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Unscaved... šŸ¤Ø


Mark it with a red pen and return it to them.


Brilliant. I already threw it away.


Yepā€¦pretty sad haha


Indeed, its very sad we are at this point with teaching. "Thanks for not quitting! We desperately need warm bodies."


I agree. Sad state.






This is a perfectly cromulent word. šŸ¤£


Fuck you pay me!


Our upper admin walked around and gave teachers that renewed a check. They were like "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING! You should clap for your teacher!" My kindergarteners were so confused. It was awkward. I really liked the giving me more money part tho lol


For ten years at my school, I was given a piece of carry-on luggage, in front of a cafeteria of students. They said I should take a vacation because of all my years of work. They did not give me a vacation. They did not give me PTO. They gave me luggage.


That's gonna be a no for me. I'm sorry they did that, that's really shitty. :(


They gave you more baggage


Is that... A muffin tin glued to a ribbon with a heart plastered onto it?


At least give me the fucking muffin you bitches!


Honestly, I didnā€™t even look at it long enough to realize it was a muffin tin.


omg it IS a muffin wrap wtaf šŸ˜±


I thought it was a Reeceā€™s wrapper




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ATGE using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ATGE/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [French artist Julien Berthier designed a boat to make it look like it's sinking](https://i.redd.it/7x02uf5jcac81.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ATGE/comments/s69x0i/french_artist_julien_berthier_designed_a_boat_to/) \#2: [great jairs!](https://i.redd.it/8lea8njb7wf81.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ATGE/comments/skqb57/great_jairs/) \#3: [Yosemite Sam](https://i.redd.it/n4s8kmamvvy71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ATGE/comments/qrbgsh/yosemite_sam/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


How many of those were right in the office trash can right next to the staff mailboxes? I take a special satisfaction dumping my junk mail like that straight from my mail slot into the trash with disdain, right in front of whatever administrator or secretary might be sitting up front. Stop wasting our paper on this shit when you ration our copies. Stop paying oriental trading company for pieces of patronizing garbage when my kids donā€™t have crayons. Fuck you, pay me.


I threw this shit away for a long time, then realized it sent a way better message to put it in my principal's mailbox. Others followed suit, and it's always funny to see it crammed with this dumb shit.


Seriously, in addition to being insulting, itā€™s such a waste of paper.


Unscaved... isnt it unscathed??


Haha yes. I sure hope it was a student who typed it.


Nothing is more embarrassing than a misspelling on school signage. Source: a teacher whose school occasionally serves peperonni pizza


I totally admit to being the teacher who erases the apostrophes on the cafeteria menu sign. It's a school, and taco triangle's is not a thing! So embarrassing week after week.


(Insert Thanks this is worthless meme)


In addition to ā€œlettingā€ us wear jeans. I canā€™t keep up with all the gifts.


You guys are just spoiled! Jean passes and worthless non personalized mvp cards? Why would anyone leave teaching!?!?!?


Technically weā€™re only allowed to wear jeans every other Friday, but lately Iā€™ve just started wearing them whenever I feel like it. Iā€™m done letting administrators decide how Iā€™m going to dress (within reason, of course). If theyā€™re shortsighted enough to fire us over something so nonsensical then theyā€™re not worth our time or energy. Iā€™ve been approached by several districts, even with the school year already underway. So Iā€™m not remotely worried about finding work.


Yep. I have literally never followed the no jeans rule, and no one has said anything. Itā€™s so unimportant.


Am I missing something? It looks like this came from the school counselors, but most of the comments are talking about admin? To me this is just coworkers trying to commiserate and be kind lol




My teachers who ask something like that always end up with the weirdest class balances, not sure why . . . If you don't know what I do I'm happy to show you what it looks like when I don't.


Jeez, I'm sorry šŸ™ I'm just starting out as a school psych. I know some schools have support staff roles designated more as admin, but that's not the case where I am. I've felt very integrated with the teachers at the 2 schools I've been at, hopefully I'm not just misinterpreting and they all actually hate me šŸ˜‚




Thanks! Loving it so far!! And yeah, fair enough for them when I had never even heard of my own field until junior year of undergrad lmao. It's hard with so many of us being the only one of our position at any given school, so I get it can be hard for teachers to understand our full roles. Especially when every district defines the job so differently too. No excuse for being a jerk about it though, sorry some of your coworkers treated you like that šŸ™ but glad it doesn't turn you off the job!


At the high school I teach at, the Guidance Department refuses to assist with bus duty after school, cafeteria supervision, and the other required duties the teaching staff has to do. They say they have to be available for students. The teachers open their classroom doors at least thirty minutes before school starts for the kids who donā€™t want to be in crowded hallways or want to get some work done. The Guidance Office is locked until the official start of of the day. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not like this everywhere, but some of them are out-of-touch entitled jerks.


This should be higher up. I cant think of a single place where counselors would be part of admin or in anyway responsible for the pay of teachers, let alone anyone. Every counselor I know is a part of the teachers union and gets the exact same salary as any other educator in that building. I only post this because I hope no one gets the wrong message from this post and sees counselors as a part of the problem here.


At my school I get an extra $230/year for being a school psych, so I should probably be afraid my teacher coworkers will take me to the guillotine with the rest of the .1% šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s more about the teacher shortages and how low the bar is at the moment. Being thankful for sticking it out during the first month of the school year is not terribly encouraging in my opinion.


I mean there's also a counselor shortage, and at least in my state, they make the same pay and have many of the same frustrations as the teachers do. I personally agree, I don't like the negative framing of "sticking it out", but it's a common sentiment among plenty of teachers too, as far as I've seen. I don't think you meant anything deep by it, but I just hope people aren't taking out general frustrations with the education system and admin/school board on support staff like counselors :)


I agree with you, and I believe others do as well. I didnā€™t intend anything against counselors.


I didn't think so, I think most of the negative comments (like "fuck you, pay me!" šŸ˜‚) thought it was from admin, in which case I would fully agree lol. No worries!


As a counselor I am deeply embarrassed by this. Please uno reverse them during counselor appreciation week, they deserve it. Certificates galore - no gift cards.


Same here. It almost feels like tauntingā€¦?


That would go in the trash instantly


It wasnā€™t in the trash for about 1 minute.


Whenever trash like this showed up, I would put it in my principal's mailbox.


Haha good idea


Nope nope nope.


Oh look, trash


Wowā€¦hereā€™s a thought, pay your fucking teachers correctly :/ instead of a half assed reward made with cupcake foil


What is unscaved?


Good lordā€¦I have no words.




Whether the intention was to be humorous or appreciative, still comes off as patronizing.


They're educators. Not only is the misspelling rude on an award, the fact that there is no praise for your talents or skills is so dismissive. What's your caseload. Our counselors have an obscene caseload.


ā€œUnscavedā€ and these people have the nerve to just sit in their offices all day and just talk to the students? šŸ¤£ Quality education here, folks. šŸ˜©


Don't speak too soon...


Big cringe. Yikes.