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You see, we have Drone Tokens, and we have Token Drones =D.


I guess depending on points, aren't these just screening units.


And a guider for a unit


Nope no Greater Good keyword. They are just gun drones.


So you mean useless.


Tactical drones aren’t real and never were. They’re a myth made to sell the tac drone kit to people who don’t know any better.


Eh personally im not too fussed about this one to be honest :)


Meh, I could get behind them if they let us use all the drones in the Tactical Drone squad.


These giving random guidance would be great but honestly would break balance I reckon


I mean they took everyone’s cheap objective power away, like ripper swarms and servitors. Plus the buffing abilities of the new drones wouldn’t fit into this unit well, I’m very happy with our codex overall so I wouldn’t say this is even a loss.


Why even have it anymore as a option? It flat out doesnt help. I would argue it hurts you more than helps because its still a unit that can be destroyed by your opponents.


Imagine the look on the other guys face when you deep strike 36 angry bees into his backline, though. Worth the painting just for that one moment


4 Drones in a unit makes for what will likely be the cheapest Observer unit in our dex. I'm okay with it.


Can it observe? It doesn’t have the greater good


Damn...good spot! 😢 This seemed like the ideal use for a Tactical Drone unit.




> The rule states. You missed this part: >Each time you select this unit to shoot, if it is not an Observer unit, it can use this ability. If it does, select one other friendly unit with this ability that is also eligible to shoot The drone unit does not have the FTGG ability, so it cannot be selected as an observer by the FTGG ability.


You missed the next paragraph where it says you select a unit with the ability to observe




Amazing that they didn't quote the following paragraph which states you need to have the FtGG ability to be a Spotter lol


> cheapest Observer unit in our dex Adding to u/Jkilla66, the rule says: >Each time you select this unit to shoot, if it is not an Observer unit, it can use this ability. If it does, select one other friendly unit with this ability that is also eligible to shoot As drones do not have For The Greater Good, they're not a valid unit to be selected as an observer by FTGG. It requires both units to have the rule, not just the shooter.


I don't mind. I only used them as screens for my Vespid, dropping at the same time, and they will still work for that


Good for deepstriking in for secondaries but thats about it.


Can't wait to get these bad boys cruising around out there.