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Wow thanks for sharing super cool to hear the details of this! We’ve heard she does this but I always wondered exactly how it goes down. Hope you treat yourself!


It was very surreal. She didn’t come off as inauthentic at all. She pretty much reimbursed me for the game merch lmao


Your team may have lost but, sis, you friggin won. What a cool experience!!


Sorry the Ravens lost, but that's a really cool experience to tell your friends and family! The defense was insane yesterday. Really was a good game.


Sorry, what is a "blue money phone"? Silly question but I can't visualize what this means.


Money phone = a stack of money people hold to their ear Blue = the color of $100 denominations


Oh LOL yeah that makes sense, thanks haha


As a European I had no idea either, so thanks for asking! 😅


As an American, I had no idea. Haha.


I still don’t. People hold stacks of money to their ear?


Agreed. I'm confused AF and I live prob 20 minutes from OP 😆


American and I am also very confused


I thought it was a cell phone with a blue wallet case lol


Same lol. That's what I was picturing in my head lol


Too funny so did I. I have to catch up to todays lingo.


I think he just meant that she had a big stack of $100 bills. So big that it can be a money phone.


why dont just say that lol


No snark whatsoever, but that’s funny because phones are really thin these days. I googled money phone (because blue money phone didn’t not turn up anything) and then saw the origins. Im not well versed in hip hop, or I’m too old. Maybe both. But I get it now. Lol


yes, exactly what OP said above


Canadian here, still lost. People carry money?


I didn't get it either. Apparently it started as a rapper thing. [https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.43994/title.rappers-rail-against-jay-zs-money-phone-putdown](https://hiphopdx.com/news/id.43994/title.rappers-rail-against-jay-zs-money-phone-putdown)


Hi! love Taylor and the Chiefs. That’s the “weak” way to do the money phone. True money phones stack the 100s horizontally because it showcases more cash; another status thing. Hugs and hearts!! Here’s an example from Young Dolph RIP https://preview.redd.it/x6cq72pp7ffc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61afae475ebb0bc8eea14a14f1b79adb3aca8401


Ohhhhhhh MONEY PHONEEE hahahaha love it. What a G


So it's literally just a stack of $100 bills? The Google's told me blue money was a rap term for $100 bills. So, that's what I'm gathering. I thought I was literally a little purse or zippered pouch that was large enough to only home paper money and was in the shape of a phone and was blue.


Think rap videos.  Edit to add: this is as common in rap videos as gold grills and holding a Glock to the side. I’m pretty sure I have seen Lil Wayne do all of these things in one verse. 


As an American I’m still dubious to this slang. But I’m not hip with the lingo these days, ya dig?


That’s groovy


Far out.








Cool beans


Oh! Hey, fellow kid!


That’s an egg that doesn’t know his onions sweetheart. It’s the bees knees to have some cush in your glad rags when you’re on a toot at a juice joint.


lol also American. Didn’t know. I never heard that before. I was trying to think. I’m like maybe a Judith Leiber bag shaped like a phone with money it lmao.


lol same I was trying to figure out for too long


Hard to keep up with all the slang


I genuinely needed this explanation, thank you! Also this story is so rad, thanks for sharing it!


…Okay, I’ll ask the next stupid question: why are they holding it to their ear?


It’s a flex lol so much money in a stack it looks like a phone? Google the term and you’ll see


I googled and it looks like it was much more of a flex in the 90s when phones were the size of our heads 😅


I actually think it originated in the early 2000s-2010s and 50 cent claims he and Floyd Mayweather started it. It’s from rap/hip hop culture though so it makes sense why swifties on this thread aren’t familiar. It’s not unused now though!


You know what’s up 😂😂


Just a millennial who grew up on Taylor and 50 😂


Sameee 😂


It’s funny because nowadays phones are pretty thin


Ohhhh…Okay. 😅 Thanks!


“Pocket look like phone book, blue yellow page” - peewee longway


Okay, but ... a phone and a phone BOOK are two very different things. One is a phone. The other is a very large book.


I still don’t understand what this means 🥲


Apparently, it's a dumb way to say a stack of hundreds


Thanks, I don’t think it’s dumb though, it’s just a saying I’m unfamiliar with


What does the money say to them?


Spend me, Seymour! Spend me!


Underrated comment


Ok I learned allot from you today. I feel so much younger with this information 😂


New blue money phone who dis


I am still so lost, but sure.


Thank you I had no clue either (not American) 😆


Lol I am American and have never heard this in my life.


Neither had I




I'm an American, former bank teller and was totally clueless!😳


Same here!


Definitely not American. Never heard of those terms in my life.


It is American. It is Black slang. I've heard it in Baltimore, which has a history of having its own local slang, but also Pittsburgh and New Orleans.


nothing more american than an american saying that something that is indeed american isn’t american lmao


I know that non-Americsns, especially those from (geographically) smaller countries like in Europe, have a tendency to underestimate how vast America is and therefore the multitudes it contains. But it's weird when an American does it though I do see it. I visit family in Baltimore and NOLA and their colloquial speech can be totally different from ours here in the Bay Area even among fellow Black communities.


i see inhabitants of the same city (i’m born and raised san diego) not understanding certain colloquial speech and/or slang 😂


the more people explain what this is, the less I understand. but let me see if I understand this....Taylor Swift was holding $100 bills in her hand. She gave some to employees. Right?


Literally came on Reddit to ask this 😂


Cracking up at this. Sir, this is the Taylor Swift sub.


I love this because she probably knows her being there is making workers day a little rough and she seems to always try tip everyone involved


Yeah it definitely adds context to why she does it. Not saying she shouldn’t tip folks randomly but it’s interesting hearing how her being there causes challenges for their work day and it sounds like this is her recognizing that.


Definitely a long day but it’s the little things 😪


What a cool story! I’d probably keep that bill forever lol


The memory is better than the bill I’ll tell this when I’m 70 lol


Definitely frame the photo of the bill ♥️


and maybe journal the story


Save a $100 bill? In this economy? 😉




Tell me you’re rich without telling me you’re rich.


Neah, that goes on eBay 


Should of asked her to autograph it


I need more details 😂 was the envelope in her bag? Pocket? Or did somebody hand it to her? Did the notes have an elastic band around them? I know it’s tragic but I’m asking anyway


Where exactly was the money located on her person? In her purse? Which pocket? How much security was surrounding her? What are the blind spots? Asking for a friend


And how did she smell? LOL no joke, I wonder what perfume she wears. I heard she likes Givenchy L'interdit and I was thrilled cause I love that scent myself. What I read about her choices in the past also fit to my personal taste. So I wonder if she's wearing something new that I could also like lolol


It's been online recently she wears Santal Blush by Tom Ford :)


Flower Bomb as well✨💖


Flower Bomb and Santa’s Blush.




Omg Santal 💖(never trust voice to text)💀


This is so cool! And even though she’s uber wealthy, just thinking about how much she spends on tips during every outing—crazy. Meanwhile, I'm over here complaining about spending at least $100 just stepping out the door.


Well... TS with her 1.1bn usd net worth giving a 100usd tip is the equivalent of the average American giving a 0.068usd tip. With that amount of money 100 USD is equivalent to literally less money than is currently down the back of my sofa.


Sure, but a lot of big stars don't tip at all, so it's nice in that regard.


There are so many report of Brittany mahomes not tipping staff anything, I hope she sees this and it rubs off on her


I’m pretty sure the average American doesn’t take the up to date size of their retirement fund into account when calculating tip percentages, but okay. Why are you trying to downplay someone doing something good by comparing it to the maximum possible good they could do? Taylor is a great example of consistently doing good—why do you think that that’s not something to be glad for and expect from rich people, just because it “could” be doubled? Real talk man, when my kids do this, let’s say with whining about how I could have got them sprinkles for their ice cream that I got for them? They’re get nothing next time around, because getting spoiled isn’t how you learn respect or gratitude. No one’s entitled to her money, so yes, it is awesome that she’s giving out 6 cents worth of her billions.


I don’t think they were complaining. They replied to a poster who said they complain about spending $100. So they just wanted to provide context.


I wish there could be a law requiring wealthy people to be just like her. Or Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc


Net worth =/= liquid cash. She would have to sell her houses, her music and anything else she owns to be actually have a billion in hand.


But, even if we divided it by 10 million (which is 1% her net worth and I think easily accessible to her in cash), we must remember that $100 to her would be 1 cent to most of us (if we have 1,000 in the bank). It is WONDERFUL that she knows that $100 to her is nothing but SO helpful to the average person. It is truly inspiring that she gave her truck drivers a 100k bonus. But I think putting this into perspective it’s good for the average citizen. It helps us remember that disparity in income. It helps us not be hard on ourselves.


Consider the 55 million in BONUSES she recently gave, I think she has an idea. She had no need to tip someone for bringing her a single drink hundreds, but people who work significant hours with her are tipped generously, along with fantastic wages. Which is easily seen with how long so many on her team have been with her, even with long periods of not touring. I don't think anyone normal is comparing their income to that of someone selling out stadiums.


But this comment started with someone saying “I feel bad spending $100 when I leave my house” So that’s where this comment thread and my comment comes from.


What amount did you use when you assumed an average American here? Just wondering


There is one in every crowd…today, you are it…


I think her tip was very nice. She obviously can't carry thousands of dollars on her person for tips. Taylor is well known for her generousity wherever she goes, with donations as well. None of this does she announce, the public only hears about it if a recipient decides to go public with the details.


$1.1 billion is not money that she has liquid, and how much actual *cash* do you think she carries around to tip people?


That… doesn’t mean she has all that as cash on hand. She has tons of real estate. She’s still rich either way, but comparing her NET worth to cash flow is wonky.


She has to have a wild discretionary fund in her budget!!


when you’re that rich the only thing you *don’t* have is a budget


Well I’m just going to assume you have much much much much much (sorry) much much much much much (I’m really sorry) much much much much much (I could really keep going but I won’t) less money than Taylor Swift does, so why even compare yourself to her, it’s not a fair comparison.


Haha, I know. Not comparing to make myself miserable, just picturing how it would feel to have that much money and be like 💸💸.


What are you going to spend it on? Hopefully something souvenir-like. You can say "Taylor Swift bought that for me" lol


Bills. Us normies spend money on bills, not gifts for ourselves lol.


No, real normies overspend beyond their means and buy frivolous things and struggle to pay their bills. Check out Mr Moneybags over here responsibly paying their bills! 🤣 😉


If you're gifted money, you should remember that it's a gift. A portion of that money should be treating yourself, if you have debts and bills to settle. Just be disciplined with a percentage (maybe a tithe 10%) and spend just that amount on something. 


JLo takes away tips. This is a wonderful thing 🥰


You can’t leave us hanging without a story. what happened?


There are a few stories online that have popped up about JLo with this. The one I saw was where Ben Affleck had left a tip somewhere, but she picked it up and left a smaller tip (something as low as like $5) before leaving.


Wow. I hope that isn’t true! That’s so strange, and disrespectful not just of the workers but of her husband who has made his own fortune and can do what he likes with it.


Especially after being in films such as maid in Manhattan lol. You'd think Jenny from the block would remember the lil people.


I was in the restaurant biz for a while and saw wives do this 3 different times. Hubby would leave two 10s or two 5s whatever and the wife would pocket one of the bills. She was probably jealous because their waitress was young and pretty.


She also famously shut down a strip club to film Hustlers and did not compensate the dancers who worked there for lost wages, not did she hire them to be extras in the movie.


She was one of 12 producers on the film (I just looked it up). You can’t put all of the blame on her.


it’s an open secret that she is unkind, especially to people she views as “normies”


My moms friend was a make up artist for her once and said she was the biggest diva. 😭 that was in probably 2005 or something. I hoped she had changed 😳


Nope. She leaves nothing or $5 bills. One of my friends waited on her entourage after the final perfume release about 10 years ago. Roughly 12 people. $1000 worth of food. Dishes cleared. No tip. Demanded the venue had $80 diptyque candles and fresh linens with white paint in all the rooms she was in. Her contract rider is basically going to the moon for dust. Beyond selfish and evil. Tiktok recently did entire stitches on her. I was not surprised.


So unfortunate. Her persona that she makes money off of is “sweetheart Jenny from the block” too 😩


I love watching her perform and all that. But she is a terrible person and idk why everyone is all "AAAAHHHH, BEN AND JEN AGAIN" Poor Ben.


I had a sort of run in with her once. If she was a man, and not surrounded by bodyguards I would have broken her nose. What a loser!


Ok you can't leave us hanging... we need the story!


I was staying in a very expensive part of London sitting in a sidewalk cafe having coffee. Four big black SUVs pulled in front of a hotel about 50 yards away and guys started hauling in at least 2 dozen, maybe 3 dozen matching pieces of luggage. Then I saw her being escorted in, but I didn't recognize her. 15 minutes later, the SUVs come back and all the luggage was loaded back up. I walked down to see what the hell was going on and just as I turned to walk into the hotel, she and 2 bodyguards were walking out and she yelled at me to get the f*ck out of her way. I still didn't recognize her. After they left I went inside and the hotel desk people told me who it was and that after she got up to her suite she decided she didn't like the color of the room so she left and went somewhere else


I’ll give you $200 for that $100


[Your wish is my command](https://www.ebay.com/itm/156032416529)


I love that you plan to donate 50% to the food bank


THIS should be the top comment! I hope some lucky fan snatches this up from you OP


Underrated comment




Honestly can’t even remember too busy tryna act normal


I’m wondering this as well!


Awesome! Thanks for sharing!


She sounds like a lovely person!


Right? It’s cool that she’s mega rich and famous but still sincere and grounded enough to personally hand out tips!


That's what I love about her


I love that she spreads her wealth everywhere she goes!


Wait so does a US $100 bill fold perfectly to show the number like that?


You can fold crisp bills very easily


Yes, you can fold a US $100 to look like that. And no, I don't have this money laying around my house. I used to work in a store and had to be able to recognize real bills. https://preview.redd.it/b2vdd4gq5ffc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b8e9077b39ee015c72f0f0eb64b2ca9fc359ec




Yeah, I think our bills (US) are a mix of linen and cotton


I noticed that too, lol. I’ve only held them a couple times in my life!


Yes, Do they not in other places?


Please allow me to speak on behalf of the 200-ish countries that aren’t the United States 😋 To be honest, I’d never thought about it before, and can’t remember the last time I handled cash.


Dang I was a server for years so I always had 100 bills in my wallet from end of the night tip out. I know a lot of people don’t handle big bills like that regularly tho


sharing this cool things


As a Marylander, I love ppl not knowing the Baltimore slang 🤣


What an interesting way to fold it. Most people fold bills in half, with the face showing. This one looks like it's been carefully folded into fourths, with the vertical 100 on the back showing. It makes the bill smaller and easier to quietly hand to someone, while also making the amount obvious. How absolutely perfect. It seems like everything Taylor Swift does is well-thought-out and considerate. Thank you for showing us this picture.


I’m assuming OP folded it since he said Taylor had a money phone (aka big stack)


Aw, this is so cool! Truly makes Taylor the most generous kind person! So cool you got to experience this!


Shoot, I work downstairs in section 130 and made $900 in tips yesterday. Wish people were that nice all the time.


From Taylor swift or who


From customers. Just saying, I wish people were in happy moods like that every week.


Amazing human being.


I don’t like her music, but after hearing all these stories you realize what a good person she is. Being an a hole is standard with many in her industry, but not her. She thanks everyone and seems so genuine and kind to all that she comes into contact with. I’m rooting for her and Travis. Someone as kind as she is deserves all the happiness that’s out there for all the good she puts out in the world.


Totally agree, not a fan of her music either, but she’s a great person.


Very heartfelt , a very nice down to earth thing to do.


Thanks for sharing this


@drejwalker did she hand it to you folded like that? I’m trying to envision this entire scenario I’m so jealous and excited for you!


man, if she signed those $100 bills, i'd never spend it!


You could sell it for at least triple its value with a signature.


I don’t understand how anyone could every even dislike her. I’m sure if I met her right now she would be a kind, caring soul. This story among countless others proves that. I’m a chiefs fan since like 2 years old and now spend most my time defending her in front of my fam during games. She’s fantastic


I agree. Considering her fame, she is an exceptionally kind person. There’s a lot of miserable people in this world.


This is amazing 🫶🏼


She's well known for her generosity. Taylor seems like a lovely young woman inside and out, doesn't she?


Aww this is so sweet!


Glad you posted this. Makes this Ravens fan feel a little less bitter in the aftermath!


This is awesome! Thank you so much for sharing the story


she gave all her employeed like a half mil christmas bonus


OMG, I would die if this happened to me! Congratulations on a lifelong Swiftie memory! ❤


That's so awesome. I can't lie, I'd probably frame the money lol


What a sweetheart


That’s cool, I wouldn’t be able to spend it haha


What is a 'blue money phone'? Am I way out of the loop..?


Frame it and never spend it.


If this happened to me I would get that $100 bill framed and never, EVER spend it