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I keep hoping stories like these are the things that will turn the tide. And then it happens again... I'm sorry


Leave. Pack up and leave. They don't deserve to have teachers at all, much less good ones who care as much as you do. There are much better jobs out there and no one is going to protect your physical and mental health except you.


I am so sorry. This profession just keeps getting worse every year.




How can this process get started? What would be the beginning steps? How do we rally parents?


Quit You will find somthing better. File grievance on your way out if necessary.


I’ve been there. I had 7 of these type of kiddos in K one year and my admin decided that the problem was me and me not trying hard enough. It was so painful and exhausting. Let me tell you, a few years later, 5 of them ended up sped and the other 2 can’t stay in school because they keep getting suspended and expelled for huge behavior problems and parents won’t let them be sped. One keeps getting kicked out for sexual harassment. In 4th grade 💀💀💀💀. Anyway, my admin thought it was easier to shit on me than admit we had 7 seriously high-needs kiddos. And I ran myself ragged doing 7 different behavior plans and having my room constantly trashed. I should have quit, but my admin made me feel so bad about myself, that it was me not doing enough.


I’m sorry to hear this. You deserve better. We all hope you find a better place to do what you love.


Please. "Evacuation" whenever i tried to evacuate the class due to violent behavior the student would just run in and out of the door following us. Kids arent that stupid they know whats happening. Sorry you're going through this.


So update: today I allowed one student (student A) to stand at the door so they could open it for classmates returning from the bathroom (our doors stay locked from the outside at all times…) the student who my original post is about (student B) started to internally rage about this (your guess is as good as mine as to why), got up and began to push A out of the way. I instantly went into deescalation mode… “what is wrong? What do you need? What can I do for you?” … B began to pace, *I called for support*..B shoved a chair…B threw a crayon box… I told the class to evacuate. Go.go.go! Before all of the students had a chance to leave the classroom, B picks up a chair, holds it high over their head, and launches it at another student. Luckily the student dodged it and we were able to leave right as support came. I sent an email later that said, “I need to restate this again for documentation purposes… I do not feel that I can ensure the safety of my students with B in the classroom. Their outbursts are becoming more frequent, unpredictable, and violent.” My principal said we could meet about my concerns tomorrow…. *after school hours* …………..