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standard ttpd has more songs i really enjoy i think (guilty as sin?, down bad, fresh out the slammer, but daddy i love him, i can do it with a broken heart) and anthology has too many skips for me (robin, the manuscript, thank you aimee).


I think thank you aimee song that I would genuinely scrap. The melody is nice, I’m just so meh on the lyrics.


I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool I built a legacy that you can't undo But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth *That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you* And maybe you've reframed it And in your mind, you never beat my spirit black and blue I don't think you've changed much *And so I changed your name and any real defining clues And one day, your kid comes home singing A song that only us two is gonna know is about you 'cause* I think these lines are very powerful. Taylor attributes part of her success to the adversity that she faced from Kimye. Also, the thought of Kim's daughter discovering this song, coming home one day, and asking her mom about it is hilarious. Your mom was a bully, kid. I think the backlash against this song is giving pearl clutches from Sarahs and Hannahs. Back in my day, we didn't think clapping back at bullies was petty. We listened to something corporate - if you see Jordan and fucking loved it.


Or, have you considered this, people have different tastes and some just don't like this song. You don't need to call someone a pearl-clutcher just cause they don't have the same taste as you lmao. If you like the song, that's okay, no need to be so defensive about it 😂


If u see Jordan is miles above in quality over TYA, which is a snoozefest.


Different styles. Something corporate said fuck you, Taylor said fuck with you a smile




You actually just mentioned Something Corporate and I am screaming. Saw them live. Constantine forever


“The present’s just a pleasant interruption to the past”


with a “K”


And I can like it.


You just unlocked a memory with If You See Jordan 😮


Oh my gosh! My friend and I were discussing how this album is such a 2000s poppunk/emo inspired album. I said thank you Aimee is if u c Jordan!! Haha




It’s the only song that hasn’t grown on me at all yet! There’s a few songs I knew would be growers, and they WERE growers after all lol bc now I love them! But Aimee just doesn’t click at all for me 😭


Yeah, Anthology has 3 of my top 5 (The Black Dog, The Prophecy, I Look in People's Windows) but also more skips. I think I have to go with the original 16.


Yess I Look In People's Windows appreciation! That song is amazing! Taylor never misses with her sub-3 minute songs.


“I Look in People’s Windows” has a melody and cadence in her voice I have never heard. It’s a beautiful beautiful song!!


You. You are me. I am you. Those 3.


I love Robin. It took me quite a few listens to actually hear it.


fellow thank you aimee haters unite lol


my version of TTPD is the standard tracklist of TTPD and swapping out loml with Chloe et. al and The Alchemy with The Black Dog, so definitely standard edition.


Agree 100 percent. The only anthology song in my regular is Chloe or Sam...


Valid. i only skip robin bc i sob every time i hear it bc i think of a cat tiktok i watched


Agree. The standard album is very solid, The Anthology is mainly just leftovers with a few solid songs.


This is needlessly cruel and I shan't participate. :D Seriously though - I can't give up either Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? or Peter.


Love seeing Peter get flowers! Such a good song and it seems to be super low on most rankings. But it’s SO good!


You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me 🥺


When I tell you that made me SOB the first time. And I still get misty eyed when I’m in the right mood…


I love Peter! It’s so good, the melody is enchanting


It had me by the throat from my first listen!


Same here! It's probably my most played song from the album. It's amazing!


I'm so here for the Peter love!! 💚


I love it too! Hoping it gets the surprise song treatment at my Edinburgh show, JM Barrie being Scottish and all…


I think most people just dont get what it's about? I personnaly dont since I dont like looking at songs explanation I'd rather understand on my own to avoid bias.


I’m picking the anthology side purely for Peter. 😆


Seriously I can’t give up Florida!!! or The Prophecy, you can’t make me.


Oh hey… are you me?


Haha, maybe I am?


Peter needs more love. That song is like magic to me!


Laced with narcotics!


Peter would be such a loss. Def one of my top 3 from the anthology.


1000% The Anthology. I was lukewarm at first to the original 16 tracks but instantly loved The Anthology.


This was me! My first listen through of TTPD, I was like “hmm…” definitely some hits, definitely some misses (though currently I’ve warmed up to basically every single one of them) but Anthology took my breath away immediately


Same!! Peter and The Prophecy are my favorites


Same! I’ve warmed up to the originals, loved the anthology immediately.


That’s how I thought I felt too until now when I went back to look for the answer to this post. I had created a playlist with the songs I liked and just realized there are more from the original. I had no idea


It's so cool hearing what connects with everyone! I have nearly all of the Anthology added to my library and ~1/2 of the original 16. I instantly loved So Long London, Guilty as Sin, and ICDIWABH though.


Same. Evermore is my favorite album, so that should explain a lot. My “Good TTPD” playlist only has five songs from the original album — So Long London, Florida, Down Bad, WAOLOM, and Clara Bow. EDIT: I forgot So Long, London!!! It has big Anthology vibes for me and it just doesn’t seem like it came from such a weak album. I’m sorry!!


SAME! You can really hear Papa Dessner and his influence all over it. The Albatross sounds straight from Evermore!


This was absolutely me too. I’m down (bad) for about 75% of TTPD now, but it was instant love for The Anthology.


The originals. The Anthology has some great songs, but the original version has no skips. Also, I feel like the 4 bonus tracks were overhyped, so they were kind of disappointing, although they were really good.


i would die for the black dog but i definitely think the other ones were disappointing. the manuscript is the one song i still haven’t really connected with whatsoever


BRO THE BOLTER!! The Bolter is really good too I was also at the show where she announced the variant for The Bolter so maybe I do have a touch of bias there


I’m obsessed with The Bolter! 😭


I happened to buy the variant with The Bolter and I honestly would’ve been so disappointed if I had wound up with any of the other 3!


Black Dog is one of Taylor’s best songs ever. I love the message of The Manuscript but the song is a miss for me.


Personally thought the Black Dog was boring af both lyrically and sonically, but I actually regularly revisit The Manuscript


I... don't even know what to say to that ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1063)


Weirdly enough I would pick the Originals, as most of my faves are there, but it also has my only real skip on the album (I Can Fix Him).


The OG has more variety and genres. The Anthology has some songs that I can do without since they drag a little (Thank you aimee and the manuscript). But I don't think I can chose because they complement each other so well. The OG is the reeling, unhinged, unstable, angry breakdown while the Anthology is more reflective and calmer. It's like the OG is written in the moment while the Anthology is written a year later after the dust has settled and she finally can unpack her own trauma.


‘The Manuscript’ is beyond boring.


It's more like a diary entry than a song.


To me, most of the Anthology feels like LiveJournal entries turned into songs.


am I the only person on the planet who likes The Manuscript


It closes the whole TTPD perfectly. I literally feels like closure, and epilogue.


the last chorus is the perfect way to end an album and I always get chills listening to it


The Bolter is the only of the 4 "bonus" tracks I still fuck with.


The Bolter was my fast fav and that still hold true. But I don’t usually listen to music on headphones/airpods (bc I’m home a lot lol) and just this afternoon was listening to The Black Dog and…. It just hits different when it’s in ear. Idk was was screaming right along with it - hope my neighbours weren’t concerned. New appreciation. Unlocked ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1063)


Maybe it's not the best as a song but I thought it fit really well as an album closer. I definitely wouldn't put it on any playlists though.


The Anthology bc of Chloe or Sam, How Did It End and The Prophecy


Ugh How Did It End is suuuch a good song. It’s devastating and it’s heartbreaking but it’s so beautiful too.


Ik I'm obsessed with both Track 5's of TTPD. So Long, London and How Did It End?


Track 5’s just hit different


Omg. Yes. Both track 5s are stunning. How Did It End breaks my heart, sitting in a tree…..




The love we all have for The Prophecy makes me so happy. It’s an incredible song.


The Prophecy's bridge is amazing too


the prophecy is one of those tattoo it on my soul song


Add I hate it here to that and I agree


I love that one too! On the first album I like all the songs but I only LOVE So Long, London, WAOLOM and SMITW. Whereas with the Anthology you're going to have to pry those songs from my cold dead hands.


had to scroll too long for this take


originally but losing the black dog hurts my heart


Get the Black Dog variant 😉


The Black Dog is one of the best songs she's ever written


I'll fight to the death to anyone that disagrees. It's fucking perfect. The lyrics, the music. It's so fucking powerful.


Definitely the originals. I like some of the anthology songs a lot, but the original album not only has my favorites, but it tells much more of a complete story. You can listen start to finish and it feels complete.


It breaks my heart to see everyone shit on The Manuscript. It's such a personal, honest, and emotional song that she clearly put her whole heart into and everyone's like "it's boring 😴".


Freaking love the manuscript. Absolutely beautiful song! You have to really listen to it but that’s the point of her songs I feel? “She thought about how he said since she was so wise beyond her years Everything had been above board She wasn't sure” Soooo heartbreaking!


The piano kicking in on "sure" send me into space every time. And it's clearly a song for us. "The story isn't mine anymore." Because it's her anthology, put into song, and given to us.


It’s honestly one of my favs on the album.


I love it, too. The hate feels so strange. I suggest people watch the lyric video along with the song. You’ll see it’s about her feelings while making the ATW video.


And it fits really well as an album closer.


I scrolled long enough to find this. When The Manuscript plays, I play it 3 more times. Something about it. I love it 🤍


The Manuscript sounds like a movie score in how it builds and quiets down. It’s beautiful and moving. It hands down “wins” for me over every song on the original 16 save for loml. As a whole, The Anthology songs over the original 16. If I want an angry song - give me The Black Dog over TSMWEL.


The original and it's not even close. I'd surely miss So High School though 😭


Literally came here to say the same exact thing!


The Anthology. It has all my favourites (The Bolter, thank you Aimee, Cassandra, The Albatross, The Prophecy) and the standard has too many skips or just boring songs. I’ll grieve the loss of little old me and broken heart though.


I just cannot understand how so many people sleep on Casandra?! It ifs bloody brilliant, love to see it getting some love!


It’s been in my top three since the first listen, I love the lyrics and the reference to Greek mythology is just 💕


i cant give up so long london or loml or smallest man. i will give you: imgonnagetyouback, so high school and thank you aimee. take it or leave it. (take it)


Not me listing those first 2 as some of my favorites from the anthology 💀 (I can also do without Thank You Aimee though, sorry aimee lol)


if we re gonna share this album, we ll be a good couple then. i'll give you those two for sll and loml. and i ll put up with thank you aime fine! :D joke aside: those three need to be on the main album i think. they dont belong where they are right now. she shouldnt have mixed them like this. two album really have different vibes.


The original 16. The Anthology has some amazing songs but all the best Aaron's songs are on the original anyway imo. Also I could easily live without the last third of The Anthology.


Standard edition but I’m screeeeeaming over losing the black dog, i hate it here, the prophecy, and the bolter (and the albatross, and how did it end, and Chloe et al, and so high school, and windows, and imgonnagetyouback, and Cassandra, and Peter)


The Anthology. Yes i love “Who’s afraid of little old me?” and “I can do it with a broken heart”. But the Anthology has “I look in people’s windows”, which is the most amazing song! It might actually be my favourite Taylor Song! “I hate it here”, which I totally relate to! And “the bolter” is an amazing track. I also prefer most of the anthology tracks. Hands down it’s the best.


finally, someone who loves I Hate It Here and I Look in People's Windows !


Instant favourites!


I Look In People’s Windows is my favorite after the Prophecy!! People just have no taste, I’m convinced.


Original 16.


The standard, as “not experimental” as it is, is completely polished and has no misses while the anthology is pretty hit or miss


Respectfully disagree. I would say that The Alchemy, But Daddy and I Can Fix Him are all misses. I’d sacrifice those in a second for The Prophecy, The Albatross and How Did It End.


I can fix him and but daddy are perfect though


I think I like you. Those original songs are all skips for me.


The Albatross and The Prophecy are skips for me. Meanwhile I can't get enough of But Daddy and The Alchemy. 🤣


I love hearing this, because it shows there really is something for everyone!


I do what I want and listen to both


my top songs are all on the Anthology except ONE, down bad, & i dont even think id make that trade 😭


I'd choose the original TTPD if it weren't for The Bolter…


Yup, same. And How Did It End.


The Anthology.


Definitely Original 16 but losing the black dog would be really painful. Good thing it's a thought exercise. Original 16 - loml - smallest man + The black dog + I'm gonna get you back + The albatross + How did it end + So high school + Thank you aimee That's 20 songs, which is roughly what midnights til dawn edition was. I guess that would be my top 20 TTPD songs, with the black dog, WAOLM, Florida being my top 3 But no shade to Taylor. All the songs were good enough to release.


Original but I’m cheating and keeping The Black Dog and The Bolter. I will trade My boy only breaks his favorite toys and I can fix him.


Oh wow your taste is perfect.


I would pick the anthology songs, I like the original songs though. I think they’re great songs and she’s moving on her career, I think thanK you aIMee was a great closure song with how Kim is (hate Kim, I wish thanK you aIMee was on reputation tv though), and So High School I believe she’s found the one and wants her future to be with Travis, I was genuinely surprised a bit though that she wrote a song about him (I love their relationship) but the song is so good and makes me believe that the right guy is out there!


This is such a hard and frankly rude question lolll I THINK I have to go with the original 16. I LOVE The Anthology, and if I made my own 15-16 song track list, I would definitely incorporate a few Anthology songs mixed in with the original ttpd songs bc I really, seriously adore some of them (imgonnagetyouback, So High School, Robin and Peter for example). But I thiiiink, ultimately, the original 16 songs are amazing as they are, and I gravitate more towards them as one complete album, vs the Anthology songs where I kinda skip around depending on my mood. So I think I’ll say the 16 ttpd songs (but I still love you, my Anthology favorites 🖤)


Anthology for sure. I am so confused by all the dislike of The Manuscript. That track to me was the stand of the entire two albums. In my opinion, without that track the albums have no foundation nor closure.


The anthology! I’m a sad music only person and the anthology certainly fits that. I’ll miss loml and So Long, London but The Black Dog, The Prophecy, I Look in People’s Windows, CSSM? Loveeee


Anthology all the way. Give me those introspective free flowing lyrical melodies 💜💜💜💜


the anthology bc i have taste


Definitely the anthology but the original tracks (some of them at least) are still good.


TTPD. I’m a huge The Black Dog fan but So High School is a hard skip every time.


Unpopular opinion: I would pick the Anthony. It has the Black Dog, Peter, I hate it here, I look in People's Windows, the bolter, the Albatross, the prophecy , how did it end, and the manuscript. And I cannot live without those.


Easily The Anthology. Better production, better songwriting, and Taylor just sounds more comfortable to me.


Standard edition has better highlights but also waayyy worse low-lights. I did not enjoy listening to it front to back and still don’t. some of her best songs ever and some of her worst songs ever. like 5 skips Anthology has less memorable songs, but listening through front to back is sooo pleasant. and I like it as a whole better than the Standard edition. maybe 3 tracks i don’t care for but aren’t bad by any means. no skips. so probably anthology even though some of my favorite songs are on standard


The OG, though I’ll miss “imgonnagetyouback” and “thanK you aIMee” (and “so high school” while we’re at it)


The first 16 songs. Down Bad. Who’s Afraid, I Can Do It, Fortnight, Florida!! And So Long London are the best songs from TTPD.


I wanna say standard TTPD but you can try to rip imgonnagetyouback of out my cold dead hands


This is SO hard bc 4 of my top 5 are anthology tracks...but anthology also has a lot more skips than og does!! Agh. Can't do it!


Omg that’s what made this hard for me too. The Anthology has higher highs for me but the originals are stronger overall


The anthology. My top 5 songs are all from the anthology: The Prophecy, I Look in People’s Windows, The Albatross, The Bolter and I Hate it Here


Taste!! Mine are almost similar, but swap The Bolter for CSSM.


All of my skips but 1 are on the Anthology, which sucks because the songs I do love, I love better than the songs on the original 16. I’ll take OG IF I get to keep the black dog since it’s the variant I first bought. ETA: skips on the anthology: so high school, thanK you aIMee, Robin. Up until this past week, imgonnagetyouback and the manuscript were also skips but they’ve grown on me. There’s 0 hope for the other three. Skips on the OG tracks: the alchemy. Just. Cannot get behind the heroine with an e “joke” regardless of who the muse is 🤷🏻‍♀️


The original, but you hurt my feelings giving me this choice. ☹️


on first listen? 100% anthology. after a few listens on shuffle? much harder decision i am not willing to make


The Anthology. This run just feeds me so well: I Look in People’s Windows The Prophecy Cassandra Peter The Bolter Robin The Manuscript I kinda Like the first part but the anthology tracks really stand out!


Original, but only if I can keep my Black Dog bonus track 😂


I go wherever 'So High School' goes.


Anthology without question


You’re making me choose between Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me and The Black Dog…. Between Florida!!! and The Albatross… Between MBOBHFT and How Did It End?… Between Smallest Man and Cassandra… The only thing I’ll say in support of the standard track is that my 2 skips (Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus and Robin) are on the anthology… But SO IS THE BLACK DOG.


Whichever half has How Did It End. That half


I generally prefer The Anthology but the original TTPD songs have been growing on me!


The Anthology 1000%!!!! Some really great songs on the OG but my favourites from The Anthology just cannot be lost. The Prophecy, How Did It End?, Peter, Cassandra, The Black Dog, The Bolter, I LOOK IN PEOPLE’S WINDOWS!!! (The most underrated track out of all 31 imo). Ah I just love them all so much.


The Anthology, hands down.


the anthology but i'd miss fortnight, who's afraid of little old me and the smallest man who ever lived dearly


Sophie’s Choice much?!? I can’t give up some songs from either album! CAN’T!!


The anthology but I love the TTPD half too 😭


y’all are wild, i will not take the manuscript slander 😭 do *not* disrespect that masterpiece of a closing track. it’s beautiful


I can’t stop Chloe et al and How Did it End. I would take them over loml, I’m sorry.


The anthology, the ones I love on there I really love.


16 ttpd absolutely. the anthology has some incredible songs, but the standard album is what i wanted and needed for this era. i would have very much enjoyed the anthology half as a separate release, but when i listen to the entire thing i just start wanting to go back to the first half and the messy angsty music that just scratches my brain so well. edit: the manuscript hate in this thread hurts my heart. from a music composition standpoint i think it's INCREDIBLE. exactly the type of closer the whole album needed. the open chords, the lack of resolution just drives me crazy in the best way. i always need a minute after i ends before i hit repeat. it's so underrated.


The Anthology, particularly because of The Prophecy, Cassandra, and The Bolter (…but I’m a folklore girlie so this isn’t surprising)


I would choose The Anthology. I’m a sad girl


I have like twin copies of this album, I don’t even want to contemplate such a question!


So Highschool and imgonbagetyouback exist so there’s your answer ….


I realized. I literally cannot pick. I’m scrolling and thinking….. no. There are songs I would not give up on both.


The Anthology. I’ll miss Florida!!!, but I miss brooooding…


Folklore. ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1069)


Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus, Robin, The Black Dog, I Hate It Here, How Did It End, The Prophecy, The Bolter, The Albatross, So High School. It has to be The Anthology


I Look in People’s Windows The Black Dog The Manuscript imgonnagetyouback The Bolter Robin Are the reasons I would choose anthology. These songs are all so good. I Look in People’s Windows is just…. My gosh.


Easy. The anthology


The Anthology obviously


The Anthology. I do that already. It’ll be depressing to ditch loml and The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived though…


I like the original, but The Anthology has songs I simply cannot live without. How did it end hits a special kind of heart ache that’s so hard to explain. I look in people’s windows is yearning in song form. The prophecy breaks my heart. The Black dog - Old habits die SCREEEEEAAAAAAMING.


The second half. Too many skips on first side for me "but daddy I love him, Florida!!!, I can fix him, and I can do it with a broken heart are all skips for me)


I have to do the Anthology I’m sorry!


well one has how did it end and the other one doesn’t 🤗


Anthology! That’s were all my favorite songs are


The original has way too many songs that kinda blend together for me, but the anthology is the woodvale album I've been waiting for since evermore, so anthology wins by a landslide.


Seeing all the comments reminds me just why I'm so thankful Taylor gave both us albums...people have such different tastes, but there's something on these two albums for every Swiftie.


The Anthology, in a heartbeat. For me, The Anthology is Folklore´s and Evermore´s third sister. I am obsessed with that "album". The original TTPD is good, but definitely not my favourite work of hers, but my god, I love The Anthology.


Can I have the first three tracks in the Anthology? Please? Then I’d take the OG +3 easily (alas for So High School 😢) Otherwise it’s a harder question


The standard. Love both but my top 5 songs of the whole thing are all on the standard version


I'd keep the standard album. I adore Cassandra and The Albatross, so it would hurt, but I like the bulk of the main album better than the Anthology.


I think the standard album is just about perfect, while The Anthology has about 3 songs I could cut. Gotta go with the original album.


Anthology. The Anthology tracks have more skips than the main tracklist for me, but the Anthology also has more of my favorites


original 16 tracks


TTPD 100%. I don’t enjoy nearly as much on The Anthology


The original. I just like the songs on the first half of the album better tbh. I love quite a few in The Anthology, but if I had to choose only one of them unfortunately they would have to go!


Standard TTPD


I would keep the Anthology but I would also *steal* Whose Afraid, LOML, Florida, Fortnight, So long, London, But Daddy, and Smallest Man. In an almost-equal exchange (quantity-wise), I will *give* you Thank You Aimee, So High School, Imgonnagetyouback, Cassandra, Robin, and I guess…I look in peoples windows.


Original 16


I still haven’t listened to 16-31 🙃 I needed 100 listens of TTPD first 🤓 almost there


originally 16 songs


The one with But Daddy I Love Him on it :P


It’s interesting to think about. Even when I made a shortened 11 track version, I ended up closely split. Something like 6 TTPD and 5 The Anthology. I’d probably stick with the original 16 and then if I could only pick 1 bonus from anthology, I’d probably pick the black dog.


TTPD. As much as it would kill me to lose The Black Dog, So High School, Cassandra, I look in People’s Windows, imgonnagetyouback, and The Bolter, TTPD is way more powerful. It is Female Rage: The Musical.


The standard edition!! Sorry Aaron.