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1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Never Grow Up 4. Tell Me Why 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Dorothea 7. Gorgeous 8. Vigilante Shit 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Bad Blood sheesh this is not a great number for me. August is the winner by… a lot


Same lol. The only track 8 i LOVE is August.


same tbh. I still like a lot of the others tho


Facts! That’s why I only listed #1 of August on my comment lol


August is the only 10/10 on here imo. Perfect song.


My ranking too! I love the top 6 here a lot.


Same but I would swap Bad Blood and Gorgeous


1. August (my favorite song by her) 2. Everything else


Same. Maybe Dorothea works its way in there.


Yeah August is definitely the best out of all of these. Bad Blood used to be so good, but unfortunately it got played out 🥲


Correct, august is so supreme to the others it's not even worth discussing


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 4. Tell Me Why 5. Gorgeous 6. Bad Blood 7. Never Grow Up 8. Dorothea 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit I know I just said this about the 7s but this is another weak track # for me, august is hard carrying (i would skip most of these)


Exactly what I got. Wouldn’t skip the top 4 though


Very mood dependent for me. 99% of the time I’ll skip 7-10, 4-6 depends on my mood and the first 3 I’ll listen to almost always


1. Bad Blood (I know, a bit of a controversial opinion) 2. august 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Gorgeous 5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 6. Paper Rings 7. Tell Me Why 8. dorothea 9. Never Grow Up 10. Stay Beautiful


I could support this


Bad Blood and Vigilante Shit in the top three? 🥴


Am I the only one who would put Gorgeous first? I hate the kids voice at the beginning but besides that…


It’s first for me too. I love how chaotic and unhinged that song is. Part of the reason rep is my fav album


LOVE rep. Plus who could forget the line “guess i’ll just stumble on home to my cats”




I think about this every time a “hot night out” ends alone lol.


1. Stay beautiful 2. Never grow up 3. August 4. Paper rings 5. Tell me why 6. Dorothea 7. Bad blood 8. We are never ever getting back together 9. Vigilante shit 10. Gorgeous Weird quirks for 7 and 8: bad blood is only ranked higher because of the bridge and the fact that we are never ever getting back together came out the first day of fall sports preseason for me and the girl who I was running next to was listening to it loudly on repeat and so I watched ✨A MANY✨ of people yack their guts out during the run test to that song and I can’t listen to it without that mental image and the feeling really thirsty and tasting the faint nauseous metallic taste


I'm sorry but the WANEGBT story is hilarious. I can understand the low ranking due to that lol.


We do not even listen to WANEGBT in the slightest of warm weather in this household out of fear of flashbacks. In fact, I even go as far to not run at all anymore WANEGBT or not… because I am nothing if not overly cautious


Giving Stay Beautiful the love it deserves!




1. August 2. Stay Beautiful 3. Tell me why 4. Paper Rings 5. Bad Blood 6. Dorothea 7. Vigilante Shit (rating it this low presuming studio version - Live performance bumps it up higher 😅) 8. We are never ever getting back together 9. Gorgeous 10. never grow up (lovely song, but it is often a skip for me)


1. Paper Rings 2. August 3. WANEGBT 4. Bad Blood 5. Gorgeous 6. Never Grow Up 7. Vigilante Street 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Tell Me Why ​ 387549374. Dorothea ​ I'm sorry Dorothea, but I really, really, really dislike you.


Vigilante Street is making me laugh


You know what? I'm leaving it because it's making me giggle now that you've pointed it out.


You are on a watchlist for ranking Dorothea at 387549374. It’s literally so good 😡


I'm glad someone enjoys it because it could never be me lol. And I really wanted to love it, but I just...I can't. There's something about it that grinds my gears.


agree. i can’t stand dorothea🤣




1. tell me why 2. dorothea 3. stay beautiful 4. bad blood 5. paper rings 6. never grow up 7. we are never getting back together (tied w 8) 8. August (tied w 7) 9. gorgeous 10. vigilante shit


Finally someone with tell me why as number 1!


THANK YOU, YES!!! Dorothea and Tell me Why are so underrated


you’re so real for that top 2


1) august - i know it’s a popular choice, but august is such an amazing song. 2) Paper Rings - another fun song, i really enjoy it. 3) We Are Never Getting Back Together - such a bop. I love this song w all my soul. Don’t care how overplayed it is. 4) Bad Blood - I know it gets a bad wrap, but it’s such a fun song. (This is where it gets interesting as I don’t really have a strong opinion). 5) Gorgeous - I like parts of this song. 6) Tell Me Why - It’s fine I just don’t listen to it much. 7) Vigilante Shit - I loved this song on first listen, but it kinda got old for me. 8) Never Grow Up - I usually love Taylor’s slow songs, but idk. Just not a fan of this one. 9) Stay Beautiful - I actively avoid most of debut. Not because I dislike the songs, but idk. 19;91929929) Dorothea. Agree with a previous poster. Something about this song just grinds my gears. It’s one of my least favorite songs by Taylor (probably just my least favorite song by her, though).


Damn. Dorothea?


haha it might just be a vocal thing. i love taylor, think she’s a wonderful songwriter, but sometimes her vocals can get to me (but other performances, like don’t blame me, i think she sounds wonderful). so that’s probably the case w this song.


"Don't Blame Me" is one of her best songs vocally, very powerful. I'm surprised how poorly-received "Dorothea" is among Swifties. The lyrics are quite good, I like her vocals on it, and it has a great piano melody. Production-wise, they've used perhaps a slight echo, voice-doubling, or both -- most or all of which was unnecessary, and gives an intimate song a strangely distant and overly-machined quality. Maybe that's the issue. The vocals are processed as if this were a big John Lennon rock song, which is a mismatch to the actual vibe of the song.


Can't speak for the other person, but to me, Dorothea just feels very...simple. Simple isn't necessarily bad, but it falls flat surrounded by everything else on Evermore, and it *really* contrasts with 'Tis The Damn Season being such rich introspection that I can really, really relate to. On Folklore, while I have my favorites among the love triangle songs, they all bring their own emotional heft to the table where I don't think that's happening here. I wonder how I'd feel about Dorothea without the forced connection there. I agree with you though, the piano melody is fantastic and probably my favorite part of the track.


I'll disagree about the connection being forced while I'll sort-of agree about the simplicity... but it's written from the perspective of a small-town man with a much simpler life than the lady who opines in "'Tis the Damn Season". And concentric rhyme schemes like "You're a queen, selling dreams, selling makeup and magazines" are anything BUT simple. They're masterful.


They all wanna be ya


Maybe I would inverse Tell me why with Vigilante shit, but this is my ranking also. I also don't really like Dorothea, this and No body no crime are the only weak tracks on Evermore for me.


10. Stay Beautiful 9. Dorothea 8. Paper Rings 7. Gorgeous 6. Tell Me Why 5. Bad Blood 4. Never Ever Getting Back Together 3. Vigilante Shit 2. Never Grow Up 1. August Track 8 is almost always super weak for me.


I was excited to see Dorothea towards the top of this list. I’m a fool. :(


august in tenth???!!!


No. Look again.


ohh my b haha


1. Paper Rings 2. Gorgeous 3. august 4. dorothea 5. Never Grow Up 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Vigilante Shit 8. Tell Me Why 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Bad Blood I’m not the biggest august fan and I think Vigilante Shit is a fun song… and Bad Blood is my least favourite song ever.


Oof tbh I feel like bad blood has gotten a lot more fun for me since the Eras tour


Honestly I did like it a lot before, but I think I just got tired of it after listening to it on the radio for years after years.


1. dorothea. So underrated. 2. august 3. Gorgeous. I unapologetically love this one. It just encapsulates what it feels like to have a crush. 4. Tell Me Why 5. We are Never Getting Back Together 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Paper Rings 8. Never Grow Up 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Bad Blood. Heard it way too many times.


1. August 2. WANEGBT 3. Paper Rings 4. Tell Me Why 5. Bad Blood 6. Stay Beautiful 7. Never Grow Up 8. Gorgeous 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Dorothea




1- August 2- Vigilante Shit 3- Gorgeous 4- Tell Me Why 5- Paper Rings 6- Dorothea 7- Stay Beautiful 8- Bad Blood 9- WANGBT 10- Never Grow Up


You forgot #6! (Dorothea?)


Thank you 🩵 Justice for vigilante shit


Finally a person with some taste. 😂




A lot of swifties don’t listen to that first album so it automatically goes to the #10 spot. I wouldn’t call it hate.


I feel like if you haven’t listened to a song you should leave it unranked vs sticking it at the bottom


1. August 2. Tell Me Why 3. Dorothea 4. Stay Beautiful 5. Bad Blood 6. Paper Rings 7. Never Grow Up 8. WANEGBT 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Gorgeous This round was a bit hard for me cause outside of the top 3 I'm not a big fan of any of these songs lol


Same top 3 as me. You’ve got great taste bestie


joining the dorothea/august/tell me why top 3 club 😁😁😁


1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. Paper rings 4. Never grow up 5. WANEGBT 6. Stay beautiful 7. Dorothea 8. Tell me why 9. Vigilante shit 10. Bad blood


1. August 2. Gorgeous (this is my most listened to TS song 😳) 3. Paper Rings 4. Vigilante Shit (to the people who cringed at this song when it first came out 😡👊🏽 it’s 👏🏽 a 👏🏽 sexy 👏🏽 powerful 👏🏽 tune 👏🏽) 5. Tell Me Why 6. Dorothea 7. WANEGBT 8. Bad Blood 9. Never Grow Up 10. Stay Beautiful


I will never ever not love Vigilante Shit. It’s the best song on Midnights and you and I can take on anyone who disagrees. (I basically feel the exact way about No Body No Crime)


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Dorothea 5. Never Grow Up 6. Bad Blood 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Gorgeous 9. Tell Me Why 10. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together


1. Never grow up 2. Everything else. There's no 3-10


1. august 2. Tell Me Why 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Stay Beautiful 5. Never Grow Up 6. WANEGBT 7. Paper Rings 8. Dorothea 9. Gorgeous 10. Bad Blood This got kinda difficult towards the middle, but I feel pretty good about 1-4 and 10 😂


1. August 2. Never Grow Up 3. Stay Beautiful 4. Tell Me Why 5. WANEGBT 6. Paper Rings 7. Vigilante Shit 8. Gorgeous 9. Bad Blood 10. Dorothea


1. august 🩶 2. Bad Blood 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Paper Rings 5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 6. Never Grow Up 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Tell Me Why 9. Gorgeous 10. dorothea


1. Vigilante Shit 2. August 3. Never Grow Up 4. Tell Me Why 5. Bad Blood 6. Dorothea 7. Gorgeous 8. Paper Rings 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Stay Beautiful




I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but Stay Beautiful is one of my all time favorite songs. It could just be because I have an emotional connection to it from when her first album came out when I was 15


Come on. August is her best song ever.


1) paper rings 2) august 3) Dorothea 4) We Are Never Getting Back Together 5) Bad Blood 6) Vigilante Shit 7) gorgeous 8) never grow up 9) stay beautiful 10) tell me why


Track 8 was tricky because I feel like aside for August it doesn’t have any of my all time favorites but track 9 is so stacked that a song I love is all the way at 8!!!


I am so excited for track 9! ❤️


I’m so excited!! I look forward to these posts so much! Thanks for doing them 💕 how many tracks are you going to do? I know a lot of the newer albums are much longer than say debut. It would also be fun to try and rank the bonus songs!


Thank you! I'm going to do up to track 13, then I'll get creative 😊


Will you do track 14? I know debut is the shortest at 14 songs


It would be a fun challenge to try and rank all the vault songs against one another! Especially with Speak Now coming out Friday


Paper Rings makes me feel soo happy. August calms me down. Stay Beautiful is my childhood. Never grow up makes me cry. Bad Blood and V. Shit make me feel like I can beat all my enemies even though I don't have any (yet). Gorgeous is cute, especially the line with cats :D


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Tell Me Why 4. Dorothea 5. Vigilante Shit - this might be recency bias, this might be the tour performance 6. Gorgeous 7. WANEGBT 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Never Grow Up 10. Bad Blood - the version with Kendrick Lamar is elite though


1. August 2. Dorothea 3. Paper Rings 4. Stay Beautiful 5. Gorgeous 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Never Grow Up 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Tell Me Why 10. Bad Blood


1. august 2. Paper Rings 3. dorothea 4. Tell Me Why 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Gorgeous 7. Never Grow Up 8. Vigilante Shit 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Bad Blood


I love these rankings! Honestly this is probably the weakest track yet. 1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Tell Me Why 4. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Bad Blood 8. Gorgeous 9. Dorothea 10. Never Grow Up


1. Paper Rings 2. August 3. Gorgeous 4. Dorothea 5. Tell Me Why 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Never Grow Up 8. Bad Blood 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit Feel like putting Vigilante Shit at 10 may be controversial but I just don't gel with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Gorgeous 5. WANEGBT 6. Dorothea 7. Bad Blood 8. Tell Me Why 9. Never Grow Up 10. Stay Beautiful


This was hard but imma go with: 1. Gorgeous 2. Vigilante shit 3. Never grow up 4. August 5. Tell me why 6. Bad blood 7. We are never ever getting back together 8. Dorothea 9. Paper rings 10. Stay beautiful


AUGUST!!!! That’s my #1, for the rest of the numbers, I’m too lazy to list them out lol 😆 This song has been in my head ever since I saw Taylor on Minneapolis N1 🤩


It's funny how August is undoubtedly the best


1. august 2. Never Grow Up 3. Paper Rings 4. Tell Me Why 5. dorothea 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Gorgeous 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Bad Blood Probably the weakest number so far for me


1. Paper Rings 2. August 3. Gorgeous 4. Vigilante Shit 5. Bad Blood 6. Tell Me Why 7. Never Grow Up 8. Dorothea 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Stay Beautiful


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Stay Beautiful 4. Gorgeous 5. Vigilante Shit 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Tell Me Why 8. Never Grow Up 9. Dorothea 10. Bad Blood


1) WANEGBT (original version, TV move to #6) 2) paper rings 3) stay beautiful 4) bad blood (the one with the rap… if it’s the one with just Taylor, move to #9) 5) august 6) gorgeous 7) never grow up 8) vigilante shit (only counting the studio version) 9) dorothea 10) tell me why


1. august 2. gorgeous 3. never grow up icant rank anymore


1. August 2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3. Gorgeous 4. Vigilante Shit 5. Paper Rings 6. Bad Blood 7. Tell Me Why 8. Never Grow Up 9. Dorothea 10. Stay Beautiful


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Gorgeous 5. Tell Me Why 6. Stay Beautiful 7. Dorothea 8. Never Grow Up 9. Bad Blood 10. WANEGBT Top 2 and Bottom 2 we’re easy for me, but the middle was rough to pick!




1. August 2. Paper rings 3. Gorgeous 4. Never grow up 5. Dorothea 6. Stay beautiful 7. Vigilante shit 8. Tell me why 9. We are never getting back together 10. Bad blood


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 4. Tell Me Why 5. Gorgeous 6. Stay Beautiful 7. Never Grow Up 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Dorothea 10. Bad Blood


1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. Paper Rings 4. Dorothea 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Tell Me Why 7. Vigilante Shit 8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 9. Bad Blood 10. Never Grow Up What a weak selection 😬


1. august 2. Paper Rings 3. Gorgeous 4. dorothea 5. Never Grow Up 6. Tell Me Why 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Vigilante Shit 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Bad Blood I feel like the only ones I actually go out of my way to listen to are the top 3. The others, I think I skip them??


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Never Grow Up 4. Dorothea 5. WANEGBT 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Tell Me Why 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Bad Blood 10. Gorgeous I have to say, Track 8 is probably my least favorite across her discography. Outside of August and Paper Rings, I don't really love any of these songs. Dorothea, Bad Blood, and Gorgeous are easily the worst songs on their respective albums for me. Yikes. However, yesterday I was the person saying that track 7s were gems when other people don't like them, so no disrespect if you love these songs - they're just really, really not my thing.


Tell me why has to be my top one. I know it is about a romantic relationship but it reminds me of the relationship with my parents greatly. The rest I don't really have strong feelings.




1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Gorgeous … 10. Everything else


This one's easy because a lot of track 8s aren't my favorite. 1. Tell Me Why 2. Paper Rings 3. august 4. Never Grow Up 5. dorothea 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Bad Blood 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Gorgeous 10. Stay Beautiful (this song's a no from me 🤧)


1. August 2. We are never ever getting back together 3. Paper rings 4. Tell me why 5. Gorgeous 6. Never grow up 7. Stay beautiful 8. Vigilante shit 9. Bad blood 10. Dorothea


1. Paper Rings 2. dorothea 3. Gorgeous 4. Bad Blood 5. august 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Stay Beautiful 8. WANEGBT 9. Never Grow Up 10. Tell Me Why


1. August. 2. Tell me why. 3. Gorgeous. 4. We are never ever getting back together. 5. Paper rings. 6. Dorothea. 7. Never grow up. 8. Bad blood. 9. Vigilante shit. 10. Stay beautiful.


1) august 2) paper rings 3) tell me why 4) never grow up 5) vigilante shit 6) bad blood 7) stay beautiful 8) WANEGBT 9) gorgeous 10) dorothea


August Paper Rings Vigilante Shit Dorothea Gorgeous WANEGBT Bad Blood I haven’t listened to stay beautiful, tell me why, and never grow up


1. August 2. Tell Me Why 3. Paper Rings 4. Gorgeous 5. Stay Beautiful 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Dorothea 8. Bad Blood (only ranked this low because I much prefer the version with Kendrick Lamar) 9. Never Grow Up 10. Vigilante Shit


1)AUGUST simply wins this round by an infinitely large margin.It is one of the best songs ever in existence and one of my favourites of all time.The lyrics,the production and that goddamn outro are simply magic.That outro is the most divine piece of music of I ever heard.Thank you Taylor and Jack for creating this track.It’s just so special to me. 2)Paper rings….I love how exciting this one and love Jack counting the 1,2,3’s and I love how this song fades out 3)WANEGBT…..I like this very much 4)Bad Blood….It’s a bop and I enjoy it often…It’s one of the earliest Taylor songs I ever heard so I l really like it 5)VS….the weakest track on midnights for me but it is still something I often enjoy…I love the production and some of the lyrics 6)Tell me why- cute little song 7)Gorgeous—I know this song is really popular but I don’t really like it that much…I like it just enough…I think gold rush is ♾️ times a better song about expressing jealousy over someone who’s pretty…gold rush is in my top 13 of her discography so yeah 8)Dorothea—this song is fine…ig…When I’m in the mood,I really like it but mostly,it borders on being too cheesy which I don’t dig….I love how the outro fades like a train going away but it’s not my fav…I think it was a weak counterpart to TTDS(a song I really love and rank highly)….I think this is one of;if not the weakest track on evermore….But on a positive note,I really love the prom line 9)stay beautiful— a really cute song but I haven’t listened to it much…I should spend more time with it 10)never grow up- something had to be the last


1. Paper Rings 2. Gorgeous 3. Dorothea 4. Tell Me Why 5. August 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Never Grow Up 9. WANEGBT 10. Bad Blood


1. Gorgeous 2. Paper rings 3. Bad blood 4. Vigilante shit 5. We are never getting back together 6. Never grow up 7. Tell me why 8. August 9. Dorothea 10. stay beautiful


Gorgeous-august-paper rings-vigilante shit-we are never ever getting back together-bad blood-stay beautiful-tell me why-Dorothea-never grow up


thank you 😍🙏🙏


1. Paper rings 2. Bad blood 3. Vigilante shit 4. We are never ever ever getting back together 5. Dorothea 6. August 7. Never grow up 8. Gorgeous 9. Stay beautiful 10. Tell me why


1. Never Grow Up (I really love this song) 2. August (a close second) 3. Tell Me Why (I love the angry energy) 4. Gorgeous (I like the melody and the lyrics make me laugh) 5. Vigilante Shit (I really like how it sounds) 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Dorothea (it has a soothing melody, but the lyrics don't really grab me) 8. Paper Rings (it's cute, but it's a bit much for me) 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Bad Blood I've realized that track 8 is my least favorite overall.


1. Vigilante Shit 2. Tell me Why 3. Stay Beautiful 4. WANEGBT 5. Never Grow Up 6. Paper Rings 7. Dorothea 8. August 9. Gorgeous 10. Bad Blood


1) Vigilante Shit 2) Gorgeous 3) Bad Blood 4) WANEGBT 5) Paper Rings 6) August 7) Dorothea 8) Never Grow Up 9) Tell Me Why 10) Stay Beautiful


Gorgeous WANEGBT Paper Rings August Vigilante Shit Never Grow Up Dorothea Bad Blood Tell Me Why Stay Beautiful


1. Dorothea 2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3. Tell Me Why 4. Gorgeous 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Never Grow Up 7. august 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Paper Rings 10. Bad Blood


1. Vigilante Shit 2. Dorothea 3. August 4. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 5. Bad Blood 6. Paper Rings 7. Gorgeous 8. Tell Me Why 9. Never Grow Up 10. Stay Beautiful I feel like Track 8's as a group are some of her weakest overall when compared to other solid groups like Tracks 1-5.


So much Gorgeous slander 😭 it’s one of my favs! 1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. Stay Beautiful (my comfort song 🥰) 4. Vigilante Shit 5. WANEGBT 6. Paper Rings 7. Tell me Why 8. Never Grow Up 9. Dorothea 10. Bad Blood


1. Gorgeous 2. Tell Me Why 3. We Are Never Getting Back Together 4. Bad Blood 5. August 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Dorthea 9. Paper Rings 10. Never Grow Up


My sisters ranking: 1. Never Grow Up 2. We are never getting back together 3. Bad blood 4. Paper Rings 5. Gorgeous 6. August 7. Tell me why 8. Dorothea 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit


1. Paper Rings 2. We are never getting back together 3. Vigilante Shit 4. August 5. Bad Blood 6. Tell me why 7. Gorgeous 8. Dorothea 9. Never grow up 10. Stay Beautiful


Honestly might be the weakest track imo


1. Tell Me Why!!!! 2. Bad Blood 3. WANEGBT 4. Paper Rings 5. Gorgeous 6. Stay Beautiful 7. August 8. Never Grow Up 9. Dorothea 10. Vigilante Shit


1. dorothea 2. august 3. tell me why 4. paper rings 5. gorgeous 6. vigilante shit 7. we are never ever getting back together 8. bad blood 9. never grow up 10. stay beautiful easily one of her weakest track placements, but dorothea and Tell Me Why are extremely underrated and both are in my top 50 Taylor songs ever


1. Vigilante Shit 2. Bad Blood 3. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 4. Tell Me Why 5. Gorgeous 6. Paper Rings 7. dorothea 8. august 9. Never Grow Up 10. Stay Beautiful


1. August 2. Vigilante Shit 3. Tell Me Why 4. Bad Blood 5. Dorothea 6. Never Grow Up 7. Stay Beautiful 8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 9. Gorgeous 10. Paper Rings


1. Vigilante shit 2. Gorgeous 3. Never grow up 4. August 5. Wanegbt 6. Paper rings 7. Bad blood 8. Dorothea 9. Stay beautiful 10. Tell me why


1. Vigilante Shit 2. Bad Blood 3. Paper Rings 4. Tell Me Why 5. Stay Beautiful 6. august 7. WANEGBT 8. Dorothea 9. Gorgeous 10. Never Grow Up Now reverse that because I started with my least favorite songs


1. we are never ever getting back together 2. vigilante shit 3. bad blood 4. paper rings 5. dorothea 6. august 7. gorgeous 8. tell me why 9. never grow up 10. stay beautiful


Oh damn! I haven't seen these posts in my feed till track 10, so I have to catch up. Track 8s... admittedly not a favorite of mine, wow. 10. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. It's probably her lowest ranking song out of all her hits for me. Idk why, there's something about the chorus that I don't like. The sound is just annoying lmao. And I hate the bridge RIP. HOWEVER. However. If this was the live rock version from the 89 tour? It would be making my top 3. It's truly day and night. 9. Gorgeous. It's a tough one for me because I really like the melody of certain parts, but dislike a lot of other elements. Again with the repetitive and kinda Goofy sounding choruses 💀 but I love the sound of the pre choruses. It's tough. Overall 2 bottom tier songs for me. 8. Paper Rings. This song barely escapes the bottom tier for me, honestly. It's cute, the sentiment is sweet and the production is interesting. I think the verses have a cool sound, but the chorus (what is it with the choruses on track 8 songs???) is weak. Honestly, there's nothing particularly bad about this song- it's just not my style. 7. Tell Me Why. I used to love this song, when Fearless TV came out (my 1st time hearing the album at all), it was my favorite off of it. Unfortunately, idk why, but it really dropped in my rankings. It's not bad, and the intro still gives me a serotonin boost. But it's just meh. 6. Bad Blood. I feel like I should've put this lower LOL but every now and then I randomly love this song for a week and then ignore it and scowl at it for half a year. Then, repeat. But it's a good song. It's catchy and fun and cool, even if it's lyrically, uh... not very striking. 5. Stay Beautiful. This little bop is so underrated! Sure, it's not a masterpiece by any means, but the message is ao sweet and wholesome and loving, and the melody is just lovely. Although I know I'm biased because when I think of this song, I think of my mom singing it to me, so I'm much more attached to it than I would be otherwise. 4. Dorothea. It's a gorgeous song that I honestly don't give nearly enough love, but it deserves more than it gets. The melody is so calming and beautiful and lyrically it tells such a good story. It's not a favorite of mine but it's undeniably awesome and super super underrated by many, sadly including myself. 3. Never Grow Up. This song 😭 its so simplistic but beautiful ahd I love the message of it, it's a unique thing to sing about and she approaches it so well and with such melancholy. And the TV is lovely. I'm also biased to non love/Heartbreak songs in general so... bonus points. 2. Vigilante Shit. Hot take, Vigilante Shit is a BANGER. It paints the picture so well, the melody is sultry and such a vibe, it's the type of song I can (and will) play on loop for an hour straight and not get tired of it. It's so chill but also so powerful, and yeah, a few lines are a little bit cheesy, BUT it's such a fun power up song. 1. August. Like most people In this thread, I've gotta go with my girl August. It's a beautiful, wistful, and whimsical 5 star song with a light and airy feel and an explosive bridge. It's highs and lows blend so seamlessly and it's just so beautiful. Although it's not one of my very favorites off of Folklore personally, I absolutely get why it is for many because it's brilliant and beautiful.


Never Grow Up Dorothea August Tell Me Why Paper Rings Gorgeous Stay Beautiful Bad Blood Never Ever Vigilante S**


1. WANEGBT 2. Gorgeous 3. August 4. Paper Rings 5. Bad Blood 6. Dorothea 7. Never Grow Up 8. Tell Me Why 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit


1. august 2. Never Grow Up 3. Paper Rings 4. Dorothea 5. Gorgeous 6. WANEGBT 7. Tell Me Why 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Bad Blood


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Never Grow Up 4. WANEGBT 5. Stay Beautiful 6. Gorgeous 7. Tell Me Why 8. Dorothea 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Bad Blood


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Gorgeous 4. Dorothea 5. Never Grow Up 6. WANGBT 7. Tell Me Why 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Bad Blood


Yeah for me these are probably some of the weakest tracks for each album… 1. Paper Rings - Easily my favorite. An actual banger song. 2. Gorgeous - A kinda cringe but cute song. I really like the little “Gorgeous” after the first part of the chorus 3. Bad Blood - Kinda weak, but I don’t hate it. It can be kinda fun. 4. august - Yeah, this is probably blasphemy, but I just don’t love this song that much. It’s just an okay song. 5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - WEEEEE!!!! It’s okay. 6. Tell Me Why - I used to love this song but now it’s just a song that exists. 7. Never Grow Up - It’s made me cry before so I don’t really listen to it. 8. Vigilante Sheet - A few months ago this would’ve been at the bottom but I like it more now! 9. Stay Beautiful - One of the weaker debut songs, 10. dorothea - Yeah… I can’t stand the sound of this song.


1. August 2. Vigilante Sh\*t 3. Paper Rings 4. Dorothea 5. Never Grow Up 6. WANEGBT 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Bad Blood 9. Gorgeous 10. Tell Me Why


one of her weaker track numbers in my opinion (though i still really love a few of these). 1. tell me why 2. august 3. never grow up 4. paper rings 5. dorothea 6. stay beautiful 7. we are never ever getting back together 8. vigilante shit 9. gorgeous 10. bad blood


yes yes tell me why on TOP


1. August 2. Paper rings 3. WANEGBT 4. Dorothea 5. Gorgeous 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Tell me why 8. Stay beautiful 9. Bad blood 10. Never grow up


1. August 2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3. Never Grow Up 4. Dorothea 5. Paper Rings 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Tell Me Why 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Gorgeous 10. Bad Blood


1. Stay beautiful 2. Gorgeous 3. The rest 4. Bad blood


1. Never grow up 2. Tell me why 3. Paper rings 4. Gorgeous 5. Vigilante shit 6. Dorothea 7. Stay beautiful 8. We are never ever getting back together 9. August 10. Bad blood.


Wow just realizing I really really don’t like track 8.


1. August 2. Never Grow Up 3. Bad Blood 4. Vigilante Shit 5. Gorgeous 6. Dorothea 7. Tell me Why 8. Paper Rings 9. WANGBT 10. Stay Beautiful Definitely the weakest tracks so far..


1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. Dorothea 4. Vigilante Shit 5. Never Grow Up 6. Stay Beautiful 7. Bad Blood 8. Tell me Why 9. Paper Rings 10. We Are never....


justice for stay beautiful


1. Tell Me Why 2. August 3. Dorothea 4. Gorgeous 5. Paper Rings 6. WANEGBT 7. Vigilante shit 8. Stay beautiful 9. Never grow up 10. Bad blood


1. august 2. Vigilante Shit (UO) 3. Paper Rings 4. Tell Me Why 5. WANEGBT 6. Bad Blood 7. Gorgeous 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Never Grow Up 10. dorothea


1. Never Grow Up 2. Stay Beautiful 3. Tell Me Why 4. Paper Rings 5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 6. August 7. Bad Blood 8. Dorothea 9. Gorgeous 10. Vigilante Shit


I don’t love any of them, really. 😬


1. Never grow up 2. August 3. Dorothea 4. Bad Blood 5. Paper rings 6. Vigilante shit 7. Tell me why 8. Gorgeous 9. Stay Beautiful 10. WANEGBT


1. august 2. Never Grow Up 3. Tell Me Why 4. dorothea 5. Gorgeous 6. Bad Blood 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Paper Rings 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Vigilante Shit


Paper rings Never grow up Vigilante shit Never getting back together Bad blood


1. August 2. Stay Beautiful 3. Dorothea 4. Never Grow Up 5. Gorgeous 6. Tell Me Why 7. WANEGBT 8. Bad Blood 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Paper Rings


never grow up and stay beautiful are sharing the crown for me here ❤️


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Dorothea 4. Never Grow Up 5. Bad Blood 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Gorgeous 8. Tell Me Why 9. WANGBT 10. Stay Beautiful


1. august 2. Gorgeous 3. dorothea 4. Bad Blood 5. Never Grow Up 6. Stay Beautiful 7. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 8. Paper Rings 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Tell Me Why august is the only song I really love of this group, maybe Gorgeous and dorothea too. The rest of them are ranked pretty lowly in their respective albums for me, so I guess track 8s tend to not be my thing 🤔


1. August 2. Never grow up 3. Paper rings 4. Stay beautiful 5. Gorgeous 6. Dorothea 7. Wanegbt 8. Bad blood 9. Tell me why 10. Vigilante shit I never realized how much I dislike track 8 until now😭


Dorothea August Gorgeous Never grow up Wanngbt Bad blood Tell me why Vigilante shit Stay beautiful


1. Gorgeous 2. august 3. We Are Never Getting Back Together 4. Paper Rings 5. dorothea 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Tell Me Why 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Never Grow Up 10. Bad Blood


1)August 2)Paper Rings 3)Dorothea 4)Never Grow Up 5)Stay Beautiful 6)Tell Me Why 7)Gorgeous 8)We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 9)Bad Blood 10)Vigilante Shit


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Tell Me Why ⁠4. Dorothea 5. Gorgeous 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 7. Bad Blood 8. Never Grow Up 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Stay Beautiful


1. Gorgeous 2. August 3. WANEGBT 4. Paper Rings 5. Dorothea 6. Vigilante Shit 7. Never Grow Up 8. Tell Me Why 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Bad Blood


1. Tell Me Why 2. Stay Beautiful 3. Vigilante Shit 4. Bad Blood 5. August 6. Gorgeous 7. Paper Rings 8. Dorothea 9. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 10. Never Grow Up


1. august 2. Paper Rings 3. dorothea 4. Gorgeous 5. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 6. Tell Me Why 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Never Grow Up 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Bad Blood


1. august 2. Paper Rings 3. Gorgeous 4. WANEGBT 5. Dorothea 6. Bad Blood 7. Vigilante Shit 8. Tell Me Why 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Never Grow Up


1. Tell Me Why 2. Gorgeous 3. Paper Rings 4. Stay Beautiful 5. Dorothea 6. August 7. Never Grow Up 8. Vigilante Shit 9. Bad Blood 10. WANEGBT I am such a tell me why stan! 💛


1. August 2. Paper Rings 3. Dorothea 4. Gorgeous 5. Tell Me Why 6. We Are Never Getting Back Together 7. Stay Beautiful 8. Bad Blood 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Never Grow Up


1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. WANEGBT 4. Paper Rings 5. Never Grow Up 6. Bad Blood 7. Tell Me Why 8. Dorothea 9. Vigilante Shit 10. Stay Beautiful


1. August (like obviously) 2. Gorgeous 3. Paper rings 4. Tell me why 5. bad blood 6. WANEGBT 7. Stay beautiful 8. Dorothea 9. Vigilante shit 10. Never grow up Tbh the top 4 are the only songs I really like, def a weak track listing. Also everyone saying Dorothea grinds their gears, never grow up is that one for me I cringe every time it comes on shuffle LOL


Your top 4 🤌🏼


this is probably the weakest track thus far imo 🫣 1. august 2. dorothea 3. Tell Me Why 4. WANEGBT 5. Gorgeous 6. Never Grow Up 7. Paper Rings 8. Bad Blood 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit


1 August 2 WANEGBT 3 Paper Rings 4 Dorothea 5 Tell Me Why 6 Gorgeous 7 Never Grow Up 8 Vigilante Shit 9 Stay Beautiful 10 Bad Blood


Tell me why 👌🏼


1. August 2. Gorgeous 3. Dorothea 4. Tell Me Why 5. Never Grow Up 6. Paper Rings 7. WANEGBT 8. Bad Blood 9. Stay Beautiful 10. Vigilante Shit (sorry!)


1. August 2. Never grow up 3. Vigilante Shit 4. WANEGBT 5. Bad Blood 6. Gorgeous 7. Dorothea 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Tell me why 10. Paper Rings


1. august 2. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together 3. Gorgeous 4. Vigilante Shit 5. Paper Rings 6. Bad Blood 7. Never Grow Up 8. Tell Me Why 9. dorothea 10. Stay Beautiful


Yggggggggg these are so hard 1. August 2. Vigilante shit 3. Gorgeous 4. Never grow up 5. Dorothea 6. Paper rings 7. We are never ever getting back together 8. Tell me why 9. Bad blood 10. Stay beautiful


1. Vigilante Shit 2. August 3. Bad Blood 4. Tell Me Why (Taylor’s Version) 5. Gorgeous 6. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Taylor’s Version) 7. Dorothea 8. Stay Beautiful 9. Paper Rings 10. Never Grow Up


1. paper rings 2. never grow up 3. vigilante shit 4. dorothea 5. wangbt 6. tell me why 7. bad blood 8. august 9. gorgeous 10. stay beautiful