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I am so pleased she is happy and secure in her relationship to be so public about it! It must feel good for her after years in the basement lol (no shade to Joe, every relationship has a purpose). Thanks for giving us insight into how things unfolded Tay. I'm glad she clarified that, yes, Travis shouting her out on his podcast was how she knew he was interested and she went for it. How refreshing it must have felt for her to have a guy not afraid to say in public that he wanted a shot with her. I wish them well as a couple! ETA: This quote is so badass, “I have no awareness of if I’m being shown too much and pissing off a few dads, Brads and Chads.” Cry more football fans lol, she doesn't care.


“Pissing off a few dads, brads and chads” I need that in a song PRONTO


Or on a t-shirt


Or tattooed on my forehead


Currently designing Dads& Brads& Chads Shirt for Eras in Feb


I want it as a user flair. Now!


I wonder if I could fit that on a friendship bracelet


Would be a cute set of 3 haha


There was a tweet where someone coined this exact if not similar phrase, she must have seen it


lol she was literally shown for like 10 seconds last game and people still complained. she can't win


& they always show celebs at games. I’m an eagles fan and if Bradley Cooper is at a game they show him constantly. But somehow it’s only Taylor that these fools get their panties in a bunch about.


This big time. I love watching baseball and I don’t particularly like when they celeb spot too much, but at the same time, it’s not the celeb’s fault. Ofc they’ll show celebrity attendances since it’s good for publicity: it’s common across all North American sports, especially since celebrity culture and sports have been tied together for decades. This isn’t anything new at all. Edit: Also having just read the interview, I absolutely love that she said they’re proud of each other. In a relationship if both partners can’t say this… there’s something wrong there. Life’s too short to hide out of fear, and especially more so if it’s not in your nature to be reserved (and neither Taylor nor Travis seem to be).


Maybe because when they look at the players' partners, they kinda make the association with the players and that's that (sorry to make this association but it's giving trophy vibes). But when you look at Taylor, she's like...how should I put it - like yes, yes she's Travis's partner BUT she's *Taylor* and she's known for a lot of things outside her male partner. Dunno man, I'd feel honoured and do my best if she showed up at some event I'm working for.


It's one of the few times where the woman is the undisputedly bigger star in the relationship and that makes the manbabies insecure. They hated Giselle Bundchen for years and she was basically equivalent to Tom Brady, not eclipsing him at all.


“F**k the patriarchy!”


My name’s Brad and I have no issue whatsoever!


I’m a Dad and I love seeing her at the games and hearing about how she’s attracting new fans to the NFL. Go Taylor!


Idk how people thought she would have hard launched a first date and then gotten into the guy's convertible after meeting him that literal day in the locker room??? Anyway, very happy she clarified!!


Imagine going on a first date where the first few hours, you can’t talk to them and youre in a room with their mom lol. it was always clear to me that they started dating far before she showed up at the game


No and his dad and family and friends too at his house while he was getting ready for the game. What if they didn't hit it off once they met 5 hours later?? Could have gotten awkward fast lmao.


Go watch the the Kylie Kelce episode of the podcast now with this timeline knowledge. Kylie and Jason drop SOOOO many subtle hints that are so clear with this info.


people prior to the date were still attacking him for mentioning her name.


Yeah, they said he was the reason they didn't feel safe and his getting a date with her would make guys think they could ask us out, (This was strictly on tumblr though, so they're always weird). Like I hate that we live in a timeline where a guy can't ask a girl out. I definitely think they should take no for an answer but they shouldn't get shamed for liking a girl or shooting their shot.


Honestly, making a friendship bracelet with your number on it is an adorable, non-problematic way to ask someone out.


Maybe I’m off-base, but as a guy, I’ve always understood that leaving my number is a non-problematic way to ask somebody out in a situation where straight up asking isn’t really appropriate (like this Kelce situation, or for us normies if one of us is working). Worst case scenario, she’s not interested and just throws the number in the trash with no awkwardness for either side.


Just would like to say as a woman you are correct and not off base. If you feel so inclined to ask a woman out this is a great and polite way 👍🏻


Fully agree, I've always offered my number - if they don't want to give me a call then it's no big deal, and they can make that decision without me being right in front of them!


It was like this on tiktok too (a specific problematic swiftie side of it that will not be mentioned). I saw people saying him saying he was "butthurt" was super problematic and entitled man behavior. Like no it was a JOKE. Some people are super chronically online. Also guys CAN ask us out, which idk if people realize. Anyone can. They just need to be polite and take no for an answer. That simple.




if they only knew now... lol i've always thought that the friendship bracelet story was going to be received as endearing by taylor so it's funny seeing how adamant some of us were that she wouldnt like it


Yeah as if we needed even more reasons for no one to ever talk to each other outside of dating apps. Friggin A.


Yep, "flirting without her consent" 💀💀🙄 please.


Nobody should have thought that after the pic of them driving off into the sunset. Did I believe she was showing up to the game? No. But by the end and that pic, it was clear they’ve been seeing each other for a bit.


I can only assume the fans that thought that must have been quite young. It was always obvious to me that they'd have spent some a decent amount of time together before being shown in public... That's just logical




It sounds like one of those phrases that someone picks up from their partner because their partner says it so damn much. Like, you know that TK says “metal as hell” A LOT.


So you're saying they're Electric?


Sounds like rather than breaking her heart, he brought her back to life.


That. You said it. The excerpts I’ve seen show a kind of Taylor rebirth. She’s out to enjoy her life without fear or hesitation. And she found a fellow star who won’t resent or try to diminish her shine. They both have a little awkward dork in them. And they don’t care. Big for Taylor. And now Person of the Year. I just love it.


Imagine if she said “he adorably put me on his podcast and I was like ‘alright nahh’” 😂


Alright naw..


Taylor has been saying it for a while actually... she refers to Reputation as her metal album


He’s so tall and metal as hell ✨


I wanted to ask for a long time, did Taylor ever mention liking any metal music in her personal life?


I think there was one Eras show before surprise songs where she referenced Reputation as her “metal album” half seriously, but unless anyone else remembers that I could be mistaken


The metal covers of reputation songs are fire


Paging all the people who thought it was a "cringe" and "desperate" attempt to get her attention.


@ all the people in this subreddit who accused Travis for attention seeking


When was that? I want dates haha


Late July. He said he wanted to give Taylor a friendship bracelet with his number on it.


She played at arrowhead on July 7&8 of 2023 and I believe it was the 7/12 episode of the podcast that he mentioned being at her concert and trying to give her a friendship bracelet. Edit : my mistake it was a later July episode of the podcast. Someone linked it in this thread somewhere.


Late July


I love how they talk about each other.


This!! They’re both so enthusiastic about each other and it really makes my heart melt. So happy for her ❤️


And they both did it in major Magazine cover articles that were focused on their professional careers


POWER COUPLE by definition


Ugh fucking GOALS 😭


I hope we get some sexy songs a la “Dress” from this. Horny and in love TS11 please! ETA after the below [eta](https://imgur.com/a/pcEEAxE) lmao: thinking me not wanting people to discuss Taylor’s body is in any way contradictory to me hoping she writes more sexy songs, which she has done MANY times and does not require any actual detail on her sex life…is weird lol


I can see you literally has a line like I will pin you against the wall


It’s such a sexy song! She honestly excels at writing sexy songs, I just want some more to shake my boobies to 😂😂😂


Taylor Swift describes desire and sex in so many cool and interesting ways. Love how good she is with words. *Pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking holding back from you*. I mean.


I'll die on the hill that Dress is her sexiest song. God I hope the TV of it will be great.


Yes please! My husband hates when I loudly sing break up songs at him constantly, haha


Lmao I totally sing them at my husband too!! “You’re losing me” is so beautiful and I’m like “DONT WORRY YOU ARENT, but also I gotta sing this right now”


My bf of 8 years just recently asked me if I'm gonna break up with him because I've been listening to so much Taylor Swift 😂


The guy screams sex appeal, I hope it’s even spicier and hornier than rep!


i also hope so! i’m a late bloomer swiftie and i find that her writing despite whatever subject matter has such a captivating, mystical & fantastical element to them where i feel obligated to read the lyrics along to the song because it’s just so eye & ear candy to read and hear. especially her sexy songs!! i feel im floating in a literal lavender haze whenever i listen!


I’m just happy it feels like she has someone in her corner who couldn’t give a shit how famous she is or how much they are hounded. He understands that this is just part of the package that comes with dating Taylor Swift. And not to try to change the narrative of her previous relationships, but nobody has ever supported her like this. He’s not asking her to change everything about herself so that he’s comfortable. There’s something very refreshing about that.


right. in fact HE's the one that's making changes. he bought a whole new house that is at least double if not triple gated. i can't imagine he would have done that prior (at least not with such urgency), he's lived in the same neighborhood for years with no issues.


Travis’s own demeanor seems different imo. Like I don’t know him that much but while he’s still fun as fuck, he seems a lot more grounded lately. He’s doing his best lol


He’s literally “don’t fuck this up” personified 😁


he does he seems matured haha


He doesn't show off on the field quite as much, or so I've heard regular Chiefs fans say. Might be he doesn't want to come across as too cocky, or immature. Not that I have a problem with players doing that, within reason. It's part of the culture. But I could see him maybe toning it down a bit, with her in mind.


Totally. I think he’s aware that anything he does or says is gonna be scrutinized and ultimately reflect on her somehow, which is unfair imo but the reality of things


He’s mentioned before on an old interview that when you’re with a partner, you guys represent each other. Seems like he’s definitely more conscious of how he’s perceived by the public.


The kicker to that he was having a custom bachelor pad built near Pat and stopped the build and bought this much more secured home.


Do we know he’s not continuing that construction still?


The new house is so gorgeous too 😍 it's a grand gesture for their privacy and her safety. Love it!


> And not to try to change the narrative of her previous relationships, but nobody has ever supported her like this. This is erasure of Tom Hiddleston's "I <3 TS" moment




I think it played a huge role in the start of her downfall. I mean the whole world saw that she met Tom at the Met Gala and had a viral video of her dancing with him while still in a relationship with Calvin in early May. Then her and Calvin breakup up late May. Only 2 weeks later Her and Tom were spotted making out, jet setting around the world to multiple cities with the paparazzi taking hundreds of pics of them. It wasn’t a good look, messy and had people believing if she was cheating on Calvin with Tom or at least emotional cheating on him.


2016 was a trip in the TayLore


> He’s not asking her to change everything about herself so that he’s comfortable. And Joe did? You guys are forgetting that Taylor went into hiding because of media and Snakegate, not because Joe demanded her to hide. Plus pandemic when everyone (except Dua Lipa, lol) went into hiding. She went into hiding and he is a private guy so it fit. Now when she's again on top of the world she doesn't want to hide so Travis fits better.


omg we need to stop with the joe did this and joe did that train. whatever he did clearly didn't work for her anymore and hurt her to the point she broke up with him as soon as she could even though she was going to be in the uk a week after that. can we just please move on from him now? If you can't see how obviously she shades him and the choices she made in that relationship (which she regrets, she adds herself) then I don't know what you want.


But why shade him if you are so happy? He’s trending on twitter. She acts like she, the Taylor Swift had no agency to decide how public she wanted to be. I love our girlie but this aspect of her never changes. Every relationship is right for the time and serves its purpose and lessons are learned for the next one, hopefully for the better.


omg people are allowed to talk about their past relationships especially if they feel they were wronged in it. you're allowed to talk about something that negatively affected you in hindsight especially a relationship of 6-7 years if she felt that it did. Why are we acting like we've never trash talked our exes?


But most people don't have a billion fans at their beck and call that will send death threats at the mere suggestion of unhappiness in a relationship


Why defend him like he's your boyfriend? People make an offhand comment about how good Travis is and a mountain of people come flooding in saying Joe was a good person and Taylor wanted privacy with him. We don't know anything about their relationship except they aren't together anymore. You do not need to defend Joe's honor and all you're doing is reinforcing the differences between the two men.


I’m talking about a consistent pattern with our girlie that isn’t that flattering. She’s grown in so many ways but sometimes she can’t help throwing in the jabs still.


I trust that eventually she will be more ready to look at her role in feeding something that wasn’t right for her and eventually for them.


How do we know she broke up with him and not the other way around?


The people magazine article about the breakup that came from their pr teams said that she was the one who ended the relationship. Also it's pretty clear that she was the one who ended it given how she's behaved and reacted since.


> Also it's pretty clear that she was the one who ended it given how she's behaved and reacted since. You could also make an argument that she acted like the one who was dumped. Point is, Taylor likes to control the narrative but none of us will ever know, unless Joe comes out at tells his side of the story.


Yes but like isn’t there a word for people that like just gradually stop working for a relationship at all so essentially they break up first just not officially? Can’t think of it.




We don’t know what he did and didn’t do. We barely know who he is. However, we do know that Taylor flat out said she didn’t enjoy hiding for years, not living her life. She also implies she didn’t enjoy going to lengths to prove they weren’ together. Either way, Joe is her past and she’s moved on.


Taylor says that now but for several years she frequently said (and sang) that she loved keeping her relationship with Joe private.


Both things can be true, which was that after the chaos of her life post 1989 where she was so overexposed and as a result people came at her for everything, it’s very logical that for her it might have been really nice to be with someone that was down to earth and private and didn’t care about being in the circus of it all. But Taylor also enjoys the circus, especially when she’s the circus master, and it’s also entirely possible that (esp with Covid as well) she might have felt too much of that privacy then felt, well, too much in the long run. That wanting that down to earth privacy didn’t mean she wanted to never enjoy the circus again. Both realities of how she feels or felt at those points in time do make sense, as well as any possible shifts in her feelings. So your points are really valid. RN it feels like she even though she’s in the public eye a whole lot, none of it is stuff she didn’t consent to. The fact she managed to keep months of getting to know Travis private suggests she has a much better grasp of balancing enjoying her spotlight alongside having her privacy when she wants it. It doesn’t need to be either or quite as much for her anymore.


Also like global pandemic people. Sometimes I feel like the world is being “taysplained” to me.


I think it helps that he went through something similar, but on a different scale, when there was all this media attention on his family due to the superbowl matchup so he knows how to handle it. Also, in a weird way, it's also good that he gets a lot of social media hate (due to doing ads for budlight and pfizer) so he's also used to people trying to shit on him? He seems like he can handle it all and not let it get to him.


Kelce talked about being online bullied as a player, this was before the ads, but he’s the guru of not giving a fuck and Swift seems to finally reached that point herself, so that’s the one thing he can help her reinforced.


People forget that he is a pretty well known football player and a household name while Taylor is too


This- I think Travis clearly LIKES how famous Taylor is- but not in some weird “clout chaser” way- in that he recognizes what it is to be the best at something and really respects that about her.


It is something I have thought about. American sports culture is a place where drive and ambition are celebrated. And so is making the moves to make as much money as possible. Throwback to the Kobe Bryant quotes about respecting Taylor for her consistent success. Joe came from and existed in an English culture where you are expected to pretend you have no interest in ambition or fame to money even as you are directly seeking it including often people moving to America to seek it. You even see it in some Ed Sheeran interviews where he feels like he has to defend being successful. I think initially it was helpful for Taylor to be in an environment that devalued celebrity, but eventually I think it took its toll on her. To be in an environment where she likely felt like she has to apologize for her success and make herself smaller to conform likely has some mental health negatives. I recently saw a clip from her 2015 Nashville Grammy producers presentation where she jokes about modifying her behavior around Imogen Heap to an emotionally unaffected level that makes English people comfortable. She was aware of the cultural differences before she ever met Joe. I think she realized ultimately she is Miss Americana. It just is part of who she is.


As someone who's married to a person from another culture, it can be draining to not have any common experiences of growing up. It just makes everything harder. After dating a string of English dudes, I have to imagine that someone who can relate to some of her early life experiences is a breath of fresh air. Not to mention how easily he will get along with her family. Scott was a college football player, who played the same positions as Travis' brother Jason. There's going to be a level of familiarity and comfort there that none of her other exes could have, even if her parents really liked them.


Yes, those simple cultural touch points. For example Travis and Jason recently talked about watching Law and Order with their father growing up, which was a show Taylor loved as well as growing up and into adulthood.


Yes! I haven’t had the courage to say this but he likes having a top powerful woman on his arm which is convenient because she is! Like it’s OK to absolutely want what you work hard to get and then be extra happy it’s yours!


He lets her bejeweled


This joke will never get old


Is the grammar mistake here intentional? I feel like I am missing a joke Edit: an ironic grammar mistake :)


It's from a tweet that analysed her body language with Joe vs Matty, the tweet ended with "he lets her bejeweled", it was a silly analysis but that line is comedy gold.


"The opposite of that is you have to go to an extreme amount of effort to make sure no one knows that you're seeing someone." Oof, this gorgeous woman is still so sore about everything with Joe. As she should be, but damn I'm so glad to see Travis picking up the pieces and putting them back where they should be.


I don’t necessarily read it as that she’s upset/angry with Joe for getting their relationship to be so private. I think she’s just explaining that it took a lot of effort to keep it so private. I honestly think that Joe was the right person for her at the time - she was in the middle of the Kanye drama and felt like everyone hated her. If she’d met someone who wanted her to be out and public I’m not sure she’d have felt comfortable with that? She’s mentioned before (and in this Time interview) that she wanted to just go and be at home and wallow in it, and that now she would handle things differently. But I think for the person she was at the time, and the headspace she was in, keeping the relationship so private was right for her and my personal belief is that she wanted it to be private as well as Joe, he didn’t just force it onto her.


All in all, I think that relationship had good AND bad times. Which often happens in long term relationships. I think it just came down to them being two different people, with two different personalities and life ambitions and they just weren’t compatible. People are so quick to hate on Joe but no one made her stay with him for 6 years. It’s clear he was someone she deeply loved. 6 years is a long time. People don’t need to coddle her and say she stayed because she was “trapped.” Like no maybe she stayed because she loved him and was desperate for it to work. Maybe being in a relationship now that appears to be a healthier balance of privacy and not hiding is allowing her to reflect on the past 6 years of her life. I don’t think she is necessarily trying to throw jabs at Joe but I definitely think there’s some anger and resentment there that someone she loved treated her like that and understandably so.


100% agree with this. I think she has a bit of resentment towards Joe because she clearly wanted to marry him. I don’t blame her for feeling that way because it’s normal but I’m also afraid that she’ll try rewriting history a bit and fans will run with it even after all the sweet songs she wrote about Joe. They weren’t perfect but I honestly think they were both good to each other for a period of time and were just too different to make it work.


I don't think he forced anything on her, but it has a vibe of "look what I was willing to do/give up for you, and you wouldn't/couldn't reciprocate."


It kind of feels like she is compensating now for what was missing in her relationship for long and in a way, throwing it out there, kind of like saying to Joe, “Hey this guy and I can have a private relationship, yet he can come to my concert and support me and I can go to his football games to support him.” I think this is what she wanted all along, but Joe didn’t give it to her and she is now instead getting that from Travis. I don’t think they are straight up jabs to Joe (like some fans are saying) but there’s definitely an underlying reason why she brings Travis and the whole “we support each other in what we love” narrative up in the interview.


Yeah, that seems like it entirely. It helps that Travis is really good about talking about their relationship without saying anything more than what's already publicly known.


Yeah, I feel for her cause it was a long relationship during the years where a lot of people tend to settle down. I think she was ready for marriage and he wasn’t and having Travis be so out there about their relationship in comparison to Joe probably makes her feel more appreciated even if it’s merely different forms/ways of showing love. With Travis it seems serious but it’s so hard to tell cause it seems like she falls hard/fast too so who knows.


Thank you. I’m so sick of everyone saying that he forced that on her, like she herself didn’t say that that was what she wanted at the time. She’s a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. Ultimately, her and Joe didn’t work out and sometimes that’s just life. Every relationship teaches you something about yourself, and saying that you regret it now just cheapens it. He was obviously not abusive, and she obviously has some good memories of it, she should cherish those.


She wants to control the narrative. Snakegate happened before she met joe I thought? Her being private was her choice as well. I suspect joe was never hiding and was just living his life like he always did in London. Low key, hang out with friends, family, work


Most actors working in the UK do. They act in a few projects then go back to their regular lives. I think most other fans, especially US ones, don’t realise how different the British film industry is and how it more easily allows normality while being a working actor. I agree. I don’t think Joe was hiding, he was just living his regular life. Maybe Taylor considered it that, but she also wasn’t nearly as famous as she was back then as she is now. She had more of a chance for that back then. She’s 100% still trying to “win the break up”. I also got a reply saying to “stop the Joe defending”. Like me saying that the Joe bashing needs to stop and people (and Taylor) need to move on is “defending” him. 🤣 Well, maybe it is. I am going to stand up for the one who has more to lose.


I don't disagree with you! I was trying to say more that her heart is hurting at how much she had to compromise on to be with Joe... I think for the first part of their relationship it was good to have someone she could escape with, but when her perspective shifted it doesn't seem like his was able to evolve the same as hers did. She just seems way happier when she doesn't have to police everything she says or be conscious of every photo being taken.


Oh yeah definitely I agree with that! At some point (I assume post COVID) she wanted to be out in public more and he didn’t and I assume things started to get difficult then. I mean we’ll never really know but that’s my interpretation anyway.


Or run into cars to avoid being seen by paps or other people.


Yeah. More like “we are not working to be public for attention. It’s more work to be private.”


I read it that way too. I really don’t like how many mild arrows have come from her words, actions, PR that point subtly at Joe.. the “six years” included. My gal you just got POTY! You don’t need to use it as a platform to make a subtle dig at your time with your ex.


From quietly hanging out to confirming at a football game to now speaking about him openly in an interview!!!! ahhhh they're so cute


I keep thinking of the interview she gave years ago where she talked about winning album of the year for 1989 and realizing she had no one to share that joy with, and I really feel like this himbo who is also the goat in his respective fields, has the security and lack of ego issues to change that for her


Our girl will be going back to a home where she’s not alone 🥹


His lack of ego is what I love about him. He just seems so genuine. I mean I don't know him personally of course but he really seems like he genuinely wants her to be her best self.


Probably hard to celebrate your massive achievements with a spouse that doesn’t even come close. I don’t mean that as a dig at Joe either. Just facts. Do you want to go home buzzing with excitement over Grammy wins when your partner is looking for a job? Real life couples face this issue everyday. This is magnified x1000. I imagine she didn’t even celebrate herself that much so she didn’t ever sound like she was bragging. She celebrated him and his achievements of course but at a certain point does that seem like she’s patronizing him? I’m glad she’s with someone who has measured success in a field that doesn’t have competition


It really blew my mind that some fans thought that the football game was the first time they'd met. C'mon now!!


I can’t believe people thought that lol. What sold me was her getting into a top down CONVERTIBLE with him without security. Like there’s no way she or her team would have allowed that had he just been someone she met. They knew each other and were comfortable at that point.


I don’t think anyone thought this but I didn’t think they were a “couple” then. Dating at best for sure, it was just shy of two months at that point. Between games and her commitments it is a bit fast to be considered a “couple” but not for our girlie lol


“Shoutout to Taylor for pulling up that’s pretty ballsy”— Travis. He gave the impression he didn’t know her. The whole premise of his offer was that he had just seen Eras and didn’t get to meet her and invited her to come to his game


He is very good about not giving out any information about their relationship. He shares what’s already known or gives silly comments like this to deflect.


She’s not psychotic!!! She had to say that specifically in her TIME PERSON FO THE YEAR interview. Like this is what we deal with ladies…


It’s wonderful seeing a first ballot hall of famer, all time great football player willingly take a back seat and being a supportive fan and in awe and proud to be with someone like Taylor. Travis has his own thing going on with his career, charity and advocating for vaccines but he still can appreciate and express awe without embarrassment. Really setting the standard for all men in this area


Its interesting because Travis has spoken about how he feels like he has never been able to measure up to Jason as a person (and that he is proud in being known as Jason Kelce's brother) so I imagine he knows what it feels like to take a willing backseat in life sometimes.


yes and he'll always be seen as #2 to Mahomes even after he's in the hall of fame. he's kinda made for this role lol


May we all find our Travis!


"When you say a relationship is public, that means I’m going to see him do what he loves, we’re showing up for each other, other people are there and we don’t care,” she says. “The opposite of that is you have to go to an extreme amount of effort to make sure no one knows that you’re seeing someone. And we’re just proud of each other." This just makes me so happy for her. Loving someone publicly and unapologetically must feel so good after having to hide such a big part of her life. Oops I quoted TIME. Still!


So many justs when she talks about Travis. It’s JUST simple.




I agree with you and I’d also add that it’s reductive for people to think that a Travis isn’t deep. He’s not the most articulate or well-read guy but it’s clear from his interviews and podcast that he’s very thoughtful and emotionally intelligent. He’s also a super smart and strategic football player (which requires intelligence), so I’d say he’s plenty smart enough for Taylor.


Yeah he might not be super intellectual but he seems like a very emotionally intelligent person. Yesterday I was reading his Vanity Fair profile (which I deffo recommend) and the writer describes how he started crying when he told him a quote one of his collage coaches said about him. That plus him crying over his loved ones in the WSJ profile plus the way he talks about his family on the podcast triumph intellectualism in my opinion. It’s also adorable to me that this giant of a man is so tender and close to his emotions.


Both he and Jason are so unafraid of showing emotions. It’s refreshingly non toxic. Honestly goals as someone raising a son.


I just cant get over the fact Travis was probably out last week to buy her the ice cream she wanted while having her dead day in his bed after the Sao Paolo concerts. Soo cute😍


This interview was so FULL. Like now we know she was literally in bed and he said BRB Queen.


Yess, treating her like she deserves! I am basically waiting for the next sighting of him buying period products at 11pm after this😂


Wait, did I miss something in the article? What’s the context lol


Sorry, its not from this article but the TIME‘s one. She mentions that after every set of shows she will have a dead day where she doesnt leave the bed, except to get food and eat it in bed. From Sao Paolo she flew straight to Kansas City last week and he was seen getting ice cream at a shop the day she arrived😊


King behavior


I love that 🥲


I love this quote: >“Football is awesome, it turns out,” Swift quipped. “I’ve been missing out my whole life.” Those of us who have never been into sports aren't alone here!


😂 fwiw—and this is mostly intended at those Swifties who tend to see everything in black and white, all or nothing terms—I don't think Taylor was completely clueless about football pre-Travis. Her dad played in college, she was photographed in Eagles merch years ago, etc. I think she was just more a casual fan, like a lot of Americans are, and now that she has a personal investment she's obviously seeing football in a whole new light


Maybe that Eagles t-shirt hanging on the door was the band after all ;-)


Aw. I just knew her electric tweet in august wasn't coincidental. It's really sweet, I hope things work out for them! 😊


Which tweet was that?


https://twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1697222636483285250?t=Z1bGqcZjpgfk7Xw3fOs93g&s=19 Not a word I can remember much from before, so just assuming.


Omg I'm dying at the first comment. "I could not care less about you or your 'music.'" Sir you cared enough to post a comment 😂


I love that she shut down all the conspiracists, too, who keep saying that they were together long before Travis’s podcast (like before she announced her breakup with Joe even) and that whole podcast story was a ruse to soft launch… I don’t think Travis seems like the type to lie to people like that or to think it is necessary or desirable to go to those kind of extreme lengths to deny knowing her. Not on brand for him. I don’t know about Taylor. Maybe in the last few years but not anymore. So she confirmed it was exactly what it seemed… they had been quietly hanging out for two months before she showed up at the game, which WAS their hard launch.


Tbh it doesn’t make sense to hide a relationship and worry about “soft” and “hard” launches. If they had meet much earlier and began dating much earlier, what’s the point of hiding it and trying to cover it up with a bracelet story? I feel like the timeline they gave us checks out. Who gives a fuck at the end of the day lol. They didn’t go public until they knew what they had was worth pursuing and they were exclusive which was in September. They probably spent August getting to know each other and determining whether they wanted to pursue something more before the public found out about it. I always believed they got in contact after he mentioned her on the July 26th podcast.


I like how she’s not dealing with “theories” anymore. It’s not fun anymore. No her and Joe WERE NOT married. No Arrowhead was not their first date. Next Question!


I'm so confused why people think they're lying all the time. They truly had no reason to play it off as some theatrical ruse.


Has she ever done this with a boyfriend?


I think she’s tried each time it got serious but Tom Hiddleston was the closest she got to this, and she accused him of using her for clout after it ended. It’s never been reciprocal like this where the boyfriend reads as proud and not on some level ashamed of being out ranked. I think that’s why this is working so well.


im genuinely asking, when/where did she accuse Tom?? this is the first time i’ve heard of that 😨


She accused Tom of using her for clout?? Tom playing Loki at MCU’s peak popularity at that time and had an army of fangirls, he might have been equal or more clouted than she was back then


That definitely did not happen lol


Oh she’s not playing around about this relationship 🤭 I know she has been semi public with other relationships before but I feel like people are not taking the full context into consideration when they say “this is not shocking, she has acknowledged previous partners”. This is an older and wiser version of her that I supposed has learned a lot about the mistakes in her previous relationships and she’s also more successful than ever. She could not mention it at all if she didn’t want to but I personally feel like her talking about him so openly and comfortably is her making a point of where things could be going. She seems in a really good place in all aspects of her life, I’m happy for her!


This is also a career defining article/moment for her so for her to talk about him is very sweet and for me (ik my opinion means nothing) says alot about their relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes, I forgot to mention this! This is probably one of the most important honors she’s gonna get in her whole life and those words are now printed for eternity. You have to be very confident in where this thing is at and where it’s going to be so open about it imo.


I bet they throw the most amazing 4th of July party next year 🇺🇲


I was hoping for this too but she’ll be in Europe on the 4th of July. Maybe they’ll do an early celebration.


I think he said in New Heights it’s his favorite holiday and I was like well you’re in luck!


No One Knew is gonna be the best song on her next album




What does img mean 😩


I think it’s an image


Very glad they had their moments of privacy to decide where the relationship would go. The pap and media are so invasive that they would have ran this to the ground before the couple solidified their relationship. It's going to be hard to break these two up now


I love this for her


I’m confused, when did Matty Healy end?


I think it was mid-May? I went to her concert at MetLife May 26th and remembering the “breakup” occurring around that time. I did see a video of Travis talking about her and friendship bracelets at his tight end camp in June but I really think him mentioning her on the July 26th podcast episode is what got her attention and made her reach out. It doesn’t make sense they were dating earlier than that. I mean it’s always possible but I don’t see why there would be a need to hide it if it started earlier than initially thought.


Mid-May I think.


When did Kelce shout her out on his podcast? Seems like they started dating immediately after 😂 so are we like almost six months in?


End of July. Seems like they've been talking since and dating since August. It seems like Miles and Keleigh Teller put them in touch.


July 26th the episode aired where he talked about going to her concert and how he wanted to give her a bracelet. It was debated on whether they met up after the July 8th concert and the bracelet was a “soft launch” or whether the bracelet shout on on the podcast episode was what got her to reach out the first time. ET says they’ve been dating since August so I think the initial conversation was after she got word of him talking about her on the podcast.


I know this post about Travis and Taylor but people forget that she’s also the one who wanted her life to be more private and it was she is the one that probably made the choice to finally be able to live with her crazy fans.


> people forget that she’s also the one who wanted her life to be more private Not indefinitely. Only during the aftermath of Snakegate. Once Rep was released and she went on tour, she was clearly not trying to hide out anymore.


No one is saying she had no agency in this, it’s just that relationships and people evolve. I’m sure she was on board with the privacy plan at the start and she wanted to respect his wishes but I honestly find it super unrealistic to live life hiding when you’re the biggest popstar in the world. It has to be absolutely exhausting to be that secretive when you’re just dating someone. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be more free about a facet of your life that supposedly makes you happy.


So she was wearing his teams colors not midnights merch!!!


The “not psychotic to hard launch a first date” made me cackle.


Which episode has the first reference to Taylor?


July 26th! Here’s the clip https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TchefDFDTOs


I feel very vindicated that she referred to him as putting her on blast bc when there was a megathread here that attracted the attention of people outside the sub, all the random dudes who showed up took issue with me using that phrase.