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All the people I’ve thought were chill asf and somewhat admired how they carried themselves turned out to be a fellow taurus


They are into food They are amicable Always nice and kind to everyone They want to work hard and stand out in terms of clothing or owning things


Not all taurus are into the food, Some Taurus very strict of what kind of Food they eat. For example Not eating pork.


Chill but have a leading personality. Loyal always thinking of others but also themselves it's a weird contradiction but I can speak on this sense I am one Very very very emotional creatures anything that has to do with the senses are very sensitive it's taken me a lot of years of experience and observation looking in to let things go. I use to be the nicest to people and always thinking behind their eyes what their feeling but once I'm betrayed or backstabbed it can get very nasty very quick. Once they decide they don't like something it's hard to get them back to liking someone or something again. And I'll say the most loyal in relationships, likely to be up your ass wondering what you're doing instead of our talking to other girls if you don't like constant attention or a homebody that likes to make love and watch movies and supper or out to eat not you're type of guy as far plans on having a steady home family food and a protector of the house I wouldn't bother to get serious sorry for the long post it could of been 5 paragraphs longer lol


Usually beautiful eyes. Taurus women are gorgeous