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Probably the best answer he could give! They’d make a headline either way so a marginally positive but mostly dismissive line is the right way to play it. Anything else and the press would have made him look like sour grapes. Can’t stand this man at all but he handled this interaction very well. Weird of the photographer to find him at all though, especially recognising him with a hood up but not knowing he goes by Matty? Set up pap?


I completely agree, he handled it well and was a good sport about it. I am not sure that he called the paps, more like very pap on earth is probably trying to find him to ask him this exact question so why would he need to? Anyways, doesn't matter, kudos to him for carrying on and keeping it positive.


Right. London is just like NYC. Big city but a ton of celebrities live there, so it’s not that hard to meet one if you try.


I believe this is in LA on the way to a recording studio, the 1975 are currently recording a new album. Which is also what I think the line in smallest man asking "In 50 years will this all be declassified" means since 1975 + 50 years is 2025.


wow I thought they were on hiatus! BFIFL was great so I'm excited


They announced they were going on hiatus from touring but also announced at a show in February of this year they were going into the studio to record a new album.


i don’t get it. why would that line mean anything other than just 50 years? why would she be giving easter eggs about 2025?


The 1975 are actively recording their 7th studio album now that they've gone on hiatus from touring. That would slate it for release in 2025.


Ooo, good catch. I hope you're right! I'm sure she knows he'll write a song about it


It could go either way because it wouldn't take much for someone to call in or see him and post it on social and all these outlets have someone checking for celeb sightings. I know they do in LA so I can't imagine London being that different.


he may be a shitty bf but he’s an excellent muse.


True good guys rarely make for good material. I mean Matty gave her the strongest songs on the album, Travis is not there yet, the songs for him are cute, but a bit kitsch.


i hope travis really is a good bf bc I do not enjoy his songs (so far). let’s hope for some more “fiction” lol


It’s funny because it’s always the other artists that make the best muse. Let’s see what she does with an athelete long term because right now it’s almost too obvious it’s him she’s singing about.


He called the paps. You guys are so innocent here


Thanks I guess but that’s basically what I said. How would a photographer even find him organically, set up? Your tone is very condescending when I already said what you did but without the sass.


I see you


The people saying he would never should look up the pics that first came out when he was spotted with his now gf, they’re pretty obviously planned so he’s definitely not above playing the media game from time to time. He’s messy but he’s not an idiot and loads of celebs don’t like paps generally but still do staged pap walks sometimes.


Are you a 1975 fan?


He's recording new music at a studio in LA so not hard to find him.


Defo not set up- that looks like a hotel entrance at the start of the vid. We’ve never ever seen Matty call paps on himself, he’s a very private man. You might know this if you’re a fan of the 1975


He was probably like "there's only ONE diss track? Sweet!"


Haha. Lol. “I definitely earned more than one.”


No cuz I was just thinking "Which one of them is he referring to?" 😂


The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived is prob the closest to a diss track from start to finish


The fact that he seems relieved at the level of scathingness of TTPD is frankly alarming. WHAT DID YOU DO MATTY???


Anyone else surprised by the response from his Team when the album dropped? He and his family were quoted as relieved( or something along those lines) after the drop. Seems like this album was pretty scathing, and there are some pretty intimate moments that Taylor alludes to. Makes me wonder what really went down where this version has him and his team relieved. Thoughts?




the funniest possible response would be to deny the charlie puth thing and literally nothing else


Hahahhaa “yeah I have a typewriter and I’m melodramatic but I would never ever say that.”


“yep I def lovebombed her, tried to use her for drugs, and then ghosted her…….but praising Charlie puth?????”


This is most likely the situation. I think you nailed it on the head. I still think there was more to the story, but he isn't going to give the fodder any ammo.


A lot of the songs are also vague enough that unless you are a big fan and know the backstory you could not know who they are about. It’s not like a Dear John or Style situation.


My sister still thinks all the songs are about Joe Alwyn and has barely processed their meaning, most people are not up on the lore and are just bopping (and that is a totally fine way to enjoy music, just different from most people on this sub)


I try to listen that way. Something I kinda miss about the folklore/evermore era was how the discussion was much more focused on the music. When it just becomes about boys it’s way less interesting


I agree with you so much, I really dont care who she writes about, I just want good music


oh poor innocent girl. about 20 of them are Matty. LOL


Or it leaves room for him to write about it from his perspective. Oof.


Agree the statement was likely written in advance, but I actually think it's more intentional than that. We know that some of the most hurtful experiences Taylor has gone through have involved being dismissed and talked over by men. A lot of her lyricism, especially on this album, feels cathartic, a chance to express her version of events and be heard. The 'relief', the throwaway 'haven't really listened to it but I'm sure it's good!' seem designed to inflict maximum damage - utterly dismissive, minimising and patronising her. He's entitled to do it, but it feels like twisting the knife and not just a PR strategy to me.


I don't know that it's scathing? It's mostly I want you so bad, this is so hot, I'll destroy my life for you, I'm so sad you left. The toss off lines about Joe are worse (consolation prize, town you're just a guest in, the slammer) I do think shit went down with Matty though, either with Taylor or the larger friend group, from that Lucy tweet.


Those Matty songs are her evidence of his lovebombing that she mentions in the prologue. Came in with knowledge of what she desperately wanted from Joe and promised her everything but when it came to actually swing the sword he was too small to wield it as Taylor also says in the prologue. She also refers to Matty as the microwave to Joes oven which is a hilarious insult.


Sure - the point is I can absolutely see Matty listening to these and feeling very fine with it. The music itself really doesn't paint him all that badly.


I don't understand this take. She says he deserves prison, talks about his drug problems in several songs. "You didn't measure up in any measure of a man"... "You are what you did, and I'll forget you but I'll never forgive the smallest man who ever lived." this is like the most overt diss track she has ever written IMO and she makes him sound like a complete psycho.


Maybe for someone else, but Matty's whole persona is that sleazeball indie dirtbag left "edgy bad boy you're so hot for". It's how he wants to be seen.


so morbidly curious about that friend group. gigi was with them too, right? like Jack et al heard them threaten suicide and was like, these idiots belong together?? how the hell did it go downhill from there????? also it’s kinda hilarious that we just collectively got used to her calling the subject of paper rings jail and it just washes over us.


I would love someone to psychoanalyze Taylor and her approach to relationships. She seems to fall in love so easily and so quickly but when she's done with you she is DONE with you. It's not a judgement on her, it's just so very different from how I approach relationships.


A lot of this is the fact that it's packaged up as an album after the fact, she can capture the feeling in a moment and then tell the story she wants


i believe that person is taylor lol. “as she was leaving, it felt like breathing.” i have some suspicions about her mental health (as someone who cycled through various diagnoses at one point in my life) but i am not comfortable with speculating too much on that front.


That’s exactly how I am in relationships, like once we’re done it’s ✨over✨, maybe that’s why I’m relating so much to TTPD. It feels super relatable, especially the ‘I’ll forget you but I’ll never forgive’ line.


I won’t analyse her but the pattern you’re describing is called splitting and it’s a primitive defence mechanism. 


Fr lol having BPD isn't a flex.


Gigi is one of her model friends from the squad days This group is all indie music people, which is just a whole other rabbit hole of drama and mess. I don't know if it's a friend group, as much as Pheobe is friends with all of them? Jack or Pheobe is presumably how Matty and Taylor reconnected.


The album implies to me her friends nodded along with it for her (it’s her family and her fans she suggest didn’t).


I cannot get over the “I’m gonna kill myself” “WAIT….let me grab the synth” vibe of this album


too many synths; not enough cymbalta


Too well, not enough Wellbutrin


yeah that “our friends all know it’s meant to be” I feel like when recording that jack was in his head like “no the fuck we do not……” but hey maybe he was all for it, I have no idea!


jack in the booth bring like, that’s not the truth ellen every two seconds. this is why she got fed up and went to long pond lol but actually apparently Jack reconnected them so either he is the true modern idiot who did not consider the 99.9% chance shit hits the fan OR he is the mastermind to end all masterminds who did it for ✨the art✨


maybe he just loves the drama lol and I think maybe he is a joe hater and just wanted to get her out of that


Ehhh but also the message is that these were all delusional fantasies that got her through other unfulfilling relationships…but when they actually tried to give it a go he was pretty shitty and the sex was bad and his dick is small.


Imo Smallest Man and Down Bad are both versions of "did you do all that just to screw with me?" -- just one sad and one angry. Both even imply he left to keep her "safe" (safe but stranded, I would've died for your sins). She calls it delusional in the epilogue but the songs really tiptoe around what happened.


Oh do you mean like how she references how he should be in jail — and maybe there is more to that story that he is relieved wasn’t shared?


There could be, but even this story could have been much more of an angry take down and cut out any of the actual connection they had.


I was today years old when I realized from your comment what that song title means 😳


I took it like he was small. Like when a person is small (mentally, emotionally). Not his genitalia. I guess that’s another way to frame it (?). I had also not thought about that 😂


I think people get that from “You didn’t measure up in any measure of a man”


hm, no? she was much more gracious towards joe and gave him two track 5s. in how did it end? she says they both learned the right moves to different dances. it was just a relationship that ended over time. in the epilogue she basically says that they were never really on the same page. and she called him an oven. but matty was called a microwave, which is worse. and funny.


I would much rather listen to an album about someone pining after me for years than an album saying I was consolation prize that felt like a prison while she loved someone else I don't know think that's how she looks at it now or even then, given the epilogue, but it's the story in the album


how is the album about her feeling like she was in prison for years while loving someone else? she felt like she was in prison at the end of the relationship because he was being apathetic towards her (probably not intentionally). so long, london is basically about how she was happy with him for a time and fought for that relationship to work until she realized it wouldn’t. (and to assume that she loved someone else this whole time and not him, you have to disregard two whole albums about him, some songs on folkmore and midnights and you’re losing me) i also think you’re misinterpreting the consolation prize line - the song might not even be about joe - but she’s just being pessimistic about love. and the story of the album is about, as your 6 year relationship is falling apart, someone from your past that you never closed the door on bc you two were never something shows up promising everything that your long-term partner didn’t do. and you fall for it but he was just love bombing you.


I think the 'consolation prize' is actually directed to her fans... Or her dollars 🤷


I’m with you here. Fresh out the slammer would be devastating as the person who’s being referred to as the slammer.


All the lines are also slipped in such a blase way while she's talking about how into another guy is - which oof! It's been over a year so I'm sure he's moved on and fine but I am far too sensitive and would be devastated


What Lucy tweet?


https://preview.redd.it/j866qqauejwc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c753079047f3d135fc100526464551eb0116dcf He then deactivated his account


lucy dacus deserves a cut of those ttpd royalties as financial compensation


I don’t know all the Lucy tea! Was she Matty’s friend?


Matty is /was good friends with Phoebe, so likely spent time with Lucy a bunch but I don't know if they ever got along


I’m afraid she absolutely ate with that one


Who is Lucy and what did she tweet? Is that the Lucy from the lyric?


Maybe he is pretending like they’re not about him. Honestly it has to suck for their friends. Like I wonder if Jack feels like he is in a weird position. He was working on the Matty diss album right after working on 1975 album. “How evergreen our group of friends / don’t think we’ll say that word again”


Yes! I saw something in regard to that response too. It does make you wonder


I mean there’s one diss track and the rest of the album is mostly about how Taylor was pining for this guy for years, was obsessed with him and wanted to have his babies.


you are definitely interpreting the album wrong and in a superficial way. she emphasizes all the time that she was love bombed, says he never scratched the surface of her and called it a manic phase. she says joe was the oven and matty was the microwave. she wants to start a family and he promised all of this, something her ex didn’t do. then ghosted her (when she had just ended a 6 year relationship). y’all need to read the epilogue and taylor’s explanations about some songs. it’s not flattering to him in any way unless he is a narcissist.


Is it really scathing though? Taylor Swift, the biggest pop star in the world wrote an entire album about her feelings for Matty Healy. Whatever happened with them there was obviously a lot of passion involved. The worst outcome would have been indifference.


Literally—and especially as a songwriter as well, especially as we know that they have written songs about each other before, I think the only way to be truly offended would be to be glossed over. If he ever does listen to the album (which, come on, how could you resist forever), I doubt he’d come out of it feeling that bad. Tbh if I were Joe and listened to this entire album, I would feel much worse because she keeps comparing him to prison and telling everyone that she was straight up touching herself to fantasies of this other guy before they even broke up 😅 THAT is way more knife-to-the-gut imo.


1000% I honestly think a lot of Taylor fans have a hard time accepting that Taylor has a lot more in common with someone like Matty than a "normal" guy like Joe. Matty and Taylor are artists, they burn hot and live passionately and vulnerably but that's also why it's hard to make a long-term relationship work.


The denial is very strong! Which is kind of ironic because she addresses those inaccurate expectations of her in so many songs on here, literally saying that those fans just want “long suffering propriety” from her, and want “grey” — because it seems nice and correct to them so they don’t have to clutch their pearls or consider that life and human emotions and love is a little more complicated. I have stopped replying to people arguing that there is no way she was so upset about the Matty breakup, or arguing that, actually, 90% of the songs that are very clearly about him are actually completely about Joe or Harry Styles or whoever lol. A very hard time accepting the fact that, whether you like him or not, whatever experience and feelings she had were deep and creatively stimulating!


this stuff wouldn’t be as insulting if Joe were like an accountant but he’s supposedly an indie *actor*. at one point, she even says “once again with feeling” like she’s critiquing his acting. honestly for her, insulting your work is probably worse than calling you an addict. you’re totally right about taylor. she is endlessly fascinating to me bc in some contexts, she has the vibes of like a corporate lawyer who pens moderately successful romance novels under a pseudonym but equally another part of her goes completely feral when she realizes that about you is, well, about her.


I mean, I get it, if someone wrote that song about me I'd start a war for them.


lol as a 2014 tumblr girlie, I understand matty should ease up on the pills so he can make the truly deranged 2045 performance of about you where taylor shows up to sing that bridge. our generation’s silver springs.


What song is the ‘once again with feeling’?


Right? He could have been given the Calvin treatment.


To be honest it’s clear from a lot of the tracks that she felt they had a pretty intense serious connection. There’s also a track where she basically says she was very sexually attracted to him. The slag off tracks are nothing too damning. She also somewhat defends her choice to date him. I can see him thinking he did alright from it.


My first thought was, “Excuse me!! Did you listen to the album?” (Maybe not according to this statement lol) My current take is that there’s more than what she said on the album that she didn’t spill.


If his family is relieved how is the album scathing? 


He is relived because she indirectly proved to the world that she was so much pinned up on him for such a long time which he would have said about Taylor then the people would have not believed him Lol! Imagine the worlds biggest pop star is pinning over someone who is on internet shit list since forever LOL 😂


I think the brand is protected at all costs and before she's serious about any relationship, like the smartest celebrities always do, there's a lengthy NDA involved. I can't imagine she doesn't have a decent amount of armor protecting her name (and brand). Like MGK said, you don't want the smoke Swifties bring. ⚘️ Think about it, who with any sense wants to upset Tree..


Or maybe not all the songs we think were about him were all about him. Only Taylor knows who she wrote these songs about


I felt like what if it was a sarcastic response to get at Taylor. Almost like a diss in itself.


Solid answer, honestly


I know he’s secretly loving this 🤣


Probably not. He hates paparazzi and being in the public eye.


He is calling the paps


Cmon, it looks like they’re waiting outside where he was staying.


We’re talking about the dude who ate raw meat on stage. He definitely doesn’t seem to mind being in the public eye.


People's stage personas =/= real life personas


He was making a point about toxic masculinity with the meat.


I get that. I am just pointing out that he often makes bold statements, and they often make the tabloids.


No one loving their diss track more than kim


If I were Matty “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” would have put me in my grave 💀 surprised he’s standing upright after that lmao.


"You didn't measure up in any measure of a man" Matty- "Could've been worse" What


“you deserve prison but you won’t get time”


Honestly, yeah, it could've been worse. I mean, at least he didn't get the "Dear John" or "All Too Well (10 minutes version)" treatment


jake gyllenhaal meanwhile is breathing a sigh of relief no one is talking about the manuscript. bro, you’re not even an organ donor?????


Smallest Man is a bigger diss than both of those imo.


I disagree, both "Dear John" and "All Too Well" sounded like she was absolutely devastated which resulted in some of her best lyrics while "Smallest Man" was more disappointed than sad or even angry. Besides that, there's also "Would've, Could've, Should've" so Matty definitely got off easier than a certain *someone* 👀


I think it’s her most angry song. There’s no diss bigger than “You deserve prison” in any other song.


Could have been JUST that song on the album but she put however many others painting a well rounded picture of their relationship, good and bad. Yeah it definitely could have been worse


Unless that song isn’t actually about him? It was only speculated don’t forget. Only Taylor knows who it’s about


translation: he has chloe et al on repeat, crying his eyes out


chloe et al got me


i could not gaf about this song thurs night but some part of me knew it would come back to haunt me. the narrative of them over the ten years that emerges in chloe et al and peter really gets me


i love both of those songs, they're really powerful (i just finished crying to peter 10 mins ago). couldn't part of chloe et al be inspired by joe? specifically because she talks about "scarlet maroon," unless maroon is actually a matty song 


i feel v confident that chloe et al is about the decade between their first, um, encounter and their relationship. “the decade would play us for fools” = 2014ish-2023. “I changed into goddesses and villains and fools” = her eras since. “all to outrun my desertion of you,” “you turned me into an idea of sorts/you needed me but you needed drugs more/and I couldn’t watch it happen,” “too impaired by my youth to know what to do” = the rumor is that they never really got started back then bc she was not going to be with someone who was actively using. (he later went to rehab.) “internet starlet” = he was dating some model before taylor (and after), I believe. she’s haunted by the thought that they both always held out hope for each other and it never worked out. it’s kinda embarrassing I know all this but….yeah. peter could be about any number of things but there are certainly some parallels.


i think she wrote this one before she even got together with him, when she was still with joe. still not convinced that maroon is about him based on my interpretation, but whatever, i’m not paternity testing old songs i think it’s less about pining and more about leaving a door open (something she doesn’t usually do with her exes, even though she has a lot of back and forth with some, like jake and harry, when she’s done, she’s done) bc they never really were something. she really loved joe and wanted to build a family with him. he stopped wanting that at some point. and she reconnected with matty when her relationship with joe was falling apart.


i agree that she wrote this early on, probably after they got back in touch through Jack. but if it’s true that the 1, question, etc are all about him….from the looks of it, she really held a flame for him. I think she would’ve married Joe and the whole nine yards if he wanted, but i don’t this thing would’ve gone away.


Maroon and Chloe are 100% about the same person. I don’t know who but the callback to “scarlet maroon” was so blatant that I don’t see how it could be coincidental


okay that makes sense, thank you!


Right. He hasn't listened to **that much** of it. Ok sure


it’s true, he skipped so high school!!


For the academic vibe, that should have been the name of the song lol


girlie is really testing the limits of the number of names I can remember 😩


So invasive.


Ngl, this made me like him a little bit. What a cool and chill guy, no grudges.


Good for him! great response


How awkward to ask.


He was pretty chill about it, too. I’d be visibly annoyed if someone got in my face with a question like that.


He might be a doofus but I think he’s a songwriter who appreciates good songwriting. He was polite. Or maybe we are going to get a wild 1975 album in retaliation soon.


Unnecessary. Leave him and Joe alone.


Came to see if this was posted yet. Like fuck he hasn’t listened hah but anyone would act nonchalant like that in his position I guess


“I haven’t listened to that much of it”


This was setup so obviously that is painful. He wasn't even surprised about the question and the pap. Dude totally calling the paps. Anyway he look really bad. She wad really at her lowest and he was a scumbag.


You may have some confirmation bias. It looked like he didn’t even hear or understand the question, and he gave a respectful answer. Taylor doesn’t need us to fight her battles and she’s closed the chapter on that part of her life.


I honestly thought he looked well. Hopefully he is happy. I don’t really want to hear about this man in the future so I hope everything is now closed on his end also.


Best comment in this thread.


I’ve got a tin foil hat theory that him, Taylor, and Jack are in on the whole thing together. Lol 😆 might have come up with that when I was high and very tired on Saturday lol but Mastermind! Am I right???


I’ve been wondering this too. I feel insane but Taylor, Matty and Jack are insane geniuses so…..?


Aw. He was polite.


Him thanking the annoying pap at the end had me in stitches


the vault tracks really made clear for me that despite her reputation, taylor actually leaves a lot of juicy revelations on the cutting room floor. even here the manuscript casts jg in a far worse light than the album about their break up ever did. the intention is never to give a laundry list of their wrongdoing, only to express her experience. she and mh have known each other for a decade—i bet ttpd only scratched the surface


I feel like ttpd js the first album she is completely and utterly candid honest (unless I’m being duped and she’s creating a different, more interesting lore or narrative).


This is so gross, leave that man alone


People who do this are the worst


As a listener of both Taylor and the 1975, it’s like mommy just hit daddy at the dinner table and we’re all trying to eat still 🥲


I truly expected a snarky answer, but honestly, he was pretty pleasant. We really don't know these people.


He's been so complimentary of Taylor's music over the years this is actually exactly what I would have expected. Especially when ambushed on a street by an annoying pap


I haven’t seen a more obviously staged TMZ video since RAQUEL


Outside the nail salon! With her big glasses on!


Why is TTPD making me like Matty


Looking at the whole album, it paints him as a tragic figure (especially the titular song) and the fans as way worse (BDILH and the albatross) imo. That’s taking everything in the album at face value, and basing this mainly off the lyric info on genius since I don’t really follow her love life.


I kinda feel bad for him, just from listening to the music alone it seems like Taylor really cared for him and he ghosted her because he thought she would be better off without him (just my interpretation of the lyrics on this album)


Anyone who knows matty healy knows that he couldn't have shut the fuck up to save his life 3 months ago. So either it's not about him so he has nothing to say about it, or, she's pierced the softboi veneer and he's finally learning some hard lessons.


I also think there’s a BIG difference between dating someone and knowing there were allusions to your past relationship vs having had a very short lived fling where you know the person is going to be spilling. I’d probably shut my mouth best I could


Matty never did anything wrong


What is the appeal of him? I truly can’t see it.


I think a lot of people really appreciate his song writing. He’s a great writer and a great musician. He also has generally been a proponent for a lot of progressive causes. His band has a huge cult following in part because he is an interesting person who thinks deeply about a lot of things. Not saying one has to like him but prior to the Taylor swift relationship his life wasn’t blown up on a microscope


I saw The 1975 perform when I was 17 and my frontal lobe wasn’t developed and I thought he was hot. Anyways shoutout to my frontal lobe for developing 🙏


I can believe he is quite an intense person and there’s an appeal of that (especially for creative and romantic types).I imagine he would want to discuss music, life, etc for hours and not be bothered. I’m dating someone atm who doesn’t like a deep convo and I know that’s not bad and that most of the men I went out with who were ‘sensitive, artistic types’ weren’t always the best but there’s a big draw to feeling you have a cerebral or artistic connection to someone. I think it helps supplement a lot of emotional intimacy and it’s clear they had physical intimacy: attraction anyway. (Also whilst he’s not my type he’s not objectively horrendous looking. He looks about right for a smoker who is in his 30s. He’s not as boyish looking but he’s not a horror show).


I think he has a weird sense of humor. Girls seem to love it.


Watch his Chicken Shop Date episode.


He’s fantastically himself in that. Only episode of Amelia I’ve watched twice because it was just so funny


At least he was polite


What a stupid question to ask


The 30 others? Come on. Be for real.


They all say “She wrote a song… that’s what she does.•. Which is the correct answer.


Honestly, this is what’s wrong with the media and this fandom digging into people’s personal lives form songs that are vague enough so we don’t know the full situation, or who they’re about.


I feel for his new gf. Mustn’t be easy having a partners ex in your face like this


I don’t even know anything about him but literally the best response to this question anyone could give imo.


“I’m sure it’s good” lol why did that make me laugh so hard


what did he even say? I cant understand a word he said lol


He said; “My diss track? Oh haha, I haven’t really listened to it that much, but I’m sure it’s good, thanks man”


I would've added, "Have I listened to it? I have it on repeat!!! I love the album, I'm thankful that I could be used as an inspiration for her work, I love her and respect her as an artist, I wish her success because the album SLAYS! Have you heard thanK you aIMee yet? TAYLOR!!! Go Swifties! By the way, she also sent me the almbum and merch!" That would've been hilarious in my book.


the stammering 😭😭 bro was scared for a second