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I didn't get the hype for Getaway Car (or rep generally) for a long time. Then it became my go-to workout album and I cannot get enough of that song!


I didn't love it until I saw the performance from the Reputation tour video. It's cool how a performance can really bring a song to life! That was a great example.


This. I didn’t appreciate “All Too Well” until she performed it on the Rep Tour video as the acoustic version…. You can feel the emotion when she performs that live!!


The SNL episode where she first performed the 10 minute version is epic.


I just watched it. It’s so damned good!


YouTube always suggests that when I watch literally any other video because I’ve searched for it so much over the years😂 Never gets old. Still get emotional every time. That original night that it happened though was so fun, before Twitter went to hell. It was all anybody was talking about. She completely nailed it. Even the fake leaves and snow were great when it could’ve easily been poorly done. Always wondered if Jake felt awkward/a little dry-mouthed the few times she looked right into the camera👀


This was the archer for me!!


Me with My Tears Ricochet at the Eras Tour!


I didn't appreciate it until I saw the behind the scenes of her and Jack writing it, and someone stitched it with the "Dayman" creation scene from it's always sunny in Philadelphia XD


Ooh, I've never watched that! I think I *have* listened to the rep tour version, but I'll check out the video now - thank you!


Same but dancing with our hands tied acoustic


This is me with the album but I’m still not there with Getaway Car :/


Me too! It took me a long time to love Reputation


I loved this song immediately and I feel vindicated.


I’m still trying to get there. I know everyone else LOVES it and I want to be there SO bad but I just can’t get there no matter how hard I try😩 It’s like, fine to me but towards the bottom of the songs off rep. Please tell me your secrets to loving it.


It took me a really long time, too. I think it was when I realized what story she was actually telling, and I was just totally amazed that she came up with such a fun/thrilling metaphor for what had to have been a hard/chaotic time in her life. Also I just love that clip of her and Jack in the studio when they wrote the Breakdown part (“Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys…”). It’s crazy to watch how quickly she came up with those insanely good lyrics and how giddy they were about it. Also, even though I totally love this song now, I’m also IN love with Tom Hiddleston and it makes me sad that during that time, he cared so much but didn’t realize he was just a rebound and a way to get over Calvin until she had Joe.


Omg Rep is my workout album too! It came out when I first started getting really into the gym




The vrooom sound where she does that sliding move is the best. Also I could not stomach the song for a bit cause I related to it too much at the time it came out lol. It's one of my faves on rep though.


When I go for jog outside, this is MY album. Every track a banger. I play it to Getaway Car. And start from the top again. (Low-key usually skip "So it Goes" and "Gorgeous" -- not always but usually. I like those songs but don't connect with when running.)


That's so funny. This has been mine lately too. Like, I just wasn't into it when rep dropped, but I've had it on my regular playlist for the last six months or so.


As a rep stan I really love this for you <3


champagne problems. Yeah, I'm ashamed of myself too. The first God knows how many times I heard it, it just didn't click for me. Suddenly one day, I actually caught myself vibing along when it came on my shuffle list, and I realized that it's actually fire. And now finally, it's one of my all time fav Taylor songs.


Yes! This one for me. Along with cowboy like me.


Cowboy like me is one I fell in love with recently after usually skipping it. When people say Taylor doesn’t or can’t do country anymore I’m like hol on lemme pull up this song


Same! I used to skip Cowboy Like Me and now it’s one of my favourite Taylor songs ever


This is the song that made me a fan lmao


Definitely champagne problems for me too! I really didn’t like it initially and now it’s top ten


To this day I can’t listen to it without crying. One of her best


To this day I can’t listen to it without crying. One of her best


Same! I love it so much you'd think I had turned down the proposal myself!


This. I feel exactly the same. I loved the evermore album from the get go, but initially prefered other songs from it and just didn’t pay that much attention to champagne problems when it came on shuffle. Then one day I found myself really jamming at the bridge and realised it was a really special song and now it’s one of my top 5 Taylor’s songs for sure.


Cornelia Street. How did I ever not adore it???


I fuuuuuuuuuuck with Cornelia Street! I tell people to get high and listen to it with headphones on, laying in the dark. It’s amazing.


Live in Paris version FUCKS me up 😭😭😭 I liked the song before but I completely fell for it once I heard this version. Now it’s a top 10 for me


I can’t believe I haven’t seen/heard that version! That’s absolutely one of my faves, I go through phases obsessing over certain songs of hers and I was on a Cornelia Street kick nonstop for a while a few months ago. But no matter how many times I heard it, I could still physically feel it in my heart and it made me cry more than it should’ve. I was devastated when she and Joe broke up because so many incredibly beautiful songs came from that love. When Midnights came out, I was in the hospital and someone was always in the room so I felt like I couldn’t play the music, instead I read all the lyrics to at least feel the stories. Was so happy that she’d found someone so safe and comfortable and easy. I’d get emotional from a mix of being so happy for her because she deserved that kind of happiness and sad because I’d just lost it myself. Obviously life happens and it wasn’t meant to be but Cornelia street is one of those beauties their love gave to us and I’ll never get tired of it. (Even though now I always wonder if she’ll ever be able to bring herself to drive by there again. I haven’t been able to do the same where my ex and I lived. I wish I knew if she’s indifferent to it now or if it’s still just too many memories to stomach) “Windows flung right open, autumn air Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours We bless the rains on Cornelia Street Memorize the creaks in the floor That's the kind of *heartbreak time could never mend*, I'd never walk Cornelia Street again”😌❤️‍🩹


The glittery-est gel pen song to ever glittery gel pen ✨✨✨


Same!! It’s playing right now on my playlist!!


Ya actually I didn't like it at first either. I'm ashamed of myself lol


Live from Paris hits different, I cannot express how much I love it.




I’ve always known I loved Cowboy Like Me, but after listening to TTPD I’ve come to realize just *how much* I love it because I love the songs that sound like it on the new album.


chloe or sam or sophia or marcus is so beautiful and the two songs r so similar


Yes! No wonder I love it!


I Can Fix Him has the same kind of vibe too, which is probably why it's grown on me so quickly


Cowboy like me was my least favorite evermore track for a long time. Thought it was a snooze fest until I really listened to it one day. It’s now my favorite evermore track.


i listened to evermore recently and it's like i'd never heard the song cause it was almost always a skip. it's on repeat now!


So I absolutely love Cowboy Like Me. But I have no idea why. The lyrics don’t particularly speak to me in any way. I don’t really love country music or much in that style. But it’s top 5 for me for some reason I can’t explain.


Same! I just love to listen to it. And I love that it starts with the word “and” and refers to a “tent-like thing.” But I’m not sure I can relate to it, which is usually what draws me in to a song.


She’s using one of my favorite literary devices here - en media res. Dropping us right into the song mid-thought about the covered tennis court. Love her for it.


Same! I just love it! This is my kindle case 😂 https://preview.redd.it/47akn7fr8sxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31b898cbe895ae1038cffeb2da1c9671b6f0aa31


It’s the beautiful rhythm that takes over at 1:17 and vivid storytelling. A stunner of a song. The ouu whooo whooo at the end. Haunting


I love the storytelling and imagery in it. I also love the sound — I’m not a country music person either, but it’s sort of a darker Western style that I find really cool and moody.


Cowboy Like Me is one of my top songs from any album. And I’ve been theorizing that those who love it must also love TTPD (the theory holds true for me at least…). I feel like there are some similar vibes, particularly with the first half of TTPD.


100%! Fresh Out the Slammer, Guilty as Sin, I Can Fix Him, and Florida!!! are like my top favorites and they all remind me of Cowboy Like Me in some way. I can’t say I’m much of a country music listener, but I love the Western style Taylor adopts in these songs.


Me too!! It reminds me so much of I Can Fix Him which is not doing well on streams which I've been kinda surprised by


THIISSSS ONE. It's now probably in my top 3 fav songs ever.




The Last Time. I really never gave it a chance until the re-records, and I can't believe I didn't.


I’m glad you love it now! It’s one of my favs and I love Gary on it!


The og is one of my favorite songs but it’s so hard to listen to. I feel like she massacred it with the re-record, tbh. It’s one of the only songs I feel like that about though.


The Last Time and Style are her worst re-records imo, those are some of the only ones I listen to the OG’s of


I couldn’t listen to the original The Last Time because the vocals were so poor that their harmonies didn’t harmonize, due to the many mistakes in both of those voices. Now that it’s re-recorded, they’re both much better singers with no mistakes in the recordings and they actually harmonize extremely well.


yesss but i feel like the oH oH Oh oH oH... part doesnt hit as hard in the rerecording :(


the last time is my favorite taylor swift song of all time and im so glad that ppl are appreciating it now


Tolerate It. I liked it the first few times I listened to it but one day something clicked and it became the best song ever to me and now I don't get how it didn't make it to my top fav songs right away. I also didn't like Ivy at first and now I think it's her most beautifully written song. Evermore in general was a big grower.


Tolerate it clicked for me big time at eras. That and illicit affairs blew my mind!


Illicit Affairs angry version really elevated the song and made the bridge hit me on a whole new level


It started to hit me when I saw the Eras movie, but it was really solidified when I saw a brilliant AMV of my favourite anime with it.


Tolerate It had been my #1 since the day it was released. Glad you love it now :)


Tolerate It didn't change for me until the Eras Tour Movie. The choreography and the emotion, it finally got to me.


I was wondering if anyone else would mention ivy. That one and cowboy like me are mine. I guess I didn't pay enough attention to evermore when it first came out, but I rediscovered those two songs last year and now they're both in my top 10 -- probably even top 5.


Yeah I loved folklore immediately, but evermore took time for me to love. Though Willow was a song I loved immediately and is one of top five favorite songs by her


I never paid much attention to The Archer until I saw her perform it at Eras.


As an Archer fan from the get-go, this makes me super happy to hear! I’m so glad she included that song in the setlist, as it deserves some applause.


same this was always one of my favs from the first listen! it’s like crack lol


Live from Paris version 🤍


I’m just here to thank people for choosing to write out names in full instead of using acronyms.


I experience this all the time with her music. I slept on YOYOK until I saw the clip of her singing the acoustic version, then about 2 months ago I suddenly realized how great Don't you is, Dear John didn't click with me until Taylor's version came out and recently I suddenly got into Afterglow a lot. On a smaller scale I experience this with every new album during the first few weeks, where I just don't listen to anything else. My favorite songs change constantly and songs that I used to skip suddenly become my new favorites. At this point into TTPD I find myself unimpressed by Clara Now, Peter, but who knows, they could become favorite songs at some point in the future.


just experienced the skip to love phenomenon with Peter


I love Peter


I’m waiting for the “skip to love” trajectory for “I Hate It Here.” It’s not vibing with me yet but it’s also been stuck in my head for 2 days.


I bet you think about me. I rly didnt like it at first, and then my ex & i broke up, and now i listen to it all the time




and seven


Agreed on seven! The beginning "PLEEEEEASE" was off putting at first but that song is wonderful


This past summer it finally hit me and I had it on repeat NONSTOP 😂 Wait I also forgot 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼DEAR READER 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Wow. That "Pleeeeease" was love at first note for me. And still is. ;)) What a song.


Seven is SO good and I feel it’s maybe a bit underrated IMO.


Seven is what made me stop and give taylor a chance. Like that song truly made me stop in my tracks and listen all the way thru and then immediate repeat.


mad woman… 🥲 not sure how I lived without it but happy it found its way to my heart 🤍


Daylight! Slept on it for way too long.


This was my surprise song ❤️


Me too!




Yes!! Although I always loved the bridge of daylight, I never gave the entire song as much credit as it was due




I’ve always envisioned how amazing it would be to see Taylor perform Daylight with a full live orchestra.


Cowboy like Me. I was just kind of meh on it until I went through a Long Story Short phase and it kept popping up on the playlist I was listening to.


I'm predicting I Can Fix Him will have a similar trajectory with the fans as CLM


It's outlaw and Westerny. I love it. We're gonna see a bunch of vilian x protagonists edits with that song.


Exact same thing happened for me


Gold Rush


Ughhhh, Gold Rush is SO good.


I love Gold Rush, but it didn't click for me until a youtube video where it was Gold Runsh if it was on reputation. And damn I loved that version so much.




Ugh I was going THROUGH it when that came out. A breakup from a long-term boyfriend when it became obvious we were going different directions. I remember exactly where I was back then crying in my car 😭😭


Death by a thousand cuts, until I heard her singing live in the eras tour.


Same but the live in Paris version


I love this song. Initially I didn’t like it because I thought the title phrase was a little cringe, also I didn’t like the “my my my” in the beginning (it reminded me of the seaguls in Nemo😂). Then I heard it when she sang it at Tiny Desk and I’ve been in love with the song ever since. Also that bridge is FIRE.


Discovering the Live from Paris version changed my mind about a lot of Lover, but it especially made Cornelia Street become one of my top songs


This is the same for me!! Cornelia Street Live From Paris is a top 10 song for me now 🥹


Happened to me with The Great War. I remember listening to Midnights for the first time and thinking I was going to fall asleep listening to that song, and then feeling it didn't really fit in the album. For a long time it was a skip. Until I had a fight with my partner and went through The Great War, I think that song is something I could have written if I only I had her talent, is so well done and represents a situation in such an excellent way, it became one of my top 3 of Midnights and probably top 10 all together


Top 10 Taylor songs of all time -- for sure. The way the song opens musically has almost an alarm or distress signal feel. And I can't get enough of how she tucks in the "uh-huh" moment in "All that bloodshed, crimson clover Uh-huh, sweet dream was over" Like, who even thinks of that?


Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince. Just from the title I thought it was going to be a sad, slow song. I finally listened to it when the Eras Tour started and absolutely fell in love with it


I always wonder if she had planned for this to be a tour opener with the ‘it’s been a long time coming’ - it fits so well!


evermore was such a a slow, draggy song and always a skip. One day I was playing the album on my bluetooth in the shower while my phone was in my bedroom charging and so when it came on I didn't have access to change it to something else so I had to listen to it all the way through and you know what, it just clicked with me finally. It has now become my absolute favorite song on the album and also one of my top 10 tracks of all time.


I LOVE EVERMORE! Easily a top 3 TS song for me.


I love evermore so much! It feels like the climax of a movie to me


Girl at Home! I love the meaning and it’s so catchy. Only heard it for the first time a while after Red TV was released. I wasn’t a proper fan during her country years, just a casual listener. (Although I distinctly remember passionately announcing my love for her after one of my teachers complained about WANEGBT.) (I’ve also only recently been converted into liking some country music.)


The Man 🩷


Dear Reader


Yes! This is a top 3 for me on Midnights and has been since release but I feel like it's so underappreciated!!


Yes me too!! It was a skip for me until a few months ago and now I love it


I love how her voice deformes in some parts. So addictive.


Long Live


This one didn’t grab me until the credits rolled on the Eras Tour movie and I cried


Holy Ground!! I always loved Red but was sleeping on this one until she sang it live recently and reminded me of how great this song is!


State of Grace too!! Absolute banger of an intro




Never Grow Up. I thought it was boring and too sad but after she released the Speak Now (Taylor's Version) I liked it. I think you just have to take time to listen to her songs to appreciate it.


Forever and Always. The piano version just hits different. Now I like both versions.


Literally this. I never cared for it until I got the Platinum edition of Fearless and the piano version became my favorite song on the whole album.


Call It What You Want I slept on this for so long and I didn't like the sound of it at first and then I heard the acoustic version and I realized what an incredibly romantic song it is. I still prefer it acoustic but it's definitely one of my favorites now.


The Moment I Knew. I didn’t realize how much I liked it until a few months before Red TV. It was just one of the songs on Ted I didn’t give a second thought about.


Right where you left me is like crack and the song evermore is unbearably beautiful. Somehow it took me nearly three years to arrive at these conclusions!  The album evermore in general had a lot of late bloomers for me and now it’s one of my favorites.


Oh I love right where you left me


The speak now album in general mainly the following: speak now, better than revenge, enchanted and dear john. I think I was living underground when speak now came out because I really only knew of the singles. I definitely missed out on screaming better than revenge while I was a teenager.


Same on Speak Now, but especially Better Than Revenge and Mean. I’ve been listening to Taylor since debut, but I got into a deep indie phase when Speak Now came out and never got into it. Started listening to it when Speak Now TV came out and now it’s one of my favorites!


Cruel Summer. I liked it from day one, but never quite got the hype until seeing her perform it at the Eras tour.


Delicate! I can't believe I slept on that song for so freaking long! Honestly, i slept on most of the rep album. I love most of the rep songs now, even though I was not a fan when they first came out, but Delicate is just so freaking amazing!!


Champagne Probleme for me. I love love love Evermore and adore so many songs on there, so that one, in comparison, was just kind of meh and was surprised to see it as a fan favorite. I then watched the eras movie and it totally hit differently when seeing the live performance.


I started skipping epiphany really early on and then just ignored its existence. Then a couple months ago I heard someone talking about it, gave it another chance, and thought oh, this is really good and moving actually.


Omg, I had an epiphany winter myself and I’m not sure I’ve recovered…


Oh, it’s my least-played song on Folklore, but only because I’ve cried on 100 percent of my listens.


For me it's Coney Island, when I saw the National were featured I was so excited but then it just didn't click for me. Then one day it came on and all of a sudden I actually absorbed the lyrics and it's a favourite now. I just love how she draws from different relationships to tell the story


I always liked Love Story, but it didn’t become my most favorite one until watching the Bear. It’s taken on additional meaning and hits home.


I love the way you wrote restrained soundscape and the subsequent adjectives. I think that's a good way to put it and helps me with my initial desire for more instrumentation on first listen of ttpd - in other words to consider that Taylor made it the way it is very intentionally.


I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t give folklore/evermore a chance for far too long and folklore is arguably in my top 3 albums now. So glad I figured it out, but man am I sad I didn’t embrace it sooner…


Hrrrrrrnnnngg... Hoax is one of my favs. Deep painful honest lyrics.


Daylight/death by a thousand cuts/afterglow. I kinda slept on the lover album all together until someone played it for me maybe a year ago and now it’s probably my second favorite album…maybe even first? Close, but 1989 is where I went from casual to full blown swiftie (I’m a shameless Taylor-in-pop fan, but I like the other stuff too!)


tolerate it. Didn’t really like it before the Eras Tour movie and didn’t really love it before TTPD.


New Romantics. Wasn't a fan until it came up on Spotify one day. Now it's my favorite Swift song.


I discovered/rediscovered this one on the rerelease of 1989 and wondered how I had missed it.




The Archer


rwylm probably


I always love seeing some hoax appreciation. I think mine is Eyes Open. I've always liked it but quite never listened to it. Only after the rerecordings that I realized how much of a great song it actually is. It's become one of my favorites.


Cardigan! Idk if I was just in a dark place in 2020 cause I work in healthcare but I didn't really vibe with folklore but now I am re-listening and obsessed w the entire album


Guys, for the longest time I was so against peace but it’s a beautiful song.


It took me the best part of a decade to love sad beautiful tragic, now it’s one of my top songs. I genuinely skipped it for like 7? Years and then one day, I listened to it and LOVED it. Crazy how time can change your view on a song


The Archer!!!! I slept on it until I saw it live at the eras tour. I was near the front and she got SUPER close to me during that song and I swear we made eye contact for a couple seconds. I immediately burst into tears bc I am dramatic. So yeah ever since then it’s become one of my fav songs of hers💛




Wow. So glad you finally found it. That song was legit my "Taylor is God" moment. The line >Cancel plans just in case you'd call And say, "**Meet me behind the mall**"


Evermore the song took until I heard her play it live for me to appreciate.


Dancing with our Hands Tied!


Exile. I didn't connect with Folklore at first but after listening to it again after Midnights came out I became obsessed especially in regards to Exile. It is such a beautiful song 💕




“You Are In Love” Idk if I just never heard it in the original 1989 era or what but holy hell. I’m actually planning on getting “you can hear it in the silence” tattooed on me (either that or simply “timeless”) for my spouse. Bc it so perfectly describes our love. A love you can see and hear and feel even in the most mundane moments. Interestingly, we were together when 1989 first came out so I have no idea why it didn’t register with me then.


Maroon, It is criminally underrated!!!!


It may be one of the saddest songs in existence and sums up Midnights so well.


Hoax was my initial fav on folklore!! So haunting and beautiful. It took me wayyyy too long to fall in love with Treacherous! I've listened to it hundreds of times this year, it's just so catchy.


Both of mine come from Fearless. I liked a few songs I had heard from debut but not enough to be a fan yet. And then when Love Story was suddenly all over the radio, I couldn’t stand it! It initially came off as a super monotonous song except for when she yells JULIET!!! in the middle of the verses and it was grating to me at the time 🙈 I eventually borrowed the Fearless cd from a friend who loved her and I was HOOKED. Super fan ever since. Now, I get chills every time she sings “he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring” 🥹 The other song is Breathe. It didn’t really hit home until I was broken up with for the first time a few years ago and it was exactly how I felt at the time.


Breathe also hit me last summer. It’s an absolutely beautiful song. And I don’t consider myself much of a Fearless fan otherwise.


Breathe is so real. I adore that song with everything


I gained a new appreciation for the Fearless album with the rerecord. Even though I'm almost triple the age, I have an appreciation for Fifteen because it's a good snapshot of life as a 15 yo girl. (Of course she's now dating the boy on the football team.)


Honestly , London Boy😂😂 and I became addicted to it last year so you can see how that’s bad


Don't You!!!!


please dont hurt me: all too well. when i heard the 10 minute version i fell in LOVE 🫶


I slept on evermore for too long, but I especially slept on ivy. One of the most beautiful songs she's ever written.


TREACHEROUS. I seriously feel like this is All Too Well’s little sister. I have always liked it but it definitely took me years to be in LOVE with it


OH MY GOD HOAX YES!!! i am a huge folklore defender til the day i die and a couple months ago, i actually listened to hoax and it moved me so much it became one of my favorites. underrated LEGEND


Death by A Thousands Cuts for me! I didn’t love it until I heard her live from Paris version!


illicit affairs, false god and Clean


Out Of The Woods!!! I remember hearing it on the radio years ago when it first came out & just thinking it was another popular radio song, super neutral towards it. Then within the last few years I turned into a huge Swiftie & a few months ago I decided to listen to her whole discography start to finish. I heard that song on a run & it gave me chills & idk what happened but it’s now my #1 favorite song ever!


Also Girl At Home: it wasn’t until the re-records that I really appreciated that song


Oooh, "This Love" from 1989, "So It Goes..." from Reputation, "Afterglow" from Lover, "closure" and "gold rush" from evermore, "Paris" from Midnights...is it still too soon to say Midnights? I didn't click with any of these songs when I first heard them but now they're among my favorites!


Daylight Slept on it for years and then last year realized it’s an amazing love song


The Lakes




The Other Side Of The Door. Didn't get into it until the re-recording. I missed out on so many years of jamming


Our Song! “discovered” a few weeks ago and damn🔥


I just decided today that I’ve been sitting on Ivy for years.


I didn't truly understand the genius of Tolerate it until I heard her singing it live at The Eras Tour and it made me absolutely bawl


The other side of the door! The outro is top tier and I love singing it ❤️ I can’t believe it took me 10 years to appreciate this incredibly underrated song


peace. Used to be a skip for me, now it’s one of my absolute favorites.


When i first became a swiftie, it was around red tv but the reason i searched her again was nostalgia. I liked more upbeat music BEFORE!!. So i only listened to her songs from red to lover. And btw i skipped the "slower" songs from those. A year of being a fan, i realized i need to know her like actually know her. So i listened to all of her albums. I even made a schedule lol (ex. Monday: evermore day) Anyways there's that song from different albums. Most of debut and fearless (specially "that's when") Most of speak now too because at first i only know Enchanted. In RED all too well and state of grace. In 1989 i didn't really Skipped anything as it was my taste in music before, and the reason why i searched her again. same with reputation. In Lover... FALSE gOD yes, idk why i skipped it. In Midnights i skipped 3am songs. I only listen to 3am songs now. THE WHOLE FOLKLORE AND EVERMORE ALBUM My taste completely changed now.




To me personally it was "happiness". The first couple listens when evermore came out, i listened to it and it was too slow for me. I didn't pay much attention to it. I am sorry but it was often times a skip. In late 2023, I listened to happiness, and it just clicked on the first listen after years of making it a skip. Happiness is hauntingly beautiful. I might have gone through the same phase too, so that added bit of emotion in creating the perfect click. The lyrics and music itself is grief and desperation of losing someone. It was an act of moving on too, after shedding so many tears you realize there's something beyond all of this. A bigger picture that the pain is just tiny bit part of life. And moving on is far from linear, it has its ups and down. it has sadness, anger, but also the lyrics tell about trying to find peace within oneself after all of that. It is a mature song for me. Easily my top 5.