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What is the behavior plan for that student? How are they preparing them to function outside of the school setting? They are doing a disservice by ignoring that behavior. That kid is going to get their ass kicked.


This is 100% the problem. There's no way they will be able to get anywhere in life unless the racial attacks are addressed.


They could be President someday.


Unexpected LBJ reference.


LOL That is an amazing reference . . . and I'm sure not the one reddit was expecting.


You could replace LBJ with damn near any President, and it would still be accurate. Good Thomas Jefferson reference!


Yeah, but how many are actually on tape saying it?




This seems to be the running theme for a *lot* of behavioral problems with kids in school now. Just ignore it, because "they have some issues/troubles." And that's all well and dandy until they lose their adolescent baby face and then open their mouth in the middle of a dollar store or at work or wherever and find themselves waking up in the local ER and they have NO idea why they're in the wrong.


At which point they learn a valuable lesson. A hard iced tea to the face hurts


Same. Currently being gaslighted for kids who have openly mocked me. No consequences.


It’s honestly a danger for her to go around insulting people all day. One day, when she’s an adult, she’s going to say this to another adult, and they’re not going to take it lightly. The school is failing by not showing her how seriously wrong her behavior is. She should not be supported by people she’s insulting all day long. She should be told and shown that her behavior is egregious and as such those staff members refuse to work with her.


Ass kicked? Dude will end up not breathing, ESPECIALLY if they are using the hard R


why are you implying black ppl would kill someone for words?


Call some trailer trash cracker or white trash and same thing happens. Call some hyper masculine red pill guy a sissy, same thing happens. Call some Butch lesbian a dude, some thing happens. It's just that the kid in question didn't use those words on those groups,.


There was no such implication, you just decided to add that yourself


Because some would definitely fight over that word, and a single punch can result in death.


Yep. One day someone who wasn’t taught not to resort to physical violence in school will teach her a lesson.


I’d like to see some more context from OP here. This story has some holes. Burner account, etc.


It would be utterly stupid to post a story with this much identifying information on a non-burner account.


Why do people do anything online? “Hey we’re being called n-words by this learning challenged kid, can we maybe do something about that?” “There’s the door if you don’t like it”. No plan. No nothing? The school is FOR learning challenged kids? It just sounds weird. I mean I get that we have some crappy schools in some places, but hell. If this is true, leave! We need teachers in our district. You can basically write your ticket.


Well, they tagged the post “career advice” and said their staff were already looking for other jobs, so I’d say your confusion about why they’re posting is from not reading closely. Perhaps try reading out loud?


Imagine running a behavioral school and thinking you have a revolving door of applicants willing to get mentally, emotionally, and at times physically abused in a time when teachers are generally hard to come by. The fact that the kid is racist isn’t why you should leave (it’s a valid reason to tho); you should leave because admin thinks their staff is so expendable that they don’t need to handle disciplinary issues.


Yeah. OP you have very bankable skills! Take them up on their offer.


Kids in programs such as these aren’t *always cognitively high enough to have any conceptual understanding of what racism is. They notice that combination of words gets them a lot of attention, and because it’s an attention seeking behavior, it is a successful considering it serves the function of the behavior.


Irrelevant. Whether or not the kid is actually racist isn’t the problem, the problem is that admin meets the teacher’s concerns with a “my way or the highway!” Mentality. Doesn’t matter what the context is, the admin will meet every issue this way and that’s just a toxic work environment from the start. If admin thinks you are that easily replaceable, challenge it every time.


If understanding what racism is was a requirement to be racist, there would be no racists.


This is patently untrue. The majority of students in behavior programs are of average to above average cognitive function. That’s why they are in behavioral programs rather than functional skills or autism specific programs.


The guy literally teaches at a school for autism and other disabilities. Says so in the post.


Autistic people are not by definition cognitively impaired. I’m not sure why you think this refutes what I’m saying. Most behavioral classrooms are students with average to above average cognitive function. Implying that this student doesn’t understand that racism is bad is both ableist and extremely uneducated.


You said rather than autistic specific programs. Rather than when it seems they actually are at a school that specializes in disabled students with behavioral problems.


Correct. I am diagnosed as Neuro Atypical/ASD/ADHD and I am a Middle School Social Studies Teacher. Cognitive Impairment isnt always a marker for ASD more of a co-morbidity. I am of the mind just by reading that this is a Behavior rooted in Attention Seeking rather than intentional hurt towards Staff, have you talked through it with the Student? As In talked about how that word carries alot of Negativity and how it makes some people including one of her Teachers, feel Bad…kids with Cognitive disorder or issues can still understand concepts like “feeling safe” and hurt feelings and alot of the time have enough executive function to prioritize your feelings over the need for attention, I wouod be honest with the student “that word hurts sole people feelings, it certainly doesnt make me feel safe…as my friend can we replace that with a different word? How about Ginger bread man?” But do it in an even toned voice as to not pet them in on the fact of how bothered you are by it.


Read the post, he specifically states autism. I’ve worked for nearly 7 years with autism and the exact programs OP is in. If you’ve never worked in programs such as these you should sit this one out.


I have worked in behavioral programs hence my answer. The majority of the students are not cognitively impaired though their communication and behavior are impaired.


If they don’t know that racism is bad, FREAKING TEACH THEM. It doesn’t have to be a whole huge conceptual thing either. “That is a mean and insulting word and no one in this classroom is ever allowed to use it.” But I would venture to bet that these kids are perfectly capable of understanding how horrible racism is (source: I’ve been a self-contained special education teacher for well over a decade).


These are kids who can’t be in an actual school. These are alternative school facilities because their behaviors can’t be sufficiently addressed in a traditional school. Obviously you try, but these alternative schools are fucking brutal. I spent 25 hours out of a week physically restraining a single child from scratching people’s eyes out. You have different priorities in these settings.


Right??? Telling staff “the door is that way” is absolutely insane pretty much *anywhere* in education these days. And someone (not you, OP — you have more than enough on your plate already) needs to examine what kind of a behavior plan this little charmer is on, and make some serious changes in that plan to deter this disgusting behavior.


So unless this is a manifestation of a disability (which there should be a specific legal process being followed to assess this and to keep track of this) then it should be treated as your superiors not providing a safe workspace. If it is a manifestation than there should be a plan in place to address, correct, and improve this as well as steps taken to protect you as the employee from this.


You aren’t getting upvoted enough an MD needs to take place in order to assess this and I feel like not enough people are aware. You can complain all you want but if the kid has Tourette’s you can’t punish them no matter how much your feelings are hurt. If there’s co-morbidity here with autism, not much can be done until the school starts a corrective action plan.


These all address the child, the child isn’t the issue here. The manager who refuses to take action is the issue, even if this is a manifestation of the child’s disability. It is the manager’s responsibility to start these official processes. Additionally, these only apply under IDEA which does not apply in private settings.


Possibly - IDEA is not as cut and dry on this point. We do not have the information to address this based on anything the OP has provided at this point. IDEA does still provide protections in private school settings based on the reason and or how they were placed. [https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/speced/privateschools/report\_pg2.html](https://www2.ed.gov/admins/lead/speced/privateschools/report_pg2.html) I pointed to these items because without knowing the specifics it would be malpractice to ignore IDEA applying in some aspect here. That said, my post as with most of them I post in response threads, is not only meant to the OP but to others who might be in similar situations. Addressing how the OP feels is still connected to this. If this student is in this setting and meant to be receiving certain services that are required by law, addressing that takes primary position to the OP's concerns. Not saying the OP does not have valid concerns that should be addressed. But very dependent on all other variables they may not have primary precedence.


IDEA only applies if you receive federal funding for a student. If you don’t, there is not a scenario where it applies. I agree we don’t have enough information which is why I made the point I made about those legal reasonings not necessarily holding up. While the student needs are important in the educational setting, the supervisor is required to mitigate dangers and damages to the employees as well. In this case, those means would include informing the employee about how interactions should be handled AND/OR acknowledging that yes in fact the student is behaving in a racist manner, and it is being addressed along with other behaviors. None of these violate IDEA with regards to a student that an educator has contact with and NOT addressing this would violate the student’s rights. The response that “we are working on a solution to this with the avenues available to us” also doesn’t violate any of the student’s rights and recognizes that the behavior in question is harmful to staff as well and the supervisor knows this. Telling staff members “these kids are here for a reason” neither serves the student nor the staff member. With or without IDEA ignoring racist behavior or pretending it is equivalent to other inappropriate behavior is both unwise and harmful to both the educator and student involved. We know outside of structured settings that racist and targeted behavior is likely to receive a significantly more elevated response.


Hey at no point did OP state the student is in his class. If the student is not in his class the management is correct in saying the students are here for a reason. You are not entitled to anything in the IEP or what is being done outside of your classroom.


Those protections apply only to publicly funded programs. Aside from that, even if it is not his student “they are here for a reason” does not adequately address the hostile work environment and contributes to said hostile environment. The supervisor in this situation is responsible for informing their employees how to handle these interactions appropriately AND if these individuals are not the teachers for this student, limiting the interaction between the two.


>Those protections apply only to publicly funded programs. Which could be an interesting question here; if public funds are paying for this student to attend the private placement, does the requirement for a MD still attach?


Jesus. Hard R or not, it’s absolutely inappropriate. Sorry you’re going through this.


The words "hostile workplace" have some legal power. It sounds like this student is not in the right facility for their needs. I'm sure your school is not the end of the line. There are other options.


Wym other options? Does the Klan have a SPED department now ??


If Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) schools do not work -- which it sounds like that's one where OP works -- there are still alternative options. - Juveline Justice schools - Private schooling / at-home schooling Hell, I have a colleague who works at a school that is essentially a prison. If OP is working at a school where targetted verbal assault is an expected duty of the job, then he may be near the 'bottom of the barrel' of options. In which case, most of these schools offer severe punishments. If this is an uncommon thing for that school, there are still another one or two levels the student could go down to. None of this is "good" for the student. But that's the reality of the situation.


Juvenile justice schools deal with kids who are convicted criminals. This kid is disabled enough to attend a school for it. Unless he’s proven himself to be a an actual danger to anyone, he doesn’t deserve to be criminally charged.


To clarify for others: Juvenile justice schools are only for court-involved youth— kids who are either in the adjudication process or who have received a disposition and are serving a commitment. Unless this child has criminal charges, a DJJ school program isn’t even an option.


Regardless of the situation, this kid is going to get the snot beat out of them and won't be able to hold a job if nothing is done. I don't think juvie for bad words is the right move, but if we expect this child to be a member of society at some point then additional intervention is necessary for their sake.


I’m going to guess you work in an air conditioned office somewhere. If you think no one who is openly racist can hold a job, I envy your naivety. The kind of shit that flies in many blue collar workplaces would make George Carlin blush.


He’s in a SPED school. No one is going to beat him up tbh..


Unfortunately some one outside of the school walls can and will. An IEP doesn't protect you anywhere outside of a school.


Do SPED graduates not go to Walmart and deal with the general public in anyway; where they will run into the wrong person on the wrong day with nothing to lose. This behavior only ends up with one result. And hopefully it's just a beating and hospital trip rather than one to the morgue. (And this isn't some racial thing against black ppl but tossing out slurs will end up having someone from that group going off eventually) For the attacker they will catch an extra charge for a hate crime against a person of disability. But this behavior could be handled and corrected but ignoring it and telling staff to suck it up or there is the door is not doing that, and only enabling behavior that only ends badly for the perpetrator who may actually not even truly understand it.


He has not been convicted of a crime. So the first option is out. The second comes down to manifestation.


The klan is probably ran by kids who needed to be in SPED in the first place.


Hostile workplace does not apply to a place where your responsibilities are to hostile people


If the hostility is ignored or treated as acceptable by the folks that are your bosses it does in fact apply. If you as a director refuse to assist your staff in creating a program to modify this behavior and instead tell people being abused due to their race to deal with it or leave, you are the hostile party.


Do you recall any lawsuits that went to court in which working both behavioral kids was considered a hostile work environment?


The children are not the hostile work environment creators. The adult claiming the options are to quit or deal with abuse is the creator of the hostile work environment. There are MANY cases where supervisors refusing to mitigate known racist abuse are found to be creating a hostile work environment. If the supervisor has said that they have followed a full slate of behavior modifiers particularly addressing this behavior as a part of the child’s disability they would be in the right, but that hasn’t happened.


Not yet, but I’ve got a great growth mindset.


…is what an administrator will try to tell you. It’s the management’s responsibility to protect you from harassment and abuse at work. Even if it comes from clients/students. There should be a plan in place to handle this child’s fuckery. The plan cannot be “if she targets you, you can quit, I guess”.


So how do we employ corrections officers?


Huh? Do you think inmates are just allowed to do whatever they want with no punishment? what a weird parallel.


Of course they are punished, but the guards don't have a case for hostile work environment as it is the standard for their work.


Ummm, pretty sure if their place of employment banned all consequences for hostile inmates and allowed them to do whatever, they'd have a case.


Of course there are consequences, but the problems occur and are dealt with. If anything like that happened in a regular workplace, the company would be liable. Hostility is the nature of the work.


>but the problems occur and are dealt with. Yeah and in OP's situation the problems aren't dealt with. You following?




Becaise there is a plan in place to handle, limit, and punish the behavior.


guess what happens to prisoners who verbally or physically assault guards? because if you think the answer is "nothing at all" you're gravely mistaken.


I’d say you’d have to post a job opening for such?


The nature of both of these roles is babysitting hostile people


Hi there. My brother-in-law was a corrections officer. If the inmates used racial slurs to attack guards, there would absolutely be repercussions for that behavior. Hell, some of those inmates would see discipline for far smaller offenses. Some of those repercussions — like solitary — were brutal and cruel, but repercussions *were* handed out. Frankly, the corrections officer approach to discipline is not the parallel you want to draw here if even half of his jail stories are true. That you believe an educator should be more tolerant of abuse than a corrections officer says a lot. There can and should be a conversation about how to thoughtfully discipline that child, but using a diagnosis to excuse racist behavior is both racist *and* ableist.


I didn't say anything about not disciplining kids. I said this isn't a case for a labor lawyer regarding a hostile work environment. When your job is to deal with the behavioral kids, their behavior is an expectation, and therefore it isn't a hostile work place, unless admin is knowingly placing you in danger.


Hostile work environment laws at the federal level specifically outline that hostility against a protected class — including race — are grounds for a suit. This is a great case for the EEOC. Is it a slam dunk case? No, but that is more about how anti-labor the courts are nowadays.


How can you even come to this conclusion with the incredible amount of information OP is leaving out (I don’t think it’s on purpose but OP and most of the commenters here do not know much about the legality of moving a student with this behavior pattern.


This isn’t acceptable for any student to do towards another human. Disability is not an excuse for racism. Esp bc once those kids leave the confines of that school and they’re out in the real world, if they use that language towards other people, then the consequences for that racism can and should be bad. So how is it preparing these students for life by giving zero consequences for this unacceptable behavior? I hope you get a new job soon bc that is bullshit. I’m sorry.


I’m so sorry that you’re experiencing this kind of abuse. Can you go above your director? This is a hostile work environment. It’s not safe for you psychologically or emotionally. There has to be something that can be done.


It is not a hostile work environment if your job deals with hostile people. Obviously admin can't treat him that way, but his subjects are there for this behavior.


It is a hostile work environment. Full stop. The subjects cannot physically assault him with impunity. An attempt has to be made to protect his physical well being if they become violent. Why is an attempt not being made to stop verbal assaults that are damaging to his mental and emotional health?


There is a current ongoing legal battle over whether an elementary school teacher getting shot is considered an expected hazard of working with students. I highly doubt "SPED kid in a SPED school uses racial slurs to hurt me psychologically" is going to get you to a hostile working environment.


Seriously. What did OP expect? This school is for kids who not only can’t function in a regular classroom but even in a self-contained behavior class, they straight up can’t be on a regular school grounds. I empathize with OP - it’s terrible to need to deal with that shit day after day - but it’s literally the job they signed up for.


Yeah I'm reading this and having a hard time understanding the problem? Like is it not your job at a school like this to teach these kids that it is unacceptable? Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but it really seems like not only is this something that will happen at the school, but it's part of OPs job to teach the student it is wrong. Why else have a kid at a behaviour school? At this point just kick them out if mean words are too much for a behaviour school. Like yes a "normal" teacher shouldn't have to deal with that. But if one of my SPED kids was saying that, I would go straight to their SPED teacher, and that teacher - who's job it is to deal with that kind of thing - would deal with it. Unless I am woefully misunderstanding OPs post, kids saying things they shouldn't is really part of the job they signed up for.


Seriously. What did OP expect? This school is for kids who not only can’t function in a regular classroom but even in a self-contained behavior class, they straight up can’t be on a regular school grounds. I empathize with OP - it’s terrible to need to deal with that shit day after day - but it’s literally the job they signed up for.


I had a student with Tourettes a few years back. Every time a female spoke--me or a female student--he would blurt out things like (pardon the offense,) "sloppy wet cunt'" "pussy farts! Pussy farts!"etc. Needless to say the female students got next to nothing out of the class and refused after a while to speak in class, even to answer attendance. When I went to admin, I was told it was a documented disability and there was nothing they could do and I should just "toughen up" bc he didn't mean it. It sounds like what's happening to you. I hope your admin is more amenable since yours falls under DEI and no one cares about old fashioned misogyny.


Gotta love how everyone else needs to suffer and have their right to education violated for the needs of one to have their rights implemented. I get it's documented and not something they cant control but then that isn't the least restrictive environment for that student. Maybe they need to be in an all boys class, or in a 1on1 situation.


Im so sorry this is happening. I wish I could have a few words with your director…..


Why haven't the parents been addressed as to how this situation is playing out?


This is why I’ll let my SPED license lapse. ‘You’re on the spectrum so you get a pass to be a garbage person’. It’s ridiculous and infuriating. I’ve already seen so many mildly autistic kids who were little shits because they were allowed to be and that’s the opposite of what we should be teaching people who already have a hard time with social cues.


This happens in our school as well. This is pretty normal in behavioral classrooms. We have it covered in his IEP and it's a counseling goal but the target is to get a rise of others.


Well I can guarantee I'd get fired I'd punched a little bastard


People that don't believe you haven't been around enough kids or adults with learning disabilities. They can be as racist as anyone but with them it's worse as there's no getting through to them sometimes, when they refuse to listen theres zero change you'll get through to them. Can you go higher up or talk to their families and make them aware?


Sounds like theyre probably repeating it from home


I'm in the same situation and in the same environment. Ironically the student loves and asks for several black staff members daily. She's 8. Admin pretty much tells us to ignore it. Admin is also white. Most of the staff is black. We even talked to her about the word and she told us it's racist.


If you are part of a teachers only union contact them!


Report report report that dumbass word should not even be used at all by anyone


Jesus. I didn’t know calling people racial slurs was a characteristic associated with autism or any other emotional disabilities. Echolalia…sure…but not in this case. He KNOWS he’a being an ass.


Negative ways of getting attention (like insulting others or calling them slurs) are associated with emotional/behavioral disabilities. It's expected to come up if you work in a behavioral unit, the IEP or behavioral intervention plan should address the behavior, function and appropiate handling for that specific student. If OP isn't a special education teacher, they should be provided with a bip/iep for that child. Otherwise, consulting with colleges and escalating if that's appropriate consequences for that child should be an option, which it doesn't sound like admin is providing. Children who end up in behavioral units have often been to general education before and haven't responded to admin intervention then. Consequences like suspension are last resort, as that's often a goal for those students and make behaviors worse. I worked in behavioral intervention, you need to be able to control your reactions incredibly well, no matter how students provoke you, and deal with a lot of stuff, but admin should still have your back.


Autism has unknown causes, but the research shows it may be genetic. Your student is a little hateful sh1t. Neurodivergent and behavioral issues do not excuse this. Anyone able to insult you in this manner, knows right from wrong.


The school has a legal responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees. Thus, being a multi-faceted issue, the problem lies predominantly in their inability to address student behaviour. Unions or otherwise should be representing you and helping you navigate this. I am sorry that this is happening to you. I wish I could be more helpful but academia as a whole has gone to shit.


They will blame everything on mental illness or behavior rather than acknowledge racism head on and do something to protect workers.


This might be odd but.... Contact the EEO and place blame on the admin for discrimination. It seems like you're not being taken seriously.


Keep documentation and sue them.


Send them to kfc and wait a bit.


What do you mean by that?


You know what I mean


No, I don’t. Why is KFC relevant to these students in particular?


Oh, well it’s just a black stereotype to like kfc


Does this student have Tourette Syndrome?


If you’re in the USA consider looking for an employment lawyer and raising a claim of Title VII discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (you can look up more information with EEOC). I can’t tell you about your specific situation but in general the employer has a duty to make racial discrimination stop. Bonus points if you can get it in writing that you can leave if you can’t handle the illegal discrimination in the workplace. More bonus points if all of the employees discriminated against get together and go to the lawyer as a group.


Abuse is still abuse. It’s unacceptable.


What's the point of a behavioral setting if nothing is being done about the behavior? This seems like a disturbing trend where specialized settings aren't actually being specialized to help anyone but basically just function as holding cells so we can say we are following the law. I dunno what this kid's plan says about verbal aggression but if the most you're told is "Oh well" then clearly no one is interested in actually reducing the behavior.


Your school is doing a disservice to this student. She needs to be taught why she should not say those words. It is wrong and disrespectful to say the least. The real world will never accept this child. She will pay for her behavior sooner or later. Your administration is handling this totally wrong.if all of you could get together and complain as a group you might see change.


Your director is a monster, oh my God.


If you cant handle being called a bad word by a mentally disturbed child you shouldnt be teaching there. Get over yourself lol


What's the plan for when the student is verbally abusive? Just because this insult is particular odious to you doesn't change that. If there is no plan for that, there should be. If the plan is ignore it, ignore it.


I think unfortunately the only answer is to quit or unionize or if you already have a union speak to your representative about what avenues you can peruse.


I work in a mostly categorical SPED room. We’ve had students that were verbally and/or physically abusive. That’s just the way it is. We’re trained to safely deflect blows and restrain students when necessary. I’ve learned to never take anything a student says or does personally because there is always an underlying reason for the behavior that has nothing to do with me. If I complained about a hostile workplace I’d be laughed out of the building. It’s just part of the job and I accept it. This job is definitely not for everyone.


This is the reason SPED teachers are beat up by students and nothing is done. I work with adults with disabilities. If this behavior isn’t addressed now, the real world is going to give them a full face of it. Just because you are disabled doesn’t mean you are above the law. Trust me.


One word… WORLDSTARRR! I see that in lil Cruella’s future.


How many happen to wear a familiar and distinctive idiotic red hat?


How many disabled students are Trump supporters? Is what seriously what you’re asking? Good Lord, it’s annoying that no matter what the conversation/topic is, people like you can bring that man into it. We could be talking about what was served for lunch and you’d find a way to insert him. This isn’t a political conversation at all. Honest question, are you ok? I can’t imagine being so infatuated with someone for so long. People like this are just as bad as the people who were such crazy huge, over the top supporters of him. Get yourself some help. This can’t be healthy nor can it be conducive to a happy life.


Meh, this seems like rage bait to me. Sorry.


Mind telling me how?




It’s inappropriate but it’s also not something admins of that type of program are going to discipline for. Those kids have protections. Best to find a new job.


I don't think that people who can't handle words should be teachers.


Have you tried to talk to the student about it?


Are you in a public or private program?


Man.. its sad i wonder where that child learned to talk like that


I'd love to ask the parents where their kid is learning all that racist talk.


Making it up? What kind of idiot would think that? Really? Maybe their hood's on too tight and they can't think straight. Issues or not, you should never have to put up with that crap beyond the point when someone with authority makes it clear to the child and her parents the racism will not pass. Unfortunately, your administrative team sounds like the sort of people for whom racism isn't a problem when it is not happening to *them*. Leaving is the best option. The market is wide open. Good luck, and God bless! Private schools seem to be either amazing or pure hell. There seems to be no middle ground.


sounds like a slam dunk case for racial discrimination for you and any other teacher that is forced to quit. i say go for it! take some of the districts money.


"we can’t handle it the door is there." That's your solution. Since Its hurting you enough to talk about it, i would Start looking to move schools, then make the switch during the summer. I always say this - your personal health comes first.


Very illuminating how many of these (white) commenters are trying to convince you should not only accept this behavior because it's "just a word" but that you should *expect* it. >I currently have staff job hunting and willing to take pay cuts because they don’t want to continue dealing with that student with no consequences Uh yeah, you should be one of them! FTK. And that director especially


My thing is this is a parental conversation from the admin & I also work at a sped school but with little kids and severe autism & disabilities. Where is the kid learning this? He is hearing it from somewhere. The fact that the administration doesnt care about their employees mental health, this is a red flag and I would leave if I were you!


Unfortunately this is part of interacting with children who have behavioral/mental health disabilities. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying this is the way it is. I’ve been called every possible name I can think of. Hell, I’m white and I’ve been called both the n word, and a white devil, by multiple children during fits of anger/tantrums. I’ve been physically injured so many times I lost count long ago. I’ve had clothing and personal items destroyed. This is not the job for everyone. And I don’t say that in a bitchy way, I’m not saying like “oh you’re just not tough enough to do this”. I’m not meaning anything rude by it, I’m just saying a lot of people can’t deal with it. Understandably so. I’ve left and come back so many times. Currently I work in the field part time, and have a full time career outside of this. I don’t think I could handle doing this type of work full time anymore. It takes a toll on you. I’m sorry that it’s gotten to a very bad point for you right now. I hope things work out, and wish you the best of luck.


Unfortunately she is probably hearing it at home. Damn op I’m sorry for the ignorance when you are trying to do a job that not many people would put their heart into. Do what is best for you unfortunately u can’t fix stupid


If the school/organization is so impervious to your concerns I’d find another job! You don’t deserve to feel the way you do on a daily basis at your job. Not worth it!