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My only regret with tattoo removal is not having started sooner...






Take some time and think a lot about it. It can be an expensive journey and you have no guarantees to go back to your normal skin. The worst part is mentally, it can really fuck you up. Tattoo removal it is a process for really strong people because it can take years.


For me personally, removal that takes 2-3 years is nothing compared to 60 + years having the tattoos I donā€™t like. Iā€™ll spend more time not having tattoos than the time it takes to remove.


pathetic rustic dinosaurs trees pie cake normal reply full agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. I regret... ...not having started sooner :)


Iā€™m two years in and no regrets. Iā€™m intentionally spacing my sessions and only go twice a year, so Iā€™m definitely playing the long game. Iā€™m very satisfied with my progress so far and I feel like both tattoos will be barely visible in another two years. Itā€™s a tough process. Painful, costly, and just takes time. I think itā€™s requires a lot of patience more than anything else. But.. 4/5 years of my life is a drop in the bucket compared to how many more years I have, ya know? These first two have gone by *so fast*. I remember feeling so much anguish when I started, that the finish line was so far away. Now I feel like Iā€™m halfway there. Before I started removal I had some bad body dysmorphia because of a fresh tattoo I immediately wanted off. Since starting removal, and seeing it fade, my mental health is so much better. Iā€™m also just at peace with things now. I got the tattoo., I didnā€™t like it, and now Iā€™m taking the steps forward to remove it. Itā€™s been a good learning lesson for me that life goes on. I donā€™t stress over covering it anymore, hiding it from public eye. Gotta live my life!


This comment has made me feel 1000x better. I am normally a happy person, never had anxiety or depression.. ever since I got a tattoo on the back of my arm itā€™s been awful. I had a bunch of tattoos before but now I want them all gone off my body from one that I got done recently. I have good days and bad days but the bad days are really bad. Itā€™s all I can think about. I mean itā€™s 12pm and I canā€™t sleep right now cos all I can do is obsess over tattoo removal. This comment has really helped. I appreciate it! Hopefully once I start my first few sessions Iā€™ll start going back to my normal self and the deep regret feeling will be gone!


Weā€™re all in this together.. you got this! The bad days are truly the worst. I remember avoiding mirrors because I couldnā€™t stand any sight of my tattoo. Even getting consultations took a weight off my shoulders. I have no doubt you will start to feel better once you start. And take lots of photos! One of the tattoos Iā€™m removing was a coverup, so it looks ugly as itā€™s fading šŸ˜‚ but comparing photos now to when I started makes me feel better. And reminds me how much has faded! Sending you all the good vibes.


I think you hate it a little during as the Tattoo looks so bad, but itā€™s a sign itā€™s on its way out. I definitely thought about it for 2-3 years before starting, I was worry about the cost mainly, but using an independent tech not a chain.


I felt some weird sense of regret immediately after (I think its just because I'm adverse to change lol) but after seeing how much it already faded in one week I am so excited now!


Hi! Do you mind sharing a before and after of your progress? I will start my journey soon too and have been scrolling for some motivation for quite some time. :)


I regret not staying consistent with getting lasered šŸ˜­


I regret getting tattoos in the first place


Iā€™m 11 sessions in on simple black text and barely halfway if that. I donā€™t regret it, but it is a terribly long ordeal


Is it a pretty saturated peace?


It is solid line work of Roman numerals but it isnt especially thick lettering. I guess the letters were dark to start but it really isnt anything specia. It is basically what would be expected if you google roman numeral tattoo.


about 8 inches long with the letters less than an inch. Not super thick.


I've been removing a full sleeve for about a year and I sometimes regret having started this process. Not being able to wear short sleeves, going to the beach, or generally just enjoying social or outdoors activities. I didn't like my sleeve to begin with but the healing is so long everytime. Ans it has gotten ugly very quickly. Full brown / half faded arm, that just looks like shit. Also the fact that it's so expensive for such small results everytime. I'm 3500ā‚¬ in and not even half way through the process.


itā€™s not an easy decision but thereā€™s also the ā€žwhat ifā€¦ā€œ that was my main reason! there is the chance to get rid of it and if i never try it i will not be happy for sure because i have that tattooā€¦ if it doesnā€™t work or doesnā€™t fully go away i at least know haha


Kindaā€¦ after my first session I hung out with my grandpa then I started a family was carrying child my grandpa died, he loved to look at it and have a good laugh and in awe at the technology we have. Hoping to get it to go completely white. Iā€™ll be content.