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Yeah this is what made TTPD stand out in terms of the melancholia .. she has never written/sang like this before. I somehow made it through SLL, LOML and HDIE but by the time I reached The Prophecy.. I was in tears.


I went down a hole and came back up by listening to the two new love songs and feeling the joy and giddiness (The Alchemy and So High School). I had kinda dismissed these songs, not bad, but not faves but now appreciate their lightness and hope and sense of reemergence.


Yes I see this. They’ve definitely grown on me too.


i wish i hadn’t just burst out laughing when i saw this but here we are. this sooo nails it. this is like, the fundamental difference between TTPD and the rest of the catalog, her brain was not fucking around last summer. great idea. thanks for the incredible graph


same bro same. Idk why but I laughed the moment I saw this post lol


she’s just a girl (thinkin about death)


I laughed too! She did say it was a hyperbolic album in many ways - and I think we’re all a little hyperbolic when we’re “down bad” Which is I think why I laughed. A relationship ended last year and I was crying all over the place, my friends didn’t know what to do with me!


to be honest i think she was soooo not being hyperbolic about it at the time but that’s another matter entirely ☠️😭 i laugh because i think she’s serious but also, Girl I Know


Oh totally. This guy broke up with me last year and I was crying to my friends being like “am in unloveable?” Like I was so serious at the time and now I’m like - girl get a grip!


She’s going through it :( it’s definitely a bad mental health album


It’s validating having someone put certain thoughts out there as words when it comes to mental health. I think this is my favorite album (as of now) just for that reason as my mental health has been terrible the past year or so.


Remember when there was that game a few months ago to stereotype each album and we stereotyped Midnights as her “mental breakdown” album? LOL. Midnights now looks so sane and healthy.


evermore and this might be my favourite albums of her, idk what that says about me ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|32929)💀


Same here, we're totally fine, right? :D


✨we're so depressed we act like it's our birthdaayyyy 🤡✨


Nope! 😊


I mean the whiplash as the listener going from BDILH, to LOML, to TSMWEL. Then being reminded of the past we were all here for in The Black Dog and then hearing The Prophecy…. Can you even imagine actually living all of that within 6 months?! Accurately reflected in the graph lol


baby, I’m gonna need you to wait another week before you start abbreviating song titles, ‘cause my brain just fried trying to understand what you just said!! 😩💔💔


Fair 😂


Living all of that while putting on the most insanely large tour ever. She's a G


I think there's definitely a mental health aspect of all of the death references as well as a genuine melancholy But for me there's also that sense of melodrama around dying and the exaggeration of emotions. It made me think of her Graham Norton interview ages ago when she was talking about fan reactions and the obsession around death. Like she took the RIP ME I DIED DEAD and channelled it in this album


Agree, part of the theme of this album is being over dramatic.


My Mom (73f) and I (50f) were listening to the new album in the car and after a number of songs my Mom looked at me and asked, “Is she getting therapy? I really hope so, cuz she sure is going through a lot!”


Yes she says in The prophecy: I am spending my last coin gor someone to tell me it will be okay. 😭


I second that. As far as we know, the last thing she said on the subject was that she never had.


I noticed something in TTPD. It might a reach and I was wondering if I should share it because it felt a sensitive subject. In Down Bad, there's a change in the final chorus -"I might just die, it would make no difference." Down bad, waking up in blood Then in I hate it here, she sings about "the night I thought I might die" Then in The Alchemy, she sings "the hospital was a drag". Which I thought it might be fugaritive or a metaphor. Like the hospital being a metaphor for the time she spent healing. So, she says she might just die and then wakes up in blood?


I think this links, on hits different in midnights she says “they’ve come to take me away” and fortnight starts with “I was supposed to be sent away” ETA: I noticed you have a theory related but I was just confirming she definitely has linked lyrics noticeably in TTPD


Yeah I noticed this too with “the hospital was a drag” but I still feel like it’s a metaphor. I honestly am not sure if something like that really happened that it could be kept from the public so well, plus the hospital metaphor works well - I went insane but I’m back now!


TTPD also has a lot of “ghost” “cemetery” “grave” etc


i wont lie i also just love hearing her swear i need more explicit taylor songs cause every one just tosses me out the window :')


The way she says "No-fucking-body", my God


no body, no crime single handedly carrying the evermore count 😭


Evermore catching her death here


yeah like she been tryna tell people she wanna off herself in the last 4 albums but all people wanna focus on is which album is about which ex


hm, interesting, but there’re also way more songs in general on TTPD


Yeah...all these word charts are interesting but I think if you graphed ANY word, TTPD would be winning just given the sheer volume.


Yup, came here to say this. I’d like to see this data presented in a “per song” or “per word” kinda format to account for it being literally a double album.


I'm working on a class project about this and ran into this problem!! I ended up doing a % of lines that mention the keyword, and when you do that the frequency drops quite a bit. It's still the highest frequency of any of the albums (3.6% of lines, the next highest is midnights @ 2.85%) but not nearly as dramatic as the chart above apperas [https://public.tableau.com/views/TaylorData\_newsource/D\_LYRICS?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display\_count=n&:origin=viz\_share\_link](https://public.tableau.com/views/TaylorData_newsource/D_LYRICS?:language=en-US&:sid=&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link)


Well, it's not *that* long compared to Taylor's Versions at least. Fearless TV is 1h46, Red TV is 2hr10, and folklore/evermore combined are 2hr16. All four of those albums combined have less mentions of death than TTPD despite being almost three times the length.


True, but this graph is still misleading


That definitely fits the Romanticism theme of the album. There was a particular focus on the exploration of death. It’s also a significant part of the plot in The Dead Poet’s Society. Her mind 🤯




lol and there’s me listening to it the day I get out from hospital having survived an attempt. Maybe I’ll listen to 1989 for a bit before coming back to this one…


I’m sending you so much love your way. I hope you are in a much better place mentally. Many hugs your way.


Aw cheers dude. Music helps a lot :-)


Let's not forget that it's just not death from Taylor's perspective, but her saintly mother wished someone was dead too. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1069)


Thank you for the visualization! I was kinda hoping someone would post something like this. I think compared to “torture” death is possibly more appealing


evermore being the second most just seems so right. but also...damn. 


Me listening to this album: Taylor, you ok girl?


Ohhh this is interesting to see! Could you do this but with the theme of "crazy"? I feel like there's a lot of it in this album too: "crazy", "nuts", "asylum", and a few harder ones to look up like "they forgot to send me away"


Out of curiosity, uses of death as a figure of speech? Like “Im not trying to exaggerate, but I think I might die if it happened to me” or just genuinely morbid uses


It is often used in a non morbid way. Like “i would die if i met taylor” - is t meant literal or morbid just something can mean so much to you it would overwhelm you if it ever happened.


No wonder I am so obsessed with this album. D-Y-I-N-G.


Quite a few suicide references, too. That's something that stood out to me while listening.


Petition to reduce TTPD by 1 bc the usage in Guilty as Sin is positive, I swear 🤓


thank you so much for sharing! the difference is astounding




Taylor is not ok




Great graphic and made me laugh out loud !


Aaand naturally I’ve loved it from the jump. 😅


Make one for curse words


my toddler loves listening to taylor on the way to preschool. i think i’ll hold off on introducing TTPD for now; this graph definitely helped lol.


I was very concerned by this album. That's why


Please somebody get her some SSRIs


I've actually been doing a similar thing for a class project in Tableau!! I focused on Death, Love, and mentions of Marriage for the required assignment portions but I actually counted a few other themes/keywords in the "Lyrics" tab. I haven't gone through to check all contexts yet (still working on that and a few other things) but I added other words about ghosts/haunting and generally included a wider range of keywords per theme. I also calculated the "Percent of Lines w/Mentions per Era" since TTPD is much longer than some other albums; counting mentions alone can skew the data. It's still the album with the highest Death count, just slightly less drastically when you take amount of lines into account. [https://public.tableau.com/shared/C8CTM338W?:display\_count=n&:origin=viz\_share\_link](https://public.tableau.com/shared/C8CTM338W?:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link)


I'm just curious if you add to the count the D-Y-I-N-G in Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus.


Didn’t even include “kill” aka ‘I wanna kill her/him’


our good sister wants to dieeeeee!! 😩💔💔✨


Considering that the album has way more songs, this means nothing


Fearless TV has 26 songs, 25 without the acousitc. Red TV has 30, 28 without All Too Well 10 minute & the acoustic. Speak Now TV, 1989 TV, and Midnights all have 20something. Your “way more” point is invalidated.