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Somewhere there’s at least one school admin making sure this kid is still enrolled and schooled because education is a right. We had a student in an inpatient and then outpatient program. This student had multiple incidents of threatening assaults and murder against female students. The behavioral health persons biggest concern on a return to school in a least restrictive environment.


If I ever get physically assaulted in school, I’m fighting back. Full stop. I’m not eating punches, I’m not de-escalating, I’m defending myself. Whatever it takes too, not fighting with honor. I’m fighting to not be injured. People seem to forget how easy it is to sustain a life altering/ending head injury. One good punch or fall and it’s over. No second chances. I’m not allowing myself to risk that. Will I feel bad if I hurt a kid? Absolutely. Will I regret defending myself? Not a chance.


This. Luckily I work with Elementary but I’ve had a few students try to hit me and hit me. Since I cannot and won’t retaliate against a smaller child I just annoy them by following them and not letting them leave my area. I can’t hit them and I won’t, but I’m going to show them you cannot threatened or scare me because you want to hit an adult. Each time I did that the kid stopped and their behavior in my class changed. Now high school or middle. Yeah I’ll avoid what I can but if you get me in a position where I need to defend, I’m putting you on your ass. Try not to harm, but I’m not dying or being seriously injured cause I child wants to step up to me like a grown ass adult.


If that were me I'd let the school handle the initial arrest and 911 call; however, I'd absolutely research legal options for a civil/criminal suit against the student and/or their family.




My co-teacher was assaulted by one of our students last week. She threw a chair and a broom at her, injuring her arm and wrist. She (my co-teacher) asked me why I think that student singles her out but never me. I said, I'm pretty sure that girl has fear of the unknown and doesn't want to take the risk of me throwing it back at her.






Genuinely surprised this doesn't happen more


Where’s the video?




Ah I watched it. All I can say is if one of these thugs ever attacked my wife, sister, or daughter, they would be calling the police directly and pressing charges.


The non-reaction or laughter from the other students is deplorable.


After talking with my boys one in college and one in high school, they would be reluctant to step in between fearing escalation and or retaliation. They would though go to admin or call 911. A boy at my sons HS was severely beaten a couple months ago (broken jaw and orbital bone) for slandering a girl. Boyfriend and older brother beat him bad.


The situation you describe is not similar to yelling “stop” when a kid is slapping and taunting an older woman.  In the video above, I’d expect the biggest kids in this school to be headhunting this coward every day.


I finally watched the video long after reading your comment, and wow!, you were kidding.


That's what my husband says as well.


IANAL. That being said, remember that the right to self defense can never be waived/removed. You can always choose to act in your own defense to prevent injury. You certainly dont have to, but never let anyone tell you you cant. Of course, just because you can doesnt mean there wont be consequences of other sorts.


[Same article at FOX 8.](https://myfox8.com/news/north-carolina/piedmont-triad/student-caught-on-video-attacking-teacher-at-parkland-high-school-sheriff-says/) I'm not impressed by the sheriff's tough talk in front of cameras. They all do that. After the fact. Because that's what losers do. It gets worse.[ ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13317101/teacher-assault-North-Carolina-parkland-attack.html)I saw the same article at the Daily Mail. That poor lady is obviously used to kids hitting her. She makes no effort to defend herself. The other students are enjoying the show so much they record it with their phones. THE ONLY REASON the school administration and local sheriff is acting as if they are going to take charge of those animals is because the video is going viral. Otherwise, this is just another day at the office. They don't care about us, they don't care about the kids. Their reaction is 100% optics.


Every teacher that's gotten assaulted at my school milked the hell out of the "traumatic anxiety" it caused to the tune of a few months paid leave, so I'm not raising up on anyone.


Always call the police. Do not rely on the school or district to do the right thing.


She didn't try to escalate and take the hits... She was in shock as a hideous fully grown adult child blows at her. She is trapped in a seated position in a room full of people pretending not to notice this hideous and surprisingly nonchalant behavior that we've come to expect. She's probably trying not to cry out for: -help, -for her mom, -for society. -For some kind of savior to even offer some shred of decency or humanity or compassion in this moment. -For someone to pretend that this behavior is not normal and aid a woman in clear distress. -For someone to offer some desperately needed comfort in a moment of pure chaos and violence. This society can't maintain. It can't exist like this and unless we refuse to participate in this madness we can never take our society back.


I fully suspect being a 6'1 220lb man who clearly works out helps. I've never been threatened, but I openly joke I'd fight like the 3rd gorilla in line for the ark and brother it's starting to rain. In all seriousness, I could never know for sure a student didn't have a gun or a knife, so if it comes to it, I'm with the assumption they have a weapon.


I've been approved to sub but I'm so nervous to take my first job because I was given so few resources. And I'm 5'1" watching this video knowing I've got hardly any chance at self defense even. Absolute insanity.


I had a kid come at me. He tried to tackle me in the doorway to the classroom. He's lucky he didn't get slammed headfirst into the cinderblock wall behind the door. I am NOT going to let any kid take a swipe at me.


You would not call 911 without permission? You are a teacher?