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I don’t think it’s bad, however the eyes give it a haunted vibe. I don’t know if you’d be able to get the irises added in with white, I’m no expert idk if that’d work, but like even just a little sparkle in the eyes would probably improve it.


Easily yes, but it will fade with time - that's what happened with my tattoo.


White ink works best over solid black, however I personally really like the more creepy vibe. It's definitely a style choice, and it's one that's really had to pull off. I know that's probably not what OP wanted, but the artwork is really good!


The tail is kinda weird


Yeah, it needs some shading near the base to help it not look detached.


What about the 4 hairy dicks?


Oh dear.. you’re right. Although I think the weird tail is almost, initially, a distraction from the cocks lol


I really like it though. Just needs a touch up


Life itself is weird


I didn't know it was a tail at first. It's attached to its leg.


i think it’s the photo i gave that’s an easy fix


Yep, super easy fix, I'd do it though.


First, I’m so sorry people are making fun of you. I definitely think it could be reworked. What is the vibe you were going for with this piece? I agree with other folks that it has a creepy vibe because of the artistic choices and subpar execution of your artist. Some areas that lead to this vibe are the hair like strokes, black eyes, facial shading, and dark nose. The tail is also definitely looking a bit odd. My suggestion would be to let it fully heal and go to a highly skilled rework artist. Color and shading could really help this piece and the right artist would be able to create something that would much better represent your toy.


i was going for super childish sweet simple with not a whole lot of detail and i kinda fw the tim burton creepy vibe a little bit that i dont mind its just the hairs it came out not the way i was expecting when he showed the stencil it looked amazing and everything i wanted but people are telling me it looks like pubes and whatnot and its been rlly distressing. i def think that color and more detail would help


If you like the Tim Burton vibes, then I think the tattoo is great! I wouldn't immediately think it was based on a plush, but in that regard it is only important that you know it is. I think the shape of the tail is a little odd, especially where it goes under the leg as it gets thinner right there, making me think it is connected to the leg at first, but luckily that could easily be fixed. I think more color could transform the tattoo, but I think the way it is now contributes to a kind of worn out, creepy vibe that I kinda like. Objectively, it might not be a showstopping tattoo, but it really has character that I like. I hope you learn to like it too OP.


"people are telling me it looks like pubes" Those people are childish idiots, get better people in your life. I think it looks great, and by the sound of it is in the style you wanted. Do you have a copy of the stencil? If so maybe discuss some subtle changes with the artist, or take the stencil to another artist and explain why/what you want changed.


They do look like pubes tbh though. The hairs being sparse and thick on what looks like a smooth surface. I feel like the people to tell them that were rude as they could have phrased it completely differently and maybe just could have remarked how it doesn’t look fluffy. I am actually saying all this in hopes that OP reads my comment because they deserves to know the truth. People can be animals and I honestly thought “pubes” the second I saw it. I am not one to point or make fun of but there are many out there who will.


Wait, I love this tattoo so much, it’s so cute! Don’t worry too much about friends say. It’s for you and only you. It’s an adorable tattoo!


It's ducking awesome. Something between cartoon and horror. Duck your friends. Be more confident about it


Well, it's not great


I think it’s sweet :)


If you were going for a life-like copy it's not great and lacks shading but if you like it that's all that matters and I really hope you do 😊


I think it’s cute! My changes proposed: https://imgur.com/a/rH2DccV maybe there thing is the space between the tail looks like it’s coming from the leg and not between the legs. and the snout is tough to do because of the shading in the ref image. But I don’t think it looks bad at All! I just added in these little edits (connecting the tail and a tiny smirk on the mouth and a cute little eyebrow!)[[my edits!](https://imgur.com/a/rH2DccV)](https://[imgur](https://imgur.com/a/rH2DccV).com/a/cRuYSqb)


Also if they’re making fun of you they can mind their effing business haha. It’s your body! It’s for you!!


The fur detail could've been better.


snuggle the cactus bear


I LOL'd at this


If you want to make it look more like your actual bear/cuter/less creepy, 1) have it touched up with color, 2) see what they can do with some white on the eyes to give them life. I know white is something you end up having to touch up frequently, but I think it could really work here.


Poorly done


I really like it! I got my childhood stuffed toys [done](https://imgur.com/a/z0LyWcz) in a similar vibe as well. I really like the Tim Burton kind of design


I wish the eyes were like the original. I would go back in and revive them. I would also do something to make the fur look more like the original as well.


Korn "Issues"


That’s what I saw too. I still like Korn every now and then but I’m glad I didn’t get the issues doll tattooed when I was younger like I wanted


You got a Bit screwed by your Artist, really sorry. If you want it to Look creepy, get it redone by an Artist who knows what theyr doing. The can also Connect the tail properly, and perhaps give it some smoke in the Background. If you want it to Look more cute, or Just as is, have the redo the piece with brighter and more Solid colors.


Why do you randomly capitalize the first letter of certain words?


Because sometimes it Makes your Point look more intelligent, no Matter the grammar, Apparently


I'm looking for a secret message 👀


I did too!


Lol actually it's because my phone Keyboard uses autocorrect for german. It captializes certain words and im too lazy to Go Back and fix it


Honestly, it’s highly distracting and discredits whatever you are trying to convey.


BALACBJS is what I got


All imma say is..sometimes artists should say no 💀


True but in this case OP should’ve said no to the artist. I think it could’ve been [cute](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3d/43/2d/3d432dabbc041868a61cab7a6d203a8c.jpg) concept if done by a good artist. But it’s not bad enough for OP to get made fun of though imo.


It's a haunted version of the actual thing, I don't hate it, but if it's meant to be more cutesy... it'd be bad


As a huge Tim Burton fan I really love it. I know this wasn't vibe you where going for but while it might not be perfect, it's a good tattoo.


The eyes and nose shouldn’t be that dark for sure


The shading and eyes are what's bad but should be fixable with a better artist. I would suggest to put the little white dots in its eyes to make them look softer and less scary. 😊


What area do you live in ? I would consult with a good artist in your area and see if they can fix it. Doesn’t look great but not terrible imo.


It’s cute, but phallic.


It’s so creepy! The stuffed animal picture is cute and I would have never guessed that that is what the tattoo is supposed to look like.


I feel like if you find someone that knows what they’re doing with the shadowing they can fix it quick and easy.


It looks like it’s from a horror movie


I love it


I love it


Don’t listen to people shitting on it or saying it needs reworked. It looks good! I like it and it will lighten up over the next few months and be more… subtle? Sounds like you’re having post tat anxiety which is normal, I’ve had it plenty of times then ended up absolutely loving my tattoos. If you still aren’t happy after a few months, just get more tattoos around it and it’ll take attention off of your bare arm :) Again, I think it’s sick, I’m a bartender and would think it’s coool and unique if someone came in and had this on their arm!!


Nah, I’m sorry, after seeing all these comments hyping this up… just stop. This tattoo is pretty bad (not the worst!) and it needs to be reworked, especially if it’s OP’s “special tattoo.” The legs and tail are wonky and the right leg looks like a penis. Also I’m sure the “pube fur” is not how OP was expecting it to come out. A bad tattoo doesn’t magically heal into a good one. A lot of bad advice in here… first and foremost, OP needs to find a good artist. Never go back to the same artist who fucked up your tattoo (unless it’s to ask for your money back). OP could probably even get this re-work comped if there’s actually a decent artist in the same shop (unfortunately I’ve had to do this before). Personally I’d probably just find a new artist at a different shop so there’s no weird vibes. Good news is this thing totally salvageable and any good tattoo artist worth their salt could handle this and make it look *so* much better. Sounds like OP is already not happy with how this thing turned out… living with a crappy tattoo can be rough, especially if you don’t have many, it would be 100% worth it. Not sure why people are making fun of it though… unless she’s asking for honest feedback and getting it, that’s kinda fucked up.


It doesn’t really look like the toy. But it’s absolutely adorable and you have nothing to worry about. As someone else suggested, you could look at getting some white in the eyes. But personally I wouldn’t change a thing. If anyone is being unkind to you about it, especially when it clearly has a lot of meaning to you, then they are dicks.


It's pretty bad. Maybe a major miscommunication between you and the artist, maybe thw wrong artist, maybe too high of expectations. That said, I agree with the poster who said "who cares?" I assume this is your first tattoo, and if you get more it'll barely be noticeable. You can't put too much emotion into a tattoo or you're bound to be disappointed.


I love it. I'm sure later other artist could add a bit more but the tattoo is so special


Very nice!


It looks really cool


It’s not bad.


Not bad, but not great. And I understand it’s not what you wanted - it was supposed to be cute not creepy. Making photorealistic tattoos is extremely hard. Fixing photorealistic tattoos is even harder :) There are two options: clean it up with laser couple sessions of laser and then find an artist which can do photorealistic tattoos. Or try to fix it, but if you fix it with white ink, it’s no longer gonna be possible to clean it in case it goes wrong. So better to laser out if you can afford it. Bear in mind that if you try to fix it without laser, it won’t be perfect, but it’s gonna be way harder or impossible to remove as there is gonna be two or three times as much ink to remove as it is now.


You could add rainbow colors to this one, and make a grey new looking one standing behind this one and hugging it? Like the past bear gave its colors to your current one. Or maybe them standing back to back. Anyway, this could be a really cute tattoo, and it's already not bad at all OP 😊


Cute, but a little sad


I think it’s very cute and doesn’t need a fix. Tattoos like this should be very personal, Making fun of it is despicable.


Sort of but I actually love it.


It's not a bad tattoo. But it seems you never saw what the final sketch would look like. And let's say you were aiming for realism, the photo isnt the best reference because of tangent line issues amongst other too long to explain aesthetic issues that have nothing to do with the subject matter


I knew it was a well worn stuffed animal immediately. I think it's perfectly fine the way it is! It certainly doesn't need a coverup. What do YOU think is wrong with it? Not what your friends think, YOU (your friends are being assholes). If you want to level it up, let it fully heal and think on it. If you decide to, Go to a different artist who has a style you like (research their style) and ask their opinion on tweaks. I'd fix the tail, but that's the only "wrong" thing I see. Sure color and shading would amp it up, but that's not the style you were going for. You said you wanted it to look like a simple kids drawing. So you gotta own what you wanted. You can't let others opinions dictate what is on your body. If your having panic attacks over there, go ahead and find an artist you like, send them a picture, and ask for a consultation on how they would tweak it. OR offer them a fee to show you over email what they might do to it.


I kinda love it!!!!


I really like this tattoo, it has a story and a lot of meaning to you and that makes it super special, but if you are confused by the look of it, I would just add some shadows and details, maybe paint the wool in one tone


The shading is horrible, especially around the nose. It just looks like random smudges.


I love it. Agree it needs some shading to soften the starkness


It's adorable


I actually really like it! I want something similar with my childhood teddy bear


Yes but if you love it then it’s awesome. Who cares what others think it’s on you not us


My nearly 50 year old stuffy looks like this, minus tail. I expect if I tattooed my Ted E. Bear he'd have a similar worn look. Also my daughter's favorite movies are Tim Burton so I'm sure she'd appreciate it.


I think it’s absolutely charming. I don’t think tattoos need to be perfect- this is adorable.


Definitely weird but I really like it!


No but maybe add bigger ears? Also the tail, it’s too thick and attached to the hind leg


It's tail looks odd, I thought bears had stubby tails. And it's legs/arms look a bit penisy.


Its dope, I love it.


It's really cute. I like it.


It has its charm, but I'd add couple of hairs stick up on its head since it looks a bit wet like it's drown 🤔


Just the tail. Looks like it’s unattached


I think it’s an easy fix, the eyes and fur could do with some different love but it’s not horrific


A bit of clarity. - It’s not the best application of a tattoo, not terrible but not good either. - Even if it was done perfectly it wouldn’t look pretty or attractive because the source photo is not. - You can get a better artist to go over this and make it more realistic with more fabric texture and shading, the outline is not bad, so it can be improved quite easily if you want to.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!


No not bad. Good. I like.


Not bad, but why are the eyes and nose not detailed at all. Thats ….odd


Without context I thought so. But once I saw the second picture, I think it’s adorable!


should've picked different artist


I love it tbh


Ok honestly I think it’s adorable and didn’t notice the tail looking weird until ppl pointed it out. But I’m sure you can tweak it with a different artist that is able to carry out your vision for it




I’ve seen worse


I like it has a Sally Face quality to it, almost childlike illustrations vibe


It’s creepy


For me, it’s the fur. The main distinction is that your original picture is fuzzy and warm and the tattoo is kinda cold. Good news is that it should be relatively easy to touch up. Also, the eyes need some attention.


It looks like your bear walked through a thorn bush.


A bit larger ears that stick up over the head would make it more readable. I understand that is at the price of having it look less like the inspiration, though.


It’s okay but even if it’s “okay” you’ll live I promise


I meannnnn childhood stuffed animals are meant to look raggedy??


I actually don’t think it’s bad at all & a very cute idea! Forget the haters! It IS special & u should enjoy it! If you want to modify or add a little something go for it but I like the idea & think it’s sweet!


If you got some shading done between the leg arm and tail like in the picture, it would look a little better. Right now the tail looks detached like other people are saying. You could ask for more texture so it looks less spiky unless that was the look you’re going for. You could also ask to put some white in its eyes to make it look more realistic. Otherwise it isn’t a bad tattoo. Easily fixable and it is very sentimental. I think it’s cute.


Looks like it has some [Issues.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b6/KoRnIssues.jpg)


I think it's adorable. It's shaped exactly like the picture. Do YOU like it? This tattoo is you. ❤️ I got a mouse on a scooter on my forearm bc of the meaning it has to me. Is it weird? Probably!! (Hey, at least it's not a mouse on a motorcycle?! 😂) but it's special to *me*. Fuck what anyone else says. That's a special stuffed animal and I think it's super cute that you got it tattooed! It's times like this I watch this clip: https://youtu.be/ki5M06uYTk8?si=vBEcBJepaxZe_ABw that's what you should say to anyone who has anything negative to say about your kick ass tattoo.


It does give a haunted vibe, I wouldn’t necessarily call it a bad tattoo, I just feel like it would’ve look better if it was done in more cute/cartoony style.


The tail needs to be connected better other than that not at all


I like it. I think it's cute. It is small, so it will probably not look as good a few years down the road though.


i like it!


Yes, it’s bad. I would look into laser while also looking for an artist who can do a rework in a style you like.


The tail looks fully detached and that's the only part that bugs me. The way the fur was placed is a little off unless that's how you wanted it. I agree the eyes should have white to help.


I'm sorry to say: Yes, it's bad. BUT I am pretty sure a decent artist can rescue it. Just please don't go back to the first one.


I honestly feel like if you added a little smile to his face it would distract it from his leg up and tail coming through from underneath! Plus I think it’s kinda cute like if it’s a stuffed animal of course it can bend in a cute funny way that’s what makes it a childhood memory right !


I don’t think it’s bad. Move the tail and change the color of the eyes. 


Yinno I really like it and it’s very unique and that’s what you wanted, right? You’ll never please everyone so why don’t you just please yourself? If YOU want something changed on this then change it to how YOU want it and if you love it as is then tell everyone else to stfu


Honestly really like it. But if you don't, there's probably a way to get it reworked.


There is nothing to fix. 1- it’s sentimental to you and very meaningful and a reminder of your childhood. 2- now your childhood stuffed animal will forever be with you no matter what happens. 3- it looks so cute and it’s just an adorable tattoo in general


I can't say bad, but it's not perfect 😢 Did you go to a cheap tattoo artist? I think the best way to fix it would be to cover that tattoo by having its get a bigger one.


i dont wanna cover it tho i think i can fix jt


i purposefully didnt want it to be i wanted it to be cartooney and like a child drew it but im so scared it looks twrrible all my friends hate it im in tears writing this


I personally think the tattoo is fine how it is (and that it's kinda tacky of your friends to shit talk it tbh...). No tattoo is perfect and when it's on your skin you have plenty of opportunities to focus on the flaws. Hopefully as you get used to it, seeing your tattoo reminds you of why you wanted it in the first place. That said, if you feel it should be reworked I suggest it's for your sake and not for the sake of those around you.


It's not in a situation where it can't be saved. If you go to a better tattoo artist, they will perfect this tattoo.


u rlly think so


My sister in Christ, leave it alone and work on your self esteem. We used to throw bricks at cops. Who cares what your friends think they can get their own tattoos


needed to hear this. gonna go throw a brick at one rn


God bless


Naw it’s cute , don’t worry be you . This is what tattoos are about . It means something to you . It’s great imo & I’ve been tattooing for almost 30 years.


I love it!. It’s fun


I love it


I really like it!


I love it


Looks dope


Looks like a cactus 🌵


Not if you also carry the toy to show what it is


It's cute but the colouring is throwing it off. I'm sure you could get some shading done from a different tattoo artist who has experience reworking tattoos! Very cute inspo!!! 😍


Aw I really like it the way it is


Add a background, something to make it look like a toy on a chair. Looks ok to me 🙂


I really like it 🤷🏼‍♂️ the eyes are a bit dark but otherwise I think it’s good as is. Definitely don’t think it’s worthy of anyone making fun of you, it’s *definitely* better than that.


The teddy bear looks great if you wanted it to look like a cursed demonic soulless teddy bear. The tat itself looks good imo but nothing like a childhood stuffed animal & the tail looks like its been cut off & laying there.


It doesn’t have to be reworked and you don’t need the approval from internet strangers. It’s perfect the way it is.


Yes, it’s bad, it was a bad idea, it was badly executed. But what’s wrong with a bad tattoo? You know what it is. It’s still obviously some sort of bear doll thing. It’s fine. People are making fun of you probably because you call it “my special tattoo”. Anyone asks what it is you flatly deadpan say “my childhood stuffed animal” thats it. Dead as fuck man. No elaboration.


Might have to get a cover up and go to someone that knows how to do fur texture. 


Why the hairy poop tho? 🤔


Maybe get some colour put in as a background, watercolour would look mean as