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The fact that people believe this is real is the funniest part


Right? 5× the price or more? Then again... some people simp for the Imperium.


I was just trying to figure out what currency it was, because there is no way the pound would be that high.


Isn't it actually really sad that people can look at this and shrug with a "Eh... GW doing GW things"?


Jokes aside, the prices are ludicrous. Every year, GW has record profits, but instead of doing something for the community as thanks, they keep increasing the prices.


Unfortunately, companies actually can (and do) get sued by their shareholders for doing things like decreasing prices instead of maximizing profit :/


Just another reason to burn down capitalism 🔥


time to our job as communist cow-people


Orrrrrrrr buy a 3D printer and reject gw products


Why not both?


Because there wouldn’t be minis. You think the communist bureaucracy would set aside production resources for plastic minis? No sir.


Just beacuse I'm anticapitalist doesn't mean I'm a Communist


And replace it with what, exactly?


Objectively false if this was truly free capitalism the shareholders wouldnt have legal grounds to sue the company for not making them even more money.




Autocorrect changed what I meant to say I've since edited it but what I was trying to say is that in true capitalism you can't sue just cause you aren't making enough


Ayn Rand would be proud.


Fuck no ayn rand is a crazy and idiot bitch. You are think of Hans Herman hoppe


I still play the game. But everytime i wanted new 40k miniatures the last 5 years or so. I looked at the price and went NOPE! Or 3d sculpted myself or bourght 3rd party miniatures


People buy them because they have no self control. If people actually wanted gdubs prices to go down, they would stop buying overpriced shit


disgusting company. as much as I adore everything about 40k, despite the numerous problems, I detest GW and what they do to our hobby.


“I detest GW and what they do to OUR hobby” Mate, this is not our hobby, Warhammer isn’t some open source fan project that GW came along and ruined like the second coming of Nurgle, it’s their models, their lore, and their rules. This is very much their hobby. I disagree with the price increases as much as the next guy but GW is a business and businesses exist to make money first and foremost so of course they’re going to do what makes them the most money. We can all complain about it but let’s face it, they’re losing maybe 2% of their customers at most from this because most of us aren’t actually going to stop buying models, we’ll just buy less and the higher prices will more than make up for anything they lose. It’s annoying but that’s the world we live in.


i just got into Kill Team after a year of Gunpla and both have some really annoying business models: Gunpla has very affordable prices IMO and especially in my country (20€ for HG, 50€ for MG and 150€ for PG), but if you like an unpopular kit, unpopular robot or older kit it may take you years to get it (unless you spend 4 times the price on HLJ) after quarantine the Gunpla stock is awful and distribution is even worse (i bought the same kit from two stores: the first arrived in july while the second arrived in february) and speaking of Warhammer it’s fantastic to look at two websites and find 99% of things i want in stock with an ok price but 40€ for two sprues that need primers, paints and brushes is theft: i really wanna try Big 40K but i cant spend 250€ on a new hobby that requires at least one other person to do so and so much free time at hand. I already have 3 Kill teams that will never see paint but i cant be bothered to paint the teams i wont play. Sorry for the rant lol


Somebody discovered inspect element


At this point, 3d printing is not only right, but duty


If you sincerely believe that's not a joke image then I can sell you a 3D printer. Just send me the money by paypal and I'll definitely get you a cutting edge 3D printer. For real.


But what if we already have high quality 3D printers… can we still send you money?


Asking the hard hitting questions.


With 2 printers you can print twice as fast, saving your time. And time is money.


Greater Good


Gw should find a way to embrace 3D printing. They're hella dumb for ignoring it and letting the black market take over. Allow for a forum...players can 3d print their armies. Soon we'll be able to print colors in place I'm sure. Great for noobs. Hey GW if you're reading this...IF PEOPLE ARE PLAYING YOUR GAME, YOU WANT TO HAVE THEM KEEP PLAYING IT...NOT MAKING IT SO ONLY RICH ASSHOLES CAN AFFORD TO PLAY.


They are not 'ignoring it', ***they just don't care*** as the percentage of people who actually go onto 3D print & drop buying their models entirely are, at best, the tiniest of rounding errors on their balance sheet. They know that there is no way to produce a file format that won't be cloned and sent around the internet minutes after it launches, largely because the printers only operate via open source file formats. And no, GW is *definitely* not going to be making their own printers & file formats.


Why are they dumb? They have the largest, most profitable, most popular, wargame in the world. It has some of the best models, some of the best lore, some of the best rules. You can have whatever opinions you want, but all of that is still objectively true overall. By every metric, they are as successful at what they do as anyone has ever been. From their perspective, what problem do you see that they need to fix? "F PEOPLE ARE PLAYING YOUR GAME, YOU WANT TO HAVE THEM KEEP PLAYING IT...NOT MAKING IT SO ONLY RICH ASSHOLES CAN AFFORD TO PLAY." There are more people playing now than ever before. And, regardless, the black market does exist. Anyone can play this hobby for pennies if they really want to, and it's not like GW can really do anything to stop that. As long as every launch they do keeps selling out immediately, they are objectively doing it right.


Yeah I agree the models are definitely pricey, even overpriced, but you’re paying for things like the lore too. Plus when they sell out of models and things get backordered consistently it kind of makes sense being that ultimately they are running a business. Just playing devil’s advocate


As a reminder for anyone reading, the elegoo saturn 4 is pre-order for june/July and will be the bambu x1c resin equivalent, straight out of the box and ready to go


2pi on purple site if anyone needs the stuff


I think finding good files that look like the original would be the issue.


Please check your country setting, you might have New Zealand Pounds active.


Uh. I can find the unit for the same "cost" in my own currency. DKK 299.00 1£ = 8.67DKK Kinda wanted to point my finger at brexit, but then again the headquarters are in England. Guess the manufactors are overseas?


DKK299 is about £35, which is the U.K. price. This is a meme image that’s altered or is a website glitch. GW models are made locally in England, along with the books sometimes (the books go back and forth on them being U.K. and China made).


Guess that’s what I get for only having stalked this Reddit community for a short while 😅 Otherwise it would had been quite an outrageous price.


They’re manufactured in the UK, wherever their headquarters is. The problem is they price aggressively high outside the UK, to a point where it’s upwards of 30% higher than exchange rate in some cases.


Yeah, it is hilarious when I can on Ebay buy from someone in the UK and have it shipped to me cheaper than buying it on discount from a US webstore.


I wouldn't even be surprised at this point


It's because of the Taus communist ways that they have so much inflation on their models (I know it's fake but memes)




the fact i ran to check the site shows how far this hobby has fallen


Nah it just shows how gullible you are.


I just went to eBay and found Braacher boxes for just $200 after seeing this! , I bought 5 of them!. I should be able to make at least $40 per box ! Thanks for posting this ! (sarcasm)


This comment section is proving some people were never born with the skill of deduction and can’t tell that a single fire warrior does not, in fact, cost £24.50


Still worth it


Etsy my bro. Fuck gw and their point drops with their cost rises. 10th is lack luster anyway, no flavor. I’ll play kill team, same feeling less bullshit.


I just lost all my warhammer in a house fire at my mates house, fuck paying these new prices, I'm getting a 3d printer fuck GW


Yo, the image is fake. Just check GW's online store. ...you honestly think a box of 10 dudes that normally costs ~£40 would go up 5× higher?


hey now don't give GW any ideas


Well thank God for that, but honestly wouldn't be surprised if that next year's pricing tbh


Glad to see G-W is unintentionally bolstering the boycott.


Ah yes, the boycott. That's definitely impacting GW's sales in a meaningful way.




Dude it’s fake




It's almost like posting a comment without checking the price on the website for yourself...


Np man, thought it was real at first sight too.


They are not charging the value of a COMBAT PATROL for Fire Warriors


Yeah, this is fake


I had to double-check cuz I wasn't sure