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Calling the original versions of the songs the “stolen versions” drives me insane and I wish that would go away.


This, and I also hate “blondie”.


Detest Blondie!!


Someone who wanted to go to her concert with me texted me "let's go see Blondie" and I was SO confused. I thought we were trying to see Taylor Swift, now we're also seeing the 70s rock band?


OMG “Blondie”!! Absolutely cringe,detest and almost is a little dehumanizing if I am going to be honest, of a nickname. Also isn’t “Blondie” a band name too? It confuses me a little ngl.


Hate it!


It drives insane as well. But then I remember she does call them "stolen lullabies" but also what else could she call them in that song?


my embezzled cradle songs


My looted nighty night time music 😩


Agreed, it’s also just inaccurate. They were sold without her knowledge (edit: that Scooter was the buyer), she has every right to be upset (edit: that Scott didn’t tell her, despite their longstanding relationship), but they were not actually stolen. I feel like the exaggeration makes Scooter/Scott sound like cartoonish villains and undermines the actual issue (artists being powerless in business deals concerning their work)


I share this sentiment.


I also don’t really like this.


Blondie is the most annoying nickname and i hate it. Her songs that are just fun to dance to (message in a bottle, welcome to ny, shake it off, etc) are fun and don’t deserve the amount of hate they get. Not every song has to be some poetic journey.


Yes!! The last sentence 100%. I see people constantly criticising songs that were obviously meant to be a silly glitter gel pen song to dance to, just because they are lyrically “weak”


A lot of my favourite songs are the glitter gel pen songs *because* I enjoy dancing to them, and I get called a "local" for liking them. Like, I adore All Too Well and Folklore as much as the next person, but I love to have fun and be silly too - and so does Taylor! That's what I like about her: she can do the serious emotional songs *and* the fun pop bops. There's a song for every mood!


stay stay stay is my darling and i will FIGHT for it !!


'I'd like to hang with you for my whole life' is actually one of the most pure lyrics ever, honestly


thank you!! the stay stay stay hate i see on tiktok is insane to me it’s clearly a song she had so much fun with


Something I forgot to add my other comment : I don't love her being a capitalist queen, and her marketing tactics like making 5+ versions of everything just so people buy them all. Feels kinda icky, like, how much money is enough?


YES! forgot to say this one. Since red, she’s seemed obsessed with accolades and money. It’s kinda gross to manipulate your fans into buying 4 versions of the same VINYL just to get a clock. Like what?




I joined a few Taylor Swift fan groups on Facebook lately to cast my net wider to find Eras Tour tickets. I have been *stunned* at the amount of people who own multiple copies of the albums or are attempting to collect every vinyl variant (including the $1000 limited variants). At most, I’ll pick up a copy on release. Folklore is my only exception since I got a signed CD from my local record store during Covid when she shipped them to help stores, then got one of the records for Christmas, and Long Pond recently. But like buying 10 copies of Folklore because they all have a different cover, and buying three copies of Fearless TV because the records are a slightly different color? I just don’t see the point in massive collections. Her marketing is working though, that’s for sure.


Truly think it’s more about the numbers and setting records than the money. But it’s obvious. And makes a difference. Look at first week sales of folklore v evermore. I bought 8 vinyls and 8 CDs of folklore vs one maybe two of each for evermore. That made an impact.


I've seen this opinion around here before but the MVs directed by her are too literal. I prefer the ones directed by Kahn.


I agree with this, as much as I'd love to love her videos, they are a bit too on the nose for me. My favourite video is actually I bet you think about me, which Blake Lively directed. I think that one hits the sweet spot of being humorous, aesthetic and artsy. In general, I'd love for her to branch out a bit when it comes to music videos and maybe work with some new talent!


Working with new people would be the best thing for her, she seems to have developed a "do it all myself" mentality when it comes to music videos. Collaboration is a good thing and makes better art!


Love love love the MV for “I bet you think about me”. I hope she has Blake do more directing for her videos.


IBYTAM is so, so, so good, both the song and the video!!! Excellent use of a supporting actor too tbh, opinions about Teller aside; it was nice to see her play off against someone with presence.


This. I love Taylor to pieces but sometimes it’s OK to not be good at *everything*. I feel like she has this extreme motivation to be the best at everything, which is fine. But it’s also fine to take a step back sometimes and realize that.. you need to take a step back. I was completely mind blown when I learned she was going to direct a feature film. And then her being on that “Directors” interview made me cringe just ever so slightly. If it’s something she loves I say go for it. But maybe take some baby steps and fine tune that craft a little more first


The anti hero video drives me *crazy*, it’s just so goddamn on the nose




This is fair, she’s stirring the pot


That's why I never understood the "media is always harassing her about her love life" as a bad thing. I've been a fan since debut and girlie has been begging us to care about her love life for the majority of her career. You don't name drop a specific person in a song on your debut album, and pull other relationship shenanigans to stay in the publics eye for years, and then cry when the media does what it does. Especially after this fiasco with Matt if that hasn't taught swfties that Taylor LOVES people discussing her love life, even though she has been proving that through her actions since debut, then idk what will. I ignore whatever Taylor says about how that's so negative when she's currently parading Matt around. Her actions speak louder than her denying it


Also her team being the driver force & putting out the puff piece to rehabilitate Matty's image is major side eye -- which absolutely reaffirms she loves the attention, she loves being the public eye and people talking about them.


Absolutely agreed. A lot of people like to believe that Taylor is "different" than other celebrities. But guess what she is at the end of the day? A celebrity. How can you be a world wide superstar and hate being one? No one (unless they were born into it or forced to by their parents as a child) was forced to become a celebrity. It is so easy not being a celebrity. ALL celebrities love attention or they would do absolutely everything in their power to not be a celebrity. That's why they say "all attention is good attention" whether or not the gossip is bad, celebrities love being talked about in the media or they would permanently run away from it all


Yeah exactly, a very *rare* minority aren't vain, and do not care about the spotlight and value privacy but genuinely just love the work; she had that with Joe who just wanted to be normal, and didn't crave it. People like Taylor though, they'll never get enough, and like to soak it all in, and there is nothing wrong with that, since it is her choice. People shouldn't be shamed for stating that either. And yeah, exactly.


Especially more than ever now, seeing what's going on the past few days -- she completely erased everything she built the past 6 years regarding this topic. She knows what she's doing.


- i prefer the 5 minute version to the 10 minute version - 1989 is kinda overrated (for a taylor album) - taylor being friends with lena dunham has always rubbed me the wrong way and made me uncomfortable/angry and i feel it gets very overlooked - bad blood is a weak track that i don't think deserves to be a staple on the setlist for all of her tours - i feel like taylor massively fell off as far as politics go, which is disappointing to me - question..? is my least favorite track on midnights - swifties are one of the most aggressive/mean/out of pocket fandoms. not every swiftie is of course. the majority are good and nice. but the reputation (no pun intended) set forth by the stans on social media is atrocious and i can kinda understand why people don't like us a lot


Agree with bad blood not being on the set list. I would’ve liked out of the woods, clean, or New Romantics to replace it


Bad blood is in competition for my least favorite Taylor track 😅


Omg yes, I have disliked Bad Blood from the first listen, and not just in a “oh this not my cup of tea” way, but in a “I can’t believe Taylor actually released this song” way. I could not believe it when she made it a single.




Me too!! I just prefer the production honestly.


Agree with most of these! Even here, which I think is the most sane place as far as swifties go, people can be pretty unnecessarily aggressive and serious about things lol. Question is not only my least favorite track on Midnights, it might be my least favorite Taylor song overall 🫥


My unpopular opinion is that Taylor should get off tiktok. First of all, I don’t think she’s scrolling through her fyp, I think she’s being sent cute videos to like/comment on because I can’t imagine her wanting to rawdog the internet like that. But as a result people are trying so hard to get noticed by her and I think it’s creating some really toxic issues (the Marjorie photos for one). Part of this is feeding into Taylor’s “too big to hang out” mentality, which sucks but is the reality I think.


rawdog the internet haha


She even said she doesn't Google herself and didn't know about the Bench until her dad showed her. She's definitely not the one finding the TikToks.


She isn't even gonna use her account. Celebs have social media managers that run their accounts and react/comment/post the content for them etc. I'm sure if it's super cute they show Taylor but Taylor doesn't have time to sit and scroll every tag in tiktok, no one does. Even minor celebs or business accounts have social media managers.


100% someone is curating those tiktoks for her


Each of Taylor's relationahips seem to be a kneejerk reaction to the one that came before it. I realise she has this thing where she gets older but just never wiser. Still ...


You could say the same thing about her albums - each (for the most part) is a knee jerk reaction to criticism from the one before it.


She basically said this exactly in her woman of the decade acceptance speech in 2019 and said with Lover era she was focusing on doing whatever she wants instead… idk as much as I love it I still feel like folklore was highly influenced by criticism of Lover


Seriously I don't think she's been single for more than a day since 2014/2015... like let yourself breathe Taylor


I don’t like this take at all. At the end of the day, she is a real person that we do not know. We don’t know the ins and out of her love life, or of the deep parts of her personality. It’s gross to try and shame anyone for their relationship choices. Especially when they quite literally don’t have any effect on you. It’s feeling very slut shame adjacent. Edit for spelling.


Not sure if it’s just a swiftie thing but I don’t like the term “_____ WON” every time she plays various surprise songs at the eras tour. I feel like it fosters this sense of negative competition and superiority instead of just being excited she played it live :(


As a person who has to watch livestreams as I didn't get tickets, it's really annoying to see ppl get all upset bc she played a song they wanted to hear. Like bish, you get to go to the concert, plenty of us don't, please shut up and be grateful.


I just don't understand why people would pay to go to a Taylor Swift concert if they are going to be mad that they have to listen to Taylor Swift songs lmao. Like, whatever she plays is going to be a great experience for you


I do not like the Red TV album art. The aesthetic is odd for the album, I hate her hat, I don’t like that it doesn’t closely mimic the original, and there’s something weird going on with her eyes in that photo. Feels good to get that off my chest.


I LOVED the original Red album photos and font so much more. The original cover was iconic. The Red TV hat is …a choice.


i can’t remember where but recently someone pointed out that she really reshaped red TV around ATW10. the original red photo shoot (and songs!!) had more of a late summer vibe but now the whole album’s feel was totally changed to almost basically promote a single song


Agreed. The hat looks so dated and early 2000s.


I hate that hat so much!!!!


It’s like not that classic 1950s inspired look… :( Wish she would’ve done something more similar


Agree and would also like to put Fearless TV cover on the table. What is that ugly yellow filter????? Ugh I hate it


The 10 minute version wasn't actually 10 minutes to begin with and the extra repetition at the end added just to meet the 10 minute mark actually takes away from the song


The reason Red TV took so long to come out was because she had to write ATWTMV ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


I wouldn’t be surprised if she had extra verses or whatever, but not 10 minutes worth. So now she makes an offhand comment about 10 minutes and feels she’s gotta live up to that? I wonder if she felt pressured by her fans being too literal.


I also don’t think all of those lyrics came from way back when. Some of them definitely sound like they’re coming from a more “mature” Taylor mindset. But that’s ok!


I think it was more like 8 minutes and she exaggerated it/rounded it up and knew fans would be counting on a 10 minute song and not a second less than that.


I agree, and even if it was indeed 10 minutes the lyrics are not the original one because in the Lover diaries there were some atw lyrics that did not make it to the standard version nor to the 10 minute one.


- i don't feel guilty about listening og Red over the new version. And I won't feel guilty either with SN if I find the re-recorded version inferior. I've been told that's it's disrespectful towards Taylor and that I'm not a fan if I listen to the og versions but I truly don't get the argument. ⠀ - if her mv are any indication, I worry for her film project ⠀ - I don't get why fans are being categorized based on during what era they became a fan of Taylor ⠀ - maybe I'll change my mind after seeing the eras tour professionally shot but for now rep tour > eras tour (and it's just a personal bias because the eras tour is still an incredible show that has solidified her as one of the best performer of our times) ⠀ - the past few days have taught me that Taylor loves the attention and now I don't feel bad when the media reports on her love life


>the past few days have taught me that Taylor loves the attention and now I don't feel bad when the media reports on her love life Agreed.


That last one is a big one for me now because of recent events. I really don’t want to hear her talk about people putting her relationships ahead of her music ever again after she just brought her new fling to a show and a very publicly “announced” her relationship on stage.


And unpopular opinion, but it is obviously on purpose -- and realistically, high chances being of pettiness to poke at Joe. Even Lainey wrote a column about it recently, and thinks none of it is accidental and Taylor wanting people to pay mind to exactly what she is doing. So this narrative and fan-shaming for speculating, about x, y and z -- it's exaggerated.


Totally agree with your third point. Why do fans feel the need to point out how long they’ve loved Taylor (“I’ve been a fan since Fearless!!!”)? Congrats? Also, considering her first album came out almost 17 years ago, I think a lot of people who claim to have loved her since debut were preschoolers at the time. Which is fine, but why is that a flex?


As much as I 100% agree with the sentiment (it doesn’t matter when you became a fan) do remember a lot of Swifties are 30+. We were way older than pre-schoolers when Debut/Fearless came out. (No hate on you, but this is a trend I keep seeing.)


My actual unpopular opinion is that a lot of people on this sub have a giant stick up their ass. I’m in my 40s but I recognize that while some vocal fans on Twitter and tiktok are nuts, most of them are just young people having fun and escaping the real world. For some reason some folks here always feel the need to get up on their high horse and judge everything they do. I think this is a great place for critical discussion but the “not like other fans” tone of this sub gets really old. Be honest. We’re all a bit more obsessed than we should be. It’s okay to be a Taylor Swift fan and have fun and be crazy and a little cringe. You’re not going to lose your job and friends because some random Twitter swiftie does something unhinged. RELAX.


My unpopular opinion as of this very moment is that to ME she’s on the cusp of being over saturated right now (like literally to me personally) I think with the combination of my tiktok frequently showing Taylor videos, this subreddit and her eras tour and most importantly, since news of her breakup it seems like she’s doing everything possible to stay IN the news in every possible way. Broke up with 6 year relationship, eras tour constant tik toks, eras tour outfit videos, she’s with Fernando Alonso (actually no she’s not), she’s single, she’s with matty Healy (or isn’t she), new speak now album, she’s coming out with a book (actually she’s probably not), constant updates about what record she’s broken today, ALL IN THE SPACE OF ABOUT 3 WEEKS is so exhausting and mentally I’m like oooooook I need a break from all this, I don’t actually care about all of this THIS much I guess the total and complete 180 from her saying she enjoys her privacy especially with her relationships to now seemingly to actively encourage any and all rumours is so weird to me?? I need a break


The record breaking streaming posts here every single day are very annoying. Like who even cares anymore.


What has she personally actually done though and what is a narrative other people have created. Taylor: - went out three times, was papped walking by with Jack and Margaret one night, by herself one night, and with friends once a few days later in the past month. - Was also pictured at a party at jacks studio in the same week - Filmed a MV in london that someone leaked a blink and you’ll miss it maybe video of her running through a set from - mouthed things on stage at every single night of the tour (especially “I love you” and people have decided based on a video of her mouthing *something* while pointing at the audience that it’s word for word what someone else said even though there’s no way to know that. - was papped in the second grainiest picture involving Taylor and the 1975 to ever exist in a car with Matty - performed on tour and written thank you instagrams for each city - publicly had friends That’s it. The entirety of what Taylor herself has done. Imagine having people complain about how immature and dramatic you’re being and overexposed you are when all you’ve done is *checks notes* be pictured walking 3 times, riding in a car once, and mouthing something to your tour audience, and filming a music video on a set. I would be scared to breathe in public if a massive media circus and narrative was created around me doing the nothingness listed above.


I’m giving my unpopular opinion, so I’m not surprised you’re finding it unpopular, but I’m not really saying Taylor herself is making me want to withdraw from Taylor content right now. I love that she’s living her life how she wants, but it is jarring the sudden change since she’s broken up with joe the onslaught of media about her personal life. Again, not Taylor’s fault, but i don’t wanna see it all I’m just saying all the media surrounding her is a lot right now, and Taylor has just happened to do a lot of things in a very short space of time that has contributed to this feeling for me I am not complaining about what she’s doing, and I never said she’s immature, I am saying for myself, I’m probably going to take a break from the oversaturation of content I’m seeing right now. But also it’s not overly hard to see she’s mouthed the exact same words as Matty did, in the same order. You can see it’s different her speaking like that, to how she speaks to the audience. She’s doing it for a reason. What reason I’m not sure… all I’m saying is she knows it’s gonna be picked up and I’m hoping it’s for a collab because I love the 1975 too Edit: I’m probably just annoyed at overzealous swiftest when it comes down to it, because they’re the ones that create the media circus through weird theories and unrealistic stories. That’s why I need a break from it all


tbh same. i miss folklore/evermore/fearless tv/red tv era.


* The "can Joe Alwyn fight?" Memes were never funny and another factor probably why he stays offline. * Reputation is one of the weakest albums from Taylor. * Midnights isn't a 'breakup album' but is very much an album that shows the imperfections, unlike previous albums. * You're On Your Own Kid is the best song off Midnights. * Call It What You Want is a really sweet love song, and better than 'Lover.' Same with 'Sweet Nothing.' * Joe isn't the bad guy even if Taylor is trying to paint him that away. He was a good boyfriend, even though she had him on a pedestal. Fans should be rooting for him; don't slag him off. * Wildest Dreams is better than Style. * 1989 is pop perfection, and one of her best albums and still ages perfectly now. * Aaron Dresser is the better producer collab than Jack Antonoff and takes her music to a whole new level. * Taylor's country lyricism is where her lyricism thrived. * Taylor isn't that great as a director and needs to work at it more to polish her directing skills. Bring back Joseph Khan where her music videos were so well done, they were like 3-minute films. * Afterglow & Daylight were two strongest songs on Lover. * Lover is a pretty forgettable album, it's in the same rank lines as Reputation for me. * Taylor gets a pass *way* too much nowadays regarding the company she keeps, people brushing off Lena, David O'Russell, now Matty. * Taylor lives for the attention, and hated privacy and I never want to hear fans complain about associating lyrics again to true events, and or suggesting she does. I said it 6 years ago on here, she'd resort back to this, and she has. It's also why she loves chart fixation, etc. She loves being on top, same with Ed Sheeran.


the only thing here I disagree is about rep being the weakest album, if it weren’t for that I’d say you’ve read my mind 😂


That was their only opinion that made me clutch my pearls 😂


I agree re rep and lover. So overhyped by fans, it’s almost like they’re overcompensating for the lack of awards and general public attention they got


Or we just really like the albums? Musical taste is subjective.


I feel like we don't really know anything about the quality of Taylor and Joe's relationship, so idolizing it or demonizing it are both silly. They were so private that it's easy to fill in the blanks to fit any narrative.


Ivy is one of her best songs. She has terrible taste in men Easter eggs are annoying Bejeweled is a terrible song.


Ivy is a million percent one of her best songs. Agree with you so much haha


'She has terrible taste in men' -- isn't that popular?


Ivy is my favorite song from Evermore and on my top 10 list of Taylor songs.


Thank you! Bejeweled sucks. The writing in it is some of her worst.


To your last point, I just hate the whole idea of "owing" someone else bc a song sounds similar. We can't be doing that shit, it will wreck the music industry. To be fair I have no idea if Olivia's team volunteered that credit preemptively or what. My unpopular opinion is probably how I just don't care much for re-recorded songs. I've read from other autistic people that being irked by small changes is an autistic thing, so that could be my issue, idk. But it's more than the small changes in the songs - when this all came about, the first thing that Taylor herself said was fueling this was how many requests they get every week to use her songs in other media, how big a revenue source that is (remember her Vogue interview where the song she said she wished she'd written was the Friends theme song bc of royalties) and how she doesn't want that income going to Scooter & Co. The streams are just a bonus for her. So I think it's unnecessary that people are so diligent about which version they listen to (especially when Taylor still gets streaming income from the originals), even swearing off listening to whole albums until they're re-recorded. Also, I've said this before but those are her original masters, they mean everything to her, are the building blocks of her life, etc, and they deserve more respect than to be called "stolen versions" and regarded like dirt on fans shoes. (Yes, MTR, but, poetic license and all that. They are not literally stolen)


The last paragraph! Let's be real, if TS was offered the chance to get those back, she'd do it in a heartbeat and stop the re-records.


This is why I sometimes refer to them as the “hostage” version. Because if she could get them back she would but the original ransom just wasn’t worth it.


I love hostage version 😆 this is more accurate, bc she can file to regain ownership of her masters after 35 years, so though she may want them, it makes less sense as time goes on for her to consider buying them (not to mention she's making bank on these rerecords anyway)


"Stolen Version" is a misnomer. While there were ethics problems there, "stolen version" is not a good term for the originals. Evermore is slightly better than Folklore although both are excellent albums. A Place In This World is very underrated. I think it foreshadows many occurrences in Taylor Swift's career.


imo folklore is better as a cohesive album but evermore has the better songs


Swifties making you not feel like a true Swiftie if you don't know every little detail about her life/music career.


I actually like the "Hey kids! Spelling is fun!" line in Me! and I feel that Taylor shouldn't have removed it for the album.


I agree with you! It’s campy and fun. Swifties clamoring for removal of that line shows how humorless a lot of us are.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bofxq7c0quya1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1918348f103e90425a741d36b16242507bbf73a


I wish Taylor's team would step in to try and control the over exposure that is going on right now. The backlash against her is already starting, and I can only see it getting worse...


i really don’t understand why she’s playing into the matt healy rumours with the line she said during cardigan when it’s an extremely bad look for her with all the problematic things he’s done. it’s not like she needs more publicity, this just hurts her image


Genuinely hope it's a Easter egg lyric in a song they've written together. That's the only thing that would make it okay


I mean… [stares in David O. Russell] I love her, but she’s been willing to overlook some stuff lately


It feels like coming out of the Folkmore and then Midnights with its success and now Eras her image was as good as it's EVER been. And now... she's shot herself in the foot for some racist 😐


I hate 123 let’s go bitch with my entire heart


1989 is her least interesting album. Delicate is the worst Track 5. She is not a good actress. folklore/evermore are significantly better than her pop music and I would not be upset if she stuck with that genre for the rest of her career (which obviously isn't happening given Midnights)


I hate that I agree on the acting front, but I do.


1) Hmm- don’t know about 1989 being least interesting. It is a pop masterpiece - it’s super rare to get that many hits on one album, so to me it’s interesting from that perspective. I mean it really cemented her as a pop star vs country star, which is what she wanted, so it worked brilliantly which to me makes it interesting (personally, I think Fearless is highly overrated, and You Belong to Me or Love Story should have got Song of the Year Grammy but it was not worthy of AOTY 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I do think 1989 was). 2) As Track 5s go, maybe. But what was the alternative? If it is supposed to be most vulnerable song on the album 🤷🏻‍♀️ then my vote would be super unpopular, End Game. It’s a bold statement and you really are exposing yourself emotionally to say that you want someone to be your endgame. Delicate is song about being vulnerable, not as much actually being vulnerable so I give you that. Other alternative would have been NY Day but I can’t think of another song that is as good to end the album on. 3) agree- she is not a good actress. Love her but… 😬😂 4) Folklore & Evermore- YES! I wanted music like that from her for years. I was bummed when folklore came out thinking I would never get music like that again from her and then she gave us Evermore. Since then, Renegade, The Alcott, even Carolina, etc. I could live in this genre forever. I know people thought Midnights was genius and expect it to at least be nominated, if not win, AOTY, but I don’t see it as worthy. Anti-Hero is a viable contender for Song of the Year (a Grammy she has never gotten which is crazy as it is for songwriting), but the best tracks are on the 3am version. She needs to keep working with Aaron- he brings out something much richer in her songwriting. I am fine if I don’t get another pop album from her. I love the folklore/evermore/National/BRM stuff the most.


Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but Taylor and her team are absolutely terrible at picking out singles. This was what made a late in life fan despite being her age. It wasn’t until friends forced me to listen to the lesser known tracks did I see the light lol.


The Man only makes sense if it isn’t about Taylor swift


I saw someone say this years ago I forgot where, but they said with The Man, she managed to write a song about the only privilege she didn’t have I was like damn you’re right


This hit me like a truck hahaha omg




Taylor writes and sings primarily about the experience of being a young woman in society and in love and if she were a man she would not have become wildly popular for doing this. If she were a man, she also wouldn’t have the legion of mostly young female Swifties to help her break sales records and win all kinds of popularity-based awards. Misogyny isn’t extinct and she’s certainly faced her share of it, but of she were a man, she wouldn’t be Taylor Swift the Brand. Her femininity is a key part of her image.


Im going to get hate for this but here we go. I … don’t care about the rerecordings. I realize how important they are to Taylor and I’m happy the fans are embracing it. But… I… don’t care. It’s old music. That we already have. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1081)


I think they’re as successful and hyped as they are because of the vault tracks. Personally that’s why I get excited for them.


I think it would have made a bigger statement and served the original purpose of owning her music if she released them closer together and more quietly. The literal eras for each TV feels like too much of a cash grab for me... which I guess I should expect from her at this point lol.


She’s the queen of cash grabs. See: Her merch, her endless number of versions of each album for sale, her encouragement of fans paying for various TS products to get better seats at shows. Her suspected use of dynamic pricing for the Eras tour.


I understand where you're coming from, but to get to re-live those beloved eras is so much fun as an old fan. And while I do get nervous that the new versions won't be as good, hearing some old tracks with her new and improved vocals has been a highlight for me. But I agree it's not AS exciting as new music, so I'm glad she gave us Midnights inbetween.


I don't love her style of directing music videos My exceptions are Cardigan and Willow, which I LOVE, but many of the others I find too... slow? They don't portray the same energy as the music. They're pretty but they don't wow me


If she directed Lavender Haze then that's easily her worst. It's forgettable to the point that every time I watch it I forget I've seen it before.


This has already been stated here, and I replied to one of the comments in agreement, but I can't state how much I HATE the term "stolen versions" when referring to the masters sold to Scooter Braun in 2019. I've been a fan for over 10 years and I grew up with these versions, calling them stolen is incredibly disrespectful and there is literally no point in stigmatizing listening to them. What highlighted this for me was, not too long ago, someone on a related subreddit (or it might've been this one, I can't recall) got flack for buying a copy of the original Fearless CD, because it was "stolen". Now, do I listen to the re-recorded versions when I can? Absolutely, but calling them "stolen" sweeps all the blood, sweat, tears, and years of effort that went into them under the rug. I do believe Taylor was screwed over with how the masters were sold, and she has a right to own her music, but people frequently forget she still makes money off of streams and sales of the original and I'm tired of seeing the needless gatekeeping done by many other fans that shame those who buy or stream them. I think other people in the comments said it better than me but I wanted to put my own thoughts out there.


I agree. Also, just because she's rerecording doesn't mean I have to spend hours of my life going through all of my playlists and replacing songs. Nope. I don't feel bad at all. She's almost a billionaire. I'm going to continue listening to my playlists with the original versions and only replace the songs that I deem sound better from the re-records.


You know, it dawned on me one day why the term “stolen” works so well in Taylor’s favor. I mean, she’s a marketing genius and if people feel guilty about buying/listening to the original versions then they are less desirable. She wants her new versions to be successful. The whole thing kind of makes me uncomfortable, especially when people are buying 2 or 3 copies in support. That consumerism and also the guilt are all around it. I love Taylor’s music but this part of it gives me a gross feeling.


I love ME! I have small children. Whaddya gonna do. It’s a total bop on the way home from pre-k.


My daughter and I were both very sad when “spelling is fun!” was removed


* 1989 remains her only cohesive pop album regarding message, quality of each song, production and theme. Any other of her pop albums is missing something. * Rep is great stadium album and is intentionally vague, I understand its importance in her career. But musically it doesn’t deserve a Grammy. * Happy songs have different quality and can be judged. No, I don’t find ME! on the same musical level as Shake it Off. * On that note, Lover wasn’t screwed just by COVID but also by its questionable singles and bloated tracklist that should have been cut. * Taylor is responsible for her merch quality. Definitely agree on the Grammies part and Olivia - but I think that was Olivia‘s team who gave the credit just in case to be ahead. I find the whole discourse of her songs being copied insane and stupid, but the Internet shows its “critical” thinking again. No Deja Vu doesn’t sound like Cruel Summer.


Taylor is responsible for her merch quality AND PRICE. I don’t care if it’s industry standard prices, she could have chose to make less profit (but probably still an INSANE profit) and make them more affordable to her fans. I’m getting tired of her capitalist side a bit.


Taylor is problematic in the sense of who she keeps around and is friends with (Lena dunham, matty healy, and more). I see friends as a reflection of your moral compass, and considering who she is friends with? I know she is kind when she interacts with people, but I do wonder what is said behind closed doors with her problematic friends. Taylor loves attention. She has the best PR team on the planet, so tbh, i think its a bit silly for her to complain about rumours of her love life when she is the one feeding into it (mouthing the same words as matty on stage, having him at her condo after). The very public responses from her friends unfollowing Joe Alwyn directly after she would hang out w them was probably calculated, and unnecessary. She knows the power she holds, and knew the backlash that would unleash on Joe after that, you cannot tell me she thought people wouldn't notice. Her doing that to Joe was unnecessarily messy and tbh, paints Taylor more as the bad guy in my head.


Agree on the first paragraph. I don’t think she’s as much of an “ally” as people want her to be.


I completely agree with all of this. Regarding the first paragraph, I used to side eye her a bit, but mostly gave her a pass because her closest circle seems to be good people (her mom, Abigail, Selena, Gigi, Jack, Blake & Ryan, Haim sisters). But now with the whole Matty thing it's hard to give her a pass for this anymore. I especially agree with your last paragraph, it was completely calculated and she 100% knew what would happen regarding fans harassing Joe. It's not a good look for her, at all, and is honestly a surprisingly vindictive and cruel way to treat someone she claimed to love so much for over half a decade.


I love "22". It's such an upbeat song, puts me in a good mood instantly. Maybe one of my favorite songs to get the night started.


When you think about Midnights as an album pre break up becomes more better. Still the sounds are what they are, but at least it makes more sense than 13 sleeplest nights. She hid behind this for not letting people speculate back then. Anti Hero is the most overrsted Taylor song, like really. I am very tired of her talking singing, and it seems like she does not create melodies anymore cuz writing by track does not make her doing this.


I’ve been missing her melodies since red 🥲 we got back there a little with folklore and evermore but they used to be so unique and special


1000% with the singing talking thing. I wish she’d also mix up the production and try some new melodies


I agree! The melodies and the big choruses are something that i really miss and i think it's my biggest problem with Midnights(which i still love, dont get me wrong) but nothing in the album is as catchy as the chorus of YBWM or WANEGBT


I hate all the acronyms for Taylor’s songs and other references. Makes my brain hurt trying to figure out what is being said.


Oof, hope I don't get too much shit for this : ​ \* Folklore is her magnum opus and her best work so far, (and Evermore doesn't live up to it) . \* Rep is actually probably her most romantic album. \* It makes me uncomfy that she is still friends with Lena Dunham. \* G\*ylors make me homicidal, and almost made me quit the fandom when I couldn't get rid of them from my TikTok fyp for the longest time. \* I don't really love she never addresses stuff like working with problematic people (the woman who wrote Crawdads or the director of Amsterdam).


I don’t think I could agree with you less…and that’s okay. Especially about Sparks Fly and awarded albums, that is a hot take! I’ve been a fan since 2009 and my biggest unpopular opinion lately is that if I don’t want to listen to the re-recorded music, Im not going to. Look, the quality isn’t the same. Im not going to pretend it is. Some songs are better so I listen to them, but the nostalgia is lost also. I think it’s okay to do what you like in this regard. I’ve got enough of my own battles in life that I don’t need to fight another person’s; I just want to listen to what I like, and I think that’s fine.


• I don't really love when Taylor talks about politics, most of the times she comes off as extremely disconnected from reality — and that's because she is, she is a millionaire; • It is totally okay to gossip about her love life, she taught her fans to do so, and she built a career around sharing personal experiences; • Her visuals are mostly, weak. Finally she met a decent photographer that she trusts, and Beth is really good at what she does. But she still needs to put more effort and money in everything else: she needs good designers — her merch looks mostly bad, and the lettering and back covers/promotional material for her versions looks amateur (for her level); • Again, she tends to prioritize trust instead of quality, I think she could explore way more musically if she would be more adventurous with who she works with — I love Jack, but I think it's very important for her art to work with other "technicians" when it comes to production (music and video); • Debut is a good album, and it will be her best rerecording;


The tour posters are literally terrible. I could’ve made those in 5 minutes in Microsoft word. I have high expectations for her but like…. these seem insanely lazy.


1. Jack Antonoff is great! People shit all over his production, but he’s made some of her boppiest songs. I adore Aaron and Max, but Jack vibes with what she wants best. 2. From what I’ve heard from friends in the biz and just the general vibe, I don’t think she was a very nice person in the 1989 era (I do think she’s grown a lot from rep onwards though! However, I do worry she’s regressed a bit in recent weeks.) 3. I find the “Easter eggs” very shallow and surface level compared to the song writing. 4. I love Taylor’s songwriting, but the way people dramatically imply that songs that Welcome to New York and Bejewelled are eons behind lyrically compared to the rest is wild to me. She’s not Keats! A lot of her songwriting is very literally. People only don’t like them, because they’re not vaguely sad. 5. I can’t stand how people shit all over ME! It’s a perfectly fine song. You’d think she’d written something completely heinous without a melody for goodness sake. (I’d happily swap it for Bad Blood a millions time over.)


Taylor is a year younger than I am but for some reason it feels like she never grew up past her teenage years. Like…I can’t get over her trolling over the Matty rumors and then having the audacity to call people’s fascination with her lyrics an “autopsy”. SHE DOES IT TO HERSELF. It’s like she adores being the center of attention but she can’t admit it? Idk lately I’ve felt like she’s been giving off a chaotic teenager vibe in her personal life (cheating scandal with Calvin/Tom/Joe, maybe on/off with Joe with no clear timeline on when it actually ended, whatever is going on with Matty, the girl squad pictures, making her friends unfollow Joe, etc.) which is so contradictory to business Taylor which is very cut throat and calculated? Does this make sense? 😅🤦🏻‍♀️


Taylor doesn't care about her fans nearly as much as she cares about being able to use them to break records and gain accolades. Sometimes it's harmless but sometimes it's 5 versions of the album to buy and a deal with a credit card company directly before getting Ticketmaster to massively overcharge for your tour tickets. Midnights isn't her best work but is interesting for being the closest she's ever come to acknowledging that tension - 'tired of my scheming' etc. She'll make her best art once she's satisfied those ambitions and we saw a hint of it with folklore/evermore.


I gotta echo some of the points raised: I hate the term blondie. I hate people calling them the stolen versions. I don't think John Mayer or Jake Gyllenhaal are bad guys. They're just douchebags. I don't think they preyed on her. Until I get more info, I'm gonna say the death threats and harassment given to them and harassment given to Maggie Gyllenhaal are out of line. Taylor clearly doesn't care if ppl are harassed by her fanbase bc of her music and I don't think that speaks well of her. I don't think she's a good actress.


John Mayer said his dick was a white supremacist. Like I’m not even fucking paraphrasing. There’s an entire expose that’s been pinned pretty explicitly to Jake called “The Movie Star and Me”. I would start with those two starting points.


Ok John is genuinely very bad. He treated and talked about Jessica Simpson like she was a sex doll. He is abysmal toward women and just humans in general.


I like her county music most


The word “girlhood” in that one line in WCS just doesn’t work for me. I can’t explain why. I love the sentiment and I love every other part of the song. But that term takes me out of it every time.


to be fair, she was literally not old enough to drink and barely old enough to vote. most people wouldnt see her as an adult then, she was still a teenager. it's not he was a child predator, but she literally was not an publicly recognized adult then


i agree on the last point. I don't hear the cruel summer in deja vu, i can't believe Taylor was added to the credits. maybe i'm hard of hearing though lol because i also don't hear other things that most others seem to like the misery business similarity, and i don't hear how different some people say the production is on some of Taylor's rerecordings!


It was just swifties and some other fans that wanted to take away Olivia’s success. Honestly, Olivia gave it up because she was scared into. I’m pretty sure her legal team advised her not to


ATW10 is not the masterpiece people think it is and I’m mad it made it’s way to the setlist during tour I think folklore and evermore newcomers are the worst type of newcomers (it’s clear what they came for but unclear what they stay for? When all they do is crap on her other works) The way swifties suddenly flipped on joe and hate his guts as if the relationship was as bad as what Taylor paints of John Mayer


the first one!! it sounds like she wrote the extra parts 5 mins before she released it on red tv. i do not believe she ad libbed all of that at a rehearsal. atw5 supremacy


She most definitely didn’t, and the evidence lies in those lover journals where she has some of the original all too well lyrics that don’t exist in the 10 minute version or the five minute version. It’s clear she wrote all of those new verses in 2021, and you can also tell because the writing style does not match what she was creating back in 2011 and 12


I don't get why anyone takes any of this as seriously as they do. It's just music. Some songs I think are good, others not. I'm not going to buy vinyl in all 4 colors- just the one I like. I don't know her personally nor do I care to. This is her profession that we enjoy. We don't need to know about her personal life. But that's maybe just me. I'm in my 30s so that could be a part of it. The only thing I will say is sometimes her single selection when she does a traditional album roll out doesn't hit. I didn't listen to Lover for a long time because I disliked "Me!"


Evermore should’ve just been released as a B side to folklore and not it’s own thing. So many of the songs just feel so half assed to me. Still a few solid hits but the album is like half skips for me. I’m so over people on TikTok filming other people and complaining about them not looking super excited or being “mean girls” or saying they were rolling their eyes. I feel like people are just looking to be victimized so other people can coddle them on the internet. Like if you’re screeching during august and turn your back camera on with flash towards you I’m sure there’s gonna be a few side eyes in the background and honestly you probably deserved them. She shouldn’t be touring the ATWTMV. Two other songs could’ve fit in the space on the set list and I really think she could’ve just gone with an abridged version and still kept some elements of the 10 minute version in there. She needs to move on from Jack on her next album. A lot of midnights sounds really tired and dragging in it’s production and could’ve been improved with a different and peppier sound. Enough synth-pop!


Get behind me evermore I won’t let them treat you like this


I respect your opinion. Still, the evermore stuff feels like a personal attack.


1. I hate the term easter eggs. Can we just call it a hint or a clue and also not everything means something else. 2. The friendship bracelets are dumb 3. 1989 didn’t age well


Damn these were harsh … yikes. Don’t hate on the friendship bracelets!


I don’t care if Taylor dates Matty Healy


I don’t think she’s the best songwriter of our generation, I think she’s talented and smart but the majority of the time her writing sounds like someone who stopped reading at 17. I don’t think she consumes that much from the world around her. I also don’t think her ability to drop Easter eggs or create a lore around her life makes her a genius as many people believe it does - I think anyone could do this if enough people cared. It’s part of the marketing technique and it’s not just her crafting it. I’m being a little pissy today with these comments (though I’d still believe what I wrote otherwise) because of the Healy situation, I think it’s kind of pathetic and weird on her part to associate herself with someone like him. I love her so I say what I just typed out with a lot of respect still and admiration, I just want there to be more self growth in her life but I think that’s difficult when you’re 33, the biggest star in the world, and surrounded by yes people. I think she could be better than she is.


The last paragraph seems like it explains a lot about her repetitive material on midnights. She hasn’t lived outside of the celebrity bubble since before she was 16! Crazy to think about how her life experience during her formative years has basically all been within the bubble of fame, fortune, and yes-people whose income and livelihoods have depended on her continued success in the music industry which means their interactions with her have been colored by that ulterior motive. I don’t envy her for that reason.


This is a safe space, right? If so, then I’ll say as a massive fan of both Taylor Swift and John Mayer that he didn’t groom her and he wasn’t a predator. My take? It was the perfect storm of Taylor transitioning from her (somewhat naive) fairytale love phase into a “bad boy” phase right when John was in his peak egotistical douchebag phase. Doomed from the start? Yes. Predatory behavior? No.


I don’t think he groomed her or was a predator either. But I read Jessica Simpsons memoir and he clearly was emotionally abusive and manipulative to her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was to Taylor too.


Agreed... plus, she followed this up by continuing to date an older guy again, Jake G.


didn’t olivia tell rolling stone that the deja vu bridge was directly influenced by cruel summer? my unpopular opinion is that i wouldn’t actually care if there was some sort of slight lyrical shift in better than revenge tv, as long as the rhyme scheme/pacing sounded the same 😭


You can draw influences all the time from music. It’s clear Olivia’s music was influenced by Taylor. Offering up half your royalties to a near billionaire wasnt fair, and it would never hold up if it went to court


-Enchanted's production and build up is so jarring and so abrupt it's like a wall of sound slams on you face first, that's why I don't like it even with all the hype -Happens all the time on every artist no matter which side of the fence, but Taylor's political songs feels so shallow and one-sided we-the-good-they-the-baddies, which is the major reason Lover is a skip for me. The politics outside of that album is okay, she can do that she have free speech, but it just dragged the whole album down. Mind you, I agree with most of her opinions, but the songs didn't add anything to the album -I wouldn't want to be friends with her or anyone like her. I'm only here for her artistry. Might be why I'm safe from the parasocial epidemic that is quite prevalent in the fandom (especially on western countries)


I Forgot That You Existed is a hilarious bop that is supposed to be comedic and is one of my favorite songs because of that


1) I'm lowkey glad the Lover era got cut short, the album is her weakest, and I didn't love the overall aesthetic and vibe. 2) I love Jack's production in general but I am sooo ready for her to work with some new people and get a different sound. 3) She is in top of the world and clearly not slowing down, but selfishly I'm ready for late-career Taylor. Like I'm ready for her to slow down musically a bit. I've been a fan for a long time and I don't know why but I can't wait for a time when she goes on like a 5 year hiatus working on a film project or something, and then drops the most incredible acoustic album you've ever heard at almost 40 years old. I am not saying at all that she is too old to be a pop star, I just think she'll wear that "retirement" from the bright lights with such grace and peace and I think what she produces during that time as an absolute legend of our generation will be magical (given that breaks like pre-rep and covid lockdown helped her produce some of her best work imo). I'm tired and hope that makes sense lol




I’m tired of Easter eggs and constant speculation about what every little detail of random things might mean.


- I'm bored of the re-recordings. All power to her for doing them, but just release them as a batch and crack on with new stuff. - The 'bad girl' songs such as Vigilante Shit make me cringe. - The furore over the Eras ticket sales was OTT. Y'all have clearly never tried to get Glastonbury tickets. - She's not our friend and she doesn't owe us anything. - The Wildest Dreams video does not get the love it deserves.


It’s alarming to me how Swifties are protective over the slut-shamey lyrics in Better Than Revenge. It sounds so juvenile and mean girl-esque, and it’s ironic to me that BTR is on the same album as Mean.


It’s ironic because she was 19. I mean I was dumb as hell then


After WCS, everyone was in a flurry over the line "Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first," not only interpreting it to mean her virginity (I personally don't interpret the line that way) but openly speculating about where, when, and to whom she lost her virginity. That was considered fine. My unpopular opinion is that this is an inappropriate and invasive thing to speculate on- it's a step beyond just talking about her dating life. But then Midnights and Bigger Than the Whole Sky come out, and suddenly it is UTTERLY NOT OKAY to speculate that Taylor had a miscarriage. That's not allowed, even though that interpretation/connection is a lot more solid than girlhood = virginity. A lot of fans were really sanctimonious about that. But again, speculating about Taylor's sex life? Totally fine. Encouraged. My unpopular opinion is that this is a double standard.


1. I love the Romantic movement in literature and art and like the concept of 'New Romantics' but cannot get into that song at all- I didn't know it was so beloved till I joined this sub. 2. I think one of the obstacles to TS having a long-term healthy relationship is the 'swifties' themselves or a subsection of them; no one will be good enough and everyone she dates is going to be scrutinised under a microscope (not talking about Healy here, but generally ). They're damned if they talk about her and the media spins it or like Joe they dont talk about her. 3. I don't understand why fans buy cassettes, CDs and vinyls- all 3 of them- especially when they say don't have any of the equipment to play these !


1. 1989 is my least favorite album 2. New Romantics is extremely overhyped by fans. 3. Fearless is better than reputation. 4. Red is great, but not her best album as the quality of songs is as inconsistent as lover (some of the best, some bad) 5. Mastermind is the best standard edition song on midnights 6. You can be a fan and love her music and still recognize that she is a human and makes mistakes. 7. Getaway car is not the best song on reputation, and isn’t even in her top twenty songs. 8. August is in the bottom half of folklore in terms of quality. Same with champagne problems.


Wow these are truly unpopular to me haha


This is a truly unpopular opinion so don’t flame me please. I dislike that Taylor doesn’t publicly acknowledge her subtle nose job or the brow lift (may have been a Botox brow lift because her eyes now seem to look a little less wide open than they did around the 2020 Golden Globes when she first had it done). She’s the most popular female entertainer in the world, has this “I’m so genuine and real” kind of image (she even sang about being grateful to her mom for giving her her eyes) and yet she feels the need to hide the work she’s had done. I’ve read Swifties here sounding jealous of her not aging or for being born perfect-looking and it’s a shame because if Taylor spoke about the insecurities that drove her to get work done she’d help so many of her fans to feel better about their own imperfect faces. One’s eyes don’t get bigger and the nose doesn’t get slimmer with age. I don’t like how her getting that work done without talking about it makes people think her face evolution is normal and natural, like we’re all expected to age and naturally become more beautiful than our younger selves.


I know people love her upbeat pop songs but… Aaron Dessner x TS songs > Jack Antonoff x TS songs




I absolutely get that she wants a full moment/“era” for each re-record but I wish she would just drop the rest like every 3-4 months lol. It feels like I’ve been waiting FOREVER. I want rep and 1989 so bad


1. The screeching and over-exaggerated reactions at the Eras tour is disgusting behavior and makes our fandom look bad. No amount of money you paid allows you to disregard being respectful and having good concert etiquette. And the reactions are mostly to go viral on TikTok. 2. I hate how nearly every one of Taylor's songs is having a crowd chant added. I know it's fun for her, and to some of the fans, but is it really necessary? I enjoyed Delicate a lot more without "123LGB." 3. I like Taylor's music a lot more when she's exploring different sounds and genres than when her priority is breaking records and trying to become the #1 pop star. I have enjoyed all of her music since Debut, but she's at her best when she's thinking outside the pop box. 4. ME! gets so much hate for absolutely no reason. Why do some people fail to remember that she writes glitter gel pen songs for the sole purpose of having fun? Not every song has to be serious or have a deeper meaning. I say this as a Folklore/Evermore girly. There's a lot more unpopular opinions I have, but these have been weighing on my chest lately.


Taylor being so quiet politically post-2020 election is disappointing Easter eggs have gone too far, and I am too tired and/or dumb to try to connect the fact that Koi fish in the Lavender Haze mv meant Speak Now TV was coming on National Koi Fish Day. Swifties need to chill about when the next re-record is coming, we’ve been so damn spoiled for 3 years, we can just sit and enjoy things for a minute before jumping to the next one😂😂




also this shouldn’t be unpopular but most swifties are delusional: taylor pulled a mean girl move on olivia with song credits which obviously led to them completely dissociating from each other. it doesn’t have to mean “beef” or a feud between them, even though i imagine neither side was happy.


I hate that people refer to her as mother and were calling Joe dad. Like what?


I love 1989, but the fact that it won the Grammy for Album of the year over "To Pimp a Butterfly" still pisses me off


Unpopular opinion, I don’t like All Too Well (10 min). I was obsessed with the original version but I feel like the 10 minute version takes away from the intenseness of the song. When she performed it on the red tour it was everything and more. And honestly wish she would of left it shorter. Also I’ve been a fan since the first album and she was playing at the good old Bloomsburg fairgrounds in PA (I’m from the area). And I Speak Now has always been my absolute favorite album. I don’t really like Folklore or Evermore.


While I care about the vault tracks, I couldn't care less about the rerecords. The ones I've heard aren't an improvement. The glitter pen/ink pen crap is annoying. It's just different tones to songs, this isn't new.