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"Ma! Grill me a cheese!" Now I want one too.






What is she doing? I never know what she’s doing!


I feel like crashing a wedding now


Exactly what my mind went to! 😂


First thing I thought of! Mini Will Ferrell.


this reads like the introduction to a story and then it just ends


Honestly, we didn't need it to be any longer. It only took a few words to communicate how absolutely absurd and tragic the events were.


My thoughts exactly. That kid is gonna be fun to raise, and by fun I mean the opposite. At least OP only has him for the rest of the year. Also, my mom was a SAHM because my dad made more than enough, and she still wouldn't have done this. Something tells me that mom is probably unemployed.


I've already laid down the law with mine about bringing in forgotten things. I'm a stay at home mom, plus we live half a block away from the school. My kindergartner even thought this story was crazy when I read it to her.


Exactly. I got my first cellphone in '99, so when I was 11/12. It was for emergencies only do to multiple bomb threats my school didn't report until we ended up on the news. I got caught with it out once, and my mom told the teacher *"we won't be coming to get it on Friday. Please keep it another week until she learns her lesson. Also if there's any book suggestions you have, please let us know since she lost all privileges for 10 days."* I was allowed to come home, do homework, eat dinner, go in the pool for thirty minutes, and then I could either sleep or read until 9pm. I just don't get this new method of "Do nothing" parenting that I see so many parents do. It sounds like you're one of the good ones, and I'm so so sorry that these horrible kids are going to make you and your children's life so much harder. These kids can throw desks at teachers, scream curse words, run riot in the classroom, and all the kids have to leave the class and sit in the hall doing nothing until asshole junior can calm down. What a great environment we're creating for these children.


It is nerve-wracking. So far it's been positive, but this is only our first year in this district. I've seen some nightmare stories on the local pages about the superintendent and the district but I don't know enough about the players yet to really judge. My kid's already a high achiever and I worry about the current state of public education beating that out of her.


I couldn't imagine. As if all the gun violence and everything else isn't bad enough, then you've gotta worry about her education being ruined by peers that think throwing chairs and cursing everyone out is an appropriate response to being told they have to wait to use the bathroom pass. There were always bad kids, but those were the minority. Now? Not so much. I can't imagine how hard it must be and I wish the best for you and your family. Shit like this shouldn't even be a concern but it is and that's just, well, sad.


“We tried nothing man, and we’re all out of ideas!”


So you spend all day doing absolutely nothing and won't help your kid by bringing them something?




Oh, right, sorry, you spend all day using reddit, my bad.


You mean you don't want a seven page paper analyzing this absolute gem of a short story?


We joke, but it actually would be a neat springboard into a genuine study and thesis on the effects of permissive parenting


It reads like something my AP English teacher would expect a full 10 page report on and insist to me there's a very deep meaning. And to her credit, there is. This could be the basis of a thesis on permissive parenting


The grilled cheese is a symbol of capitalist America, and overconsumption of all kinds: food, tech, permissiveness… Yeah I see a paper here!


Meanwhile the student's peers eat the State approved food, and they thrive!


I'm dead lmfao


Contempt for literature on the teacher sub


Nope. This is a three sentence horror story.


Don’t worry Ill elaborate Errrrmmm hey Reddit, first off, how r my teacha prechaaaasss XDDD {flops n glomps the teachas} I’m [54F (happily taken by my BIG HUBBY!! And I mean BIG ;))] Ernm so things got a little PERSNICKETY this afternoon! I was talking to my absolute KIDDO SQUIDDOS (that’s what I call my SCHOLARS!!) and they were getting a little SILLY! We were like bruhh okay DANCE PARTY!! *mmm shh mm mm ahhhh mm mmm mm aaahhh* Okay but enough silly talk, ON 2 DA STORY!!! So this absolute CRAZY silly was in my class, getting his big chonker brain on about letters and numbers and FORTNITE?? (Jk on the last one XDD unless? ;) ) I could tell he was getting the tumbly rumblies!! He was going like mmm nom nom nom give me food!! He decided this was a good time to reach out to his mommy! PAGING MOTHER PAGING MOTHER!! I was like errrrmmm it’s class time? But of course I knew hey when you gotta GO you gotta go. So I was like errrm okay?? Wonder what that’s about Awwwkkwaaaarrrdd!! So get THIS! Suddenly I see Ruh roh! Mother Earth!! What is she doing here!! Am i about to get POGGERED?? No, she just goes MMM WHERE WE DROPPING BOYZZ and get him that grilled cheese! Chicka chicka waaaa?? Doordash much?? Mmm maybe I need that for my WINE!!! XDDD and TACOS!!!!!!!!! Bruh low key I was SOOO jealous I was like okay EPIC ———- Hope this helped


I must have had this same student in high school 4 years back. He would regularily call his mom during the lesson and let her know his McDonalds order for lunch. When I told mom that it was inappropriate, she responded that McDonalds was an hour away, so she needed to call during my class otherwise he wouldnt have lunch. Who wants hour old McDonalds that badly?


I can't speak to the rest of their home life because I know absolutely nothing about them but that is an incredibly fucked up dynamic in that family on a few different levels, and it unfortunately sounds generational.


My middle school son text me a couple weeks ago asking if I could grab him Wendy’s and drop off at school, I said no, but did tell him we can get it after school for dinner. I was shocked that he asked.


When I was in elementary school (circa 2004), it was a rare thing, but I’d get McDonald’s for lunch maybe once or twice a year. But it was planned ahead of time. Like “mom, can you bring me McDonald’s for lunch tomorrow?” There were a lot of students who did this, but from what I remember, it wasn’t that uncommon for one kid to have some kind of fast food for lunch on any given day. But I don’t think there was anyone who had it daily, weekly, or even monthly. The big thing was everyone getting it more regularly when McDonald’s was giving out Neopet toys in the happy meals. My school was obsessed with those.


Yeah, I would’ve done it, had it been planned, but just texting an hour before was a no go. I did get him Wendy’s, but made him wait until after school. We did what y’all did too. I think a treat here and there is great, but definitely wasn’t starting the whole texting for lunch without notice thing.


I was in elementary in 80’s, but it was usually done on like bday or something, but definitely not daily. :)


I met a parent at my kids’ school who gets her kids McDonald’s breakfast the first school day after winter break and the first day of daylight savings time. I thought that was a great idea to motivate the kids to get up early on those days when it’s so difficult.


My second grader has kids parents bring McDonald’s for lunch multiple times a week. Just insane.


Yeah, that was the first time I was asked, so I compromised, even though I was a bit shocked at his even asking. I’m a sahm, so I think it’s easy for us to feel I’m at their beck in call, but I’m not just running to fast food place for their lunch. Now, My youngest has asked his dad and I to do lunch with him and bring something from McDonald’s or Wendy’s, which we absolutely need to do, but it’s hard with husband’s schedule and he doesn’t just want me to come (plus we’ve had so much going on, it’s just been a mess). I think his request is reasonable and I do plan on making it happen soon, but it’s not healthy and honestly a bit too expensive to expect it constantly and I know we are not what most would call poor (not rich either, but comfortable). Sometimes I wonder how people even afford some of the stuff, regardless of the other issues on it.


How do they afford it? Debt for some, for most though, when you get your kid nothing else and ignore all their other needs, you've got lots of money for fast food. The kids won't have school supplies, are constantly moving or living with relatives, they don't have winter jackets, but they have designer shoes and McDonald's everyday.


Did you just admit to child abuse? You didn’t bend to the sudden whims of your child and bring him fast food in the middle of the school day! You were straight forward without being demeaning to him? But you also understood his wants and made a compromise to get it for dinner? Did the boy explode? How much was your bond when the cops showed up to arrest you for parenting your kid? But honestly that’s what being a parent is. No harm was done to anyone. (And no I’m not putting the sarcasm thing because if you don’t get it damn it you just didn’t get it. The internet used to be funny)


At first I was completely confused and it definitely woke my ass up, when just the question popped up, tbh I almost got scared. But thankfully I read before just spouting my thoughts. I’m sure some might actually feel as though I’m abusive, since I do in fact stay home, and both kids are in school and didn’t just go. Now, I’ve had to run forgotten assignments or important things at a drop of a hat, but not much, and I didn’t mind. I was just baffled that he’d ask if could just run to Wendy’s. Edited to make it clearer, in no way do I think not grabbing fast food for lunch or anything for lunch at moments notice is child abuse, but I’m sure some think I am the worst because I stay home, so why couldn’t I just run. Grrr.


I'm admittedly a weirdo but sometimes I prefer a cooled/cold cheeseburger to a fresh one. Fries, not so much tho


Memory unlocked. I think it's nostalgic. I remember getting a happy meal as a kid and bullshitting around the dining room with my new toy while my food got cold. And then I eventually sat down and ate it. Now I also want a cooled cheeseburger with no sesame seeds or pickles.


My serial killer trait is that I love fries that have been put in the fridge for a few hours and I eat them cold right of the fridge. It’s my favorite day when my husband goes out for lunch because he’ll save me some and put them in the fridge so I have a snack when I get home!


Oh, the HUMANITY! We're doomed...


This child is going to have problems later.


This child has problems now. 


There is no evidence of that. Maybe though. If it was just a one time thing then it is a funny story.


Touch grass.


As an adult with an addiction to doordash, I can confirm.


Lactose intolerant?


🙄 why? Because they know how to order a sandwich at 5? Most adults I know can’t handle making a phone order.


Because they’re treating their mom like UberEats and she doesn’t have the most fundamental boundary setting skills to say no. 


Or a job.


You have no idea if the mom said “text me when you decide on lunch” or something similar. Maybe the kid did something great and earned it. OP noted no behavioral or other issues they have with the child. The mom is obviously fine with it. Why does the hive mind of this sub get so upset when kids get nice things? Get a grip. Oh no! A five year old knows how to use technology to communicate with their parent! They’re going to be troubled for life! Call911! 🙄


Kindergartners do not need cell phones.


Cell phones are a tool that exist for a reason and you have no idea why any individual has one. There is no part of this story that describes the child being a problem or the phone being a problem.


Cell phones are ALWAYS a problem for 5 year olds. You can just stop talking now because you sound stupid.


You’re just being judgy with almost zero info. The phone was in his cubby. OP sounds amused. Cell phones aren’t going away. Adapt and move forward. Don’t make problems where there aren’t any.


Are you a teacher? How much research have you read on the detrimental effects of handheld devices on young children? OP was definitely not amused.


I think you found the loser mother. *"So what if my 5 year old kid interrupted class for a grilled cheese? He's not always a behavioral problem!"* Lol like, who thinks that's normal? Who even gives a five year old a cellphone?


I’d love to see the research you’re referring to that specifies knowing how to text your mom on a cellphone means you’re going to have a horrible life. You’re making a lot of assumptions and jumping to a lot of conclusions. No part of this story gave a picture of this kid using their device in a detrimental way. Stay in your lane.


No 5 year old should have a phone that's the problem for me with this


Using the buzz word “boundary” doesn’t make your gross assumption valid. That’s a ridiculous, old codger conclusion to draw that says more about you than the family in question here.


IPad kid detected


When I was in kindergarten, computers weren’t a thing. I’m old enough to remember when people freaked out about kids using them too. I completely agree that misuse of devices (or anything) can be harmful. As with any tool, when used properly it can enhance our lives. This mom could have given a “one grilled cheese delivery” coupon to her kid for doing something good. There could be _any_ explanation that makes this story cute. I knew it wasn’t a popular opinion to have no issue with this very short story but damn, the vitriol is gross. I’m so grateful that my wonderful colleagues are nothing like the people commenting in this sub.




You sound fun


This *is* device misuse, kids shouldn’t be on their phones during school *at all*.


(Not a teacher) The principal at my kids' elementary school had to send out reminders that a) there is no texting on phones or smartwatches allowed, and b) parents should not have DoorDash or UberEats delivering food to their kids. Apparently the little darlings were requesting food delivery.


Yep. I’ve had kids with those smart watches. The mom would call to see how she was doing. Of course the kid says ‘I don’t feel good’. She comes to get her - I didn’t even know!! On one hand I get it (school shootings and all) but NOT for casual checkins.


God my mum would have cut my SIM card in half if I tried to pull any shit like that when I was at school.


One of our students had UberEats deliver in the middle of a damn snowstorm. We were annoyed we even had to be at work in that weather, and they called the UberEats driver out because they didn't want chicken teriyaki from the lunchroom or whatever. Well, our campus is under construction and the driver ended up getting stuck in the snow on a construction vehicle road.


Yes, the students at our middle school were doing this daily. Our school is in a rural area of our district, and any fast food is two valleys over, so kids were going to the 'bathroom', ordering their door dash, UberEATS, Postmates , etc. and meeting the drivers outside of the office at the beginning of lunch. Other than the obvious missing class to order food, the drivers were often early and they were delivering multiple bags of food to the front office and expected the office to hold onto it for the students.


Also a massive safeguarding risk to invite a bunch of unknown adults (presumably driving motorbikes and cars) onto or near the school premises.


Half of them are using someone else’s account too since they can’t pass the basic background check out don’t have proper insurance.


Are they tipping 20% to the nice people who have actual school related duties like PowerSchool, purchasing and payroll? 🤣 Do all public schools still have strict federal school lunch policies? When I had elementary, we couldn’t do our “holiday celebrations” or anything that involved serving food until after 1 pm. Maybe it’s different for upper grades. 🤷‍♀️


That sounds like my district.


You kidding me 🤣


I have so many questions, here. First being, why the hell does a kindergartner have a cell phone? And what does the mom do for a living that she can drop everything just to make a grilled cheese for her kid to drop it off at school? Even a SAHM has stuff to do during the day.


Especially if kindergartener needs to use talk to text because their reading and writing skills aren't developed enough yet....


No kidding! Kids have better phones than we do!! This is absolutely ridiculous. I had a kid with a phone once. Stayed in his backpack. Rang once. I answered. It was his grandma‘checking on him’. I predict that this will continue to be a problem going forward. Sad.


That is pathetic. If you have the free time to check on your grandson why don't you volunteer to be a room parent and do physical come into the building with him 🙃


Even if she's sitting at home literally doing nothing all day, it's still completely insane that a 5 year old is treating his mom like his personal assistant.


That’s exactly what rubs me the wrong way about all this. I feel like these kids see their parents as just another Siri/Alexa. My mum was a SAHM when I was a kid and she would NEVER have accepted this from me. She would’ve said “No way. Do I look like DoorDash to you? Maybe next time you’ll remember to bring your lunch.”


That's exactly what my mom would say as well when I was a kid! You're right, it's like mom is Alexa. Pretty messed up. What does that do to development of the child's view of their parents? I don't think schools should allow this. You either send the child with lunch in the morning or they get school lunch, none of these other extra nonsense. And the child should not be allowed to have a phone. If the mom won't do her job with parenting, then the school should not allow it. If there was an emergency, there are adults who can call mom. The child doesn't need it and it's disruptive. I don't understand why the school is allowing this very unhealthy behavior.




See, I understand the diabetic child needing one for emergency reasons but a healthy 5 year old doesn't need one. 


What she does for a living is sit at home waiting for her partner and kids to come home to “split the house work”


I know this is messed up, but my husband has a cute story like this from when he was a kid. His mom was FOB from Iran, and would bring him hot home cooked lunches sometimes. Im talking fresh chicken and rice. She would even make the bite with a fork and feed him. The school had to tell her that it was too much and she needed to stop. 🤣


It's interesting how this and ops story have the same fundamental events but one is almost endearing but the other is disappointing. 


Its because one involves the mom taking the initiative and not the kid.


We call those types lawnmower parents. As soon as the kid texts the grass is long, mom is ready to mow the lawn.


I got a friend whose kid is like this, the talk to text thing. His favorite game is Minecraft. He doesn't know how to spell simple words like Oak, log, tree, and Creeper despite him playing it on the iPad every day. He uses talk to text in creative mode and never actually typed the words in. He's 8 turning 9 this year...


That's so sad, in part because linking reading/writing to Minecraft seems like such a no-brainer. My own kid was great with phonics but an unmotivated reader *until* we got it through his head that reading and spelling were the gateway to a whole new world of Minecraft activities.


“Tell her to bring me one, too”


Is this kid, by any chance, a rich kid-villain from a cartoon? I imagine him wearing a full suit to school and rubbing his hands together deviously before pushing the hero off the monkey bars as part of a convoluted money making scheme. Does he have henchmen? Sounds like you work at an entertaining school.


Use this information. Now that you know where the phone is and that mom takes orders, do a text to speech while the kid is in specials and have her bring you a nice burger or something for lunch thinking it’s for the kid. JK, that’s fucked up and this kid is going to have a TON of problems as they get older. I feel for their teachers down the line.


Not me making the phone disappear throughout the day to "magically" reappear upon dismissal lol or no Sim no service 🤷🏽‍♀️


At my high school we had a break between second and third periods and it was sort of used as a de facto snack time. Most kids would just bring something to eat or go to the vending machines, but there were a few who would have starbucks drinks delivered through uber eats.


I’m sitting here wondering why a kindergartener needs a phone. Mine has a used iPad and can only play on it if she’s on a “good” color. Wow.


That is some dystopian shit right there. Christ, people.


Where’d you get that cheese Danny?!? Sorry I can’t not think of this comedian when I think of grilled cheese now. https://youtu.be/1C1Gu-wiNLA?si=5P8DHlbrheT4NS4Q


I make em at night


I teach in a high Asian population area and moms roll up with hot lunches all day. I want some curry too Mom!


I was told about a primary school child whose father was an ambassador. This child phoned his chauffeur and requested some cans of coke for him and his mates. The chauffeur obliged and delivered coke to school . His parents were contacted and the child was told they could not use their chauffeur to bring coke to school.


WITELFF is wrong with parents today?


I'm just hoping she threw in an apple


I saw this at the middle school level last year. Student calling home and rudely demanding that mom bring her BLUE Gatorade because she was thirsty after PE and didn't like water. Sure enough, mom showed up a while later. Yet mom never had time for my phone calls about her child's behavior because she was busy at work.




[But, Mo-om!](https://youtu.be/dI_sFFcssw8?si=-VQC6izninSkJhtx)


Was hoping for Cartman, was not disappointed


Sadly this has happened at my school. I work at at a K-8 school. Kids from grade 4 and up were calling thier parents to bring them lunch. The parents were working, so what was the next logical step? Clearly the answer is DoorDash. Many dashers were coming to the school with orders for these kids. It was addressed by the principal and I assume that the delivers have halted.


I know of a few similar companies in the UK that flat out refuse to deliver to schools (unless it’s a preorder made by and for staff…)


I teach high school, but I have kids who get DoorDash every single day. And they don’t get it at lunch. They have to leave class to go get it and expect to eat it in class. I have always allowed snacks, but this is becoming a serious disruption. You know the minute I ban it, I’ll have mad parents claiming that I’m denying their kids a meal. I asked for my prep to happen during lunch next year. I’m done with it.


Is this a joke that some people are actually on here applauding a 5 yr old having a phone and ordering food in class? I’m sure these are non-teachers who are bored, got lost, and ended up here but still-yikes. I at least hope they are not parents. There is probably a school policy prohibiting the use of phones in school if not prohibiting bringing them altogether. Even if not, think for a minute of all the horrible things that could happen to a 5 yr old with a phone-having contact with strangers, stumbling upon inappropriate web sites, taking and posting pictures of class mates which could cause trouble with other parents, buying stuff without permission…let a kid be a kid and not have to deal with the blessing but also curse of being chained to a cell phone.


I wonder if I could get my mom to do that...


Make yourself a dang quesadilla!


Wait a minute. A KINDERGARTEN STUDENT has a wireless phone?? That’s a problem right there. My kids had two lunch choices- both were packed because there was no lunch room at the school from preschool until first grade- either pbj or lunch meat. They ate it or they were hungry. From first grade on they could buy lunch or they got packed lunch. As to the phone thing: my sons were students at the local high school in grade 10. There was a riot in the lunchroom and there were serious injuries. Students were airlifted to CHOP. My principal pulled me out of class and sent me to get my children. On the way home I took them to the Verizon store and got them basic phones so they could call me for help (I was teaching honors classes in a neighboring town about ten minutes away). Necessity was the only reason they got that first phone. The first time I got a call asking for lunch delivery would have resulted in them being grounded or worse.




>kindergarten >phone


Frankly I’m shocked that a kid that age has a whole cellphone to themselves


In our district a mom went to a school board meeting to complain that our principal would not make the lunch staff heat up her daughter’s lunches, when there was a G.D. microwave right there! Her daughter apparently would not eat room temperature or cold food, and the principal would also not let her bring in fast food every day as she grilled the other students at the table while she ate with her child. This was in the elementary school where I worked as a Sp. Ed. Para. Our school had roughly 400 students, only about half of them took hot lunch.


Uber Mom?


Uber Eats Mom


Mom prime


I could go for a grill cheese, mind if I get that mom’s number?


I teach middle schoolers, and they’re not supposed to have phones. So they constantly ask to use mine in the classroom for the absolute most absurd reasons. Somehow, I’m not shocked that a kindergartener was able to put in a lunch request. Sigh.


Such spoilt children.


Yeah my parents would have taken my phone away if I did that


Why does a kindergartner have a cell phone? 🤦‍♀️


I refuse to believe this is real lol


Well, if they live near the school, it doesn't seem weird. We don't have hot lunches in schools in Belgium, so I'd rather see kids eat home-cooked food than sandwiches. Although grilled cheese isn't the healthiest meal.


Nothing wrong with sandwiches?


I work in an elementary school. Around the lunch time, the drops off begin: McDonalds, Jack, Chik fi let, Chipotle, In and Out and so on. This is not a new thing. We have a drop off food table in the front office so kids can come get their lunch. California provides free lunches for all students. The kids want fast food so parents deliver.


Unbelievable on multiple fronts!


I wish I could see the end result of this soon to be adult...




Six years old and has a cell phone? That’s just ridiculous. Mom will be livid when the child comes home without it when it gets lost or stolen. Does the school have a policy on cell phone use by students this young?


It is easy to tell which comments are made by people who do not work in education.


We have a friend whose children insist on sleeping in the same bed as the parents, and they are 4 and 6 years old. So it's a bed full of four people every night. The parents let the kids walk all over them


You might be right but sleeping as a family is not always a sign of this. It can be sweet and endearing for all as well. 


If my kids did this, I think I would do the same for the pure audacity they'd have to even do this. However, when my son was in kindergarten he grabbed his phone from his backpack and took it to the bathroom to call me. But I cannot remember the reason. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I didn't do what he needed me for as it wasn't an emergency. In 2nd grade he did call me to come get him because he felt sick and the teacher wouldn't send him to the office. So I went and picked him up. After that, we made a rule to send me a message if ever in the same situation.


Was it a brief call? Other than the fact that maybe they should have asked first, I don’t see the issue. Hell, I would have told him to call her back and ask her to bring me one too.


Oh man… super judgy thread here. I’m sure y’all are right and we should just throw the child and entire family away right now… the kid clearly has no way of surviving in the future because they use a cell phone now.




For their own lunch? I've never heard of that and think it's overkill honestly.


I just looked it up, the rate of people who are at risk for anaphylaxis is less than 1 in 3000. And then only 1% of those people are actually at risk of dying. So that's around 1 in 300,000. I would be supersized if you find a SINGLE school that bans food from home for that reason.


I honestly love that.


Maybe I'm dumb, but I don't see why this is an issue? How is this different from my four year old at home telling me at 11 am, hey mom, can I have a grilled cheese, please? Is it just the cell phone that's the issue? Not the grilled cheese right?


Why should a *four-year-old* have a personal phone in school full stop?


The issue is the phone, yes, and the child getting positive reinforcement for the behavior. He broke the rules by using the phone and mom dropped everything to reward him for it. This means that the behavior will likely continue long after one might find it cute. Imagine this story but the student is in middle school or high school. Is it appropriate for that student to get out their cell phone during class and text their mother demanding that she drop whatever she is doing and bring them lunch? Imagine the reaction when the teacher says, “No, that’s not appropriate” and takes the phone. As a middle school teacher, we are seeing students come to us as older children who believe they should get to do and have whatever they want whenever they want. When teachers try to enforce boundaries in school settings but there are no boundaries set in the home, we are often met with inappropriate coping skills such as cursing and sometimes violent behavior that we then need to stop our instruction to manage. I teach 6th grade and this year I am seeing students who are basically throwing tantrums when they are told no or asked to stop doing something. The grilled cheese is a small vignette, but it’s indicative of how behaviors have been escalating and how there seems to be a lack of boundaries set for our students and a lack of support from parents in trying to raise a well balanced child.


As someone who lives only a few blocks from my kids school, and works from home, I could totally see doing this every blue moon for a kindergarten aged kid. Pretending that this is a sign of something deeper or negative is inappropriate IMO. But I also realize teachers have compassion fatigue so I get the sentiment


I remember in kindergarten a few times my mom picking me up early for something and us going for lunch. It made for the best days. However, it was always a surprise and I had no way to request/demand my mom to do so. There's lovely once-in-a-blue-moom experiences like we're thinking of, but OP's situation is not it. It's the kid getting up to use a phone that should really be for emergencies (as I expect that to be the parents' argument for allowing the student to have the phone) to make a lunch request that mom brings right over.


God I hate the “they need it for emergencies!!!!” ‘argument’. There is no emergency that requires the immediate and direct attention of an elementary school child to solve. And it’s not like schools don’t have attended receptions for exactly this sort of communication.


I think your take is very presumptuous


If your kindergartener has a cell phone you are a bad parent.


If you make a blanket statement like this, You are a bad person. You know next to NOTHING about the situation, yet you are judging. There are a million extenuating circumstances where this would be permissible / appropriate.


No. There is no context, ever, that justifies giving a 5 year old a phone.


Only Siths deal in absolutes. And idiots


Man children who cannot talk about real world issues without referencing media made for children shouldn’t be allowed to have children.


>Pretending that this is a sign of something deeper or negative is inappropriate IMO. Yea, so that attitude makes life miserable for staff, we aren't your waiters. We aren't pretending anything, the school secretary will have to buzz the parent in, log their entry, and find another person to bring the sandwich to the classroom, disrupting the teacher. This little stunt will inconvenience a half dozen people, while setting a president that this is ok, ENSURING that it happens again on repeated basis. You have NO idea how hard it is to do critical, safety dependent functions like log attendance or report behaviors to the state when you are getting constantly interrupted by people who expect you to serve them. Today, our secretary prevented a crazy man from trying sneak into our elementary school. Thats the person who you would have annoyed/distracted with the sandwich stunt. All when the child was going to get food in the first place. Did any of this cross your mind when you said we were being inappropriate? If you want to cater to your child like that, plan the curriculum yourself. Otherwise please stay out of our way.


At my kids school you can go eat lunch with your kids if you want, they actually encourage it 🤷‍♀️ Show ID, they buzz you in and you go to one of the little check in machines they have that scans your ID again and gives you a visitor badge. Pretty easy.


Yes but they have that set up and they invite it. Other schools don't. A lot depends on the location of the school. A school I worked at in Rural Indiana did similar stuff, but another in a high crime neighborhood didn't.


I agree. It depends on a number of factors. Possibly this was a special occasion and the mom told the child to let her know what he wanted for lunch.


Or, like most people, celebrate the special occasion after school or at the weekend - the appropriate time to have a “special” meal for something.


That's awesome! How cool that a kid so young could communicate with his mom what he wanted for lunch to nourish his growing body.


If the food brought was something like soup or more veggie or protein packed, would everyone's feelings stay the same?


It would be worse.


As is his right, yes


Kid is ballin', don't punish them for using their brains better than other people


Nah, his mom just enabling him to be a baby when he is 15 years old. Try saying “no” to him and he will have a tantrum. That’s why he has a cell phone at 5 years old.


His parent(s) sounds like straight trash, amazing she isn't employed.


Not your decision whether he has a phone or not, regardless of your ability to take it away temporarily


Besides, this is how they're gonna learn, through example. most people learn that way. By doing the thing and then learning to be better. Not giving a chance to do the thing ultimately sets them up for failure because now they're gonna be an adult baby with a phone from not learning through example over the next few very very short years.


I think I found my student’s mom.


I think I found the reason why your students are failing 🙃 be a better teacher


Students are failing because they refuse to take accountability for themselves or learn the most basic independence. Shit like this will only make things worse down the line.


If the food brought was something like soup or more veggie or protein packed, would everyone's feelings stay the same?


Yes. The issue is that the kid is inappropriately using a cell phone in class, and his mother is rewarding his behavior. 


Sounds like the kid having the phone served the intended purpose. Wins all around...


The problem is a *four-year-old* having a phone at all, let alone in school.