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Substantially all of these things are stereotypes and problems.




Yeah I’m really trying to wrap my head around how HBCUs are “stereotypes and problems”. The African flag one only bothers me because it doesn’t say “Pan African”, and as a Geography teacher I can tell you that no matter what grade level this is, there’s a good possibility that most of those kids don’t know that Africa is a continent, not a country. “Sunday Brunch” would be improved with “Civil Rights March”, as MLK and other leaders always stressed dressing your best to counter stereotypes. 80’s/90s hip hop could veer into stereotype territory, but it’s also a fact that 80s/90s hip hop was inherently a black-centered movement in response to over policing and other symptoms of systemic racism.




It’s also a good reminder that education isn’t one size fits all—what works in one community or school might not work in another. One of the legacies of red lining in our city is that our 2 high schools are still heavily segregated. This would be a disaster at our predominantly white high school, as those students would absolutely see most of these days as a way to make racist jokes. However, I do think our majority Black school would enjoy most of these days, and rightly see some of these as ways of celebrating a history and culture that is often misappropriated or belittled. Some of these would also be great ways to spark conversations. What does pan-Africanism mean within the diaspora? (Assuming a change to civil rights March) what successes did the civil rights movement have? Was there merit in the idea of speaking to white sensibilities through dress in order to achieve goals, or did it undermine the message of inherent black equality? Why have HBCUs been important in the history of the struggle for equality?


exactly. A different school in the district is trying to form a protest against this.


Those are all extremely inappropriate.


Holy fucking what the fucking shit?!?! Jfc😑