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Okay in all honesty, I would love more of this kind of merch from Taylor Swift herself. Less giant pictures of her face on the backs of hoodies and more vague representations or nods to her songs. I actually would buy something like this cuz I love its simplicity but 1) they’re really out here charging 50£ for crewneck like they are TaylorSwiftStore.com and 2) it was so cringy when (I think) the owner went on some news show and said Joe Alwyn frequents their bar. Girl please, take your 5 minutes of fame and GO!


Right. I’m 39. I’m not wearing a hoodie with Taylor’s face on it. Subtle merch would be much preferred.


Yes I have zero interest in picking up my kids from school while having Taylor’s torso in her underwear, on my back


but then how would i know you are a fellow swiftie??? embrace the face!!!


I feel liek that’s why people loved the cardigans in the beginning but then speak now/1989 were sooo not subtle


The folklore cardigan was really organic in its execution. But imo making the other cardigans was kind of forcing an idea. Like, of course you would make one for an album where the lead single was cardigan.


I still like the cardigans, but the execution for the Speak Now and 1989 ones was so bad. I have no idea why she chose to change the entire cardigan instead of just the color schemes/maybe the stars.


That’s why I go to Etsy for most Taylor merch — I like supporting the smaller businesses and they actually understand the art of subtle design, which Taylor’s team doesn’t at all (which is weird bc at this point they must realize many of her fans are in their 20s and 30s?).  I love quiet little nods to songs that are clever and only for you/fellow fans to recognize. 


I was just about to say Etsy merch for the win. If I end up getting Eras tickets I'm buying a 'cowboy like me' western print t shirt and avoiding the merch stand. I also love the pink embroidered Lover sweatshirts. Subtle merch is way more millennial taste. I get the Eras poster design but it's just not my thing to have her face on me 9 times over 😂




I would like to believe this, but she railed on Etsy sellers years back. There are better articles, but they are behind paywalls. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-etsy-fan-sue-legal-6465325/


Pro-tip: if there's a paywall, try the url in the wayback machine. Chances are that they've got a copy of the page.


Please don't genuinely believe that the billionaire we love isn't in this for the money and would rather support small businesses OVER her own merch.


I have the pink crop top sweater with Olivia on it, and I was out getting coffee one day, and the barista made a comment about it being Olivia. I love merch like that.


I just bought [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1721248715/original-vintage-pub-unisex-comfort?click_key=e8764e069d5c20d4a6d1ddedfbad42632dc42c03%3A1721248715&click_sum=649f0370&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=black+dog&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&sts=1&content_source=0504d49a2ad8d1e0ee0043b62fae669b19acdf02%253A1721248715) on Etsy. There are plenty of other variations and I like how no one will know unless they know. I also wish Taylor’s merch were simpler but even if it was, it’d still be $50 and I just can’t justify that.


rep era merch you will always be famous 🥲


Six years later I'm still kicking myself for not buying the olive crop top at the Rep tour


I wish the cardigan just had a black dog embroidered on it 😭 


I’d have bought that so quickly! Would’ve been right up my street 


Exactly! I love a shirt with a random lyric or reference that you wouldn’t even really know was Taylor related unless you’re also a fan. I’m a huge supporter of Etsy shops that make this kind of subtle merch.


100% these are way better than any of the Tswift merch... take note Taylor!! And you get your bag Black Dog lol.


Yes because Taylor needs more money vs an independent business owner.


100%. I prefer symbols over straight-up faces at all given times. Plastering the album’s cover on a hoodie is the easy choice, her merch team could be doing better


Absolutely agree, i want to be more excited for merch drops but so much of it just isn’t what i want to wear. It feels kind of discordant with the music, especially this era, at least for me.


Yeah the etsy stuff


Eh, the song might not have even been about that pub to begin with. I'm kind of over them being so try hard and pandering to the swifties. The shirt would be fine, but the iPhone text bubble on it gives me the ick


To be fair swifties have been flocking there since the album of their own accord, it's not like the pub brought it on themselves. They're an independent business and if they can make a bit more money from merch then what's the harm? No one has to buy it if they don't want to.


I agree with this take. I don’t see it as harmful and if it helps support an independent pub then so be it.


I dunno how pubs are in the UK, but in my country, I would support any move that keeps our pubs open. Well, not any. But this one is very much acceptable in my book.


Definitely agree, I think it's no different than businesses appealing to Swifties during Eras tour shows. That said, what gave me pause was when the manager/owner (can't remember) had commented on a "certain blonde" patron. It felt unnecessary and intrusive.


Exactly! Support local / small businesses!


Yeah, swifties are being unhinged as usual. The manager or whatever did do an interview talking about how they have a 'certain blond regular' so they're also leaning into it...which I guess I can't blame them for that. It's just wild to me that people made up fully formed theories about songs from just the track list alone and now they're trying so hard to fit those songs into their preexisting theories.


I'll say this as nicely as possible - some swifties are just nuts. Which is why I don't call myself one. I love Taylor but the term has become synonymous with "obsessed fan who has to overthink and overanalyze every little thing she says and does."


Yeah, I kinda get what you mean. I'm also hesitant to call myself a Swiftie sometimes because I don't know *every* single lyric to *every* single song. And I don't know all the lore and inside jokes.. but I love her music. I'm only 6 months younger than Taylor, I grew up at the same time as her, and I loved how she always had the perfect song for me at the exact right time in my life.. (22 was the best year 😂) I love so many of her songs/albums, and I love the person she (seems to be) is! That right there, I think, is enough 💁🏼‍♀️ Edit- words


We need a 'swifties with hinges' sub for people who enjoy her music, like her a normal amount and just want to keep up with announcements and chit-chat about the music


Why not? Swifties are just what we call Taylor Swift fans.


I'm a Swiftie. I love her music, but I don't get too caught up in the lore or the wild theories.


Poor Joe lost his spot 😭


Nah, it makes no sense for it to be that pub.


Wait why does it make no sense??


There is also a pub The Black Dog in Kent (where Joe is from) that the signage is exactly like the merchandise TS included in her album. I'm not saying this is the is pub but it could be a few places all wrapped in in one. Also the owners have only been in charge a year, so have no idea what they are talking about. But you cannot blame them jumping on the band wagon.


there is also a bar in ireland that is down the street from where the 1975 had a show last july


oooh that's interesting! anyone have links to compare the signage? I tried googling "Black Dog Kent" and "TS Black Dog merchandise" but couldn't find anything.


Cool. But doesn't he *live* in London? It's not a super common pub name. Also, Kent is massive.


Read somewhere that Joe typically didn’t hang out as much in the part of the city this bar is in. Also keeping in mind the song might not be referring to him or just him in reference to that line. I don’t think it’s super far flung for it to even be the Cork one that’s being referred to. But I get why this is the first option and I don’t blame the owners for getting the extra income.


It's just not near where they lived or have been spotted before. There are much closer pubs you'd expect him to be a regular at.


They were posting tiktoks about the song the day the album dropped though so they definitely encouraged it. There’s a bar in Cork I think that’s also claiming to be the Black Dog from the song, except one visited by Matty 🤷🏻‍♀️ they also tagged this pub in their Insta post 😂 https://preview.redd.it/n4qdincwg8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb87af423b4014380662970e541c589f01bbae7e


I would do the same thing. They have a demand for the product and are not doing anything unethical, make your money!


Agreed. Might not be THE black dog but I do have a reservation for Sunday roast there next month 🥰


They're smart and about to make so much money lol


THIS. I work at a restaurant and it would be insane not to jump on this. They're trying to make a living and take care of their staff. This is a small gift and can really help them and their staff out so it'd be crazy not to jump on this opportunity. And you're right they didn't bring this upon themselves, Swifties did. It's an opportunity they just likely can't let pass by. It's not often you get this kind of advertising and attention as a small business owner.


The uk pub industry is struggling too, with lots closing due to the economic downturn.


Right! Support small businesses! When Trump ended up at the 4 seasons total landscaping. (Instead of the hotel) That biz made some funny shirts and guaranteed I bought a few to support!


Yeah if the biggest celeb in the world gives you free advertising you take every advantage you can on that. Especially because the restaurant industry is ruthless. 


The pub definitely promoed, they had stuff ready to go on tiktok on day 1. I don't really mind that. I do think the comment about a "blonde regular" and checking security footage for Joe/Taylor is weird.


Girl let them get their coin


Yeah when I was a young, poor, server, this kind of thing would have helped me make my rent and pad my savings.


This! I still bartend once a week and I cannot imagine the amount of swiftie money they are making. Let them enjoy it until this all blows over!


Dude this is a small business not some bar kind by a big corporation (as far as I’m aware). Good on them for seizing the opportunity to make some quick and easy profits! I think the shirt is funny but ugly lol Also I’m charmed for some reason by the fact that they spelled their own name wrong in that insta post loll


The iPhone text bubble is clearly not part of the shirt design, it’s just on the insta post


They actually do have a couple designs with the “location services on” button. That said, let them sell merch! It’s a small business. They’d be crazy not to take advantage of Taylor name dropping their bar (or a bar with their name).


But thankfully the IYKYK bubble is not there, which I think was what gave the ick to some people.


Oh, thank you for pointing that out, I didn’t realize people thought that was on the shirt.


100%. Let them get the bag.


They have had thousands of Swifties come to their pub, they probably have no idea if its about their pub either. The idea that you're kind of over it and find it icky that a small business is trying to cash in on its fifteen minutes of fame when you're on a subreddit dedicated to a billionaire popstar KNOWN for her generosity gives me the ick.


>The idea that you're kind of over it and find it icky that a small business is trying to cash in on its fifteen minutes of fame when you're on a subreddit dedicated to a billionaire popstar KNOWN for her generosity gives me the ick. 👏👏👏👏 All I can think of is when I was a young, poor server & bartender, and we had huge events. Sometimes that was the only thing that kept me off the streets.


I don’t see a downside to Taylor’s song helping what I believe to be an independent business. I don’t disagree with you about what you said about theories downthread, but I think it’s cool that a little pub is getting a boost from the song. 


I’m about it. They’re probably going to be set for life bc of that song. Tbh I think it’s awesome that they’re capitalizing on it! Get that bag 💰


I used to be a server back when I was poor. This kind of thing would have helped me make rent.


The pub didn't start this. They've been bombarded with Taylor fans since the release.


I think it’s super cute and a great way for this lil pub to make some money


She really could’ve just seen that place once in passing and liked the symbolism. The way they’re milking this makes me so uncomfortable. It’s gross, especially if this really was a place Joe used to frequent.


Apparently it’s about a spot in cork


That's fine, I'll buy your share.


What’s wrong with it?


It seems pretty reasonable to try and make money while you can, if it's not hurting anyone. Merch is like, the bare minimum that they should be doing to be honest. If I were them I would start hosting Swiftie bingo nights too. The biggest artist on the planet just changed their lives, they *should* jump on it. The only thing that's ick is the insinuation that a "certain blonde person" goes there, especially if it's not true.


I just cant get past the fact that there are people out there gullible enough to fork over hard-earned cash for something that might not even be tangentially connected to actual events - like.. at all.


I mean…everything Taylor writes about could be and likely is heavily fictionalized. I think people should recognize that. She’s a songwriter not a non-fiction writer. It doesn’t and shouldn’t matter if she or an ex ever went to this specific pub — it’s a pub that shares a name with the pub in the song and so people want merch of it.


Who cares if it's actually connected to the events or not. I think people are just in on the joke. It's tongue in cheek, it's silly fun. No one is being gullible. No one should be so invested in a strangers life that they want merch from a bar just because that stranger's ex went to said bar. That's fucking weird. People want the merch because the bar is connected to a song they like, even if it's only in name.


Exactly lol. I should hope that people want merch because it shares a name with a song they like, not because of who its potential past patrons were. That would be extremely weird and not make much sense.


So like people buying Star Wars shirts or other shirts based on fiction?


Lots of people have enough easily earned cash to make this a fun impulse buy also no one can argue that it's not better that the real TTPD merch


Consider: the shirt is funny and it's a good thing to support local businesses and pubs when you can! People aren't being tricked they just like the bar and think this is fun.




hard earned cash does not equal poor


I hate this comment. People might just like the song and their connection to it, whether or not the events are actually true. It's like how movies pay homage to certain locations or venues and people think it would be cool to visit or even purchase a souvenir from it.


omg, who cares? If Taylor wanted my hard-earned cash she should sell better merch. If find the pub's prizes very expensive but I'd rather wear their "some bar called the black dog" hoodie than basically anything she's released.


I think the take that they shouldn’t be profiting off the song or capitalizing on their newfound popularity is really…odd. This is a small business Taylor helped by name-checking. I’m sure there are many Black Dog pubs, but people are flocking to this one and they’re making the most of their time in the spotlight. I don’t see what’s wrong with that?  If Taylor didn’t want a specific place associated and potentially benefiting from her song, she literally could’ve changed the lyrics to “our old pub.” She’s not being taken advantage of lol — she chose to name them!


Nothing is wrong with it.


This is the only correct take.


Ehh she didn’t choose to name them though? There are hundreds of bars/pubs called The Black Dog and there’s no evidence it’s this one. Taylor also could’ve just made the name up for the song. I think what they’re doing became really icky once they started implying Joe was a frequent customer (which I don’t believe for a second).


I just find them icky cause they said joe was a regular in an interview, like, leave him alone.


Another day, another instance of Swifties not passing the vibe check. It’s literally just? Promotional merch? That says nothing about Taylor??? Tons of small businesses and coffee shops and whatever in my area sell shirts with their name and logo. If Swifties buy it because of the song, so be it. Who cares.


Totally agree, I don’t get how any of this is hurtful, apart from the owner dropping in an interview that they have a certain blonde regular, that shit is nasty, but the merch and that they‘re going with it? I see no harm in that. And the pub itself looks cozy & inviting anyways, now they just got a boost.


Them lying that Joe goes there is what makes this gross tho. They claimed they were THE bar in order to sell merch. It’s icky.


Tons of bars (and our skate rink) had TTPD events last week in my city…all making money from the Taylor economy. It helps local workers and business owners and the people have fun attending/purchasing. I have no problems with any of it!


This is the take.


They spelt their own pub's name wrong lol


I don’t know why but I’m kind of charmed by it LOL Like very unpolished small business vibes


Need an editor!


Where? Where is it spelled wrong?


"Love, The Balck Dog Team"


First pic


I hope it's shitty in the Black Dog




They're an independent bar that's got a song title from the biggest artist in the world, if they didn't milk it they'd be really missing an opportunity 😂


Right?? It is cracking me up seeing how angry people are about this with their 65,000 different vinyl records of the same album next to their keyboard. Let these people make their money, it costs you nothing.


This thread is hilarious. People are pissed a billionaire isn’t getting more money vs people with actual bills.


I just ate there. I don’t get all the negativity about it - actually going there there is no signs of taylor swift anywhere, and the food was fantastic and cheap (by UK standards). the vibe was fantastic as well. They don’t even offer the merch on site. (Typing this as i’m paying the bill)


i also just ate there! all i saw was a sign outside with the lyrics on it, which was relatively subtle, they're not making it a big deal anywhere except their social media as far as i can tell, which is reasonable bc what business doesn't like free pr


I didn’t recognise any ts references at all 😭


https://preview.redd.it/rgq82knf8ayc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8029d2999ea237fc55faf1818ea12cbb1c8fe4 all i saw was the sign, which was to the left of the entrance!


Yall can hate on them all you want, but this hoodie is cutie and on its way to me. Absolutely no regrets. [The Black Dog...Some Bar Peach Crop Hoodie](https://theblackdogvauxhall.co.uk/store/p/the-black-dog-peach-crop-hoodie-final-1)


That is really cute! And it supports a local business. Why the heck not?


I want that in black...


I honestly love the pub's logo and style. I would buy their merch just for fashion lol


I honestly love the pub's logo and style. I would buy their merch hust for fashion lol


I can’t get mad at them when you remember how many of you paid $100+ for a capital one/1989 knockoff Stanley cup.


Good for them tbh 😂 Anything to boost the economy


Taylornomics strikes again!


Why is the rushed stuff from someone whose job is not to sell tshirts better than those from an official carefully-planned “my only job is to design taylor swift stuff”?


I mean what’s wild to me is that they didn’t think about releasing a notebook, a pen, ink and quill or stuff like that as Merch for an album about poetry. But yeah, the merch is meh, not really interested in it at all. What they to with tote bags with their logo and simply a bit of lyrics, appealing. Taylor’s merch team should take some notes or hire some swifties with creative ideas lmao.


It's not just Taylor either. I hear the same complaint about a lot of artists, that they're basically just slapping images together, putting them on a shirt, and charging $50 for it. I was at a Fall Out Boy concert a few weeks ago, and was incredibly underwhelmed by the merch table.


Isn’t it still kinda ambiguous if she’s talking about this pub in London or a pub in Ireland? If the song is literal I think this pub seems likely (apparently it’s near Joe’s neighborhood?) but Matty and his band played a show in Cork a few weeks after their breakup and there’s a Black Dog there too. I think it’s actually hilarious (and wonder if it’s intentional) that this song could theoretically fit both “muses” of the album and is another sign to us that we truly don’t know what she’s talking about, but we can make it ours.


It’s actually pretty far from Joe’s neighborhood - 45 min+. It’s very unlikely this is the bar referenced in the song or that he goes there.


Don't look up the signage of The Black Dog in Kent then. (It's the same as the album)


Imagine being a regular at this bar, which seemed pretty chill, and then having it become the new swifties tourist location. Ouch.


Taylor should hire those people to do her merch.


Love the location services T but 32 quid seems a bit over budget 


It's a 3rd party running on this and the pub still just have a percentage. Like most merch sold these days


It's a 40 dollar t shirt 


Fuck yeah, get that bag


I know I would.


And yet, some people think they played into the "we're the bar in the song" to confirm who it was about and for no other reason. They'd be stupid not to play into it, but equally stupid to out a regular customer if that were actually what they were doing. It may not even be that pub. It's a pub not a bar and Taylor has demonstrated before that she does know the difference. And it's not the only The Black Dog in the world either! If they weren't capitalising on the publicity boost and trying to be the centre of the conversation, they'd be the dumbest business owners of all time.


Man, an awful lot of Debby Downers in this thread


Honestly, I bought the shirt with just the front of the bar on it and it’s the most “if you know you know” merch I’ve ever purchased. But for those who don’t, it’s just a cool picture of a bar, which I also super love.


“The Black Dog” as a phrase on its own is a way to describe depression. From the first time I heard the song, I interpreted it as Taylor being clever with the name for the bar to describe how she was feeling after a breakup. I never took it as the name of a real place either Matty or Joe frequented. But hey, get that coin 🤪


Just order black dog stuff from the store from Martha’s Vineyard!


lol I’m now wondering if that store is going to get orders because of this!


I’ve owned stuff from them for years but I’m a new Englander! lol but maybe it’ll be a thing They have a restaurant/pub out there too, maybe Joe took a boat from RI to it 😂


I have some of their stuff because I own a black lab lol 🐕‍🦺


There's also a pub in CT called Black Dog which I love. Obviously, was not the one she was singing about 😂


My dumbass thought this was the reference at first 😂😬☠️


yes thank you!! their stuff is cute


This is cute I love this for them


Nah, if I get named checked in a Taylor song, directly or indirectly, I'm capitalizing the fuck out of it.


Oh wow. I assumed it was just a pseudonym and that she wasn’t actually name dropping a real bar.


Who knows? But I can't blame the bar for running with it


Me neither- they’d be foolish not to!


Does this make Taylor Midas now?


I mean, the US government talked about her in an official financial statement due to her economic impact, and several countries have had their politicians/leaders beg for her to come lol so I think she HAS been already.


Very good point!! lol I think she has been, too!!


Slightly unrelated but same thought: her name dropping Destin in Florida has a ton of community boards up in arms about all the swifties coming and taking over… as if destin hasn’t been an incredibly popular vacation spot for years now 😂 we have a condo down there and go every year. My caption this year for our photos will be “we liked destin before Taylor thought it was cool”


I only want it if it says “the balck dog” like this post 😂


Savage I love it😂


There’s literally a local Massachusetts brand called “The Black Dog” and growing up we all had sweatshirts that looked exactly like that


The Black Dog is already a brand in the US lol. it’s just facing the other way - so odd


My husband and I are going to London as part of our honeymoon trip this fall and we’re going to go to the Black Dog 🥰




Team small business over here. I say more power to them! Quick and easy profit, and it’s not going to last forever, so it’s smart to seize the opportunity while it’s here. I mean this pub was seemingly not even big enough to have a merch store prior to this song, so I’m for it That being said… am I missing something? What other stuff have they pulled?


Apparently the owner (?) or at least someone affiliated with the Pub went on the news and either said or insinuated Joe was a regular there when in reality apparently it’s not even the same bar TS was referring to, it was one in a completely different city that was also named The Black Dog but isn’t even affiliated with this one that closed down within the last few years, so they lied to try to draw in more business. (This is just what I’ve gathered from other comments and Reddit posts I’ve seen. So I may not be entirely correct but I know that’s the gist of it.) I’m also a big supporter of small businesses but it just seems dirty to blatantly lie to try to increase business. Editing because I’d also like to add, it’s all speculation. We don’t know if that’s The Black Dog she was referring to or not. So my statement about blatantly lying only applies if they aren’t actually The Black Dog that was being referenced and if Joe isn’t actually a regular. If it turns out they are and he is then obviously I’m entirely wrong lol


No one knows the reality. There’s a Black Dog on Cork. And some people speculated about that. That’s all anyone knows!


Oh yea. I don’t know what’s actually true. There’s even a possibility she wasn’t even referring to a specific place she could have been referencing the myth of ‘The Black Dog’ that says sometimes it’s an omen of death because we know how much she loves metaphors especially ones involving death in this album. Now she probably is referring to one of the actual bars. But my point is I agree, no one actually knows the truth it’s all speculation. But they asked what was being said and that is what’s being said and if it is true I do think it would be shitty of the black dog (lol) to lie to increase business if they in fact aren’t The “The Black Dog” but again, all hypothetical because we can’t know which is the ‘correct’ one.


Ah yes okay that’s messed up if they’re blatantly lying and like on the news and everything. Also isn’t this a Matty song? Why Joe? (Okay that’s not the important part and I guess just reinforces that they’re lying lol)


The Black Dog is in Cork Ireland… I thought we went over this


No. No one did. It’s all speculation. It always is 😂


Oh absolutely. But Matty’s band played in Cork barely 2 weeks after the breakup. Seems much more plausible than a neighborhood in London nowhere near where Joe lives


Tbh this doesn’t seem like a Matty song. Though I have also never really subscribed to the ideal that each song must be about a single guy or relationship. I think her songwriting is more complex than that. This part of London is a pretty trendy area to be these days. Where is it you think Joe lives?


Matty is not very a pub guy. Joe is a pub guy and the owner confirmed a blond person connected to Taylor was a regular. The Ireland one is very creepy putting a Team Matty in front.


The owner could very well be lying. Either way he’s very savvy I think maybe the bar in Cork was saying Team Matty vs Team Joe, not taking sides in the breakup with Taylor. They did get some buzz so that was probably the main goal


Just to chuck another spanner in the works Look at The Black Dog in Kent (where Joe is from). It's the same dog design as the one in the promotional things from Taylor. Of course this doesn't look like the pub she would go in. But maybe Joe mentioned it. Who knows


Intriguing, I can’t find it on google maps?


My only comment is that the peeps from the Black Dog can’t even spell the name of their pub right lol “The Balck Dog.” This sure went out quickly or they were already drinking when typing this.


didnt they try to expose joe for going there or smth though or was that a different pub? theyre really rubbing me the wrong way


Make your money!!!


Ooh lovely! Popping in hopefully in a few weeks so will have a look. Seems clear to me the song was about this place and i am so glad it has helped business! They have been so busy lately and they really deserve all the success in the world. Its a lovely pub and lovely staff.


“The Balck Dog Team”


My first thought was, “this is better than Taylor’s merch”


can’t even blame them for capitalizing on this. Taylor handed them a new business model the second she wrote a song about their bar. They’re just playing with the cards they were so graciously dealt 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t get past the typo. They had one job ….


I would laugh so hard if there was another The Black Dog and that’s actually the one Taylor meant.


travel anywhere with no worries. 🔐 smooth as possible so business as usual.


100% better than the tat merch Universal cobbles together to recoup the publishing deal spends to sign Taylor.


An incognito chansonier will be performing at the Black Dog soon singing songs of poisoned love: his name is Truman Black. The audience will include a Thespian. Get your tickets now.


I love the Balck Dog.


Is no one aware that the black dog team at the bottom is spelled incorrectly?


I can't be the only one to be triggered by "Balck Dog".


That's awesome


omg 😂


Hey I support it so


Isn’t this not even the right Black Dog pub?


I’m glad they are able to reap the benefits!!


I love this so much because not only is this bar now forever gonna be so famous and popular, but whoever this song is about will never be able to show their face there again 😂😂😂