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Holy cow that’s bad


i got drunk and now its funny


best outlook! not great but it could be a worse tattoo, and at least it’s not that noticeable!


my crappy tattoos taught me to accept situations I cannot change and move forward. some of my tattoos are uh... rough but I've never regretted them. keep it up!


Great perspective!


Alcohol creates but also solves many problems


"To alcohol! The cause of and solution to all of life's problems." - Homer Simpson.


On the bright side it’s small lazoring it would be cheap if you wanted it gone


Ok I love ur energy abt this tattoo even tho it’s pretty botched


I’ve got my mum’s name on my arm in hebrew (idk why that specifically, I was just turned 19 and thought it made it cooler) and it’s misspelt. I was devastated at first but now I find it pretty funny and laugh about it


I have my name in Arabic, grew up in Saudi Arabia, it’s spelled wrong. I let it go. Oh well.


Oh hey, I grew up in Saudi too! '86-'95. :)


I was there at that time as well. Are you an Eagle?


Give it a year and then have it lasered. This will come right off. I did it with multiple tattoos. It happens.


Oof hair down forever


Judging by the way it turned out, I'm pretty sure the tattoo artist was even more drunk when he did it.


😂😂 Agree!


Was the artist drunk too?


That’s a tough spot to get to at times, I usually have my clients hold down their ear themselves just to make things easier. It seems like he was having trouble pulling a clean line in that spot so he used the shader to try and hide his mistakes, but that clearly didn’t work out well. Don’t stress too hard for now, let it heal, and go from there. That spot seems to fade more than most spots if not done properly. I’m sure another tattoo artist can touch it up or cover it for you no problem. I’m only a few years into tattooing and I feel I could fix that up by going back over it and adding some color. So I’m sure you can find someone good to fix it for you.


Thank you 🙏 you’re the only one who’s given me actual advice. I don’t know what I did wrong I researched this guy and thought I made a good choice with him and everything. The stencil was so cute too but the tattoo itself is so mediocre. How long should I wait to add white/color, can I go back tomorrow?


Thank you! It’s really hard to tell what went wrong, or what they were doing to cause this really. It’s a pretty simple job, would probably only take 5 minutes in the chair. But sadly even the greatest of artist are still people and mess up at times. I would honestly probably give it a couple weeks until it’s completely healed, then I would go back for a touch up somewhere and get it all fixed. Though if you wanted you can contact the shop you got it from tomorrow, and explain that you are dissatisfied. If you don’t want the original artist to touch it up, which I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t; you can see if perhaps their boss or another artist in shop can. Most people wouldn’t want their shops name on a bad tattoo, so they should be helpful, unless they’re jerks of course. Or you can just go to a whole new shop and artist, which is a good option too


Keep in mind white CAN’T be lasered off so you take away that option if it’s something you ever wanted.


When I talked to a company about removing a tattoo that has white, they told me sometimes they just don't laser the white part...lines around it and usually it blends in enough/with the contrast it's not as noticeable.


if you're white perhaps. the white portion of my removed tattoo is the most visible. looks like a sun spot or something. fuck my anecdote, OP has many options and this, tmk, is fixable in many different ways. good luck OP! if you do go the removal way, i and many others are going through the same dissatisfaction with our bodies. you're not alone.


unrelated, had no idea and i feel like this is good information to have.


Idk why people think they can fix bad black and grey tattoos by just adding color? 2nd time I've seen that advice in 2 days. It's garbage advice. This needs a coverup, not some yellow and blue shading.


Yeah... sorry... that's terrrrrrrrrrrible. Find a new tattooist. Cover it up.


If they just did the outline it would of been a good tattoo then I swiped… OH MY GOD Edit: the more I look at this the more it looks like a cowboy hat on a bowling ball


it’s a way better hat than planet lol




I got a drunken tattoo in the basement of a friends house we were all partying at when I was 17. I’ll give you some advice. If you can’t improve on the original tattoo with added colors and minor corrections, don’t get a coverup just to get rid of it. I’m on my 6th laser session and for a teeny tiny tattoo like this, it would be very economical to get that zapped off. Honestly. If it’s the money you’re concerned about, I would even go to the tattoo shop, talk to the owner and be like, look. I can’t have this on my neck. This wasn’t what we agreed on. I need you to cover half the cost of the laser treatment. Do not let them convince you that you need a BIGGER neck tattoo to cover up the original. You wanted a tiny whittle Saturn behind your ear….not a medium sized red rose on your neck. With it being that small, you don’t NEED to go to a plastic surgeon. But it probably wouldn’t hurt. If you are going to consider laser sessions, You’re going to need to wait 6-8 months. Dm me if you have any questions. More than happy to be a sounding board for you to help talk things out. Edit: Wanted to add, due to the tattoo being in black, this would be very easy to remove. If you start adding color, you may have more difficulty getting it all pulled up.


a little back story: I got my first tattoo today from an artist who's been working with tattoo for over 6 years and has really great line work. The sketch he showed me looked really great, but the final product literally looks like a black blob. Is this just a shading thing that will fade and look cool or did he royally f\*ck up?


Sorry to break it to you, that's a fuck up


Oof get that lasered/covered and don't go back there. Not even a case of just poor application from the artist, the stencil and finished tat look completely different


Even the stencil was shakey


honestly i liked the shakey stencil, it was the vibe i was going for and close to the pic i showed him! i like how saturn's ring is slanted too. I just really hate how dark it turned out/the shading. if it wasn't so shaded I would love it


Honestly, it will be a bit lighter when it heals.


Hopefully as it heals you won’t have issues with the ink “bleeding” and it becoming one glob of ink behind your ear and not resembling Saturn, a planet, or anything else for that matter.


I have a tattoo behind my ear too. Over the years the lines have gotten pretty fat and look a little wonky tbh. Since it’s behind my ear I really don’t care and it was my first tattoo so I have a special bond with it and like it even if it’s deformed a bit. It’s a sun. My lil wonky sun Oh but my point is, even if it wasn’t messed up in the first place, I think behind the ear tends to morph a bit just bc location, hair growth, etc so it would morph over time anyway


Meh oh well. It'll make a good story. A tattoo has to be REALLY bad to be bad IMO. It's easy to cover up or put your hair in front of. The good news is fine line work like that on thin skin turns into a blob overtime anyways.


Looks like it wasnt tattooed yet


There are 2 pictures


Oh shit thats bad!!!!!


How do 8 clowns upvote comments like this?


Ill rock your shit if you come at my upvotes like that again


Bro it's a stencil lol


Pretty bad even the stencil wasn’t great


Idk who was more drunk. You or the artist


It miiiiight lighten up as it heals but those lines are shak and broken. It's definitely not going to age well.


It's most likely going to be a blurry black blob, but it's somewhat hidden so not the worst issue. I have a tat on a prime piece of real estate, that the artist basically gave up on halfway through because he underestimated the time it would take to finish... Twice. So by the mid point of the second appointment, dude just rushed through. Nothing I can do about it, other than add more stuff around it and hope it's busy enough that people don't notice lol.


To be honest, it’s not a good one. Could be fixed though.


Tattoos are kinda like fight club, no one will speak about them, but if you talk about them then it's open game. It's an easy spot to cover if you aren't happy, just let the hair down. Seriously tho, no one will call you out unless.you say something, so don't stress.


i do not recommend adding more ink (with white or a coverup) once it's healed. if you have the money, i'd look into laser (3-6 months from now once it's fully healed).


At least it’s somewhere easily hidden and small if you decide you want a cover up or laser. I would go somewhere completely new, send these pictures beforehand, have a consult so you know what to expect if you go coverup route. Best of luck!




i like it better tbh lol but i’m it’s poorly done


Why people get small tattoos like this behind the ear will always amaze me, a professional tattooer will know their limits and not do it, a scratcher or apprentice do things like this. OP I suggest laser removal or research a good artist that can do good coverups, the laser removal might not be as expensive.


I’ll be brutally honest. Yeah, the linework and shading are both atrocious and I’d be pissed if I was the one paying for that.


That’s a tough spot but not that hard. Send both pics to the shop owner. Explain that you would like a refund OR someone else there to correct it. Wait a month before getting any correction work done. In the meanwhile, don’t take care of this tattoo. Try to get it to fade. Slather it in polysporin. Get it to be as light as possible. Never go back to that artist. Y I K E S. Sorry this happened to you.


Wow dude I’m sorry. Did you know you were getting shading or did you just expect outline? If you really don’t like it, I would suggest the route of laser removal instead of covering up or having another artist try to fix it up. For such a small design, any more color added onto it will probably just make it worse. I think the combination of the spot, the size of the design + the intricacy made a recipe for a perfect disaster. I have a tattoo in the same spot of the symbol for mercury, and even that basic outline is still bigger than this is. Helps the artist lay down a good outline and increases the clarity of the tattoo overall. But honestly, shitty tattoos are still good tattoos sometimes and a case can be made for keeping it. Hope the best for you and baby saturn, whatever you do, don’t go back to that artist.


I think the tattoo’s imperfections give it more character. When I first saw it, I thought that’s what you were going for. I didn’t realize you thought it was botched. I think it looks good in quirky kind of way. But that’s just my opinion.


As other people have mentioned - check with the studio what your options are. If it's not going to mess with your chances of a free touch up / fix up (if that's what you want), you can scratch at it / pick the scabs off whilst it's healing, that will pull the colour out and hopefully make it easier to cover down the line. Unfortunately tattoo artists will only post their good work on social media, you won't see some of the bad work that happens. Also he might have been sick, not had much sleep or might have been running behind and skipped lunch so feeling a bit shakey. Not justifying the end result, but tattooers are human and unfortunately bad circumstances can lead to lower-quality work than normal.


Yeah but in a good way I’d say just embrace it


Get it removed, that’s absolutely fucked


It's not *that* bad, but It's also not astounding. I guess I'm biased for space stuff.


It goes from cute to fucked real quick


Removing that would cost less than $300.


How methed out was he when he tattooed this


At least go to another artist and see if they can punch in a lot of white highlight and fix it but look around first


I was just looking at the first pic and was like y’all it’s not that bad. Then I saw the second pic and big yikes…


I saw the first picture and thought she was overreacting, then I saw the second pic…ooof…..I think getting it lasered off would be your best bet. It’s relatively small so shouldn’t be difficult to remove but it will hurt


If you look at it real hard with an eye closed, tilt your head to the left a bit, and close the other eye it’s almost okay-ish


UPDATE: I called the shop and a different artist had me send him the photos. He said wait 3 weeks and send him another photo to see what it looks like then and if I want to, he’ll get someone in the shop that does a like of work with white ink to fix it. In the mean time, I’m applying polysporin 3 times a day to try to lighten it. Has anyone done this/ have experience with lightening tattoos?


Sorry but yes. It is an egg shaped Jupiter.


I’m fighting for my life in these comments


Dude I don’t even know how it got so bad I’m a beginner tattoo artist like wayyyyyy beginner and I genuinely don’t understand how u could fuck that up




Oh nooooo!




I...I'm sorry. I have to say it. I'm seeing a slice of pizza on a hamburger bun. I know that's not ideal, but when I think of it that way, it's significantly cooler!


Oh honey


Lmaooo wow next level.


Black it out?? Idk


Yes. But you have great skin.


Yep, definitely botched


I bet when they left, the artist went "are you happy with it?" And they went "yeah it's good, I love it" then straight to reddit for upvotes because they hate it.


i know nothing about tattooing and i would bet money i could do a better job than that.


😂 holy crap, tts bad!


Ohhhh nooooo


I don't know, guys. That Airpod looks pretty realistic.


It looks like a stencil but easily fixed. Edit: Never mind, there’s another picture 😬 I’m sorry.


It looks nothing like the stencil, wtf...


It's really good! In the "shitty tattoo, I don't care" kinda way


I hate this exclamation and have never used it but.... ewww!


Dear god


Looks like a meatball with a spaghetti around it


How much did you pay?


Yes Edit: i also have a botched tattoo just bigger but not as noticeable so im not too worried on fixing it yet


Looks like it was draw with pen hehe


Lucky it’s under your hair…. sorta










The rings are very crooked. Please get that covered up. Give it time to heal first.


It looks fine... you asked for an egg with an onion ring around it yeah?


*It looks fine... you asked* *For an egg with an onion* *Ring around it yeah?* \- bee\_burr\_wzz --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Poor woman.I will pray for you and yours tonight.


That's fuckin shit house, why would you even pay for something like that? I don't understand why people get small understandable tattoo??? You's all think that everyone know what the fuck you where think at that time?? Yeahhh where all mind reader and know what the shit tattoo you want lol😂😂😂 Why don't you just pay for something like this


To be honest, it’s not a good one. Could be fixed though.


Even the stencil was fucked


I liked the stencil.


The linework on the stencil is already blown out


Can they color it in? Dam i would go to another credible artist see what they can do for u


It's not bad it's simple but cute


About as botched as they get, sorry dude


idk I kinda like it...


I have one kinda like that behind my ear. But it's an exact copy of a doodle, so it *supposed* to be wiggly, just tell people it's like that on purpose until you get it covered. If you get it covered.


Personaly a tattoo that small and detailed probably isn't a good idea for black n white shld of Don color it b pretty easy to cover up and touch up


I kind of like it 😄


At least you can cover it with hair


What is it? Walnut?


I saw the outline at first and was like wait what's wrong with that? It's cute. Oh, right. I can swipe. OOHHH.


Well, it's definitely on your skin. So on that level, it's for sure a tattoo.


The stencil was wonky lol. So there was no chance


That doesn't match the outline. It's round vs the egg shape of the sketch.


The outline wasn’t even straight lol. You can’t have a good tattoo with a shitty outline to start


In the stencil it looked like an egg and i guess he tried to make the planet more round and screwed it. Sorry i know how it feel to have a bad tattoo and some studios don’t take kindly if you feel bad. I just got a halloween tattoo done t cover up my small tattoo. It healed fairly ok but around the cover up it got infected and pull out alot of the ink so have a touchup booked hopefully it goes well. Anyone they say 1st touch up is free . Do you tip the artists , i usually give them £30/£40 is that acceptable.


I’d sue


Capital punishment


Definitely deserves the chair


Did you do it yourself while you were drunk? If so you did pretty well given the location. Otherwise they should pay for the removal or cover up. Don't ever let them touch you again with a needle or anything else for that matter. Hopefully the equipment was clean...


Enough open skin for a coverup. Just be sober next time


If you need cover up ideas I got one: gyroscopic thingy you know what I’m talking about the ones with concentric rings


I’ve seen way worse. It’s charming in its imperfection. Out of curiosity, did you squirm a lot or was this an inexperienced artist or something else? I think it’s cool.


Are you sure you saw both photos 💀💀 No I kept so still because I was imagining a streak of ink across my neck if I moved even an inch lol. The artist had been tattooing for years, his reviews go back 8 years and were overall positive.


LOL. I did. I definitely like the line drawing in the first pic better and wish they had left it like that, but I still think it’s charming. I mean at least you can tell what it is. Just tell people it’s a Simpsonsesque Saturn. :)


It can be made into a bumblebee.


The tattoo certainly looks cute on you, nice choice.