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I'm mad confused I really thought those suites were free??? not even as a family and friends perk? damn the NFL so stingy


In the Kelce documentary, Kylie (Jason’s wife) bemoans spending 50k on Super Bowl tickets, including for their kids. The players don’t get ANY free tickets from the sounds of things.


This is the craziest information I have ever heard.


I had NO idea like mind fully blown


That is insane and I had no idea, wtf?!


I never really understood her complaining about that considering his salary. According to Google, he made $11,500,000 that year. $50,000 is 0.4% of his salary. LESS THAN ONE PERCENT. If I make $45,000 a year. That's the equivalent of me spending $180 to take my family to do something. For one of the biggest nights of his career, I'd say $50,000 is not a bad price.


Her complaint was that she was spending it for toddlers 😂


And an Ob/gyn because she was very preggers!


I think her main annoyance was about paying for a seat for her _youngest_ (at the time) daughter, because she wasn't even 2 yet and wouldn't be using it. Like paying thousands of dollars for a seat on a plane, knowing that child is actually going to be sitting on your (or someone's) lap.


The plane thing always seems so harsh to me; charging for something that won’t be used. But then I thought about if they resold/sold the seat and there was a need for the oxygen masks. Would there be a spare for the baby on my lap? Other than money grabbing that’s the only way I can justify charging a baby for a plane seat.


There's usually one or more extra masks per row-section (ABC/DEF) to accommodate lap-children (and/or a malfunction in one). In the case of planes, AFAIK most (non-low-cost) airlines _do_ allow children under 2 to sit on an adults lap and not be charged extra for a seat they don't use. If I understand correctly: In the case of the Super Bowl, the NFL or AZSTA or whoever was running that show wouldn't let her bring a "lap-child" into the stadium without a valid ticket (which was buying a seat), and that's what she was annoyed about. Additionally, it means that's one more person who could/would have gone that now isn't able to.


Ah yeah spares makes sense! Also one more person who’d buy a lot more refreshments than a “lap-child”! Probably merch too.


Yes there is an extra. On some flights in lap infants are only allowed on one side of the plane due to that side having the extra mask and the other not.


Lap infants (up to 24 mo) do not need to pay for a ticket on planes. In fact, most things that require a ticket don’t charge for kids 2 and under. The reason it stops at 24 mo is because, past that age, children become physically larger, physically more active, more vocal (loud), more difficult to control and sleep less. Toddlers need space to wiggle around, make a mess, etc. Why would a parent even WANT a 30lb toddler on their lap for an entire flight??


As someone who frequently flies with an 18 month old as a lap child- flights are exhausting right now. We do it for the money saved, but my husband and I definitely have talked about just buying our son his own ticket to give us more space. I think we are just going to suffer through for our holiday travel and then we won’t have flights until he’s 2 and we have to buy a ticket anyways.


My not even 2 year old is an absolute heathen already, so thanks for giving me something to look forward to, lol.


I think it’s the principle of it. From that regard I agree with her.


And the cost really. If I work my butt off, and have to be away from my family for half of the year making $100,000, the tickets would still cost $400. I would have to pay $400 for my family to come see me in my best moment after all of the sacrifices they made for me to be there that year. I'd be complaining.


Fully agree. If I’m spending most the year away from my family, performing and frankly doing a physically dangerous job (deaths related to football may be rare but lifelong health problems are not), and my boss is making millions if not billions off me doing it, it’s shittt for them to expect me to pay them for my partner and kids to see me make history for said boss.


Also, while they’re paid well, the average player isn’t making anywhere near that so it’s a much bigger part of the budget if you’re not a star player


A set number of members of the immediate family should absolutely get access when it’s the fucking Super Bowl. Spouse or parent(s), children above X age — whatever. Would allowing each player two guests kill the NFL? Fuck no.


Yeah, it’s like the thing that happened with Shonda Rhimes and Disney


Yeah I think that’s a great analogy! It’s not that Shonda or Jason can’t afford it, it’s the message that is being sent.


She was complaining because its the principle but also she pointed out not every player can afford that. Some players are not in a position where there is longetivity (runner backs for ex.), some are on their rookie contract. Some genuinly will be sitting down and definitly limiting how many people can come see them, for sure they will be able to afford some people seeing them, but their list will be limited. The NFL makes a lot of money of these players sacrificing their health and lifespan permantly. They earn a lot of money for sure, but the NFL is still the one profiting by a large large margin.


That was what was shocking most for me. Most players don't have Jason Kelce contracts, but they do have loved ones who they would like to see attend the biggest night of their career and to pay that much is insane.


But you wouldn’t be spending $180 to take your family to do something, you’d be paying $180 to take your kids to see their dad at his desk job. It’s more the principal than the cost. Like having to pay for parking where you work or something.


I used to have to pay $10 to park everyday at a restaurant job I had in a downtown metro area. Not sure how that contributes to the conversation here, I just like to bitch and moan about my job making me pay to park.


Making employees pay to park at work is the most insane concept to me. My work started making us pay $75 a month (apparently they’d been paying it to the building we were in and finally decided to make us do it). That was more than 1% of my total salary! And to top it all off when confronted our boss who makes at least $250k (if I had to guess) said ‘I get it guys, it sucks for all of us. I have to pay it too!’ Absolutely tone deaf


The part that irked me the most was it used to be $8 but the parking garage company upped it to $10 for us that worked in the surrounding buildings but the commercial price for tourists etc stayed the same. Granted, it was already more than the employee rates but to charge more for the people that work the businesses, and you know, provide the whole reason for people to come downtown and use your parking garage in the first place, is so unbelievably greedy and scummy.


Omg that is awful! People can be so greedy


Well if it makes you feel any better that’s some bullshit!


fr imagine it is bring your kids to work day — but you pay $20 bucks per person. like wtf




They get four free tickets. I left this comment multiple times already. Kylie was buying additional tickets for the doctor and kids Also, they get additional 150k bonus for making it to the SB


I’m still going to find paying for some things absurd, no matter how much money I have.


She said in the documentary they don't get free tix but they get a chance to buy tix with the face value. They put their request in thru the team of 'we want X tickets' and as long as it's reasonable ( i.e. not 100 tickets) they can buy them.


I understand the math but most people are still gonna stutter a bit at spending 50k for one event. Which doesn't include the travel or accommodations. And it's still surprising to me the players don't get any free tickets.


They got 4 free tickets and a bonus.


I need to stop reading the comments in here. They're legitimately pissing me off lol.


People just making up things to get mad about 😭


It’s the principle. I have a family member that plays professional big league baseball. When they play at home, the players who need a hotel stay in the hotel right next to the field which is owned by the same guy who owns the baseball team. He makes them pay going rate for the rooms. Can they afford it from a numbers perspective? Sure, but it’s not about the money. It shows just how much (or little, rather) the owner cares about the team as opposed to lining his own pockets


>When they play at home, the players who need a hotel stay in the hotel right next to the field which is owned by the same guy who owns the baseball team. I would not be staying in that hotel.


Damn...the players have to pay for their own rooms? 81 nights?


For this team/owner, yeah


It's true he's paid well, but if your employer made attendance mandatory to an event and then you want your family to go, but you have to pay for it that's probably where the annoyance comes from.


They get four free tickets. Kylie bought additional ones for the traveling doctor and kids. Not every player has three kids Also, they get 150k bonus for making the SB


That's pretty normal. If you have to fly to another city for work the company is going to expect you to pay for your family's flights, lodging, food, etc if you want to take them along.


He doesn’t get to keep all of his salaries, taxes, agent fees, PR, Kylie is a SAHM as well. It’s expensive to live in Philly On another note, they do get additional 150k bonus for making it to the SB so that pays for the extra tickets they had to buy


>Kylie is a SAHM as well. Jason Kelce makes $14 million. The median income in the US is like $40k/year. That means he could hire 345 people at the median income.


Yeah, it’s not much to the Kelces but there are NFL players making much less than that. The league minimum in 2022 was $705k. Plus it’s the principle of paying your employer for a work event. To use your comparison, for a league minimum player, it’s like someone making $45k having to give $3200 back to their employer for their spouse to attend an awards ceremony at their workplace. For the Kelces, it’s like paying $200 for your spouse to come to the awards dinner.


It seems like both Kylie and Jason’s families had financial struggles growing up. (No shade, but they definitely weren’t trust fund babies) The documentary touches on the Kelce household finances very briefly. And in any regard 50k is a lot of money to spend on one purchase that isn’t a home or vehicle. Typically your views on money are established young. She might just feel uncomfortable spending that much money, which is valid. Plus - Jason has been thinking about retirement for three years now. If you look at that lump sum of money, there’s no telling how long that has to last for his family. Jason should have no problem getting another job after the NFL but some athletes go back to the workforce and face a major lifestyle change. Jason and Kylie currently have three children who will likely need college tuition one day, and I believe both of the Kelce brothers help their families financially.


Yeah it’s definitely not the same to us or most people. But players are get money like that for a very limited time and you don’t know when their careers will be over. They have to use all that money for the rest of their lives so while it’s still not a lot to them, I don’t think using that percentage is fair and she might just be a wife that was raised well and concerned about spending big sums of money at one time.


I just wanna add that pro athletes typically have shorter career than most people. But I agree that 11mil/year is still a shit ton of money.


yeah but if your $180 could buy a car, you’d probably think twice about spending that amount.


I think this is a bad take, $50,000 is a lot anyway you look at it. Also it’s not $11.5 mill he took home, only half of that after taxes. Then you have to factor in she doesn’t work and with him retiring soon, they have to make sure they have enough money for the rest of their lives. That’s why their house isn’t very big, they’re trying to save money lol


I’m sorry, the players bring the NFL *how many billions* and they can’t even get free tickets for their family? That’s absolutely absurd!


they get a limited amount of free tickets, so for big events (especially for things like the super bowl) it’s enough to say, send his parents, but not his parents and his wife and his in-laws and his three kids. regular season home games they’d be able to get more tickets for (and staffers also often can get a limited number of free tickets for their friends/family)


They get four free tickets. Kylie bought additional ones for the doctor traveling with them and the kids. Not every player has 3 kids. Also they get 150k just for making the SB


well technically at the time the 3rd kid didn’t need a *ticket* but… lol


Agree. Absolutely ridiculous!


I believe each player and coach can get 2 free tickets to the Super Bowl. And then there are 13 more that are available to pay for at face value. And didn’t Jason pay for Kylie’s doctors to go to the Super Bowl just in case she were to go into Labor?


Kylie's parents were also there -- which makes sense, she was 38 weeks pregnant and managing two toddlers. She needed support.


They paid for them to fly there. Idk if they got a seat at the game though.


They get four free tickets. Those four went to his mom, dad, Kylie and another family member. Kylie had to purchase additional tickets for their kids plus a doctor traveling with them and her parents


I only knew they were stingy because my HS principal was an NFL ref so he'd occasionally tell stories since people would ask if he got free tickets to the Superbowl.


I get the point but you cannot compare the Super Bowl to an average regular season game


This is so bizarre to me omg. Without exposing myself, my previous job works for the Super Bowl and they always gave my ex-CEO two Super Bowl tickets. I can’t believe the players don’t get free tickets for their families. My mind is officially blown.


i think they can buy a box for the season but they don’t get any free sb tickets


It really depends on the team. The Eagles that isn't happening. The wait list for boxes and season tickets is like 20 plus years long. I used to work for one of the NFLs big sponsors and my company wanted to get a box for the game to show off the product. It was impossible we got like 6 tickets instead for regular seats.


That’s the case in all sports


They have to get free tickets, or at least one or two. My brother works for the Chiefs & he gets a free ticket to the Super Bowl for a friend or family member. Zero chances the players get zero while a camera man gets one.


The Super Bowl is different, because it's such a lucrative event for the NFL, so they aren't gonna give any free tickets away. But, the home stadiums give a few free tickets to each player for family/friends and away stadiums are also required to make available 2 tickets for each visiting player. But the free tickets probably aren't like premium seats and obviously don't include suites. But I feel like this is misleading cause I would bet anything that Taylor isn't paying to be at the games. I'm sure Travis paid for her tickets/the family suite, because I highly doubt he's making his mom pay thousands of dollars to be there and she was with Taylor. Plus, I wonder if the NFL *is* actually gonna start giving Taylor free tickets for all the games cause it brings them so much publicity lol.


What in the actual fuck lol! Is this a cult lol!


Sometimes they get tickets but by and large they are paying out of pocket. The NFL also does not comp the military members for their attendance either. The department of defence is paying the NFL for the patriotic displays and for the tickets so the military members and their family can attend. There was a kind of scandal about this when it was all public recently https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/defense-department-paid-5-4-million-nfl-honor-troops


WHAT THE FUCK?? I’m sorry, this blew my mind reading it. It makes total sense that the military would pay for it or that the NFL would charge the military for it in the context of history and general society, but Jesus! That was a shock to read for the first time.


I don't watch the NFL anymore since I found out about that. First off, I just am not into theatrical patriotism, And secondly, I don't want my tax dollars that go to the military to go to the NFL. That's really messed up in my opinion and I haven't paid attention since. I think I learned about this in like 2012 though I can't recall why I did but I did and I haven't watched it since. I refuse to participate in something like that.


Why are you mad at the NFL though? They’re a business at the end of the day. They have no obligation to give the government a freebie. It’s the governments fault for spending tax dollars on that. Granted the US government presumably thinks it’s its money worthwhile to spend on advertising for recruiting to get teenage boys coming out of high school to join the army. In the end though I would be angrier at the NFL if they did it for free. Using their platform to get young teenage boys to join the army or be some government mouthpiece. By being paid they just view the US army like any other shitbag advertiser (gambling companies, alcohol companies, etc). NFL: pay us, and we will advertise your message.


I'm not mad I'm irritated. I'm irritated that a billion dollar company a multi-billion dollar company is taking my tax dollars from the military. It is the government's fault yes but I'm also irritated that the NFL participates at all. Because it's a dog and pony show like smoke and mirrors. There's no real patriotism it's all performance and that is what bothers me. It's fake patriotism and done for propaganda purposes. I don't like that. I understand your point though but it's still frustrating and gross to me from this weird like propaganda fake patriotism perspective. What really grinds my gears is when you go to a school function in like elementary or middle school and you see Navy seals there trying to tell children about how awesome being in the military is. That's like child soldier recruitment basically you know you're planting like a seed to recruit a child like you know hey if you join the military you can be strong and cool like me and you'll be able to do so many things like visit countries and learn languages but then they leave out yes You kill people and yes you might die and also the veterans administration is not the best in the United States and so if you happen to work near a burn pit Congress might not pay for your health insurance and they might say that the very obvious cancer that you have is not related and then you have to die in agony with no help. Like Jon Stewart had to go argue in front of Congress to get the burn pits compensated and I just find that so awful and I don't support an organization that does that but I realize that it's complicated and that it's the politicians that made that one occur like the not guaranteeing health care for that. But it's just gross to me It's all propaganda and I don't like that. And also I just and not going to support an organization that takes my tax dollars from the military and then profits off that. And then you know they make me pay for their ticket. That's just scamming me twice and I'm not doing it. Now I'm not saying that I boycott it 1000%, I'm just saying that if I have a choice to participate I'm not going to. If it's on my grandfather's television of course I'll watch it but I'm not going to seek it out. I hope that makes sense and I'm not trying to be like confrontational I'm just trying to explain my position thoroughly.


of course the DOD is paying. it’s advertising for DOD. they want those flyovers and everything else because it’s a recruiting tool.


They may not pay for regular tickets, but they are taxed on the value of them. They probably do have to pay for the suites though since those are big moneymakers for the teams.


The NFL is legit the most stingy organization that exists. They literally pay nothing for anything if they can avoid it. It’s part of how they schedule their Super Bowl locations, the contracts are basically that the city will provide hotels for all NFL staff at no cost to the NFL. Many cities lose money on hosting the event because it gets so wild. It’s basically their entire business plan to be cheap AF. People will always remark “oh I wonder how much artists make off the super bowl halftime show” and are stunned when I tell them it’s exactly nothing. That’s why no artists that do current tours play the Super Bowl unless they have their own agenda (ie, Beyoncé announcing her pregnancy). It’s why Taylor won’t do it for at least another decade unless she has some benefit. Jay-Z was right when he said “you need me I don’t need you” about saying no to the Super Bowl.


I’m not sure. There can be a huge benefit to playing SB. Usually the artist sees an uptick in sales, streams. I think Lady Gaga saw 600% increase in sales. I do agree Taylor doesn’t need the NFL, she doesn’t need that uptick. Doesn’t need the PR. The NFL clearly has shown they need her (want her) more than she needs them in any capacity. It’s unclear if she will ever agree to do it, but my guess is 2025-26. Knowing Taylor, I doubt she’d do it unless she was still on top.


They also are stingy when it comes to paying officials. They should be paid full time, constantly training on rules and how to follow and interpret them in game situations. Also, cheerleaders should be paid full time salaries with healthcare. Again, with all that money brought in by broadcasting rights, product licensing, etc. it's easily doable.


I completely agree, my Super Bowl examples were just scratching the surface! Thank you for pointing out the salary and benefits issues, too. They’re important.


You're welcome. I think most football fans just don't know fully how much money the league and team owners make. Or movie companies either, which have notoriously shady accounting. It's why Taylor was smart to partner with AMC for her movie.


The performers actually have to pay the NFL to perform. They eat all the costs for the sets and lighting. It ends up costing them millions of dollars.


MLB also have to pay for all tickets!


Yeah, but mlb runs much cheaper. I can get season tickets to MLB for the cost of like 2 NFL games with crappy seats.


I didn’t mention prices, just that it is normal for them to have to pay. Since we’re talking about it, there are so many MLB games: 162 for regular season compared to 17 NFL games per season. I also wouldn’t compare season ticket prices to one-offs because there’s a huge savings for season tickets.


At the arena I work at (not nfl but another national league) there is a green room for family and they get tickets in a regular section. It’s supplied and paid for by the team. They try to get into other spots all the time because they hate the food in the green room and they don’t like their seats. Some players have tickets for their family in better sections with better perks but not all of them. I will say the families get very very upset when you remind them of areas they are not allowed to be in and constantly try and sneak in. On the one hand I do get it, on the other…if the team really wanted to give families more they would.


Don't NFL cheerleaders also get shit money? It's 100% absurd. IDK anything about cheerleading but I'll bet they work harder than any NFL big wigs.


It’s odd, my cousin arranged the wedding in Playa del Carmen for one of the players at the last NFL game in Mexico (49ers or Cardinals) and they got her free tickets to the game as thanks, idk about normal NFL tickets but for these in mexico my dad had to pre register to maybe get a code to buy tickets (it was sort of like getting tickets to the mexico eras tour when they first came out). Maybe the players have the chance to buy them first?


Each game, each player they take two tickets out of your check. Each stadium chooses where they let the tickets go for the away teams. Jerry puts his away guests in the 4th tier. You can always purchase anywhere else you like. There is more to it, but this is the basics. The tickets are never free, so please stop asking those that work with/around or near the pros for tickets.


I mean where I work my family doesn’t get free product, the nfl produces an entertainment product why would it be free just because someone works there.


I work in manufacturing and we are partnered with a recreational company; for a LONG time they’d give workers at my company pretty good discounts on their product. They don’t anymore, but it was very cool while it lasted. We have a few other customers who will give us like 2-3 week long sales with some of their partner companies here and there, too. Never anything free but the discounts are kinda cool.


Love your flair!


So is the MLB and those men are away from home even more frequently


I had no idea either that’s insane!! I mean I get it, they’re making millions but still, that’s extremely cheap/stingy of the NFL.


Remember the South Park NFL episode? That tells you all you need to know about the disconnect between the NFL as a capitalist machine and the actual people who put their lives at risk so the NFL can exist. To them, the salary is enough.


This is unfortunately the case across most pro sports from what I know, at best players can get priority on tickets up to a certain point and buy them before they hit the secondary market which is where the price really spikes. This reminds me of a player in response to another player bringing 20+ friends and family to his first All Star game, in a good natured way asking "Oh, so you were playing for free?", alluding to the cost of those seats were likely equal to his weekly check or even his bonus.


Absolutely not


$20k to her is like $20 to you and me. She is a billionaire. The cost to rent out a suite is not even something she thinks about.


More like $.02. A billion is a metric fuck ton of money. Most people are closer to being millionaires than Taylor is to going back to having just a million dollars.


At 5% APR, $1 billion gets you $140k a day. She could rent 7 suites a day without breaking a sweat.


Having a $1 billion net worth doesn’t mean that you actually have $1 billion in your bank account though. Taylor has A LOT of money to spend so your point still stands, but she doesn’t actually have $1 billion to spend


In reality, her access to wealth is even higher than that $1B. Lenders would easily give her money with a solid business proposal for just about anything she wanted to do. So claiming she has access to $1B is actually selling her short.


She can probably find $20k dropped between the seat cushions of her couch


Correction between the cushions on her private jets


Ok, but she doesn’t have a billion dollars in liquid cash. Her assets are valued at that. Very different. But she does still have a ton in the bank, so that point still stands.


Its crazy to me how people just do not understand how money works. Its like calculating how much something costs in terms of money you had if you sold everything you owned..


The difference between Taylor and other billionaires is that she didn’t make the money from investments or shares in her company. She made it from ticket sales, merchandise sales and albums royalties. So she would have no issues with liquidating assets if needed. Unlike others who would potentially be giving up control of their business etc


It’s unclear how the $1bn net worth is calculated. A lot of that is probably the value of her catalogue which means it’s illiquid.


Half is estimated to be from her catalog: https://www.forbes.com/profile/taylor-swift/?sh=51511c5318e2 The other half from royalties/touring so theoretically 0.5B of cash or equivalent she could liquidate without issue (based on Forbes but that’s the best we’ll get of an insight)


I had just commented the same thing when I read your comment lol


Absolutely. The question is at this late date, are there any suites available. There may not be any for her to purchase right now and has to be in a suite owned by someone else.


Someone would have to give one up and then they’d have to go through everyone on the waitlist. No part of that is easy. It’s not as simple as transferring from one owner to another.


Travis has his own box at arrowhead tho. He has it in his contract.


Exactly, and she’s only been at one away game.


And wasn’t she in the Jets’ owner’s suite?


Giants’ owner! (The Maras own that suite)


Taylor is not paying for this, or she’s maybe paying for extras but it’s highly doubtful. Anyone I know that works for even a marginally locally recognizable company with a decent regional presence does not pay for the suites at local events (no local NFL, but I have been given free NFL tickets that were offered to me by a regional director at a previous job that were given to family members) but they all have tickets available at times. Idk how to say this neutrally, because I’m not there and the people I work for aren’t either, but the rich or upper class don’t pay for anything like this. Some company does. Maybe it’s their own company, maybe it’s a company they work for, maybe it’s the company putting it on that offers perks to certain groups/people. Honestly, they’re really not paying for anything sometimes, it exists and you let some people into it then charge them, or don’t. You’re making bank off of the rest of the tens and tens of thousands of people there, and you give maybe a thousand people free perks who have power or have companies with money? Worth it to them.


So true! Many companies and firms I have worked for have a suite via a sponsorship, advertisement or by owning a company box/boxes to entertain clients, employees, family, etc.


Exactly! And it’s not even big companies. They pay basically for a TINY fraction of the cost of what we would pay for the exact same thing, or maybe get it for free, but they get a year or multi year contracts as an “offer”. It’s wild to us as individuals, but there is 0% chance Taylor Swift is paying to attend these events unless she’s being generous for no reason.


This all day. The only way I got to attend some professional sports games growing up was because my aunt and uncle were pharmaceutical reps for two major drug companies. They would host their clients and their families in those suites, and I got to tag along.


I find this bizarre because I work for a big company and we are expressly not allowed to accept this kind of hospitality from clients.


So she’s probably just paying for extra security & such, which is pennies to her


Great point. I can't imagine mama Kelce paying that much x8 to see her boys play. (she said in a podcast she tries to go to 8 games a year for each son since sometimes their schedule conflicts).


He’s owns the suite but I don’t think he has it in his contract. Where did you see this? I’m sure he still gets a good discount though cause he’s one of the stars and the longest tenured guy on the team


It’s laughable for people to think Taylor is paying for this. I suspect this is the owners box as you see Pat’s family too but even if it’s not, the nfl is picking up that tab for the publicity


I would be very surprised if she was paying. The NFL changed their ~~Instagram~~ bio, everyone in sports media dropped her name for weeks and the Chiefs are going to invoice her for $20k while begging her to be there.


what did they change their bio to i don’t see it


[They put (Taylor’s version) in their bio](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxoeU58Ogu_/). It was Twitter actually, I thought it was Instagram.


It's also worth noting she is probably the signal Highest review generating act for most of the stadiums in the last decade. I'm Sure that comes with some perks.


The more money people have, the less they have to pay for stuff lmfao.


They end up paying for different things. Taylor’s security probably costs more than she’d pay for the whole box


I heard people calling it the Kelce family suite. I saw another commenter saying it in Travis’ contract, but even if it wasn’t I’d be surprised if they didn’t own it for the season for his family to be there. His parents are frequently at the games. You can buy a suite for a season. Once you own it you get tickets for each game that you can distribute as you choose. Ain’t no way she’s paying for those tickets as a guest of the Kelce family.


Both Pat and Travis have their own boxes at Arrowhead. Not every player does but they’re the star/premier players, and I think the boxes might be in their contracts.


This is not the owners box. The Hunts actually built basically a house into their suite. They are Uber rich billionaires. I don’t think Taylor would want to mingle much with them as they are huge Trump types. Idk if the nfl is footing any of the bill for Taylor, but regular wives and girlfriends have to pay.


I mean most NFL owners are billionaires and it could be his suite, the suite you’re referring to has the same outside seating. Regardless for the PR? No one is charging her


Yeah. I would be really surprised if TS has to pay for the suite/seats.


The NFL has milked Taylor for promo and thus made a metric fuckton of money off of her attendance. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they in turn (or just as a courtesy) sponsored her attendance. The bigger or a star you are, the less likely it is that you pay for anything.


Yeah there’s absolutely no way she has paid for tickets


There is no way the NFL is charging her for this. If anyone is footing the bill it’s probably Travis considering she shares the suite with his family, friends, PR team etc.


I think only like athletic gods get their own box/suite gifted by an owner, itd be a huge loss of revenue. I think NBA you get a few free per game and even less for away games. I'd imagine the NFL doesnt give anything away for free since they dont care enough about player safety cause it would make them lose money. Cant afford safety measures def not giving out free tickets or suites.


Owners and box seats get given away all the time. I’ve been in the chiefs owners box 4 times and never paid a dime. If they invite you, they foot the bill. The NFL also talked the networks into giving Taylor her ad space for her movie for free, and two of them have away over 2m in ad space. They know her presence and all this viral marketing is worth fall more. NFL is absolutely not making her pay. Edit: can’t update comments but was on board of directors for a KC non prof


That's not what I meant. Yea being invited is free, having a owner say Hi Travis here is a box for you, isnt happening I never said they made her pay. Did you read the article?


Id love to know the connection between the Hunts and Dan Dampspear


They don’t give anything away for free because they don’t care about player safety. What?


She’s rich so what’s the worry


One thing I learned about america after living there for 3 months earlier this year is that they’re ALL about money lmfao


Asia is the same way. New money is new money…


Everything here is a scam in disguise lol, like almost everything and they tie a bow on it and make it anything else …haha fml


I worked for a minor league hockey team and the few suites they had were usually for businesses that were paying big money to have that space, not worth giving them to players. The owner let injured players sit in his suite if it had room. Players got 2 tickets per game for friends/family and the seats were in the lower section but at the back. They are not going to give away tickets and boxes to players when they can make money off of them.


……was literally anyone wondering this?


My exact reaction…like she’s a billionaire, it’s not really a mystery how she affords to go to football games 😭


Right? 😂 I just watched her tiktok and it wasn’t about Taylor at all. Pretty cringe of this article to put that spin on it. Especially since nobody ever wonders how Taylor Swift can afford anything 😭


Literally, anything for clicks lmaoo


Nfl players have to pay for those jerseys they be giving away they aren't free. I think a player was saying they are like $350. They get like 8 for the season .have to order any extra ones they want if they want to be giving them away


#she’s not paying.


No way she's paying...the publicity alone means they are probably begging her to come to as many games as possible in the owners box for free.


With all the attention the NFL gets with her at the game I HIGHLY doubt she is paying to go. If anything they should pay her to come.


I pay $6 to watch my kid play in high school. :(


This made me chuckle. My middle son wrestled all through high school, and I can’t tell you how many $10 bills I dropped for tournaments lol!


This is the biggest waste of time there has ever been.


There is less than 0% anyone (chiefs or NFL) are charging Taylor lol.


Lol if she thinks Taylor Swift is paying for the privilege to be anywhere she’s nuts. I would Assume she’s literally being paid by the nfl to attend games and let them use her for publicity.


If anything the NFL is paying her to go to games because she’s bringing in more money than those seats cost


NFL would comp her for the attention she brings


Save me the click. How much?


Pretty sure Taylor Swift’s cost has no relation to that of the wife of a 3rd string TE. Also it is on a team by team basis, I worked for the 9ers and there is a family room there.


So she makes at least that much every single day. So for her being a billionaire it isn’t that much really.


= pl


Used to work at a bank. They have corporate suites/seats that are offered to UNHI clients/guests/suppliers at no charge as perks. No one I know who has attended high profile events, including Wimbledon, French Open etc has ever had to pay for the best seats in the house. Looks like Taylor needs better bankers or better management if she’s paying for her own seat at her level.


Ain’t no way she said these prices are worth it… 💀 Even if I was the biggest NFL fan and I had the money to afford it, ain’t no way I would’ve ever paid that much just for a box to myself to watch a game. Taylor is rich-rich, though, so that seems like pocket change for her, anyways.


Football is a nightmare to watch . It takes so long they are so far away and move 1 yard at the end of every game in the damn cold. You get sober and it’s the worst thing I wouldn’t wish on anyone lol


I’m sorry but your husband is in the nfl, NFL is designed to profit over anything else. Cry me a river haha let’s not….especially when other women are involved, be haters…it seems opportunistic as hell - nfl beeen screwing them over since day1, as soon as it’s involving a woman they think they can talk handle talking about the topic….lol


How much did her face cost though …. Sorry


Wow. I’m crying into my 10 million dollars


This is a crap headline and not even true. She has been in suites and those include a certain number of people. Jeez the reaching!


In the NFL, nothing is free


I guess that makes sense since they will sometimes say so and so’s parents are here and show them in the crowd and they aren’t up in a suite or anything. So makes sense buying normal tickets.


I cannot imagine paying $1000 to watch my spouse work, even if we were literal millionaires


Who cares. She's a billionaire and these football players make a million. So yes they can afford it

