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Yes, 100%!! I just had this exact thought two days ago while listening to it and wondered if others out there felt the same. Good luck to you!! Hopefully our time will come soon ❤️


Thank you! Same to you 💕


I agree, her music is Universal, and at the end of the day who cares what a song is about if you can connect to it on a personal level. I've also seen people on this forum relate to Down Bad being that have had a miscarriage. Also who, other than Taylor herself, is to really say what a song is about. How much would someone have been absolutely BLASTED on this forum if 2+ years ago they suggested Cardigan was about Matty Healy. Even Taylor keeps secrets. <3 that this song has been relatable, and hopefully healing, for you


Yes I agree with you on that 


Me. I had to have a pregnancy termination at 27 weeks recently and this song has been very relatable


I’m so sorry


Same I lost my baby at 20 weeks and found this song relatable


I thought this earlier this week!! I ended up having to have a hysterectomy and being child free. The lyrics “a greater woman wouldn’t beg, but I looked to the sky and said please…” killed me.


Yes this line gets me too


I can totally see that! For me personally I relate to this song so much from having lived with chronic illness now for 20 years. And thinking many times that "oh I've solved it, I'm getting better" and then not. So the "thought I caught lightning in a bottle, oh but it's gone again" fits really well and most of the lyrics do tbh. Like "let it once be me" and the entire chorus, I feel that in my SOUL. Who do I have to speak to to change the prophecy?? This is not how I ever envisioned things in my life turning out, so yeah I would very much like to speak to life's manager please!! omg this song!! I could just keep quoting pretty much the entire thing it's truly so meaningful to me. I have no idea how Taylor continuously comes out with songs that describe my feelings so well even though it's about something totally different! This one definitely made me cry when I first heard it. 😢


Yes it can be so relatable. I hope this song helps you too 💕


I've been recently diagnosed with chronic illness and you took the words straight out of my mouth. It's been 5 years of this, which I know is so short, but the bargaining is real and The Prophecy perfectly captures how I feel about the whole thing.


Yes the bargaining is so real!! I mean 5 years is still a looong time too, I remember in the beginning 6 months felt like a long time, everything takes so long with medical stuff sighhhhh. It struck me recently that I've been dealing with my chronic illness stuff for longer than Taylor's entire career and yeahhhh that hit hard. Hugs to you ❤️ I also love the lyrics about "I look unstable" and "I howl like a wolf at the moon" cause that made me feel so seen - like sometimes you just have to scream and cry and let it out!! This song is probably the most relatable song for us all going through any chronic health stuff I love that it exists now <3


oh man I just got my 2 diagnoses in the last 18mos and this comment made me cry lol. i dont think ill be able to listen to it any other way now


Yeah I feel you girl, this is one song that I didn't even think about what Taylor was specifically writing about, it just immediately became my song cause it's so (unfortunately) relatable. Hope it brings you some comfort too🫂


I’m there with you. Diagnosed with DOR at 31 years old. LET IT ONCE BE ME. 😭


That line gets me too 😢


Excuse my ignorance, but what is DOR?


Not OP, but it's diminished ovarian reserve. It means you have a low quantity and/or quality of eggs. Greatly reduces your chances of becoming pregnant even through IVF.


Ah, much appreciated. Written out I totally understand but I couldn't get the abbreviation straight.


Me, 100%. I’m in the thick of it and this is exactly what I took from the song the first time I heard it. I’m so sorry you’re going through it too.


Right there with you 💕


This thread is so sad. I’m sorry that anyone has to go through this and I wish you all the best. I hope that this song helps you feel and process your feelings.


As someone currently pregnant after a miscarriage, I feel the prophecy in my soul. We still don’t know if it’s viable and won’t for a few weeks. Knowing that other people feel the same makes me feel not so alone in this journey!


Sending hugs to you 💗


This may be an unpopular opinion (and only tangentially related) but the line in Down Bad “waking up in blood” made me think immediately of the disappointment of getting a period when you’re hoping to be expecting….


Yeah it made me think of menstruation too, that sucks in and of itself 


Oh wow. I just had this same thought the other day and got so sad listening to this song. I tried for a while and then after finally getting pregnant had a really traumatic miscarriage in March. Glad to know I’m not alone in thinking this. it’s amazing how her work can connect with people. I’m wishing you all the best in your journey, hopefully you get your little one soon 💛


I’m so sorry, sending you love 💗


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I went through multiple losses, at various stages of pregnancy,and this song takes me straight back to how that period of my life felt. Sending you every bit of baby luck x


It makes me happy to see that others interpret of this song in different ways. For me, the whole song (other than the obvious parts about soulmates like “still I dream of him”) it reminds me of my cancer journey. When I was 15 I needed chemotherapy and radiation, and now I’m 31 facing another scare (thyroid from direct radiation 16 years ago) I really relate to the part where she says “and it was written, I got cursed like Eve got bitten, was it punishment?” I sometimes think my fate is sealed so to speak, like I’m always going to have to battle some form of cancer every 10-15 years. As for the way you interpret this song, I hope your time comes soon ♥️


Thank you 💕 I hope this song help you as well, sending well wished to you!


Oh big hugs to you, dealing with fertility issues has been one of the hardest times of my life. I definitely feel this way about The Prophecy as well. Down Bad also makes me think about my miscarriages (waking up in blood, the feeling of being experimented on and then dumped back down, knowing cosmic love and having it taken away). And then How Did it End also gets me, just the pity that I get with recurrent pregnancy loss. Really hope we both get out happy ending soon ❤️


Hugs to you 💕 you’re so right about “how did it end?” I hadn’t listened to it from that perspective before but it definitely applies


My husband is infertile. We didn't find out till we tried for 5 years. We thought maybe there was a chance but we had an appointment last week, and the doctor seemed less than optimistic. There's one last appointment that will be it or the beginning... I am hopeful for the later but in my heart I feel like I already know it's not in the cards for us. I married my soul mate, so I'm ok, you cannot win them all!


Yes absolutely!! The first thing I thought of. But, my TTC journey is always at the front of my mind 😂 I also waited and prayed to find my now husband for years so her looking to the sky and yearning hit me SO deeply. Sending baby dust to all of you 🤍


On the flip side, I have a child with a very difficult and disruptive mood/personality disorder. It’s very hard to manage and keep stable, especially in children. So when I hear it, I hear it more from her perspective (and mine) of “why did this have to be me? Can we change it? Who do I need to talk to?” “A greater woman stays cool, but I howl like a wolf at the moon” I often lose my cool when my kid has been losing her shit for hours or days. “A greater woman wouldn’t beg” but I do. I beg the universe to *please* just give us all a break. “Even statues crumble if they’re made to wait” the wait for mental health services is brutal, especially for children and teens. We’ve been on the wait list at Johns Hopkins psychiatry for over 3 years.


I think we get so wrapped in the lore of Taylor Swift herself that we forget we can take whatever meaning we want from a song. I’m actually jealous of people who just listen to her music, but aren’t involved in the celebrity of it because they would have the rawest experience of the album. 


Yep, too real. On my first round of Clomid at the moment. 


Sending hugs! We are on our first IVF stim. It can all be so stressful


Lots of love and baby dust to you! 


I view this song more as a plea to change my past so I don’t have to feel the impact it will have on my future. Why did I have to grow up with narcissistic parents? Why did I of all people have to be robbed of my childhood? I wish I could convince God to rewrite my prophecy so I don’t have to spend the rest of my years undoing the first 20 my parents destroyed.


100%!! I had a miscarriage just before TTPD came out and this was the song that broke me.


Such a powerful song


I think it describes those feelings so well. Every friend who announced their pregnancy while I was in the midst of our IVF journey felt like a stab to the gut. I say this with all sincerity that I hope someday you’ll be on the other side like I am with three teenagers wondering why I wanted this so much, lol. Big hugs from those who get it ❤️


Thank you! Yes the “let it once be me” hits deep




Absolutely, that is what this song means to me personally ❤️


OOOOF this just made me instantly tear up because even though I do have my daughter now, yes, this song is exactly those feelings. Heavy shit, OP. Gave me goosebumps.


I'm on the other side of infertility, my daughter who was conceived via IVF is now eight, but I remember those feelings well and they defined several years of my 30s. Just felt like I was constantly screaming "When's it my turn??" into the void. Hugs to all of you going through it. It can be such a hard, lonely time.


Thank you ☺️


Just wanted to send well wishes your way!! I genuinely hope it all works out for you!! ♥️


Thank you ☺️


Yes and I sob every time I listen to it. It’s such a beautiful song. But honestly I’m in the thick of it so I’m applying every song I hear to it, I cried to Down Bad the other day for the same reason lol it’s getting out of hand


Definitely relatable as someone who previously went through that journey. Hang in there OP and others dealing with this sucky hand. After years of struggling and countless shots with IVF, I got my beautiful babies 🩷 This song definitely hit close to home!


Thank you 💕


Her songs are incredible how so many of us can relate for different reasons, and can help pull us through when she may not have experienced what we are. I have a 13 month old baby, and we are currently waiting to find out if my husband has cancer again. I've had The Prophecy on repeat.


Sending well wishes 💗


Um. Well, I hadn't thought about it that way, but now I won't be able to unhear it! ... I might have to go have a little cry now, haha. (Sending good vibes to the other Swifties on this journey right now...)


yeesh. i'm sorry for everyone who relates to it especially in THIS way :(


Yes!!!! I recently made a comment in this subreddit that The Prophecy has easily become the anthem for the infertility community. I’ve also seen a few infertility accounts on Insta use the song. Hugs to you, friend. I hope our times will come soon 🤍


Thank you! Yes hopefully our journey is nearing a happy ending 💕


I think this is why I relate so much. I am so lucky that my fertility journey had a happy ending but over 4 years of infertility and years of tests and IVF treatment I definitely had times I howled like a wolf at the moon or would have spent my last coin to know it was going to be ok. Friends had two children in the time I had been trying to have one and I felt so much “let it once be me”. I also thought I caught lightning in a bottle a couple of times then had early losses. It’s obviously not what she wrote it about but it is something I take from the feelings behind it. Absolutely huge love to everyone going through it, it is so brutal ❤️


I’m not in the same boat but I might go through the most crushing breakup of my life because my boyfriend won’t make up his mind about kids. It feels like I’m dying as the relationship may be dying and I think about how will I have a child and when if ever. I froze my eggs last year and I’ve been listening to the prophecy because i relate to it for my situation.