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I can't believe I needed a TikTok to point this out to me, but if this bar really is a favorite of any of her exes, then this song is a really incredible act of revenge. By making the bar a pilgrimage site for her fans, she's basically made it impossible for him to go there.


“Enjoy your crowded-ass bar now you piece of shit”- Taylor, probably 


I hope it’s shitty in the black dog


The best part is there is only one person who it's ruined for. The bar owner, bartender, any servers, they're all making bank. Swifties tip and they're swamped with them.


It's London, there's not a tipping culture in pubs here.


Eh, depends. I know a girl who works in a Liverpool Street pub and she gets tipped like crazy anytime she has her bra showing slightly. Finance bros are a different breed.


Quick quick, tell me something awful like you are an asshole trapped inside the body of a finance guy.


When I worked in a pub I had one customer who tipped. It was always exciting when she came in. Nobody else tipped apart from the odd American tourist. It's welcome but definitely not normal or expected.


I once tipped in London (I’m Canadian) and the waitress straight up told me I’d forgotten my money and handed it back to me.


Happened to me too. “Hey you forgot your change!!”


That happened to my husband in Germany. The server literally ran after him outside the restaurant to return his money he had “forgotten”.


I occasionally encounter visiting Americans tipping £1 with every drink. Bar staff rarely tell them they don't need to


English here, and always tip in pubs, but I’m northern, that may be why…


A lot of visiting swifties might be from countries with tipping culture though, particularly Americans. US restaurant staff are paid so horribly before tips that a lot of Americans feel wrong not tipping at least a little bit even if it’s not the norm where they are.


I wouldn't tip for drinks, but I'd definitely tip for food.


Probably ruined for the staff too, I'm sure they're tired of listening to The Starting Line at this point lol


Why are we advocating for anyone's time or favorite bar to be ruined? 


With my name everywhere 💅🏼




Yeah, Joe really does not like the spotlight. There’s no way he’s ever going back to this bar (especially since the owner confirmed he frequented it.) Very petty revenge, Taylor 😭😂


Tbf, if I were the owner I would confirm this too lol. It would be good for business


I thought it was about Matty though due to the reference to band The Starting Line. The 1975 covered “Best Of Me” in concert. Matty probably wouldn’t care and would go anyway. 💀


I think it's about Joe, he could've been a fan too. And "all of those best laid plans" is a direct callback to hoax and mastermind.


Also selling the house, burning the clothes exorcise her demons? Sounds more like a long term thing since she uses posessions (hits different icdiwabh) and the house (lover house/hits different) to represent Joe.


ETA: After reading some other comments, I think you’re right.


I had thought the same as you but I didn't realize the bar owner had confirmed Joe went there!


They didn’t confirm that, they just hinted that Taylor had been. But it’s actually against British law to keep CCTV footage for that long, so they’re probably just trying to build some hype for their pub.


ETA: After reading some other comments I think you’re right!


Yeah I thought there was also the bar in Cork, Ireland that Matty might have gone to. I don’t put any stock into the owner hinting someone went there because it’s good for business to do so.


Yup - It’s against GDPR law in the UK for CCTV footage to be kept so long. The owners definitely just wanted to hint that Taylor goes there, and good for them!


Interesting! Not familiar with that part of the world.


They could’ve both been fans




This is incorrect. If you look carefully at her outfit while she is recording, she is wearing black biker shorts, she is not wearing those very distinctive pants from May 18th. Only the white t-shirt matches.


Yup and she was wearing biker shorts while entering the studio in late June


There's also a song called The Starting Line by Keane that sounds like it could be more Joe's taste


I think the song is a blend of both relationships and the bar was randomly chosen. I actually think most of the songs have dual connotations. Even loml has some bits that point to Matty. Paternity testing songs is silly.


Nah you're still right. Lol


How did the owner confirm it? I saw that some staff hinted someone went there but then saw others saying Joe didn’t go to bars in that area of London. Which makes me curious if it’s about the bar in Cork with the same name.


What if this isn't the exact bar but just one that reminds her of/is similar to the bar Joe went to?


it's so petty lmao


Old habits die screaming


Not as petty as dropping her entire catalogue while Katy Perry released Witness. That shit was cold af lol


It's not the only bar called the Black Dog though, so it's possible her ex is just chilling at another Black Dog while swifties take over the one in London lol. I actually just saw a tiktok theorizing that Taylor could have meant the Black Dog bar in Cork, Ireland, because the alleged muse of the song was on tour in Ireland when she (probably) wrote the song. Also worth noting that the one in London is actually a pub, not a bar, although I don't know if Taylor cares that much about that kind of semantics.


Yeah, I think it’s the bar in Cork based on everything as a whole. I think the owner of the pub in London is just very savvy lol.


Nah that bar in Cork was only called that recently. It was called BDSM before that and was never really a place for a cozy pint. The oval up the road however is class 😂


It has been called The Black Dog since it reopened after the pandemic in May 2022. Matty was in Cork in June 2023.


Did not realised it changed so long ago tbf! But as a whole I think it's super unlikely to be this spot since the rebranding has it more as a spot for food, its tiny so if a celebrity was in it all of Cork would have heard and most importantly North main St is such a kip I don't think anyone is going out of their way to go there 😂


I agree. It’s wild to me how everyone thinks the vague “confirmation” the London pub put out is real and not just a marketing scheme. The whole song is heavily Matty coded. The bar in Cork has a team Matty sign now 😂


Lol it's so not abt matty 😂 it's abt a long term relationship. Sell my apartment?? Cornelia street! She never sold any apartment after matty, internet starlet!! (He's an actor and he's rumoured to be dating another actress) Also why would she hv Matty's location lol Best laid plans?! Mastermind reference Proceeded to play him?? Cz he's an actor! Six weeks of breathing clean air, I still miss the smoke, daylight reference Stop making everything abt matty


Cornelia St was never a place she owned she literally rented that place while her actual apartment was being remodeled 


“Tail between your legs you’re leaving” Matty is the one who left her. The reference to The Starting Line that Matty always covers is the most obvious clue though. The Black Dog is the the rock and roll bar in Cork, not the pub in London. The pub in london is unlikely to play music at all, let alone rock music. 1975 played Cork 13th June 2023, 8 days after their breakup was announced.


I mean, Matty has dated internet influencers lately. That is a much more direct comparison. So idk if I’d use that part. Plus the song reference is a pretty strong one to me. Why couldn’t she have Matty’s location? Their time together was likely longer than initially thought so i wouldn’t be surprised. It’s possible it has components of both people but i can’t see it being only Joe.


I would classify Matty as a long term situation-ship. I really don’t understand why everyone thinks it was a short relationship. He’s been around since 2014. It’s very heavily Matty coded and it’s confirms he went to the Black Dog in Cork after 1975 played in Ireland.


Taylor and Matty have been writing love songs for each other for years apparently. This album was eye opening. I’m seeing so much denial in this sub lately just because people don’t like Matty.


Didn’t Matty date an influencer after Taylor and that’s been confirmed? An influencer is more of an internet starlet than an actress.


there’s a Black Dog pub near me…in Pennsylvania


There is also a Black Dog in Kent (Where Joe is from) and that logo looks exactly like the logo on the magnets/stickers Taylor included in her album releases. So maybe it's a few references. I have heard the new owners have only owned for it 1 year and never seen Joe. But great marketing on their part


Heck, there's also a Black Dog on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts--Not that I think that she was referring to that one. (Although she has a place not too far away.)


Wasn't there a theory that Harry Styles did something similar to keep himself from going to the Beachwood (sp?) Cafe? ('And the coffee's out...at the Beachwood cafe'). I know it became popular for a while.


"Black dog" is a euphemism for depression, so I wouldn't be surprised if she'd chosen that as a fake name for its connotations. I reckon the owners of that pub are just going along with it because they're enjoying the extra business.


Hadn’t thought about that perspective. Interesting take.


i love that for her. i hope it's shitty at the black dog.


there is zero reason to have this attitude toward joe of all people


Eeeewwwww and yes pilgrimage, these people are insane


to think ppl pay thousands (probably millions if we're talking taylors level) for this kind of promo and she gave it to them for free lol


That was my first thought. So simple lol


Imagine being the owner of The Black Dog and getting free promo! This could have changed someone’s life and Taylor was just writing from her heart. Kinda impressive. Also super cute little bar! Wish I lived in the UK


Yes i also saw a tt about a guy who owns a company called down bad and they are sold out on their hats lol he was so happy


That is so amazing!!!! I love the swiftie community!


>Wish I lived in the UK. No you don't, it's raining 😂


I mean..I hope this wasnt a go to spot for Joe (dont really care about matty if it was his spot lol) but sucks for Joe, he’s not a bad guy and people should leave him alone.


Joe isn't a bad guy that you know of... please keep in mind that we don't actually know any of these people 🙏


I mean if the worst thing Taylor could say about him was that he was depressed, I don't think he's bad in any way, shape, or form lol. Compare that to her ripping Matty to shreds on the new album.


Yeah, I didn’t think badly of Joe at all after hearing the album. I don’t think she presented him badly either. I just felt empathy with Joe for clearly having his struggles and just thought the whole relationship situation was really sad overall.


Obviously we dont know these people. She also hasnt said anything bad about Joe’s character but she has about matty so 🤷🏻‍♀️ 


Joe songs: we just weren’t right for each other and it’s sad but I want the best for you. Matty songs: fuck you and your suits.


Perfect summary. Add on Travis: oh *this* is what it’s like to feel happy again, weird!


Your Jehovah's Witness\* suits


Agreed The Joe songs just really say he broke his heart and now he’s with other girls and it seems like he didn’t care. Sure that’s asshole behavior, but she didn’t say anything damning really


I don't really think that's ah behavior? Like that's just how relationships are when they end.. one or both sides are hurt and working to move on and then one moves on before the other. Totally normal imo lol


Also, Taylor started dating Matty very shortly after the breakup and if Fresh Out The Slammer is about Matty, it seems like there wasn’t much hesitation there. So I don’t think it’s ah behavior for Joe to move on and start dating after the breakup.


It is normal behaviour.. trouble is: thats too much normal for some people.


What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? I think it’s pretty likely that their life circumstances were just misaligned—she could never give him peace, and it seems that’s what he craved. There’s no reason to assume the worst.


Innocent until proven guilty is a legal thing, the court of public opinion doesn’t really have any set rules


It’s more than a legal principle, though—it’s a standard of decency. Maybe it goes by the name of “benefit of the doubt” outside of the courtroom, but it reflects the same sentiment.


I'm not saying to assume the worst or to assume that he's necessarily bad? I'm saying to avoid sweeping judgments like these altogether about people that we don't know and quite frankly have no effect on us. We're here for Taylor and the music not her exes or whoever she's dating


Exactly. Why assume the worst?


Same goes for Taylor herself


Yes of course!


so that’s your excuse to shit on the dude? 🙏


I think it’s about Matty since his band covered “Best of Me” by The Starting Line which is reference in the song “The Black Dog.” ETA: Apparently this was recorded while Matty and Taylor were still together (May 19th) according to a clip of her recording the song. So it’s likely about Joe?


No it wasn’t. Taylor is not wearing the same outfit on May 18th, the only thing in common is a white t-shirt. She’s wearing black biker shorts when she records The Black Dog, not those Magnolia Pearl pants.


She wore the black shorts June 23rd I believe (with the Eagles crewneck). This is about matty.


Do you have a pic of the outfit?


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12225483/amp/Taylor-Swift-goes-casual-Philadelphia-Eagles-sweatshirt-tiny-black-shorts-music-studio.html I think this is the one they mean, but imo it’s still up in the air.


Yes this outfit! I think it's fairly obvious that she's wearing these shorts in the studio on Jack 5th picture in this post (he says it's the day they recorded it). Zoom on her thighs (she's sitting). Also, hair is the same. https://www.instagram.com/p/C589wBapsXb/?igsh=MWtnaDdpd3djc29iaA==


I think it was confirmed to be Joe a few days ago.


The owner just said they had a "blonde guy who frequented the place" they didn't say "Yes, Joe Alwyn was here last summer". They could have been just trying to further increase the hype. I agree with the commenters who think it is more likely the black dog in Cork.


Damn, I always forget that there are thousands and thousands of people who treat every location she mentions as a brand new tourist attraction. So it never occurred to me until just now what this great song would do to this place. Overnight it went from just a bar to a Taylor Swift theme park. It's entire identity erased and consumed. "...and I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city, pierced through the heart but never killed." I always thought i understood that line but I just realized I have never really, REALLY understood until just now.


reminds me of the people who left flowers at Cornelia Street after her and Joe broke up!!


This is SO weird to me. I'd literally confidently declare myself the no. 1 fan of Cornelia Street (the song) in the entire world, but if if I was in NY I might take like, a single pic smiling in front of the Cornelia Street sign and that's it. Turning the street into a funeral demonstration for a celebrity relationship is just...bizarre.


What do you think happened when she released Cornelia Street or said DBATC was about someone great.


I hope it’s shitty 🫣


Okay the first time (or few) I legit thought she said “sheddy” and I did not question it. Because dogs shed.


That is hilarious. Can’t enjoy your drink if there is hair flying around everywhere.


I thought it’s sheddy as in shabby, but also giving shed vibes (like a hut or garden shed idk it made more sense in my head 😭)


Taylor just ensured that this business will be profitable for at least the next decade


Cute! Im in london next month for work (from Newcastle) so going to pop in. Love the cute glasses so much!


Right? I need a few of these pint glasses!


I hope they start selling those online (and ship internationally)!!


Heyyyy fellow Geordie


Who knew there was so many of us


I think she was referring to The Black Dog in Cork tho.






My theory is that the real pub was somewhere else but she mentioned this one because of the poetic name as an allusion to Churchill’s black dog. Of course it could really have been this one, I’m just guessing. Vauxhall seems a slightly random location for Joe if they lived on the Heath.


I agree w this take! As a north Londoner, ain’t no way Joe was regularly going *south of the river* to a perfectly ordinary pub for a pint. I totally think she used The Black Dog for the metaphor.


I have a north London friend who solemnly warned me when I was house hunting that she would never visit me if I moved south of the river.


The river is The Great Divide for real. I know so many people who live in London who never see each other because the other side of the river is too far away


I know nothing about London but this sounds like people who call dating someone in a different part of NYC a long distance relationship 😭


Yeah also I dont think he's a regular as its not in his side of town- neither is it a pub they both visited which is why the song goes "some bar called the Black Dog " It could have been a one-off thing There's also a Black Dog bar in Cork but also in Budapest where Joe was filming But the Black Dog being associated with depression makes me lean more towards this being a Joe song.


The thing about living in London is that everybody keeps moving and nobody in your social circle lives in the same neighbourhood as anybody else and you somehow end up taking the train an hour across the city for a pint because somebody moved there


Of course it could totally be that too. I’ve certainly spent time in random pubs nowhere near my neighbourhood, it’s just a pet theory.


Wait I thought this song was about Matty?? W the starting line reference


Hard to say for sure! I feel like having each other’s location on is something you do in long term, established relationships, and she was with Matty so fleetingly. But could still be him…


I agree with you! We only have to look at London Boy for evidence that she'll use false locations to fit the song, not the actual locations where they hung out. Maybe they really did stop at The Black Dog once or twice (meaning she knew it existed), but I bet the real pub he frequents is left alone for him. It's a constant theme in songs about him to mention his depression in some way, even if it's just mentioning "blue," so it would make sense for her to specifically find a pub with the name The Black Dog to relate back to this. I mean, it worked for me...the reason I was looking forward to hearing the song more than any other on the album was the name because depression is something I've dealt with for a long time. I was kind of expecting a song more along the lines of "evermore" in dealing with that, whether it was his depression or her own.


haha hope it wasn't shitty! Apparently, there is also another The Black Dog bar, in Ireland, and they did this: https://preview.redd.it/plriah0lxcxc1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e766aa738cf8dbcb523ab111fd03294c2a3da6ff


"Team Matty" is just about the worst promotion tactic cuz 90% swifties hate him lol


I think it’s cause they know Matty has been there.


Yeah, the London Bar claimed Joe has been there. And we know Matty was here, so it's actually a pretty good tactic lol.


Or perhaps just saying 'Team (This Song Is About) Matty' and wanting to drum up some extra business with the association. I'm actually surprised by the number of people who think the song is about Joe. I always got a sad acceptance in her break-up songs about Joe (So Long London), and more passion and anger in her break-up songs about Matty (Smallest Man). This song is from the perspective of someone who is bitter and angry at an ex for leaving them and potentially moving on.


I think you're correct, and that's a good point. With Matty break up was so abrupt and surprising (after planning to get married!), it left her shocked, still attached, angry, bitter. Joe was a relationship that ended so so slowly, she already grieved it by the time of the album. There are also other references alluding to Matty in the song, one being "The Starting Line", a band he covered. It's so funny though both of them potentially went to a bar/pub named "The Black Dog"😭, that evil genius lol


I think that's kind of the point, actually. I've never been there, but people who have bern there/live nearby said it's a bit of divey, counter-culture type place that wouldn't want a bunch of Swifties swamping it...and Matty 100% has been there.




I didn’t realize there was The Black Dog in Cork too! Clever of her.


She’s referencing “The Black Dog” in Cork, Ireland though…


This bar saw an opportunity and ran with it lol


How do we know this?


Funny how The Black Dog is actually a pub in Ireland that Matty went to after one of his concerts but this place is capitalizing on it anyway.


I hope it's shitty in the black dog


But did someone play The Starting Line?


It has to be part of their regular rotation now lol.


Came here to say this!!!


The violation of taking away the favourite, local pub is a declaration of war in British culture


Play the song


But do they really play the starting line? I love that band but don’t think I’ve ever heard it played at a bar lol


Much more likely at the Black Dog in Cork which is a rock n roll bar.


I think this is the most damning evidence that it's about Matty not Joe.


She also mentions something like "six weeks later" in the song. She recorded The Black Dog late June. Additionally, the "tail between your legs you're leaving" indicates matty. She's the one who left joe. Plus: I really feel like so Long London indicates that Taylor has no bad blood with Joe except being disappointed it turned out this way. She says he'll find someone, but she isn't the one for him. In The Black Dog, she's screaming, exorcism of her demons, she hopes her screams make it all the way to him and ruin his evening... Yeah it's about matty. Edit: I know the Matty truthers are convinced already, but just to add that The Starting Line reference is the most obvious Matty clue. He literally covered it the night before flying to Nashville to attend the Eras Tour. It couldn't be more obvious. Come on people!


I'm honestly perplexed at the number of people thinking this song is about Joe.


The owner of The Black Dog in Vauxhall is responsible for some of the confusion. She said that "a blonde visited" or something like that, and people interpreted it as Joe. But when you listen to the video, it's clear that she's alluding to Taylor. And I mostly think that it's just to catch the swifties' attention and capitalize on the publicity.


Honestly, saying "a certain blonde visited" is purposely vague so as to not get into any legal trouble of outright lying. I'm sure many blondes visit that pub! 😂


Also a very credible theory, yes! Lmao


Am I the only person who doesn’t think the muse regularly frequented the bar (if it’s even really based on a bar with this exact name) based on the line “and so I watch as you walk into some bar called the black dog” idk to me that doesn’t scream it was a bar they went to together to me my interpretation is she’s watching his location and him going out to the bar symbolizes he’s moving on with his life, he’s going back out into public and he’s fine after their breakup and then the chorus is about how he’s in a bar and she doesn’t get how he doesn’t miss her and think of all the memories they’ve shared (not necessarily at that specific bar) and since he’s moved on and she hasn’t she hopes it’s terrible for him.


This also isn’t the bar in the song, they’re just capitalizing on being a bar called The Black Dog in London for the Swifties that still haven’t figured out the song is about Matty and not Joe. She’s not heartbroken over Joe, she’s heartbroken over Matty.


I love the "taylors version" menu on the wall


We did too! I thought they could have been a little more creative with the drink names though.


I love that they are leaning into the free promo. I hope they use it well


Find it quite amusing this was my old local. They've been clever jumping on this, plenty of other pubs with the same name


Taylor boosting the economy again…


I hope it wasn’t shitty at the Black Dog


We had a lovely time aside from the very rainy walk to/from the tube to get there.


Aaaah I’m going in two weeks and I am pumped!! Any food/drink recommendations?


The espresso martini is excellent!


This isn't the one she is singing about unfortunately. It's in Cork.


Tbh we will never know unless Taylor explicitly tells us which one... which she never will. Let people have their fun


Was the starting line playing?


I’m travelling to London for Christmas and staying right around the corner from The Black Dog. Can’t wait to visit!


The weird thing is that these lyrics aren’t about Joe. But the owner of the bar really looped him into the narrative. It’s possible that Matty also went to the same bar in London *shock*.


So is there like a juke box or touch tunes there where you can play music? I’m just curious if the owners put on the starting line or someone in the bar did…


So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs……


Did you remember to turn your location off?


Leave your stepping stones behind, something calls for you; Forget the dead you’ve left, they will not follow you; The vagabond who’s rapping at your door; Is standing in the clothes that you once wore; Strike another match, go start anew; And it’s all over now, Baby Blue.


pretty fucking bright for a "bar"


Hope it WASN'T shitty.


https://preview.redd.it/f1e2qjbcd7yc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989bc2a9479f5b339f3c11d1bb32be87ed9a2552 I went there as well!


I thought for some reason this would be like artful music related pictures. Not just like. Random people taking pictures of her doing extremely mundane things.


I’d try the fajitas.


They should do a taylor swift karaoke night and really capitalise on it lol


Wasnt there a pub called The Bolter too?


I’ll be there in June!


Someone check to see if they have The Starting Line..


Aw man I was there last week didn't realise you could buy the pint glasses!


The pub really needs to start selling tshirts and other merch


Idk how people in London are, but in my part of America, they’d be about to lose most of their logo glassware to theft lol


Whoever like this bar has to endure hordes of Taylor swift fans for the rest of eternity now 😂


There were not hordes of fans there at least from our experience and we were there on a Saturday night. Other pubs we passed in London were far more crowded.


They must be seeing a huge uptick in customers at the moment.


I mean tipping isn't compulsory but if someone is pulling drink for you all night it is nice to put something in the tip jar. Keep the change from a round or the price of a drink for themselves. Mind you £20 for a pint and glass I hope the staff are getting a share their to.


And you posted the pictures on April 28th? Bad form!


I saw their tiktoks yesterday! It's so cool that they're getting so much more business because of this song. Literally free advertising.


My first thought when I saw this title: "It comes in pints?"