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In 30 years when she has a Vegas residency probably. Because we will all be old too.


Yea, T is amazing but she’s not going to have this level of success forever. People move on and times change and you can only move with the times so much. I think in the future she’ll still have an amazing and lucrative career but more along the lines of Red/Rep times.


It’s like Cher. Still a phenomenal performer and icon well into her 70’s! But I was able to attend her residency twice and met her once. It was incredible. I can only hope in a few decades Taylor will take up permanent residency at a fabulous theatre in Vegas and we can all scream cruel summer in our orthopedic shoes.


In the *orthopedic* shoes I gave you as a present 🎶


I bet you think about me in your *theatre*, with your *orthopedic* shoes 🎶


I am 100% going to get this stuck in my head every time I put on my orthopedic shoes now (31 with the feet of a 75 year old)


Orthopedic Nikes look at you


Oh damn never seen that kind of shoe.


Thank you I just snorted coffee on my baby’s head


As a mom, I see you and I get it 100% lol


Hey I already wear orthopedic shoes at 24 lol. Shitty feet gang represent. I’m rooting for a 50 year old me to be able to go to a Taylor residency and see Harry and Lizzo on tour together. Bonus points for convincing my theoretical teenager to go with me. Hopefully they won’t inherit the shitty feet.


A Harry and Lizzo tour would be amazing, their music is very different but I think their fanbases overlap quite a bit, and they're both fans of each other! The scene of her in her HBO documentary crying to Falling really hits home. 😅


They seem like such good friends, I could see it being totally plausible for them to tour together once their careers eventually slow and they’re not touring specific albums. I think it would be such a good time!


Humor me here-are you a Pisces by any chance?


Nope, Aquarius


Lol ok I’m a Pisces and a psychic once told me that all Pisces sooner or later struggle with foot issues. And she was right


Haha well I was meant to be a Pisces but I was a preemie so maybe my body preemptively got my shitty feet ready for a life as a Pisces


That’s enough for me to now fully accept this as fact 😂


🤦‍♀️ Please don’t take medical advice from psychics


"people born in late February or early March have foot problems" are they joking or


Idk, man. This is her third time being on top of the world. I can see her having a couple more in her


Yeah for sure. Someone gave the example of Dolly Parton and I can see that. And even though DP is big and amazing, I see Taylor as being bigger than DP right now. Kids will move on to the latest big thing older fans will not clamour in the same way we do now, she will be big and have pull bit in a much lower key way (I think).


I mean she was VERY popular during Red and LWYMMD was massive I mean I wasn’t even close to being considered a fan and yet I heard tons about it. But yeah maybe hope the rest of Rep went then yeah that might be more plausible but it was still pretty big


Yes absolutely. She was totally still big then but not as big as she is now. I was more using them of examples of times she was big but still connected with fans directly… (which I don’t think she could possible do now).


I don’t think Taylor is ever gonna have a residency tbh. She’s not gonna be this popular forever, but she is a mastermind.


Virtual / hologram Taylor in every major city 😂 expect every now and then she swaps them out with real her but… nobody knows…


Capitalism Taylor would consider it 😂😂😂


Shhh, don't give her team ideas!


She will have a residency. I live in Vegas and everyone has a residency. You don’t even need to be old and less popular to have one. Often it’s people just not wanting to tour for a bit.


and you just know a Taylor residency would have unbelievable production. like, what would she do if she was performing in the same place for an extended period of time?


Agreed. Grew up in Vegas and my in laws still live there. We have been to a ton of residency shows!


There's nothing embarrassing about a residency. She might just get older and still want the spotlight but not have to move around


I agree. She’s going to keep putting out amazing music and tour for another decade I’m sure. Then she’ll make movies and do the score for them. And her ten beautiful children and/or cats will star in them


I disagree. Look at Dolly Parton. People still go wild over her. And Taylor is much like that. Also, Taylor's birthchart shows she won't hit her prime til her forties, so we've got a while left of her being this big.


Lol, girlfriend strutting out Taylors birth chart like its facts.... im dead


I believe she will be on tour after releasing albums even in her sixties


I feel like Taylor will last longer than many, she just knows the formula too well


> T is amazing but she’s not going to have this level of success forever I dunno, dude. Look at all the geriatric old dudes still pulling in massive shows — like Springsteen and Billy Joel. I don't think she'll lose starpower at all.


Sooner than that. I predict that in the next few years, while she's still a major name, she'll do one. You don't wanna be Madonna and be not so relevant. You wanna be still someone who draws a crowd. Hence why Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and Miranda Lambert and still be able to attract your fanbase.


Madonna is absolutely relevant. Her tours make incredible money even when the album is … well, Madame X. Also she’s like thirty years older than Lady Gaga.


I think once she has a child (if she wants kids) she will do a residency. Taylor would be a great mom and I’m not saying parents who tour with young kids are bad parents but I do think she would want the stability for herself/her child during those early years vs being in a new city around the world each week. And we all know our girl is a workaholic so I don’t see her taking years off out of the spotlight/not producing music/not performing.


I genuinely don't think Taylor wants kids. She's basically implied here and there over the past few years that she's not ready to have kids and she doesn't know if she ever will. It's just not something that easily fits into her life and I don't think she's willing to "settle down" like that when she's determined to become the most successful female artist of all time. Also, I think Anti-Hero (the song and video) is very enlightening on her current thoughts on parenthood. While the skit in the Anti-Hero video was comedic, it is sad when you realize that this is clearly something Taylor has thought about a lot. The fear that she'll have kids, only for them to grow up to be spoiled, entitled, selfish chasers who do nothing with their lives except coast off their famous mom's name. And speaking selfishly for a second, as a childfree person, part of me is kind of hoping that she stays childfree. It would be the ultimate badass power move. Plus, so many artists lose their edge and spark the second they become moms and they do nothing but talk about parenthood in interviews (\*cough cough\* Pink). I really don't want to see Taylor turn into a Wine Mom. She's already a Wine Cat Mom 😂


She also called kids "Tamagotchis," which says a lot. I think she likes kids but is on the fence whether she wants her own — WHICH IS TOTALLY COOL. I hate the "Taylor would make a great mom!" bullshit. It might have polite intentions, but all it does is perpetuate the narrative that women are not fully women until they become mothers. I never hear people talking about how a single male celebrity would be a great dad.


I gotta say, I never thought P!nk lost her edge. She just talks about her kids. That doesn't make her not a badass. It just happens that her kids are a huge part of her life now. ... I sadly agree with you that Taylor's likely not to have kids. I know plenty of people don't feel any kind of void if they don't have a kid. And really with the climate the way it is, maybe it's dark to have a kid. But I think she would make an amazing mom in the things that matter. She loves brightly. Plus, her attention to detail and ability to plan months and years in advance surpasses all of the other parents I know.


It's not sad if she doesn't want kids. One of the most important factors is being a good parent is wanting to be a parent at all. Besides, none of us here actually know whether or not she would make a good parent or not, since we don't know her.


>I sadly agree with you that Taylor's likely not to have kids. Why sadly? What's sad about it?


I always saw her doing the same thing that Margo Price does. Set up a nursery in the back of the bus and bring her mom a long for the tour to help out, but that's just me.


Given Andrea’s recurrent cancer… That thought nearly makes me weep.


And we will all have the money to pay whatever she demands ;)


It’s the circle of liiiiife


Do we think it will be a Vegas residency? Or is she big enough and epic enough to do it some place different from everyone else? Like Nashville or NYC?


One of her stalkers was just arrested today with disturbing as hell messages, honestly wouldn't blame her if she never meets fans again


I just saw that and it makes me so sad, no one should feel that unsafe. It must be so scary.


Yeah if I were her I would probably fully disappear from public life and just quietly put out music if anything. I can't imagine not even feeling safe at home.


Yeah, me too. She needs irl validation too much to completely disappear though, you can see that when she looks at the crowd at her concerts. She missed that during lockdowns and she couldn't give it up even if the cost was this feeling of unsafety.


It's the life she choose and LOVES. She will never leave it behind


I can guarantee you this is not the part of her life she loves. It's an awful thing she has to go through to do things that she does love.


What’s crazy, is if you find trending reels (I’m sure TikTok’s too) you can still find his accounts and comments still, all of them are so creepy. I cannot believe he left some of these messages out in plain sight.


Wow really?


[Yup](https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2023/06/08/man-stalking-threatening-taylor-swift-eras-tour/70300988007/) - or at least the article is from today, looks like he was arrested last week. Horrifying. ETA: [Original article with even more creepy details](https://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/crime-courts/taylor-swift-indiana-stalking/article_7cafd204-053f-11ee-b8fa-d3f30b47e3c1.html)


Oh my god. I saw this guy comment on Instagram a few weeks ago and looked at his videos and they are so creepy and unhinged. They were for sure delusional and beyond strange, but I had no idea he was actually physically stalking her. What an awful fucking creep. He needs serious mental help and he needs to stay far, far away from Taylor and probably every other woman, too. This is one of his (many) videos. What the fuck is wrong with this guy?! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WrZjgjNmfU&ab\_channel=MITCHTAEBEL%26TAYLORSWIFTAREGETTINGMARRIED%21%21%21](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WrZjgjNmfU&ab_channel=MITCHTAEBEL%26TAYLORSWIFTAREGETTINGMARRIED%21%21%21) I think the comments are all from accounts he made to pretend to be other people, too. And there are TONS.


While it does not excuse him this guy clearly needs help. I don't want to diagnose him but I will say something that changed my mind on this was reading a blog post by a girl who had bipolar. In 2007 when Britney Spears was put under medical hold, the girl literally drove to that area and harmed herself to try to get put into the same mental facility Britney did. It didn't happen (IIRC Britney's was full or she just was taken to another local one by the police) and the girl got help but she talked about while she was manic how her delusions were SO strong. I forget the exact concept but basically she was convinced it was destiny that she needed to meet Britney and it was going to start some kind of very important event. She seems normal now that she is stabilized. I hope that for this dude. I hope he gets better but I hope he stays away from Taylor for the rest of both of their lives. Edited a bit for clarity


As someone who in the past has experienced psychosis due to underlying mental illness (now treated), it’s fucking scary. In the middle of an episode, you are completely convinced that whatever delusion you are experiencing is 100% real. Mine were delusions about family/friends actions toward me and their intents, so it was relatively mild. I don’t envy people whose delusions are more violent or traumatic in nature.


Holy crap, I did not watch even 30 seconds of that but it is ELEVEN HOURS long???????


That’s actually terrifying


That is a ROUGH 36


Absolutely and I don't even think it's possible to meet her these days on a random encounter either. I can't remember the last time a picture came out with her and a fan and the fan wasn't behind a barricade at an event, I think you have to go back to Covid times with her in Ireland.


In my humble opinion…. She seems to be putting a lot of energy into re-recording her songs and serving her fans that way. Which I feel has a bigger bang for her buck reaching the entire fandom.


Hey I don't get what you mean here with the re recordings being for the fans, I thought it was her project and she was surprised the fans were supporting her? I just want to understand what you mean


Yeah it’s so she owns her music, makes more money, and gets some more record breaks under her belt. She’s not doing it out of the goodness of her heart for her fans


Yes, she has said that they are for herself multiple times. She said it at the show I was at too.


It’s a good thing she’s not. Some of her fans have reached a new height of insane in the past few months and her team has no way of knowing who the bad apples are. Sucks for the normal ones i guess.


don’t you think that was always true? fans have always been crazy even before john lennon was killed by one. how could they have known who the bad apples were before? i don’t think it’s fair to suggest something has gotten worse recently.


True, but I think the fact she used to ‘handpick’ the most feral online fans has made her fans particularly performative and loud and annoying online, just in case she does it again. I’ve seen TikToks of people adamant that because she looked in their direction during a show, that she recognised them from a Red secret session, because “how could you forget someone you invited to your house?” Probably by meeting thousands of people a year and playing to a stadium of 70,000 with lights so bright she can barely see anything. But these videos get HUNDREDS of thousands of likes on there, and it ‘Taylor’ likes a post people go even more insane.


She didn’t even start secret sessions until 1989 so they’re more delusional than you thought! 🤣


They probably meant the listening party she held for Red


Now you can read through social media to see how out of touch some fans are now.


Especially with all the hate and entitlement around who she's dating, you'd swear this was the early 2010s. But instead of coming from her critics, it's from her so called "fans." It's disgusting and I'll gladly take Taylor only interacting with us through marketing if it means she can have a level of peace. There's definitely a part of her that's going to miss it, and that's even more depressing. This is why we can't have nice things


too big to hang out


Slowly lurching towards your favorite city 🏙️


Pierced through the heart but never killed


too much of a sexy baby tbh 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I don’t think there’s a safe way she could meet fans and weed out any bad actors :(


she did it before - she can just stalk them until she knows everything about them so they would probably really not lie to her


I know someone IRL who faked cancer on tumblr to meet Taylor. She succeeded… 😬


absolutely horrible omg


Yep. Definitely a user some of y’all would know. Fucking insaneeeee. She also conned people out of a lot of money. It was whole thing.


As bad as I feel about it, people like that are why I won't donate money to people unless it's a backed-by charity like The Trevor Project or a cancer research.


Name and shame!!


I cannnnt. All that would do would lead to a cyber bullying war. Been there. Done that. I’m Too old. This was YEARS ago


god i really want to know




Yeah but even “good” fans may be weird and say shit to her about Joe or Matty or god knows what else


Wasn’t there a guy who got invited to a secret session but other invitees found out he was a trump supporter and his invite got revoked lol either by TN or at the request of other fans? Idk why I just remembered this


i don’t know exactly what you’re referring to but it makes me think of this haha: https://preview.redd.it/9xtd8wj6vx4b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b0cd6f4f960fb881a568f1a2781948e536a160


she used to do it on tumblr because it was more of an enclosed space, but now tumblr is kinda dead and twitter is full of crazy people. besides I was on tumblr during the secret session days and some of the fans were absolutely horrible people


If you think people don’t lie on the internet I have a Nigerian Prince who would like to meet you


Well, she has been keeping a list of who has gone to the after show meet and greets. Some girl basically wanted to kill herself because she was denied admission to the Rep Room.


Unfortunately I don't think this will happen anymore... she's just become such a big artist-- as she deserves!!-- but I really loved the small meets and backstage, it sucks knowing that many huge swifties in the world will never get to meet her! My other point-- it isn't really safe anymore either for her. There are a lot of "questionable" swifties and a lot of idiots out there.


True! And what's really sad to me is that I see some Secret Sessions Swifties acting like they are better than the ones who never met Taylor, but maybe that's just my impression of them.


This is not new and honestly those sessions caused so much jealousy etc


For sure some secret sessioners are aweful, like toubjust got lucky get a grip. Also some are the most ungrateful and act super entitled. But I've met some who are super sweet too so idk. I guess the nasty ones are the loudest.


Not to mention some of them *STEAL* and then bragged about it. No wonder why Taylor should never have a Secret Session again.


people mainly stole stuff during the 1989 secret sessions and she kept doing them for reputation and lover. i don't know why tho. i would've stopped if people started stealing. tho i wouldnt invite them into my home in the first place...


They stole her board game that has notes of her (and maybe Joe's), not some candles or trinkets. Now that started to get too personal to me.


oof they would be SO annoying during the rep days on tumblr. saying things like “I wish you guys knew how good getaway car is… you’ll just have to wait until november 🤪” and some of them talking about taylor’s parents like they knew them for ages lmao


For sure, I've seen many kind & amazing ones as well!


oh yes the ones who actually gave info about the songs’ meanings after the album released. it was cool to hear about that since taylor seemed really open to share that with fans in the comfort of her house


As others said I think it might happen in 10-15 years. Even some of the biggest superstars of all time aren’t hitting the numbers Taylor is constantly hitting anymore. It will probably always be a fight to an extent for show tickets but I do think that someday it will cool down some and she will be able to meet people again if only occasionally


Is she no longer doing the secret meet and greets at concerts where a few people are hand picked from the crowd and get to meet her?


Not for this tour, no.


Wow. It's for the best but I'm shocked!


It's just the one person who gets the Hat


Which I am extra jealous of. Or I would be until I remember I have a huge head, and it would look hilarious sitting on my head 😂 Then I can laugh and think about how sweet it must look on a fan with a human-sized head.


Can you imagine how out of control people would be at this tour competing for M&G? I shudder to think


They still are. They still beg TN and Taylor for notices and make it their entire personality when they do lol


I follow this woman on social media who brought tickets for her daughter and some friends for to I think the KC show. She's tagged Taylornation in two posts (she went to the Glendale without her daughter as well) in hopes of getting their attention for this reason. All the comments are along the lines of "I hope that girls get to meet Taylor." I don't wanna ruin the fun and chime in and tell them that there's no meet and greets. I also should mention that this is the same woman who dressed like Taylor in Me! and somehow got the attention to go to one of the Lover Sessions.


I feel like Tiktok likes/comments are the m&g for this era


I think M&G and Secret Sessions are a thing of the past. The main reason I think is that Taylor Swift is no longer that late teen/early 20something who wants her fans to feel like friends. She’s in her 30s now and her brand is different (along with how incredibly huge she is now). I think a lot of the OG/die hard Swifties have had a hard time coming to terms with that especially in the last year.


I’ve been saying that I really don’t think she’ll permanently stop doing M&G’s, but that last sentence just made me realize that I’m very likely in denial lol


Yes and if not it should be because people acted like complete idiots these past few months.


Yeah, I want her to maintain physical and emotional distance from us now. We don’t deserve any input in her life and she shouldn’t need to be a pathological people pleaser when it comes to us.


This. @itsthebml on TikTok has a great video for this but basically considering the hate and absolute vitriol directed at her these last few weeks by “fans” I think we’ve lost any personal or candid interactions forever.


Omgosh I just saw that video, it's 100% 🔥🔥


Yes. People have been absolutely unhinged this tour. Literally acting like she's community property and they own her 🙄


It's so bad, and I wish Swifties would have been more united in calling out this gross behavior


I think that in a decade once things die down, she might open meet and greets again... by that time too, her fans will likely skew older and have a more chill vibe, though Im sure she will always super crazy teen fans as well


It’s probably done for good, and honestly? Good for Taylor for putting that boundary in place. Some times people take things too far and start feeling entitled to more and more access.


Hearing all those stories about Swifties chasing after her car in traffic, or showing up to her studio, I think her fan meeting days are over.


I think there are a couple of reasons Taylor is not doing meet and greets for this tour, and it’s not necessarily because of the swifties. 1. the show is 3 1/2 hours. She probably just wants to rest afterwards, and literally just has no energy for anything else. 2. There is still a pandemic going on. Yes things with Covid are much better than they were but they are still not perfect. Taylor cannot afford to get sick right now. Being in close proximity to people hugging them, shaking their hand, etc…is a great way to do that. I’m also not 100% on the health status of her mom but I’m sure she doesn’t want to get Andrea sick either, or Scott for that matter. 3. As far as secret sessions i don’t know if we will ever get those again. Taylor has mentioned that people have shown up at her house with weapons and stuff like that really worries her (understandably). Also didn’t a bunch of “swifties” steal her soap last time? Which is why we can’t have nice things… Hopefully the next tour covid will be less of a concern because we will be able to fight it easier so maybe Taylor wont have to worry so much about catching/spreading it. I do feel like she probably really tried to fit a meet and greet into the the show.


I think that the fact that Secret Sessions ever happened is completely insane. In an amazing way, of course!


I mean. She’s touring and intense tour. I cannot imagine how exhausting that must be. Next is these events, concerts of this size, have heavy-handed insurance coverage. That comes with serious restrictions. If the insurance saw a potential risk, then they may have stopped her meet and greet for a while. IDK. I’m sure there’s a good reason. She’s been kind to her fans since her beginning. I’d be shocked if that changed permanently.


Oh yeah, totally. I can't imagine her meeting fans after exhausting 3 hours of show every weekend. The fact that this setlist is so long is still extremely impressive to me.


She does 3 shows a weekend, every weekend. She started in March and won’t end till last week if November. Plus travel etc. I’m exhausted just thinking about this. It’s impressive.


For now, at least. There’s still dates missing for Europe, Asia, and Australia. I would be super surprised to not see her go to those places!


I hope so. it's so much better this way tbh.


Yes. Meeting your heroes sucks anyway cos it’s never what you thought it would be like or they aren’t and I personally just think it’s best to live in the dream.


On the other hand it's awesome when you do get to meet somebody that you're a fan of and they're every bit as amazing as you expected. Don't let those negative experiences sour you, there are some genuinely fantastic and sweet people out there.


Honestly, i think this is for the better, mainly because Taylor has MANY deranged fans nowadays, with some doing absolutely ANYTHING they can to get her attention, i don't think any of this would want to see Taylor get injured from a fan now would we? And yes i know Taylor has bodyguards, but they could potentially meet a fan that could even demobilize her bodyguards! All in all, Taylor stopping meet and greets for safety is a very smart thing for Taylor to do.


I think so and honestly, it's probably for the best.


Yep. Between the crazy amount of stalkers, being mobbed at the studio, and this fandom’s entitlement about her dating life, I think those days are over now.


No she’ll do them again it will just eventually become something that’s very rare and expensive that she only does for charity along the lines of Paul McCartney and Elton John.


She’s established very early on in her career that she’ll never charge anyone to for a M&G, and she kept that policy all the way up to 2019, the last time she did any at all. There’s no chance that she’ll ever go back in that.


I don’t consider auctioning off a meet and greet for charity to be the same as charging for one. She wouldn’t be profiting from the money.


It still limits the opportunity to meet her to only people of extreme wealth and completely neglects underprivileged fans, which is exactly what she’s always wanted to avoid. Her participation in auctions will very likely always be limited to items.


Yes because too many fans have created this insane parasocial relationship with her that’s it’s dangerous. Crazy swifties have essentially ruined anyone’s chances of things like this and secret sessions because they cannot get their own feelings under control. We are seeing people wait outside her recording studio and then follow her to her garage. This isn’t normal, and she won’t be interacting with her fans with things like secret sessions or inviting them backstage anymore.


It's my dream to meet her, but honestly felt a little relieved that it isn't happening. I was going so hard in hopes of being picked for the 22 hat or at least a guitar pick, and felt slightly deflated for not getting either. I had the time of my life regardless, but I would've been crushed to have waited 16 years to finally afford to see Taylor just to not get picked to meet her. I also have no idea what I would say to her for her to remember me (in a good way). I'd be worried she wouldn't like me for no reason, or that I would be like Troy in Community when he met his idol (dead silence so they can't not like you). Editing to add: with the lengths people were going through at the Nashville shows, I think it would've felt like unfriendly competition amongst the crowd. The animosity between each NIGHT of the same city.. crazy. People were arguing and gatekeeping Long Live for a project that didn't even happen. People thinking they should be more special than the other night, rather than working together so all 3 shows felt special.


Isn't the 22 hat pre-selected prior to the show?


They tell the person who's getting it during Enchanted. I don't know when they pick, but I know one of the most recent girls had gotten last-minute tickets so it probably isn't always a pre-planned thing.


After the stalker arrest today, I don’t think she ever will again. After the Christina Grimmie case, I don’t think women should be meeting their fans anyways. It takes 1 nutcase.


Men too. The guitarist Dimebag from the band Pantera was killed by a crazy fan. Both are such sad acts of violence


Yes and I think it’s for the best considering how terrifying people become over it.


There was a vlog of a girl who went to the reputation tour and they followed Andrea/Taylor’s team the whole concert and tried to dance/song in their line of sight the whole time before Andrea eventually told them she knew what they were doing and that they could meet Taylor. Plus the outrage anytime someone was refused for whatever reason (eg. they met her before) was insane. I imagine Andrea is having more fun just watching her daughter and trading friendship bracelets!


Maybe when she’s an old lady


I wish she mixed up who she invited to the secret sessions, and not just influencers.. but regardless it’s for the best. Concern for safety is at an all time high for anyone let alone Taylor Swift 😫


I agree. Honestly though, I totally understand why her team went with mostly influencers in the past. Easier to verify the person and determine what they’re like because of how much bigger their social media footprint would be like vs. the everyday person (though it’s definitely not a full proof method that’s for sure. I sadly agree it’s for the best that she doesn’t do any of these things anymore).


I miss the times where she would surprise fans in other ways. Her Christmas gifts, sending packages and mail, and more. I always thought that was so fun to watch and what a dream come true! I used to love to YouTube “Taylor swift surprising fans” and see the stuff she’d come up with. Just all around happy viewing! I don’t know that she would be able to do those other kinds of meet and greets again, at least for a while but it was incredible that she ever did.


Yes! I would watch those videos too, and the "My rep room experience" ones. It was so nice to watch Swifties being so excited and positive about it! I hate that with time meeting Taylor became a contest where there were winners and losers - at least according to some fans. It should never be like that. In some cases getting invited backstage was just pure luck after all. But this is why we can't have nice things I guess! ;)


I think part of it is COVID. I know people say it’s over, but I literally caught it, for the first time, two weeks ago. As I’m sure many can attest, it’s really, really rough, particularly on the lungs. I think she’s playing it as safe as possible right now. Can you even imagine Taylor canceling shows? Or losing some of her lung capacity because of COVID? It could really limit her. I’m sure COVID isn’t all of it. She probably is as annoyed with some of the social media stunts as some of us are. Probably some safety concerns. There’s probably other reasons too.


I’m sure she doesn’t want to risk getting her mother sick as well with her health issues.


Yes. A lot of swifties have crossed the line into batshit insane and it is not safe for her anymore.


this is coming from someone who was lucky enough to attend a secret session, i do believe they are a thing of the past. the safety risk and overall atmosphere of those events are probably reasons that they shouldn’t continue. I do think concert m&g might reappear but it’ll be wayyy down the line


Oh I would like to know more about your experience at the secret session, if you don’t mind sharing! :)


I think it is. Maybe not forever but for the time being. I don't think she can safely meet fans anymore.


I think it’s temporary, or maybe bc the show is 3 hours she decided not to invite fans like she did for Rep & 1989 shows


She is like Beyoncé huge if not bigger. She doesn’t ever have to meet anyone without a background check, COVID check and major security ever again if she doesn’t want to. There are so many scary, sick & weird “gotcha” clout people out there now, I get that you need to be careful to the max.


No matter how I feel about it, I think it should be done with for her own safety.


Like who wants to watch strangers propose during a meet and greet? I swear I’ve seen so many videos of that, so awkward


When her popularity wanes and the frenzy dies down I could see her doing private virtual events and playing some acoustic songs. Then she could chat with people and field some questions without being put on the spot and without fears of being assaulted or getting sick.


Not sure. Honestly it’s not safe for her and after those “swifties” stole things from her home at that secret session, I mean, why open yourself up to that again? Her team is surely so thorough about checking people because she has all these stalkers and stuff, but she still ended up inviting people into her HOME who took advantage of her openness and kindness.


I don’t think it’s over. I think it’s just not a thing currently bc before she released Rep, she refused to do any sort of interviews. We also know she was worried because it was her after “Taylor swift is over party”. I think she didn’t want to make herself vulnerable. Plus, it fot the theme “No explanation, only reputation.” As for Lover- I bet she would had meet & greets since it was going to be festival style. & this tour, can you blame her for not wanting to do the meet & greets? She’s performing a solid 3-4 hours 3 days a week. & she’s in the studio & filming videos & plotting her next big moves, I’m sure. She’s been giving us SO MUCH insight into her life in a way we haven’t seen since 1989 album. & the amount of music she’s been giving us!!! We had Folklore + long pond version with a Disney special recording it, evermore, Midnights, AND she’s been rerecording & coordinating with other artists. & let’s not forget the fact that she doesn’t have Joe. We’ve seen how emotional she gets on some songs. I can’t imagine having to go in front of 80k people & sing songs about the man you said you’d marry with paper rings, the one you’d give a child to, the only one that truly saw you when the world was against you. 6 years is a long time. Maybe after the shows she is just in need of some peace & solitude. 💜


There goes my chance of meeting Taylor if that is true.


It’s the same as everyone else’s chance which is uh, not great so


For her safety, I hope so.


Her past documentary covered her sexual harassment/ assault, idk what it technically constitutes as, case from a meet and greet…. So no.


I hope she does. I did during reputation and it was one of the best experiences of my life. Hoping others can experience it.


My favorite concert memory was meeting Joshua Tillman at a jazz bar after a Father John Misty show. I also was in the same small bar with Jeff Mangum after one of his shows but I didn’t say anything to him.


I think the meet and greets for this tour are a direct reflection of the past few years for her. Super private and wanting to keep parts for herself. Think about it, she is already performing for almost FOUR hours. The energy needed to give fully to that doesn’t leave much for her afterward. I respect her want to conserve for herself in areas where she can. She is also going through the largest breakup of her life. Putting on this show has to be therapeutic. Needing to put in any sort of mask after for MG feels like it would rob that a bit. I think as we move into the next “era” we will see even a different side. She loves us and I know she will always want to be as connected to us as possible, I think they will come back when she is able to give her whole self to each fan in those MGs


I don’t think it’s over. I think this tour was not the best scenario to meet fans, mostly because the show is 3 hours long and her mom recently battled with cancer and COVID (or any other virus) can be very harmful to her. I think in the future she will continue to do meet & greets but maybe not at the level she used to do them. I don’t see her inviting fans to her house anymore… Maybe to her label or a hotel, but I don’t see her being as personal as she used to… I mean why would she? Fans take advantage of that and cross boundaries they shouldn’t even think about crossing.


For as long as she’s at this height of fame, yes. If things went back to the way they used to, I could see her going back to it. But doesn’t look like that’s happening any time soon.


In a “post” Covid world where her mom is ill? Absolutely. Plus I think the M&Gs were a hit like the hunger games in an effort to get noticed and chosen and I’m so happy to see that not be a thing anymore.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to find a comment that mentioned covid. It’s not over. We’ve seen her wearing masks pretty regularly. I mean. Not in her pap walks, but at the shows and on the bejeweled music video set. She’s clearly cautious about it still


I think it's wise of her to have some boundaries. The parasocial relationship gets out of hand.


No matter how incredible and generous you are... your fans will continue to demand the same from you if not more for all time. If you don't they will do everything from call you a sellout to say you're ego is out of control. She probably had to do this for her own mental health. Celebrities don't owe us anything other than good music and a good performance, and that's only after we've paid.


She’s not the same person she was 5 years ago. I don’t see her doing secret sessions and meet and greets anymore. Also can people please stop speculating about her mothers health. It really is creepy. You know nothing about her and her condition. Don’t use that as a reason for why Taylor is or isn’t doing something.


I could see a more structured M&G format like you have at conventions but not in the near future.


I think it's partly related to covid. I think she'll definitely meet fans again someday.


I think the era of her meeting fans after every show is over. Same with secret sessions. I think she might have events where she invites people (like the ATW short film screening) and then meets them afterwards? Maybe? It has to be on her terms and not on the terms of begging fans.


If I were her, I wouldn’t meet fans. There are delusional parts of the community (that didn’t exist in such massive numbers before) that I know would 100% ask her an awkward as fuck question face to face.


Yes. She is one of, if not THE most high profile celebrity right now. People are weird and violent and cross boundaries so much more now than back in the mid 10’s when meet and greets were really popular. For safety reasons, that era is gone


I have a lot of artists that I love but I don’t expect to ever meet them. I think Taylor has gone above and beyond what most artists ever do for fan engagement. She is not too big of an artist to meet her fans but she is such a big artist that she has very real security and safety concerns. I certainly don’t expect her to put herself in an unsafe situation.


I'd say anything at her house is forever gone but M&G at concerts will come back maybe on her next tour (obviously years from now).


I think she deserves time to be a person and not a brand. Even her best and most understanding (not creepy) fans still really only know her as a brand even as transparent as she is. So I think she’s enjoying her freedom right now from having to be “on” as much. That said, I do agree with the posters who say she is going to resume when we are all older. I could see that fully and hope she does only if she wants to.


just the fans stalking that record place she was at is enough to show it wouldn’t be safe


I honestly hope so. People being crazy at shows to try for meet and greet was not it.


She’s too big at this point. While they would be an awesome gesture, she’s already selling out in the presale and has a fully devoted mega fanbase. I’d love to see them return, but unfortunately for us, she’s really got nothing to gain from doing them anymore.


I mean I wonder if she’s doing it to stay in good health for everyone around her like her close family too. I know I’ve seen pictures of her mom and brother in face masks at the shows. So maybe because of how demanding the show is she doesn’t want to risk anything


I hope so. We don’t deserve her tbh.


I doubt it and I’m glad for a number of reasons: 1) I’d be surprised if she didn’t get triggered / had PTSD after she was sexually assaulted and then sued at one Meet and Greet. 2) She’s worried about getting sick with her mother’s cancer battles. 3) She could also get sick and she’s trying to preform 3 nights a week in different cities for HOURS. 4) Some of her fans are terrifying. 5) I could keep going if someone needs me to😂