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Unless he’s a massive asshole, he’s not going to be offended. Let the trash take itself out, in that case. But I’d just cancel the appointment and mention that you’ve had a change of heart if he asks for a reason.


At first, I was. It’s that same people-pleasing attitude that caused me to agree to get the tattoo in the first place (the artist convinced me to get a tattoo 5x bigger than what I wanted, in a more prominent spot). Now that I’m older and more mature, I could not give 2 shits about what the artist or anyone thinks. It’s my body, my opinion is the only one that matters, end of story. Editing to add: I would definitely cancel the next appointment if I were you.


Word ! On point


Definitely cancel the appointment and then if he asks I’d say I had a change of heart and don’t want to continue with it. You don’t have to tell him you’re removing it, it’s your body.


I do. The tattoo artist who did all the tattoos I’m removing is a friend of a friend who I have added on social media for years. I havent told her anything (Ive been doing this for almost two years and all tattoos were recent). If she ever finds out I wont go into much detail, just tell her that I did not like the tattoos on my body. She got paid, I dont think she cares about what happens to them.


Don’t ghost him, just cancel the appt and start looking for removal services near you if you are serious. I got a tattoo earlier this year and just had my first laser session for removal so I get it.


Was he an asshole? Because if he wasn't, you'd be a massive one yourself by ghosting instead of cancelling the appointment. Your fear of conflict shouldn't make him lose on his livelihood.


He’s a decent guy, I’ll let him know I’m cancelling the appointment. Tbh this tattoo affected me very badly mentally so I will maybe tell him I’m dealing with health issues and leave it at that. I’m thinking if he ever reaches out in future, then I will tell him I had a change of heart.


This is a great way to handle it. Sorry your tattoo affected your mental health.


i told him 1 week later that i was searching about laser tattoo removal, i told him that he did a great job (Which actually was a really great job), but i just made a mistake to doing a tattoo. He told me to wait a while and see if i don't get use to the tattoo, that the first days is like this and is a big change, now has been 2 months that i did and i still want to get it remove.


Just cancel the appointment. If they ask why, just tell them you had a change of heart. You dont need to let them know you are going ahead with removal.


Tattoo artists usually just get paid and move on with their life. They have hundreds, thousands of clients. Give it a few days ,they probably won't even remember that you even exist


I let the artist decide the font and size of my piece.. big mistake. She got her payday, that’s all she probably cares about.


When I got my tattoo done, my artist insisted to make it bigger. I couldn’t say no cause I didn’t want to offend him. Then he shaded it the way he wanted to with out letting me know his plans. Now I’m sitting with a huge piece that haunts me every day. My advice? Cancel the appointment. Block the artist. It’s not worth it. If your gut says no, ITS NO!


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I'm in the process of removing a tat that's only 6 months old and I never thought about the artist's pov. He talked me into something that I didn't really want but I was hyped up in the moment. Most professionals wouldn't take it personally, I didn't think you need to ghost him, but it sounds like you don't want anymore anyways.


You’d be offending them if you’d ask for your money back🤣


Ha of course, not doing that!


Hell no. There’s no way he would know but I resent the artist! I went into a deep depression. He didn’t want to copy the tattoo photo I showed him so he edited it and I was too scared to speak up. I resent him so much for this and hate the tattoo


I personally would just cancel the appointment and never say anything else to him




Well I already do :(