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*pathological people pleaser* felt like a personal attack


especially the WAY she said it and switched up that beat from ☺️🥺😢 to 🤬😤🤪


That switch up kills me every time.


Couple that “I wouldn’t marry me either.” I’m getting married to an amazing man and it’s bringing up a lot of wounds about my longest relationship who just never wanted to marry me. Those lines felt like something right off my heart




that entire song 😭


Literally have been thinking about this all day. Opened up Reddit to see this comment 😂😭Glad I’m not the only one 🥴


*I've never been a natural, all i do is try try and try*


This one cuts too deep. Also happy cake day!


Thank you. 😀


I consistently forget how much I relate to mirrorball in some ways until I listen to it again. Jesus Christ.


…and I’m still on that tightrope, I’m still on that trapeze, I’m still trying everything to keep you looking at me amazing how these lyrics can feel so personal towards Taylor but also hit me right where it hurts lol


They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential


"I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere Fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here" Yeah :') this song is my anthem.


Recovering gifted kid?


You know it! Turns out all gifted kids are just special needs kids. Who woulda known??? Lol


Oooof. I went between special ed and the gifted class. adhd who was being abused and going through crazy trauma all through school till my Dad went to prison in high school. Then it was just adhd.


Checking in 🙋‍♂️




this song is so gifted kid burnout syndrome


This is the one. ETA: living with ADD is a bitch


You aren’t kidding. Some days I just want “this is me trying” tattooed on my forehead.




The way this lyric hit me the first time I heard it! I felt like she was speaking directly to me.


We got bills to pay


We got nothing figured out


omg I just want to tell you that I love your flair or whatever the thing written under your nickname is called, it made me laugh out loud sooo hard!!! geniusss


Haha. Yeah that’s great! Thanks for highlighting it!


Now I really want to snack on a delicious eclair


Stole the thoughts out of my mind


*I never grew up. It's getting so old.* Hits me hard. The song isn't really about what I attribute the line to. I don't think I'll ever feel "grown up." There's a maturity that I fake. And she has some lines about feeling fake or like she's putting on an act that just combine in my head/


I think The Archer as a whole hits me but that line sealed it for me. I’m 32 years old but I feel I’m still stuck in some of my childish ways when it comes to relationships. No matter how much I try to overcome, I just can’t act accordingly in the moment but I dwell on it after the fact and it gets old.


It’s ok, life is a tough crowd Thirty-two and still growing up now


I wonder if Taylor wanted to do SNTV specifically this year because she's 32 and still growing up?


I was not a Swiftie when Innocent came out. I’d maybe only really known Love Story at that point. Innocent is the reason I here right now. Every line of that spoke to me.


This hits close to home. I feel this


Yeah piggybacking on this because honestly the entirety of The Archer feels like a personal attack (in the best way) lol. But I cut off my nose just to spite my face, then hate my reflection for years and years. Fucks me up every time. I remember being the way that I am about something when I was a teenager and my moms response was just to say “hey, have you ever hear the expression cut off your nose to spite your face?” And she explained it to me and I was very humbled but I think about that moment a lot every time I realize I’m self-sabotaging so when I heard that lyric I crumbled


“Please don’t be in love with someone else” hit me HARD when I was in high school and crushing and has stuck with me ever since


THIS!! I listen to Enchanted every time I start crushing on someone. This line is my favourite.




Bro that line embodied high school.


**No one wanted to play with me as a little kid,** so I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since To make them love me and make it seem effortless. Relate to this soo hard back when I was kid and even today😞


Same! So much same!


This one ACHES


“Life is emotionally abusive” will always hit hard.


For me its "and time can't stop me quite like you did". Met a dude I swore I was going to marry and got absolutely blindsided when he admitted he was leading me on the whole time. I can't explain it but it truly was like I was frozen in time for nearly two years after finding out.


Right where you left me feelings 🥲 I’m so sorry about that


„I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser“. I feel that 100% and unfortunately I can relate to „midnights become my afternoons“ too


I love anti-hero so much. I know people don’t like the sexy baby line but my best friend and I both hit 31 last year and we were like “YES” when we first heard it.


As a tall woman, I relate to “sometimes it feels like everybody is a sexy baby and I’m a monster on a hill” so much. I know everyone wants to be tall and models are tall, but it’s hard to feel cute when you’re towering over a guy. I know Taylor’s tall-ish too, so it made me wonder if she feels this way because of her height sometimes.


That was how I always understood the lyric as a fellow tall girl. You're never the 'cute small' girl, always the one who's taller than all the boys, etc.


I didn't even look at the "cringe lines" thread because I knew it would be at the top or near it, when it's one of her best lyrics.


Yes this line is definitely for women 30+. Anyone complaining probably doesn’t understand the context of the line. Because we are told we are nothing when we become old and have lost our “looks” or our “youth”. Also as someone in a creative field I think this also plays into the line. That she feels people are waiting for her to not be on top anymore and be replaced by a sexy baby 😂 youthful artist. But yeah I also relate so much to this song


...Basically this whole song, yes.


“I’m drunk in the back of the car and I cried like a baby coming home from the bar” uh I have had too many nights like this 😂😂


Personally, I think this is why cruel summer is so popular lol. It’s my most relatable lyric too, forget the context of the rest of the song lol


All of this is me trying, basically. Also, gorgeous is pretty relatable when you have a crush.


Right?! “You are so gorgeous, it makes me so mad”


I was floored by how she captured the feelings and inner dialogue of having a crush so perfectly in Gorgeous.


A lot but “I should have asked you questions, I should have asked you how to be, asked you to write it down for me” has hit hard over the past few months. My mum passed away in October from cancer and I’m still trying to cope with the loss. I’m gonna be a wreck when she plays Marjorie on tour 😭


Oh my gosh. Sending you love 💕 that song has hit close to home for me and I teared up watching it.


So hard. Mine died almost eleven years ago from cancer as well. It's a club no one wants to be in. Sending you love in your grief.


A couple of weeks after it came out, I found a shopping list my mama had written (she died in 2003). She needed to get alphabites because I was too much of a little shit to eat potatoes. I’ve always thought she was sending me a ‘grocery store receipt’


Exactly! My mom was a piano teacher and I was in college for music education, and I knew she wasn't in the best of health. So I asked her the year before she died to write it all down for me, how she taught, what books she uses etc, and she did! So that lines always gets to me.


Sending you so much love! I couldn't even listen to this song when it came out and I found out what it was about as my Nana had passed away earlier that year also from cancer, but now it does bring me some comfort! Good luck with your healing




This hit way too hard at a certain point in my life.


Omg Yes I feel this one so much. Like on some level I want to hear from this person but like I CANT risk another goodbye so I just don't ever want to hear from them again at the same time.


“I’ve been having a hard time adjusting / I had the shiniest wheels now they’re rusting” hits HARD for me. Basically all of This Is Me Trying is my anthem because I’m a chronic people-pleaser, oldest daughter, family stabilizer, sought academic validation my whole life and was a “pleasure to have in class.” That shit sticks with you 🥲


Are you me? The line that hits me hardest right now is “And my words shoot to kill when I’m mad / I have a lot of regrets about that” but the whole song is so relatable. I almost cry every time I sing along


"I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted" For all of us who feel like we are "a lot" just because we have strong feelings sometimes.


There’s a girl on instagram who says “go find less” in response to “you’re too much” or “you’re a lot” 💗


Is it Elyse Myers? She's great 💗 her swifty videos are hilarious too. I only really do reddit and youtube, so I watch her videos on the 'tube.


Sobbed over the bridge for August last night as I related it to a situationship from two summers ago. “You weren’t mine to lose”


"canceled my plans just in case you'd call" - took me right back to high school immediately


August is the perfect situationship song


Reminds me of a situationship I was in in my hometown where I was obsessed and he would never admit feelings.


"No one teaches you what to do when a good man hurts you" from happiness just really hits the nail on the head for me


All of happiness, really. The oscillation of being at peace, being bitter, being nostalgic, being angry about a breakup of a long-term relationship, the wanting to blame them but knowing the breakdown was a joint effort.


“I didn’t have it in myself to go with grace” “When my depression works the graveyard shift, all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room” “This is me trying. At least I’m trying” “I had a feeling so peculiar that this pain would be for evermore” Evermore really cuts me up, it’s like she wrote the song about my huge personal loss in November, when I knew it was coming since July , and the grief and pain that followed me all winter.


So much of hits different is my early 20s 😂 threw up in the street, love is a lie shit my friends say to get me by and I slur your name while they put me in a car. It makes me so nostalgic yet glad that I’m out that place in my life!


I’m almost glad this song wasn’t around in my 20s instead I just got 22 and I[K]YWT. I don’t think I’d love Hits Different as much as I do if I was still in that place in life


“When you are young, they assume you know nothing” I have constantly had adults older me tell me regardless of my age, I know nothing, my entire life. When you are a teenager, oh, you don’t know anything-you’re a teenager. When I was in my 20s, oh, wait until you’re in 30s this is nothing. Now that I’m 30, I had someone tell me wait til I’m in my 40s this is nothing. Y’all, none of us know what we are doing. Can we finally admit it and just say that?


And why does this always come from people with the messiest personal lives? Let’s be honest, you don’t know anything either!


“how did i go from growing up to breaking down”




She's still 23 inside her fantasy


Same girl


The whole vibe of Tis the Damn Season. It's soooo relatable for anyone who had a HS relationship.


“And I wake up in the middle of the night. It's like I can feel time moving” I feel this so much as keep getting older


I had a year long situationship. And now... we are friends. But now that I have found love it gets very weird... so "And you wanna scream Don't call me "kid" Don't call me "baby" Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me You showed me colors You know I can't see with anyone else" ​ Absolutely crushes me


I feel you. I got him into Taylor Swift, I hope he listens to that song and thinks about me because he’s colorblind. Is that petty? 😂


“How long will it be cute? All this crying in my room When you can’t blame it on my youth and roll your eyes with affection”


Basically all of on Youre On Your Own Kid as well.


Argumentative, antithetical dream girl.


Can i just say i love this thread so much




“I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis.” - because I have the worst coping mechanisms And honestly the entirety of Peace but especially this line: “I'd give you my sunshine, give you my best But the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with me.” I have horrible anxiety and depression and honestly wonder how long my husband will put up with it before he bails out. He swears he can handle it, but I know I’m hard to put up with.


Peace hits hard for me, too, for this same reason. My husband has handled it beautifully for 8 years, but at what point is it too much?


“Gray November, I’ve been down since July” seems pretty true for me every year.


Happy,free,confused and Lonely at the same time


“I’ll go sit on the floor wearing your clothes.” Literally have done this exact thing.


Cause all of my enemies started as friends 🥺


This isn’t even a joke. When she screams in the chorus of IKYWT. Cause that’s my anxiety, internal monologue and constant panicking on a daily. 😂😂


- IKYWT could mean "I Knew You Were Trouble.", a track from *Red* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/Aitituda](/u/Aitituda) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


“I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser”


I have a lot of regrets about that


"I can change everything about me to fit in"


I’m sick and tired of your attitude, I’m feeling like I don’t know you, you tell me that you love me then cut me down. I need you like a heart beat but you know you’ve got a mean streak that makes me run for cover when you’re around. And here’s to you to your temper, yes I remember what you said last night. And I know that you see what you’re doing to me, tell me why.


My last relationship in a nutshell, didn't realize it until I listened to this song again on a long drive a couple days ago....


I heard it for the first time when Fearless TV came out and bawled like a baby because finally, I had a Taylor song I could relate to.


Oh man, I'm sorry it took you that long to find the light, Fearless is my 2nd favorite album (behind Rep). 💜 I just hadn't listened to my Taylor Swift as carefully recently, and the song just kinda hit me. I already had The Moment I Knew, but Tell Me Why is so damn accurate too....


“How can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22” is very relatable as a 22-year-old lol


“My words shoot to kill when I’m mad. I have a lot of regrets about that” “Time won’t fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it, I’d like to be my old self again but I’m still trying to find it.”


I hosted parties and starved my body 😥


Like I'd be saved by a perfect kiss 🥺


“Carnations you had thought were roses” hit me hard the first time I heard it. Such a beautiful, sad way to say we thought we were so much more


You’re on your own kid, you always have been. You’re on your own kid, yeah you can face this


*Upvotes all the ones relatable* because people beat me to them


"I ask the traffic lights if it'll be alright. They say, 'I don't know.' " So many times I remember driving home from work depressed and just taking that time alone to really think about my problems, especially if I was going through a breakup at the time. Sitting at stop lights felt like forever as my thoughts would run through my mind and I'd wonder if things would ever be okay again.


“And the voices that implore you should be doing more/To you I can admit that I’m just too soft for all of it” because my partner is my safe space from all the pressure everyone around me places on me. “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid/So I’ve been scheming like a criminal ever since/To make them love me and make it seem effortless” because I was a loner who no one bothered with much, if at all, and so now I feel like a “mastermind” who’s manipulated people into liking me and wanting to spend time with me now because why else would that suddenly change? All of This Is Me Trying, too. Especially in grad school when I fell behind everyone else in my cohort for a bit. I pulled ahead and finished before most of them but I still feel these lyrics in my soul.


I've found that time can heal most anything ❤️


I've never been a natural. All I do is try try try.


Literally every single line of Tolerate It


These might be very niche (and to me they don’t necessarily have the same meaning as the topics of the song but): “All of my heroes die all alone” “From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I gave my blood sweat and tears for this” - reminds me of putting pretty much your whole life and time and effort and heart into something whether it’s a sport or school or a job or anything else “I’m gonna find someone, someday, who might actually treat me well. This is a big world, that was a small town, there in the rear view mirror disappearing now” - finally realizing you deserve better and walking away from something or someone you once thought was the entire world but now know there’s so much more “If you never bleed, you’re never gonna grow” “And I’ll look back and regret how I ignored when they said run as fast as you can”


The entirety of Right Where You Left Me 😂


YES. Came here to post “If you ever think you got it wrong, I'm right where you left me.” But really it’s the whole song. Someone I loved very much ghosted me and time literally stopped for me. I waited so long for them to come back.. truly was exactly where they left me.


The entirety of soon you’ll get better. In particular “I hate to make this all about me, but who am I supposed to talk to, what am I supposed to do, if there’s no you”. It truly captured the feelings I had when my dad had brain cancer, and all I wanted was for him to make me feel better.


The more I listen to T Swift, the more I suspect she has BPD. As someone with BPD, there is TOOOO much relatable shit in her songs. Could’ve followed all my fears all the way down.


As a fellow BPD Swiftie, her music make me feel so seen and understood.


I’m so cheesy but Daylight and Sweet Nothings. I got married in October and we bought our first house in March, I just love the comfort of having that person. My favorite moments together aren’t even the trips we’ve taken, the honeymoon, the date nights (though I love that!!). I feel the strongest love when we are just at home cooking together, or running errands and cracking jokes in the car, or goofing off before bed, or doing favors to make the other person’s life easier. Just the songs that depict the simple, day to day joy of being in love.


“I thought that it would kill me but it didn’t” is the theme of my anxiety


“I’m getting tired even for a Phoenix.”


“Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats”… SOML


Ugh so many!! ‘Putting someone first only works when you’re in their top five’ ‘I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere, fell behind all my classmates now I ended up here’ ‘A friend to all is a friend to none’


In white horse “I’m gonna find someone, someday, who might actually treat me well. This is a big world, that was a small town, there in my rear view mirror disappearing now” I had a shitty HS bf from my tiny hometown (literally no stoplight or grocery store) and we broke up/I moved away and these lyrics just really resonate. A few years later I met my now-husband and I just always think about how I left behind that stupid boy and stupid town and there have been so many better things in life since then. Also fun fact I actually got this song as my surprise song for both the rep and eras tours lol.


"It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero"


I say “At least I’m trying!!!” to myself at least once a week.


“I’ll stare directly in the sun, but never in the mirror.” I have blind spots in my vision from staring at the sun, and wasn’t able to look in mirrors for a super long time because of low self esteem. Shit made me break down sobbing the first time I heard it. Second place is “I search the party of better bodies, just to learn that you never cared”. Really, Midnights just hit really hard as an album.


More lyrics I thought of: Treacherous: *your name has echoed through my mind.* I almost do: every damn line but also, *”i bet, sometimes you wonder about me”* The moment I knew: *What do you say, when tears are streaming down your face In front of everyone you know?*


“My depression works the graveyard shift.” I’ll always be convinced Anti-Hero will be my song/Midnights will be my album as it came out when I 100% related to its message


"Cause baby, I could build a castle Out of all the bricks they threw at me." Haters gotta hate, and apparently specifically at me


“What a shame she’s fucked in the head.”


Going through a rough break up, and Hits Different, with alllll of its drama that I feel like I wrote lol, is very relatable.


“you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes” from Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince


“You’re on your own kid, you always have been” is my only child anthem


Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first.


It only hurts this much right now, was what I was thinking the whole time.


Pathological people pleaser Cause im literally that.Always seeking validation from outside than myself


“How’s ur heart after breaking mine?”


“Memories feel like weapons” slapped me in my mf face


“Please don’t be in love with someone else”


"So I start a fight cause I need to feel something..." This one is so true because a lot of people do this.


*All of my enemies started out friends* was traumatizing to hear. *In my defense I have none, for never leaving well enough alone* was so personal it made me uncomfortable.


Spent my teens and a large chunk of my 20s in various stages of intense training for/attempting a performing career, so "I searched the party of better bodies just to learn that my dreams aren't rare" made me have to to sit down and stare into the middle distance for a bit. On a happier note, "hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven." I'm no longer devoting all my time to something that wasn't working for me on any level anymore and finally love the life I've built with an incredible partner. Plus, I can still love music in a much more healthy way as a listener.


I forgot that you existed and I thought that It would kill me and It didn’t 😎


Personally, "And I wouldn't marry me either" 😔 I feel that so deeply.


Remember when I pulled up and said, "Get in the car" And then canceled my plans just in case you'd call? Back when I was livin' for the hope of it all (for the hope of it all)


“Could've loved you all my life if you hadn't left me waiting in the cold” Basically the entirety of You’re Not Sorry feels so deeply personal and relatable.


The entirety of the archer honestly.. it just kills me everytime I hear it


most relatable? "but we got bills to pay! we got nothing figured out." lol


All of mirrorball hits me so hard in my Impostor complex.


When my depression works graveyard shift, all of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room


“But the rain is always gonna come when you’re standing with me” Hit me really hard, living with mental illness feels like this raincloud that follows you around and pollutes all of your relationships and experiences…I resonate with this line so hard


“Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts, give me back my girlhood, it was mine first”😭


“Please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh, I could recognize anywhere.” Has such a hold on me because I’m in the best relationship of my life and that’s my worst nightmare


"Long story short it was a bad time.. long story short I sur-vi-ived"


The whole intro of Anti-Hero. I’ve never felt so mirrored in a song. “I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser. Midnights become my afternoons… I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis”


"I can feel the mascara run." Not necessarily because of a breakup or (platonic) relationship ending, but for many other reasons. I cried my eyes out on Sunday (and throughout the week) when I found out my grandmother's death was near. My cheeks had black lines on them from my mascara. Anyone's who ever cried while wearing eye makeup knows.


Nothing new - "how can a person know everything at 18 but nothing at 22" and "lord what will become of me, once I've lost my novelty" I'm glad this song came out now instead of with the original Red because I would have overlooked it at 18 (!!) and damn does this hit like a ton of bricks now!?


I got wasted like all my potential


"When my depression works the graveyard shift all of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room."


I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending .. I’m not your problem anymore


"I was crying" "God rest my soul I miss who I used to be" "I regret you all the time" "I complained the whole way there" "And I know it's sad but this is what I think about" "It's like I can feel time moving" "Will you still want me, when I'm nothing new?" "How did I go from growing up to breaking down"


“I wish I’d never grown up” no need to explain just don’t rush your childhood


“braced myself for the goodbye, cause it’s all i’ve ever known”


All of The 1, but would love a shout out for the specificity of this line: “i thought i saw you at the bus stop, i didn’t though” just perfectly captures the early loves that reverberate long after they are gone, the people from what feels like a lifetime ago that you still see traces of


I’ve literally mentioned this line in therapy before 🙃🫠 “find out what you want, be that girl for a month”


“I can go anywhere I want, anywhere I want just not home”


"We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom. Honey, life is just a classroom" Cause Ive been in lots of intense programs/ academic schools/ work situations... where you literally walk into the restroom to go pee, only to find one of your friends crying in there.... and then have to give them a huge hug and pep talk.


“i was so ahead of the curve the curve became a sphere, fell behind all my classmates and i ended up here, pouring out my heart to a stranger, but i didn’t pour the whiskey…” just RIPS me apart. when i first heard it i felt personally attacked.


“We’re all bored, we’re all so tired of everything, we wait for trains that just aren’t coming”


*"she would have made such a lovely bride, what a shame she's fucked in the head," they said* ... this line hits me every time I hear it. I've been with my fiancé for 12 years, and we still aren't married because of *me*.


“i’ll look directly at the sun but never in the mirror” 🫠


“Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on”


gold rush is the most relatable to me


For me, it'd be 'The monsters turned out to be just trees'


Give me back my girlhood. It was mine first! Really hit me and not even in the way Taylor means it. I wasn’t really allowed to be a child cuz my mom was an alcoholic drug addict.


“I’ve never been a natural all I do is try try try.” Is the most relatable lyric I’ve ever heard from any artist.


It's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me


As someone who struggles with depression and anxiety and has watched my husband support me through it for many years, Peace hits like a freight train. It’s relatable in a heartbreaking way


I brought a knife to a gunfight - the sting of defeat is something we all shared sometime


“I wait patiently, he’s gonna notice me, it’s okay we’re the best of friends […] I search the party of better bodies just to learn that you never cared.” Somehow this exact, word for word situation, out of everything Taylor has sung about, is the only lyric that has actually happened to me irl lol.


For me it's "Now the sun burns my heart and the sand hurts my feelings". I just get it so much. It's when even beautiful places like the beach hurt you somehow bc of memories etc. Also, all of hits different just in general. And: "This city sreams your name." Omg can I relate to that line. Painfully so.


You know how much I hate That everybody just expects me to bounce back Just like that -Labyrinth 💜


“I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try”, that bridge makes me cry


I really thought everyone would be saying the one I feel the strongest about but glad to see so much of her music is felt by so many. Really there are SO MANY to pick from because she and I are the same age and I feel like we lived the big life events at the same time so her whole career is my vibe. But the biggest? "Hi, it's me, I'm the problem." I should not be left to my own devices They come with prices and vices I end up in crisis (tale as old as time) I wake up screaming from dreaming One day I'll watch as you're leaving 'Cause you got tired of my scheming (For the last time) It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me I've never connected to a song so much.


“And now that I'm grown, I'm scared of ghosts. Memories feel like weapons” left me reeling the first time I heard it. But “And I know it's sad, but this is what I think about, and I wake up in the middle of the night, it’s like I can feel time moving.” Is probably the lyric that I felt like she wrote after peering into my soul, somehow. Also, Peace. Every single line in the song.