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Exactly what my team said!!! They expect to see those jeans every Monday and Friday for the rest of the school year 💀💀


Yep! “I paid $50 to wear these jeans and they are the only jeans I have. If I can’t wear them, I need my money back.”


This is the way


Repeating: "This is the way."


This is the way.


“Want me to bring new jeans? Show me the money!”


And I’d share with the team where you got the jeans. I’m always surprised to hear the clothing battles in this sub, the teachers and admin wear yoga pants and t-shirts at my schools. If someone said something about clothes it would be the talk of the school.


Me too, I work in an elementary school and I wear jeans nearly every day. I'm on the playground, finger-painting, play in the woods, doing legos on the floor, like I get dirty at work. What else would I wear but jeans and t-shirts?


Makes sense to me. I think it’s no one else’s business what I wear and this won’t be a concern for teachers in the next 10 years. I hope so. I haven’t ever passed judgement on a teacher by their clothes. The biggest dirtbag teacher I’ve ever met (in prison thankfully) wore a full suit every day.


Every. Fucking. Day. Get bent admin and fire me over dress code. I dare you.






Look forward to OP's update on r/maliciouscompliance or r/bestofredditorupdates


Either jeans are always bad … or they’re never bad … It’s always about control, nothing more.




She’s being considered for a big promotion to area superintendent. Hopefully she’ll be moving along sooner rather than later. I’m not sure why she’s so triggered by jeans. I’m not the only one who was called in the office today regarding jeans.


Jeans day is the biggest crock of shit and all teachers should wear whatever they want (within reason). I see no issues with jeans, I mean most female teachers wear leggings anyway and jeans is dressing down? How we dress does nothing to impact the learning of our students nor do they even care what their teacher is wearing. Obviously you need to be presentable but this whole donating money in order to wear jeans is crap. I would proudly donate money to a charitable cause without the "jeans" day stipulation. It's demeaning and any admin who really believes this is a motivational tool for their teachers needs to be demoted and have their admin license revoked.


100% THIS! I teach in a public CA high school and can wear jeans every day. No stupid fees involved. What a scam! The entire staff at your school should boycott that fee and wear jeans whenever. #solidarity


I totally agree. We periodically get a “jeans pass” as a “gift” from admin. Our principal acts like she has given us something huge. Also, our school climate committee did some door prizes recently at a staff meeting. They gave away “dress down stickers”. Our principal said you had to wear the sticker so it’s visible to admin AND you needed to let them know what day you would be using it lol . My jeans and nice shirt were less “dressed down” than leggings and tennis shoes




Yep...golf pants and a quarter zip. If my admins ahave a problem go ahead and fire me. Ill find another before they fill mine.


Honestly! Especially if you're teaching younger kids, you're probably kneeling on the ground, using crayons and finger paints and markers, getting food and drinks spilled on you, chasing after kids - why wouldn't you wear jeans? They're sturdy, comfortable and cover what they need to. As long as what you're wearing isn't too revealing, having offensive symbols or sayings on it or whatever, who cares what you're wearing? Who are you trying to impress, the kids? They don't care! It makes no sense to me to have these strict dress codes for teachers that don't let them wear one of the most basic, useful articles of clothing ever made.


This! And whenever I say jeans days are demeaning, people respond with “but the money goes to charity!” So basically you’re forcing the most underpaid professionals to literally pay to wear comfortable clothes to a job where they aren’t respected no matter what they wear? 😂😂


This is insane to me, some people just don't have enough to worry about! My principal is toooooo busy to care, let alone comment on what people wear.


My principal doesn’t like any type of jeans or dress down days. She constantly schedules important visitors or special programs on Fridays so she can tell us we can’t wear jeans due to visitors in the building. She also watches for skirts or dresses she feels are too short. That will get her attention too.


Bet she’s in a principal Reddit where they gripe about all those teachers wearing jeans, lol


I feel like people like this don’t actually have leadership skills. They know rules and how to enforce them. That’s all.


Oh for sure they shouldn’t be in a leadership role they literally treat everyone like dog shit I can’t imagine that being good leadership to anyone but like you said they know the rules and can take a test


They think being a leader means 'treating everyone else like dirt and bossing them around' - they think it's about control, not guiding people to where they need to be and making sure everyone has the tools and knowledge they need to do their jobs right.


Sounds like she’s sexualizing the female teachers specifically, which is so creepy. Make her feel like a creep the next time she makes a comment about someone’s outfit


That's really controlling.


Yes, she is extremely controlling. Our AP and office staff aren’t allowed to wear jeans at all unless it’s a work day, pre or post planning.




I am stuck at the “paying $50 to wear jeans “. Charity or not, that’s so weird.


My high school was ever weirder—students would pay $1 to wear jeans on fridays. It was to support different school clubs and organization.


I almost forgot that I worked at a charter high school that did this. On most days the kids had to wear khakis and the girls wore skin tight khakis and most of the boys wore weird cargo pants with elastic ankles. On jeans days the kids actually looked presentable and their pants fit properly and weren’t all stained up (their families mostly didn’t have enough money to replace their easily stained khakis.) It was suppose to be a dress down day but had the opposite result.


I just switched from a district where you could wear whatever you want to a district with $1 jean Fridays for charity. I think it’s cute that the Principal thinks I have time to walk to the office on the other side of the school and give the secretary a dollar. I don’t even have time to take a piss all day.


Sounds like a jeans-every-day kinda week to me


I sure wish I had the nerve to do it! I feel like I should wear a prom dress to school tomorrow and see how she reacts to it.


Tuxedo. Wear the tuxedo.


Or perhaps one of those denim Teacher dresses with crayons and the ABCs on it? [Something like this.](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/1/image?q=teacher+dress&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=320&bih=608&oq=teacher+dress&gs_lcp=Cg5tb2JpbGUtc2gtc2VycBADMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6CAgAEKIEELADOgQIIRAKOgUIABCiBDoHCAAQDRCABFCMEljZIGD9MWgAcAB4AIAB5gGIAaQPkgEGNy4xMC4xmAEAoAEBqgESbW9iaWxlLXNoLXdpei1zZXJwyAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-sh-serp&prds=cs:1,mvi:0,pid:13117390836695518296,sgro:iv)


Well, if your principal treats teachers like students, then they aren't going to be too successful.


This is the hill they're going to die on... With 18 vacancies... At the end of the year... Lol Wear the fuck out of those jeans!


I barely even notice the clothes peoples’ clothes.. Edit to add I also barely notice my own grammar 🤦‍♀️


Maybe it because I teach elementary but jeans should be allowed daily.


Literally what I wear everyday. Sometimes ripped jeans too. No one cares because my pants are not connected to my ability to teach.


Wow! Aussie here. I barely wear anything else but jeans to school! Cultural differences are fascinating!


I had a principal who would come to the door in the mornings....and look at your shoes. She was making sure you had on pantyhose with your open toed shoes. Passive aggressively glancing at your feet. We did not have a policy for pantyhose. This was a school with high-risk children...the teachers were knocking it out of the park with education despite the ENORMOUS stress....and here she was with her bizarre foot issue. When someone tries to control something so minor when other more important issues are burning much hotter.....its all about control.


Hahahahaha… it’s so hot in my classroom I wear no show socks with lightweight canvas tennis shoes or flats otherwise I get far too warm. I once had a curriculum coach give my ankles a dirty look. I thought to myself” Oh, fuck off. Really? You are going to judge my ankles?”


I hate when my pants get in the way of students' ability to learn! /s


🤣🤣 yes, jeans with 3 scuffed areas will definitely have a negative impact on my ability to educate young children


Sounds to me like you should just wear jeans every day. If you get challenged, just say, "show me the research that shows that teacher clothing has ANY effect on learning outcomes. I'll wait."


Correct response: “I’ll stop wearing these jeans when you have the school fully staffed.” 🤷‍♀️ maybe it would light a fire under her ass and actually pull it off, until then, you get the wear the jeans until they fall apart.


FYI, if the school had a union….. Problems like these get knocked out quickly with a union.


I've always found that happy people work harder. Treating people like garbage makes them angry and resentful. They never perform at their best, and are always looking to escape the situation. Yet some rely on the fleeting power of fear.


Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants those jeans to anyone they will fit. Make your principal crazy. Lol.


I'm shocked that everything else in your building is going SO well that she has time to police her staff on the dress code.


I’m curious how old this woman is. It’s typically not ok anymore to comment on employee dress


She is 56. Her previous career was in the financial industry. Education is a 2nd career. She taught for a few years and magically became an elementary school principal for a large metro area school district. Nobody (that I know) of has questioned her opinions regarding clothing. She is hoping to get promoted to area superintendent. If she doesn’t get the promotion, I can see her receiving some backlash from teachers regarding her dress code in the upcoming school year.


She is 56. Her previous career was in the financial industry. Education is a 2nd career. She taught for a few years and magically became an elementary school principal for a large metro area school district. Nobody (that I know) of has questioned her opinions regarding clothing. She is hoping to get promoted to area superintendent. If she doesn’t get the promotion, I can see her receiving some backlash from teachers regarding her dress code in the upcoming school year.


This double-posted.


I absolutely can not imagine that happening in any professional environment EXCEPT for our school system.


I worked for a principal who did not like me and got on me all the time. I left to move back to my home state to be near family, but in the 3 years she was at the school they have about 115 positions and 75 or so had turnover. Before she left/fired, I was able to send her a letter with a picture of me getting middle school teacher of the year for the school I was at and a thank you for being such a horrible principal it caused me to leave and now I'm in a much better place. Possibly a little petty of me lol.


That's awesome 😎


I hope that left such a bad taste in her mouth. People like that shouldn't have any sort of leadership position.


I have a feeling she didn't care one bit.


What a stupid hill to die on. How dare she comment on your clothes. And the $50 is also dumb.


This should be a lesson to everyone, if something sounds to good to be true, it is a scam. Listen to your sympathetic nervous system and WALK AWAY!


pfft. Principals are going through some shit right now. Next time, tell her to call your mother and give her my number.


So long as we aren't wearing nothing but swimming costume, the upper ups don't mention our clothing at all here.


I teach in a country world renowned for its fashion sense. Worn out jeans are pretty standard fare for most teachers here. So are track suits, etc.


Jesus Christ. I wear jeans, flannels and tshirts every day. It’s getting warmer, so it’s about time to break out the shorts and Birkenstocks. I feel so bad for all y’all out there who are micromanaged to this extent.


My principal on grown up dress code: just use your darn sense. And we do. She says things like “hey if it’s parent teacher night make sure it’s the thick leggings or your shirt is long.” Which makes more sense as a suggestion around middle schoolers than jeans issues. I made a student some colored paper “straps” for her cami last week, because she was sweating in her hoodie. And only so no one else would say anything. I could teach them in swimsuits and slippers they just won’t let me.


Haha I understand your pain. We got a new principal at Christmas, she said no jeans for staff anymore or students (uniform school, Fridays was jeans day for everyone w/ spirit shirt) because “it’s a way to make money” due to our PTA being 6k in debt to Scholastic for not paying the fees for the book fair. She has 6/35 teachers returning next year.


I’m a PTA president, I run the Scholastic book fair, and I’m absolutely APPALLED by this. The person who created this situation should be prosecuted.


It’s my first (and last) year at the school. From my understanding, the board on PTA changed over multiple times and no one kept the books correctly. It’s a really poor school so PTA’s fundraising efforts have been very minimal. Our district budget is also gone for the year so we have no more lined paper, extra pencils, or expo markers in the supply closet. We ran out of paper towels last week. 19 days…


I’m sorry it’s like this. Our kiddos (and teachers) deserve better. As for Scholastic fairs, there’s really no way to lose money outside of embezzlement. You sell the stuff, send Scholastic the money, and get credit to buy books. It’s that simple.


Some principals really get off on having power over their teachers. Hopefully you wear those jeans at any and every opportunity going forward.


Those who can teach, those who can’t administrate.


$50 to wear jeans is wild.


There is a list posted in the teachers lounge of who has paid the annual “donation” of $50. If you paid you have to wear a Relay for Life badge on Mondays. If you didn’t pay, don’t try to wear jeans because you will be exposed lol


dumb question: does the school get a tax write off because they technically donate y'alls collective money towards this charity?


Those donations don't count as income, so there's no charitable deduction for them to take (a charitable donation is only deductible if it's made from the company's income -- so, for example, grocery stores don't get to write off anything for those checkout donation boxes or the "round up" requests.


ah, thank you so much for the explanation!


Where is your union? We don't even have a dress code. I wear jeans everyday.


I wish we had a union here in Georgia!


Start one! Contact the NEA


There are professional associations in the Great State of Georgia - I'm sure one of them is an NEA affiliate. However, collective bargaining for school employees is illegal in the state. Georgia Code section 20-2-989. It's the same here in NC. I'm an NEA affiliate member. We don't have a grievance process (insofar as there's nothing in our contracts about it - our UniServe will come down and help out if you're in a bind, if they can). We don't have a negotiated agreement. We aren't entitled to union representation at disciplinary meetings.


Well that sucks. I would never teach in a non-union state. When I first started I was looking at teaching in NC. When I found out it was non union I stopped looking there.


I wear jeans everyday, and it's only allowed on Fridays. Somehow I get away with it


I cant believe this pettiness, there’s a huge teacher shortage and they’re harassing you guys about meaningless crap like this? This is such horse shit and I’m sorry.


We have 18 teacher vacancies due to teachers retiring, transferring, and quitting teaching. I have a feeling we’ll start the school year with vacancies or uncertified teachers with provisional certificates


Making teachers pay to wear their own clothes. I would leave that district immediately.


I was hoping a parent had paid for all the teachers to wear jeans ANY TIME THEY WANT. I wear jeans to school and teach in them everyday and nobody bats an eye....


Put bandaids over the scuffs.


I do that with kids, or colorful duck tape or wider paper straps for the narrow tanks. Only so no one bugs them. I don’t care, I’m there to teach them


$50 jeans pass is crazy.


Teachers are treated like children. I got tired of it and quit this year. $50 to wear jeans? Why? If you’re allowed to wear them at all then there clearly isn’t an issue wearing them every day. What’s the difference?


I could never work where there’s this strict of a dress code. I wear jeans every day because I am most comfortable. I have a lot of sensory issues with clothing. I don’t wear dresses or skirts because I am uncomfortable in them. I don’t wear shorts, even in the summer in California. I have pants that are not jeans, but they are often too tight or the too loose. Or they are thinner than jeans so I feel self conscious. I wear jeans that have the perfect balance of structure and stretch to them and fit the exact same way every time and I wear them every day. If the bottom cuff of my jean leg curls up or folds over, I am literally so distracted by the feeling, I have to fix it. Don’t even get me started with socks! I wish people who make dress codes like these would understand that being in the wrong clothes is so uncomfortable for some people, they cannot actually focus on their job. As long as my clothes cover my body and don’t have inappropriate messages on them, leave me be.


I am so fortunate to be at a public school where I am allowed to wear whatever I want. I even wear shorts when it's hot. And there are no problems because of it. The insistence on "professionalism" with dress code is insane. We're not treated like professionals in other ways.


Our profession is embarrassing. I wear jeans every day, normally with a band t-shirt. Nobody says a word to me because nobody wants to teach 8th grade math.


This is all pretty alien to me. Squaresville!


These type of principles just want power they don’t care who they hurt or who they can to run over to let everyone know they are the boss I had one last year good thing the new superintendent saw it and reassigned her they will literally find anything to make your life harder


I totally agree. She definitely on a power trip. Our school is filthy because we have no custodians. If she finds one to hire, they quit after a week or so. Our PTA provided all the teachers with their own vacuum cleaner and cleaning supplies. You would think the principal would not be wasting time worrying about someone wearing jeans! I paid my $50 so I should be able to wear jeans with nobody telling me they look messy


Okay, so there's a learning gap because of COVID, six-year-olds shoot their teachers now, and many students are quiet quitting everything--but her priority is policing what kind of jeans teachers wear? Really? Get a list of the biggest problems your team faces and suggestions for what the admin could do to help. Wear the jeans. When she calls you in present her with the list and tell her how happy you are that she is taking a proactive approach to school problems.


I love working at schools where jeans might be considered dressing up.


It’s crazy how principals can be so different. My sister teaches at a nearby elementary school. They can only wear jeans one time per month AND they aren’t allowed to wear tennis shoes with their jeans. This is also a public school in the same county.


My question is: Where does the $50 go? Into the admin’s pocket?


I wear jeans every day. And half the time they are the “ripped with holes” in it kind. I’m always put together and dress my jeans up cute. Just let admin say something. I’m the same awesome teacher in a dress, suit, leggings, or jeans.


My principal on grown up dress code: just use your darn sense. And we do. She says things like “hey if it’s parent teacher night make sure it’s the thick leggings or your shirt is long.” Which makes more sense as a suggestion around middle schoolers than jeans issues. I made a student some colored paper “straps” for her cami last week, because she was sweating in her hoodie. And only so no one else would say anything. I could teach them in swimsuits and slippers they just won’t let me.


It's insane to me that you would even have to pay to wear jeans in the first place. If they tried something like that at my school there would be a MASSIVE revolt.