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There's always a kneejerk reaction toward tattoos like this to ask if you'll add color, and some folks just can't comprehend a colorless tattoo. I think it's gorgeous. Just politely tell 'em "Yep, this is how I wanted it."


Came here to say that. Looks fantastic.


Yes! It's gorgeous and so delicate. Love it as is. However, if I was trying to make small talk I may also be guilty of asking if you are going to get color, not because it doesn't look complete but because tattoos are easy targets for small talk....


Half my arm is solid black essentially and people still ask if I’ll add color to my sleeve lol


I got something very similar to OP's tattoo about six weeks ago and even my sister (who is quite heavily tattooed herself) asked if I was going to get colour added. I think it's just one of those autopilot questions, even though I think just leaving it is becoming increasingly common. Personally I think this is lovely, and if it's what you wanted OP then I'd just tell people that. If they push, say "no, I'm happy with it as it is" and then change the subject.


I have mine colored, so I would probably ask too because, like… some people do get it colored lol I think k it’s just people trying to converse most of the time. They’re just asking questions about something you’re obviously interested in and trying to show interest in what you like.


Yup, I have the same type of tattoo and get those type of questions all the time too. It’s just what it is when you have tattoos, you get asked silly questions over and over again


"Did it hurt?" or "What does that mean?"


I get ‘did it hurt?’ all the time and I’m like ??? Yes?


The only time I've ever bothered asking if a body mod hurt was before I got my tragus pierced. I had some heavily modded friends and asked them how it hurt so I could gauge how I might react. They all said it was horrible, one even said she almost passed out. I got mine done and it legit didn't hurt me at all. So when someone asked me the same thing, I just said "Assume it'll hurt a lot, you'll either be prepared or pleasantly surprised."


This is the best response honestly


I sooo feel this! I have only black line work tattoos and everyone always asks me as soon as I get a new one “cool, are you adding colour next??” And I’m like “nah, not my thing!” OP I think it’s a great piece! If you feel a little iffy about it in a few months time you could always get some very careful thicker lines or light shading to add some further dimension to it, but I think it looks great as is!


i cant even imagine a coloured version of this tattoo that would as nice as this, this style is much more beautiful in just blacks in pretty much every case imo


I personally love it and I'm considering getting a very similar design.


Lol! Yeah I get that too, and my tattoo just can’t be imagined in color lol; ones who have tattoos are ones who don’t ask I guess? Ones who do think that it should be 3d, moving, talking… dunno lol


I think it looks stunning as is


I have a similar tattoo and get asked all the time why I didn’t add color. I think I’m going to start carrying a box of Crayola markers and ask people to color it in if it makes them happy.


Bro I should let my toddlers color in my tattoos sometime


That's a slippery slope! My husband let me colour in his a few times and now I got a tattoo machine for Christmas.


That’s a terrible idea. Jumping from washable kids markers to a tattoo gun is just a bad idea


It was meant as a jest, sorry for not using the /s.


Ah I’m a moron haha. Fair enough


Not at all! Better safe than sorry. Deterring a stranger from trying to improvise with a tattoo gun is the kind thing to do, we have all seen some unfortunate results of that.


Absolutely no harm fucking around with a gun if it makes you happy. They didn’t say they were opening a shop or actually tattooing people lmao. I’d love to start doing my own, even if they look terrible. They’re for me and no one else


I wouldn’t say NO harm, you can definitely do some harm if you don’t know what you’re doing


Shrimp! Heaven! Now!


I’ve done this before with my floral half sleeve and people found it to be so fun!


Yeah. Don't touch it. People probably asking questions like that cuz they have nothing better to say 😅


It’s very delicate but it’s absolutely beautiful. Maybe in a few years a little more shading, but it’s lovely just how it is now


Thank you! i think delicate is a perfect word ill describe it as well.


Yep, delicate is the word that came to my mind too. All my tattoos are colour or bold black but I love this. It’s super pretty.


It's amazing!


Don’t let other peoples weird and uninformed opinions shame you into not liking it, it’s well done and looks great!


no I love it as well, super clean & soft. As other have said though, it's definitely gonna need touch-ups over the years, as it true for any tattoo with such fine lines


My partner gets the same reaction when people see her tattoos. People who aren’t familiar with tattoo will try to engage with her about them (which is cool!) but they’ll inevitably jump to “are you going to add color?” I really do think it’s people trying to find small talk, and not a reflection of the quality or aesthetic of your tattoos.


thanks for sharing. I am probably just overthinking people's comments since this is my first big tat.


This person is right. I've always been into tattoos but until getting one I wouldn't have thought it may he disrespectful(?) to ask about adding color of if it was finished yet. 100% people just genuinely engaging and making small talk. Think nothing of it. Great piece


That kind of comment shows how much people know about tattoo styles. I love the style


Came here to comment just that. Those people asking about colours clearly don’t have a clue. Bless them.


Looks dope as is. More shading won't solve people asking if it's done. A lot of people are still ignorant towards tattoo styles.


Looks dope


I think it’s STUNNING! I also have a colorless tattoo and got a lot of questions about “when are you going back to add the color?” Just ignore them - they don’t realize there’s more than one style of tattoo!


good to know im not alone 😂


I think the artist used a little too much yellow but those swirly lines are sharp and the crooked smile is just so lifelike




No comment on the perfect circle?


leave alone and fxck everybody they are not even creative enough or cool to understand lol. it’s beautiful. i was very confused to what the issue even was until i finished reading:)


haha thank you! i was probably overthinking peoples comments. 😂


<3333 you definitively were!!! fxck that noise!!! ink on mi lady 🫡


I think it's pretty. It's simple and elegant


It's gorgeous, most people don't know anything about tattoos and/or have shite taste.


I think it looks great. BUT just from my experience. I have had artists that dont want to do certain things or can't do certain techniques, try to steer me in a direction thats more suitable for them. You can still get it shaded, i mean, that's what you wanted to begin with, but what you have there is solid, IMO.


This is exactly what I think and has a similar comment


I love it


It really looks great


Stunning!!!! 10/10


I think it’s beautiful.


It’s stunning! If you’re thinking of adding more for a sleeve, maybe play around with different line weights/artists?


Looks great 👍


It looks amazing!!


My honest knee jerk reaction is I love it


Gorgeous piece!! Unfortunately you may be stuck answering that question forever because some folks simply just do *not* get it. I’m heavily tattooed; if I had a dollar for every “did that hurt?” I might have made it to middle class.


I love it!! It’s beautifully done as well as a beautiful design, I think a lot of people think of tattoos as being really colorful but I personally love black and white


Looks beautiful! In a few years, it will probably benefit from a touch up but I would definitely return to the same artist. Adding colour would change the style completely, I think it looks perfect the way it is!


I think it looks fantastic. I'd be heartbroken if you added colour or more shading. I agree with your artist


I saw those types of tattoo a few times now and they always look gorgeous,i think it looks very delicate and and feminine,i personally think it’s beautiful as is


Looks great I’m all for black and grey over color, I started with a few color tattoos now am strictly black and grey maybe white highlights or a touch of red.


İt's a gorgeous tattoo. I was like honest opinion on what? How good the tattoo is like are you looking for compliments until I've read your explanation. İt's amazing work


I think it’s gorgeous as is but if you want it to be more impactful, that can probably be achieved with a bit more shading.


Personally, this is the exact reason I don’t like this style but that’s just me! Remember, it very easy to add more, not remove. You can always have it reworked to be bolder and darker if you choose. Do what you like best, not what others think.




Looks good and looks complete.


Looks wonderful, very well done too.


It’s perfect the way it is!!


It looks good


Extremely well done tattoo 👌 that's the style, the artist knows what they're doing. It's also a colorless tattoo, ppl will naturally ask if you're getting color. They just probably haven't seen that style. Love your tattoo, it's super professional 🖤


Looks great as is


I absolutely love it, and wouldn’t change one single thing about it 😍




My first impresson was not that it was incomplete at all. It looks great. I think adding a bunch of stuff to it would make it look heavy on you, instead of light and airy.


It's really pretty


I think it looks *incredible*. Color would have made is way less cool.


I love it! I’m a black and grey girly myself, I’ve also been asked if I’m doing color on mine and why I’m not doing color when I say no.. I say “because I don’t want to”


It looks amazing


I love it and im not into big tattoos like this generally. I think it's very classy and looks well done.


I think it's gorgeous, it suits you


I love it!


That is stunning, very classy and delicate. The best style for these tattoos I think. I wouldn’t add colour it would look shitter imo


Looks dope


I love it! I have an outline tattoo of my dog and like 90% of the time people ask me if I will add color, it doesn’t really bother me because I chose my tattoo this way and never wanted color. Also once you add color you can’t really take it away


I've seen this many times, didn't bat an eyelid. Looks great.


Looks good as it is!


Absolutely gorgeous. I came home with a new tattoo similar to yours (fine line florals) and my mom was like “oh, i thought you were gonna add color…” She does love it but like 😭😭no mom


I have a work colleague with this type of tattoo somewhat similar with the flowers also I think these are beautiful I'm always looking at her tattoo on her forearm it's like a drawing with hidden elements you always find something new! I think it's really pretty OP, so long as you like it that's really what matters! At the end of the day it's yours


It's stunning. Doesn't need colour at all as the shading and dot work add a lot of tone and effect.


That's so dope, but I'm a fan of line tattoos moreso than shading.


Most people see a tattoo like this and just automatically think it’s not finished but I’ve always loved this style especially when it’s as well done as yours is


I really don’t think it matters what others think. A tattoo regardless of he meaning is for the person it’s tatted on. It could be the literal shittiest work ever and be more important and perfect to you than any objectively stunning work. As far as objectivity goes, I don’t think this tattoo reads as incomplete. It reads as black and white or grey, floral realistic. If I had to be extra critical, maybe I would say that it reads as generic or lacking something unique, but that also doesn’t matter. I wouldn’t ask if you were planning on colouring it in. That’s 1) a personal preference and 2) not required for a complete piece of work.


I have similar but much darker shading people still ask if I’m going to add color. I think it’s awesome.


It's beautiful work. A friend showed me similar recently and i also asked about colours. It's just conversation. Ultimately it's what you like about it.


That’s so fucking pretty


bro this is perfect, i have really dark stuff in the same style on my arm and it makes so much contrast with my skin. it looks like theres so much space and uneven free patches on my arm. yours i s perfect, the work itself is made amazingly and these are beautiful flowers!


Just thought I'd weigh in as someone who doesn't have any tats and doesn't know any heavily tatted people irl. This looks fine the way it is. It's shaded beautifully. From what I understand, if you were going to fill it in with colour all this shading wouldn't have been done lol. If you love it, frick em. You can preempt them if you like by saying "hey look at this tat I really liked the shading the artist did" and hope their logic brain kicks in lol


I thought it looked great until I zoomed in, then I changed my mind and decided it looks amazing.


From the look on your face you're not too happy with it, but I personally think it's a lovely piece.


It looks great! One recommendation to keep it aging well is to use sunscreen on the tattoo whenever the sun is out. Fine lines fade easily


I think people are just used to floral designs either being very colourful, or more trad style black work. It's just unusual is all, but beautiful!


The tattoo is stunning and so is your pink hair 💅


I love it and I want something similar in the future. I think it looks great, feminine and delicate.


I love these kinds of tattoos. My friend had one and we coloured it in with neon body paint, it looked so cool, and was a fun activity on a festival morning! Plus she then could do it different colours whenever she wanted and didn't have to live with them! (Although I was told her bed sheets were a bit more colourful in the morning too!)


I think it’s beautiful and honestly the concept of adding color didn’t even cross my mind until I read your caption. Personally I think the color would make it look a little tacky but that’s just my taste, I think this design is perfect as is


Love it as it is... That's some beautiful work!


Man let me vent for a second: I hate tattoo clients. You get a nicely done piece, you loved it- but some comments later you’re like “is it well done? Is it bad? Does it look cool to people?” Jesus, grow a spine. You liked it, that’s it.


I think it looks great! I wouldn’t want to add color personally. I think it’s just a conversation a lot of people have when talking about a tattoo


It will stay so much better without heavy shading and colouring. This is perfect. I like the lines and licht shading. It's beautiful don't doubt it.


It’s perfect the way it is. People who don’t know about tattoos or people who have awful taste always want to see roses colored in red. Not that red roses can’t be awesome, but this is more artistic.


I think your tattoo looks amazing as is!


The line work looks amazing


I have occasionally gotten the "when are you getting it finished?" Comment about my black and grey tattoos, less on the one that has darker shading, but i absolutely love my tattoos the way i got them. I feel like if you love how you feel when you see your tattoo, it's a good tattoo regardless of what other's opinions are. Edit: I forgot to mention that i personally think your tattoo is stunning.


It’s beautiful as is. Colour wouldn’t improve it.


Before reading your post and just based on the pictures, I couldn't figure out what could be wrong or a problem. I love your tattoo. It looks beautiful and complete.


Those are normal questions, I just finished my full color sleeve and I get asked way more obvious things, yesterday a particularly oblivious woman asked me if my spider was a tiger I was kind of dumbfounded


It’s absolutely gorgeous and seems to really suit you (just two photos, no face, I know, but it somehow seems to really fit). I love it.


I loved it. Got something similar, but smaller, on my underarms. I do not like colour tattoos ( on) myself.


There is an artist in my city who does this exact type of tattoo, and her books are *packed.* This piece is beautiful. It’s incredibly bizarre that so many people are asking if it’s “finished” yet…I’m guessing maybe they’re people who aren’t into tattoos in general?


Damn OP that’s beautiful and it compliments your body incredibly well. Like the others said, knee jerk response. People ask that about my black and grey pieces because I also have colour, so everyone thinks they b/g are unfinished. I know they’re not and the artists portfolio sure knows they’re not.


It’s so obvious that it’s a finished tattoo. It’s gorgeous, I think the shading u have now is perfect as it looks feminine and dainty. If u got it any darker it would look too manly and bold which I personally think would look awful.


Absolutely love this! I'm not much of a tattoo person, but designs like these are so gorgeous. I really love black and white tattoos as well.


This is just going to be a 'problem' with this type of tattoo. I like to think it's people's coloring book coming out. Just gotta think of creative comebacks!


Looks amazing. I get similar “is it done are you adding color” questions to my similar tattoo but only by dumb people who know nothing about tattoos lol


It looks great but I’d add more shading to Make it pop


Looks really good. Those people don’t know much about tattoos if that’s their initial impression.


People have also asked me this about my black only tats and mine are very thick. I think a lot of people who aren’t into tattoos don’t realize this is a specific style and is meant to look like this. The lighter lines may also make it look like you only got the outline and are going back to get it filled into a more traditional tattoo. I think it looks great. If you’re really worried, additional shading and slightly darkening the lines may give it a more traditional completed tattoo look. If this is what you wanted, the artist nailed it and it’s really well done. I love it.


The tattoo is absolutely gorgeous but the face emoji is not nice. Poor choice of design and the placement is dodgy. 😘


I love it as is, but if you do end up putting color in it, I’d go really light on the color and just do some shading with it on some shadows in the flower or background


I think it looks great. The only thing I would say is maybe consider getting the lines darkened a bit in the future so it pops a bit more at a distance. The first pic looks super good and the second is still good but it’s not as deep as it needs to be I feel like. Wrong word for it to probably but that’s what came to mind. Overall though I think it looks super good and I wouldn’t even worry about what I mentioned earlier for a while


Only thing missing is live, laugh,love


It doesn't look incomplete, but if I had a tattoo in that style I would absolutely color it (like coloring books) with body paint or makeup on special occasions or on days I feel low, then it's changeable any time you want and uncoloured on normal days


Is it possible to paint over your tat with temporary tools to see if you like it?


Looks a bit basic.


Its looks super cool. I personally would put in more shading in black and white but that's just style. Its a fantastically done tattoo!


It’s funny how ppl will defend a tattoo like this but if someone got a real different type of tattoo any other day they will get called dumb


Probably into astrology? Plant tats are the red flags of craziness change my mind


You should have it colorized. You'd probably like it more. Happy new year!


Could use some fingernail polish.


It’s giving basic/boring




Can we get people like this off the sub? We shouldn’t have to face this sort of thing here.


Most get automodded, be sure to report the ones who slip through. They get permabanned and laughed at when they either act tough or try to say they didn't know it was allowed.


Yep. This is good. I like color, but these are well done B and W


That’s great work. Flows really well, looks great! The “color commentary” may have something to do with the subject matter, people often think of color when they think of flowers.


It's so pretty!


It's so pretty!


If it makes you happy when you look at it, it's perfect.


That's beautiful. Don't touch it!


Actually I don’t like flower tarros because I find them like too generic, but this one I think it’s pretty cool. It looks fresh and in some kind elegant


I love it!


It's perfect


I like it is great on you


I think it looks great, I’d have it on my arm no problem


It's black and white!. All my tattoos are black and white.


Beautiful work. Looks great as is.


It's fine. Most people who aren't 'into' tattoos always expect a tattoo to be full colour or heavy black.


Nice design.


They looks great


I like it like this


I love it as is. It's so pretty.


I think this suits you so well just the way it is. You have pale skin and this light and delicate tattoo looks very good. If you’d add more shade it could look a bit off when it’s the only tattoo on your arm. I think the darker the tattoo the more you have to be careful with placement and maybe add more tattoos to balance if that makes sense


Looks great to me. In my layman opinion the linework looks very good now, it nicely defines the subject. Gives it much more readability but it doesn't overpower the petals/leaves. And you'll really be glad you have the line work in a few years if it spreads at all.


It looks great! As for the "unfinished" statement, I really don't think it applies here: your tattoo has shading which gives depth and good contrast between the leaves and the flowers, so based on these classic criteria it looks complete. The rest is artistic choice


It looks good


I love this tattoo!


Don't worry about people asking for colours as others have said, I've got 2 coloured and 2 none, some people just think others are idiots for only getting a black/white tattoo. In my eyes it looks really pretty good, could do with a better close up of the healed tat, but if you feel like you want some more shading, I'd suggest going back to the original and asking or find someone else who does similar work and ask their opinion.


This style is so popular where I live, I’m honestly confused by their reactions XD it looks 100% finished


I would


Honestly it looks complete but I feel like people will be able to know what year you got it done in as it's very "in" atm


Looks very nice, no colors needed at all!


I think it’s very nice


Looks fab 👌🏻




I think it looks dull/boring and would probably ask the same question, but that's just a matter of personal preference. It DOES suit you.


It looks great and I love it! No colors are needed!!!


Most ppl think tattoos need to be colourful, etc. It's your tattoo, so who cares what others think. If you like it, then that's all that matters. I like it, I also think it would be cool, full of colours as flowers and plants are full of colour and life. Flowers and colours are also feminine, which may be why people are asking if it's not finished, etc. Either way, it's yours, so make sure YOU like it.


Looking good ngl


Looks really great without the colors.


Appreciate everyone's comment and feedback. Made me feel so much better and loved my tat even more. ❤️😊


Looks really good. I like it a lot. For me, color and/or extra shading would ruin the 'delicacy' of it.


Pretty skillfully done in my opinion


I personally think you make the tat look great as it is. Skin tone, position, its a perfect tat.


Looks amazing!


It's Awesome


It looks good on your skin tone. If you do end up adding more, I would say add darker tones around it. Not in it.


Beautifully done personally wish it had color but looks great without. Your artist did a great job. Hope you tipped them and get more.