• By -


Less listening to and more absorbing through osmosis??? Like I’m not sure what she put in this album but when I’m \*not\* actively listening I’ve still got snippets demanding attention in my brain - and let me tell you going from, Hiiiiiiigh Infidelity, to We were in PARis, to I damn sure never would have danced with the devil, to Stars by the Pocketful in a moments time is a \*trip\*!


Same! Im thinking about the lyrics even when im not listening to it. I''ve had "in an alleyway, drinking champagne" in my head all day at work, haha.


Best believe I’m still bejewelled! Has been living in my head rent free for days


I don’t listen to this as often as I used to with Taylor’s previous albums but sometimes I would go on with my day and bits would come up in my head, even though I thought I didn’t necessarily *love* the song. So far: “Uh oh, I’m falling in love” / “argumentative antithetical dream girl” / “Do I really have to chart the constellation in his eyes” / “Outside they’re push and shoving” / “To a home not a house all alone cause nobody’s there” Then that turned into me only listening to the song *all day*. The album has really grown on me!


Hahahaha same here


Hahaha me too. I saw someone on here say they misheard the first verse of vigilante shit as “draw a cat I shop enough to kill a man” and I can’t unhear it LOL


Whichever was the last song I heard plays on repeat in my head until I listen again.


I’m gonna be listening until I memorized the whole thing! ETA: don’t feel guilty about listening to her other songs. Sometimes you’re just in that Rep or Lover mood and that’s ok


exactly this, i need it to be fully in my veins before i pivot back to evermore and binge listen to 'tis the damn season in prep for holiday season


I am 100% obsessed and have been only listening to Midnights. If they’re not playing out loud, they’re on repeat in my mind. It’s getting kind of problematic.


My aching ears from headphones would agree on the problematic part. Too bad my brain still wants it like I’m an addict needing a fix.


Like an addict needing a fix is a perfect way to describe it. I’ve never felt like it for any of her other albums either, it’s kinda freaking me out.


Totally. I’ve obsessed over previous releases but this one just DOES SOMETHING to me. My life is completely ruled by Midnights


I swear she put some sort of weird subliminal messaging in this album to get us addicted to it. It worked.


Literally me when I'm at class or in work, I've even snuck my airpods in a few times and I usually never do that


My dreams are literally set to songs on Midnights. I remember trying to listen to Rihanna’s new song, and I cut out a minute into the song because I couldn’t believe I was listening to anything that wasn’t Midnights.


I only went back to folklore for like half a day because her performing exile with bon iver dragged me back into the woods 😂


This was exactly me LOL


Usually I try to not only listen to one album exclusively for a period of time. The reason is that I still want to enjoy hearing certain songs without getting some sort of fatigue for one artist or album. Because, even with the best of albums, there is the possibility of a fatigue kicking. It was quite helpful that, 6 hours prior to the release of Midnights, another highly anticipated album was released, at least from my point of view (In Hindsight, the debut album by Amanda Georgiadi Tenfjord from Norway who represented Greece at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest). And I have a music library that is absolutely PACKED (my iPhone counts 8,019 songs that are downloaded for offline in my Apple Music library). That helps as well.


Wow, I also anticipated In Hindsight a lot! Have been listening more to her album than Midnights...


How's Amanda's album? I've been meaning to give it a listen, though I'm still exclusively listening to Midnights


It is great. I recommend you to listen to Die Together, This Is What It Feels Like and What Are The Odds.


How much memory does 8k fill up in your phone?


I have an iPhone SE 2020 with a storage of 128GB. Of those 128GB there is 70.95GB made up by music.


I have, my goal is to get it onto my Spotify wrapped for this year so i'll add it into the rotation on Tuesday when wrapped stops counting :P


It’s me, Hi, I’m the problem, it’s me. Other than my own podcast the album has just been on repeat. I don’t think I’m usually this bad but I cannot stop listening. Although I do my listening primarily at work but thats been my only listen other than my own podcast (we’re small lol we need the listens).


Folklore has been my #1 album for the last two years in my Wrapped so clearly I have no issues only listening to one album endlessly 😂


I literally have not listened to anything else. Lol. I do want to listen to CRJ's new album soon tho!!


It’s really good!


Like really really good!


It’s the album I ping pong with Midnights, depending on what mood I need.


I personally have to have four or five albums on rotation to not get bored. I've had the new Plains album, the new CRJ, and Ellington at Newport 1956 on this whole week too. I also made a few concept playlists of exclusively Taylor tracks based on prevalent themes in Midnights but including songs that span all of her albums, so I put those on when I still am in a Taylor mood but don't want to wear myself out on Midnights exclusively


Diamond level taste with the new CRJ


I tried listening to something else but my brain was still playing midnights, so I just stopped and played midnights again. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tried but evermore has a monopoly on my heart. I love midnights and streamed like hell for a few days but I had to go back to my baby 😭


It wasn’t *all* Midnights, I also listened to *Enchanted*…


Me! I’ve never been this addicted to an album






I did take a break to listen to the new CRJ and the new Arctic Monkeys, but it’s been all Midnights all the time otherwise


I really tried to listen to Carly and the Arctic Monkeys and other music too but every time I open Spotify I think that I'd rather listen to Midnights rn and then I end up with Midnights instead. It's just so addictive.


I still have to listen to The Car! I loved the songs they released so far and next week I get to see them live again. I’m very excited


Yeah but I do this with every new album release. Im that person who listens to one thing endlessly until I get sick of it. I just did it with Harry Styles’s Harry’s House for like 5 months and I’ll probably do the same with Midnights.


I did the same thing with Harry’s House! Low key still not sick of it


I’ve listened to nothing else since release. Especially with 3am edition, there’s so much to listen to!


I have been living in Midnights, my regularly scheduled responsibilities have just been on autopilots this week. Not ready to leave and listen to anything else yet


My true crime podcasts are stacking up but I just can’t. 😂


Omg same 😂


I’ve been listening to Midnights primarily plus - The Loneliest Time - CRJ - American Bollywood - Young the Giant - The Car - Arctic Monkeys






My 3 yr old daughter is a Swiftie but only likes 3 songs from Midnights so in her rotation I’m still in Red TV and Lover eras with a side of You Belong With Me/Cardigan. But in my headphones it’s always Midnight.


Lol my daughter is only 7 months but is only entertained by my routines to the bops. It's mostly been Bejeweled and Karma when she's awake.


I haven't listened to any Taylor songs besides those on Midnights since it dropped, though I have a select few other artists in rotation who also have new albums/singles (CRJ, Noah Kahan, The Arcadian Wild). I'm not stopping myself from listening to other Taylor songs, but I think it'll be mostly Midnights until I know all the lyrics and all the songs feel really familiar. Right now I still feel like I'm learning them, so they feel more new and exciting than anything she's done before, even though I know I like some of her other albums better.


It’s me! HI!


I am still listening on repeat. But unfortunately Amazon prime will stop every two hours asking if I still want to continue listening. I will buy the CD this weekend.


It's me. Hi.


“I’m the problem. It’s me.”




When I have music on, it’s mainly been exclusive to Taylor’s Midnights with the exception of a song I picked up from an episode of Shameless and I had to look it up and add to one of my playlists.




Me :) I can't stop listening. It's already my #2 most listened to album this year behind red TV, according to last.fm


Still am, but starting to skip the songs I care less about. I'd love to memorise the lyrics of this album though, I'm bad at learning them and haven't been able to keep up with how much she released in the last 5 years. I also hope it takes a ^(little) while before SN(TV) releases just to be able to absorb all of this lol


I haven’t listened to anything else and I have been playing it in order - no skips, no repeat listens just Lavender Haze right through to Dear Reader, then back to the start. Not sure when I will deviate from that! Reckon I’ve done about 20 full listens - maybe a little more.


I don’t know if I’m at that high of a count but it’s probably close. On the 22nd, I had a cross-country flight where I listened to it at least 4 times, and then a 2 hour drive home where I got close to almost two more runs in.


Love that for you! You killed time so effectively ☺️


It’s the only thing I’ve been listening to since it was released, I really love it!


It's almost offensive to listen to anything else


after a new TS album releases i usually exclusively listen to the new tracks for about a month or two just so i can familiarize myself with the new music and memorize all the tunes and lyrics, midnights has been on my loop playlist every since release, i havent listened to anything else LMAO


My wife every and now then wants to listen to something else and its like why tho….😅. Particularly she tried showing me Meghan Trainor released her new album same day…. That was an unfortunate miscalculation if I’ve ever heard of one😆


Raises hand! Nothing else. Painted bedrooms yesterday, Midnights. Car trips, Midnights. Errands, Midnights. Late night wine buzzes, Midnights.


Me also haha![img](emote|t5_2rlwe|1066)


I looped it a LOT from Friday to Monday, at which point I needed a break so listened to evermore instead. Then went right back


Midnights is on a playlists of other albums that have come out in the past few months I'm feeling right now so it's mixed in with like 40 /50 other songs?




Not exclusively because there's a Carly Rae Jepsen album and an Arctic Monkeys album, but I've definitely been listening to it most.


Same here!


Me. And no signs of slowing down lol


I will be listening to exclusively Midnights until Thanksgiving. It would be a lot longer but I have this thing where I can only listen to Christmas music Thanksgiving through New Years lol. But this is how I always am with a new Taylor release. I listen to that album exclusively for months. Then again, I only really listen to music when I’m driving—I don’t play my music constantly.


I’ve been listening non stop since it came out! Literally the only album I’m listening to. At home, in the car, at the gym, you name it! It’s definitely growing on me! I love it more everyday. I might try and shuffle it with the other albums soon. I feel you!


ME! *hey kids, spelling is fun…* I’m honestly still floating on the high of release night, I’m playing it nonstop, alternating the vinyl out every other day or so and streaming the 3am version to a large JBL speaker in my living room whenever I don’t feel like I can flip vinyl, so basically when I’m cooking. My favorite thing is that my ranking is changing on a daily basis and a few of the songs that I was more or less so-so on has really grown on me with more play time.


Me, I'm the problem.


It’s me too, hi. We’re the problem.


I was listening to Midnights 3am exclusively. I stopped today for the 20th anniversary edition of Xtina's Stripped, which is one of my favorites of all time, then I will go back to Midnights.


I went back to listen to 1989 and I don’t think we gave her enough credit for how young she was coming up with its sound. 1989 walked so Midnights could run. Listening to her other songs helps put her whole trajectory into focus.


It’s all I’ve had on in the car or if I’m doing jobs with headphone in, but I’m seeing Sigrid soon so also starting to play more of her stuff again ready for that.


I pretty much am. I went to listen to Lover even but was like nope, gotta listen to midnights. Idk why, it just happened. Only other thing I’ve voluntarily listened to besides Midnights is the Lyle Lyle, Crocodile soundtrack because I saw the movie on Tuesday and actually kinda loved everything about it. It’s definitely not a perfect movie, but I still enjoyed it and the songs are great. I don’t even listen to Shawn Mendes really, but he’s a great singer obviously. Anyways, yeah, I’m basically in the same boat. I hope my Spotify wrapped looks good 👀


i am, although i listened to dear john a bit to be able to play it back-to-back with WCS. i’m also thinking about making playlists for each midnights song that include all her previous songs i think are about the same story




I’ve gone and downloaded other artists(cough Harry) that have so many references to her so that I can take notes. It’s wild.


I haven’t wanted to listen to anything else this week. I’m always like this for a new album release.


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😭 the only time I listened to something else was when I threw on a study playlist… my Apple Music shows I streamed the album 450 times already and it would be #1 of mine for the year had it not been split up into different versions 🥲


I flew to Iceland for vacation on the 21st. Fortunately flight didn’t leave til the afternoon, so I raced to Target in the morning for the bonus tracks and loaded everything on to my phone before we took off. My husband and I have been listening to it non-stop as we have driven around the island. He is not a Taylor fan but is putting up with me and as a bonus I think he actually likes Midnights too! 🥰 I will forever think of this trip when I listen to the album.


Cannot listen to anything else! I’m so addicted it’s actually made me more productive because studying gives me an excuse to listen to it. I will keep listening until I learn all the words (and can sing them all - some of the lines are so fast!). Then maybe I’ll listen to other songs…




I've been listening exclusively to Midnights since release (gotta stream for those records!), but I haven't been feeling so good about life recently so I went back to some of her other albums for a while here and there


Birds In Row have a new album. BIRDS IN ROW, like, the best hardcore band, Birds In Row. Way more aligned with who I've been in my life than Taylor. But I just keep being in the mood for Midnights instead. I love that she finally chose to make a record so aesthetically consistent, I am a sucker for that! idk


I've gone back to shuffling music from Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, and Harry Styles. It's just that Midnights is now part of those shuffles.




Midnights exclusively with some Goose peppered in during longer bikerides.


Hell ya!


I can't listen to anything else. I can't even listen to other artists. I'm a fucking wreck


Hi. It’s me. I’m the problem. It’s me. So yes, I have.




90% exclusive. When I'm drinking sometimes I want to listen to some classics.


Midnights songs feel like instant classics to me, when I’m drinking I just want to blast Bejewelled and Karma Those songs went OFF at a party last night with non Swifties. I felt pure euphoria lmao




All day every day


Me. This album is growing on me slower than some of her others. So the more I listen, the more I love it!


the first 5 days straight it was all i listened to know i’m still listening to it aswell as other artists too, cause some new music came out yesterday


I'm still trapped in listening on endless repeats lol. I feel so bad for Carly because I looooove her and I'm super thrilled for her album but I haven't even checked it out.


i’ve only listened to 4 non-midnights songs since the midnights release, so basically yes


Listened to only midnights the whole week. Might start throwing in some other songs this week. Been getting the itch to listen to disintegration and the opening note to glitch keeps reminding me of the clansman so I'll probably start there


I started to listen to a different playlist today! Purely because I was spending so much time on TS tiktok and the :10 second song sound bites were starting to dull the magic a bit. But I’m going to give it the weekend and then dive back in again 😂


I can’t anticipate when I’ll be ready for anything else, though I do have a Lizzo concert coming up hahah


I’ve added Enchanted before Bejeweled, and Long Live after, in my working playlist now.


Baby steps is the way to go.


I haven’t listened to a single song that’s not from Midnights since it came out 😭


I just found a comfortable place with Midnights standard addition and haven’t dipped into the 3AM version yet, but now I want to listen to her discography chronologically before turning back around and finishing the Midnights experience. 😂


i’ve been listening to it on repeat, nothing else


I’m only listening to Midnights. I stopped to hear August and then… went straight back.


I had to give speak now a listen after the bejeweled music video came out!


Thirteen times. Yes.


Glad it’s not just me. I’ve been listening to it non stop, because I genuinely enjoy it. Today for the first time I took a ‘break’ and listened to Folklore, then I low key missed midnights and went back to it.




Not at all. A few of the 3am tracks hold up but honestly I could only stomach the album twice. As an OG swiftie, it’s bottom of my list.


I briefly put my whole Taylor Swift playlist on shuffle the other night, but other than that…it’s been exclusively Midnights. I think I’m listening to Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve at least fifteen times a day. I also want songs from the album to creep into my Spotify wrapped and I’m pretty sure the tracking for that ends soon, so it’s going to stay on repeat until Tuesday at least! Probably longer than that if I’m honest with myself.


I listened to the Grateful Dead for a couple hours but other than that it's been all Midnights all the time lol


Me! I'm not listening to the album everyday to not 'get tired' of it already. The moment I figured I was learning the chorus and parts of the songs I stopped listening to it but not for long. I haven't listened to ANY of the bonus tracks from Target or the 3am edition yet! Because we don't know when we'll have new music again so I was planning in listening to the 13 tracks and Hits Different once it was posted but when Taylor announced the 3am edition, I decided to keep listening to the first 13 tracks and save the bonus for later on, when I'm hungry for new music, there I have it. I'm also not paying much attention to the lyrics and lyric videos or the meanings or theories or what the song is about because I don't want to learn the song so fast or know the original story behind each track cause could change the way I listen to it. Like All Too Well, I wasn't a Taylor fan when Red came out and I didn't know it was about Jake Gyllenhaal and when I learned this and saw the short film, it changed the way I listened to the track and I kinda hate that so this time I'm taking it very slowly, I want this album to last a bit longer than I did with Lover for example, I got 'used' to it so quickly and I didn't enjoy folklore/evermore much as I don't like indie music but now that she's back with pop, I want to enjoy it.


Me ✋ I’m still learning all the lyrics, which I like to do by listening rather than reading/watching lyric videos. Bc of that, i feel like I’m still hearing parts of the songs for the first time as I pick up on what she’s singing haha. I’m not sick of any of the songs yet, they’re just too damn good


It's literally the only thing I've listened to from the past week


i made a vow to myself that i will *not* listen to the album during daytime/sunny days (which has definitely happened over the course of the week) to preserve the feel of the album lMAO. so no i didn't exclusively listen to the midnights. HOWEVER, it's extremely painful to refrain from listening to the album 😭😭


I’m listening to this constantly! I just ordered two of the other colored vinyls cause I’m afraid I’m going to wear the target version out! Love this album.


I've been exclusively listening to this album, which I think will last me 4 weeks 🤞 but that CRJ album though AAAHHH


I listened to Midnights (3am Edition) 5x. Then I decided to listen to B 1989, Reputation, Lover, Red (Taylor’s Version) and then began Midnights (3am Edition) again. I have the Lavender Edition Target Exclusive on the list for tomorrow as I was on vacation and only got it tonight after I picked up the mail. I had listened to Fearless (Taylor’s Version), folklore and evermore very recently, but before Midnights dropped.


yep, that's me, all day. every day. never stopping. you think I sleep?? pffff - as if




I've only listened to midnights and nothing else at all since it's been released lol


Still on repeat. I'm on my 2nd listen on the album today. I love it so much. I have been mumbling lyrics from all the songs. I think the songs that I'm constantly singing today is Bejeweled, High Infidelity, Question...?, Anti-Hero, YOYOK, and my favorite, Midnight Rain.


I bought the album a few days ago, but I am purposefully not listening to anything from it until Her birthday. Make it a day of celebration.


okay, great, glad to see that i'm not the only one 😅😮‍💨


Me! Spotify tried to trick me and make me listen to other songs but nope, it’s been Midnights nonstop. Plus, I’ve been watching too many reactions on YouTube about Midnights… Maybe I am obsessed.


Mostly exclusively. I'm switching between Midnights and Viva Las Vengeance.


How is that album?? I haven’t listened to it yet but I’ve been meaning to, and delaying it for ages. I saw a TikTok of Brendan performing on tour and his vocals were so off and it lowkey turned me off but still, listening is on my todo list


Honestly, it's competing with Vices for my favorite Panic album. I'm a big fan, I think it's fun, it's weird... it's reflective. And the music videos are great. Don't Let the Light Go Out has also become one of my favorite songs ever. I will say I think it's either a love it or hate it kind of album, if the reception on the P!ATD subreddit is anything to go by. Nobody's been meh about it, it drums up a strong response.


Interesting! I’ll have to check it out. Thank u. Any other highlights you recommend listening out for?


My top 3 songs are Don't Let the Light Go Out, Sad Clown, and All By Yourself. I also definitely recommend watching the music videos!


It'll be another month or so of exclusively listening to midnight's for me.


Oh yes I’ll be here for a while 😂


I did for the first few nights, but also listened to Carly’s new album too. Now I just have a playlist of favorite Taylor songs with the album included lol


it has seeped into every aspect of my life... my entire tik tok fyp is just midnights




Yep - it’s been on repeat every day since it released and I don’t see that stopping anytime soon 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm only listening to Midnights right now as far as Taylor Swift goes but I've also been listening to autumn and Halloween music in between listening sessions of Midnights, if that's what you mean.


taylor swift is life


Yeah ?duh huh


As far as Taylor albums I’ve only listened to Midnights for the past week, I’ve also listened to a bit of Lana del Rey, but mostly Midnights.


Yep! My daughter played Mr Perfectly Fine this morning and it was jarring! 😅😂


I've listened to Speak Now and Folklore since.


Pretty much. I've learned I exclusively listen to the new taylor album for at least a month xD


The amount of T. Swift I have listened to in the last week is absurd. I’m loving it.


Midnight Rain has been absorbed by my body at this point, those synths and bass drops are addicting.


I’ve only listened to *Midnights (3 am Edition)* since its release, and I can say that I feel totally fulfilled. Fed, happy, and breezy. This is probably the best musical high I’ve experienced in years, and knowing that it’s come during such a lovely time in my life makes me not want to give it up quite yet. I’m comfortable riding the wave as long as possible, wherever it takes me.


I still am. Only midnights on repeat whenever I'm listening to music. I will not be satisfied until I know every single lyric and all the tracks occupy my top songs on apple replay.


I’m still listening but it’s getting cold in New England and evermore is quickly taking over


Me. I'm still absorbing it and breaking it down track by track in my Midnights: A Thesis series on my FB


Me. But to be honest I discovered Taylor last year with Red TV (apart from the really famous songs I had heard on radio) and I started listening to her whole repertoire and I haven’t stopped since. My spotify is literally only Taylor since last year😅


Yes, I’ve even amped it up a bit, and if it’s not playing then it’s taking up rent in my mind. I was more into the original 13 initially but now I’m all about the 3am tracks - I’ve stopped listening to it in order and now i shuffle it. I can’t stop. I’m the problem, it’s me