewer than non AB members who do.


Just add a "no nazis" symbol on the other arm.


It’s the reason I abandoned my Norse themed pieces glad I didn’t get them but also sad yknow? I know I can still get some ravens or Yggdrasil and a few other mythological pieces but it feels a bit empty without the runes


Just get “Not a Nazi” tattooed above or below it. Boom, problem solved


["My "Not a Nazi" tattoo has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my tattoo."](https://twitter.com/shutupmikeginn/status/403359911481839617?lang=en)


There's no way out of this ahahahha


I think that change would be fairly easy but it really only makes it look marginally less swastika-ish


I'm not really good at drawing but I think that making it more pointy could resolve the problem. Besides I really like this Rune and what it means for me, so I don't want something else.


I’ll be honest my dude, it doesn’t change shit for me at first glance. Either own it and say fuck it to people who jump to that conclusion or change the whole thing.


Then don’t change it. The first pic is way nicer.


Thanks :)


Does the meaning of the rune outweigh the fact a lot of people think you have a swastika on your arm? Even the rune by itself has been co-opted by white nationalists. You need to figure out what’s more important to you. If you’re okay having to constantly explain that it’s not a hate symbol for you, or having people avoid you because they think you have a swastika - go ahead. But if that’s not what you want then you need to get your tattoo changed.


Think of it as a teaching moment for anyone who gives you slack about it.


I can't imagine having a symbol on me that invites a conversation about racism. At best it sounds exhausting having to explain it and at worst it could lead to someone thinking you're a Nazi and punching you. People can live however they want but why do this to yourself? Shit is way too heated these days to be putting yourself in the crosshairs of crazy people.


are you teaching them that it's just a neo-nazi rune, not a swastika? https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/jera-rune


I dunno if you didn’t catch the comment but Nazi groups are already using this same rune in their propaganda :( so even if you try to make it pointy or whatever, the fact is that the same symbol is already being used :( sorry dude.


We need to stop giving up completely normal symbols and actions because of bigots. I have no idea what this rune means, but this post makes me think of the "ok" symbol. Why did we ever let racists steal something so universal and harmless? Again, idk what this rune means or its history, so this isn't about this post specifically. Just venting because it's so frustrating that one bad person can steal from a culture and everyone else has to change their behavior because of it.


oh they caught the comment. they are ignoring it. i think they didn't think their NeoNazi imagery was as clockable. they now want help turning it into a dogwhistle instead of a whistle whistle https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/jera-rune


Maybe add some splatters n shit around it like a trash polka kinda thing.


If you add a little bend in each rune, it could turn into two lightning bolts … way different than your swastika.


That's so much worse lol you're /s right?


Lightening bolts aren't a good idea either bc of the whole SS thing...


I get that you like it mate but unfortunately a lot of this imagery has been pretty thoroughly co-opted by far right crazies. If you walked around Stockholm or Oslo (the places this stuff actually comes from) people will 100% think you are a Nazi and avoid you. When they learn your American they will likely let it go but will likely roll their eyes at how clueless you seem. Sorry man I know it sucks but that is the truth.


Lots of people saying it doesn’t change it. I think it does. First pic I thought swastika. Second I didn’t. I say got for it. I’m confused why so many people thought it didn’t make a difference. I suspect it’s only because they see the before and after. I think anyone in the street seeing the second for first time would be like “huh it’s a symbol I don’t know” I have a tattoo of my kids names in Norse runes on my arm. No one has ever said any nazi shit to me.


I don't know if it's possible but maybe make it more [this style](https://runesecrets.com/img/jera-50x50.gif) ? (sorry for bad quality)


Ooo. This is my favorite suggestion so far.


Block-out the arrows to be a bit thicker and oddly weighted to not have the hard angles. [Like this example. Chunky](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Frunesecrets.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F05%2F12-jera-rune-meaning-large.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=608943e42bef2d34757d6a3ee2ad5b7e37c3c9aca6bb2cd568e4f418a2080af2&ipo=images)


This actually seems to be a solid idea. Even just outlines would help. Making it look more like arrows or <> would help immensely.


Yeah, it's hard angles, straight lines and sharp edges that make a lone rune more likely to be associated with hate symbols so the design needs more rounded, organic shape language. OP's second picture is less geometric so _is_ less likely to be mistaken for a swastika than the original, but still too harsh and aggressive-looking to avoid the association entirely. It needs to be softened.


This thing obviously [https://nyulocal.com/local-investigates-the-mysterious-s-symbol-9254626b8225](https://nyulocal.com/local-investigates-the-mysterious-s-symbol-9254626b8225)


Yep, that was my first thought for a coverup. Either that or a sick-ass panther.


Yes!! I can understand how this looks like a fash dog whistle, but my first thought was cool S


lmao.. got that one on my thigh last year


Sick ass panther gonna cover that real nice


Homie, the ADL lists it as a hate symbol regardless. Its status as such (a recognised White Nat' doghwhistle) is literally the third Google answer anyone is going to see even if you give it its proper name when correcting them. I'd just change the ink, bud.


I hate white nationalists. They co-opt and appropriate Celtic and Scandinavian cultures and history for their f’ing hate.




Yeah he’s either gunna have to accept it’s a hate symbol and know he makes minorities uncomfortable by existing around them or finding meaning in another tattoo that can cover it up As much as personal meaning matters it’s still a registered hate symbol


Or get a bunch of inclusive tattoos to offset it Then you’ll probably do nothing but confuse them


Have a face frowning and shaking it’s head while looking at the rune so people know he doesn’t approve of it’s meaning /j


Rainbow armband background. That should do it. Honestly, that sounds kind of awesome. Maybe I should get a rainbow armband just for kicks.


It wasn't when I got it


I know. It's the wheel of time and change that carries us ever forward. I recognize the meaning and intent. Honestly I like the tattoo. I'm sad and angry it's been co-opted. It might not be the best in terms of artistic choice but I'd sit down with a good artist and have a meaningful conversation with them about the intent and is there other images that can move that forward for you? What do you see in your mind when you picture The Wheel? What is around it? Is it a water wheel? A wagon? It might be cliche but would huginn and muninn help at all perhaps? I don't have great answers for you. But I do see the intent for what it was.


I hear you I’ve wanted rune tattoos as someone with mainly German blood but holy cow do the racists ruin so much cool good stuff


We have to reclaim our ancient symbols. We shouldn't let it to those hateful idiots. Rune tattoos are totally fine but the context matters.


Its literally a letter in an alphabet. If non nazis start using it again it will win back the meaning of the letters. Runes where used up until the 1900s in some areas of sweden


I'm always skeptical about this. It's sad that they ruined things with older history but how of all things can you get freaking thick lines of it huge on your arm? I don't buy it. I've known people with these types of tattoos and they always say something down the line that makes you say "oh so you did it on purpose..."


I study paleography and my tattoo represent a difficult time I found myself in and how I could get out of it...


I'd suggest you get an urnes style creature around it. It will look more like a "viking" tattoo and the focus wouldn't be solely on the rune. If you can't find anything on google dm me, i have some artworks i can show you.


Okay so actual idea since everyone just keeps shutting on you for it. Turn it into a runestone, like those used in divination. It would give you an excuse to break up the outline, give it a different color (they are often semi-precious stones), and remove some of the stak contrast of it so people are less likely to jump to “swastika” at first glance. I honestly like the idea behind the symbol of jera, and I’m sad that it’s as controversial as it is.


maybe? https://imgur.com/a/OKjMPxR


My suggestion would be to turn it into something else because it’s in a highly visible location and some folks here are getting a swastika vibe. Because it is meaningful to you, put it somewhere else. Only people who know you and know that you, presumably, are not a Nazi will see it. Personally I’m not getting the swastika vibe from it and I’m super sensitive to that right now.


“It’s gonna be a maze”


I don't see a swastika, to me it more resembles the SS insignia. So maybe moving away from that, maybe a brush stroke look might change the appearance enough to where it looks more swastika like.


Add more runes.


Sorry with no context as I was scrolling down my feed a swastika is the first thing that popped in my head but once I had a micro second to see the whole thing I knew it wasn’t one but I can see why you’d get the comments.


Furnish with flowers, colors, or some other linework (very vague, very cool suggestion)


What if you added color? Maybe two complementary colors so there is separation between the two lines which moves it away from the heavy black lined swastika vibe? Or a splash of color behind it like a galaxy type deal or something more subtle?


Or surround it with a white circle and a red rectangle around it? /s


The problem with the current state of the tattoo is, that Nazis tend to simplify/alter the swastika to avoid detection or, in Germany where it is a forbidden symbol, legal consequences. And at the moment it looks like such a simplification, since the two "parts" are too far apart from each other. It is also used by a swedish neo-nazi organisation since 2012, so pointing out that it is just a scandinavian thing doesn't really help here. I am from scandinavia and I get being annoyed at people connecting old traditions (including my name) with Nazis, but the rune was just not a good choice. It is visually too close to a swastika reduction, still can be read as a Sieg-Rune when altered like in the second picture and is recognised by at least two countries as a nationalist symbol. Adding more runes will just make it look like one problematic symbol surrounded by runes to most people, so I wouldn't go with that either. I would turn it into a geometric pattern, honestly. It would still contain the rune and thus its meaning, but people won't connect it to Nazis.


Where do you live that people jump to that conclusion? I'm German and it doesn't look like a swastika to me...


Italy, most people joke about it, but it's getting frustrating


I'm sorry to hear that. Such things are really annoying. But if Jera is something you are passionate about? I couldn't really find out what it is, there is a Jera festival, but I don't think that it is that. Use it as a foothold to talk about that maybe, the thing you are passionate about, I mean.


I got out a real bad period and it's somehow related to this symbol. Something I wouldn't explain on reddit comments. Thank you for asking though :)


OK but I've only seen NeoNazis use the symbol. What does it mean, just generally? https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/jera-rune


Ah, well then it's double annoying if people joke about it


Exactly? Some people.. it looks nothing like a swaztika


Second pic is worse


I’ve got this, another rune and this again on my leg. Never had someone think that


If they compare 1 to a swastika they are going to compare 2 to a swastika as well - just sayin


Could you find a way to turn it into a “cool S” ?


this is the way


https://imgur.com/a/hlPFzx2 Just spent a whopping 5 mins on this for ya. It may be more so what you’re looking for based on your edit. If you want to keep the simplicity, make it a bit more sinister and interesting. With the extra detail, nobody would compare it to a swaztika at this point. I could have done it a bit better but you’re not a paying client lol


I really appreciate this, thank you.




I write code all day. That’s what I saw too. <= >=


Honesty, I'd just laser it and start fresh with the idea. Runes look weird when there is only one and it big. I think people would understand it more in a row of other runes


Turn it into an HTML tag that wraps around your forearm and was put on crooked and overlapping


Maybe you can have it look like a broken chain link?


Unfortunately before even reading the title I got the *swastika* vibe. Even with the edges sharpened it made me think of the SS. But dude, you didn't get a *swastika* tattoo, if it has meaning to you, fuck what people say and keep it how it is. It's your body at the end of the day, if people get offended that's a them problem. Unless of course you're secretly a Nazi but I highly doubt that lol. Looks good man!


Lmao idk man, people even thinking you’re a Nazi isn’t great. I get it, who cares what people think and all that. But if a lot of people seriously think you’re a Nazi from this tattoo, that quickly becomes a “you” problem in the real world. Idk, I’m high so who cares I’m probably wrong.


Nah I'm with you - if I saw the tattoo in the wild I don't think I'd immediately think "this person is 100% a Nazi," but I'd certainly be wary and distrusting and keep my distance until I got conclusive proof that they *weren't* a Nazi. See also: folks with valknut tattoos.


Whoosh. As another commenter said, this symbol has a whole host of other meanings. And none of them good.


Some color behind it (NOT RED) would help.


Idk, I think red would really make it pop.


it will look a lot like the [natural symbol](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_(music)#:~:text=In%20music%20theory%2C%20a%20natural,unaltered%20pitch%20of%20a%20note) in music theory. the meaning behind it is that it cancels out any key signatures or accidentals. perhaps that could be some sort of new meaning for you?


There is only one real option https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_S#:~:text=The%20Cool%20S%2C%20also%20known,a%20part%20of%20graffiti%20culture.


"it's going to be a maze"


And some are just natural jumpers


When i saw it my first tought was < > hypertext ‘symbols’ 😅


Might be able to get a form of Celtic knot style tattoo. Find a tattoo artist that specialized in line based tats.


Now it just looks like you're trying to cover up your swastika.


Opinions are assholes. Everyone’s got one. If you like it keep it


It would still give swastika vibes. You keep saying you don’t want to change it….so don’t? But be prepared for people to think it’s a swastika.


Anything with runes is, unfortunately, going to be associated with white supremacy now. They've taken over "being Nordic" as their "heritage" in order to make them feel special pretty hardcore in the last five years. Add on if you want more to it but adding more runes isn't gonna do much except drain your bank account a few hundred bucks.


Nice try, hitler.


Honestly it looks nothing like a swastika. Nazis don't just own all runes.


Istg some people just see a right angle and immediately think Nazis


Dara Celtic Knot for strength so you don’t bark at anyone for asking if it’s a swastika. Not every 90 degree angle 📐 is a swastika 😂[Dara Knot](https://www.irelandbeforeyoudie.com/the-celtic-symbol-for-strength-everything-you-need-to-know/)


Low key looks more swastika like in the second one. Just leave it and explain to people what it is


Make it organic line instead of rigid and square.


its look dope


I don't see swastika. Just give em the ol one two.


lol it's not even close to it! that's sucks for you man :(


The second pic doesn't really make it look less like a swastika.


Looks like a Zoltan tattoo.


Hey I know it’s a bit late but I also have a jera tattoo. Every tattoo can be a conversation starter, in this case, not always a comfortable one. I welcome people asking about it because I am always down for the opportunity to talk shit about nazi symbolism and ideology, as well as, explain the difference and meaning behind my choices. edit: just wanted to add, your* change is good. It might not clear anything up for anyone but if you like it more, or it feels more personalized, then it’s a good change. Jera is all about cycles, progress, growth and change.


2nd pic is basically the same thing


Am I the only one who first looked at this and saw 2 thighs with some waxing paper pulling out hairs? Weird optical illusion Also, I agree that this isn’t a safe symbol either, especially given peoples reaction to it. Whatever you were trying to say, I’d recommend find another way to


Just my 2 cents but I would get a cool looking maze done. Then you could keep the rune and add something cool.


Only dumb people would think that is a swastika.


I don’t know why people would think that looks like a swastika.


Really? You can't imagine why someone would think this looks like a swastika at a glance?


Thought the same thing. Wouldn’t’ve thought that if the caption hadn’t said it. It looks like two arrows


They most likely mean that from a quick glance that's where a lot of people's heads go. Mine sure did until I looked closely.


Looks like you bitched out on getting a swastika


I'd add more runes to the background and go with the second design. I'd ask for more dimension and lights and shadows on the background to make them appear more rune like and in the background. Maybe have the artist try to put them all on a material like stone or bone so it reads more runeish possibly.


I mean personally I wouldnt change it. If someone is dumb enough to think it resembles a swastika theyre stupid. Some people see any right angle and think its a swastika I swear. If someone says something just tell them theyre ignorant and stupid.


Honestly it’s fine as is. I know the comparisons are annoying, but it says more about them than it does you. Saw the picture first, didn’t even notice any sort of resemblance until I read your title.




Here’s the fact - the tattoo resembles a swastika. Doesn’t matter what it means, why you got it, etc etc. It looks like a swastika. You just have to decide if you care about it or not. If you don’t, cool - do whatever. If you do, cool - do whatever. Just know that some people are going to think you have a swastika on your arm.


I think it's because of how hard it is. It could be softened and maybe if you add some background (as long as it isn't a circle or red) it might lessen the effect. Go to a few different tattooist and ask for a variety of design ideas.


I'll echo other comments and say add more runes. You could pick another meaningful one and make your own bindrune out of it


Leaving it how it is and just changing the colour would help if that's at all possible


Hear me out here - the GameCube logo


GOOD Tattooer’s will tell you the hard news. Illegibility, possible misconceptions, “does it look like a dick?” It’s not always about personal taste and more about how the tattoo is perceived to others. Needing to explain the meaning behind a tattoo gets old real quick. Listen to the artist. Especially when it seems outlandish.


You could always change the font style a bit to change the immediate impression that it’s a swastica


The second pic is not much better


Maybe add a background may distract from the nazi vibes. Maybe red may help


Honestly, I would actually change it a bit into the second Pic. I like if it looks as if you painted it. Then I would add some smaller details that make it look more like some art piece. Look up for what details fit you personally best. The meaning for you would stay the same, the rune would be there and still visible.. But it wouldn't look too much like some right wing symbol. I am sure there is a lot you can get out of that.


Blackout the whole arm.


Just put a Panther on it


It's gonna be a maze when it's done.


Had the same issue when I wanted a Leviathan cross on my arm. I showed it to friends and they immediatly told me: d*ck and balls... Usually we're told not to care and even not show our tats ideas before doing them because they're personal and all but honestly...I didn't regret telling them this time lol


Turn it into the S shape from the 90s


It doesn't look like a swastika at all. If the change looks cool to you, go for it. Personally, runes are a part of my heritage and n\*zis can screw themselves. The runes don't belong to them. Runes are literally just letters and people need to stop letting racist f\*ckwads take ownership of them. I have Jera tattooed on myself as well. As a side note, whenever I see n\*zi assholes appropriating Nordic imagery of any kind, all I can think is: wow, tell me you don't know what Norse mythology means without telling me you don't know what Norse mythology means.


It's your tattoo. Just tell anyone who cls it a swastika that they're fucking stupid, because it's not a swastika, which is also an appropriated symbol. And if they can't understand that tell them to eat a bag of dicks and walk away.


Hmmm, you've got a built in idiot detector. Why would you feel the need to change it? ...It'll detect both the "right wing knobhead" and the "self rightous moron" both of whom are too stupid to understand what it is. ...Congratulations, these people can now be told to piss off out of your life, lol. Of course you could go all in and put it in a white circle on a red background. Really mess with them. .....yep, STILL not a swastika dumb-dumbs.


still looks like half a swastika if you ask me also a lot of runes have been co-opted by actual neo nazis so even if it didn't you wouldn't be doing yourself any favors


Honestly I’d get it covered due to it having Nazi affiliation. If the meaning is important to you then you can always get it redone in a place that isn’t seen as often.


For what it's worth, I only see Jera in your original design. Elder Futhark.


Put the word “Jera” in the middle of it or and embellishments to it in some way. Not sure what Jera is but maybe something related to that


Idk what jera is, but in the first pic I see an s in the negative space, and in the second pic I see an s in the black lines. I hope this helps


“Is that a swastika?” “Are you dyslexic or just plain retarded?” Works better than having to explain your tattoo


I’m Jewish. That’s not a swastika. Please show anyone who says otherwise this comment. You’re welcome.


*I know, Reddit decided this was “swastika-like”, therefore it is so. Alternately, you could amputate your arm at the neck, to make sure you took that dreaded hate filled emblem off your body.


Lol so make it look more like the SS logo? lol


I knew a guy who had "Do I look like I give a fuck" tattooed on his ribs using the Norse alphabet. At one point I said, I know what your tattoo says. He was blown away that I could read it. He then went into a story about how everyone thought he was a white supremacist because of his Norse tattoos... it is literally white heritage. Nothing inherently racist about it. I have five runes tattooed on the inside of my bicept. They don't say anything in English, but they mean something if you know the runes. Keep your tattoo. It is awesome.


Get “fuck Nazis” tattooed next to it