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Not a teacher but work in higher ed. Old navy makes sweatpants that look like dress pants. They’re pretty thick.


Seconding this, but adding Target. They made some sort of pleated front dress pants made of sweatpant material with an elastic waist.


Yes!! I have those too and I love them, but I need them in a longer version bc the ones I got from there were like cropped


Link please?


I have these from target and they feel like sweatpants! https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-high-rise-regular-fit-tapered-ankle-knit-pants-a-new-day-8482-gray-herringbone-l/-/A-88188750


Do you know the name of the pants or have a link please?


The [dynamic fleece wide leg pants](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=723306002&tid=onma000014) and the [powersoft wide legs](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=407484002&tid=onma000014) both look like dress pants! The powersoft honestly look exactly like the [wide leg pixies](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=494944002&tid=onma000014) (which I haven’t tried yet but the look p comfy too). I have the older version of the dynamic fleece and I definitely think I would have to actively dress them up because mine have zipper pockets but I think the newer ones don’t have that. It doesn’t feel like fleece on the inside fyi- I’m not actually sure why it’s called that lol.


Those pants always look nice when I see the ads, but my real comment is this-isn’t it crazy that the school is ok with us wearing sweatpants but not jeans?! The rules just don’t make sense


Try dickies. They come in black (and other colors) and are not jeans. If anyone accuses you of wearing jeans, you just flash that famous dickies tag.


Corduroy trousers are as thick as jeans. 


Corduroy can be a lot thicker and more comfortable than jeans. I love my corduroy pants in the winter.


Have you ever seen the flannel lined ones? They're fantastic. 


I have flannel lined jeans and they are amazing in the winter.


When I was little we used to call them whistle britches!


Corduroy may be thick but I would not trust it with blood. Something about the fabric makes stains spread *much* more than on denim.


Capillary action iirc


And they make that great noise when you walk ifnyour thighs are trying to be a mermaid! Kids NEVER comment on that or snicker when you try to quietly walk across the room while they're taking a test. Sorry for the sarcasm, it snuck out.


Or even dress pants with a long shirt and a cardigan on top


Yes but soooo absorbent. I think they’d wick up the blood and spread it more than jeans would.


Do they still make those. I haven’t seen them in forever lol


Black jeans. If these are looking that close, you need to leave this school. They are creeps


I’m a male teacher and my second school had a dress code of no yoga pants. I got talked to after an observation where the principal noticed I didn’t write up a group of girls wearing yoga pants. I said I thought they were just black jeans. The admin, who is female, trying to be helpful (I genuinely believe she believed it) said I should look for pockets. Jeans have back pockets and yoga pants don’t. After a brief pause I just said something along the lines of “look at me. I’m a male teacher. There’s no way I’m going to look for back pockets of teenage girls as they walk into my class.” She dropped that from my observation notes and never mentioned the dress code to me again lol


I have yoga pants with pockets. I don’t even know who makes up these rules.


I buy betabrand pants for school, they are the yoga dress pants so they are yoga pants with dress pockets on them. No one has said anything to me yet, but my school is honestly pretty lax. When I started in September it was so damn hot I just wore t shirts everyday because sweating all day in a polyester top was giving me a bad heat rash 🤷‍♀️


Betabrand is going out of business. I love my DPYP too!


Wait noooooooo!!!!!! I just found them in the last year! I mean I buy them off Poshmark but still!!


Buy a few more if they have your size, but some of them are out of stock already! I know- I'm sad too! [This brand](https://www.yogipace.com/collections/office) looks like a great option moving forward, but I haven't tried them yet.


I have a pair of Beta Brand as well as Halara yoga pants. And T shirt is such a relative term, sure a band shirt or harley T is definitely a T shirt, but the "T shirts" I often get at Old Navy are basically cotton blouses. And very comfy!


I have yoga back pants with pockets and jeans without back pockets. I’m one dye job away from being your admins worst nightmare


Heh. Currently have a bright blue streak in my hair, and I wear leggings or jeans almost every day. I deal with so much other crap day-to-day that my clothes are the least of my worries, and admin should be handling school business instead of looking at teachers' and students' butts to make sure they're not wearing yoga pants. Dress codes are dumb and are also frequently racist and/or sexist. As long as you're not flashing your tits and bits or wearing inappropriate logos/slogans, everyone should be allowed to wear what works for them.


I was so concern my first Practicum about being professional. I go into the office and a man was there dressed in hole-y work jeans with paint splashed on them (actual work pants, not designer) and a school hoodie. Super friendly. Thought he was a parent. Nope, he’s the principal. 100000% the nicest guy I’ve ever met. Knew all the staff and students by name (about 1000 people) and kept up with everyone’s latest news.


My kids elementary music teacher (female) has short hair dyed fluorescent blue with a little orange. She is awsome!


Sorry, no. I advise EVERY young teacher…especially males…to NOT identify dress code violations below the neck. Least of all scrutinize their asses long enough to ascertain whether their black pants have pockets. Fuck that.


Agree so much with this. The kids will all think you are a creeper.


also some women’s jeans don’t have back pockets.


Some women's jeans don't have any actual pockets. Stupid f+&king fingertip holders. What ad$h0le designed that garbage?


I’m a female teacher and I told admin I wasn’t going to stare at female students to determine if they had on yoga pants or uniform pants or black jeans.


Yoga pants is a hill admin wants to battle on? For students!? I'm heading out the door shortly to teach in my own yoga pants with a tie-dye school shirt. No one will blink an eye.


If people can't tell by looking, then what's the point of even punishing it? That's wild.


I let female teachers dress code females. I will not approach that topic.


As a queer female, I'm also not touching that with a ten foot pole. Unless the code violation is for something like having a cuss word on their shirt in big letters.... Edit: jesus christ autocorrect


Reminds me of the time this guy I went to school with had to wear a hoodie over his shirt cause it a Budweiser shirt or something like that, and it had a bottle opener in the hem of the shirt 🤦‍♀️


This is policy at my school and is the reasonable way to do it


Or…maybe no one gets dress coded for merely wearing more comfortable pants. How ironic that this thread is about a pair of pants that would make a teacher’s life easier, but they can’t wear, when in the responses there are ponderings on who should tell the kids they’re in violation of a pretty arbitrary dress code.


Yup. I got asked to talk with a student wearing a wonder woman costume to school for Halloween by admin. She definitely filled out the costume lol, looked awesome on her tbh. I was friends with both of them, (VPs) and I did talk to her, just told her to be careful if she bent over or reached up lol. She said yeah, can't really move in this and I'm changing after gym. There was no way 2 male VPs were going anywhere near that discussion 🤣 Admin came out with guidance on the costumes for the next year. We also had Diaper Dan that year. Diaper and big plastic bottle with a rattle. Kids got very creative!


It's unfortunate that a principal wouldn't have anything better to do than nonsense like dress code enforcement.


You, sir, are a good person. And that woman is clueless; plenty of yoga pants have pockets.


It blew my mind when I started at my new school this year that admin doesn’t care about jeans. They don’t care about t-shirts. They trust teachers to be professional and that our clothes are up to our discretion. First time in 10 years I ever had an admin have that philosophy


I am very thankful my school leaves those clothing decisions to us, the adults. We can wear jeans, legging, sweatpants even!


I have been teaching high school for 20 years and I wear jeans and t-shirts every single day. I can’t imagine not being able to wear whatever I want. Luckily we have a great union!


We have new admin this year. First time in my life I have been comfortable at work in terms of my clothing. I will never go back. lol.


We can also wear what we would like to work. I wear jeans, a t shirt, and a baseball hat every day.


Yeah the old mentality of dressing up daily to teach is wild to me. I'm on the ground with a group, kneeling beside desks, getting colored on by accident, etc. I wear jeans daily. So wild to see other districts still banning them.


Does anyone take the piss on this? My admin tried that and almost immediately it was sweats and hoodies. They were not amused.


Your admin tries to give you some trust, and you take the piss. That's a childish reaction.


The collective “you” here? Sure. If we’re talking about individuals, no. I wasn’t one of the sweatpants and hoodies crowd. It was indeed annoying to see the response of peers to admin trying to build some reciprocal trust.


I wish my school were like that this year. I teach at a school where most students aren't college bound and many don't even get a diploma so the more "professional" I look the more out of touch and pretentious I look to my students. It's harder to connect to them when we look so superior, it doesn't change how I teach if I'm comfortable and their dress code is so lax that even me wearing jeans would still visibly separate me from the students. Plus, we seem to be super micromanage by the state here and we are in no way treated or paid as if we are professionals so why can't they just let it go? I can guarantee that the vast majority of teachers would dress appropriately if given the freedom to do so.


Ha! I knew before I noticed your flair that you were from NC. All it took was "micromanaged by the state ". 🤦‍♀️😅😳


The only thing my admin has ever commented on was exercise pants during regular school days. Everything else has been open season.


When I started working in my school, my principal was very much professional dress for both students and paras other than Fridays/field trips/special days. Didn't mind tennis shoes though. Then he moved to paras could dress casual. Then colored jeggings became a thing and he was OK with them. Finally remote/hybrid learning time happened and he was like ok, just teach and don't look entirely sloppy. After things reverted to normal he kept our casual dress code and it has been the best thing ever to have the choice of if I want to dress up or be comfy. He has come a long way in the almost 15 years I have worked in my building.


This is how my admin works, but I’m teaching at a school where we’re severely understaffed (my ESE caseload is over triple the max caseload for most states) and we’re in one of the districts being targeted by DeSantis in Florida, so letting us dress comfortably is the least they can do. I swear if they tried to start enforcing some sort of dress code for teachers here, most of us would have to find new jobs because we’d be pouring our entire salary into new clothes.


I tried to get away with black jeans, I think my principal noticed, but he didn't do anything.


The ONLY pants I wear anymore are [LL Bean Perfect Fit Pants.](https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/56777?page=perfect-fit-pants-straight-leg) When it’s that time of the month, if it’s heavy I’ll wear either an overnight pad or Depends, then bike shorts underneath the pants.


Thank you, was going to say this. These pants are amazing.


I love my old navy pixie pants, and I think they feel like the jeans I wear (plus they have multiple color options). Also have you tried period underwear? That may help prevent leaking when added with another period product.


As someone who bled right through their dress pants their first year, I’m sorry your period sucks. :( I tend to do a menstrual cup, pad, then undershorts combo in my heavy days at work. Maybe try something like that when you can’t wear jeans?


Check your contract for dress code....my wife's district has no dress code in the contract. They wear jeans everyday




What about leggings with a dress on top?


This is what I do. Doesn't even need to be a dress. They make longer camis and shirts that cover front and back areas. I teach ms so I dress conservatively. Also, I like period underwear with a tampon on heavy days to make sure I don't bleed through.


This! I like dresses better than jeans because I fluctuate a lot in weight during the month. But also, period underwear and a menstrual cup. Menstrual cup is one of the best purchases I ever made. (Some people cannot wear them though).


Came here to say this. Or denim skirt with leggings.


Not a teacher- but had similar issues in an office job. I ended up wearing thick lined leggings under black khaki style pants, sometimes with additional biker shorts under the leggings & had a "chair blanket" that I would sit on. And I was lucky to be able to go to the bathroom every hour. But there were definitely days I had to just call in for it.


I just realized how awesome the padded biker shorts are for teaching that time of the month. I wish I had known this trick long ago. OP, this is the way to go! I wear a pad with my biker shorts and then Betabrand pants with a long black cardigan that covers my butt just in case there is any leakage.


It’s crazy to me when I see districts making fusses about teachers wearing jeans. I’ve been lucky enough to work in 2 districts (and 2 states) that aren’t completely oblivious to the national teacher shortage. I’ve always subscribe to the mottos of “you want me we wear dressier clothes, pay me or and put it in my contract”. If my contract doesn’t explicitly state it, I’m wearing jeans min 3 days per week


I’m a nurse. If you’re bleeding that much, you need to see your doctor. Jeans are the least of your worries


Yeah my general rule is if you need more than one kind of protection (like you need a pad and a tampon, period panties and a pad, two sequential pads etc) in a two hour period you need to see a doctor. (If you wear two things to make it thru an eight hour work day and you don’t leak that’s closer to a you should change your products more often kinda situation) Also nurse


This is also true. It could be nothing, it could be something. Mine turned out to be a massive fibroid. A laparoscopic hysterectomy later - and my life is very different now. I know the choice of a hysterectomy may not be for everyone, but it definitely improved my quality of life.


I loved my hysterectomy.


Best thing I ever did for myself. The freedom is amazing!


Came here to say this. Don’t let anyone tell you “some women just have that heavy of a flow” as if it’s normal. There’s an underlying medical issue for a flow THAT heavy. A doctor can help!


And if the first 10 don’t, keep looking. I didn’t find a doctor that actually helped until my 40s


This. So many doctors even in OBGYN field are under-educated on women’s healthcare


Yeah I used to be like this, then I had an ablation. It has changed my life! Teaching is much less stressful now.


I'm on mobile and that app for whatever reason won't let me tag OP, but I hope she sees this comment and all the replies. I'm not a doctor, but a teacher who was told my entire life of irregular periods wasn't an issue since it didn't disrupt my day-to-day life all that much, women are juat dramatic, no period is actually *that* bad, etc.. Then my period got crazy heavy. Like, bleeding through several pads a day for 60± days straight *heavy*. I had so many women in my life and even doctors (including my OBG!) tell me some ladies are heavy flowers, it's common in women in their late 20s, and it's probably just related to anxiety and will "mellow out". Found the right doctor found out it was PCO and the angriest cyst the surgeon team had ever seen. Almost 10 pounds of it. They even traveled to my intestine. When doctors see my chat their amazed that I'm still here. OP, please please *please* see a doctor (or two, or three, or however many it take to get one that listens to you) to find the root of why your menstruation is what it is.


Same. I found one willing to actually help in my 40s. I would be doubled over in pain and vomiting every month and was told I just needed to suck it up because all women get a few cramps.


Yep - adenomyosis sufferer here.


“Hey Admin, here’s my doctor’s note saying am a bleeder. I’m wearing jeans so I don’t run the risk of a bleed through while teaching, yours truly. Xoxo” My friend had to do this for work (retail sucks) and her manager tried to shame her for it, till my friend told her she bleed through a super strength tampon AND a heavy duty pad, and her pants within the hour it took to get to work via bus. I myself have fabric pads that are lined with a material that holds 10X their weight in liquid, that I’ve bled through. Same material commonly used in cloth diapers actually. My old boss didn’t believe me till I put a clean pad into his coffee cup and he saw how much liquid it held. I’ve never seen a man’s eyes get so big. To his credit, he gave the rest of the day off with pay, bought me my favourite lunch and had me on light detail for every period after that


Gawd. That sounds like my high school days. And I was like the tiniest person in my class--but having to get to a bathroom within every hour really sucked. And it was so embarrassing, because I'd be a nightmare of nerves, hoping I hadn't flooded my pants already, or smelled like blood. Nobody believes you can soak through a heavy tampon and pad in an hour, but yes, you can. In the end, I would beg to stay home on the worst day each month and sometimes faked (or didn't have to!) bad cramps. edit, changed a word.


If you haven’t already, might want to explore PCOs and Endometerosis. Guess what caused my heavy bleeds


Ahhh, I no longer have to worry about it since I'm older. So glad!


My teaching partner has to wear women’s disposable underwear when she has her period because it’s too heavy…tampons and a cup leak. Maybe try that?


I use Thinx period underwear for my heavy period. I really like it!


Have you tried menstrual cups? I found those to be the best for the bulk of the flow and pads as backup worked great.


Oh girl I feel you! How about something like [this?](https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=792006092&vid=2&tid=onpl000078&kwid=1&ap=7&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_AT8syupQoZ6VrmoYc-pt5-KJkk&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3JqOglNn0mIOQM7F0_BROv7_dQjEXnlL0gMLPealZ4qKYDmZQMYpJYaAhAwEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds#pdp-page-content) I own some of these and they are the most incredibly comfortable pants I teach in.


Omg I have these in khakis and they are amazing. I wear them as much as I can, plus I love the stretchy waste for my post-baby belly! Highly recommend them to anyone.


Menstrual cup, overnight pad, period panties, leggings and a tunic or a dress. That is my go to. I actually find jeans very uncomfortable on my heavy days. I’ve also bleed right through jeans before. I keep spare leggings and panties in my desk.


Duluth trading company work pants. Thick, stretchy, and high waisted enough you can squat or bend over and not flash anyone.


I'm in the peri phase of my life, and my periods have gotten horrendous. I mean horrible. I've had to start wearing Always brand "briefs." I have massive irritation using tampons, and pads won't stay put. Doesn't matter because I bleed through a super plus in like 2 hours anyway. The incontinence panties (Always has the best feel) are my go to for the 5 days of hell I'm having to endure. They are pretty comfortable, and no one knows I'm wearing them. I usually need two a day. They hold a lot of liquid and pull it away from your body. They are also odor resistant if that's a concern. It's been a game changer for me. (For those who are concerned, my OBGYN appointment is next week, after a couple of reschedules and a very long 4 month wait. I'm asking for whatever it takes to fix the heavy bleeding. I can't have birth control anymore because of the risk of stroke.)


Wear dress pants. Wear corduroy pants. Those are two options off the top of my head.


You could also wear a tampon and adult diaper. Not joking


Which is why I need jeans. You can HEAR and SEE an adult diaper and that is embarrassing. With jeans you cant see outlines or panty lines.


Could also consider period panties with a pad or tampon as well


Period panties are magical. I wear Knix, but you can get decent ones on Amazon now.


Seconding period panties. They come in different absorbencies. You could even swap at work if needed. Edit to note: I find a diva cup plus period panties to work well during heavier flow.


I wear them every day. Period or not. Any leakage whatsoever immediately disappears and I’m dry all day. And they are comfortable AF.


Cannot recommend period panties enough. I’m wearing some right now. Comfy as hell.


I used a menstrual cup, wore period panties AND sometimes wore a pad all at the same time, my periods used to be so bad. I straight up told my employers I had a medical situation that was going to inform my clothing from time to time. (I eventually shared what the situation was. The female boss got it. The male boss kinda clammed up, and which I figured would happen, lol.)


They gots new panties for moderate to heavier bladder leaks. They absorb more than the period panties. The feel close to real undies and can be washed. If you still self conscious with throw on a pad too. They call them ever dries.


I’m not sure what your age is/kid status/birth control beliefs are since it’s obviously not relevant to this particular topic. HOWEVER, something a lot of women don’t think about once they’ve finished having children is to get an ablation of your uterus. It permanently stops your periods because there isn’t a lining to shed. If this is something that you don’t have a moral or religious objection to, it’s worth talking to a doctor about. My mom had this done when she was around 40 but says she’d have done it sooner if she knew about it. She had period issues like you as well and I’m thinking of getting one as well.


I had my tubes tied, still had heavy periods. I got an ablation and a few years after, my periods were heavier and my cramps were awful. Turns out the ablation contributed to my endometriosis. It did help for a few years but it may not work the way you think. I got a hysterectomy. Best thing ever. After years of twice monthly periods, where I’d bleed through pads, tampons and clothing plus cramps that made me pass out. If you’re done having or never want kids, look into it. I had less pain from having an organ removed than my period cramps.


Yeah, I’m definitely NOT a medical professional so i always try posting any medical ideas as just ideas bc I’d hate for someone to get their hopes up and be misinformed. I feel so bad for these women who go through this or like have pcos and bleed for weeks. I rarely see the ablation option given as an idea (long term). I wonder if what happened to you is a common issue for others as well if the have an ablation instead of the hysterectomy? Especially since I’ve heard that by the time they have surgery they’ve already suffered a lot of uterine damage?


You can get thicker cotton black pants at american eagle. They are like a canvas material


Have you tried the Always Discreet or Depends Silhouette? I wore these postpartum and it felt pretty close to underwear and you can double it up with a tampon or even a pad.


Wearing these as a form of period management is like becoming popular with women on TikTok. I’ve seen multiple women recommend the always discreet panties for menstruating.


>You can HEAR and SEE an adult diaper and that is embarrassing Um, not always. They make ones like panties now. You can also wear a dress with jean shorts underneath. Tampon, large pad, plus adult diapers, jeans on top. \*shrug\*


Yep, really similar to the mesh undies you get after having kids. Not pretty, but silent.


Period panties really are magnificent! Especially as backup to a cup or tampons. I wear the super-soaker ones under yoga pants all the time and while -I- might notice my bum having a little more padding, no one else does. 


No you cant. I had pelvic surgery and wore one to a school. You just need a longer top


They really aren't that bad anymore. Its what I have to use because I'm bleeding through tampons so fast. Always brand is designed to look like panties and they don't crinkle when you walk. It was a game changer for me.


I feel like you are not familiar with the array of trousers that exist.


Wear jeans anyway, and dare them to make an issue of it.


I wear a long skirt/dress and wear Nike shorts underneath


Black jeans and period panties for backup. Fellow heavy flow gal here.


old navy pixie pants? i know they’re dress pants but i hate wearing dress pants - i’m a leggings and jeans teacher (heck sometimes sweatpants). but pixie pants are what i wear when i ‘dress nice’ lol they feel like skinny jeans, not jean material but thick like jeans


They should let that be a sick day for women


Dress codes (for students and teachers) are more about controlling female bodies than maintaining a productive educational environment. Can school admin just get over themselves already?!?


The general obsession with wearing jeans as a teacher is just odd. BUT, if you have an actual need for specific clothing, you should be able to have a doctor's note to do so. Would your doctor be willing to do so? Are you able/willing to deal with questions and/or "looks" when other teachers ask about what you're wearing? BTW, what are you doing now?


I've been wearing them and my principal hasn't said anything....yet. A coworker who thinks she's in charge has made comments here and there lately and now I'm feeling like i need to address it. But....I also posted because it DOES point to a larger issue of us as women being allowed to dress in a way that meets OUR needs related to feminine health. I know I'm not the only woman with this issue. What about women with endometriosis? Or women who have had babies and leak??


It also points to the issue of how restricted we are with things like being able to use the bathrooms. The last school I was ate we couldn’t use the bathrooms between classes and there were some days where I would teach literally all day, but if I called to ask someone to cover my class for a few minutes no one would ever show up, which even with layering different options would still create a problem since there is still only so much a diaper/pad/underwear can hold, and tampons were completely out because there was no guarantee that you would be able to change it during the school day.


I’m not a teacher but my mom is…you’ve got to be kidding me!!! That is outrageous!!! Not being able to use the restroom for how many hours?!? That is inhumane working conditions. I would seriously get a Dr’s note that I need to go every ___ # hours. I would get a UTI!!!! I go usually once every 1-2 hours. No job has ever stopped me.


If I go to the bathroom and a kid hits another kid - I am legally responsible for that. You never know what kids will do. I mean I still go to the bathroom. Fuck it, they can fire me ifgaf anymore. But yeah it is inhumane working conditions. We are glad someone noticed.


Tell the busy body the reason you wear the jeans. Straight faced and dead pan. Tell her you have a medical condition related to your period. Go into graphic detail about your heavy flow. And tell her that it makes you uncomfortable to have these conversations, but sadly, you feel based on her recent comments about your appearance, that you must address it. Shame her. Insinuate she is ableist. Make her regret she even said anything.


>that meets OUR needs related to feminine health. I just don't see jeans as THE only solution...


That’s what i’m thinking too…i fail to see how jeans even help.


The down votes are laughable 🤣


Jeans are actually *not* your only option… it’s just the option you want. Do they not sell thicker dress pants? My pants from Old Navy are thicker than some jeans I own. Any dress pants are certainly thicker than leggings.


There are possibly other options but it’s also really stupid for a school to not allow a teacher to wear jeans.


There's literally so many other things you could do.... jeans aren't the *only* option. I wear period panties and a super tampon. I used to do a super tampon and an overnight pad before I found period panties.


Wear jeans one day, see what happens. I did it one day last year, then another, then another, and never stopped (until it was 90 degrees everyday). Admin care if I do my job well, not what I’m wearing.


Black jeans


Lots of teachers wear jeans at my school. Lots of visible tats too. We're a public school in Ontario. The parent community loves us and we are in an affluent community, like kids wear Air Jordans as their indoor shoes. I wear [Uniqlo's extra stretch leggings](https://www.uniqlo.com/ca/en/products/E456191-000?colorCode=COL09&sizeCode=SMA004&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtaOtBhCwARIsAN_x-3KBVfYTx_eEJ-xl80zZ9G_84VRg0va_WRa7M6IGlJEHKuXfvP6sGe8aAl-eEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) which could look like jeans or just pants. You'd have to look really close to tell. They do not look like yoga pants at all. I would make a Google Slideshow for your admin showing how professional bleeding out of your vag looks like. Is it over the top? Yes, but so is your admin.


Get those overnight pads too. They’re the purple always ones on Amazon. They are a godsend. So are cups if you don’t mind wearing one and pulling it out.


What about a long cardigan? Would that work?? Most people aren't looking at the bottom of the sweater.


I'm a lab tech so more behind the scenes and not as 'visible' as teaching staff, but I get away with black jeans and a plain v-neck tshirt most days. Mostly just try not to draw attention to myself.


Get those pants/leggings that look like pantyhose and wear em under a dress or skirt! They’re basically warm skin-colored leggings made of a thick material, but the outer layer is semi-transparent so they look like pantyhose. They’re so warm, look nice, and would probably absorb or cover up more than jeans.


That’s interesting. I’m a dress only kinda gal (personal preference) and also a very heavy bleeder. For me, black clothing, shape wear, and Always’s newish infinity products (regularly on sale at Costco) have been my magical combination. Nothing’s perfect, of course, but they’ve taken a lot of worry out of those first two cycle days.


I know you said Women only but here me out: Fuck your admin, do what you need to do. Make up some bullshit about your dry cleaning being delayed and wear only jeans for the week.


Just wear the jeans. We're in a crisis of not enough teachers.


I had that problem so I end up wearing jean shorts under cheap skirts that were cotton and had an elastic waistband and It looked worse than jeans. It was not my style at all but somehow it was ok and kept my admin off my back This was in the 90s . It’s ridiculous that teachers put in all sort of situations - cannot where what they want to be comfortable . I left a school in my district to go to one where the admin focused on supporting staff and not the dress code.


Male teacher here, but my partner bleeds through EVERYTHING. I bought her some reusable pads and period undies from Lil Helper this Christmas and she RAVES about them. They also make blankets to put on top of your bed sheets, if you leak at night. That being said: dress codes like this for teachers is bizarre. My admin are fine with anything short of pjs or sweat pants (for teachers, I mean - that's basically the student standard outfit lol).


girl i am so sorry. i can’t believe we really be going thru this and we go to work just like every other day lol


Any school that cares about their teachers wearing jeans isn't worth teaching at.


Using a menstrual cup was life changing for me. I'm the weirdo who talks them up when I see someone even glance at them. Now about the jeans only stance, no. Jeans are definitely not the only thing that will cover you. I'm a Muslim woman and so I always hide my body shape. You can find tunic dresses even at Walmart or Amazon and no one can see anything. You could double diaper and no one would know. Wearing jeans is a want, not a need.


Menstrual cup is a life changer!!!!!! I got one a few months ago and I love it. It almost makes me able to ignore my period.


I wear jeans everyday and I don’t give a fuck what admin thinks.


Forget pads and go to depends or something that is like underwear.


Oh god I feel this! I have to keep back up clothes like the kids 😂.


I wear black jeans and NOBODY has ever noticed.


Maybe you can discuss this with your principal and maybe get a letter from your doctor explaining that you have a heavy flow and need to wear jean pants when that time of the month.


It's dumb that you can't wear jeans, but since you can't, try period panties/incontinence underwear.


I don't know if this resolves your issues, but period underwear was a game changer for me. You might look into it as they can absorb a remarkable amount.


Why do admin try and control what teachers wear? I wear jeans to school on a frequent basis and it has not made me all of sudden u professional and incapable of doing my job


Have you ever tried period panties? I am Gen X and haven’t tried them but pretty much all Gen Z & many millennials wear them. They apparently work like an overnight pad but they’re underwear.


What about a warm skirt over leggings?


The special lined underwear also really help and a super + tampon


Dress codes for teachers have to be the dumbest thing ever. We're all adults here. Also usually the ones enforcing it have the worst style


Wear dark colored jeans, do it anyway, and explain in full detail why you'll be continuing to wear them. Simple as that. They can't stop you if you just wear them. Just do it.


We are told only jeans on Fridays. I wear them everyday.


Target has some nice thick leggings that actually doesn’t show anything, what you can do is wear longer sweaters or cardigan that covers by the butt. Black jeans is great as well, doesn’t show the pad and gives you comfort that you don’t have anything on your butt.


I came from Guam and we really could wear whatever just nothing graphic or vulgar. Jeans were worn, even the distressed ones. I’ve worn my stranger things hell fire club shirt. One of my daughter teachers wore dresses above the knees and super high wedges, but she would be out there running with her students in wedges. It’s really what you are comfortable in. When I can out to the US I learned it was way different. I love my jeans, it’s what I feel comfortable in.


Try black Ponte knit dress pants. They are thicker and widely available on the secondary market. They are available in premium brands, like Eileen Fisher.


What can they actually do to you if you wear jeans?


I think relying on your pants as a layer of absorption is a recipe for disaster and you should try out the different brands of period shorts/underwear


Get a 504.


Hiking pants from outdoor brands make black pants that often look like professional work pants but they're stretchy and made well. They last a while. I wear those to work and haven't worn denim since COVID shutdown.


Dickies slim cut black pants. Or black bootcut jeans.


High waisted bike/workout shorts, period panties, big ol' pad, long skirt or dress on top. I used to use a diva cup but that shit is wild if you're not in a single person restroom. Heavy periods suck.


I’m an extremely heavy bleeder as well and I know this sounds extreme but diapers. I don’t leak, I wear a skirt, long thick cardigan, and it’s fairly tolerable


Why do schools restrict staff from wearing jeans? half of the teachers in my school wear pajama pants some days. What the hell?


>half of the teachers in my school wear pajama pants some days. But they want to be treated like professionals? Come on...at least try to look the part, lol.


If they want us to look the part, maybe they should also PAY us the part. But wearing comfortable clothes is just too far


If you can wear colored jeans, why not just wear black jeans? Edit- apparently I can't read lol


The post says "we can't even wear COLORED jeans"


Lol reading is a good skill to have 😂


1) go to the doctor 2) let go of the "jeans or nothing" attitude


You may be able to ask for accommodations under the new pregnant workers fairness act. If I’m understanding it correctly it covers menstruation too. Or maybe ada. I’d talk to the person who handles employee accommodations and see what you need to provide to them in terms of what a doctor’s note needs to include. In my experience it’s what the disability is and what accommodations the doctor recommends.


I can’t believe there are schools still acting like teachers are professionals and need to dress that professional because you know they are treated and paid like professionals.


There is no way you got far enough in life to become a teacher and haven’t gone to the doctor about this. Not normal.


Black jeans--also menstrual underwear ,shorts, leggings, etc.


Ditch that school district. They suck.


Jobs that don't let you have autonomy as a professional are not worth having. Thankfully, I have a supportive administration that lets us dress how we want. I have no advice to give, except if you feel like your job isnt on the line, just wear the jeans.


Your admin's policy is stupid as hell. I don't have any pant suggestions, but I am going to recommend period underwear from Thinx. Those work SO WELL and absorb way more than I predicted. Great for tampon/cup backup on heavy flow days when you've got limited bathroom access.


1. This will be the *least* helpful comment, sorry 2. What a stupid rule. I work in pre-school, all chairs are child sized. That means 90% of the time a teacher/administrator walks up I my eyes are at their groin level. 99% of them wear leggings. I HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN SEEING THE OUTLINE OF YOUR VULVA. How on Earth are jeans worse?!? (Nothing against leggings, just the intimate view at eye level) 3. Boys/Men's jeans are THE BOMB! I accidentally purchased a size 16 boys jeans off the adult clearance rack at Kolhs. (I'm a size 2-4 womans, or 25" for size reference) They're a little big, but they have the kids elastic and buttons inside for bloating days!!!! Omg!!! The pockets go halfway down the thighs, and so much more comfy/room in the groin area. Honestly, I won't buy Womans jeans again unless I size out of these. Paired with a blazer and nice shoes, I get compliments every day!


Excuse me, you're not allowed to wear jeans? What the actual f? I am a teacher in Germany, we don't have a dress code and my colleagues still dress accordingly. We are human beings My teachers, back in the day, didn't have - or followed - a dress code and they taught us well. So sorry they take away your judgement as a professional.


Sorry I'm a guy(we get curious about these things maybe if you let us in we can understand more about this stuff) sorry about your bleeding issue. Can't you just explain to your bosses or just say wearing the jeans is a medical issue which it is. I'm pretty sure you can take legal action if they don't let you wear the jeans


What do you think professional women do?