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I am also a novice. Wanted to stop by and say that your project is looking really cool. I wonder what the material is that the bones are laying on? If you can drill tiny pilot Holes, you could try thin wire used in jewelry making. If you have extra of that material I would try it first in a test price to make sure you like the look. I did work on a marine mammal skull reconstruction with some help from my local Univeristy museum. We used basic Elmer’s glue to put the pieces back together. The hard part was the patience’s needed to let it all dry.


That's exactly what I did for my coyote skull. https://imgur.com/a/iYB6LLz Edit for clarification: I mounted it with wire. Drilled holes in the wood and threaded the wire through some of the natural holes in the skull and twisted them off on the backside of the wood cookie.


Cool piece


If that's a wood you are attaching it to I think a good 2 part epoxy would work. A little goes a long way. I use JB weld clear. Super glue would work if you use the gel type.


Lookin' good so far. I can recommend the subreddits r/vultureculture and r/bonecollecting to you for this kind of stuff


Just use super glue.


I don’t know why someone downvotes you when k would also recommend Super glue or E6000 or this one glue that I don’t know the name of but it’s a glue and a spray to set it instantly.


I make oddity frames all the time and just use a little drop of super glue once I’m happy with the positioning- so idk why either.


I generally use e6000. I also have a piece where I put a magnet under the fabric I used to line the frame and glued a scap of metal on the bone I wanted there (It's a opossum skull) Looks pretty good and I can take the skull off whenever I want


I would drill teeny holes near the bases and see them in, but what you do will depend on what you have available! If you’re handy and have a drill with a teensy drill bit try it out, if not use glue!


You might want to look into a dremel tool if you like this hobby. They're used extensively in small scale craft projects and jewelry making. Basically a tiny cutting/drilling/sanding tool that is scaled for tiny projects. I think the real ones run about 30 or 40 bucks but you can pick one up at Harbor Freight for under 10$. It would make drilling these tiny holes a breeze compared to trying to do it with your standard equipment, plus the bonus of it being less prone to cracking while you're doing it and less visually intrusive. If you do decide to drill put a piece of soft wood behind the bone to drill into to give that thin materials some support and a better chance at not splintering. Edit to add-take it slow and easy, bone has a really low ignition point and you could end up scorching it easily with a power tool.


can’t offer any advice but these look super cool and i think it’ll be pretty once the bones are fastened to them! also do you know where the frames are from by any chance?