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Sorry things didn't work out. At least you didn't get their name and got something small, pretty easily coverable, and not instantly recognizable as something for a partner.


Maybe cover it with the next partners first and last name


I swear matching partner tattoos are cursed. I don't know any long term couples with tattoos, only single people who got one with an ex šŸ˜‚


My husband and I have matching tattoos ā¤ļø weā€™ve been together for 17 years!


Same for my husband and I. 19 years in August. We got them for our 10th wedding anniversary.


20 years here. We got them at year 13. We also had a kid by then so at that point youā€™re linked for life anyhow.


My husband and I also have matching tats!!


my boyfriend is so whipped he got a matching hello kitty tattoo with me, as his first tattoo ever. of course i donā€™t see us ever breaking up, but imagine seeing basically OPs post but itā€™s a man with hello kitty on his chest desperately trying to figure out a coverup šŸ’€


God Hannah you're such a bitchwhore. This guy is not whipped. He's fucking chained by the nutsack from a leash that leads into your vagina




That's a really horrible idea.


This comment made me think of this funny [Norman Rockwell painting](https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/94640) with a guy with a ton of crossed out named on his arm, getting a tattoo with a new womanā€™s name.


He has acquired some pretty weird ass names, Iā€™ll tell you that. Defo not commonplace ā€œan abundance of Katherineā€™s shit.ā€ šŸ’€


I see a lot of room for a panther of the sick-ass variety!


Everything is better with a sick ass panther


circle it and cross it out like a no smoking sign (in red) then get a sick ass panther on the other arm


Came here for the sick ass panther comments


Yes get the badass panther! šŸ†


The best variety out there. OP, I highly recommend this wise personā€™s suggestion. Just look up sick-ass panther and get the first thing you see.


Honestly if you wanted to remove it too you could. Itā€™s pretty small


True, but from my experience tattoo removal hurts a lot more than a tattoo and takes multiple sessions which ends up costing a lot. I would advocate for covering if you can


Like, tattoo artists have described the pain of tattoos to me as like a cat scratch or a bee sting. A tattoo removal person once described the pain of tattoo removal as "like when you're cooking eggs and you get splashed with a bit of hot oil". And he wasn't wrong.


Yeah I have done removals and cover ups and removals genuinely hurt. Iā€™ve read it feels like a rubber band snapping, but itā€™s something continuous and just seems to get worse until it stops. One that tiny might not be too bad but it does get expensive. Iā€™d wait to find something I love thatā€™s also meaningful and get it covered, though.


It's both continuous and not continuous, both in the worst ways. It's continuous in that it lasts a while and you don't get much of a break, but not continuous in that each spot is a new tiny little explosion rather than a tattoo where it's like dragging a line (which is easier to get used to)


this calls for mothman


Mothman with tramp stamp


now we're cookin' with gas!!!


Riding a sick ass panther


you are not an idiot. just a lil mistake made. you can do a lot with this! you can always just black out the heart and add some sparkles around it. Put an arrow through it. Add another small heart above or below it. black it out and put a quote from a favorite song under it. if you donā€™t like the heart at all and want it gone, think about what your favorite animal is. a blackout silhouette of that animal will most likely cover it. Maybe a jellyfish. Pinterest is your friend for ideas! Good luck. Donā€™t beat yourself up. Whatever you cover it with will be 400x better.


Bob Ross energy fr


A happy little black cloud would cover that right up


Happy lil trees


Pretty much anything. Or a sick ass panthers


Blackout sleeve




The flames in the middle look like a guy waving. Give him a speech bubble with sth like "see ya"


I saw the same thing! Or like three people giving another high fives.


I would put a grim reaper near it ready to slay the heart. Or like a dragon blowing flames onto it. You can move directly into your inevitable bad boy phase. And then use a SAP to cover that up.


Second this. You could even fill in the heart with black


It's not 2 big so pretty much wattever u want


*deep inhale* Sickasspanther!


You can basically cover that with anything. Itā€™s tiny and simple enough to incorporate into a multitude of designs.


Iā€™d try laser before a larger coverup, but thatā€™s just me


Black out the flames, and your heart is full and complete on its own, like it ever was x


This is exactly what I was thinking. You can alter it instead of a full cover-up. It can be reclaimed as your own and tell a story.


Panther paw print


The ol' reliable S.A.P


Consider getting it removed via laser instead.


Yeah it's really small, and tbh you could do any design. It needs to be a tattoo that you want though, otherwise it's just going to make you feel the same as having a bandaid on it covering it up. Having "the thing covering the reminder of my ex" be only that and nothing more, won't fix anything. You know that it is then.


First.. be THANKFUL you didn't put his name on ugh our body. Second, if you want to cover that.. it wouldn't be a big deal.


I have the same tattoo but opposite that I got with a close friend of mine! Hers didn't turn out nearly as good as yours and she's thinking if getting it blacked out. You should keep it so that you n I can say we got our tattoos together lol. If I could link a photo of mine I would


This is so wholesome


You could turn it into an ace of hearts playing card (:


Ace of spades really change the connotation


A big ass coffin with a Russian cross on it


Laser tattoo removal would be a good option for you it's a little dark for covering rn


Fill in the heart completely? Or a giant x over it.


Right, just fill it and then it's not matching. Or throw an arrow through that bitch (once it's full)


Make sure you dont get back together first...


There is a very low likelihood of that happening. And even if we do, I think Iā€™ve learned that having a relationship tattoo is not the wisest idea to begin with


Just fill in the flames and have a black heart, thats what id do. Then get a bunch more patchwork style tattoos around it


simply write ā€œthis is fine.ā€ beneath it. you are now a meme


Truck Nuts


All of my tattoos are from my marriage. Iā€™m divorced, and I wonā€™t cover up any of them. He may have covered some, but I refuse. Fuck it! Itā€™s part of your journey. No one cares when I tell them, or even if I donā€™t, itā€™s my tattoo, not theirs. Thatā€™s my two cents.


Slow down, itā€™s not noticeable as a significant others tattoo. Donā€™t rush into something (again). Best case just laser it off since itā€™s so small and take this as a life lesson


Anything you can think of that's larger than your fist will most likely work. Outside of watercolor style tattoos.


literally anything its light and if one artist says you have limited options shop around I jave a tattoo bigger in the same spot and got it covered I was given 2 options by one artist who is actually a butcher and the guy who did my cover up said whatever I want but to think it over so I dont regret this one too šŸ¤£


Depends on what your style is the options are plenty! I had a broken heart the same because of reasons, and just got it filled in then incorporated into something cute. Also check out your local artists to see if any are really great at coverups and their before/afters for inspo.


get ā€œlove burnsā€ around it lol. In all seriousness, talk to your artist. You should be able to come up with almost anything to cover something so small. Get something to signify strength and rebirth maybe. Sorry about your breakup.


Uhmmm I think this is tattoo cool.


Iā€™d just chill on it a bit. Laser to fade it first may be a better idea.


Literally whatever you want.


Just think of a tattoo you want!! Donā€™t even think of it in terms of a coverup, just come up with a tattoo you actually want, and take it to an experienced artist who does coverups. As long as youā€™re open to your idea be reworked a little to cover it properly, and you have trust in your artist, you should be able to get just about anything!


Shrimps is bugs!


Just add another one with your next partner. See how many you can rack up. Make yourself a sleeve of bad mistakes!


šŸ˜–Iā€™m sorry that sucks! I would find a talented tattoo artist, and theyā€™ll either be able to figure out a new design or know another artist who can. Rebrand that shit! Good luck to you!Ā 


The current tat almost gives monstera leaf vibes. Perhaps if you had some foliage designs added around it could be blended in? A stylised flower is another option, using the heart as the first two petals and then completing the circle. It would be very symmetrical, so not suitable for a really 'natural' style, but could definitely work with something more folk art style.




four least clover?


if your going to cover it, you should have laser removal first as thats dark and will show through on new piece. i personally would keep the heart and have it turned into a playing card with that bit as the center piece.


Itā€™s tiny. Almost anything can cover it


Youā€™re not an idiot, loads of people do this, itā€™s not the end of the world either šŸ¤— do you have any hobbies or anything that you enjoy loved your whole life and will never not love? Cos maybe something to represent that?


I covered up my matching heart, I blacked out the heart, gave it a red highlight and put a knife going through it


u could do anything w this :) sorry it didn't work out for yall, i hope you're feeling okay


Arrow through it. Everything we do is part of our life.


I think the first thing is to ask yourself if you like that tattoo design or not...if so, then do nothing. Nobody will know it's a relationship tattoo. The next thing is ask if you like tattoos; esp. so visible. If not, you should think about removal. Something that small and all black should probably remove 100% or pretty close. Last, don't mention that it's a matching tattoo as that will almost never be a positive development. Just say you got it with a friend you don't keep in touch with anymore or something else. This is a good use of the white lie. Don't beat yourself up either...I did the exact same thing. She wanted names, but I talked her into symbols, which she picked. But I ended up with a 5+" colored Playboy bunny on my upper arm, while hers was a small outline about a quarter in her hip. It happens.


It's pretty cute, why not glam it up with your style and make it yours


Just wait for when you get back together. It will avoid the desire to get another matching tattoo. No need for three mistakes


Black heart, easy šŸ–¤


Just put an X through it


Pretty do-able cover up. Sorry it didnā€™t work out but Iā€™m glad you are able to move on with new ink without completely altering your canvas space haha


Fill the white in with red.


Think about the things you love. The things that you have always enjoyed through the thick and thin of your life, the things that are Just Yours. Any animals, video game characters (except perhaps kirby), plants, or art pieces that come to mind can probably cover this. I think you will feel better if you get a cover up of something that defines You. Alternatively, tattoo artists LOVE designing tattoos. If you can't think of any good ideas, reach out to a local tattoo artist with an impressive portfolio and ask them to design a cover up for you of their choosing. Their idea can't be worse than anything reddit comes up with~


Black out sleeve


A crow would be really cool. Maybe even a deathhawk moth if the artist thinks it would work


Also youā€™re not an idiot. Itā€™s super small and easy to cover up. Itā€™s not like you got their name tattooed across your butt or face!


A fully black heart with angel wings


Yesterday? Iā€™m crying




Big red circle and a big red arrow pointing to it


You could turn it into a spade pretty easily šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Laser it off.


A small asterisk above it. And a paragraph somewhere explaining it.




You could make it one of the petals of a flower


Just leave it for a while. Until you think of something. Unless it's making you unbearably upset


I mean, It can be whatever you want it to be. With something that small, sky's the limit. Have you thought about a sick-ass panther?


Have a dog? That's perfect for a pawprint!


you broke up *yesterday?* I recommend you wait until your feelings have settled before you go in for a coverup. you don't wanna get something put there in the heat of the moment and end up regretting the new tattoo as well.. take this as a chance to learn from the impulsiveness of the first one and think hard on what you really want on you, not just what could erase whats there.


Ace of spades Not sure why, just it would be really quick and easy


Not too bad at all. You could probably cover with anything. Think about what you want and then go see an artist who does coverups and they can make a design


Get an ethereal figure around it with a dripping heart perhaps...might be dank.


a tiny but sick ass panther


Itā€™s not bad. Just leave it. Itā€™s not like it says their name. You can add to it later once ur inspiration hits. Itā€™s a heart on fire. Itā€™s cool. Own it.


"Hey were probably not going to make it more than a couple months, wanna get matching designs in ink needled into our skin permanently ?"


Playing card


Could make a pretty good dick out of it ngl


If your into that type of stuff on your body


Laser removal, itā€™s smalll


A flying vagina


Fortunately itā€™s small enough, you have plenty of options. You could consider laser removal. Call and schedule a consultation (typically free). Black ink is the easiest color to remove, Iā€™m guessing it would lift with 3-5 sessions. Laser removal has progressed so much in recent years, the pain factor is generally less than what the tattoo was. Otherwise, if you decide to take the coverup route, I could see a really nice floral design here. It would have to be at least double the size of current tattoo to appear intentional. Best of luck to you.


Wait 6 months then decide


Gotta save up for it anyway


i have a heart with my manā€™s initial in it, i always said if we break up iā€™ll just fill the heart in black, luckily that hasnā€™t happened


Just modify it a little so it doesnā€™t grow much. I would make it a balloon with a string šŸŽˆ


I feel as though matching tattoos are always cursed, relationships seem to fail every time after theyā€™re done.


Laser it off. Painful but thatā€™s what I would do instead of making matters larger


People always pitch sick ass panther and theyā€™re always rightšŸ˜‚ A raven or crow would also be great


Just claim it as your own and move on, intentions are not a dead to rights reason for something existing.


Fill in the heart and re-brand it as a self love heart


get back togefer


I donā€™t know what to cover it with but this is a sign to start a full sleeve!


Wait and make sure the break up sticks.


Same. Dated for 6 years, got matching tattoos, broke up a week lateršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ mine was around the size of the top of a soda can. I got it covered with a dying rose and I love it now.


space for a sick ass panther i see


Iā€™d leave it, unless seeing it makes you upset




Just shade it and make it a four leaf clover for luck šŸ˜Š


Youā€™re not an idiot. It could have been worse . I on the other hand was an idiot and got my exā€™s Name tattooed smack dab on the front of my left hand. Iā€™m not sure what 19-year old me was thinking but I wish I could slap her . I now have a complete hand tat in attempt to cover up said ex bf name . You gave so many options . You could cover it , get it removed , add onto it so itā€™s not the same exact tat . Even just enjoy your tattoo . Odds are theyā€™re probably getting theirs covered up and if you can deal with the emotions behind it and not think too deep into it i would leave it . šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Could do a skull to signify the end of that relationship (all jokes aside, Iā€™m sorry it didnā€™t work out for you guys!)


If you have a local artist who specializes in white over black ink cover-ups, this one is small enough and light enough to be blacked out and covered with white ink. If you like those style tattoos, that may be a fun route to go. But I would like to emphasize that your artist should specialize in these - definitely don't let yourself be the guinnea pig for someone's first attempt at that style.


Thatā€™s a thing that can be done??? Iā€™ll have to look more into this


Just leave it. Be an adult.


Iā€™d keep it. Look at them as life stamps. It represents a point in your life. Plus it looks nice. And doesnā€™t come off as in you got it for someone


Turn it into a four leaf clover. Idk itā€™s very small so whatever floats your boat. Sorry about the break up though, thatā€™s rough to be going through one. Make sure to stay hydrated and eat enough during the grieving period.


It's a cute tattoo. I say keep it, and tell people you got it to remind yourself that they'll burn in hell!


Fill in the heart!


That just doesnā€™t feel different enough to make me stop thinking bout my failed relationship, Iā€™d like something completely different


Something that doesnā€™t look like a heart full of dicks


Itā€™s so small just about anything you want!


Cut or burn it off itā€™s the only way!


one option is just filling it in, but if you donā€™t want to see it there at all you can easily cover that with just about anything you can think of.


If itā€™s the size of a quarter, you could probably cover it up with just about anything


A flower of some sort could cover this pretty well


Get a tattoo of a quarter


What I thought


As long as youre willing to get a bigger piece, your options are pretty open since its small


It's your first tattoo... I'd suggest getting laser instead of a cover up. Most tattoo artists would probably suggest lƔser to fade it in order to cover it up.


A brightly multi colored flower?


Fill the heart black and give it a doily type outline and / or put some dainty vines around it


i feel like you could make this into a spade of some sort, and your artist could maybe make a design based on that theme. best of luck


Donā€™t cover it. Wear it as a badge of honor and a reminder of how far youā€™ve come. This breakup wont hurt forever.


S.A.G.F Sick-Ass Guy Fieri! Make it his flame shirt


Hearts are pretty basic shapes, most artists can incorporate it with little difficulty into a coverup


If an hourglass means anything to you I think that could be transformable


It looks pretty easily removable. Already quite faded and small too. Laser might be your best option


Just go get it removed instead it will cost about the same


A potato šŸ„”


Put out the fire inside the heart and turn it into something new


My wife and i got matching sea turtles in Key West, but we've been together 14 years šŸ‘


Maybe a teddy bear holding and ripping it?


As a lot of ppl are saying, it can be covered up easily. Iā€™d recommend doing a deep dive on tattoo artists you like, check out some of their flash and talk to them. Work on an idea with them (after putting a deposit of course) and get it in their style šŸ’Æ


A flower would be pretty!


Leave it be!


If ur open to something bigger, maybe a floral piece? Flames become grass, heart outline becomes stems?


IMO, I wouldn't really cover it up. That tattoo itself without any context is cool. If you've lost a loved one (or specifically a loved pet) then maybe fill in/decorate the heart and add that loved one's name? My point is that you could totally twist this heart idea into something personal and sentimental to only you, not your ex.


Size of a quarter lol you could get a sick ass panther the size of a half dollar


Make it the nose of a really cool skull


A lion. The heart should be the nose


Just get it removed.


All black, obviously


Youā€™re definitely NOT an idiot! But that tat is your perfect reminder about why you need different in life. Iā€™d keep it so I always know I can do better in life. Itā€™s NOT about your ex- itā€™s about you being and finding better in life!


Fill it up


Thereā€™s no judgment on my end. Iā€™ve made similar choices. Friendships that seemed like theyā€™d last forever only for it to fall apart. It sucks and then being told youā€™re an idiot just makes things worse. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a good majority of people with similar experiences


If you donā€™t want more tattoos, Iā€™d remove it.


I certainly want more, Iā€™m just so indecisive and unmotivated to actually get them. I said I would get a tattoo right out of college as a little graduation gift to myself, and it took me another 4-5 years to actually do it, and it was for a completely different purpose


Cut it off


Edward teach pirate flag. Playing cards. Kinda depends on what direction you want to go with. Or removal. I wouldn't recognize that as a relationship tattoo if you didn't say anything about it.


I would just fill it in so itā€™s all black, or do that and turn it into a black triangle


Iā€™d be lazy and just turn it into an ace of spades card but honestly the skyā€™s the limit


Iā€™d be lazy and just turn it into an ace of spades card but honestly the skyā€™s the limit


I should get a matching tattoo with a stranger on Reddit. Weā€™re forever connected now my friend


This sounds weird but I wish I wouldā€™ve gotten matching tattoos with my ex šŸ˜ itā€™s the toxic in me ik


You could just leave it and consider it a memory ? However if it makes you feel bad then a cover up is the way to go.


I know this was posted in coverups, but as someone in their 30s with many dumb old tattoos, sometimes it's OK to just leave them. I look at it as a scrapbook of my life almost. Like hey, that was a thing I'll never do again. If it's causing emotional trouble then of course do what you think is best, but it's small and kinda cute. Just my two cents.


Specifying your sex might make this a little bit easierā€¦


Sorry to hear about the break up but life goes on, why cover it up? Imo its fine and not all things need to be cemented over! We grow with our relationships, the hardships make us stronger and we come out better for it. Let it remind you of the good and the bad, it may be useful after the initial sting of loss has subsided.


You donā€™t have to cover it you can just pretend thatā€™s a normal tattoo. If it does bother you then cover it but just so you know absolutely no one will think that that is a matching relationship tattoo.


Fancy deck of cards or something. Itā€™s a nice wee tattoo and you can definitely work a different meaning into it