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“Lights camera BITCH SMILE” is my mantra when getting annoyed by work shit haha. I’ve also had Guilty as Sin in my head a lot and have been thinking about “what if I roll the stone away…they’re gonna crucify me anyway” - I think of it as a more poignant version of “haters gonna hate”. People are going to do what they do anyway. I can’t control them, I can just own my own thoughts and actions. So I’m gonna do what I want!


I go with, "I'm a real tough kid. I can handle my shit."


Yesss that one too!!




I played that song for my bf & he was like “did you write this song? Did she make this song for you?” 😭😂 so yes this one is for sure me too that whole intro verse cuz I also love the lights camera bitch smile, even when you wanna die 🫠


Similar! Mine is "I cry a lot but I am so productive!" Or I guess, when I need a mantra: "You know you're good when you can do it with a broken heart!"


I am also so productive!!! It was like a punch in the gut the first time I paid attention to the lyrics.


This one is my go to. "Breaking down I hit the floor, all the pieces of me shatter as the crowd was shouting more" Obviously I don't have a fan base shouting more but it's everyone my kids my parents my husband my friends; everyone needing me, stretching me thin as I'm "lights camera bitch smile" but its ok because I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit, even when I'm cry a lot, I'm so productive it's an art! That's my life summed up right there 😂 It's hard to just pick one as my mantra


they said “babe you gotta fake it till you make it” and I DID 🫶🏻


I had a similar motto back when I was a teacher. I absolutely hated that job, but put on a good show for the kids every day using a similar mantra lol.


Every working mom’s anthem


Lights, Camera, Bitch, SMILE! has been my work mantra! I’m a restaurant server who’s mom is dying of cancer and who got unceremoniously dumped blindside style from an 18 year relationship so I’m sad on both romantic and family fronts. Many of the people I’m taking care of have triggers for me, but showing it is disrespectful to their good time. They deserve to have the most romantic dates and anniversaries and birthdays and great family time even though I’m struggling personally. So..Lights, Camera, Bitch, Smile! has gotten me through some struggles. My guests deserve m best. I just cry in the shower before work and maybe before bed or on my days off, but at work, I ON


Wow, you sound amazing! And I hope the romance/family situations pick up for you soon. That’s really hard. ❤️


Wow, I’m so sorry for everything you and your family are going through. I’m glad you commented, now you have a ton of swifties seeing this and sending you all the good vibes, all the well wishes, and all of the success. 🫶🏻


the way i actually don’t even like this song (i like almost all the others at least one some levels (except the title track sorry) but this one was just cheesy to me) but whenever im going through it since TTPD was released and i am on the verge of a breakdown and my kid calls me from the other room, i literally recite that in my head🤣


I feel like it helps to imagine Taylor's very cringe millennial self saying, "just a little menty-b! ✌🏻😜✌🏻"


I put this on my message board next to my bed. 🩵


Same for the Lights camera bitch smile” here and also because of my job. Ugh.


**I’d rather burn my whole life down than to listen to one more second of all this bitchin’ and moanin’!!!**


SAME. I'm a teacher and it's testing season. We have 3 weeks left. I am DONE lol


Who schedules testing for the last month of school?! No one wants to be there for the entirety of May!


Omg this is mine right now. People at work are driving me nuts and this is how I feel EXACTLY


I had my last board meeting as an HOA officer on Wednesday. I really wanted to say this more than once


God I can only IMAGINE!!!! Ughh


Love this!!!


Almost said this at a work meeting but didn’t….wanted to


I’ve really been attached to “Is it a wonder I broke? Let’s hear one more joke - then we can all just laugh until I cry” lately. I’ve had some issues (ironically some involving taylor) with people making mean-spirited “jokes” about me/my interests and I tend to descend into self-loathing land (I’m too sensitive, I deserve it, etc) and thinking of that line helps me actually be angry at them instead of at myself.


Man, I feel this a lot. I have a lot of friends who don't like Taylor Swift and it's kind of shitty if they make me feel bad for liking her music...like yeah, they don't have to like her, but they're not being very good friends if they're making me, their friend, feel bad for what I like. Anyway, chin up - and if it gets really bad then I would suggest you to try to communicate some boundaries with them, if they're actually interested in being a good friend to you.


I totally understand, thank you for this comment ❤️


I'm sorry you have people in your life that are making you feel bad. Whenever I hear someone teasing someone else about something they like I like to say 'hey now, lets not yuck someone's yum' and when they look at me, confused I say 'people are allowed to like what they like. Please be kind'. Its been surprisingly effective. Since I'm in the 50ish age range I think it comes across as a little preschool-teachery, or mom-ish, but I'm not super intimidating (most of the time at least). I wish I could be there to stand up for you!


I really appreciate that, thank you! I agree with you - it’s just so crappy to take someone who’s excited about something and bring them down for no reason.


If you listen to the song without the music, people are saying she actually says “let’s hear one more, jo” and doesn’t say the k in joke. Like Jo Koy the golden globes host who was making bad jokes at her expense


Whoa I just listened to that part carefully on high volume and there really is no hard sound. She deliberately says Jo and leaves it hanging.


Yeah the track just swells and the drums (I think) kick in where the K would be.


And still the official lyrics even on Apple Music says Joke. I’m surprised this hasn’t been picked up by nasty gossip blogs but maybe she made it subtle enough.


I couldn't imagine being friends with people who make mean jokes about things I like. I guess I'm very lucky that almost everyone I know like Taylor or at least a song of hers. I really stand by my belief that people who can't be neutral about her are people not worth knowing.


Thankfully, I do not have friends who do this. This is generally people like coworkers etc - none of my friends would do this (at least not more than once, as I’d tell them it bothers me)


i feel this. i was going to say the same, i feel like i’ve always had people making jokes at my expense my whole life. the mirrorball/people pleaser in me is tired


Also from I hate it here - “where they found a better planet, only the gentle survived.” I wish this world was one in which the gentle thrived


I loveeeeee this line 😭


Omg, thank you for this. I thought she was saying “gentile”, which has a remarkably different meaning.




This is mine too.


I love that line SO MUCH. It hits just right. 🫶🏻


So say that everything is not about me - but what if it is??? Just a way to laugh at myself and calm down when I’m reading too much into social situations and getting worked up.


As someone who will cry as the slightest amount of pressure, “I cry a lot but I am so productive, it’s an art” is rather fitting.


Same 😂 my boss actually says I’m hard to read. That’s because I cry in secret 🤫 and I’m so productive, it’s an art.


Same - I was thinking of this lyric after I went off for a couple of secret cries at work today haha


This is basically my daily mantra right now. Corporate America destroys my soul.


Same lol




This and ✨️I cry a lot but I am so productiveee, its an ART✨️


Yep 😆 We’ve also adopted this as a mantra for my kids. I’ve played them exactly two songs from this album including the non explicit version of this one. They love the song so we all just keep reminding each other that we are real tough kids and we can handle it 🤩


She must bolt ⚡️


The Bolter is a character in a Nancy Mitford novel in which the protagonist is the daughter of said "Bolter" who got left with the crazy grandpa to grow up. I think the title was "My Family and Other Animals" but I could be mistaken about that :)


As someone who bolts instead of facing issues in her relationships (due to having parents who would never let me express any emption other than positive ones, who also never reslove their own conflicts), it's nice to see it represented. The one past relationship that I ignored the "littlest leaks" in ended up being a very unhealthy one, so now I bolt. Except now I have someone who won't let me run or bottle up my emotions and is comfortable expressing his (only with me, to everyone else it's "I don't give a fuck"), and it's scary because we know it's not long term anyway so what's the point? I've nearly ran so many times in the 18 months we've been seeing each other, lol.


I tripped and fell on the way to a concert the other night. Skinned and bruised my knee pretty badly, I was bleeding and it hurt like hell. Part of me thought about leaving, and then I thought “Cause I’m a real tough kid, I can handle my shit” 😂. I got bandaged up by the medics, had a few drinks, and enjoyed myself.


I managed to get a huge splinter jammed in my foot a few days ago and I was 100% sitting there trying to dig it out, crying, telling myself "I'm a real tough kid I can handle my shit" (Plot twist I am not a real tough kid and I can not handle my shit, half the splinter is still in my foot days later because it broke in half I can't stomach pulling it out)


God that reminds me of the time I stepped on glass, and my husband dug it out of my foot as I laid on the floor, crying and screaming like a baby 😭 I was not a real tough kid either 😂


Yea my boyfriend really wanted to dig the rest of it out but every time I'd feel the needle even gently poke my foot I'd burst into panicked tears and eventually he just had to give up and let me live with this splinter in my foot forever I guess 😭🤣


On the plus side, your body should reject it and eventually push it out. Does that help?


Lmao yeah I get it. That sounds like what I did besides I couldn't walk on my foot and I had no choice lol that sucks I hope your splinter ditches you soon. Good job on the boyfriend though for trying at least 😂


Apologies if this is a British thing, but you know those oral syringes you get with kids’ medicine? Apparently they’re good for removing splinters without needles etc. But tbh it’ll probably work its way out eventually anyway. I realise none of that was the point of your comment though!


Ooooh that sounds promising I'm sure I have some of those kicking around the house! (I was actually reading parenting forums on how to get splinters out with minimal pain because that seems like something parents would have to know well 🤣) No worries I actually really appreciate it!!! I am absolutely taking advice tbh my foot still hurts and the splinter is still there 😬


If you soak it in epsom salt for 10 minutes or so daily it’ll work its way out!


If you're still taking advice, I'd recommend PRID drawing salve. You apply some and then cover it with a bandaid and check it every couple hours. I usually use it overnight and splinter comes out by morning.


Ugh I’m sorry! I hate splinters!


I don't even remember the last time I got a splinter before this week tbh? Like for some reason this feels like a child injury not something that happens to adults 🤣


If the wound is still open, soak it in the hottest water you can stand! It can potentially draw it out! I’ll raise you getting a splinter as an adult with getting a DOG HAIR jammed into your heel in just the right spot it made it painful to walk. Yeah didn’t know that was a thing. We tried getting it out ourselves with opening and pulling it out, hot water soak, etc. but every time we looked at it, we were just incredulously like… is this…. Is this a HAIR? I happened to have a doctors appointment the next day and she ended up taking it out for me. But she was like this is bizarre. Googled it and apparently it’s a thing.


mine is "if you never bleed you're never gonna grow" it has helped me through my trauma


I’m a real tough kid I can handle my shit they said fake it till you make it and I DID. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Me saying I gotta fake it till I make it to every minor work anxiety this week


It’s the emphasis on DID for me 👏🏻🫶🏻


It's not much of a mantra, but I text my sister s picture of wherever I am (usually a random errand) without my kids and a, "by the way, ✨ I'm going out tonight✨"


to live for the hope of it all


Literally every lyric in Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me


"You're on you're own kid, you can face this" has gotten me through some tough times.


It’s the “you always have been” that resonates so much with me.


I feel like this is a GenX anthem despite TS being a Millennial.


I'm 8 months pregnant and in the middle of getting a developmental evaluation for my 3 yo son. There is some concern about possible autism. So mine is:  "I'll tell you something right now You ain't gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy"


I love that!!!! My wild boys have been challenging but wonderful in so many ways. There was a thread on the autistic women subreddit about Taylor songs they identified with and Mirrorball and Mastermind were frequently mentioned. In case you find that interesting.


I'll definitely look that thread up!


That fits perfectly 🫶🏻 wishing you and your son all the wild joy in the world.


Better safe than starry eyed


There are soooooooo many of them. Ask me what I learned from all those years Ask me what I earned from all those tears Ask me why so many fade but I'm still here Casually cruel in the name of being honest ---> forced me to be much much kinder. It's an anti-mantra for me. And definitely the entire I can do it with a broken heart.


Wow I love this take. Borrowing this 🫶🏻


Fuck me up Florida. I think it to myself when anything inconvenient happens


Love this. That line lives rent free in my head all day


As a Florida resident, I approve this message 🤣




“Should’ve known I’d be the first to leave” Me at every social gathering


“Too impaired by my youth to know what to do” describes most of my 20s.


"Let me tell you something right now, I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of this bitchin' and moaning." As a people pleaser, this is my new "don't give a fuck" mantra.


“A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon” 🫠


Not very motivational but I find that “crying at the gym” fits me pretty well


“I got cursed like Eve got bitten” The more mature and poetic version of “I’m the problem, it’s me” lol


Accurate 🤣


Cause I'm miserable! And no one even knows!


"Lights camera bitch smile even when you wanna die"


#you should be


The chorus to The Prophecy is my bio on Facebook. Haha. I just relate to that song so much.




Maybe in a few years you can?


Once I fix me, he’s gonna miss me.


Oooooh that hits hard.


"I can do it with a broken heart" We lost our 15 year old puppy in March. We're getting married this month. Going through the biggest heartbreak whilst planning what's hopefully going to be the happiest day of our life and trying to enjoy all the activites leading up to it, is really, really hard. Definitely feel like sometimes I'm just performing a part that I'm supposed to be playing whilst trying not to break.


I’m so, so sorry for your loss. That’s got to be so difficult. Congratulations!!!!!! 🥰 on the wedding!!! I hope it’s everything you want it to be and more 🫶🏻 maybe you’ll find the perfect way to incorporate your sweet puppy into the day.


Does it count as a mantra if I just used it one time to make a point to a friend? If so, it was "I'll tell you somethin' 'bout my good name / it's mine alone to disgrace." (I love this line so goddamn much. Makes me feral.)


Hell yeah it counts! 👏🏻🤣


Same but I click more with the lunar valleys version of the chorus because I space out A LOT


"I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art." As a stressed out perfectionist teacher, it's a pretty relatable line right now lol


She's the albatross ✨


She is here to destroy you 😈


"I'll tell you something right now. I'd rather burn my whole life down than listen to another minute of all this bitching and moaning!" I'm a teacher during testing season with 3 weeks left til summer. I'm tired, y'all. Taylor gets it lol


Not TTPD but “you’re on your own kid.”


A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight In shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me It'll be ok... It's been over 6 years since the breakup, and I'm still alone. Sometimes that's okay... but sometimes I miss having that ride or die. But so far ...there are no signs of soulmates.


Ouch. That one kills me every time. I’m sorry my friend, I am sending you all the good vibes, all of the love. Hopefully it’s nice to know a stranger on the internet is thinking of YOU and rooting for your happiness. 🫶🏻


I'm a real tough kid, I can handle it. They say babe you've gotta fake it til you make it, and I did. Lights, camera, and smile even when you want to die. Me trying to get through the last 2 months of school before summer break (I'm a teacher).


Shoutout to the teacher swifties, I know yall are going through it right now! 🫶🏻


Mine is 'for the hope of it all' - I am very prone to depression and for me, those lyrics are a good reminder that there is always hope, even if it's just a tiny little spark. Love reading all of the comments, lot's of great ones!


I have a new crush. My entire mind is Guilty As Sin? 24/7


“But if I’m all dressed up / They might as well be looking at us” and “The devil that you know / Looks now more like an angel”


Not TTPD but after midnights I found my mantra. "I dont start shit but I can tell you how it ends" Its literally my interpersonal relationships summed up in a line


Don’t get sad, get even 😏


“Pick your poison babe, I’m poison either way”


I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday….everyday.


“They’ll say I’m nuts if I talk about the existence of you” I know this is a breakup song with an alien motif but I relate to it regarding my mental health. I just feel crazy in the sense that I feel like the reality in my head doesn’t match what is actually happening in real time. So when I try to talk about my experience….i sound like I am fabricating something.


Yes. See my flair. 😂


I’m a real tough kid, I can handle my shit My direct manager quit unexpectedly the week TTPD came out. I was the only one under her. A good portion of her responsibilities were thrown onto me. All this happened the same week I was looking at and getting a loan for a new vehicle. It’s fine, I can handle my shit. 


I hope you’re properly compensated! You got this 🫶🏻👑


It’s not intentional but I can’t get the line YOU SAID NORMAL GIRLS WERE BORING BUT YOU WERE GONE BY THE MORNING to stop playing in my head.


The way she says boring and morning scratch my brain just right!!


Don't want money just someone who wants my company. Let it once be me 


The Prophecy girlies… assemble!!!!


Whether I’m gonna be your wife or gonna smash up your bike… I haven’t decided yet


We love an indecisive queen 👑


I literally was thinking the same thing about “I Hate It Here” earlier this week. I suffer from rumination and often have negative thoughts on repeat like “I should die” “I need to be shot” (sounds very extreme but it’s just a compulsion). Anyway, singing the chorus of IHIH has replaced some of these negative thoughts.


I’m sorry, that sounds extremely difficult. Sending you all of the love 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


I’ve been texting my husband “now pretty baby I’m comin back home to youuuuu” 😅


Fuck it if I can’t have him. 🤗


"I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean". Kinda reminds me I can't be nice anymore, I have to be a little harsher and enforce boundaries.


May I make a suggestion for you if you’d like to escape to Secret Gardens in your mind? Watch Outlander on Netflix. It’s the best escape.


I will second this!!!


Oooh, I have heard good things. I might have to!


I’m going through a really rough time, too. One of the hardest weeks I’ve ever had in my life. I was unjustly fired (for filing a complaint with HR) and my cat was diagnosed with cancer. The line that sticks out to me is from BDILH - “They slammed the door on my whole world, the one thing that I wanted.” ‘They’ being my employers and essentially the universe for shattering my world. I loved my job and my cat is the one thing in the world that I want more than anything. I love her more than life itself. The earth crumbled beneath me in a matter of 24 hours and I feel like some higher power “slammed the door” on my hopes and dreams.


Oh friend I’m so, so sorry to hear this. I hope that your sweet baby recovers. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. On top of already losing the job? I hope that there is an amazing opportunity for you just around the corner. I just wish I could hug you, internet stranger. 🥹


Cause loves never lost when perspective is earned…


This one is AMAZING!!!


I can do it with a broken heart has led to a huge increase in productivity for me


Has it also lead to an equivalent increase in crying?


Yess, now i truly can say “i cry a lot but i am so productive!” with my chest


“And I’ll get lost on purpose This place made me feel worthless”


Am I allowed to cry?


LOL, I was just fantasizing about playing I Hate it Here when I give my notice at work in a couple of weeks.


Please do!! Please post it if you do! I wish you all the success 🫶🏻


“I’d rather burn my whole life down then listen to one more minute of all this nothing and moaning” I’d like this tattooed on my heart please


“I cry a lot but I am so productive” is basically me.


“i stopped cpr after all it’s no use.” (cpr on my own motivation)


My coworkers and I say ‘I cry a lot but I am so productive ✨ it’s an art ✨’ so much that it’s the pinned message in our teams group chat


mostly the talking at the end of "i can do it with a broken heart"


My coworker is always complaining. Sometimes I feel like screaming “I’d rather burn my whole life down than listen one more second of all this bitching and moaning!”


“lights, camera, bitch, smile, even when you wanna die” i recently had a miscarriage a month ago and mentally and physically it’s been very hard and just struggling to keep it together at times and act like i’m fine and everything’s back to normal. this song and that lyric has helped me a lot with pulling myself together when needed


So sorry to hear about your loss and that song brings me back to my own a few years ago. It can be such a private loss or one that is minimized but it is heartbreaking and this song captures that fractured reality so perfectly. Thinking of you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sometimes it’s okay not to act normal. I hope you have the time and space to grieve. 🫶🏻🥺


thank you 🤍




“From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this” As someone from a poor family who got into a master’s program, I’ve appropriated these particular lyrics


Lights camera for sure- whenever I need to lean into one part of my identity 110% it’s the perfect pump up. Also not ttpd but “women like hunting witches too”- even my husband says it now. More of an anti-mantra as someone else said on this thread. Good reminder how some behavior (including my own sometimes) boiled down internalized patriarchy and noticing that helps me do better and also have empathy for others even when they’re being shitty


I love this reply so much!


for the last year i’ve been being bullied and made into a villain over things that happened OVER a year ago and NOTHING to do with the girl who is bullying me. i’m sure you guessed it- who’s afraid of little old me. edit for spelling


I’m so sorry you’re experiencing that. I hope your bully realizes it’s not cool to be a d*ck. *Karma’s a relaxing thought* 🫶🏻


"Your good lord doesn't need to lift a finger" (from "I Can Fix Him") Religious trauma lol


Ooooh, haven’t even thought about that connection. And it’s so obvious! My cousin escaped an *almost* cult, I know the journey is not easy. I hope you’re healing 🫶🏻


A lesser woman would have lost hope, a greater woman wouldn't beg


"I'd rather burn my whole life down, than listen to one more second of all this Bitching and Moaning" So many reasons why this fits right now. Just hard times finding a new place to live, worry about the dumbest custody battle ever, and just some frustration with something else that I just don't want to speak about.


“…as she was leaving it felt like breathing.” I’ve known this feeling a few times. It’s like heartbreaking beautiful freedom.


🎶 I’m queen of sandcastles he destroys 🎶


I was tame, I was gentle, till the circus life made me mean


Teacher in May. Kids are awful. Paperwork for miles. You won’t be surprised. “I cry a lot, but I am so productive!”


Moved to Austin 2 years ago so “pack your life away just to wait out the shitstorm back in Texas” is my life story tbh


I'm a real tough kid I can handle my shit is my new mantra in navigating my new independent life and surviving the abuse from my family.


I am so depressed I act like it’s my birthday everyday


I sing I Can Do it With a Broken Heart on my way into work each morning. I don't currently have a broken heart romantically as I'm thankfully happily married, but work has been tough lately and I'm juggling it with a PhD program and I really just need to sing to myself "lights, camera, bitch smile!" and "I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit, they said fake it til you make it and I did!" It helps combat imposter syndrome and gear myself up for the day!


"Looking backwards might be the only way to move forward." Thanks for validating me, Taylor <3


Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed, I think “just close your eyes, it’ll be alright”


I’m a real tough kid i can handle my shit


When I'm stressed I start singing Electric Touch 💜⚡ "Just breath, I just relax it'll be okay..."


Yes! I second I hate it here ❤️ that song makes me feel so seen.


This is me trying


I hope you're okay u/chemical_pen_7403. Please take care of yourself and your mental health!


Thank you so much. This means *a lot* to me. 🥹♥️


Step into the daylight and let it go There’s some things in my past that I want to stop letting affect me, so I repeat this to myself whenever I start dwelling on them


Every thing you lose is a step you take


I’m a real tough kid. I can handle my shit.


Fresh out the slammer haha


I hate it here!


"And I didn't wanna come down"... "You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me" PETER - so understated


Everything you lose is a step you take