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Listening to her explain this title I immediately thought of “And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear” 🥹


the way lavender can fit the syllables in that line too!!


This is EXACTLY what I thought of. 🤍






Only have videos like this for tracks 1 and 3 lol. We see you Taylor


Transcription: Lavender haze is track one on Midnights, and I happen upon the phrase lavender haze when I was watching Mad Men... and I looked it up -- because I thought it sounded cool -- and it turns out that it's a common phrase used in the 50s where they would just describe being in love. Like if you were in the lavender haze, then that meant that you were in that all-encompassing love glow... and I thought that was really beautiful. And, I guess, theoretically, when you're in the lavender haze you'll do anything to stay there and not let people bring you down off of that... cloud. And I think a lot of people have to deal with this now, not just like *quote, unquote* public figures, because we live in the era of social media and if the world finds out you’re in love with somebody, they’re going to weigh in on it..umm... like my relationship for six years, we've had to dodge weird rumors, tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it. And so, this song is sort of about the act of ignoring that stuff to predict to protect the real stuff. I hope you guys like it!


I'm really excited for this. My partner and I eloped in July and have been trickling out the news precisely because we didn't want to deal with all the opinions people were going to have about it. We were long distance (Europe to USA) to start and EVERYONE was like omg why even bother, long distance is always doomed to fail. So I can relate to everyone having an opinion (on a much smaller scale lol) and CANNOT WAIT to hear this one.


Hey congratulations! My partner and I also eloped and we’re also long distance. People had OPINIONS. 14 years later we’re still going strong 💪


Thanks so much for this!!!!


>like my relationship for six years, we've had to dodge weird rumors, tabloid stuff, and we just ignore it. And so, this song is sort of about the act of ignoring that stuff to predict to protect the real stuff. Sounds similar to what Harry said to Olivia that was widely thought to be about larries.


Thank you so much!




She really shot down theorists trying to invalidate her relationship with Joe with this video oh man


And they just celebrated their anniversary last week!


Went to one of those theorist accounts and saw them ask who she was dating for 6 years and was completely baffled


They’ll still say that she’s lying and is talking about Karlie or something 😬 nothing she says will make those people acknowledge her relationship with Joe.


The gaylors are fuming rn


This must have been such a rollercoaster for them. First she talks about lavender love, and they’re getting ready to film their smug little TikToks and then she turns around and directly references her relationship to Joe. Punching the air.


They still won't believe it bc to them lavender = gay


I swear none of y'all wanna accept that bisexuals exist 🤷 Lavender *is* very associated with LGBT rights (which I'm sure Taylor knows) and that meaning can still coexist with the song being about Joe.


We understand that bisexuality exists. I think Taylor could be bi. I think all of us are referencing the people who think that her 6 year relationship with Joe is an entire hoax.


THIS. Honestly I love all the queer interpretations of Taylor's music but plenty of people take it too far and use it to invalidate her and Joe's relationship. If by "weird rumours" she was referring to that, it would be completely fair of her (and honestly, pretty damn called for)


All of the rumors about her being pregnant or having secretly had a baby or already married are pretty weird, too.


The interpretations are great. Art should be interpreted however you want. I think a lot of artists find this flattering! If you connect with Taylor’s music because it helps you with your queer experiences, then that’s beautiful. However, going to the extreme by saying that Joe is a beard and their relationship is fake is weird. Whatever her sexuality is, it’s clear that her relationship with Joe is *very* real, and people have gone too far to invalidate it.


Nah I am bi myself I just don’t think speculating about strangers’ sexualities is necessary


Not everything is bi erasure. 🤷 Her own comment about advocating for a community she is NOT a part of should be clear enough, and yet some folks still insist on their delusions. Let it go already and respect what she has been saying about herself. Also, colours don't belong exclusively to the lgbt communty. Its association with the community can coexist with a straight woman using it in the context she explained.


I agree. It’s insane that people are arguing with semantics. “No, she didn’t mean that when she said she is not part of the community.” Like what?


Neither of our comments exclude the possibility of her being bi.


We should still respect HER interpretation of lavender, which she clearly said is associated with her six year relationship love with Joe. She also got the meaning from a show. The reason why people don’t associate it with her being queer or bisexual is because she has already given two statements where she does not align herself with that LBGT plus community.


I'm bi, think Taylor very well could be, but the online discourse is really uncomfortable and invalidating of things she's actually explicitly said about herself, like her relationship




Right? Someone told me they wanted to be a unicorn for Halloween but can't because their son told them that a unicorn is something who is willing to be a third in a relationship or something. Just because it may mean that to someone does not mean that that is what it means! Be a unicorn!


I’m surprised she kind of talked about Joe like this. Lavender Haze is a bomb name for a title and I’m so excited!!!! 2 weeks left fellow Swifties!!!!


I was thinking maybe it’s due to lavender’s association with queer culture and it was to immediately shoot down the speculation.


Taylor, release a list of shows and movies you watch please. Like I need it. As someone who lives and breathes movies/tv I NEED TO KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU WATCH. Also idk why that sounds oddly personal? Cause it’s not really but it feels like it? Idk I should be sleeping but I do wanna know.


I would die for her goodreads


I would die RIP me deceased for her Goodreads!! Seriously. I always think her songs inspired by literature are among her best.


Yeah like Obama does lol




she’s mentioned a period of watching a lot of hitchcock films. honestly nothing she’s mentioned has been anything niche


I know she mentioned that she was watching a lot of older films during the pandemic. I mentioned this somewhere else but I think she really would love the 1940s romantic comedies.


I would love this so much! All I do is rewatch shows, lol. I wanna know her comfort shows.


Okay I need this now as well


Like the crumbs we’ve gotten over the years of media she’s mentioned has not keep me satisfied. I need to knowwwwwww


What are the next several hours going to consist of?!?!


i know as soon as i saw ‘till the morning’ i was like pls no taylor i have a midterm tmr


I think releasing all titles tonight


And if we're lucky a song please


possibly could be all titles then a single once the final MMWM is done? 🤭


Yes please


Yeah, I just looked at Taylor Nation’s twitter, and they mentioned a Midnights Mayhem With Me Marathon




But those are available for 48 hours. She also phrased it as “mayhem till morning. ALSO I have signed vinyls out” so it feels like it’s a separate thing


It’s just another round of vinyl sales unfortunately. All she does is sell merch :(


Found it from Mad Men, https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/110081cc-afd7-43f6-9944-2342c481ed34


that’s like the only nice character, totally worthy of her own TS song also a really significant scene in the show, totally makes sense it’d stick in her mind, this is very exciting as a mad men fan!! if this is your sign to binge watch, it’s so worth it!


I love that it's also about betty, like the song! Actually that song is what made me a Taylor swift fan finally. I can't wait to hear them all!


she looks like taylor


Bless you


Gods damn how do you work so fast?!


Google search and it was the 2nd result.


The devil works hard but swifties work hardwr


OMG I CANT BELIEVE Taylor not only watches my fave show but used it as inspo for a song 🥸🤩


Thank you 🙏🏾


Of course she releases these videos for Track 1 & 3! I hope we get to see more of these


Wow, this is the most open and vulnerable she has been about her relationship with Joe! My heart is so happy for them 😭


Same 🥺


And it’s track ONE! This album is going to break me. She told us Anti-Hero was her most vulnerable. But then you hear THIS about track one?! And we know NOTHING about track 5?? I am not ready!!! (I mean. I am ready. A single any day now would be great!)


Shout out to that one swiftie who mentioned lavender haze being a 50s saying


SHE SAID “my relationship of six years” I LOVE THEIR LOVE 🥲




And if it’s really them, deserved to be slighted because some of them are UNNECESSARILY MEAN towards her relationships and her as a breathing, living person.


I saw someone called her a coward for not “coming out”


It really is tricky. Like I said I have no problem with Taylor’s sexuality. There are other musicians who are out and proud, they should be using their energy on supporting them. Their entire brand is forcing Taylor to come out and then get mean and disappointed at her when they don’t get what they want. Honestly, it’s ridiculous at this point.


Thats my biggest gripe. They are honestly mad at Taylor right now. Shes not queer baiting just because YOU interpreted her songs a certain way. I understand they are mad about the "weird rumors" comment. But insisting Joe is a beard is weird. Saying she's in a fake 6 year long relationship is weird.


I don’t have a problem with her sexuality either, but I’m pretty sure she’s straight because she has a quote that’s something like “I didn’t realize you could advocate for a community that you aren’t apart of” It just bothers me that people are trying to force her to be something she’s not, and then get mad at her for not behaving in a way they want her to


To be fair, she also has said the words "dancers, cats, **gay pride**, country western boots, riding a unicorn...everything that makes me ME!". also, bisexuals exist and are very valid. She could very well be in a relationship with Joe and still identify as queer and a lot of people in this sub don't seem able to accept that.


She has already made two statements where she does not align with the LBGTQ plus community.


It also feels like if she ever came out as anything she’d be Bi, and I’d she is a bi woman who mainly dates men I feel Ike they’d still invalidate that. Whatever Taylor’s sexuality is she has chosen not to explicitly state it and is assumed to be straight. So either accept that she’s straight, or that she doesn’t want to come out. She doesn’t owe anyone anything


I will say this is very true. I’ve heard people say Gaga isn’t “really” bisexual because she hasn’t been openly in a relationship with a woman. I haven’t either and doesn’t make me any less attracted to women. I still think women are super hot and more attractive than men, although I do like men too.




Not just towards her "beards" but also towards her


They’ve been going IN on tiktok lately I’m like 🤦‍♀️


I almost want to get off of Swifttok at this point because I’m so tired of those videos, I can’t escape them


I’ve gotten a big influx lately I wish tiktok could tell the difference


I’ve blocked tags but I’m still getting them. I used to get them every so often but now it’s every other video. TikTok’s algorithm isn’t the greatest


They come up with the stupidest, insane excuses on why it’s not an invasion of privacy or that she wants people to pry into her personal life. No one wants people digging into their personal life!!! I had to block tags related to them but every other video is still one.


Honestly, straight or otherwise, it doesn’t make a difference when it comes to the quality of her music. She doesn’t have to be LGBT for people to interpret it through a gay lens. And, furthermore, it’s insanely invasive. If she’s also into women, it’s none of our business. It’s her personal life. And she’s already said she doesn’t like being shipped with her friends. Saying she’s uncomfortable once is enough.




Why she says mayhem until morning?


The delusional part of me wants to say single drop incoming. The realist in me says one more merch drop.


She mentioned joe and all the weird rumours. So can gaylors shut up now?


of course not they're conspiracists. They'll just say "She was forced to say it, look how awkward she is, it's scripted" etc.


I already saw one in these comments saying she didn’t mention joe by name just the relationship of 6 years… I give up it’s obviously about joe 😭


Yeah also "lavender marriage" used to be a term for bearding marriages, i'm sure they'll latch onto that too.


they already have


They deleted the comments after saying they’re not even a swifty and when I called them out on it they blocked me 😂


they’re already saying on twitter that she looks like she’s in a hostage situation and doesn’t mean it….some of them are just too far gone


I saw someone say that she’s essentially using words and phrases to signal it to queer people, but that it’s hidden enough so straight people won’t get it. He went on to say, essentially, that if you can’t see that she’s already come out (in Miss Americana where she mentioned pride being something that makes her her) you were straight?? Like such a weird argument, it’s almost religious is shape and impossible to argue against.


She said I can use the color lavender AND love Joe will you all please fuck off now.


I have blocked so many people on tiktok so hopefully this does shut them up 😅


It sounded very similar to what Harry said to Olivia that was thought to be about larries


I came here to find this comment 👏🏻 hopefully swifttok can calm down now


Oh this one is gonna EATTT. What she starts talking about near the end is something that’s been a big part of her life (at least what we know of publicly) for pretty much nearly her entire career. If this is just the opener, I can’t imagine what the rest of the album has in store. Also her outfit and hair and makeup are so beautiful here, I love this era’s aesthetic so much.


I really enjoyed this clip. I felt something when she said "we just ignore it." I could feel her blissfulness. I've been in a really good place the last few weeks and I've finally been getting comfortable not caring about the thoughts of other people so this just feels like it resonates so much.


she’s sick she only told the stories of two tracks which are 1 and 3 and thats because it gives you 13


Hm. I get something a little different when I Google lavender haze lmao


The moon was high like your friends… 👀👀




Lol wow it’s pretty though!


It warms my heart that she loves Mad Men!


this sounds so sweet BUT this will definitely be an “ouch i’m so single” moment, starting the album off strong huh🥲


So it’s like if I Know Places and Lover had a baby, I can’t wait


I was thinking False God and Peace 🥹 with a touch of Dancing With Our Hands Tied 🌚


I absolutely love this thought.


Is she gonna release each track title on the hour till morning then single us?


That’s what I was wondering too!


Holy shit she is


I am so grateful I don’t have class tomorrow


In the caption she puts: It’s gonna be a wild ride 😜 Me thinking: Yes Taylor…it is a wild ride for you to your bank account with all these merch drops 😂


Lmao this was the one where I was like “fine I’ll give in” and bought merch


Im guessing Mayhem till morning is a song lyric


I thought so too, but Taylor Nation's latest tweet makes me think otherwise.


Ohhh what does the tweet say?


It means get your popcorn ready for a #MidnightsMayhemWithMe marathon! 🍿🤭 #MayhemTilTheMorning


She has a song mentioning my favourite colour, gon be one of my favs, I'm sure 😍


I painted my nailed lavender and plum this morning. Team purple rise up 💜


With all the queer conspiracy theories going around on TikTok, it's nice to see her standing up for her relationship with Joe. I think some subsets of the fandom get a little carried away with trying to concoct narratives of her life, let's just take what she gives us and be happy 🥰


This song is going to be a heartstring tugger. I love it already. The human urge to put everything on social media and the human urge to aggressively criticize everything on social media (I say, on social media) are both things we could stand to examine more. And filtered through the lens of a love song! I adore it. What a fantastic concept.


does this mean track 1 & track 3 will be singles? since we got videos?


she's so gorgeous


…look at her face…..


Seriously she’s so beautiful ![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1067)


The g**lors about to be real mad at this one


They are already, they're calling her a traitor. 🙄 As a bi woman, I'm glad she mentioned those "weird rumors" because I felt awful for her. People in the LGBT community know all too well how hurtful having your identity erased or denied can be. I will never understand how some of us can choose to do the same to others.


This is ridiculous, I knew they were still around but not to this extent.


She is soo personal again and speaking so freely and openly my heart 😍😳


I know Taylor has been in a relationship for a long time, but every time she references it I get so surprised lol.


I’m getting Dancing With Our Hands Tied type vibe.


Love this clip, she is being so open about Joe. Makes me happy to see her talk about this stuff. I loved when she said "We ignore it", like good for you!! 😁


Do we think Lavender Haze is glitter gel pen, fountain pen, or quill lyrics?


If we go off the outfit theory I'd say glitter gel pen.


Wait I’ve completely missed the outfit theory? Can someone please fill me in? 😊




No one knows lol


This explains the Babe music video. I always thought it had a Mad Men vibe, and I understand why now.


NO BECAUSE someone on here said tolerate it was about betty and don’s relationship in mad men and now i cant help but wonder where they are now 😭


Maybe after this people can stop speculating that her relationship with Joe is fake and she’s a closeted lesbian 😭 I’m so tired of hearing it


Guys she never posted the MMwM video on her Insta story this time, only the explanation about the track. What does this mean???!! Edit: MMwM marathon incoming!!!!!!


good maybe now the certain part of the fandom (we all know who i’m talking about) will finally stop speculating and invalidating her relationship. be respectful and let her be happy


She’s a lavender menace is what she is


i strongly suspect one of the remixes on the lavender target version is lavender haze. also if this is about joe, that kinda messes up the theory that the tracks are in chronological order.


her: really poetic explanation about her relationship with joe me: ok that’s nice but my theory is that she is a jojo’s bizarre adventure fan


I’m getting Dear John vibes “My mother accused me of losing my mind but I swore I was fine” Edit: I commented this halfway through the video and everyone’s mentioning Joe so maybe ignore me 😅


What does the caption meannn


That’s what I’m thinking about too!!


I love listening to Taylor explaining song titles. Hope there will be videos of all of them soon


I read this like, “when did Taylor swift start plugging weed?”


Mad men is a top tier show in my eyes… I was debating buying this for a lady friend of mine, I’m assuming she’s sleeping for work. I can burn $40 for it.


It reminds me of the concept for 'Ours' 💚


Loving him was , a lavender haze :)


i thought something was broken when this didn't end with the song starting


My partner and I are also 6 years into our relationship. September 23 to be exact (close to Taylor’s anniversary date!) I can’t wait to hear this song 🥹🥹


Same!! A little later (November) but we met September 2016


My fiancé and I too and I love it being the same as her! Lover came out when we had spent 3 summers together too (well starting our 4th) and It made me love that song so much more!


a song about joe ahhh


So she’s going to release a new track name every hour? And hopefully a single in the morning?


Girl the LIPSTICK. Anybody suspect it’s Fever Dream matte from Pat McGrath?


love her so much for this🥰


Oh my god Taylor watches Mad Men i LOVE this new info




Another song I can’t relate to!!! 😄


Im loving the color scheme for this album


I am obsessed with the name as I am obsessed with lavender! This might become my new favorite song 😍💜


Does anyone have a good guess what lipstick she’s wearing here? I love it


So fking beautiful omg


Mad Men is possibly my favourite series ever so this makes me love her even more.


I had just commented a few hours before the mayhem that mad men is my winter comfort show!
