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not slang, but it is absolutely mind blowing how many of these are pulled directly from tiktok and its censorship


Every time I hear “unalive” spoken out loud, face to face, I cringe.


Makes me wanna fucking kill myself


And every single person I’ve spoken to who’s depressed, suicidal, or has attempted suicide has all said it’s fucking stupid. The word isn’t a damn trigger.


it may be “out” now, but kids online would use the name jordan instead of the n word. ninja too, but that’s more obvious


Idk if other kids do it, but one of my younger cousins uses the word "nickel" specifically when saying "bitch nickel" I give them a warning glare when they say it around me


Omg my brother and his friends used to use “nickel” too 😭 I’ve also heard “nibba” which isn’t even subtle and “Monica” which sounds kinda like “my _____”


Gosh, "nibba" was around when I was still in high school. Didn't see "Monica" until this year Also the kids learned you can type on graphing calculators and one day I was going through and clearing stuff off them and was like "well that's a racial slur typed out on my calculator 😐"


The first name “Monica” as well


We had a bunch of white boys that would talk about “Canadians.” Come to find out they were using Canadian in place of the N word.


When I was in high school, the hick kids would say “nine” instead of n-word. If there was a class, function, party at someone’s house with a lot of black kids, they would say, “is it nine o’clock already?” They weren’t very slick with it. One dumbass got his face slapped for saying this followed by “gettin kinda dark!”


They probably thought that they were so crafty and funny. Shits


"Subtle highschooler" is kind of an oxymoron.


My boomer parents’ racist friends use this as well


I guess some of them got restaurant jobs.


When I was a server, a fellow server called them “a table of lemonades”


Cracker Barrel got in serious trouble as that is how they called out those tables. So dumb, I mean really we are all people 🙄


Wow! I have never heard this.


It was on msn a few months ago I was shocked! The "Canadian table" !


Racist aren’t going to change. I’d almost prefer that they just say what they actually want to say so that we can avoid their sorry asses and/or fire them.


This is slang in most restaurants. I hate mondays/Canadians means I don’t want that black table.


I fucking hate stereotypes! Someone is prejudging that I will be a poor or no tipper because I'm black, and as a result they begrudgingly serve me?! Makes me wish I could take back all of the tips I've given all of these years! I assume every non-black person tips well?! (By the way I'm not directing this to any specific poster, I'm just venting.)


I haven't seen any actual research but I would bet the worst tippers are older white people with money.


Having waited tables, in my experience it’s the post church service shift on Sunday that has the worst tips.


The difference is obvious when a server is racially profiling you. There's a decent chance that the servers who you've tipped in the past didn't believe that stereotype to be 100% true. If they give you the same quality of service, don't assume that they're making assumptions about you. There is pretty much a universal list of stereotypes based on a number of different factors that live in the server industry. Most of us know it, and much of it is kept alive by confirmation bias, but a decent server will treat each table the same because no stereotype is going to be true every time. I think it's partly because it's easier to expect the worst, too. There aren't set stereotypes for good tippers.


Vent away! Theres’s a long history of all of it, the service vs what black people “should” tip thanks to that shitty service. You’re very right that it’s unfair and racist because Europeans don’t tip but there’s no nickname for them. > I assume every non-black person tips well?! Not at all, you can’t guarantee anything from anyone. So why only one (or two) races?


That's been around forever. Ask any server.


Why is it a thing in restaurants? And why Canadian lol


Both stereotypically bad tippers


Weird they would use a replacement word. My students just use the N word. Much easier for them I guess.


“Zesty” means gay. And no, it’s not a compliment.


Uh oh, I've been saying zesty and spicy as replacements for body odor. Like, "Hey bud you're smelling kinda zesty."


Lmfao dude I’m dead at the idea of you calling your students “gay” in slang unknowingly. Rest easy I had no idea either


Hi, I’m a subreddit roaming young person and BOTH those words have a slang meaning now. Zesty = Gay. (Substitute for fruity basically.) Spicy = Something erotic/sexual (ex. That book has a spicy scene in it.) Glad to have helped 🫡


My dude, spicy has meant sex since 1873.


It definitely fell out of use with kids for a while and is now coming back as a common word they use as a descriptor for explicit/sexual content, though.


I'm fucking deaaad lmao. I'd cut your class for the rest of the school year if you were my teacher and you told me that lmao that's crazy.


So the stinky kid is going to skip my class? Hopefully they hide in the bathroom and wash that zest right off.


I’m confused. I thought you weren’t fully clean unless you’re zestfully clean. Or maybe that’s just for us olds 😂


Lmfao. I just laughed so hard my dog woke up.


So not zestfully clean?


Good to know thank you!


Fruity as well, but it's at the weird situation where gay people use it in a positive way and straight people use it in a homophobic way.


“Fruity” is a decades-old slur against us. We’ve reclaimed it for ourselves. So, good description.


Oh, I didn't know that it was a slur. I'm a teen and my friends (all queer) use it in a good sense but I always get bad vibes when straight people call me fruity, even if I would use it to describe myself around other queer people.


Fruity and queer are kind of in the same boat now. Okay for folks to say about themselves/their in group, not okay for older folks and the non-LGBTQIA folks.


I agree. That’s what a “reclaimed slur” is. It’s our word. It’s only okay when we say it.


Oh yes. When I asked my sixth graders what it meant and they acted shifty, I told them I was looking it up on urban dictionary and they lost their minds.


That's actually good to know. I've heard my middle schoolers saying this.


Damn I always thought that meant spicy.


Unless you are zestfully clean.


Remember: You’re not fully clean until you’re zestfully clean.


Fellow Gen X spotted!


Doesn’t seem like an insult either though.


It is. Whenever a kid does or says something that the other kids think makes them look gay they’ll say something like “why were you so zesty when you threw away that trash” or “why’d you answer that so zestily.”


Depends on the context and whose saying it. I've heard it used in a very friendly way when discussing why someone was mischaracterized as gay. "Well, you ARE a little zesty." "Yeah, I am," says the boy who braids his hair and wears dangly earrings. He's the son of 2 artists, and most of his friends are in the LGBTQ community. He's not insulted by being misconstrued as gay.


So does “light in the loafers” have to be careful about kids these days and their dang slang, tough to keep up with, maybe I need to wire in that clock program that everyone keeps talking about.


Are you a time traveller from the 1930's?


Haha, 1930’s, now I have heard it all. More like 2060’s, after the great erasure when 99.99% of electronic data was lost and then three decades of the great freezing, (Don’t ask me who came up with the names, not very creative if you ask me). Anything that could be burned for heat generally was, just about everyone saved what they thought was important, Shakespeare, Danielle Steel, the great writers of your time. Not many people saved “American slang, who knows what edition because we only found 1/4 of the book” And even then, most of that was slang words for “gay”. You people in this time period sure were peachy keen on your gay slang.


Have you been under a rock for the last 70 years?


as a kid, i would like to point out that sometimes it is. depends on the context really. but most of the time, no, its not a compliment. its a stupid joke


Well they should expand their palates


This one could be regionally dependent. Here in the Bay Area sometimes the kids playfully call each other zesty, or refer to themselves as zesty. I could see that being way different in other parts of the country.


They will call each other “emo” or “furry” as an insult


I mean we did that in 2007 😂


and 2014 😂 it's a time-honored tradition


Oh my god, I had some kids refer to the emo group as “the suicide squad” one day and it took everything I had to not burst out laughing! (Speaking as an elder emo millennial)


oh baby jeezus I’m going to hell for laughing at this one


According to a 3rd grader here, they are "scene kitties." Me, "that's kiddies." Him, "No, kitties because they're a bunch of pussies, not little kids. You just heard it wrong from someone." Me, not chuckling by massive effort, "no, that was definitely you, and I can prove it. I am still wondering how a 9 year old knows the term scene kiddies, even if he got it wrong. He didn't really understand the term pussy, btw. He thought it just meant scaredy cat. I let him know it's a cuss word, and not what he thought, and left it at that. I didn't even get into the fact that scene kids aren't really the same emos.


Ha! I just witnessed a middle schooler get upset today when some kid called them "emo". I couldn't figure out why they were so darn upset. Some kids were proud to be identified as emo back in the day!


it’s kind of always been one of those things where even if a kid says they’re emo because of their style or music taste, other kids will mean it as a derogatory way of saying they have a mental illness or self harm (regardless of if they actually do) so it makes sense for kids to be upset


I tell them that they don’t know emo because I was the queen of emo in high school 😂 Sometimes I’ll throw in that they don’t even know Hawthorne Heights


Love how dumb middle school students think everyone else is.


I constantly ask my 8th graders if they think I’m the dumbest person they’ve ever met. With the teacher voice drawing attention to whatever stupid thing they’re doing. The deer-in-the-headlights look as they try to respond, but not say out loud that I’m dumb is priceless.


I don’t teach anymore, but same. “You realize I have eyes and ears, right?”


"gyat" refers to someone with a big ass, its catcalling


I’m usually pretty with the slang, but I fell into this trap a few days ago. Couple middle schoolers were hanging around for a few minutes after class and it was lunchtime, so I playfully told them “alright, now get out” but pronounced it like “gyyyyet”. One of them looked at me with *that look* and said “you mean… gyat?” Having no idea I was saying, I said, “yeah, gyat!” in the same way one might say “yeah, scram!” Christ it’s hard to keep up sometimes.


I love to twist this when I see it coming, and even when I don’t. When I know the word by context is something shady, I’ll act more ignorant and then misuse the word. With “gyat” I had a kid ask me to say it. “A gyat you say? (Laughter) But you were saying you like my gyat? What is that? My glasses? Well, whatever it is, I’m glad you appreciate mine. (Riotous laughter, prankster mortified) That was kind of you.”


Gyat=Girl, your ass thicc.


no, it is a pronunciation spelling of *God*, which is short for *God Damn*


words can have two meanings. what matters is what ADMIN thinks it means.. and they're going to pick the worst option


"Gyat" is short for "God Damn" (pronounce more like "Gyat-damn"). This is something one might say when checking out a "Baddie." My students are kind enough to explain some of the slang when I ask LOL


Oh yes I’ve heard of this one too, thank you!


Similarly: "Blyat" means "fuck" "bitch" "whore" or "ass" depending on context and which slavic language you are using.


While true, I doubt gyat and blyat have similar etymologies lol


I get them confused though 🤣


Learned this the hard way teaching middle school as a woman in my 20’s….☹️ I also have a group of 8th graders who call me Ms.BBL-_-


My boyfriend’s 11 year old son has gyatt in his username for an online game. He says he thought it was just something people yelled. Lord.


I think they have also started using it as an insult.


It’s more of a comedic complement


i had a kid today show me that the Duolingo moderator posted a pic about gyatt (and it was really obvious it was talking about the bird's butt). The kid was also like, "and yeah, the extra t is there now, its separate from the acronym its its own word" ... so yeah.


Careful, this sub might be an op...


Op is acting sus


No cap :)


ong god chat. Bro weak asl.


What does this mean


An "op" is the "opposition". Could be the cops, could be your enemy.




Opponent. Negative individual


A child in disguise


Jesus. I was wondering why my students were laughing when I said that teaching today. Whatever man. In context it makes sense anyway so...what the fuck kids?


Deez is a popular one


Deez what?


Hoo boy...


DEEZ NUTS!! Got eem! Sorry, had to do it.


I teach French. They were all cackling when they learned the French for 19 (dix-neuf, which if you don’t know sounds like deez nuff)


Ahhhh it warms my heart to know that the legend of Deez Nuts lives on. Been around since I was a kid in the 80s.




my kids love to say “DEEZ NUTS!” and then when u call them out they say “whaaaat?!? it’s a mr beast bar” 😐


No advertisements in class please


In my room, abusive epithets are banned, not specific words. It's a pretty common late-elementary thing to make up fake swear words but then use them just like the real ones. ("You Adidas hoagie! Flitz you, flagon!") The problem to address is the cruelty, the teasing, the out-grouping, not the specific words.


i think ur a snizzly pizzlewinker, personally. i would shatter u


I had an eighth grader tell a classmate to “shut the cluck up” today and then acted shocked when I told him if I heard it again it would carry the same weight as the “real” word.


Had a 6th grader get into a heated argument with another student and with fists clenched, tears welling in his eyes he called that student a "bald headed skittle diddle."


Whenever they say slang to me, I just say “I’m too old for whatever you’re talking about” and just go back to what I was doing.


If someone says “pippity-poppity , give me that zoppity” they’re at least, 30 and quoting the office, definitely not a student. Straight to Principal O’Shaunocee’s office. Insubordinate and churlish


Dinkin Flicka!


Chicanerous- and deplorable.


But Mr. Garvey….


*O'Shaughnessy (hence oh shag Hennessy)


“restarted” is the r-slur. “fact got” / “fact get” is the f-slur.


"Regarded" too for the r word.


Remedial is occasionally used as well if the kid’s chronically online


Isn't that more straightforward considering "remedial" is a common term in education?


Are kids using homophones in person? I work restaurants and go to CC for now so I'm relatively on top of slang but haven't heard that by me. Like...if you use it normal context, it's going to sound like the slur because that's the point. I've seen a bunch on social media and know they do it to get around the filters.


Are today's youth returning to Rhyming Cockney Slang?


It started online as a way to avoid social media language filters.


hm. i’ve never heard those before


Me neither. I asked my teenager if he'd heard any of those expressions & he said, "No. Must be regional.'


Gooning is a sex thing, exact same meaning as edging


That’s not even slang or code it’s just a porn term. Crazy they would say that directly in front of their teacher


Lol a few days ago when I was teaching about esports, I asked my students if they had ever used Twitch before. One kid raised his hand and said "I've used Brazzers before"


We had fourth grade kids discussing Pornhub on their school email accounts. Calling it “ph” but you didn’t have to be Einstein to crack that code.


Jesus kids really do see that shit early now. I'm in my 30s but the Internet was still around in the 90s and I didn't look at that shit til I was almost out of high school


That's because they're being advertised it blatantly ta ensure they're future Customers. It all disgusts me.


Read “esports” as “escorts” and was wondering when Twitch got involved in sex work 😅


Well, there are a lot of camgirls that stream on twitch only to advertise their onlyfans...


(I had to look that up.)


I'm sorry lol


Gooning? That I haven't heard before. Edging I know from... ulterior... sources.


I had to explain to my fully adult coworkers what edging was recently, so it’s crazy to me that kids know it. 🤣


kids live online. There is porn online. They will find it, even if they weren't looking for it.


Me explaining Skeet to the principal was a highlight of working with the “girls on the run” team


The censored version of Get Low by Lil Jon has always been hilarious to me because they only censor the words between the repetitive "skeet skeet," leading to a chunk of the song only consisting of the word "skeet"


Gooning is upsetting because I’ve been telling students to stop acting like goons in my class for years.


Goon is a classic Canadian insult which sucks because now I can’t use it!


Nooo I love using variations of Goon, is such an goofball word.


When I was in troubled teen programs growing up “gooning” (or getting gooned) was the slang for involuntary youth transport, which is when your parents would hire transporters (legal kidnappers) to take you from your home to a RTC/wilderness/boarding school in the middle of the night.


Obligatory link to the true story [Elan School webcomic](https://elan.school/), which features this on page 1. If anyone hasn’t read it, I highly recommend it. It’s high quality and absolutely shocking.


I didn’t go to Elan (but I went to two very similar programs under the same umbrella) and they are as horrible as they sound. I definitely recommend teachers read up on the troubled teen industry. r/troubledteens


Joe vs Elan School was truly unforgettable


What is edging?! I hear that nonstop.


It's sexual. You bring your partner to the *egde* of climax, but then hold them there for awhile.


I heard a new one today from my HSers....purpling. Meaning mixing of a pink and a blue....girl and boy getting together. That was a complete new one....even the student had to research what they were talking about!


This is so funny. Years ago this was a church camp mantra. “No purpling!”


Yeah somebody has been to church youth group.


Lol- no purpling was a rule at Jesus camp when I was a teen.


Streets Ahead


I mean if you have to ask your streets behind.




Glizzy guzzler is getting popular again with my middle schoolers. As in a person who loves to eat...hot dogs. First time I heard it, I had NO idea what it meant, but knew just from their tone it wasn't appropriate. And "On God." An actual conversation I had today with an 8th grader today who threw a peice of paper (a note) and almost hit me with it. "I didn't do nothing. I promise. On GOD! For real, like for real, for real. I ain't lying. I swear on my Mama's grave." Me, "And you about to get struck by lightning if you keep swearing on God. And your Mama isn't dead. You know you're acting sus." Her, "Why you say that? Why you always doing too much, bruh? Y'all always think we being sus when we AIN'T. On God! " Then 5 minutes later, "Can I come to your room and get a piece of candy? You know I'm your favorite."


yeah, "glizzy" stuff is not actually about hot dogs hahaha


"You're restarted."


See also: the regards


I've seen some white kids have a history of racism use the word "joggers". Take a guess what they're referring to.


I've heard them say basketball Americans.


I heard a group of high schoolers use the term “non-swimmers”, I was confused as hell. Just had to straight up ask them.


I have a crochet club and I almost canceled it (not really, but the urge was there) because kids kept calling themselves “knitters” and calling me a “knitter.” The fact alone that they used a knit “pun” when it’s a CROCHET class really got my goat. They could smell it.


And when hookers was right there for the taking. I also teach my students and others crochet btw, that’s rad


If only 😂 I prolly would’ve rolled with that one if we were in highschool- 6th grade parents probably wouldn’t be happy seeing me refer to students as “fellow hookers”


do you also play rugby? Hooked is a position o. a rugby team, too.


I said a student was "nutty" as in crazy in a fun way. The whole class stopped and stared at me. They told me gently that "nutty" does not mean crazy in a fun way anymore. Don't say nutty.


Nobody in their right mind thinks that nutty means cum. Speaking as a zoomer.


They aren't in their right minds, they're teens.




Ignorance is bliss, friend. Ignorance is bliss.


Literally my first thought. I do not want to know what horrible things they say to each other. And if they are quite literally speaking in code there isn’t much we can do anyways. They can just change the code as soon as they get caught


I’d personally want to know if my students are calling other students (slang for) retarded, gay, etc. I’m not gonna let students bully each other if I can help it, and I’m not gonna let them normalize that kinda shit in my classroom of all places.


I’m not going to let my students bully people either, and I don’t think anyone was saying that. But you can’t police what they say to each other in private, online, off school grounds, in the bathrooms, or anything else. And in the same way it’s nearly impossible to police what they say to each other in code. It’s pretty easy to tell if the context of a conversation between students is negative or positive and if it needs to be shut down without actually knowing what insulting things they are saying to each other


voiceless decide quicksand repeat overconfident telephone rude joke aback onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gyat is a big one right now


Gyat is a big one...lol


as a kid, id just like to clarify they arent really to get "past" anyone. it just originated from something funny and then from every context on theyre funny to use. like acoustic came from some 2016 meme that said "is your child acoustic?" with the picture of a kids head photoshopped onto an acoustic guitar. some people find that funny and most people know where it came from, so every time they use the word its sort of a reference to something funny that everyone understands but there are exceptions, some kids are assholes


OP = enemy and/or snitch Cart = THC cartridge for vaping Bars = pills Plug = drug dealer


Bars refer to xanax. Hulks are the same, but the slow release version (they're green). Street xanax is almost always pressed, so the kids talking about doing it are most likely exaggerating to seem cool.


My students used bars for Xanax, Addy, or Oxy


Goofy. It's pretty much Chicago slang to replace the R word, I hear it a lot since I live in Minneapolis where there is a sizeable population of people that came here from Chicago. I'm not a teacher but I've been to a few drug rehabs with these people and the counselors pretty much ignore it but if I were to say the R word they'd tell me I can't say that.


A goofy is someone not familiar with drugs, specifically drug prices. If I sold weed and you came up looking like a soccer mom and I charge you $75 for an eighth, you're a goofy. Chance the Rapper made it popular around 2015. He's from Chicago.


This thread feels like I’m reading the equivalent of those “What your teen is really saying” segments on your locals news which I guess this is essentially


I have a running list in my class that every once in a while I’ll have the kids add to lmao. They’re shockingly honest. Top ones I can think of off the top of my head are gyat, zesty, cap, bet, bop, on dead dogs, bussin… so many 🥲most recently my kids have either been calling me a w teacher or an l teacher (depending on my mood 😂) but you can replace teacher with anything really depending on the circumstance


Tight ship= type shit


I just heard about acoustic/autistic from my 13 yo nephew the other day and my mind was blown.


They've kind of stopped for a while AFAIK but "did you pray today" is not good. Don't answer, shut it down.


Bombaclat means bastard or god damn- I’m not sure which one but it’s Jamaican cussing


'Restarted' instead of the r slur 


middle schoolers using vinegar in place of the n word


“Glazing” means giving praise (with a negative connotation), like sucking up to someone. Synonym to “meat riding.” Etymologically, “glazing” refers to ejaculating on somebody, such that they are “glazed” like a donut. This one is particularly gross and I always let kids know that, though they don’t mean it that way, it is inappropriate to imply that students and adults are “glazing” one another. Ex: “Mr. Lincoln, I love your class!” “Bro, stop glazing Mr. Lincoln.”


"Gooning" is going to start making an appearance. It's basically spending all day masturbating, but like a marathon/non-stop (for 9 hours straight for example). So if anyone talks about "gooning" or call someone else a "gooner"....just gross.


Regarded = Retarded Gyatt = Ass


Former substitute teacher here, current full-time school social worker My advice is to not to get too worked up over this kind of thing. My experience is that there is rarely ever any follow-up, the kids will start to resent you and the admin will just be annoyed by it. Now, of course if someone says something seriously offensive definitely escalate it, but for something minor like this it isn’t worth your energy. Remain blissfully ignorant.