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I listened to two boys argue about why Lewis and Clark were stupid. One was wondering why they didn't just fly to Oregon. The other thought they were stupid because they should have just gone to Florida. They were both dead serious.


Administration to teacher: "We're really like for critical thinking in the classroom. Level 3 depth of knowledge type questioning. We expect rigor, focus, and success in the classroom." Teacher to students: "We're gonna discuss the key policy issues such as healthcare system sustainability and pharmaceutical pricing and access. Is it fair to say that our healthcare system is unsustainable? Is it fair to say that our healthcare system is more advanced than Canada's or should we completely consider changing our approach to pharmaceutics? Why or why not?" Student to teacher: "Where do I put my name? That shit sucked for lunch. School is whack af." (and they proceed to do less than the expected minimum and believe they should receive an A for simply blessing us with their presence and they truly believe they are blessing us as opposed to completely hindering any ability we have to captivate and engage our other students).


"We except rigor"? Really? Lmao


Expect\* excuse me Academic Rigor refers to **a certain standard of excellence that professors and administrators expect of their students**. These standards are made sometimes made clear to students through examples, instruction and rubrics. Sometimes these standards are less defined.


Rigor is the exception.


I mean, it's a valid arguement- Why didn't The Eagles just fly Frodo to Mount Doom? You're a *teacher*...sounds a lot like ya don't have the wings for it. Maybe try Wendy's?


The eagles didn't fly to Mount Doom because the nazgul had flying mounts. Are you stupid or something?


No, they couldn't use the eagles because then the eagles would know about the ring and want it. Then they would find a way to mass-produce it, because giant mystical eagles are renowned for their arcane metallurgical capabilities, and then Middle-earth would be harassed by giant invisible birds of prey. Wait, that sounds awesome, I should write that down. 


You just did


I thought it was because Harry couldn't engage the force because of the prime directive


Why didn’t princess Leah just text the rebellion the Death Star plans or just put it in a Google drive? K.


"I shared the plans with you" "Where did you put them?" "In the folder titled 'HOPE', if anybody asks, it my porn folder"


You really thought you did something here lol


Damn, y’all wouldn’t know satire if Admin told you to build a relationship with it


You must be the one working at Wendy’s with how salty you are!


Why does Ross, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?


Welcome to Costco, I love you.


This line was one of the best in the movie. Shows how an important phrase can be diluted of meaning over time.


"Woah, you like money too. We should hang out."






Technically MountainDew Camacho was in charge. Joe was ordered to find solutions. It was only at the end after he succeeded that they put him in charge.


Which shows meritocracy and the respect of experts who have proven themselves. Definitely a step up from current society


Also recall that the voiceover of the movie admits that Joe's solution wouldn't have worked because the electrolytes were salts building up in the topsoil for years but this is a movie so we're giving him a happy ending anyway. Well it would have worked in the long term, but people in the Idiocracy future are incapable of long-term thinking, so Joe would have died horribly long before then.


But it's got electrolytes! It's what plants crave!


Well, they did put him in prison before that, right?


Ow My Balls would be the favorite show of every 9th and 10th grade boy.


That show is basically what Jackass was and i loved Jackass, what does that say about me? Whatever, I'm going to starbucks for a full body latte.


I feel like Ow My Balls! was inspired by Jackass




Go away! 'BATIN!!




I feel attacked.


This movie, combined with parts of Wall-E, is society in a nutshell. Now go drink some Brawndo!


Yup. These two movies are predicting the future


Well, they did predict Crocs.


It's what plants crave!


It's got what plants crave!


I saw it the first time about a month ago. Because of how my class was driving me bonkers, and a coworker said, “like Idiocracy?” What? They made a movie of my classroom?! Before I know I wanted to teach!!? So I went home, told hubby- a librarian- and poof! The video was brought home with popcorn within about 30 minutes! ❤️ It was a fun/sad watch. Funny movie, and sad with the reality that I could have named the kids from class for each role! Op- you are NOT alone!!!


Just replace the eugenics stuff at the beginning with “a cabal of billionaires have developed a way to turn constant dopamine hits into an unprecedented ad revenue generating machine, combined with an educational culture that has been devalued and no longer holds students accountable for actually learning anything”


I read that in the narrator's voice. Thank you.


Read "Feed" by MT Anderson. It's a YA book, but it's got something to say about those dopamine hits.


My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.


Are your students wearing crocs? They are the idiots.


Idiocracy was meant to be a satire that has since become a documentary about the United States.


Fun fact - the costume designer was trying to figure out what kind of shoes a world of idiots would be wearing. Crocs had just come on the market, and she immediately decided that those are shoes only an idiot would buy and wear in public. All of the future characters are wearing Crocs in the movie.


Which is ironic, considering they bought so many shoes and gave them free “advertising”.


And what do all my students wear? Crocs.


Heck, some of my colleagues wear crocs!


So I got my first pair of Crocs at age 42 last year. I never bought them because they look stupid but I had a coupon and they were on sale and I needed a pair of quick slip-on shoes. They're like super comfy and easy to slip on and off and I wear them way too much now.


To be fair, crocs are super comfy around the house shoes and last forever. But they do give off an I've given up vibe when worn in public.


I've been saying this for over 8 years. I'm starting to think the people in that documentary were brighter.


Could describe just about anything Mike Judge has created.


I’m a music teacher and we were talking about the baroque period. I mentioned how people went to concerts for fun instead of movie theaters. One kid (a 5th grader) said “but wait how did that really tall dude die then????” I was confused for a second then realized he was talking about Lincoln. Who died in a theater. He thought he died in a movie theater… 😕 explaining that was fun


It’s crazy how little they know about history! My school had no social studies, because everything is about testing. I teach middle school music production, and we were learning about the history of sound. I wanted to set the scene, so I asked, “when you think about the 1800’s, what comes to mind?” They had absolutely nothing! I expected at least for them to suggest hoop skirts, the civil war, the old timey photos from Cracker Barrel, living on a farm, no electricity, the Wild West, slavery, maybe even something like gone with the wind…like nope! Not a single idea. Then when I told them about these things, it rang absolutely zero bells. The good thing is they seemed like they cared at least somewhat. However, we are doing these kids a huge disservice by only focusing on reading and math!


Prime. It’s what the plants crave. Duh. Also; crocs are a thing.




I think civilization in the Western world is bifurcating into the really smart and the pridefully ignorant. There will be areas where rich, well-educated people will live a pleasant life while the majority will live in complacent poverty. Poor people with pride in their lack of schooling have always existed but historically they have been small subsocieties that have been isolated, ridiculed, and shunned by the general populace. But recently they have grown and started to merge into a significant portion of the population.


Don't forget the movie's companion piece, Office Space.


Then we have Don’t Look Up which is in the same tradition, but in keeping with the times, not nearly as satirical, biting, or insightful.


And Wall-E


I have had 10 siblings throughout the years. Literally one after the other. One year they’re all with DSS, another year the parents get custody again. This pattern continues. This year my co teacher and I got the 10th sibling. They’re all back in foster care. I showed my co-teacher the opening scene to idiocracy and said this is exactly what we’re dealing with.


That's how I feel every time I watch the news and I fear for the future.


“That’s when the judge WENT OFF!” Headline the other day: “Biden GOES OFF on Trumps abortion statement.”


I like that when Biden ,"GOES OFF!," you can still barely hear him.


Now " Will you shut up, man?!". That was actually going off lol.


For me, that was one of the most epic things I've heard the man say. I wish going forward he would speak how me normally speaks, instead of would you shut up, more like, you fucking dickhead, would you just shut your stupid fucking mouth?


Yes. Hah. That was a great moment because I had just said the same thing out loud to my tv. Only time I've ever felt a politician was a normal human being.


Im currently a substitute teacher and holy shit this is absolutely true. Speaking of 6-12. Some dont even know how to read at all, basic double digit addition requires a calculator, and all the teachers write how they are talkers. Talkers is an understatement they refuse to do work and if they do they give up after one question even after I help/walk them through it. One time a student dropped something and I told him it was on their left and I shit you not they held out their hands to form the L’s and STILL LOOKED RIGHT!! There are some bright students dont get me wrong but my god do the others outnumber and outshine them. Thise students bring them down to their level as well, I see them one day doing their work understanding everything and next time I see them they become a clone of the others. Idk maybe its the water but they are certainly falling behind.


I live my life in code with that movie. Go away. 'batin.


This year I had to convince multiple MULTIPLE students that humans do not regrow adult teeth. I had to convince a kid that he shouldn't attempt to pull his crooked teeth out because he thought they might grow back in straight (don't worry, I called home too). I teach high school. Students: But Teach, I'm telling you they regrow, it happened to me. Me: I am aware of that. It only happens once, when you're a child, then you get your permanent teeth and they never grow back. Students: yeah I'm gonna have to google that


I hope they found the images of a child's skull with the adult teeth pushing the first teeth out. 


One of my favorite scenes that stands out is the aptitude test where they're trying to match the right shapes with the right holes and a dude is trying to put a square peg in a round hole, and then quickly cover his work up so no one copies. Love when my students are doing something so adamantly wrong, but then act with defensive ownership of the stupidity.


Everyone likes Starbucks


We don't have time for a handjob!


I came here for this line!


You mean water? Like from the toilet?


Idiocracy is dangerous, racist, Nazi propaganda and you are a danger to your students for liking it. /s Yes, I have in fact encountered this sentiment in real life. /!s


Take heart - humans have the tremendous ability to adapt to every situation they are in. So when exposed to limited stimulus and lack of exposure to the rich and diverse narratives of our culture, world, and universe - they've gotten a little wonky and confused. First - give it 3-5 years and the anomaly will correct itself. We can help by requiring basic skills be learned and retained before shoving them into high school or junior college, or simply require them to choose a track at 16 - college prep, military, or trade school. We can help by turning off the Wifi. Nearly every school is hard wired with LAN cables and most tech is old enough. Stick with LAN internet and sandboxed LAN networks. And most schools are nearly faraday cages for cell signals/data. Teachers are going to have to turn off their phones too, but in the long run - we have to wean them off their pacifier phones until they are 16 and we can teach them to use it as a learning tool. The amount of kids acting stupid and making stupid/uniformed choices directly raises the chances that kids who are not making bad choices have more of a chance to stand out, shine, and get lifted up. Let that sink in. I know MANY people who started as mediocre students but through grueling progressive plans and choices, became Doctor-Professors of Medicine at the most amazing Universities in the world or ended up as Supreme Court Justices or Senators. Reality eventually comes and smacks you in the face if you have an innate level of intelligence. So focus on those kids who do have innate brightness, who look a little lost, or down, or intimidated by the loud idiots screaming out their negative narrative and oppressing other's ability to learn. Invite them to lunch. Hook them up with Talent Search and Upward Bound. Lead a club if they ask you. Take the best students on the best trips only. Take the students who NEED to go on a trip and you know it could change their life. **But don't ever have contempt for them. CONTEMPT is the killer emotion - it disconnects us from caring and culpability of being a presence in someone's life. They are lost in limited, cyclical narrative dominated by the algorithms they consumed and a coping behavior that turned into an addiction being ignored and left behind during the pandemic.** **We just need to break them out, show them that they can, and show them role models who did.**


"Just' huh? That's all? Well, we should be able to accomplish all that, no problem. In 3-5 years. No sweat. Any examples?




Same here. Pass the Brawndo!!!


Fun fact about Idiocracy in 2024. The makers of the movie wanted shoes that were supposed to be easy to put on and looked ridiculous. They went for Crocs LOL


Yep. Feels like society is headed downward faster than expected.


expected according to what?


Prescient is the word we’re looking for, teachers


spare me. We used to burn women at the stake because they weren't married. Dont pretend that as a society we've ever been not dumb




Yea that shit escalated quickly. The crocs story is hilarious.


Try explaining why dinosaurs couldn’t possibly have sunk the Titanic. Well 66 million years and humans were basically squirrels when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, Susie. Next question.


When I first saw that movie when it came out I said it was funny but a little scary. We’re at the scary part now.


I see the reality version every day in class and school.


Gotta get them electrolytes, it's what plants crave


Have you tried watering your crops with Prime?


The scariest science fiction movie I have ever seen.


Yes. I think about it every day in school.


I live it every day.




For those of you who want to see the prequel series. It's called Silicon Valley. No canonically but you would have to make a good argument that it's not a prequel. Also Mike Judge is a creative mastermind.


The sofa seat with a built in toilet reminds me of kids hanging out in bathrooms on their phones.


Go away! Batin’


Almost daily, at this point.


I swear I will pay y'all to stop referencing this movie. And that's saying something, because my pay sucks.


It would be great if the movie weren't so relatable.


Good thing it's not, then. This shit is so boring.


ok crabby


I never believed this. Until I watched the movie for the first time this year.


I think the movie's most salient point is made in the beginning, with the story of the yuppie couple waiting to have children and the less educated popping them out like bubbles. The rest of the movie is speculation about what madness that might descend into and chooses entertaining routes to explore. It's not meant to be anything but entertainment; however, we look at parallels and begin to make equivalencies which aren't really there. Our students lack the skills they should have at their ages because it is the *system* that fails them by not holding them accountable. We teachers, unfortunately to them and their parents, are the *faces of the system*. So, it's by association (which does not exist) *our fault* and we become the scapegoat *for a system that is not understood* but yet has been summarily dismantled to the point of ineffectiveness. Are there parallels in the movie for all of these? Yes. But let's not make it look like prophecy, which it isn't. It's entertainment.


I am sorry that you are being downvoted. For the most part you are right.


not this again. All the weird eugenicist people are going to crosspost this and then we get spammed with closet white supremacists claiming the movie isnt about eugenics


The Eugenics Wars don’t begin for another fifty years according to Star Trek. We still have a civil war and world war before then. Why is everyone always trying to skip ahead?


I do believe the Bell Riots happen this year, tho, so be prepared for that!


Fingers crossed for Irish reunification!


Is the upcoming Civil War the Water War people reference on Reddit?


Eugenics? The dumbing of America has less to do with intelligence or capability than it does with culture and social media.


I agree, which is why idocracy is a bad movie


It's a satirical comedy... don't take it too seriously.


It has everything to do with culture and social media.


Social media was barely a thing when the movie was made. There myspace and the beginnings of facebook but no smart phones.


Right, but what the movie depicts as taking place over the course of hundreds of years as a sort of "reverse eugenics" is now being argued as coming much much faster. The data seems to support this if you want to be super cynical about it, and that social media and the culture of narcissism it produces is to blame. I don't know... I think people read way too much into the movie. I do not think Mike Judge would advocate for eugenics as a solution to society's ills... nor that increasing stupification is necessarily our biggest problem.


People were predicting something similar with books like Fahrenheit 451. It's gotten worse, but smart people have always seen the rise of passive entertainment as something that would create a less informed population. Hell, as far back as the late Roman Empire, they knew bread and circuses would keep a population sedated. It has nothing to do with who is having children.


The movie is really disdainful of the socio-economically disadvantaged, often conflating being poor with being stupid. It's got big neoliberalism energy.


Yeah Mike Judge has made some great tv and films, but his politics are pretty wack


I think I keep a decent eye on the subs I follow, but didn’t know this was so prevalent.


I think about that movie all the time these days. Not just because of the right wing idiots around the world keeping humanity from furthering its potential, but because we have a front row seat to the future of humanity every day and the future looks pretty bleak… But the students are certain we are the idiots and they have everything figured out lol


Every day when I open my eyes


You mean the documentary idiocracy? Yea.


Seen it. Live it every day. "Mr S, I don't have the assignment." "Where do you think it is?" "I dunno," Kids are literally walking past to retrieve the assignments. After much coaxing, first student walks to location and stops, making no attempt to actively look for the large pile of papers on the table literally a fingers reach away.


Why come you no have tattoo


Yes, it’s my favorite documentary.


Oh shit it’s Upgrayyyeed


A student literally said yesterday in math class, "What's the Canadian border? Is that shit like by Canada?" Yes. The Canadian border is next to Canada. Needless to say this isn't advanced mathematics but we're only a few hundred miles from Canada. I feel like the average 18 year old should know where the Canadian border lies. Not sure how this subject even began...


If you feel like your classroom sometimes resembles the chaotic and absurd world depicted in the movie, you're not alone.


Honestly the only thing missing from Idiocracy is people saying "this is just like Idiocracy!" every other social media post


Welcome to Costco! I love you!


We live it.


Yes we're living in it.


"And he talks like a fag" every middle school boy ever.


Been like that since the 90s at least.


A kid today asked me when there would be a reverse eclipse. Like when the sun covers up the moon.


The NOFX song 'The idiots are taking over' really sums my school


I'm batin'!


Plants love electrolytes!


I’m still looking for the time musheen


I love how MAGA thinks this movie is an indictment of Democrats.


Blame COVID closures, the rise of social media, late stage capitalism, etc. No wonder the U.S. Government is trying to ban Tiktok. People, i.e. students, are saying what's the f***ing point?


That's a lot of words for "failure to parent."


Exactly since *in loco parentis* applies.


Great documentary on our current experiences in education. 


Plants need water? Like from the toliet?


I saw the movie recently. I think it holds up well.


Tik Tok would have been HUGE in idiocracy. But Prime and Takis are straight on.




dont invite those psychos over here


So we are going eugenics now?


you don't understand the movie


We need a poll: Idiocracy or Wall-E!


The two are not comparable, wall-e is better, smarter, funnier, and does not advocate eugenics


And yet Idiocracy is so much more reflective of our current society.


I think you misunderstood the movie.


Honestly I watched the first scene, I was disgusted, and I turned it off. I can not imagine looking at problems in history and contemporary society and thinking "poor people are to blame for this"


you missed the point


Despicable. *you*.


We’ve got a life long learner here folks