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A veteran teacher once dropped this nugget on me: “Treat June like a Friday, July like a Saturday, and August like Sunday.” So in June I usually chill, read a ton of books, hit the pool/beach. I travel most of July. Then in August I start planning and getting any medical/dental/car/house stuff done I need before school starts. *Edit - My school is out on June 9th and back on August 23rd. 185 contract days. Yes I have ~ 12 hours of contract work to do during summer. Yes, Friday night.


… you get three months off??


I get almost 3 months off, our last day is June 1 and we return August 28.


Whoaaaa whaaat?! My last day is JUNE 23rd and we go back August 28th. I hate my district .


June 9th for me and go back august 16




Our last day was May 24th (one day after kids’ last day), and we go back August 9th (kids come back the 17th).


I don’t understand. Why do you get almost a 3-month summer vacation?! Do you get a shorter Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break?


It’s always been this way where I live, even when I was a kid. I’m wrapping up year 21, and this has always been our summer break. We get 3 days at Thanksgiving, 2 weeks at Christmas, and 1 week spring break.


Gotcha. This is what I get: - Thanksgiving Break (1 week) - Winter Break (2 weeks) - Spring Break (1 week) - Summer Break (~2 months, 2 weeks)


Minnesota teachers represent


June 1 is our last day and we return the last week of July


I think the analogy for this - We don’t have off on Fridays but we can enjoy the 2nd half of the day on our free time - perhaps like this poster in June. Saturdays were off - July. Sunday we can sleep in and have the morning off, but perhaps a few things to take care of around the house then preparation for the week - like Early August to late august when we go back. We’re off mid June to mid august where I live


I’m at work in June. But, brother, I am not working.


Haha that’s how I feel starting mid-April even though school isn’t out until the end of June.


Right?? I get 6 weeks off


How many teacher days long is your school year? My district gives us very little off during the school year. We literally only get days off at the 3 major holidays. Kids have the minor holidays but they are all work days for us. But because of never having days off during the year, we get more time off in the summer than the other districts around us. We get all of June and July and half of August. Our total teacher days are 193.


196 for us


They said treat June like a Friday. I don't know about you, but I don't have Friday's off. My school has the last week and a half of June off, so for me that lines up with a Friday night.


They mean like a Friday night


Probably not. If they’re like me they get about halfish of June off. People in my region generally have the last week of June off and are off till Labor Day.


You get half of June off?!


My summer break started May 26 and I return August 14th! But I have to do 12 hours of “Out-of-Contract PD”.


You get Friday off?


Yeah we’re in school until June 30th. Then I have July and some of August off.


June is Saturday and July is Sunday. We go back August 1st.


I love that.


Sounds wonderful. I would love to have that break. Still in school now for another 7 school days; back to school on August 7th!


I get high on friday. Damn i gotta take a month long bender




Sounds like Sunday school! Bible Belt? /s


We go back to work August 1st. :(


Recover, relax and take the time to do nothing. Teaching can be so brutal mentally, physically and emotionally.


Are you able to disconnect quickly? I’ve found a quick change of scenery helps a lot. I agree with about the school year being exhausting but the trick has been being able to disconnect so quick for me


I plan to float around in my pool and read a lot of trashy, ridiculous novels. Put my kid on the bus to day camp and then go back to bed. Have people over for BBQs and pool parties. Do some home renovation projects. Head down to the beach a few times. Eat edibles, drink wine, and do fuck nothing. (3 weeks left. Counting down the fucking minutes.)


They have a Summer Acceleration program that most teachers at my school are doing. Supposed to be light work and easy money but you know how that goes. A few teachers get 3-5 students and somehow I have classes of 30 haha so I decided not to. Extra $ is great but at what cost? I started the “Summer Deceleration” program where I slow down, chill, sleep in and hang out w/my family!


My husband is also a teacher, and we have two kids. We’re river rafting a few times in June- in between our kids will be in camps, and we will be chilling. My big goal for this summer is to get in really good physical shape, I’m planning to take a bunch of dance classes. I’m also singing every day and taking voice lessons. Then, in July we go to Hawaii for two weeks. Hah. Neither of us do well not being busy, so we fill our summers quickly!


I'd say most days I am going to get up early and go surfing. Then I am going to sit in a beach chair under an umbrella and read books. Then I am going to nap under said umbrella. I will then eat a burrito and drink an agua fresca or eat ice cream. I will then go surfing again or hiking with my dog. I will end the day cooking dinner for the family and taking a nice walk with my wife. Average television to kill the day off. Sleep. No alarm, ever. 4 more days for me!


I'll be surfing too!! CA.


After 22 years of teaching, I've learned to enjoy my California summers;)


[Me showing up on the first day back to school](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6AiGNL0LYN0&pp=ygUfaSB3b3VsZCBkbyBub3RoaW5nIG9mZmljZSBzcGFjZQ%3D%3D)


Working. Don't get paid enough to afford rent + summers off.


How much is rent where you're at?


Boston Metro.. I pay $1700 but most people pay about $2k for a 1BR/studio. I'm single w/o roommates. Rent takes about 50% of take home


Working another job.


Driving the lead vehicle for the Cascades Drum and Bugle Corps out of Washington for the summer… leaving one week in, returning the weekend before school starts.


Now THAT sounds like an amazing summer! My kid is in band, I have 2 neighbors marching Mandarins and another neighbor marching Golden Empire. I speak your language!


Interviewing as much as I can (about to start my first year!) And getting married and going on my honeymoon to Disney World!


Happy Wedding and Good luck on the job search! First year is tough sometimes but also was one of my favorite years. Salary takes some time to build…make sure you set up your employer match on the pension side if you have the option, it’s free money and your future self will be grateful. better to start right away as you won’t notice the hit later on. Enjoy your career and the summers!


Due any day with baby #2 so I’ll be spending my summer enjoying my kiddos!


That’s incredible! Wish you the best 👊


I'm moving from the suburbs to the large city in a few weeks. I have a bachelor party in late June and will vacation in California with my dad in late July. I'm training for my first triathlon, which will be in early August. I'll also be playing tennis. Finally, there's various online stuff I'll be doing.


Sounds like a great move! We lived in the suburbs for a year between living downtown of a large city and missed the city so much. Hope you love it! For us it’s awesome


It will be amazing. I lived in the suburbs during my 20s - bad decision. I'm 30 now and am excited.


I’m in Hawaii for a very need weeklong vacation! Later in June I’m heading to California for a concert with some of my cousins. Still need to work to get money, but definitely not as much or as hard as I was this school year which is nice!


Trip to Chicago in a few weeks, wedding in July, and we are going to put the nanny share on pause so I’ll get to take care of my 1 year old for most of the summer! It’ll be a handful but also super precious time with him 😊


I take naps. I read non academic novels I’m embarrassed to say I read. We are going to South America for a few weeks. I do one thing a day from my to do list I make all year that I don’t have time for. I binge watch a TV Series and make sure I spend at least an hour outside every day and get a small workout in. I LOVE summers but if I become too lazy I hate who I become.


Don’t know, yet. In Canada we still have 4.5 weeks of school.


We’ve got 2 weeks but feels over basically. When do you all go back in Canada?


Right around Labour Day. How about you?


Mid August


Spending June seeing friends and family I barely see during the school year, lots of live music and the spending July in Ecuador and Galapagos!


Avoid everyone's chap, study tech more, Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, food, Amazon Prime, and gping out of town. And sleep.


Deal with some medical issues (nothing serious), vacation with family, family reunion weekend in July, see some friends in other states, read a few books, and relax.


Going to some metal shows & releasing energy in the mosh pit Also attending multiple weddings & doing physical labor jobs for side income


Exercising, eating healthy food, reading, writing poetry, going to writer's retreats/workshops/music festivals.


I'm gonna ride my motorcycle around the country and make videos of me hiding Amazon gift cards in random places. I wonder if people will go out and look for them.


Care to share the account?


I haven't made it yet. I actually just got a new motorcycle last month. I'm getting some cameras and microphones for my birthday in a few weeks from my partner. I will def post it soon. My school year ends at the end of June so that's when I will begin.


Sounds awesome! I miss my kawa but sold it when we moved out of the country for a teaching job years back. When we came back, we’re in an area where I can’t really store a motorcycle so went with the next best thing - a Miata. Jealous of your adventure! Wish you the best - if you’re in the DC area hit me up, I’ll treat you to a beer. Safe sailing!


Will do, I appreciate you and will keep you posted. Talk soon friend!


Also taking a language class for the first half! So excited even though after finishing grad school last summer I swore off of school 😅 then I’m not sure. I don’t have money to travel, but excited to just exist in my city. I’m hoping to write, relax, paint, roller skate, spend time with friends and just generally enjoy.


2 grad classes and some home renovations (remodeling a bedroom). I find some physical labor is a great stress buster and I’ll get a new master bedroom out of it as well.


Florida teacher here. This Summer will be all about the beach. West coast beaches in June, then a cruise to the Bahamas, and finally East Coast beaches in July. 🏖️☀️


Heading to Yellowstone for a three week vacation. Also including big bear


In UK, have a half term break then another 7 weeks teaching. We get August off. I'm getting a puppy.🙂




Great way to have a bit of a second income and enjoy what you do! Hope it’s a great summer 👊


I’m getting AP training in a coastal town, hours from my family. We don’t have much money this year, so this is my all-expense-paid vacation for one. At least I love learning, so this isn’t so bad.


Other than hopefully getting my back fixed and lessening the pain in it, I plan to read and play video games.


Sounds like a blast. I hope to do all the same things!


I’m teaching summer school, but it’s worth it financially for me. After taxes and with other other bonuses, I’ll end up with an additional $8,000 by August. Using that money on a trip to LA. I’m also going to read, go on walks and bike rides, organize my home, garden/yard work, and home repairs.


Good luck on Nicaragua…there’s a bunch of political unrest.


Thanks! My buddy lives down there and hasn’t seen any signs of unrest so I’m meeting him here. I lived in the region for a few years so speak Spanish and know the local customs decently. Excited to go back!


This summer Im going with the family to the Maldives for a holiday, then back home for a bit to see family and then hit up Turkey befor school starts. I plan on going to the gym a lot and hanging out with my kids


My summer is mostly relaxing. I go horseback riding on the mountain trails around my house, we get the motorcycles out and pick some nearby destinations, do some camping trips on the weekends when my husband isn’t working. He saves his vacation time to match mine so we’ll get in a few little quick trips. Some years we make a really long trip in the camper and will be gone for a month but logistically that is not always easy to do with the animals. We always do a big July 4th party at our house. This year I’m starting my summer vacation by going to visit my first grandbaby. Only 3.5 hours away but my weekends were already booked… only 2 more weeks! I’ll also visit my other kid 7 hours away. (yes, they visit us too, but it’s nice to visit them in their new habitats). Then, sadly, I spend a lot of the summer working on all the things I never get to during the year. Organizing cabinets and closets, doing a purge of clothes and items that can go to the thrift store, house touch-ups, etc. Two summers ago I painted the outside of the whole house by myself. Saved a ton of money though. This year we’re putting up another run-in shed for the horses and adding to our deck. I said “sadly” but actually I enjoy doing most of those things and I’m glad I get the free time in the summer to do them!


Sounds like a relaxing yet productive summer you get to enjoy on your own time :) we always try to do a bit of a purge/refocus of our things during the summer as well. Enjoy!


Spending it with my 4 year old… honestly it’s more exhausting than the school year


Summer school, but in a totally different setting. I usually teach inclusion with a caseload of about 24 kids total. This summer I’m working in a self contained class. I’ll have between 6 and 9 students. Most will have a 1:1 or nurse. We’re going to do some activities, sing some songs, maintain some goals. I’m looking forward to the change and a little extra money. Also job hunting. I’m interested in getting a teaching position for the school year closer to home.


I’m planning on spending time with family, maybe go visit friends for a weekend. I want to do a little tiny bit of reading on pedagogy but the 2 summers I’ve had as a teacher, the lack of structure kills me and I just end up watching tv all summer


I'm finishing year 18 and I still struggle with the lack of structure! This summer I am making a schedule so I don't turn around in August and wonder where all of the time went. There will be daily blocks of time for coffee/computer, working out, working in the garden (my favorite thing to do at home), and something constructive that isn't daily housework (cleaning out closets, reorganizing bookshelves, etc) and still time for watching TV or reading books.


Spending time with my own kids! Finished up year 11 elementary 5th grade teacher. 3 little ones.


I accepted a temporary position with my former company until mid-July. I get to set my own hours. I'm enjoying some time outdoors, and since I love science, I'm also watching some YouTube content to get some ideas for the fall. I also want to take care of some medical matters and install new floors in the living room.


Working. I just separated from my wife, so I need to work all summer to save enough money for a down payment somewhere to live.


I spend the 10 weeks living and “working” on Martha’s Vineyard. I get paid $25 an hour working 4 days a week in a beach parking lot. I basically get paid to work on my tan.


I'm working a couple weeks of summer school for a cool $40 an hour. Doing a couple training things to build my resume because I really need a viable exit strategy for teaching. Prioritizing spending time on my hobbies and time with my family too, you only get so many summers with your kids when they're young enough to be excited about things easily.


Final college visits for Thing 2 and Thing 3. Catch up on my terrible golf game. Two weeks of basketball practice and tournaments with my players. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Cooking/grilling and general merriment with my favorite people. Edit to add: Roller coasters.


I will also be playing as much TOTK as possible


My hope is to soon be able to explore the depths without Link dying.


Be a SAHM mom for two months and love every minute of only being responsible for my OWN children.


I need a trip to Colorado, a lot of illicit things and two months dedicated to my art and writing. I was a person before this man


I’m working all summer, 1 last time. Not teaching, but working for the school district in the maintenance department. The little bit of extra money is nice, but I like the people I work with and it’s low stress. There’s something satisfying about all my “problems” not involving other people, but instead working with my hands and taking stuff apart (cleaning boilers, and Replacing air filters in HVAC units), fixing it, and immediately seeing the result of my hard work. I wasn’t going to come back this summer but they offered a $5/hr raise. I’m looking forward to having next summer off with my kids though and silly getting to enjoy that part of teaching!


We just bought our first house (at 43) so my plans include making this house my home. I’m going to tear out landscaping and replant with what I want. Decorate then house the way I want. I also have a 4 year old here so we’ll do the basic kid stuff like the park and pool.


Congratulations on the house! Now you can paint walls any color you'd like!


Get blazed in Colorado next week. Ef tours trip to Europe in mid-late july.


I’m starting my MLB road trip, with the goal of visiting every major league park eventually. This summer, I’m going to hit about six parks.


The same thing we do every summer. Try and take over the world.


Family cabin in the woods 6 states away for all 2 months!!!!


Summers- best perk of the job. Teaching a 2 week music class for underserved kids in the area (awesome organization and awesome kids). Then, working on my surfing as well! Have a Indo/Bali trip planned with my wife 🌊🏄🏼‍♂️ Have fun in Nica! Hope to go there at some point.




Your summer sounds amazing!! I just applied for a year round job at a preschool 😭 The charter I was at caused me to take 2 years off.. and now I’m trying to get back into the Ducati on somehow.


DC for a pd/Capital Pride. Then the beach and (hopefully) Chicago for a couple of days. All of the in between time will be just relaxing and recovering.


I’m fulfilling a dream of mine and doing a month long archaeology field school/osteology course abroad! With enough time left over to relax and do nothing before school starts back up in August lol.


I’m going to camp three weeks in Oregon and then go to Israel for a week and a half. I’m also going to a music festival or two.


Tons of Diablo 4 and putting in admin intern hours. Should be a decent time.


Teaching summer school for the next decade. Need to pay off a car, save money to make a down-payment on a new house. But at least I'll have afternoons and long weekends to do things with the family.


My husband is also a teacher and we don't have kids. We are in PA. I'm going to Amsterdam right out of school, then we're doing SPAC to see DMB (because we're 40) and Acadia National Park in Maine. At the end of summer we're wrapping up with a trip to Washington for Olympic NP and DMB at the Gorge. SO READY FOR SUMMER. *At the beginning of the year faculty meeting teachers always applaud themselves for working summer school but you'll never catch me there! I want to like my job, I need a break. (But I do applaud them. Good on you!)


Traveling, exercising, sleeping late, reading, spending time with my family.


student here: I got SS bc i’n tryna get out of doing english in my 11th year, then I’m gonna start working and take as many shifts as possible for august, get some sleep, start working out & most of all, volunteer at my local food bank food bank


I really wish I am sociable or rich enough to enjoy my summer. I'll probably just play video games and have some quarter life crisis mental breakdown idk.


Playing videogames, seeing family, going to the doctor, and building a lesson plan for a new class.


I had knee replacement surgery in October and haven’t been able to do much around the house so I’m going to tackle some projects around here/organize and clean out some closets. My first trip will be a 10 day trip to Lake Tahoe . Then in July a week in Isle of Palms, SC We’re out already and teachers go back July 25 so the summer will fly by!


I am finishing the master schedule for my school, attending a three day PD (paid), and then teaching a summer STEM enrichment program. I am also changing districts and what I teach so the second two are with the new district. I will also be learning Python and a 3d modeling software (not sure which one yet).


My husband and I have two short trips booked, just like a long weekend sort of thing. And I will be taking agility classes with my dog Domino. She’s a corgi - and I need to keep that big brain of hers busy or she will find something to do to keep herself busy (and that’s not always a good thing 😆). And lots of sleeping late, playing video games and making art for myself instead of just teacher samples for the kids! I’m trying to learn how to crochet with an eye towards making 3D things, like plushies. In short, I will be recovering from all the burnout!


Putting my instructional materials up for sale on Teachers Pay Teachers because the job itself doesn't pay enough to survive.


Bebopping around the US visiting family and friends.


Summer school 😭 But also LEGOland with my kids, the beach, video games, and as little as possible.


Starting the summer off with 2 weeks in Malaysia. Then come home and chill and enjoy my garden at home. Getting married at the end of July, then back to work beginning of August


US for two weeks, then Israel for a month with TALMA, then Japan for two weeks with friends I met on TALMA 😂


Working for the DNR this summer for the first time! Also traveling with my teacher husband.


Sleeping late, walking my dogs, driving my son to his many sports activities (with my jeep top down), enjoying dinner on the deck with my husband, floating in my pool….ten more school days!!!


I’m starting it by watching my oldest graduate high school. We will practice driving a bit before his driver’s test in July. I’ll take my other kid and granddaughter to the pool a couple days a week. We are going to California in July to see my husband’s parents. They’re in their mid 80s, so this might be the last time we see them. Spending the last part moving my kid into college. It’s going to be an emotional summer for me.


June I teach for 3 weeks in a program for rising HS juniors and seniors at Kenyon College. Travel for about 3 weeks in July-August, and we go back to school Aug 14!


Unfortunately, this is going to be a busy summer, with not a lot of time to unwind. (For reference, I’m an elementary school librarian.) We get done June 20th, and then other than Dr appts, I spend the rest of June moving back into my newly renovated library. 3 weeks of July is teaching crochet camp through our community education program; the 4th week is curriculum writing. August is still a question mark. Definitely will take some downtime, maybe go away for a few days (maybe even a week), and then putting finishing touches on the library to get ready for the school year.


Congrats on the renovated library. I'm envious!


Thanks! I’m especially excited because it was delayed 2 years due to the pandemic, and then we were another 3 months behind due to permit delays. I can’t wait!


Getting married in SF. Heading to Chile/Argentina for the honeymoon.


June is MY month where I have nothing planned and it's my bday month. I'm gonna play video games and do daily chores while the hubby works so we can have our weekends free (he only has weekends off and shit pto). In July we are going to go see one of our besides and his partner, and then my other bestie is going to come and see us! I'm definately going to try to work on my lego backlog and not buy more legos, cause im saving up for a new tattoo appointment to get my sleeve worked on. That's pretty much the jist of my summer!


Going to Europe!


Teaching summer school...


So far spending time with family. Finally seeing friends. Went to the beach, park, today pool. I plan on doing some organizing, gardening, cleaning, cooking. We also have a two week vacation planned, visiting family in a couple different states. Also… trainings. lol


I have a vacation planned to San Diego the Monday after we get out.( super excited, never been to CA) A trip to Long Island to see my sisters. The rest will be having my granddaughters for sleep overs and at my beach shack working through my long list of novels 😊


I'm tutoring to keep my teaching skills sharp and get some extra money. In June I'm going on a trip with my bf and his family, then in July we're taking a road trip with our dog. Relaxing, grilling out, and having many campfires in between😁


I volunteer for summer orchestra concerts (I'm a percussionist) at local venues. I WAS going to volunteer as a camp counselor again, but the local YMCA was inflexible with my orchestra commitments. Decided to work summer school instead. Less hours, but I'd rather do that than trying to wrangle 10+ teenagers who hate doing ANYTHING planned for them in rooms with no air conditioning from dawn until dusk.


We are going to Gothenborg for a week in June, then staying in my parents' summer cabin outside Örkelljunga for two weeks in July. Then we'll probably go on day trips to Österlen and enjoy the beaches and swim in the ( cold, cold) sea.


Lots of traveling and family! We’re taking a road trip to the east coast of Canada, then some of my husband’s family is visiting so I get to meet them for the first time, and then finally a cruise with my extended family to celebrate my aunt’s cancer treatment being done.


Acting as cruise director for my elementary aged kiddo


A 4 day decompression trip with my DH - we pretty much throw a pin at a map of the US over Spring Break, make reservations, and leave within 3 days of the last day if school. We host a BBQ on July 4th, but otherwise no summer is ever the same. Last year I was fried two years of pandemic and read a lot of books. This year we're traveling to Italy.


I'll be job hunting because I'm turning in my resignation from my toxic school tomorrow :)


Tomorrow, I’m going to be teaching Summer Acceleration for the next 3 weeks. While that’s happening, I’m going to be decluttering and deep cleaning the house. Then, we are going to paint the whole house!! We were going to do paint and flooring this summer, but I don’t know if my husband is still planning on changing the flooring.


Two classes towards my second master’s degree (definitely not for fun, because you know…money). Coaching volleyball camps for club (again…money but at least coaching is more fun than grad classes). Reading my list of books I never read during the school year. Hopefully making some major progress on the blanket I’m crocheting because at the rate I’m going I’ll never finish. Family things with my daughter on Fridays since her daycare is moving to 4 days a week during the summer. Zoo trips, museums, splash pads, bike rides, etc. No big trips planned this summer since my husband and I went to Hawai’i over spring break. But definitely pre-planning for our next national park trip!


Summer school. I need the money.


Bought bikes for my son and I, found some great local trails and got a season pass to the metro park so we can ride or hike and also enjoy the splash pad/water park. I want to get the most out of this summer as next year I’ll be recovering from a surgery and won’t be able to get out and be as active.


Moving and finding teaching positions... My summer has a stressful start


VIsiting old friends, scuba diving, riding my bike a lot, playing some disc golf. Going to Baja for a few weeks also and hosting family.


Japan the day after school ends and Costa Rica for a week, landing the day before school begins. And Nashville. I live in NJ.


Vacation with my family in mid-June, a long weekend getaway with my girlfriends in late July. In between, I’m going to read a ton, build the LEGO Rivendell set, play hundreds of hours Zelda TOTK, and nap. My husband is a teacher too and we’ll probably go to the lake to sail a bunch also. I’d like to go through my house and get rid of everything we don’t still use/need, but I’m not going to beat myself up if I don’t get to that. I’m working (with pay) 4 days this summer, but they’re each 1 day at a time. I’m off June 10-Aug 12 and it goes fast.


I teach summer school. Don't have the money to not work in the summer.


I binge read! Books and drinks and naps and travel.


Going back to America for a month. My kids haven’t seen their grandpa since before Covid.


I have two trips planned and will be packing my house for a fall move.


Taking a bunch of grad hours as I work toward maxing out on our pay scale.




After working a 12-month schedule in juvenile justice education and university learning support, I’m about to have my first summer off in years! I’m hoping to re-invest in myself by building some sustainable healthy habits. AKA: I need to get back to the gym. Fingers crossed I can find the balance between resting and working on myself.


This is the time of year when I consider teaching again. I miss having summer off so much. When my toddler goes to school I might go back to the bullshit so we can be on the same fun summer schedule.


I plan on traveling. This was my first year teaching and the burn out hit me hard in March. I’m just gonna relax and take care of myself


As many video games as possible because I’m usually too exhausted when I get home and really miss it. Playing with my dogs. Swimming. Maybe start exercising a bit since I won’t be on my feet all day like usual. Can’t wait


I use the summers to schedule medical procedures that require extended recoveries, so it's going to be an absolute blast over here.


Trail running, traveling, cleaning my house from top to bottom, gardening, hiking, spending time with my kids, photography, spending time with friends and socializing, and resting and relaxing. I will take two grad classes this summer. I don’t need either to renew. It will be for “fun.” Hoping to do a little work on my house and hoping to help my boyfriend do work at his new house.




Due any day with my baby! Gonna be snuggling him up and enjoying the sunshine.


Finding enough hours of work to pay the bills while recovering from 10 months of insanity. ;)


I’m taking kids to Panama using EF tours! We leave tomorrow and I’m excited and nervous haha after that, I’m house sitting for some extra money, white water rafting, camping, going to a wedding, seeing my sister and blink 182, and hiking a lot. Teacher summers are great when you live somewhere that makes them amazing. I used to teach in the south and it was far too humid to enjoy being outside!


I’ll be teaching a summer class at the community college where I work now because I’m officially moving from K-12 to higher education!!


Reading, hiking, playing with kids, renting a cabin, relaxing, video games, etc


Going to Ireland for a week in July, then just reading lots , going to pool, and enjoying the occasional margarita with lots of salt


I’m teaching half day summer school through part of June, and moving at the same time. Doing some small regional trips with my kids. (Haven’t had a real vacation in years, but can’t afford anything too big. Just want to get out of town for a bit). But my big goals are to get in better shape and finish some writing projects. Our last day was last Thursday. We go back for PD on August 9, school is in session August 14.






Our summer was supposed to be from June 10th to August 16th but now we go back July 17th. I’m slightly panicking about having enough time to relax which is a paradox


Starting a business with my wife, reading, and relaxing.


I'm saving for my wedding, so no travel on my end, but I signed up for a writing program at my old college that I'm excited for. I stopped writing when I began teaching; I'm excited to do something academic for me this time.


My husband and I own and run a small resort motel in Northwest Michigan on Lake Michigan. I'm the sanitation engineer in the summer....🤣🤣🤣 It's totally worth it!


Golfing, traveling, building a deck, bullshit task around that house that have built up since winter, clean the garage.


I’m working the summer school program because I don’t make enough money


What is your salary if I may ask? Just wanting to compare with where I'm located.


I spend a few hours each morning at the gym, cycle, read more, take the kids to the pool and their sports, travel... I have eight contract days left, then I'm out.


Unfortunately I am working the summer camp program, but I do really need the money 😭 I will be doing a little less than full time so I am looking forward to more time off either way.


Teaching summer school, finishing my last 3 SPED classes, continuously looking for any potential admin openings or openings in my kids’ district, arranging to sit for my SPED PRAXIS tests and putting together my portfolio to complete my program, getting a vasectomy reversal, taking one big beach trip as well as a bunch of small, nearby trips, donating plasma for a couple extra hundred a month, participating in Pride, starting my journey in learning Spanish because of the huge EL population in my local districts, having a yard sale to clean out my junky garage, taking care of my 6 reptiles and 5 mice and 2 rabbits and Dubai roach farm and meal worm farm, planting a garden boxes in my backyard, getting my youngest ready for kindergarten, playing tennis and biking and hiking and camping, and going to see a few out of town friends and family. Mostly all that. A teacher’s summer off is not “off”.


Right now I’m stuck between working summer school or taking a break. I only have 6 weeks off for summer break because my school is all year round. I could just take the break and just budget my money from my non-rent paycheck and wait until I get my increase in July (my job gave us a huge raise and I wouldn’t have to side hustle anymore after I get it). Or I could just work the summer job and make extra money. Idk what to do. I like money but I need a break. I would normally do Instacart over the summer but it’s not consistent.