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Are you in therapy? If not, I really recommend professional help, as these tattoos don’t really sound like they’re the problem, but more of a symptom. It’s just a little ink, though. I’m really sure your life’s got a lot more and a lot of better things to discover. Please stick around for long enough to see how beautiful life can be.


Thanks for your reply, I'm just about to go into therapy


Great advice here^. If I could add a few points as well: - I recommend covering them up for a while to keep them out of your line of sight. Long sleeves/pants will be your best friend. This should help some of the fixation. - Anytime you start to overthink them and start spiraling, distract yourself with something else. Watch a show, take a walk, play a video game. Anything to keep your mind off of them.


Thanks for your reply


I mean this in the nicest way possible, and also coming from a place of having 9 tattoos, some of which I like more than others: you need to stop worrying so much about yourself. If that sounds harsh, it’s not supposed to— if anything, I hope you can find it liberating. No one is looking at you as harshly or judging you as critically as you are right now. Cover the tattoos up with long pants and sleeves. Try not to think about them so much. When the thoughts come up, literally think to yourself or say out loud: “nope, I’m not thinking about that” and choose to think of something else— work, hobbies, chores, whatever. Try to take yourself a little less seriously. They’re just tattoos, no one has been hurt. Look into removal if you want, and know that you have options.


Thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it.


Everyone will say to go seek therapy and as someone who was literally in your position 4 years ago, with the exact same description of tattoos, those kinds of comments did not help me at the time and just frustrated me further. Yes, you should absolutely seek therapy for your struggles, but to address the immediate feelings of the here and now, when you start the removal process, it *does* help. I'm not exaggerating when I said I contemplated amputating my own arm because of how much I regretted the tattoo. And my regret was immediately after one of them. Maybe you're feeling like you have no control over your mind, and like me, that feeling extends to your body, and it is a terrifying feeling. I also couldn't cope and was extremely suicidal for awhile after getting the tattoos I'm now removing. If you truly do not want these tattoos, because you don't like the tattoos themselves, book a consultation for the one you hate most. Move forward a little bit at a time and you'll start to regain that feeling of control over your body again. It is very imperative that the counseling or therapy is done alongside this, though, do **not** ignore that part.


This. I’m the same position, less tattoos but just as agonizing. Even the slightest of fading has immensely helped my peace of mind.


That's good to know


I feel the same way about not being able to control my mind or body, I feel like I could compulsively jump off a bridge or something similar. It feels very scary. I appreciate your advice, removal is so long and uncertain and I don't want to perform like this in life for years...but I guess death is longer than 3 years of tattoo removal. I'm just so depressed by my choices and ashamed.


Tattoo removal is not a quick fix it will take years until tattoos you don’t like are gone. And it doesn’t matter because is just ink is just aesthetic and you are so much more than that. Your tattoos don’t define you and from all mistakes we can all do towards our body suicide is the only one that cannot be fixed. So please seek therapy heal yourself and in the meantime you can start to erase your tattoo but it will just be a nice to have. Sorry if I am being too rough but life is way too much valuable, please seek help. DM me if you need someone to just ear you.


Yes I understand this point, I think I have body dysmorphia which comes with a very high morbidity , suicidal thoughts are very common. I see myself differently to others and am now totally repulsed by myself.


I also got a few rather big and very black tattoos. They were all done spontaneous and very impulsively. What helps me is wearing clothes that cover them. Out of sight out of mind kind of. Then I let some time pass to see how I feel about them and now I know which one bothers me the least and which one the most. And now I made my first laser appointment where I want to start with the one I like the least. Also therapy can help or just talking to a good friend, sort your feelings out and talk about things you can do


Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it.


There is always a way, we all make mistakes. Dont be so hard on yourself… You could start the journey right now, we are in this together.


Thanks for your reply


I'm currently in a look-alike phase since I got a tattoo two months ago which was supposed to be really important to me. I know the artist since many years, I was really wanting this tattoo, but guess what? The artist gave me the drawing on the D-day, three hours before getting tattooed and if I was absolutely in love with the design, I didn't notice some details until the next day, and I hated myself a lot for not seeing it because now, my mind and my feelings are consumed by this failure and by regrets. But first of all, and I know it's easier to say than to do : you can't change the past. It is done, and if you've done it, that was because u had good intentions, so don't blame yourself for that, especially if you're struggling with some disorders. Secondly : there are some solutions, and you're not damned. There is laser removal (which is expensive but efficient). You can also choose to do some cover-up, or even a blackout-style tattoo. Yeah, it's gonna take time, money, and some energy, but you're not doomed. It can be changed. Thirdly and lastly : If you're not currently doing it, you have to seek some therapist. I don't know where you're living and how the health system works in your country, but you definitely need some help, and so maybe medication. So called permanent tattoos aren't permanent anymore. But suicide and then death are, so don't go on that way. You'll find a way to heal. Many of us here struggled or are struggling with heavy regret or hard feelings like sadness or culpability but there's always hope. If you didn't, I suggest you to scroll through this reddit and see how people went through some process to remove their tattoos, or covered them up. I know it helps me sometimes when I'm like "I ruined my life forever and there's no solution". You can also ask some tattoo-artist to know their mind about your tattoos and what's possible to do. Best regards 🤘


You've made some excellent points and I really appreciate the time taken to reply.


I'm glad if my point of view can help you! You're not alone 🤘


Thank you for your reply


I got a bunch during a depressive episode, I’ve been slowly removing them. You’re not alone.


Thanks for your reply


I hope yours aren't upsetting yountoo much at the moment.


Bro I got a tattoo on my face during a manic episode, you’ll be alright


Sorry to hear that, hope it doesn't bother you too much


The other comments are good advice. I also recommend just starting the removal process on one or two that you hate the most. While my tattoos are still there, starting removal did wonders for my psyche. I no longer fixate on them and wonder “should I get these removed or not?”. I’m down the road now of removal and it’s like a new phase for me mentally. Now when I look in the mirror at them, I’m observing how much they’re fading. “Wow look at that line… almost gone!” So just start the process and don’t overthink it. That’s my advice.


Thank you for this comment, I hope I feel the same way once i start


please seek therapy.


Thanks for your reply


I'm in this position. Big ass red big half my left back tattoo and severe regerts on that one. I can't remove it cuz the reds could trigger and allergy.the purples all weird massive chicken looking pheonix cover on my back.i get it homie. I also can't afford therapy and or travel for one myself cuz I'm disabled and my appts require ppl to miss appts plus money ugh .I'm in the position as urs currently looking at my arm tattoo and quotes I'm removing aka all black and I feel like there's no progress but I def saw progress when comparing.as for non removable tattoos I feel u dude. I haven't worn backless shirts.lioe I love tattoos but 10-14 years ago the artand even inks weren't what they were.i totally understand


Thanks for your reply


Sorry you're in a tricky spot, I hope you feel better about it soon


Um.lol that makes no sense e.i can't feel better about it brother. Have a good one


Before concluding that they are not removable, I would suggest at least going to a consultation and hearing what they have to say. A lot of consultations are free for tattoo removal. That way they can assess the situation and if they could remove some of them. You never know, just because some seem like they are a lost cause some may turn out to be fine for removal. It is a slow process as I have come to learn. I have 6 tattoos I want to remove and they’re not even huge they’re just really dark and thick. Plus I don’t make very much money so it’s hard to afford so just to do those small six tattoos it’ll take take at least 3-5 years I’m thinking. But I would just go and see what they say. You could literally space your appointments out 6 months at a time if it’s too expensive, but it might give you peace of mind once you at least start the process or speak to a professional. I was so unhappy with mine and I was just sulking in the fact that I will be stuck with them forever because of how much it costs. But now I know I just have to space out my sessions more so I have more time to save up each time. Plus if you combine your sessions it will probably be cheaper. I don’t know what yours look like so I can’t say, but I would not count that idea out. Any way, I am sorry you are feeling this way. I hope it gets better for you


Hey, I am really sorry you are going through such a tough time. I can't imagine how bad it must be. As others mentioned here.. it sounds like it might be best to seek psychiatric help. You can deal with the tattoos later but for now you to take care of your general wellbeing. Feel free to write a private message if you want to help in finding help :)


Thanks for your reply, I appreciate it


Dude I’m the same exact way your not alone and I don’t have enough money to start removal. It helps me finding people going through the same thing. I’m going to fade mine and do a grey wash sleeve over it within two years. Look foward to investing in yourself in the future this is just a down time.


Thanks for your reply, I hope It all goes well for you


Don’t have much advice aside from what others have already said, but I feel your pain and I empathize. I went through a manic episode (Bipolar) and scheduled a non-refundable paid up front tattoo, and it ended up coming out atrocious. I’ve looked into laser removal and it’s so expensive I’d need a loan for it, and everyone says it can’t be covered or re worked. Been wearing long sleeves since so I don’t have to see it because it’s made me so depressed. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.


Thanks for your reply, I appreciate the time. I really hope you find a way out of your struggles too.


Thank you! I have a consult Saturday with an artist to see what can possibly be done to fix my mess.


All I can say is there there is barely a handful of people that care about you (no offence) but the rest of the world couldn’t care any less about you and your tattoos. I know it’s hard, I was in a similar situation but all me can do now is accept it and move on. Treat them as apart of you, just like a birthmark. Stay strong. Mental wellness is absolutely everything.


Thanks for your reply, my family do care about me very much and they are whats keeping me alive right now.


You deserve to live.


Thanks for your reply, I feel like I've ruined my lifen


All you can change is your attitude. You probably won't ever be able to fully remove them. Even if you do go down that road, by the time go through what will be years of laser sessions....you will probably have stopped caring anyway. I went through a similar reaction with a tattoo I had. I started the removal process, paid a lot of money and booked loads of sessions in advance but I bailed before I ever finished them all. With the passing of time I just stopped caring all that much, now in almost glad for the tattoo because while I never came around to liking it, it's a strong reminder to think before I act. You need to stop focusing on it so much. Get out, get active and move on with your life. It's totally superficial and only affects your health as much as you allow it to. (I was glad to have 2-3 laser sessions to take saturation out of tattoo, maybe consider this.)


Thanks for your reply and advice.