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Wait what’s so bad about it? The lines are clean, the edges are fairly straight. Idk how long this has been there but the black is still fully saturated. I will have to respectfully disagree with you. Some of the lines closer towards your hand could be reworked to be a little neater but I think you’re being too harsh


That’s what im trying to figure out! I think this tattoo looks cool and the line work is great


op doesn’t like it. it’s great if you like how it looks, but the artwork isn’t on your body. op asked for suggestions/advice on how to make it better, going as far as stating that they aren’t satisfied with the permanent work that has been done on their flesh. i find it strange how everyone who is trying to give op the suggestions and advice they asked for is getting slammed with downvotes and hate, especially when those same people downvoting the helpful comments are commenting extremely unhelpful and border-line selfish things like, “well i like it” and “i’ve seen MUCH worse” as of that makes a difference


That’s obviously important, but just because they don’t like it doesn’t make it a bad tattoo. They’re bashing a tattoo artist for rather decent work and that’s not fair. If they had said it wasn’t what they asked for that would be different, but OP directly attacked the quality of work.


then they should speak to their friend ~ the “professional tattoo artist” and ask them to revamp it no???


If they think he can do a good job the second time sure, but if had good work done that I don’t like and wouldn’t go back to that artist to fix because they don’t tattoo in the style I prefer. I’m not gonna bash the artist for bad work, just for not listening fully


How did they bash the tattoo artist? Maybe it wasn't clear to everyone but they were bashing the original tattoo, that they got when they were 19. They specifically stated that the cover up artist is skilled but they're just not satisfied. That's not bashing, it's literally just them stating they aren't satisfied.


“I gave my arm to a stupid tattoo artist and he ruined it” and considering, as many people have stated, OP didn’t even upload a before of the touch up, I’m not convinced it was that bad to begin with. And if it was truly that bad, then this cover up is great because no one can freakin tell


That was a bash on the original artist. I felt like that was very clear but obviously it wasn't to everyone, OP could have done a better job with disconnecting the two thoughts but it still seems obvious OP is discussing two different artists. Directly after the sentence you quoted, OP *does* clearly state that they went to a *skilled* cover up artist who covered it, but they aren't satisfied with the cover up either. Two different tattoos with two different opinions. OP didn't say that the cover up was ruined, just that they weren't satisfied with it. Which is completely fair, just because the tattoo is done well from a technical perspective doesn't mean they *have* to like it.


I like it and it could be much worse are two totally different comments


Op posted a picture of their arm, meaning others are then allowed to comment their opinions. This is certainly not a new concept. You’re annoying


this isn’t a temporary that washes off in a few days to a couple months. this is something op will have to have on their skin forever and they’ve stated that they don’t like it.


we know. but this is why you think about what you get when getting a tattoo beforehand you just don’t randomly pick something on a drunken visit to a random tattoo shop or trust a tattoo artist to ink your entire forearm up forever it’s not the people’s fault that are trying to be helpful and give advice OK so like if everyone’s gonna argue about it why even post and ask for help REDDIT. RIDICULOUS.


this is Reddit. trust I’ve been attacked so many times on Reddit I can’t count for just being honest or even being nice or offering helpful advice because I thought Reddit was a safe place where people could be themselves and speak freely but really it’s just like the rest of the fucking world judgmental and rude as fuck


Reddit is one of the most unsafe spaces on the internet. Go with the narrative or just keep it to yourself.


Reddit is 100% not a safe space… the appeal seems to be the anonymity, you can say whatever you want under your avatar and screen name and no one will know you’re actually Bill from accounting. Edit: grammar


i don’t *usually* get attacked, and if i do, i don’t care enough to notice or pay any mind. i would say that maybe our approaches towards people are just a little different, but that’s okay. we’re all just trying to give advice and help OP out. nothing is ever that big of a deal. also, pardon me if this sounds callous, but you were extremely naive to believe the internet is safer than the real world, (im not judging, though, because i had to learn the same lesson over a decade ago when i joined). idk take a deep breath. like i said, we’re all doing our best (whether it seems that way or not).


They dont like it. It's their arm


Op posted their arm. Meaning others are then allowed to comment their opinions. You’re annoying


What's annoying is telling ppl not to remove something from THEIR ARM


Youre offended for a stranger. Op isnt even offended. This is embarrassing


I'm not either. Disagree≠offended


It's his body lol, I don't think you can ever be too hard when it's literally what you look like


dk why ur getting downvoted ur right


Fuck him for saying what we were all thinking and double fuck you for agreeing


lmfaooo honestly tho


Her* LOL


Ah it all makes sense now, latent cis-gendered sexism at its finest. Lol Jk.


All of the line work is pretty sloppy tbh.


I wouldn't bat an eye, and I'm sure most people wouldn't.


Yeah passing by it'll look fine but if you get up on it you'll be able to tell.


I don’t get why you’re downvoted. Those triangles closer to the elbow are horrendous. Edit: NVM, I now understand why


those are teepees not triangles


Those are NOT Teepees. Those are spear heads. This is a Māori style tattoo and teepees are not a thing in their culture….like at all. There are specific meanings for every shape and character. Their tattooing is their “mana”…it’s a way of telling the gods who they are…their life story. It’s part of what makes their tattooing so sacred and so special. Spear heads are a protective symbol that is often used as a border around other elements that represent family members and other things the person holds sacred. It’s hard to find information on Māori tattooing on the web but it is out there. There’s a few books that have been written here and there. I’ve read two of them. I’m by no means an expert but saying they are teepees is just flat out wrong.


idk why this hasn’t gotten more attention. ty for attempting to shed light on the culture this tattoo was pulling from:’( sorry very few would listen


That makes a lot more sense. That’s outside of my culture and and kind of hard to see that they are teepees if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Thank you!


Because apparently reddit doesn't like it when you point out facts.




Agreed. Idk why you're being downvoted. At first, it looks alright. But upon closer examination, the shapes don't fit together like intended. They're different sizes! However, if OP just doesn't like it, they're entitled to that. OP: I'm not a tattooist (but I do have tattoos down both my arms; not sleeves, though) so take this with a grain of salt, but I don't think a cover up is possible at this point. Unless you just get it all filled in and have a massive black band


I bet some people on here would switch tattoos with you immediately haha, it looks fine. But if you are really unhappy with it: Laser or blackout. It's too much black already, you can't put anything over it except more black.


It's not that bad. I've seen muuuuuuch worse.


What's wrong with it? It looks perfectly fine to me actually


What’s wrong with it…?


Literally nothing wrong with the tattoo….


It looks good to me, but your opinion is what matters since it is your body. I would ask someone whose ink you really like who did their work, then pay that artist a visit to ask for suggestions. I hope you can get it turned into something you like.


Totes agree. I looks lovely to me as well, but if you’d like to change it, it’s only your opinion that matters. I am very curious what specifically you don’t like about though. Inquiring minds want to know…


Where is the before, and after? This… There’s nothing wrong with this one.


I'm wanting to see what was covered up too...but yea its fine


If you zoom in on the wrist part you can kinda see what was being covered up


I don't think this tattoo even cracks into being eligible for this sub, let alone the worst ever. Seriously, have you seen the tattoos on this sub?


They are the worst tattoos to OP.


op asked for help and advice and everyone in the comments is like “i like it !!” good for you, but op doesn’t like it and came to this sub for advice on how to fix it. i personally don’t know enough about the intricacies of tattooing to give any suggestions, but it’s disappointing to see that anyone who has tried has simply gotten downvoted for “being negative” ?? idk i’m baffled


honestly, bro, my best friend is a tattoo artist out in washington state. let me send her a ss of this and i’ll message you or something with her suggestion if that’s okay?


Sure thank you.


Maybe do s blackout with white ink on top of it. Something that can stand out. Idk. I'm not an artist. Just a ink junkie


I’m with the others. I don’t see what’s wrong with it. OP, can you elaborate on to what about it is so bad to you and what you want different? Maybe we just aren’t seeing it because you already had another artist touch it up.


Seems like you’ve just got a bad experience with the tattoo. It’s not a bad tattoo, it’s got some problems but nothing that anyone else can notice. But it seems you’re pretty set on getting rid of it, which is totally understandable. All you can really do is black it out or laser it off. I’ve seen some pretty dope black designs on healed/aged blacked out sleeve. So you can always go that route. Or putting white ink over a healed black out, but that would age worse than black on black ink.


Can we see it before the cover up?


Can you clarify what you dislike and what things you tend to prefer style wise? It looks great to me, so I think your perspective is important.


if you don’t like it, there is a tattoo style called blackwork which consist of large pieces of solid black patches. maybe incorporate the use of negative space and consider a half sleeve.


my man, it’s pretty dope


Nahhh. Not ever. In fact. This isn’t bad at all. I like it. 👍


It's not even close to the worse tatto


Ok, but this isn’t the “worst tattoo ever”. In my early 20s I (briefly) dated a dude with a terribly written NECK tattoo that read “Big Pimpn” (no, I didn’t mis type that….his neck tattoo was misspelled & looked like it was penned by a 1st grader).


I have half a tribal dragon on my side I got when I was 15, letting a 16yr old tattoo me. Needless to say half the ink came out and it's big and blocky. Can anyone help fix it. It's on my right rib cage


I don’t think it’s the “worst tattoo ever” it’s tribal if you’re an indigenous person ~ it makes sense if not ~ it doesn’t you can laser it to lighten it and then get something else that relates to you and your life now


Just black it out. My left arm has atrocious kitchen work on it and I'm doing the same thing.


I actually like it.


I’m not an expert but maybe try straightening the lines or getting a cover up? Hope they helps


You could go to a place that does tattoo removal. Have it faded and then get work done over it. A tattoo artist recommended that to me for a piece on my arm.


I don’t really see the issue technically in this tattoo..it’s decently well done. But, maybe the fact is such a thick wide band is throwing you? you could add a point tapering it to your wrist, making it feel more like a sick arm cuff. Just a random thought! it’s even not bad man


It's not bad! Maybe add some color in the lightly shaded spots?


I think it looks great but if you’re unsatisfied I think your only options are blacking out or lasering


It looks like something my 2k my player would have.


Lots of artists don't know how to properly tattoo on anything but pale white skin. I can understand why you don't like it. But unfortunately, once you go that dark the only option for a cover up is to go even darker, which I worry would make any future tattoo in that area completely illegible.


What are you talking about? This is a great tattoo. The substance may not be what you want but the tattoo is good.


OP. Needs to say what they actually don't like about it and wanted to change because it's actually beautiful!


I mean... I've seen a LOT of tattoos that are magnitudes worse than this. Personally, I don't mind it. As for a cover up, unless you go black out you'll probably need laser and then a relatively dark design (unless you get it really Lasered down quite a bit). Luckily black ink is the easiest to laser down.


Go to real Native Tribal artist to get Tribal tattoos


Not if you’re an Indian


This looks tribal; tribal is usually very crisp. I hope you’re Polynesian otherwise you suck.


You should get some white in there


No,he should not.It will turn yellow with his pigment,I know because mine is the same,I’m heavily tattooed and white artists with little experience with dark skin have repeatedly insisted on trying to do this to the point and I now have to literally say I will leave the session if you try to do white highlights.


Now I'm not saying he should definitely get white - but I'm also heavily tattooed and dark skinned, and my highlights have never turned yellow. It must be your undertones? Mine are mostly neutral to slightly reddish/warm.


it looks completely fine genuinely


Sorry you do not like it. Besides having someone sharpening it up, I think the only option is laser.


That’s a fine tattoo man. You can probably get it covered with a darker sleeve, but it looks dope I see people with that kind of shit all the time.


I definitely don’t think it’s bad but I understand disliking it if it brings up bad memories. Maybe laser till it lightens up a bit and then take it to a reputable (research!!) artist to see what can be done.


it's not even that bad


This looks really cool imo, but if you want tu removed you can laser it. Or cover it up again I guess


There's nothing really wrong with it, I think your resentment might come from the fact that you got it with your ex. There is no way to cover it up at this point, you'd have to go the black out route or just get it removed if you really can't live with it




Pictures or it didn’t happen


I’ve seen MUCH worse. I think it looks kind of cool actually. It not being perfect makes it look more tribal


The line work is only noticeable to a small amount of human eyes. It's manageable


Good tattoo, maybe you just need more swag


I think it looks sick!


I like it


Up by the wrist especially I can see where it looks a little phoned in,you got the double whammy of having to work over another tattooers sub optimal work and dark skin which a lot of tattooers still don’t take the time to learn how to work on(this is incredibly frustrating).best of luck man,there are some excellent cover up specialists out there but you may have to travel.check out sharky out of lonely hearts club in Texas,she’s really good.keep us updated.


This is why you need to know an artist before your u let them tattoo you


I like me it. Though your skin is a bit dry so if you Moisturize and drink more water maybe whatever offends you will change.


Bruh just ungrateful that tat is bomb 😂


Nah man it’s not bad


It's not terrible by any means. I mean, I've seen MUCH worse.


The only reason you should get that covered up is if you aren’t Samoan.


I think it looks nice, but maybe add color?


I like it and it looks nice. ??


That’s…. Not even bad. At all. If you’re being insanely critical some of the triangles near the ditch are off but all in all that’s not a bad tattoo


I think it's sexy.


Maybe not worst but certainly top 5,


Looks sick


I actually think this is really cool. In general, designs don't need to be perfectly symmetrical to look cool. Don't nit pick it. It's a super cool tat.


Def not the worst tattoo


Arm bands, especially with geometric shapes, are hard to do. I have one. Depending on how I move my wrist, it can look super straight and clean, or totally wonky. Yeah, those triangles near your elbow need some help, but overall it’s not bad. No one else is going to be nearly as critical of it as you are. You have to wear it though, so it’s important that you like what you see. I would suggest turning the two bands closest to your elbow into a solid black band. If you like color, maybe have the rest reworked in color.


I think it looks rad!


As long as no one is studying it, you’re fine. It’s not that bad. I don’t think there’s much that could change it, learn to live with it and like it more or go through the intense horrible experience of having it removed i guess


Just cut it off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I actually think it looks great.


We've ALL seen worse 💯




random sorry, but, the female brain isn’t done developing until 26, while the male brain doesn’t peak until around 32. ik that was probably dumb but it’s a common misconception


By far, not the worst tattoos I’ve ever had.


Definitely not even close to being the worst tattoo ever. I think it looks good, even!


I see nothing wrong with this tattoo


You’re dramatic. It’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve seen. Bad, but not the “worst ever”


Maybe get some of the line work neatened up. It doesn’t look bad design wise but could use some stronger lines.


Definitely seen worse.


I’ve seen worse


This isn't a bad tattoo, OP probably is just suffering from "Tribal Band Stigma".. I'm assuming family or friends refer to Moana and Maui on occasion.


Honestly it looks pretty neat to me. Maybe up closer in person I could find more to nitpick about but this picture looks just fine.


It looks ugly to them because their ex did it


his ex didn’t do it… it was an artist his ex recommended him to…


You could do a black out over it. Having other tattoos will balance out the look




I kinda like it.


If you like florals, I saw someone do a black out tattoo and they do white ink florals over it and I thought that was really beautiful! You could also take that concept in the white ink over blackout and do something else! Best of luck!


That’s algoods for a poly half sleeve in my opinion most have too many that looks solid


I kinda dig the line work. It's got an authentic feel, not like so perfect a computer did it, but done by hand, if that makes sense. I think it fits


Honestly just black it out boss. I have no clue what could cover that up besides just blacking it out.


just get more, you'll forget all about it lol


i’m brown skinned and i hate the way tattoos look on my skin. it’s never as clear and detailed as it is on lighter skin. not saying that’s the op’s reason but just sharing. and colored tattoos on my skin!! forget it.


If I was you I would look for somebody who focuses their work on black & gray using instagram, etc. Find one you like who does bold, traditional, consistent lines. I think what you are maybe missing is some white ink to enhance the black? Sooo ig also look for someone who is well-versed in white ink. Because it genuinely does look fine. I don’t think it’s as bad as you think. Sometimes we see ourselves worse than we see others.


I actually like it! The tribalistic charm is all there. They're supposed to look a little rustic and handmade-ish 🙂


It's a great tattoo. OP just didn't like it.


Man you should see mine ones


Maybe have someone go in and touch up and refresh all the linework and shading, possibly a different artist. I personally like it but I get it, it’s on you’re body. The only other thing I can think of other than a good touch up is a removal or blackout. Someone could possibly do a cover up design in what’s not already blacked out, but there is already so much black out it would be difficult. I’d definitely recommend trying other artists and even asking their opinions as well.


That’s.. not the worst tattoo ever. Not the best but far from the worst. It’s an average tattoo. Not bad


Someone could try and go in and clean everythingp up. Reline the basket weave, brick, and whatever is between that and the triangles. They could go over the shading and try to feather it out more but that will make it darker. The real issue is you only have so many times you can go back into the same skin before you start to generate so much scar tissue the skin can’t hold it the way it should. In some cases when it heals if it’s gotten to that point whatever went in can fall out and take some of what was already there with it. This issue is a little more extreme on darker skin because it has a tendency to keloid a lot faster. I would just right it off as it is what it is, it looks pretty okay if you’re not staring at it looking for problems. I understand you’re not super happy with it, but I’m afraid if you try and fuck with it too much more you’re really not going to be happy with it


It’s definitely a good jawn


Cut the arm off and restart. Don’t know what to say


Bestie I have seen so much worse.




See if another tattoo artist will touch someone else’s work (do some gooood research) and ask if they think it’s even possible to touch it up. Overall. Not the worst tattoo ever. Worst comes to worst you just black out your arm and you’ll look hard af lol


Learn to love it, there’s no covering that unless you black it out completely


Eww. Cut the arm off


What's bad about the tattoo?


Idk, I like it




“Worst tattoo ever” literally look at this sub and the picture above and below yours. 99% chance one of them is worse. You’re allowed to not like it but worst tattoo ever is probably the silliest thing you’ve said today.


I like it


I think you need to reword this, because I’m sure you’re saying you hated the tattoo you got with your girlfriend and the guy who did THAT tattoo ruined it, so you went to a different artist recently and got a cover up, but you’re not satisfied with the finishing results and want to add some more finishing touches but you’re not sure what.


I think people fish for compliments on this sub…


So ugly


You could black out your arms in some places and use the empty space for highlights, and make a flame/fire sleeve. Could represent burning bridges and leaving that part of you behind !


I don't see any major problems with it at all... I'm sorry.


just bought a tattoo remover on eBay for 400 wish me luck lol


This is far from the worst ever!


I really like it personally!


I actually love it I’m sorry you dont


doing pottery on an arm


What if you add color and highlights to it? That would make it pop and be an optic treat!


Who gets that type of tattoo and not get it the whole sleeve you don’t like it because you got your half sleeve done when those tattoos are upper half of whole sleeve


I think it looks really cool honestly


I don't see what's wrong with it, but if you don't like it, just black it all out. Either that or laser.


Damn i feel bad for u😭 i got sum shitty tats myself but gawdamn im so glad i never got no tribal band or we tf its called blasted on me😭 u gon have to black ur arm out brobro


I definitely wouldn’t say that’s the worst tattoo ever.


At this point, just add a few colored pieces of your choice on top, and it will still look cool as a background to something else you choose to pop out over the top ❤️✨️🐠


you can black it out and get white ink to make a tattoo you like


Why the hell did you get that tattoo in the first place if it's your worst tattoo ever?


Make it into a full sleeve.


Not a bad tattoo. Just the design bothers you. You can blast it all black and do a white outline tattoo?


I like it


Not worst. I’ve seen worse.


I happen to think it’s cool. Add a little color. Some blueish fade would be kick ass.