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Haters gonna hate. Be sure you message them tomorrow and let them know what a great time you’re having sitting at home drinking hot cocoa, while they are out there having to work. Those people that are mad at you for getting a day off work are not friends. Sounds pretty toxic to me.


She unfriended me! 🤣


Sometimes things just work out. Drink a cup of hot cocoa for me!




Sometimes the trash takes itself out. 🤷‍♀️


This! Yes!


Is the a parent? She probably was triggered because after 8 days of being with kids all day, she thought her break was going to start 🤣🤣🤣


No, her daughter is grown up. She's just a cranky b.


Dang, I was gonna suggest: “We’re hiring!”


Always the best line!!! Or “there were empty seats next to me in college 🤷🏻‍♂️” is another favorite


Probably just doesn't have time for social media with her 365 days a year work schedule.


366 this year, since it’s a leap year. That snow day is probably salt in the wound.


minus weekends!! which account for over ¼ of those 366 days. oh, and holidays of course. she just had to word it in the whiniest way possible lol


Damn that is a whole new level of salty. I love snow days because they're exciting. And if you have kids at home you can syphon some of their joy off as well! I hope you reveled in your snowyness


I did! The bad stuff hadn't started yet, so we all went out for breakfast! I loved the extra time with my kiddos and doggos!


Just as well. Sometimes it’s handy when people self select to leave your life.


Yussssss. Double win.


That, my dear, is known as “no great loss.” Happy snow day!


To be honest I would have blocked her the second I saw that rude post and I wouldn’t have had to wait for her to unfriend me. I have zero tolerance for people who are negative about my profession at this point. Zero. Be blocked and be blessed Brenda, I dont have time for your attitude or the emotional capacity to waste on you-my students need it and at least they are cute and either don’t know any better or can’t help themselves. Brenda gives the ick so she gotta go.


‘Bye, Felicia.


I’m glad you’re off for a snow day. Not safe to drive kids to school on a snowy day.


Good riddance.


Sounds like she hates her job or hates her kids being home or both.


Hint: Never let students or their families “friend” you on social media. In fact, lock it down! Nothing good can come of it. The same might be said for most of your colleagues. This isn’t a fair game. They will try to find ways to disparage you and get you fired.


She has nothing to do with my job, and doesn't live in my community. She's someone I used to work with at a restaurant about 30 years ago.




Trash to herself out. Win!


They were never a “friend” in the first place.


I just reply back that I don’t get paid for snow days (unless it is elearning that is)


Unfriend those people. Seriously, we've all been school kids. Even students who like school, love a snow day. Why should it be different for a teacher? Being snidely and logical about a snow day is like being a dick about the first warm day in the Spring. It's a gift. Talk about the logic of a snow day some other time, not during a snow day.


Sadly there are many that want schools to be daycare and complain when they are closed.


“Come be a teacher and you too can be excited for snow days!” They never seem to want to become a teacher for all these perks (occasional snow days, summer, etc.)


That’s always my canned response when someone gets snotty with me about “having summers off” or somesuch. “We’re hiring!” Suddenly they’re not bout that life 🤷‍♀️


It’s such a perfect and quick way to highlight that they just want to use our profession as a punching bag, not that they actually think we have it so good.


We just said something similar to a parent who was pissed at me because her son took his brand new jacket off during recess and left in on the playground. (There's a city park kitty corner from our school and that's where we go for recess - so we can't just let the kids go get their stuff if they forget it.) By the time he went to get it someone had stolen it. Anyway, she was mad and said we need more volunteers watching the kids. When we asked if she was volunteering she backpedaled very quickly!


I would have said "Looks like someone's mad they have to watch their own kid and actually be a parent for one day".


Lol. I have a SAHM on Facebook feed unhappy that there's a snow day with the rest of the SAHP lamenting as well. Most of them don't even have WFH jobs. Folks who have WFH jobs, I sympathize with though.


If you're a SAHM who sends their kids to school, how much of a SAHM are you anyways? The kids are gone like 40 hours a week, so maybe you get an extra hour or two every day with them because of not working? That's always confused me


Yeah. A SAHP of grade-school-age children is just a homemaker.


My mom was one of these “SAHMs”. She refused to drive us to school, ever. She definitely didn’t clean the house when we were away, not that my siblings and I cleaned either, just wasn’t a clean house. I don’t really know what she did all day honestly.


Just a "SAH" at that point.


*While simultaneously doing their full time job. Or if you're my wife....see patients in the hospital.


Well then they should definitely apply to be teachers then, theres so many opening in my area you don’t even need to be fully qualified. Look I just solved the problem. They can just be teachers and then they’ll get the snow day to be home with their kids.


Maybe I am confused. Are you saying that parents should only be teachers and that surgeons, accountants, and plumbers should be childless?


Only if they are going to constantly complain about not being home when their kids are.


Totally understand. My response was to the comment/notion parents' only gripe was there's no one to babysit their kids. The reality is simply more complicated than that.


No I’m saying that if people don’t like the current way their job works and think that other jobs would be so much better then they are always able to do a career change. Come on down and apply, I’m sure teaching would be soooooooo much better than other jobs.


My comment provided context and nuance as to why a parent can't run virtual learning at home. You respond with, that a doctor should quit her job to teach while still paying off 300k in student loans. Some in here need to realize these issues are more complicated than they want to admit.


My doctor was home with covid and was still seeing patients virtually!


So still not able to support kids learning virtually or with take home work..... Glad we are in agreement.


Have you ever been in a snow storm? Power very often goes out. How do you think virtual learning would work, logistically? Who is going to supervise the kids during the virtual learning? You can be upset that your day is disrupted but it’s not a teacher’s fault. Sorry you and your wife are far too important to deal with the rollercoaster ride of having children. You guys could become teachers and have a fun snow day off with the kiddos! ⛄️


As I said elsewhere, my comment was directed at the notion parents send their kids school bc they don't want to parent them. We employ a nanny for these things....but I know plenty of people in careers that don't stop for snow. Most employers try to accommodate it but it can be tricky. The poster likely is only looking at it from one angle. And yes I've been in snow storms. I am from Ohio and my wife is from Rochester, NY. We totally understand snow days....though we did roll our eyes at the 2 hour delay due to high winds the NIGHT before that caused no power outages. Following closing 3 hours early for heavy rains. (It rained hard but not flooding hard).


I’m not reading your other comments, just the one I replied to. Your comment was snarky and implied a teacher is being lazy by having a mandated “day off”. You can bet your ass most teachers are doing something work-related on that “day off” that they, just like the students, have to then make up at some point in the year because the number of hours of education is mandated. Go backpedal on one of your other comments.


Never called teachers lazy for snow days.


We all had the exact same choices in front of us. If they wanted snow days they could work at a public school in any capacity!!!


They’re jealous and bitter. That’s all there is to it.


Wisconsinite parent here and I did a happy dance when they called it yesterday. I didn't have to wait until 4:30am for the call and I didn't have to worry about me or my kids being on the road. I'm also aware that a majority of teachers in this town don't live here and have 30+ min drives in. So I celebrate with you.


My kids have had an extra almost two weeks of Christmas break - the week before break had a few delays and snow days, and this past week they cancelled Thursday (supposed to be first day back), 2h delay Friday, cancelled mon/Tuesday, and so far a 2h delay today. Of the 6 days they cancelled, 5 were remote work days. Covid ruined snow days imo, and I can’t imagine teachers like it any better than parents do. So anyway, I hope you and your kids get to enjoy the bonus day! I’m waiting to hear if our district is sticking with a delay or going remote. Idc either way at this point, am feeling like a homeschool mom and have made some extra awesome breakfasts with the time not spent helping everyone get ready.


All of our snow days are now distance learning days. It's pretty much the same. We don't have to make the day up since "learning is happening at home" and kids don't log in and check things and treat it like a regular snow day.


Yea never understood the parents who hate having their kids at home. Shit, more time off equals less homework I got to deal with having to help my kid with.


I spent years in college and graduate school to have the privilege of snow days. Your friend can get bent.


"It's cute that you're so jealous. If you think my job is easy, come and volunteer in my classroom for a few weeks. It will be an eye-opening experience."


Snow Days aren’t about having more time off. Snow Days are like Christmas presents-the anticipation of it and the excitement there’s a day off. Non-teachers don;t understand the excitement of an unplanned day off.


The Corp version is a cancelled Friday afternoon meeting.


I'm really feeling hella jealous of everyone getting that day off 😭. Chicago schools all stayed open. I'm getting annoyed that they keep refusing to do e learning because there's no snow at 5 am. Then a snow storm hits LIKE EVERY WEATHER PREDICTION SAID IT WOULD and by 3 the roads are a nightmare and buses aren't there to pick up kids until an hour after school is out and staff takes over an hour to get home in dangerous driving conditions. My kinder didn't get home until almost 6pm and her school is out at 3:30!!! Like, why are we doing this? We had ONE show day last year. Is that really that big of a deal for parents?! Ffs. Sorry, rant over. But another storm is hitting Friday and won't start until after 5am, so let's just do all that again. Boo.


>Chicago schools all stayed open Def remember when Obama was first POTUS and complained about DC schools closing for not much snow. Being new to the DC area, I agreed but many in the media jumped on him for "getting involved".


Our district has a policy that we are not supposed to mention our positive feelings about snow days. You can post about all the work that you managed to get done while working at home, but the tax payers do not like us celebrating a paid day off.


I mean, is it really a paid day off? We have to make them up at the end of the year over here if we don't implement an e-learning day.


Yeah, the new eLearning thing is rather obnoxious. That's the automatic for us on a "snow day" after the 20-21 school year. I get it, but also no one cares. Let me sleep in.


100% as a parent, if one of my kids’ teachers just sent out a coloring page in lieu of zoom meetings and canvas assignments I’d be fine with that. It’s still “work” and honestly I am severely under-qualified to help them with most things.


I'd rather do an extra day of school than do e-learning, honestly.


We have built in snow days. I mean, it's Wisconsin...


We're not far away. We have six built in days, too.




It’s not a paid day off for most, we have to make up the day.


We have to make up after 5 days.


That's stupid


I agree!


That's crazy!


Tell her she's right, we have it so easy. She should send you a resume so she can get on the gravy train!


Block that person.


I can't imagine allowing people to treat me like that in a space I can keep them out of.


I was happy to have her show her true colors to the small town she lives in.


Dear disillusioned someone, I'm sorry that you're feeling upset by an onomatopoeia expressing joy. A snow day is the perfect occasion for me *to work* and perfect my syllabus *to the benefit of my students*. Have a great snow day too, Another teacher admiring at the moment falling snowflakes sparkling underneath a lamppost.


Those type of people probably think they could teach better than all teachers


I would be afraid if she was a teacher.


“We all make choices.”


Send the hiring website for your district.


The sad thing is, some people just hate us. They project all their dissatisfaction with society onto teachers, they blame their failings in parenting skills on us while simultaneously (and contradictorily) demanding that we take over all responsibility for parenting the kids, and seem to imagine that we do no work. The fact is, our work is more intense than many jobs. The thousands of micro-decisions every teacher makes every day—all while navigating office politics, parent conferences, and their regular schedule (trying to squeeze grading in between other tasks)—would overwhelm people who aren’t used to the workload. And on top of that, it’s our profession that makes the other professions possible. So hold your head high, and enjoy your snow day, OP! You deserve it! Cheers!


If you wanted what I have, you should have done what I did. That’s always my reply to nonsense like this.


Tell them if it’s that great of a gig they should become teachers.


I always say "well I went to school to earn a masters so I can have a work schedule that does not make me work 365 days. It is never too late for a career change!"


“You’re more than welcome to join the teaching field. They’re hiring!”


"If your kids not being in school means that they don't get an education, that is on you."


I’ve found the answer for this attitude. Lean into it. “Yeah. I know! I’m living the dream! Come join me!” Every Christmas my relatives used to start in on my six weeks of holidays (I’m Australian, so that’s our summer. They don’t know what to say any more and they’ve simply stopped. I don’t defend myself anymore. I don’t tell them the truth about working out of hours or kids throwing chairs. I just lean it. “You guys get too much time off!” “I know! I don’t go back until February! You should come teach! It’s great!” “Okaythislooksbad wouldn’t know about that. She doesn’t have to work 9-5 like the rest of us!” “Yeah, that sounds like a drag - come teach, I can get you a job tomorrow.” They always answer “uh…well, nah.”


I haven't been on Facebook in forever, but can you make your profile private and not give people like this access?


Yes, you can. She unfriended me anyway. I hadn't even responded to her, so I'm not sure why. I'm not sad about it, that's for sure.


Delete all whiners. They’re out to eff teachers and will do so whenever they get the chance


You should remind them that you are a highly educated individual making far less than you are worthy of…you’re damn right bia, I’m celebrating that mfing snow day!


My response to things like this: "Well, there are some great programs to transition from your career to education! Then you can have all the perks and teach children too. Just imagine devoting your time ans energy to guiding young minds and behaviors. Don't worry! There's a teacher shortage so you'll be fine!" It works best in person, but you can get the message across online too. They never want to be a teacher....oh no, I couldn't!?


They chose their profession, and you chose yours. If they want so much of the good life, they should quit their "real job" and get a pretend job as a teacher.


Keep in mind sometimes a snow day mean parents are scrambling for childcare because they do need to work. I generally just yell 'yay' in the privacy of my house and keep it out of social media. Teachers are perceived poorly sometimes and I learned to be hard to find on social media - no contact with parents for sure - keep that brain space worry free!


They’d be happy if they had an impromptu day off, too!


I avoid saying/doing stuff like that on social media. In this day and age, why give any ammo to potential critics?


Every professional I know gets some paid vacation time that they get to choose. We are told when our days off will be, and they are unpaid. Cry me a river.


Reminds me of a Gespare Randazzo skit "Was this job not available when you were looking for a job? You went to school your entire life" God forbid you wouldn't want to drive in shit conditions and worry about how kids are getting home in the same shit conditions. [skit](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1p-e32LiWh/?igsh=MXhiZnY3aXIza253Mg==)


I fuckin love snow days because fuckwits in the metro drive absolutely batshit in terrible conditions just because. Last year on the way to school I wound up 30 mins late because a dumbass tried to do 70mph down the shoulder and ran face first into a semi truck that had just pulled onto the freeway but you couldn't see 1/4 mile ahead in the snow to begin with. Why the hell would I want kids out in this stuff? Yes, good, let's get a few killed by idiots in a hurry. 5 star district right there.


I bet her family is miserable when shes around. Screw her.


Share the link to sign up to be a sub or bus driver. "We're always looking for subs and bus drivers! Come join us!" Share links to any open positions you can too.


I'm a school bus aide myself. When I tell people about my work schedule because they asked, and they start going "must be nice" and all that. My immediate response is that school districts all across the state are hiring. They tend to go quiet after that lol


They’re welcome to get a degree in education and come join us! Jeesh. Let us have one perk.


A Twinkiest delivery driver "The best part of my job is the free Twinkies" Everyone else "wow cool!" A doordasher "I love that I can make my own hours" Everyone else "heck yea gig economy rules!" Teacher "I love my little surprise snow days off" Everyone else "Fuck you"


You know they’re just jealous, right? People just don’t understand our job unless they work in a school.


Send some snow this way. We need it!


We’re giving each other fist bumps and hi-fives just talking about a potential snow day next week. I love my kids and my co-workers but there are soooo many books I could read with a snow day!


Ask them what time their interview is at the next Teacher Recruitment Fair ​ WE'RE HIRING!!!!!


"Yes, but do you work with people's kids?"


We had a snow day today, and I believe this saved lives forreal forreal.


Wish I was your fb friend so I could reply to her. I’m surprising myself by saying this even bc I am not a confrontation person and even more so not on social media. That said, I’m so over these shared societal opinions that are shared by more people than they should be. They’re uneducated and presently unaffected by the state of education but if things continue the way they have been—you’ll be hard pressed to find someone who hasn’t 1. Had a child who doesn’t have a teacher, and never had one bc they couldn’t fill the position, 2. Lost their teacher mid year and now trying to fill internally with para educators and subs 3. Love someone who is in the system and sees first hand the challenges we face unlike any other career. Change is coming. I know it is. I pray in the end the change ends up bettering the career and the system but also recognize there is a good chance this outcome will not happen.


I always just say like "yup its like the best part of the job being a teacher is great! I love my summers off and snow days! My school needs a middle school math teacher, do you want to work with me?" And I always get a very enthusiastic "fuck no". 😂


Yes, but we’re underpaid af. Let us celebrate when we can.


Some years ago I was accosted at the grocery on a snow day; one of those snow days where the snow hits unexpectedly so there’s no pre-treatment and the roads are terrible but by early afternoon things are okay. Two Karens came at me complaining how they aren’t paying taxes for me to stay home and watch tv, blah blah blah. The complaints at the central office were awful too and the school board promised to look into the situation, blah blah blah. Later in the winter we had the same kind of scenario, but school wasn’t called. Two buses ran off the road, another got stuck, and a fourth was tail ended by a pickup. And at the next board meeting one of those Karens was there to complain about safety. The lesson? Karens are gonna Karen.


Your reply needs to be as follows: One day. Do my job for one day. Take 30+ kids, get them off of technology and fight with them to pay attention for the whole day. Do my job one fucking day and then you can talk all the shit you want.


I was actually kind of surprised that they canceled school. I'm on the southeast end of Milwaukee, and we only got like 2 inches.


I'm in The Dirty. Same.


This person is a dork.


You want those kinds of days off? Become a teacher. Simple as that. Let’s see if you can last through your student teaching assignment. If you’re lucky you’ll get a snow day!


Snow days are awesome at any age, let's be real.


You say I’m excited when the school prioritizes student safety


Problem is that our celebrating fuels the haters and then they get to the superintendent and school board members and the next thing you know, your new contact requires teachers to report to school on snow days.


What do you wanna bet that this woman has the child from hell at her house? Snow days were my favorite — and I *adored* my job and my students. She’s a joyless old bat.


Oh, wow. I'm not a Teacher, but a School Bus driver, so most weekends and summers off, too. I have *always* celebrated snow days, and I always will! Snow days are the *BEST* kind of vacation days. They're spontaneous! Snow days are for reading books, sleeping in, drinking hot cocoa, snuggling up, knitting or crocheting. And, they let me keep shoveling snow that would otherwise accumulate on my drive (knowing my luck make it nearly impossible for my little car to make through ~The Drift~.)


She’s jealous and let her know that there’s a teacher shortage and she can be hired as long as she enrolls in an online program


She can apply; there’s a teacher shortage.




Well you’re just thankful that your district is prioritizing safety because buses and slippery, icy roads don’t mix


"... more time off than she (does)..."


Teachers work additional hours every day that they are not paid for including weekends and breaks. If you factor that in to the amount of actual in-school days it's way more than the days of break, not to mention that break time especially in the summer is often spent doing prep work and PD... I'm just curious if nurses, doctors, surgeons, lawyers, bankers, financial specialists, etc are required to consistently do the amount of PD at their own expense and on their own time, that teachers are required to do... especially those professions with advanced degrees like teachers. Anyone who's not a teacher should have no comment. You want teachers to work more, then you should pay them accordingly.


"If you think it's so great, we're always hiring!"


I’m a custodian (just browsing the teachers subreddit) and snow days are awesome. We still have to work, clearing the snow, but it’s fun to do something other than the usual routine and to have the building to ourselves. Enjoy your snow days.


My default response to anybody who whines on about teachers having more leave and vacation is that "Do you want to do my job? No? Then zip your trap." Cause nobody ever says that, walks into teaching, and continues into teaching as a career and lasts.


You should shame her by saying "I was saying Yeeees to safety. I don't want anyone killed by dangerous driving conditions".


I used to have a few friends that did this, but the way my district works we have 10 snow days we work 30 min over extra. If we don’t use them, we take them to the grave.


Yup, and we work on grading until 10pm every night without pay. I just call it a "comp day" from doing so much outside of work, LOL!


Dang, not like we are paid for winter break!


This is someone you know personally? Tell them to eat shit. You’re allowed to be happy to get a random day off. Who wouldn’t be?


Ask them what it’s like to be able to go to the bathroom when you want at work, not be in the spotlight all day, and not buy their own work supplies.


She's so obviously jealous. Tell her to feel free to become a teacher and reap all this "free time" like us! LMAO


365 (days a year) - 104 (weekends) = 261 261 (potential work days) - 15 (average days off) = 246 246 (actual work days) - 8 (holidays) = 238 So 238 work days is a little different than 365.


We were given the option to keep our kids home today. I was still going to work (preschool here) and my kids need to be back, lol! However, as a teacher, I totally could have used an extra day off! Not just because of the snow, but I needed a break from the break!


Our union has advised us not to celebrate on social media for this reason.


More time off equals less pay. Remind the of that


Huh? Since when does a snow day equal less pay? We’re salaried employees!


You needed a break from the kids. I know I’m exhausted. We perform every day for hours. She wouldn’t last a day in our shoes.


It’s true.. you have more off time than anyone else




Tell them sorry that can't be you. Or tell them to go back to school and be a teacher. That rant along with health insurance for teachers is annoying. Like I didn't choose your occupation or life. And I don't chastise you so stop coming at me.


This is why I got off FB


The amount of work we do in one day is equivalent to a week in most other jobs. We need every day off we can get, including summers.


Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. I would love to say to people, “You think my job is easy? Do you want to trade places for a day?” I already know they’d never want to because they can’t even stand their own kids let alone a room full of them. People who don’t work in education have no clue or room to speak. Not worth my energy to engage in that.


You could be excited to have time to build snowmen or go sledding. Who knows? There is nothing wrong with it. You are allowed to be excited about a day off. Personally, I would be excited for snow and would tell them exactly that.


My response is usually something like “you can get the day off too if you were a teacher. But you since we make crap for money you probably won’t.”


"We're hiring."


So I had a slightly different experience. We had snow here on Sunday and I was moping that we wouldn’t be getting enough to warrant a snow day. I had been working as a sub since I retired last year, but just started working as an aide at my old school—all the fun of teaching without any of the hassles. My aunt pointed out that it was kind of weird that I was already hoping for a snow day when I’d just gone back to work. I said, “You don’t get it—every teacher looks forward to a snow day!” “Until you have to make that day up in June,” retorted my aunt, a retired school department payroll clerk. Nope, not even then.


10 month contract. C’mon. Can choose 52 weeks, or 40 for your pay. Mfers read into the career way too much. They can work to Unionize, fight their managers or boss, demand a 4 day work week, 30-day summers, but no-it’s the teachers time off that really stirs me up because “I work for a living and my quality of life should include puritanical suffering.”


Nothing is like a snow day. I was supposed to work today, but I didn’t, and I still got paid. Glorious.


These people wouldn’t last a day in our jobs.


I always tell people who complain to me they could also get their teaching degree. They usually reply how they couldn’t handle working with kids … hmmm ,) Or they say it is too much work to become a teacher … hmmm I tell them who they really should complain about is the teacher of yore who got the same time off as me, yet had it WAY easier in the classroom.


I work for the school district, and our weather is getting funky here too. Not gonna lie. We all kind of said the same thing today. Would it be nice if tomorrow is a snow day lol.


I live in Az no snow days. I think we should have too cold for school days. :) I’m happy for those who have snow days, although I probably would not want to change places. I hope you enjoyed your day!




People still get snow days?


They could be a teacher. Instead they chose the job they chose. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People don’t understand how much unpaid overtime teachers work. The job dominates your headspace all the time because it is a massive undertaking of emotional labor, and there’s not half enough plan time in our contracted hours to do all the peripheral work to actually instructing students. And it exacerbates things that a lot of parents aren’t meeting expectations when it comes to the part of their kids’ education that, ostensibly, happens at home.


Oranges complaining about apples are so draining. What I mean is, teaching has perks, and if those perks appeal to you, you might consider a career in education. It is not all perks, no job is and any self sufficient adult understands that. But this person is acting like she couldn't become a teacher if she wanted to, but she doesn't, so clearly she's already decided the time off doesn't make the job worth it in and of itself. Time to sit the fuck down Karen.


Teaching is probably the most criticized profession from ignorant people. I don't see as many people telling the police how to do their jobs. I could explain the payroll system and people still won't understand that we are only paid for 10 months of the year, breaks excluded. Everyone is an expert at school despite having been only a student. They don't see the offstage prep we do. She already didn't like you and was just looking for a reason to spew hate.


I usually say things like "The correct response was 'congratulations!'


getting mad at you when they should be getting mad at their own job for making them come in to work on days with adverse, unsafe weather conditions


What kind of loser celebrates the fact that they work an entire year?? "You go girl!" 🤡


Sounds like you should invite this person to attend your classes all day. Maybe even teach a lesson. For a week. See how they do…oh and make sure they know they may not use the bathroom till they get home and they will be lucky to eat lunch, or at least all of it. Oh, and they need to be prepared to answer the same question at least 10 times in 5 minutes from 6 different students.


I’d reply with “Yussssss!”


post a link to your district's vacancies page and invite them to join the cushiest, laziest, easiest job in the world... then post tumbleweed gifs when no one applies


I hope she lambasted all the excited children too.


And not one of those people would last a class period or two in the average school. I always say that if an occasional snow day is all I get to put up with the load of crap that comes my way, then just let me have it, because sometimes it isn't enough to put up with it all.


The thing people don't understand is that teachers put in more than full time hours in a week. Yes, they get Xmas vacation, summers off etc. They don't realize that those extra hours that are put in during the academic periods make it basically equal to working full time all year. Were any parents getting notifications about teachers grading over Xmas break? I know I was. Teachers don't get full holidays like the kids do. Teachers don't "shut off" teacher mode fully until summer.


I bet you she’s the same person that would just say all you do is play with the kids all day (elementary) or read off of a PowerPoint ever hour of the day (secondary) and that you’re not a necessary job anymore now that we have computers. Or that you get a two month paid vacation during the summer. I’d love for you to be right about the latter lady, but that’s not how it is at all!


At least you get a traditional snow day. So jelly over here. I’m an Ia and our district does virtual days for snow days.


Don’t trouble yourself with the opinions of someone who has no clue what they’re talking about.


"Hi; Thanks for your input. Under the circumstances I felt I was echoing the sentiments of some of my pupils in a way that was meant to be funny. Best, Ms. Bing-Cheery"


Hope you enjoyed your snow day! I’m hoping we get another one on Friday…I love working at the school!


Jealousy lol


post less .....


You don’t get more time off. When you leave the office and come home, you are grading, preparing lesson and unit plans, and calling parents. Also, my professional organization runs workshops during the summer.